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?usmess frequently depends upon the policy Success ?* one s bank, and the quality of one's financial counsel. The man? agement of this bank gives careful consideration to the requirements of customers, and is ready to extend ?instance m keepnii* with then balances and responsibility. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YOr"?K 20 NASSAU STREET Deposits (Dec. 31, 1915;, $203,000,000 javfl SALES o\ Till: STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, MAI.CH 13. 1916. I radms ?n In ' ml s WO the Ne? "uirk Stoel RgfRaage Mea*taj amounted totes-tat, ajrainst Jl.ltS1.000 -?aturda?. .".'.:'? 1.00?? a ?teek ago . lid *.!.t.l9.000 "araran" I*?"1' JMaai"i ' 1o tiale BftHMH against %V?0.2? 1.0011 in 1915. GOVERNMENT BONDS. . -a II? **? ? . ms . ?. I ???a ?- ?4. ,' **i m. ko.mis. ?4 .-' ? S T C in? MUNICIPAL BONDS. Sa ?... i??i 'a ?? .1. ?'.a ?', -? O'iO 11. r-o a , 4.- lat ?, lit I 1.1 il a. ???? ? . . t.?! 11*1? i ?-IT lit N J J, li. si ?*??? I-?'. P ? ? ', . MV MS 109 R?a | a ai I?', >l , ? . ?? . ?? -, M . M . . L Ir lit 4 S ?* . do ?? m? a Quit li."? 1 ?".*? . 'a 4- -* L .? .- I . ?n <| ?TO, 6??? -, as? 1*-. *?> K ? a M Sa . Il ? Ka-. : TStaj S'? .. t ? I < ?. IP * ? Il K.ULV,'W I1VD MIS( tLI^ANEOUS. M? ? ?? t?i iMt. MM ?* ** '*. ' .I .' ""-* u.a. 11 ?"> ? ?- M A ,'" a' - ? ? ?tTS**?*? Ml 4a .-; -d* -* ?-?* . I m ?H ?.u,.fci j?'< IK? 4* M ' * I ri ?? l-?? . do rf? ???s ?a mi a 101 . Mai - BC-ta 8?H >U I * 4 War. 6j Mis - -LU MM a 8 S M ?ta IM M K I T 'it ?a a Of. A MB la 1IM i isa c a *.?--. .*-. ?i* ?**** ?*-**, do ' la ?-. ?iBaita * N n "?, -, ?.?** I?*? S.SM > ^ o? s Rie i? ?--S. ? . t fM? is^ * i -? I tv U? ta m | ? ?. ? . - ? ? 't- . ? ' ? 'rC, If a .: ri| 10 "-?0 ..... m L earn ??i ?a ?es ?""? i ?oa H? ?San ?VB Ja A P 4* . . Tl ?se*!. Air Lin? 4? T3va :.?-? do I'-ampM 4S"f? 10*?? . 4. SB. r'i tl 1 "'I ... . V, il*? ? "a t* t,?t 41 St. R?" T S T ; ?v., m ?*'t ?l'a ? . ??4, M*. S? s*4 71 ??'?a l?0?t Si ?4 > ' -?? ' ? ? ? ? I? 4. ' Il? I t ?? ? . -1.1 M1? t raoai'l.ri R- *** 5 ?t?, i 4* MS v ? .. ? ; ?? a r- ? ? 1 I '? ? : , I* r,t ??, ? - I ?? . 4 r . < ?J- -? Tt T?r ?? Il -, ?C'a ? . ? i i ? Il , i ,. :"!'? ? i ?. : 4? li . * !*/ , - 4 ? 1.-. ? . . ?. ? ? ! i ? ? I "AB?? M Id?e tat I . HT ,??*f. i A ?? rie *-V ?M'? SI t?. ?ta Wuti * . ,- 4. ? -'? 4* " fi F ?j .1 ??*?* de* Ja ? ? : - t N 1 ?Sa .N T ?? .?. . * ?* - a * ?> ?, ?lai rj'.d ?'. ? a '"?*? ? . ""'? S Utah a Mo? ' ? T? . . '? ? ? MM i?M Sa s: va?.?? .? -, ' . a * ? " . "O'a '"*? i '. ! la - a"" i I - h V ? > ? SM - ? Q ? A v? a - \ - i lu t i ?? 6? ISli M , -a-.