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STATE S?FFRAGE VICTORY NEAR Amendment to Pass As sembly To-morrow by larcre Majority. SENATE COMMITTEE ALSO FAYORABLI: IrOVS May Dilay Vote in Upper Sranch. but Final Adoption u ?Predicted. Brer -o??"'-' r.,-nmf .rid if ?Jl th* ' ' '* '?av'* .,,- made *?o the ?_??>?..,?;<?? aro enr r.ti sat uOoM 5a* " ? *^" th?t ttmt thf arriendrnor.'. will ha-.e fotsttt I " ' i>r, in icg *?'' ' ''.<nr' it*1 leader, ?Staat? B*r**rWTi1 l? Speaker ? ? * 'Tni-ed to I t?.? ..,-'.-??.. i '' re the A? H*cb!y on Tj- - i ;?-. ?tl : the ttt ?rera! teal I ?sa 199 of t ... irar*1 ' I ' ? ?'?? The Speaker declare* that Hi "U9 to ha oaeatta ' ' fSJfOti I ' ? gtttmtot '?'? Rinnan of the Judiciary CoBUnltl t, _'?> has. prom tied to re-""*"* th? -u!fra?-e amendment not later than Wedaeoday. Once be-1 {?re the Se-.ste, j? a cu.-.o a-?f ghal tl '? puasing it. The Sol "? "? "*? polled '.s**, w? i nine ?Seaaten r- ?'.. aril four r beinre R - ?: the ? ? - Frage ? for ovor !'? - ' ? ? I"rag ' l re | -????ate, t taki ? rriin nteod to Bro* ?? . .ared ir i . ? tr .id. he ? ? - U. S. Senate to Face Suffrage Test Soon - ;? ?. ? ruare cu* right - ' * ? ... | , . . h, of f the ?? ? *wttt ?? he will m rice an set Ton:-: ? ? -hall U'l S TOI a- - - tho 1 n to the '"? posed by Son?. S for a i ? ? v ? have <jf UUj ** r.ator twtth ? _ -ORTS._ Th? Man *ttr_rtlT? ? ointrr Hetol Ad'??-?>r,t to Ntw T?rk ( It? (arden City Hotel GODEM CITY, LONG ISLAND __* of 'i.? - ?? ?i ttt. rMry btrttsli la ?"?"V*. ?. ? ?-? ?lfe ?__?i 35_f**P***?:'* * ? ? ' ??I-I'j.'-i f'J.*:! Coa ???? w - . -, |? _? ?Wau?. ? .. ?n?? ?* bomiIM *t ?fand?'?J,f7ie> a .'a C/-"-'*' Restaurant _2_***** * "pm**"* MotaaM ?_?i *? ' '?** ' * 4 . a 1 ? ? ? , ,?-. ?, *f If **?'?>-, HfSOHI noifl Of TMf WiiSlD* wOTousn-wnitiii ATI a -, i i? ? || Y. >. J p i || || mi \mm cm, ^lennall",K vv"'' , wt I j?,, m, (,.,?,_! Ma..?.?' __? * ? ? TION. IMA l vf. ~**? ' i I ?nir_l P-U'i? . ""' ??'?I \?.' ?.? IJSS "' " .1...? ?.?!? .\_" ? ? *?Z_J ' fc_ ***-*? , l.v. i n.A ??-BJ- >;. ??.?_.. i? J . lij*-? AMI KKWAKf??t. ? ?al ??il:. ! - ? in th.- lubmi?slon of this qaesti. the taxpayers in the District of C? ? re ihall be no distinction o crimination a? to male or female - "The ?ub?tittite of Ser.a'or T' avc- for 11 * ?" ,ve tnxpi ne this quest.on. Ceita'.n'.j tai - - hn? as m 'ich riir (leternune that kind o? <'i<-*tion a one. She i? ju?t as deer'-. IntOf and just as capable a? the mari ? MTO? "I arr. :.?. ?dvocate of ?Tinl ?ut*/ althou.