Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTYr Your Money Back If You Want It ... ? i IVrim>|)tfrIi r&te* ?ritwne WtATRtl Cloudy todav Rain o* n*w morrow. Moderate winds '?.1 17?iv-* ota raje * First to Last ? the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements Voi IAW 2?">.:tt1. t npi ri?hl IBIS The Trlliim.? .\??'n TUESDAY, MAI,(Il II. L916. flVI?' ( |'\T ,n **""" ""*"?? "" "?-??T--. Jer-Miy at?. 1 ' 1 I ' *- I. s I ,n,| |,ol,?|,rn. | |.??h?r? *?r?a?*-? Cat???. Wilson Gives Carranza Right to Cross Border; Army Ready for Pursuit of Villa, Says Funston GERMAN GUNS INCREASE FIRE ALONG MEUSE French Lxpect New Assault to Capture I e Mort Homme. BOIS BOURRUS NOW IN Ra\NGE Hu? I ondon Hears Drive on Verdun Is Near ins End. " - There \?cro the :e<*uri ? | ? s and in the ? - ba ? - ? ' srae less ac ' . -? . Sea Phase of l'.,iitle Or.rn nicn nc - ? In jttamed o'; in ( hampame last .-.-man ph. - eetivs ibjectad to ' ? -i,?,: ''or con ? : ? phase of ' 'nuauTTiont. ? ? - ? snka uf L But tb ???? te '-<* du taartt a id ie Woevre, although partial capture of fore?? rbaaas and Bei? dr ? BB steosa. ? German i.hjiTtive, for ?hieb artillery fire ha? begun prepara* . - oi I-?- Mort Homme, ? .: the l-o's Bourrus, ?sat ? . . Tata latter w? ? of the fort si I ? ' - ?ent ' matioB - I'.?iurr*u? I nd? r tire. .-???<? ?ith - ?? enl ? ?-. ? ?lain defer ' '*'' a ?''.cult of o. AOO'l . hold f"*t* i? I*.,.? a ich not -.??-i ? ? ?. ? ??Si oft from all support, h ?ay '''?'???? re bi **** ' . l'? > i?- urnl -t.?. ?-rd..rn ?ha? Ibe ' ? ible In? rr*,.. .. M | ridJeation th?t the - *..,-' ' "?*?**?.- BBpabBSJ In Al?are ? '? - ? ? ' ? ***??'?a?i??l r, i,.K, -, ,,,|.,?,? S Twelve Americans Win Cross of France; Seven New Yorkers Eleven Honored lor Rearing Wounded Under Fire al I lartmannsweiler-Kopf, One for ?Gallantry in Battle on Aisne. Pan- March 13. Twelve more mm ?? American ambulance Held ser I iv? hen eiter) in the ordT of the day and will rocciv?? thr I'ro?* of V? ar Eleven have been working in I aci foi nearly a year and arr e of their work dunn-f hard battle ?bout Hart ellerkopf, They are: ?Covering Hill, I-.. '. Carle?/, Ouran* Rice, Stephen Galatti, Marquand d lo^prh Mellan, all of New i . ? ? 11. Bu-rkle-f, el beck, S. Y ; Traak .1. Putnam, of Harvard gradua'.*"1 ; Powel ?' Philadelphia. Pennsylvania S-raduate: Luke Doyle, Yale graduate, B. Dcruglaaa, ->' Newton, This ii the ?eeond 'im* Lorer? H 11 bai been cited. \V. H. Wolverton, of New York, a Vale c.a?ua*.*'. aleo received the War tot gallantry under fire in the working in ?he ridait*? of th? ' Trie I -.n bulance field nvr ii received a t'.tal of thirty one diatincl The ambulance i ng a new sect on to the front , in Mar. The fiel I ruer romp? * kl preaenl 4oiuritcer? from thirtjr-t ghl American univeraitiei and eolleg? rhe American ambulancier whe have bren decoran ?I by the French governmeni helo?.?.' ro the iquad of which Pichan! I ! m i 1 un? a member when a shell ?.truck his ambulance last ?'hris'.ma- Kvo and killed him. Hall was 'lie -?on of a pn ? al 'he University of Michigan, and lived in Ann Arbor, The first American ambolance -.vork er? t.. be recognised by