- > ? : ? - ? , 1(104, ri?? '.a -a ' ?*?,. I "l I*. M I ?ta? ? - - ?i ?.?.'?>? " t . ? M -, . "? ?r :-i a. 4? ST?? - t.O\EKNMFN'T ?BONDS. Ye-nenlav. Saturdav. B.d . Asi . ?. ? reg? sa - :" ? ."'?* r. M ;im; r-*s gk -a- i 1 ? ? ?. 1 , ?r c*n J? . m ? ? i ??XT I 1918... .102*4 1021?, lu-1* 102% : l'a 102-14 reg 19L'5 ...lit - 111 -- ?-oup 1925...111*4 I12"si ?HU 11'.'1* ? ' . 99 .-.? .'s Pan '::8 rer- 99 ? e'J ? ?' :. t .. I *-sg..l - ? 102H - , T. Pt- V? r- ,,-lf-! ]0t MOVES TO END N. Y. C. SUIT ttoad'a Attorney DUrlalmi Illegal Acta ??--ruth a Witneas. Alfred H r-.;'h, president of the N't? Tetl ' astral Ka'lroad, was a wH M?j jtr. : :.?y beiore Justice Moi-seheu "*r. 1.--.jht ander the Fher ?un a? ? the consolidation ?f the Re? Tl 'V Central and the Lake ?kora r? H? lasa - -1 I ?i electrification of the Im v. .' |_Mi ?nd the ex "ead!*-*-?? | it atket improvement*-, and *sote ?? ? dependency M ?wh trt f"a?*ern and Midd ?? *u*?rc reads. Tv ? aitM? was ques "-??1 -. atiors between tho ?M Y -. irai and the Michigan ' ?? i"a*e Road. A!??., naaral attorney '?* Urn -a!, moved that tat i? x count?, . ?> at none of -}* ?--.r af ? ? -?' pany were *'?. >. complained ? ' n year? prior to I . ?r ti,ok tha motion nal briefa In "MVt:-- | -ftl] be prasented on The hearing ????oit:-..? ?..Hay at 11 o'clock. BUSINESS TROUBLES rfi) Ptnntm*. ... ?. Meet a?, MM ii ""* ???I? ?.. tau .- ?_? -. M J?rn_? A K_tl ? ? y ? .y t y. .Il' I ' *_*?*" cft?*:r??i -Am?. * lOMM?t **""??> >*M ?m ' i ? i ? '??'-? ? / : ? ? ? ?**?"*"? u* r*u?; w j? |_MM a/vi antas ? **** ???-** ?.. ? ? M. .i ? .-. ?r ;. ? .. ' ? a . -, ? . * 'A -?* ; ' S- h ? i.?(,?^w of u* Ma ' ' M "??"?' a nu.? ;iw. *4T '''-'*?'. ?AM . ? ? M *" **?? M B4<1? . ., a ? _..******"' I a?JMM ii-u? h? *-??*? ?" ""*?*>'. ?11. ul mnii - ???? ? ?-. O U tata m ??- .. ?? I . Ml mBE^*?*'-** :'- i????.rd?_?. ?toi -*- i.? r*"** - ??" * a rLM'- ?? ?? ? f. *?**? iT''. ' i ? . ' i ?f? ?_>_,. ??'-'? ??? . . ... .? ? ?' . ?*? C?**"*-*- ? liait? ***/i.**w- ' 5ttft?r-'*_ ?^?. ?v ?Vj1 M,-??'l'-f ?* f? l-v?*?-? te. BL? tu ,_..'*' ? i ? ' ?-.vl r.? ?????_ i _t_* '**?-- ???? ???-U/atldl '? r _itTTtt-?- '? ./? ??-irui-i '?- |v*4; ?ifiiilJ___''*f'i '**"? '* *"' '"* *' '"** TVAN I?-?;vekR?; .?.???-? f 1 ?.-?*.?, ? ? - 5 . . . B??tni?ti-> tearttttta, ' "BT vonnv ?-.-?.- ,i .* p.,?.,,, ? ? M? ? - ' Si. flS. I ?. uaa ... t>, n-o?('w?v ? ? ? ?? * -. FMl I- ? ?i ? , .t ? i ? ? J' I.V - Kr.TV. ?ba did buslnaaj i ? ? ??, .*.. ' Bbta .a sad !'?????>! i tut.?.-, ?t i- i v. ... ? - . , It , - i ? a. I ? ? i . ? Cewsayirtl??? OsBSSsBSS*. Ml I.I'ilT MOI llr.l? ??'Vfl'ASr Of NEW T'iRK ' '.-?'