-' ?cil knows tl >?? I ? SI ind I war.? t . ... ? er pos er t foi Dit t of Ce ? er way by v ? of ? olumbia cou'.d ? ? ? fh rough an ?et of . I, for one, ?? ould not be inure adopted for t of Columbia 1 exclude women from cxerc the rlgl i.fe " DOUBT OF INVENTOR'S DEATH TIES UP ESTA Proof I acking That 0. H. Sr der Was Buried at Sea. though it ha? been believed lime thai George H. Schrad? wealtl ? tor Hartsdalc, N ha?l died in Iceh.nd, where he K?ne ' a home for the which w-andcr about ", ihe Bdministratiea of 1 tied up through lacl e of his death. reports have reached country tha; ihe man died on ho?.i between 'celand ana ?a? b'.iri??d at BIS an? larking, an ?rhether !? ?i i. .?1er, who founded ? -; for Coi ealesc? i Moti an?! Babies, at Hartsdalc, had *n ??.s'et to Iceland. The I? ??? re "rom him on this trip asssi that he was afraid to return to 1 country by way of England. He i o ; assport and feared internment rau?e of his German accent. He i said he intended to take passago fl Norwegian trawle? to Scandina' -? then he has not bc?*n heard fr Dr. H. Erneit Sehmld, of W1 Plain?, a dose friend of ">ir. Schra ?aterdai : "If Mr. Schrader ! ? ao.;;i ha\? rece 1 sent a BS to Iceland, but hare rec?i? - ? roder a le his Porl ana ft tha Schrader ?ralee, whleh ?? i? : all BUtomobile "re? In this countrv COAL MOUNT.-UN AT COL?MD St. Luke's Hospital |l?n Seek? to Ko stall Price Rai??. Dwellers In some of r'-e most parqi - boute? on Mon I : ted to I ' t. Luke's y l-.av? di?? over r land. But t li came with the I '. n of c" ? I * . three huiidr I anthracite on the lawn at t ' the hospital buildit where [ ummer. Twen a coal mp 1 el treat 111 treet, Columbia h ?tored ?? hundred tons .*outh ?-.c-iJ. ret 1 real of a possible a strike ihe ecal was bought. ?he Institutio are fit 'he ;-. ?? ??? I me losers by abo I - ts ton beea iae of 'heir : ? have been apprehension?? i ws ove .. H > en th? ghboi ? - I -re triven at * rould 1 ?- rder to mi ? ? ....? ? accessible foi WOULD MOVE SEWAGE PLANT Merchant.-?' Association I rges Pn.te 'ion of Crot?n Water Supply. ??*?'?? Association ha? .if ? ce Committee of tl Vayi Mean a l Assembly, a brief I support of tbe Wsgner-Bloeh hills 1 -? a'tr supply fro; ? Bge fn rn I for the removal of th ? e Ne York Bchool for Bo> ' i "Th? great welghl of expert opime ? tl Bl * is unsafe to locate - '. ? he water-he !." th The re; i rt of the -'.fie ' am ?' I of Health on the disposal plant at th House of Refuge for ft bion, la Quoted >? .- that th -. was a nuisance. The plants o the S? ?>?? York State School for th |, at But?"..a; th? Bedford It? .?or-.-, the Now "fork Traiain ' i Girls, at Hudson; the N'ei 1 --. State Agricultural and Industria School, at Industry, at i 'he Thotnn B1 Iroquois, are all dl Buisanees and the' removal la urged $50.000 FOR ARMENIAN AID !;,,. kefeller Fund's Cilft to He l sed I ? ?tie? of Asia Minor. The Bock? feiler Foundation, it ws announced yesterday, ha? given ffiO.CH: ?o the American Committee fo Armenian and B - a Re ??:. mall i ?I from this source of |1 The meaey srl ? ? t d to :ei.?.v.- th distress of the Arr.? riai.s lr Tifli? Constant ind 1 abris s. MaeClwee, who on ins arriva Gorman) or. Wednesdsy ???- r< , rted sa saying that there we? : .* Germany : ?i i * been | I ere i? a ti end ? lortage < e ?'