the French government ?fir I | iched to the Pont*a-Mousson squad, under the leadership of Edward Salisbury, The** were nridcr tire constantly for :-evera! months, although the squad e .; an injury. Al 01 ( time, a ??hell entered their dining roo-m a few minute. after they had left, killil . cook and his helper Lovering Hill was decorate?) f' ? Itrsi time ev? ? thi ac. when he made a periloui trip down a mountain ??de i .ci ma i hell i and He of AUSTRIAN AIR RAIDERS DROP POISONED SWEETS Mixture of Sugar and Infectious Germs Rait for Italians. .-. ?ar.j,' 'e T larch IS A dispatch 'o th? ' from Milan say? that after tha la?, tli raid over Ferrara and T*e. v*nn- |l was Tour.n ? ? ?? -r.?- Aosiriani had dropped here and ?hire a minnti'?! ?orne wrapped in red aii Mue paper. The newi '.?-?< toon jnre?.<? ?ere poisoned, but that th? sns could be ?ruiliy of sack dev? ?believed. '.Hilary commander of Rc - lb hes ?he result of r? chenv imination from which it arrears "ere reall> a mixture of starch, fugar and infectious germs. nately, none of them was catOfl 5 GERMAN SUBMARINES GOING TO BLACK SEA Will Aid Turks to Fight the Russian Fleet. idon, March 14. Five Germai? submarines, o" toni displacement, the Dardanelli n their way to the Black St:,, to h:?I Turkej fleet, sa*n "The n.i iy Mail'?" Athens correspondent. This, the eorreepondent add?, is be ! e\td to be 'he reason why rnary nvnes and net; are being removed fro.n l ...r?dan? llea. VON TIRPITZ ILL, AMSTERDAM REPORTS Oldest Ranking Officer in Charge of Ministry of Marine. London, March IS. Admiral Alfred VOi TirpitZ, Minister of the German Navy, ha? been ill for several days say.? a dispatch from Amsterdam, and the busines? of the Ministry of Marine handed over to the olde I ranking officer Farmer Boy Sends Dimes for "Pitchfork" If >ou want to kno? ?hat pre? paredness mean? In the bo> n ?ho grow up on the farm, read 1 hi?, let? ter ?huh Marjnrie Merrelt? Ide? inspired fine of them to ?rile to '?The Klmira SUr-l.aietle" : "I live l?o mile* up above Horseheads and my pa take* The Star-I.arette' and my ma read about Marjnrie Sterrefl?. Battleehlp I und and I told her I ?anted to Rive 10 renia ti l.lp build it. I asked my pa ?lut the> meant by prepared pen? and be ?-aid ?hat ?as meanl b> preparedness ?aa ? Inn be ?enl In the lurniird ?here the bull ?aa, ??> ha\e a pit. hforU in hi? band. N] granddad ?ho ?as In the war a pOOd many year? say? that 1 mir >_m has a -fond manv ?ft? bull? I?? I?h?iV after but he need? battleships instead of pli. ?.forks I* keep Ihem ofT. He gave me 10 rents In put il m for him and my l.randma ?aie 10 ?enta ?no and my ma and pa gate HI rents earh. "I jo lo Sehool In Mist No. ?. Town of llnrseliead?. "MONROE Ill !???<>*> HI IHM I.. It I. !>. I?" | ?la I ?o tlal' UM1 U ?.I ?tinlribiii/ir? 25,722 Ihr ?lor* of'? develop pjseuta ?HI h* found ?>n page A TEUTON HECKLERS FOILED BY POLICE Nineteen German Sym? pathizers lijectetl at American Rights Rally. Dei ; ?ng and 'be efforts of a noisy gi (iiiinan sympathisers to break up the ? g, :;..'.oo pen oa : ?? he responded to ?lie rail of th? American Rights Committee ?.. ... ei th? ? I of \-: ??.,-.ins in the world ??ar. | elves on record a.