? ,' - . ? i 1 ->r Hi-i ? ? i.? . of \ -. , ? ' . ' .. , ? ? ??? Ba ' ...,'.- l'- ? ... . ........ ,.B - MClTCL nKMMlEK- '?>'?? ??-*.?t! kai r m ... o?a.? ".-. ? ? -, a i taTM a'- I gaet M a' . - ,. ? -- ?. , - Par??IT???) la lnt?r????. J'ill.-. MUM L' ? *. -.- ? . ???? O " - - ? -.?-,- ? i., a. a'-'T-k I ' .-.?-- I art" ? ? ->a? ?.-... -*.1 - I ? ' ? . ??-.-. ?. : l ' ? 4 I OKttiar?*?. fr??i Baalruntf.. I 'I- I! 'i ' ;. i?.. , I".?-: H--.-? M I.? .. t..',--* a ?? ? ' ... - -?? ? . i i - ? ? ? ? ? , .... ?, afea, . ? ? r II? ?? , ; *?? ;. II i..;..-. . ? 4 . - ,.- , a ? ? ? . . , , ? ? . I *a - ? ? ?? ? , i . ?? - . I a a _ im Bin t TiuTY ncuuTim I'li ?- ' . T 1? ?f ... 41 4 ? Oeaa V"' ,. I I Jo ;r?f ?' > M g Ne? Ht rem ~ S S ?^#:: , I ? ..?? ?V E ?" H , Je* ??? *,- M r ., . ?... ? AI-- g ? ;! I " ?",' , 2 '? '?' r * *' ? r ?L? ' "?2 ,? atat S Ma ' ,; ?.It, rr-' . r II 1c pr?( ? - g H* - ?rf IM W.*"!**l,nLf ?a an ? ,i ni do i? ft ???- ?-? tn ?tu ?a .' I ? TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET War Stocks Get Under Way, with Crucible Steel Leading Feature. BETHLEHEM STEEL CROSSES 500 MARK Street Hears Talk Again of an Increase in Norfolk & West? ern Dividend. "Uar stocks" furnished aboat the "whole ihow" in yestoniay's active ! market. Thtre was no m.?taking the ? * of '.'up move '.n this proup, which respect i rei the days of last autumn, when Um atrae, iaaaea were fairly boi?i?-- un-! der the stimulus of the speculative ! ; fever. Whatever the merit! of the | i sudden development in such shares as ? Cmciblo Steel. Bethlehem Steel, Ameri- | I can and Baldwin Lt-comot>.?<;, Ameritan ' .1 the like, I - r.n the board v. .? -. great torn? M uore th? real amile in week?, and there w?re many who thfuglit the first sta^e of the snr.n-- rise and the resumption of the bull market had at last beer? reached. Ac'ivity -vas on the lar-*e-t scale since earlv February, when the liquidating movement was still in prog re,?, ?xith a turnover of arour.ti the ??Ou.oOO-ghare mark. Talk around tho Street when the advance was under way appeared ver** bullish. It was admitted that the pools were very active in most of the war stocks, but at the same tima brokers who ou_ht to know apoke of a ?ubstantiai increase m commission house bur-mess. In fact, one broker said the huyin-? from that quarter ?.:. tho largest ?n man?- weeks, if not since the turn of the year. < rutible Makes New High. < rutib' of yc.-K rd. ?...:? ,-.???- ? ? I . '? ? ?? new high for ?he vear ii I M rr_.-r ?'! a high record la -hed dur" ? Crucible. A I ing to the t p of the 81 reet, the pool ? tronc ? < ?that -h??. largest and i the exchange floor, and th? tumoi er -.. . . i 111,00 : Steel, whiel ? i <r i condition exial rhej* , sav the fioel B| .?