?tes, "and s. babiea are ? ? *,* In Austria-Hungary eOBdl .. than la Germaay an? ?.., . r and? rstai I that milk n an unknown qua til that nothing weuk h- rr ? Germany. ?I I ,..?nd than Aasen? the fa irillen," br *? m . muer? * ; ? at th? b? four ?J-ar roll? ,t the Cent?n , i? hony Orchestra. 1rs. Vrent ttrt ?' av- -' "' ir":n v" sa Bed 'rota narse. reatara of the pr?-*i*umme be mol ' ar!p'v" . . ..... ??err-he? in Bell S the Ufa? ? .. Serbian Bel*? I end B . , i ..;.-? lark i blinded wir _ Safety Exposition April 17. Tha 'bird Malieaal Exposition of .till be held from ; ? are under WBy ' ft.''Vu , , H r .?mgln-f together ot.H - H?Ti ' . - t ::. .... le .1 .? ' ... of tbe American Museum o? |la?talay. OSBORNEPERJ?RY TRIAL UP TO-DAY Ex-Warden Eager to Take Stand ? Anti - Reform Towns Rule Panel. DETECTAPHONE HUNT BAFFLES PROSECUTOR OTarrell Stands (?at -Ur-*es Fall?n to Publish His Notes Whitman Denounces Scheme. ? ?>???- it trial a' Wi- to Plain? 1 the indictment - . <?..-,,? Inquiry I ? r. Ku dol] ?-. Dtodling, pri?on eoni - ?conducted sin_le-hanii'?l la Sing Prison on October ?. For th? ?- . IM tall ? ;. ar.d it li expected that at least two day** ?111 he ? Riling box. Mr. Oshorm la?t nifht eaWI thero '?va? DOt .. part el< ??" Would be acf-uitti d. "I am not in th? least worried hy 1 the outlook,n ??aid Mr. Olborna "The worrying ii h??mr- don? by th? Tak? th? itand? Certaialy 1 Will take th?? stand. I ha* I g aince Derei - - - i . -??. in coarl to doi ??? the outi . OUI Chargea :nnir a,-H:r.-' r? i .? thermon-, this thinir \" r 0| ?nd ? . any manner of moan?. 1? il bef-Tin." Think Tanel Antl-OsiVirrte. Both sidei are expected to d'splay mutua! caro in HelectlnK juror?. In this the defence is under the handicap of havin-? had only three ?lav* to in veetif-r.te the records end affiliations of those drawn In th? nine] of I?O or? dered to report to-day. Friend? of Oahorne said yesterday that the un usually larpe proportion of talon from sack pla?ai a? Vonkcit and ?irechfr-?. ?here Osbornc is not liked? ma?4.- n tas) i ( eoui tel for .??.-,-, ?? Diatriri Atl ?rnej Wooki wai as con fldont :.- tl ? ' ??.-?-'?? II" told frier li yesterdaj 'net he irai I ?fled th? reiult of the 'nal would rin? ,!-.cii> 1 Im, \ ?? i*a ? ? ' tiTos n n i men from ; ag ?ney wer? ic< n terday 1? ng for the i the d^'e^'aph^ne In Mr, Woeka'i and for others ??' n '? v en rumor ?aid were at WOl county. ?rOTemor ''? '? 'mai f plai g the inatr ?. ? ?. ? ? - -_ ??> -1 and li ?..??? . h o t h e ... ? ? ? ichemo * -aid th? offene? -(.,...w ', te be i n it ring jurj ??? ;ret ? OTarrell Keen?, Mum. l'i.-?nr.? wl ? ' ? Go? . ? ,- ? ? ?hat .... that he haul i ? and arc'j?.-. ' ? ?A-ir h ? rf Mr. '?'? eeki '? r? long been el i i the Gorernoi h!m It is known the I friend? that 1 ? I not ntei after t .? I I rard had I ?en diape >ed of. 1er? he hat n the warden'? I those wl.t ?SOI "? '? j esterdaj wai .