- uphold Of P ? ? "? "ii in forcing ? -o prevent vi ? ?"or '-,]. i er* CO?pei I the Alii? I' ring the meeting it ?a? freo nec? ssrj for speaker* to auapend while ???! a ??art., '. . , . Us or George Haven Putnam, who pre -,? ,i fen ed to "call upon the ' ? of N? s Vor?, for i " "f ' the nineteei ? ? spelled from th. I hall, fifteen declared themai tobe Iri?h sympathisers of Germany. Two irere women. Indorse Wilton's Policy. I ie from the^e dl '-..rhance? the : meeting was the surre?.? its i.romotrrt had hoped for. Tirl??-t holder?;, and a i few hundred who came late, filleii ev? ery available seat when Mujor George . Haven Putnam, a chairman of th ? ???*.*, ra!!"d the meet ng to 0 Indorsing the position of President ' on ?'H the moverai i Iraer , he ... Senatoi ' ?'? ?orman, a ho he New Vor ?. in h ii ote on the G t ion. "\\ e hi?? pn pared," Put i nam. "to back the Presiden! in all ut teranc**s that ?.land for tin- right ?" ; the nation. In tin- laal fifteen n , that hai t"t al ??? ??? i been ?ion. At itienee Imi r can ? ? dered declaration eras met cheer . ? I r.? Btod a moment Istei Mr. Putnam -aid it ??a proposed o hold the President "to count that he ? 'i 'Ihr phrase, "too pro : l he wenl on to say, coupl? - ;:. ... i labinet of Will? iam 3, Bryai . led I oi ope to b *Lmei i ii does not tand r"r anythinr." B. aad !' ? ?? which folios.? mention of Bryan's name were - ???ith cheers from a group which had tai??-? . .t m ?i balcony. Lai d bj * W in ?gaphone, ?hi- group riJ[it?--?l uni il the s11"' c si ? Iiieir eats aad threw th? ??< the building. "It ?i. Rryan't bu ?eut the nation," the peak? i went on, "and hi unfortunat. ? age to Dumb*?, that the Pi? lid n- t mean ?that he sanl in hit note t . ? e plus th? p - , ? ?? ? .-> proud la d Bryan's i - the ' ? ub: net, have b< en respoi ble for the of hundreds of Amet Proceeding, Mr, Putnam declared that ? It t ?me in I of ci that wa . ? |< ? Ian .1 an aras ? i and children, el arge.) that Germai .. a th? ratal of Turkey. ??? reeaonsibl? ???! . the morder of more than ifieOflOf Ar , inenian?. "If I were u rOUnger roan." aid ?he . ? r. "I would he BB lh( -- afl of th? Urit 'I. ? 'th all ? . ? ? empin th? vorld ha I nil? on Palles for Help. in ?in disturbance which followed Mr Putnam called OB th?. police for ?ion. Lawrence f Abb?*?? fall?sw?sd Mr. < ..nllnuril no i?*4i,? 4. '????unir i 12,000 TROOPS ALONG BORDER AWAIT ORDER Gen. Pershillg Takes Command of Forces at Columbus. ARMY PREPARED, FUNSTON ASSFRTS Denies Detachments Have Already f3ctfiin Chase After Bandit Chief. San A ?, Tex., Mai I ' - r.ler uinler the command ef ral .lohn Per hinc to ! rano?ro Villa, ? ? ei - ' . ??encrai K the exped?! , nor pe; ? He eharac? ? ilread? " Prom ? ? ? l ? - ri?; i ? . i the i atement that appi aately 1 I field gnn batterie i, ?rere | '??red aloii? the international rn l>ou-"In*.. *? ? El Pi a i V little more than one. ? *a?. ? the . ? ? tokiog op rhe ? 1 II?