-?-? normal noch re 1 . the gradoal acenmuletJea of ; recent weal re is a ttty good trading >n v. v ?> , either, wants to buy or tell Cr n-ihle can , without tha d ing? r of ion ? .- I ? If. This is nuite a difference from th?- tua'ion la.?t ? : dawn a po .? ? I'.t llilfhcni in \< tinn. - y ? premier ??a- itock, mad ! a ? p 1 11*1 . . . r.l... - . MI'I. U ...? ? ? a Katnrda ? ? - - i I ha aft-ni" ?n .?aw I another ad -->-A ,, wh? Tho ?a | N'ovember Its inch pr;'. made in October. Norf.tlk & \\c?tcr-n. I.ejs thai? t?n week* a?o ' ' W< tern common could have h???' - ? . |_'.ii, ng th? 11 9 i. Yesl basi line sar ? . ., when ?r a , ? afrairi in circulation, and the re- - I : ' n an annual ol 7 s*?r eenl a* i the directora' meet r.-r nest ? ? inning in i ? an annul ra'o ?>f sreand 15 per cent and better. the i ? ? ?m the SC< ' ' rest? . ?? prepon Ism aber treu? ? Id?-- between 1 bil ratoi i and misers bai sise helped Nori Meiiro and the Market. Trsders sold steeki si the opening -?iay on tbs Mexican n* * t of thi : declined quite harply, netsbly .?i Patrol? thing louthern Pacific. Por .i tims the 1 SSggeation of trouble toi.Luine.l in the land "' Carrai ? gsii I Amcr ii ? tail "fiewed rith on ?'It-are?! . the n? i hat happei I in the 1 ? : ? point m tho mat kit, f?>r then . ? ? ' ?? si . ? l ? ? . . A : e I ruled i "me it the Ms lican d fneulty firnpi.riion.'. A ? ? ? ? IS, one ? bsi r pointing ? .? i ? men ?-.??nul b? n. ede.i ir? Mex??0 I \titint Iru-t for Mein... \- naked regai ? i linancin-* .Mexico'? reeds. lit- -* | I? r -?uch a ?hey ?<re put in a ft I I hai iprom? ? an ?"'a r?. 11?? ?u---*e?.te.: ? m a voting; ti j ? ror the re? . Rsaels's Ne<?d?. ? ?.- ? sas fer tha new I Still under v .. Ag if the I dey now. in this 1 connection a Ii"oki?-i beari t> an l. i trade sad Seance, issned ?-Mierda* by tha Guaranty mist Campae]*, which ?-en taking a prominent part in \ the loan negotiations, is of later? "We donbt whether anr other nation Il bv trainii-i nearly a- well qua!.lied r own te seslat the Rassisn people n their woik that lies before tham," .. | "?) ir ne< tasais'i toedi of io-dav _i.?i ;o morrow the hsild ? fumi-tluni? or j, - .,? ' light and water transportation, the eenatraetien and equipment of gre_t manufacturing planta and of organiza? tion*. U) develon and tum in?o t nnhed product? the natural re.ources of a ?;i of untold ricbne??." J ULaAD COMPANY PROFITS UP l'. S. < artridg-e C'ompan?.'