- ' koi ?ham. itton Genera of I Statei and * * ' ' ' ' '* t.r sen rrfnrm uork. \'al OTarrell, the doteetir? who?? itcnograi hoi ? wore f u .? end of tho .it*. -t.Hp1 one, ag ? refused yesterday rame ? print pal or t? . ? up any of .-' ' -ra-.-e. "In duo Um? that ?a1.,-! he "T th? I am ata pat Let Ml Kallon rnak?? public I record? he hm. No or.?- -rill ask ' ?hat th? plaeing of a 'die' ii be juat say man. Fall?n .? ? ? : ?? i trring I r' r,?i out now much ere have. He not know ar. ' h? ? ont know for a Among those nnd'r lubpoini to -. p??sr m White Plaii ? I ar? a Icta, head? i ' int?- Willctt, convicted of a*ten-pt!nt t.-. hnv a seat in th? Supreme i Other? or ti.-, lis! m, T?r. Dii ' ", onng. i tlorl of th? Priooi Commiaaion, and John B ! The basis foi . nat Mr i isborne :.i that he doi r-.r -.- immoral tj in the | ' - ? tant Dlatriet Attoi ? ?y "?' T. Vkl'.ori will try th? ts ted h | Diatri? ? Atton oy W ?, ore? Got th? uel an ' ? Is Hunt '?nirtor-i W, Merchant Othen wl a.d are '?'.. .1 I lerr.ev and Alexander K?r:-.? Justte? *??' - ?ill pr Personal Safety Depends on His Tria!. Osborne Sa>s Hi '?.Tr. a crowd of men and Hl d tho auditorium of ?? Sid? V. M. C. A. yosterdaj aft . Thomas Mou O-l.orri?, formet ? ? f - ,,- - .- i ? ? said that th? force that i aid succei ... ^cotitssue loiletPaper Damant. _ ?et. ?ire -treasure ' ?? sloe M hen vtj-i buy. In toilet purer the w.iv *o per fall motif) 'i irorth ?? ?o but ScotTi?*ue Toilet "It's the Counted Sheets that Count ' You pet a dennite number .t fieeti to the toll. Vou net qualit? ? tnat iit-tned in *iu>? I ISMO ?ndvou?;e( quarr?ilv, loo 1,000 Sheets, 10c Look out for t.'.e bif* puff? rolls at a In?? pf-re ? thev _i? u Bisleadiag ai th? filie hottom menurri Sani-Ti???*?. Treated witb Cana? dian Balaam ?*1"'1 ?' un I? eartea ,,i ? ?ella, :?< ?Asi fs ? des w ICOTI PAPtR CO . 30 Cba/ik Jt. N.w York Umhttl P? mbfrknnl Scml Tl.llt? 7 ??-? ?? ?v.:n and without Sing sssum? were ?. ro wen decent ? ill as ? . ? ? accu - - ? ... - I material g . rig,*" Ir. Osborn? ? ? ... ? . -. ., .... - Il SWENSON TO MEET STEFANSSON PARTY Karlu**. Reseller Start*, for N'nrth in Bark This Wo? k ('apta n ' Haf Bweasoi gbl battle against high ??a? r.: rindil ? Are? e ?ro Boea added n thrill rg chap i1 ry of polar exploration .l keone -en north. in, "n ..... I i-re r.a 11 ? ? . party. For the i ! ? ' itanc little Kins ?.<, -ge, ths power schooner in which he i-lar.t. twi ra? I ? Hagshi] rei - ? . B ? f the pis ? ?*.--? .... | . l sailors, ii ling lore. The expedition m eke Its ft] I stop at Petropavlovok. proceed Bg thence to th? Eaat rape of Siberia. One of its chief object? is to h?int the bow-head whale, several specimens of which Bweneoa hopes to Dring back. At Eiist (ape the expedition wi.l tar.? or. the first dogs and sledges S'?,.r? n'a expedition is th?? third to be snnoui -ed tl ? season Knud Bas* ? ??n-.iir for tr e Arctic ? ?ptain J. E ? ? II ? JEWS DENY SCHIFF CHARGES He?..nt Ittach Calling Propeeed Cans? ere??, I n- \merlcan. ? ' ? ? . gr?as ?aid its pur? pose wai r?