- a?.. to the time ? hi?. Ker \ ' ? tSt troop?, had tiren the bor i.f Villa were untrue. eral a Reiterating pre i d it \4 0uM be ??r. ? hing hut a ?itronif. well pn i r<- nto Mexico. That the force will he a ??iron-? on? I of ?he tion wai ??.I there irould tie only er than thoai the United state?. ? ? troop ' ? the C'a tal Z - ?? ami the I ? three . : ?I re ..f t he ? ? He Infantry, ?'a? iored i.e for the Weit 1 [ht; that pan of I he 1st i rancioeo for the \'.u- ' and would pick up the n il of the ?1 Sai I '.. go, and thai I ond iquadron of th.' Uth Caralry, at i Port Rob ? on, Nebra '??..?. had been or? dered to r-'arr. but aa< being delayed bj lack of rolling teck ' To General I'. I ii (lg ? ill he left final ? expeditionary S t'orc. Orderi * be ii ue.l for the ird movemenl bj General I'm.?tun m Port Sam III I : -I the hour . ... .'. ,i ?.?? || be de? . . ? ? Held. Sup,rl> Train to ??o. i.i" ? ary force into Mexico ? h h complete rao? train, an innovation in the 1 '? . . :-l> . n of aappli? Gen? ml Kunston, ' 1er .?? ? .'II on ? ?tu ? probably will get far ' id. Word ?ra recei? ed I il the ' War Depart ... na,j ? 1 nto ? upply . ? a n ? rentj -?even will ?... i ., ? i I IVe Can rii-.d the ;?? 1er machine!. Por 1 train will be . d by ei\ i ., The rnutiir trnin will have an impor the expedition1 -ur , Genet .: i u Two hundred re ro h.? ! airy q - .11 be ? ? geni buying the , giber . ' t .niiniiril ..n ? ?. inlumn | Wilson's Reply to Carranza Granting His Request. Washingttn , March tS.?President Wilson's reply to (?ti'i-ral Carranza's request thai Mexican troops be per? mitted to cross the border in pursuit of bandits follows: The government of the United States lias received the courteous note of Senor Aruna and hau read with satisfaction his Buggestion for reciprocal privileges to the American and Mexican authorities in the pursuit awl apprehension of outlaws who infest their respective territories lying along the international boundary and who are a constant menace to the lives and property of residents of th;it region. The government of the United Sta'?ss. in \ iew of the unusual state of affair* which has existed for some time along the international boundary and earnestly desiring to cooperate with the de facto government of Mexico to suppress this state of lawlessness, of which the recent attack on Columbus. X. M., is a deplorable example, and ii? insure peace and order in the region contiguous to the boundary between the two republics, readily grants permission for military forces of the de facto govern? ment of Mexico to cross the international boundary in pursuit of lawless bands of armed men who have en? tered Mexico from the United states, committed out? rages on Mexican soil and fled int<? the United States, on the understanding thai ?the de facto government of Mexico grants the reciprocal privilege thai the militai'' forcea of the United .State.*- may pursue across the inter? national boundary into .Mexican territory lawtese banil.* of armed m?-n who ha\e entered the United States from Mexico, committed outrages on American soil and fled into .Mexico. The government of the United States understands that, in ? lew of its agreement to this reciprocal arrange? ment, proposed by the de lacio government, the arrange? ment i.