? Delicit Entirely **ip-ed Out. TV.? Natlaaal Lead Company report? for the year ended December II la?t net earning? of f 2,""10.52^, against 12,47(1,293 r, lilt. After payment of . there remained a balases of $1 '?"?''? ?4' ? ? ? - ? ? r cent on "?J". -'55.400 -. ?.--? ? r cent earn?, i on the ?acne Stack lise "MSjeieW fear. I"?' the operation of Trie t'ni'ed '?'?-! Cartridge Compaay, eintroi.ed through atock ownership, the report ?hat a considerable deficit from preceding | been entirely aiped " It It aras aMiourced that the directors had appr.rj riated 120"."' 0 for a r.-.e-.-il reeerve and 1100,000 for a plan*, reserve. The purpo.e of the m?val r* 'erve '.? 'u (,.. i iA'a, lu--"? that might arise n ? pera lion? it. tin ?r.d antimony. re the ombre..?; of the Euroaeei war a:.'mor. y wa?. ?e!; r | .:: I e New York markst st from ?i to 7 cents s po?jnd. Current price? average between 41 and 45 cents. Tin, which sold irv June, 1914, at about SO certs, now fetches abou" 10 cer.'.t a pound. "Therefore.'' ?ays the report, "it i? clearly evtaleal 'hat a day of reckon? ing aril] "ir?-.-. come when value? v. ill begin to dectiae hea? |j STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON >TOCKS. M1NLS?. 6? ?? UP*44. l.) Ad?*nt?jro ?? ? ? . I .' ?-i . . ? 100 at * ? . | ?' * ? . . ... 10 . ?1 . 14 ? ? . ? ? -??? ? . - IjO K?*T ?ra* - . ? ? t . 14 " ? ? Il Now IdrM . ' rtli Huit* MOilbway ... ? t'ommla - a . *" i-or.j ?.-r**?-* ?."Q.i:-.-,-_ ??*. ?tiiu.nsc- I*'* .'? lAk* ?.. *;? ?no Bo -'- ' ??"? . "So ? M*r> a itvntl *J tear f. Boa'orv "? ' - - . M i ?, ;+T t? .at . t? ? 1 -'? IS! ? . 4 4?. I IS *'? {% '.i M l-T* M :-.. ? '. 14 a ? '. IS I*'* ? \ ? 100 1 .. M i**4 ?i i I '. "'. 1? ..1 ?A..', l'a :? . ? i? , ?i a ? t?'* K **J i. * Hmoltln-, ta ft "-""a ?' Ami ?". I?:? 15 *-..?,.? i ? Ali aaa < ? ? . I '.'? ., - r ? ? BAlMViAT)? '." ? :. p.-. : ? :?>?, ?. ' i ? ' ? - I - l.i i si , ? Mar J ? * r-r n ??.??i k? 11*? r. \?I - ? 4 ? - . . SB' '. ' '? ?4 -, ? . . : 'j't I* ?* r>?. -'?.;? >? i ? ' i ?a t t ?' ? . a 1 . ? ? - i ? 1 I | .?-, ......... - , . ?' . ' ,4? a I II M loa?. ??: ?S* ? a !" y ?fe !'? la ioe ?j*? ?. 14-'? "*? i't ? r I . I 14 t '. 1 ? , < . ? I? a ? * ? ? M ? -4 I * M . IST, Bar - ? . 4 .1 II I a not ro.N ? ? a? ? boeiM || . a,? B'J A?' Male?? . "? ? - I'llll.Alltl.PHII St ?? 1? Ara. P ? p . " ? : - ? '* !? ? -. J ;?:-, ' - . ? a o *( . v , - ? p '? ? I - ' -.' ?-..-".. . ... ? I ? ? Centn , i ?. , -. ? i!? . 1 1 ' . . 1 j iv . I r .--.'. IT* T? IS w Jarai * M . ? -. k - "?'? ? i NTtFl s I rw? . , , ? ... ? . a) p 4. M k flail **n?' K n i Uta t ???. ?\ - a 11 . a ' a ?* ' S M M'a ' ? t "1 : ? ? I ?5 ? : ? ? . ? ? . M . ? PITT8BURGR sTOt KS. i M l*?. 17 4 -.? . ? . ISO??, ISS -, ' I .