-Ai . real i is to aid '? r .1, ITS Of Si ..-?' I ll fi' . - nations I , .... .-.. ' Imericai iding - ? ? ' broad ? FOR V. S TEACHERS" UNION Linevitle ? rg< Val oaal Body of sag,? Oiii-.?Wi.i.i.? Ifllinte with \. r of I . - being permit I ? ?. ?s to ? ? ? ? . 'If tl Eng ? * . - here," r. Lil ? . ? ? - ? - Pur? . - ii a? been orga? end ha ? ? ' ? PRIESTS ATTACK STRONG INQUIR Catholicism Defamed b "Kiflgsbtiry and Corps o Bigots." Is Charge. ALBANY BISHOP ASKS WHITMAN TO JIDG "Menace" and Rockefellers A Named as Interests Controllin Charities Investigation. In Cat horchte all < t the c .: ? ? .-'-. over I .??'.rong commission's char:tr?s trivial Kation. Pastors in their ??errions ?1 ? I it as an ?'tempt to defar Catholicism. One spok? of "f'onim: sionerJohn A. Krnfsb-jry and hts I ?I of bigotry" a? "liars ar.l calumin tors," and in som elare.i that -.. ...r . ?, r,-a>a ???-.- at Charles H. Strong h, ? II d" his powers wer?, contain? in a letter seat by the Right '.'?? Thomas P. Cu?ack, Catholic . ' ?ny, to all pne?ts in that c.ty. i ? ? .?? priva ? ? ? slandered." un? that i" por - ? ? -?- r,? ri n ei ther 11 nor the Con irladicl \?k?. Whitman t.? Heed. "If C.ovemor Whitman will read tl I ec'-ial r?c rd of th?. pTOCOOd ngs bofoi ? nnmlsiioner Strong," Btshoy Caso? sali last night, "he could come *o n | oth-r conclusion than that hia Commir ?ionpr !? i:"fair and partisan." Th? Rot, William B. Karrell, paste : of th? I hurt h of Be. Potar und Paul, I -.r^. Mfhn will appfaf at th ? - to-daj aftei has li t negleett ? l, moa? an esp-: ? '? tter attael upon 'he rni'.i.r. ?-?-,- ? ; ? -ar ? ..'ri.^e. I ?? ira ka I merel . ? with th? BStitUl ? I ? pai " rrit? tor ie '?'f.- ^ ork ?lemand . ? r | ... . . ?? . bottom, that the ? ? b? proved. "I? ia ai that Catl golfer as the result - ? . . ,. ? H , : ? ? ... ?! ,- a? tjftt? ' I Jamei Gun Assembly turer at .- '? > of th? I : r ? . ? ? Avei tree! ' ? >? . ? ? ?? controlled b i " ? aee.' Wha: . ? ? ? ? .- t? e n t I I ? ig name tig? the ?nil ? ared ho tl ?? ? ? of Thomas M ? of the Emigrants' Savings ? th? -' toi ? - ? : er'.A was ro repudiate ? ' 'i ? ? te the 1 ? Th? Hat paatoi g b< i g under the mistak? K< red the c ?m ? .--.?i Deput; as "thf ? ?HEW STREET*PLAN READY Marks'? ??rhemi? Would I baagO l.raile at Park \venue and t It h Street. Ar banging te and Thirl ? Estimate at a pu hearini ? .... [areu*> M pre? sent il > the r? luit of se\ - "/ don't understand tl," he said, 'hut I ran hardly vier net a pint of oil into my neu Hupmobile. It burns so little oil that it gets my goaf." And yet, friends and fellou citi? zens, the Iliipmobile is the most thoroughly and efficiently lubricated mechanism I erer had to do uith 4?