* now complete and in force, and th?' reciprocal privileges thereunder may ai-cordingly be exercised by either government without further interchange of \ lews. It is a matter of sincere gratification to tin- govern? ment of the United States that the de facto government of Mexico has evinced so cordial and friendly a spirit of cooperation in th?' efforts <>f the authorities of the United States to apprehend and punish the bands of outlaws who seek refuge beyond the international boundary in tl?.v ? rroneous '""lief that the cen.*.titute?l authorities will resent any pursuit across the bountlary b\ the forces of the govenimenl whose citizens have suffered by the crimes of the fugitives. With the same spirit of cordial friendship the gov? ernment of the United States will exercise the privilege granted by the de facto government of Mexico in th? hope and confident expectation that by their mutual efforts ?lawlessness will be eradicated and p?saee and order maintained in the territories of the United States and Mexico contiguous to the international boundary. _,_ EXPECT PURSUIT TO BEGIN TO-DAY Army Men Say First Force. Equipped for Year In Field, Is Ready. I. Tt 'g-ip*. ? i p-? Ml i ? El Pa o. Tel . March 14. Army c r? del here believe ?hat when the -a; ? ? ? te-morro? mornm-r upon the de er| -irc-.h vhirh mark? the horde. c??un!ry of Mexico, American m ?.till be moving upoti Mexican toil in purauil of Prancieco Villa and hii ? follower*. i " ? ? ai indicated to-nighi departure from El Paae ol General J. ?I. Perahing with the loal of rhe troop? from Foil Bll . ?'hielt <*fere under or ??i proceed to ?olumbu?. Il va-, believed bv army men that ?i. i ?ral PershintT. with the tirst army of |iir=uit, would er.ter Mexico throuf*h te Ci lumbua, earl I ?ie?"?ral I't ? ? v. outd ??' - ? ? when * be ? entt r. He left with ? v I :< ?. carried ?he 10th Infant r; ?o Rlboa, a:.?I ?.?. i f h i ii four hours wa? in ?olumbu.? and rea?!;, to Mart in?.o Mexico. \llla Mo4in{ I ranciaco Villa ha?, moved suddenly . . rd ng te a repoi I I ? I ? ? ral ? ?a', ira. *.l?....Mil oommaadanl a? Joorex. Thi-, .. i.'.e apparent!) take? Villa BWI ft the terntor- m which it ?a? -upp" td he would seek r?-f.ii,-"- and r.orth <jf u hicii eonc? of Arc e.?t. Th-4 information wa? received from ( onilime?! un pu.?? '-'? ?-?iltimn 1 Greenhut's Many inquir?a rasch ?i? regarding th?-* publication o? .Samuel Hopkim Adame*! article on the inrthod?? o? thin ?lep.irtrnenl ?ton-, Justi? c Cohalan having denied Grrrnhut g motion It. continue an injunction. Ihr Tribune will publish the sttirv on March |9. Ihr drlay since Irbruary 6. for which date publication was lirM announcrd. ha* takrn nothing hroin ihr h\r, ntal fa< ti which will br prrsrntrd Uhr ?>unuay tUnbimr f*/r?f to l.snt?the Truth: Sens?Ldltorisls?Adterthements. I M?mber of th* AuiH B'ir?au of Ctrrulatlona. I SENATORS FE?4R WAR IN MEXICO ?Assert Army Is Inadequate and Demand liarly Pre? paredness Action. Fr m 1 - T- ' s - *V.r?i;i ) tVasI insjton, Maren IS. Peers ? : Stal srmy is not suffi ? "o ?-op?, with th<* Mexican t on, m?ri- ' more serious com? plications, which it was strongly hmt?i| . ? sr ?. ? n pressed bb 'h?s ?1'" r Of 1 ? horn Republican Sei M ??...? i '!.,!, and sdmitt? I, ? at ? ? an Brmj had mor?