- ? -Va. . ? . - 1 S ,?. ? ?la..lM *.?n To 8a? g . * ? ? ? . ? I 4 I - | II'.* I ?? S3 :i N ? ? ? * ? ???'. t : l t ? ? ? - i? i? ?a * i ? < HICM.O STIii K-* " ; I ? l ? ' n? ?*?.*?: i . ? *a'fl a , - . a . ? t .i I M . . ? ? ' I . ITS . ' . m ? . ***? BILTIMURK STOi KS. l? .?-. i'l??n ? * ? t 1W U, ...? Lia* a I ?? lA'-'-i ??'. ? 4 ??. -i h * i: in t? >? ' IM I * Tobacco Profit! Growin**. The Ligfrett i .Vyer? Tobacco ?*om* pany in it? annual report, i.??uod tes? terasga ?hom-e.l total pr?.!U? fur 1913 amountiiig ?o Ix,?":?"*.441?. a rain of 11. 40J.l?m over the previ'-'U? ; ear. ?.?? - allowinu f?ir payssei t of iaterast elUMSTes and pret'*rr?'d dit denda ? si remained a ?virplu? ot lb,72*1.410, eaaal to ?ti.?it per cent on I21.4O?.400 com mon ?tork, again?t ?:?' ? 7 per cant earned in 1914. In view of the on provemeti* in oarn'ngs. tho director? ?declared an extrs dnidend of 4 pir cent on tho junior ihsrc?. ALLIES TO HOLD TRADE CONGRESS Delegates of Belligerents to Meet in Paris March 17 to April 13. PROPOSE EXTENSIVE COMMERCIAL ENTENTE Rates. Contracts. Patents and International Clearing House in Programme. By YVES GUYOT. ti Mint?? ?f Publia) Work., f4it-' L *!??"?? E:iaamlq.ja at F.rneWr? K Cafeto? Pari-, March Tl.--From March 17 to Apni is there mill terna? tional commercial congre--?* In Paris, in whkh there will he thirty mem? bers representing England, includ? ing fourteen from her col Premier Asquith, however, has been v.i-e enough to ?ay the English gOV ! ernment will not be l-oui??l by ar.y 'i- of the eongroi - Tht| h_-. | r?-' ti.e: IM I ' | task, the profranunc including a: 'entente among the Allies on all legislative measures intended to regulate commercial relation.* among belligerents, the execution of con? tract?., collecting of debt;, seques? tration of property and patents; ; second, mes8ure3 against German commerce during the change from war to peace; third, the repairing of the damages of war; fourth, the reduction of postal, telegraph and telephone rates to s minimum in favor of the Allies; fifth, agreement on international freight rate?; sixth, an international patent bureau. ?nth? rcgulatioi tree srith Allied colonies; eighth, internal ?nil th, reduction of the circulation of metallic money ?and the establishment of an ?nter ai clearing bouse* t?-nth, In ternational trademark laws; cltv lenth. international bankruptcy "h, laws on leu and theft of ; stock? Most of these plsns present great difficulties for Bgreement It will be har'l for Frai Icott Germany after th? a u without closing down her own ?i du trials,ai Krane?? take? mort than (We million tons of eeal fron Germany yearly. Uoreover( bow can freight rate bo ; controlled without arT I g entrais si well as Germany. In regard to controlling I ? that weald n tun, for example, that all the eau de Col?me would ha-e i?