~f4L ? -.' H Vf . The Car of Reai Economy SIMPLICITY of constriction la an '.m i litan! poit t when adjustments and epaira me needed?and adjustments will eventually ire needed or; sr ear you buy. presenta so tUfBcrilile? -. ? ? si Ben a Uea ? ???in? ..' ? ...-..?--. . - 1 ? ??? ? ol 10 B of to ir i re?l r,.?rr .?*???, N il : , .. - - .??? ? ' ? la m lea lo the gall i ?? ?? -tr? from ears la eerrica ?:. ; i ? from lesta rhey are eswao**?***a?ary 'it B car of Hu| ??- lie alxe a:? .-..n?? anl >i|'?rr,ati" ?' ? ' an do. but are are h?r? I i , . ? ? Chas. E. Riess & Co., Inc. '..o '..oadat??. SI .Tal M, "hin? ? Ir? I? ISI? HUPMOaiLl ? iiV'I'aNV Of VK*" Jt*< ?? slaaelo '?'???. saaa, ITS4 >i?*ed?ras a? a???r ???.- Totuise ? ?*?r ? 1" ?.?a*? "???.- Rn *???r.-??atier.r*T luJ f ' t* 1! ? eral months' study by Lrnest P. Good - - . ? ?>ers in the Por oujrh ' g ? The r-an contemplate? the cor' h . ? - tion oi *, -. ? ? y thai ..... t Park A the ero tato? ' ; trad? from Losing ? - A and ?Thirty.fourth St Pari i Street The ? t deiei resent tunnel by as'? a ?Thirty-third and Thirty.fourth Stn ? ? I'm?., - ?"'?.ut-th ?t-*e?', on each ? ? . ' i ,r such aa? ? ? ? .?! ,< a, f(i, re ?ab? i : ?is plan anil othe^^H INSANE DRAIN ON STATE Chsrities Society denounces 1 . S. for Not Deporting Alien Patienta. The aaaai . ties lid See rty denounces the na ? r its ' - - t man? mmigra enter New 1 -*, to ? ist, ? ? - - ? taxpayei ' ilicns to theii ..... patients i ..... 1er 1 adere ? ? ?? ?r i r g ear ri? d i ;.'.?? . -T il it te 1 f t he ? . * ?w led .... ...... a -?-??: that 1 a re-. g I of tho .- n sei rice $1 00,0 (O a ya-. THIS WEEK DEVOTED TO BABIES OF IRELAND Fieds Will Be Collected for Them Throughout Country. Waahiagtou, "?larch It, -Thu ii "frisk Babiea' Week" throughout th? ted SI (tea. 1 a?t week the Ameri ?. th? thought? try; th.* w??k i? of In ?'-..i. To ?ave the futur?? Irish race in alt loi there U n??<i .. -.- ; s .'-. limitar to ? | rh h ..? !- mg .ruled and - ? declara -.* .fe of the for -. ? *h her thil ? ?? - ? y ? rt for the I h Health Xo*~esaoi ?hi ' i lead? * Because ther? .r, ?-..- re of Irish par ? ' :?; .'* . ?. aad because of th? hog debt America owes to Ireland. and ns tne source of many of tts r-. the Aherdeens ?ay k ? , tl ?' [Jolted States tot the ?-.'. wh rh mast be jrvrn at once if thefr rv;??? Il t.? he MTOd from de ? ...? In Pul death rate for chil? dren -:"der one year *::s tgj in the <i?r.y part of I'.'U. before the war be bat *u??? to IS.1 n A'..a cerre. pond ? ? : *vm'_ ?*W-P a?!****?*?* ^?^?*s*'??!-?::?t? ???-*"? Kit*** M? ?o ^?"it>a> <p gs) ?*???i>?<i? I???* ?V ? *.' ". 'ir '"?, "Ctr ?%a**?|ji ??TI? ?'f ?*?? ? i? >*? .*?*?, ???? ?*. ?. >9*}?*b <b Judge for Yourself? Compare Murads with ANY 25 Cent Cigarette, ??;- to ?n? ? ?il? M> * i ?til?-i?>-?? dt?#<i>??i ? ?????? 4? III # $ | ? ?i ? Vf B ft V V ?> a ??! ?,?11* ?i aJt ?,<f><1rt ? *<i>?i",f ????til <>4 e.^.^**?||v? *'?/< \. ?? **.'?' Ma/xiscfthcHigli?si Cix? te