* field gum and more munitions than the I'nitoil Statea arm stars on t.o'h tni?>? ?i?o expressed the that th? Punatoi suit in war. Danger et grave ? gre i _. . ' \, ieri?*an ? ? ? ami man of tl ? i Borah, Republican, in advo?ea s'i'lr temporarily all o?h??r legislstion ?o dispc ? promptly of prrpar? moatjrp?. Thrir itatenetBtl nr.-cri tstad h ^rn?*r8l discussion in which Senator? Vardaman and Simmon de | ley.,- I SUSI ' ? ? ? ... t preps \*at ... . , ?; \rtnm ?iii I'rrparrilnr?? \ r%et\. Demand i lists Bel ion ?.n ? .. ? -,.. -, . sn nttttxt in i ?? r of taking up ?h?> puhlii- lands, wator poa?-r a--.l ri-a! ered I ;..f -Iminn was broached. ? ??.or < h imbi rlain d?selared h?* would not b< lurprised if, ;.? ? resull of ?h#? puniti? ?? expedii loi villa were t.r???-:., med ?> net ind M.OCX) " ... ' I - , -, ? ? ,* , .?rn on? of the most peri U critic of tl I ? ? tratie " policy sp ta this time. ira?. ?* complet? iiidorarmen? ?o th?- President's action, tin* ?tamci! i ?^-n -. -o prepare for war, iWlar-.r-e r?> rnan kaow wha1 coi m iaht foll?n the " ?n on ? . pti ? H?* referred to ?n,. ! g l'on jrr? ronir . not heeded thl ?an isg b th regard te traeo?- . fenr? letrislstion. ?Saaater Por.h siso ?aH that. CoaUauM ?a pet* ?, column t MASION MEANT TO AVERT INTERVENTION WHSON Statement, Issued Through Lan? sing, Declares Capture of Villa Is the Sole Object. OBRI:??i\ ASSUMES OFFICE AS MKXICAN WAR MINISTER President ?Angered by Alarmist Reports, Which He Regards as Effort to Bring on a War. Mexico City, March 13.?General Alvaro Obregon has been appointed Minister of War, and Crneral Candido Aguilar Minister of Foreign Affairs in th*? n**w MextOfl i Cabinet. Many foreigners are leaving the city and there is an undercurrent of excitement among all classes. ?mu?? Bureau. I Washington, March 13. Th? administration ti ransa'i proposal foi ? reciprocal righl to pursue band ism I i tmeri .?an bonier, the Suite Department entering ?nto ? formal agreement ?it'? the ?lo facto government of Mexico undei which American troop crosi the Rio Grande to hant doen Villa bandit with tht ? cpeetation of cooperation from the ? errant? force . ] msing ? .1 thai tin i f ni ted Star, wo ltd i . ? ?aiHi Carranza in force pending bia accepta ONE LONE SOLDIER "INVADES" rlEXIC Crosses l inc. captares snip and Returns with Prisoner. ? ? . - i . Pate, Tea.. Merck IS. Mexico ? invaded to-nif-ht by an Amor.can ?? - ..r th<? 7rh Infantry, near ' in Cotton. 4. ?10 captured h Mi breoghl him to tit? Ami The | tandil | ?? I ? ?? ? the border, which run Camp ? ottoi ? n 'I ??? *' ?s Ameriei ?? de .: The Mexican miesed ami tried ' I in jammed, an?! tl American, ru?hing acron?.. eaptared hii ASH T. R. TO LEAD 600 COWBOYS INTO MEXICI Fifty Original Routfh Riders Jni in Request Recruits Ready. I., r. '?gr?ph I? Th? I El Pa ... ft* , Match 13- Trxar ? olonel RooMvelt to lead ? vo untrer regiment of ,-ix hundre ? ? > T(.'i the bonier A lelepram was prepare?! | Rob Riaehart, after a meeting original Rough Ridera a:. ! o'.l r- ;r. I . r<> be lent t<. the Colonel, ?? ?jucaun,- hi? leadership. R he haa the six hundn AUTO TAKES THUMB; SURGEON GROWS ONi So Chicago Manufacturer Cai Still Play Piano. ? ?forge .'