- be nade in Col which would l>e good for Germany. Many think thi eongresi ii pre? , matare, a^ Il itarti argument at ? tin.'* when then great ne?-?, of unity of ectton. PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Declines Under Heavy Liquidation? Corn Is Firm. CENSUAL M\RhM REPORT. H MI ? Ht a \or Ha eh : . HI "S. ?-?.- msp m? . h ie Un . . wl t?a1 . Il ? '. ?' . M ?i | PUnnJ valth "I ??. ' ' ? ' A I ? | , i ttrW. f 11 0 ? . ( ??! I| ?"?-I ? il ? i?.. : . . > .??.i_ '.? i.S AS. ?'- ? ? I I ?? - i-r . ?? ? ? ? at aaManca en tha pa-t m ^ .?lu ?.'It IL" . l ... a | MM II?. p.- ivfBMni In ?.r.t ?? . . - ? , ? itlng infl ? ?. ? >.?t Ut? m :'. v .i?. ? 'top ? Kai tttt tetret hvrt at ??-i.. t. .? u-? m tl?- .i.? tre received fraaa ihr W< irat - I ? . ?art 13.417. OD'i r. . -,-"i with ; weak and l3,?S_'_.eoe ?avt wa. :? ???i Mai? llWIMd ai, n. tema, tor I weak *A ? - l ? ? I ??l Mid I . A A J In '.!? ca.r . . ? . IN Dult-th. I ' M ? i. lit ? OIK. ?'of ? ?' ? . tmt ? ? - wat ?try .t??a.i>. sad the ?jisrktt ?tronf rar. t?i. ? t. ? rare . r.,??rti ti? ?IM a tirm?r UM ?Jt***_OMd 00 Sood and ft-.m , .? ?.?? i. . - ? ?i.ii.try ?.t'-r -., -t - ?;? - ? a I I - ' rdil- - . a - A ? - -?_?..- i r?a -.j ? P_r??i -\.:.\ a .If.T?. - 'l.i a ? Is ? - mJ - ? N. aa,_, .| ...'.?! it ?? , f N?v? York. HATS. Otsi ??.?-? ?., f a> the ,ur a I * I - r_ lad ."i ?? -.. . Ufa - . ? BSeot Ml ??. and tina! 0 jaUf?ii? ?tr<- . ' . Mt r-.gher 1 - , ? , r. labala, aaaa? ? . a ?.a? . : :.-i??.0eo teat year ml * . ? i iot*H at . 1 . . S.? i ?hit-?, 19 ?IfSOc; No ? I?. 4 ? . ippad ?hit?, I , . ? waaq . -?? Me, ?il alavfttor. it \ i: Mi tot totees U? - >'"*- te i I I Utrm u M-.W VOKh I'RIl?*?*?. ?Ahf-at I M .-atunUy. Mai .U.I4-* ?l.i?1-. Jdly.1'?. 111. CMCAgO HBCM. ?atur *A'h*at <">r>?r. Hi? . Loe CteN. day May ....Il os 11 on-? i; o*>, ll.ttte |i ov , r . : ? . . ; 99% i ?-?, MSI . a a July ... 1t\% a . . May . . i .t . 44 4 , July ?: . ?: . '-' ?: . *- I *>n mi.?.!.. Flour maiktt ?aa ina?-tiv?. ?irJ I ? i i a?-rr ln?*ilT*r*'ile,?t*i?T t? tlx duclln? !?? aheei ?YT* n.Ot'R- Quirt, fair u, p^A. t ? H ?: I ___.__) ?_uux?? U lancv t^tiu I fa. Ml. COK.*? '??'. ?.'.'? |4. ? \?. \u ? . .. t?*_ur_i 124 ; liaa "Uaur oudd . i -, . ?? --????. $ I - . .... ? A noy laiOKf ? - - - ? IS.' ? BKKK i t . ? A -? -, ? 14 - ? ? ? : ? ? ' - V-l | .-: .a oleo. 10 ...... CHU At.ti PBOViaiONS. Si I.ard; U- aa H I era I ?e May 1 ? '1. I : : ? Coffe* ifcewa i and in.' ' high rat : MM . ? ? - ?? ?. ? A .? March -'? Tiadtng \??