.!. ? ? ' ? . I'erfume an.I S..ap Mai ., of < h ?cago, an?l ai ardent pianist, will be able '?> t* I '>. despite 'be lo 4 ef ? thumb. Dr. Otto Bryning Mai ? ? ?- h_ir an Inch ? thumb on Mr. Merrel'l I .-'?' hand The thumb ?*a? ampu'a'rd ?' th? rr.?d'il" joint in an - \f I It 44as by stimulating the formation of granulation* I ampu'ated thumb tha? I>r. Brynlnfj Il t ;.-.! '.. induce half an inch el .-- i 'h. TEST MOBILE FORTS WITH REAL SHELLS Warships Attack Defences to Determine Value. Moh?r. Ala.. March l.'l. An rpr* meat unique- la the country'? military ral begun here ?oca-,, two American and ?he Arkan>a? bombarded atrnor t<? ? feitil It!? '.? *r r nM \ ?'... .- ? te dreadnoughti buried big proj? 'heir mam bettl n? ? *o the eatioaa, with high efleieli of the ? War ard N'asy departrr.ei ? loot . 'The re.ii?. of the tent, which lilt.? t mate!, ar- expected to have an ?m portant beering on Catare fort.??ration.? ??ion. were not announced. ? ? ra! William Cretier, chief of erdnai ? ? army; Oenetai Will I Black, chief .if engitcr and ?tir? Sh. rley, ehairmae ef Heu . ? ??a eammiltee en fei vaei.. an.onir the ?.?lierai- -a ho itehed the eperationa ?o ,ia;. Mrr ?chant craft had been \4a*n.?.| eut of hi ?langet fJoUt ami the Mobile Quer? antin?* ?tation was abandoned during i the firing. Lanalag lass? ? States?? al In ma ' ?.f tin note to Cs .ii.?l the I half ?f I'i-i id nt Wi erali i| . the Pi a i-l'-i.t'- pi <?? ?OU .iruioimi-. rticnt tliat lh<? ovi reigtll w??ul?i under no cii ? in. ? iolatad : "loi.*- ? ., ? ? ? ? public opera! l| !ou?i;. SI Bouni ? wi 11 tl degrtte upon t'.? or devi - . .| i preclude I ? ? I on. ??-ion I? I nndiHonsi m s ? r ? term I of ' ne tgtt S PS ? aibi! i - t of misconsl I rief, 'i provide ?, that wl art?? on ??. |? ,.i iide "f tas ???rslai ?uinlar ?? s at < olumbas, which i?*i to th? ? ? ? I !? ...? ' ., ? etrBSS frnrr Iraerieai le, coi ? ? nrc?l? ?"'?. ?.,?? terri tai . '? im. such InstS *. . ? ? Whit? 1 Bak? r . i ? ? '.'. i Depai < ?i for a Ion?* conferenc? ?,? rral . I ? . '?.?for?? ? ti *ar/ Har.??r OS to-night ? at ?uch pro-rri?. hail bren made in the of American troop? that th? first force ajrain:??. Villa wa? ready to move Into Mexico ?' ?. ? ime. W ilsaa It' ?? nt * Humor. Prca id? '' to resent the Ui ? 1 State i I tl ??-V-lo from ratio?, officii. ???a?. ? ,-er . Ith'ii? in the I- U 1 '.t'e. wa? purposely ?' ? the fhrtf ?n order to bring; about \a?i wdh Ml The Pn - . .!, be. ? ? t rat Carrai haws a C'.mrn? , vaith the only ?r th. purauit of Vila by A- in pi? lis 4' ol plan? of the Ami . ?? ment for "war." if the issue becom? cl.-ar cut that both President Wilson and <.encr?t - ?-./a ??a-rt Villa, the murderer and bandit, eliminated f?>r the take, ot peace tecuritv, ??rlmmistration official? lev? there ^?, 111 be serious ? ead resistaass). Tli?.re wa? serious discussiofl in ad* ? .????? . 1.-.lay of making ' irt t<> ?top publication of alarm Administration olticiala are hopeful Die note and accompan>mg l?ta?e nient, both of ?rhirh ha?e been sent to ? arransa through ? on?u! Sillima-i, will dispel any *asMg*! that may have ex?