_ n?>t a ? ? and S.I i >? Or? aaa Mare). . S ?r ? April. Mar....... I - . - ? ? j ... *:*. 1.25 1.13 ? lt.... ? ? --f. -1 Baptanbtt. 8.29 8.:o ? - ? ?I October.... - ?- ? ? i November.. ? -? ? H.S4 -I December.. 8.10 8.!- I "0 - ? - 3 '.?n'lary... * 4 ? it I ?bri__-7. . ? ? ? S.??. ? (}) SUGAR FlTVRt?. Diera tuu beea a ?_lrly aelha mark?? in . owing to continued itrength in ?^ t?toattea and th? p.'.t.ab'li"/ ..f a ? * ?.I a- - ? | anea a A i . ' '? ? ? .. I lie |i i - - ? - - : ? i > an .i 4 A . - I ? 1,0*4 ? .? ( | - '? I ?a a . - - ? ? I I . 4 I 4 4 ' 4 ? ? 4 ; 4 : ?? i -, 4 ?i i 4 -r . ? 4 I ? ? ? ter 4.01 4 ? ? ? ? ? 4 .,4., ? ber 4 it t . ? 4 I ? ? ? ' I ' . ? ? on roNsno oil higher c. . ? - - ?. e pot t?o na ^ sh r-rcoi - -. ?r I a t ? - la 111 *? ? ? i -' .... .. , ?U" va?r? 1 ? gl to ? - Oper His I 10 I I ?Wll. ' . ... .. il ? . I 10.51 10 . . , ?. ?... > i ? . ? Ml | v.! . i ?and 1 .-.< although ' .... ? ArtM, v itt? Neva ?i o. Lama ( and -????? ?i ? l Ml '.a 8 a -?.1 i re V ? ? ? ? ?.'??! ?? - tur ?pot and i i - ?.;d '?'i1 ? . ? toil, fut i ni \ii?, PRODI I i M IRKI rs. m i ri-R n. - || . I | ? | gr. le ?. . ? laaai . r : acUte. ; all ?I ? ata ire?,.. . ? ' , . I ..?. r> . ? ?. ? . Yrr-.\\ gal A '. ? ? ? - ??.ale, p-nan and i - ? i ..'??? .. ? r. . . ? . ta ! ' ? . i . ?? md Ball -? ? ?? ; : com ? II A . AND STRAW ' i i * ?at heat 1er - n ? ? ? i* . ? teom rat ? 11 . i <? ; ? HAY. !enw ? ? :, *J - ' <. 8 ? >. . . . < et rrade RAR .... ? - roa i usa tKi us. 4\y\ ? Ifina 13 >" . - I I ._ . Ru .- 1? . , 14 I H .- - ? .-?-. J. ?' I Ban Da via, J. ? ? . 0 Blaek IU *_?-'.. Gano. ; ? Daii - ?. i.l ? - .,? i . Boa il . I .. ?. . | I * !'?? !?? - I ? PKARS, h ?-'? 5 11 : ? HtSM'.R RIK?. ' 'ape ' , .N?va \.?r?. .rat? > - . Il ? : crate. ?. i I ?. ordinal"! tarta. |l ' .? !. ' ita aorta. |a|, H'-'Ill , era'?. I'?.'_ STHAVVBKKRItt, Fli ret -rentar ? '?.-.. a-, xii t. ?au .-tut M_ttSei _:v ' . TANUERINI * I ? -' ? ? K ma?, r ? ?irai?. SI ?<? . ? p -to .. . II *. '.?vA.'?* rHUT. I'lat, ..... .4:* Cubon, 11 ?- Port ? rl. ??. - . ( f : Jaraariea. SI Natttttau ' !'?"?**. II ; : emons. ? .... '.-. Si : ? t: ?0. ... l.lMa~*>. D-ataiaioaa. ?-???*.. Porto H.I.-V. lied - IWATOM ?\?? Mt.KTABLKJ?. ? - < .. I 1 k. aO . ? J . s. lAli.ofl . l?j ,h. tut*. . . ' Mini ... : . ? . . -.?..?: J?-. . .- a ' i I,. . ra, raiti - I I?. wait*. li.'S ?llS.71 ; oat, | . i "I - 14.50 Cal. I ? \KTl ? ' l*ru*al?.T ? ? ?'.?) hR. -? ..-...? ? ' t: H?rniua?. r-???. BEETS, n.J. bbl or baa. 1. ?? C, ?? i |1 '9 \?v?. Or'-Mn*. ; IM luMhoa. i-i'?J . He < .j . C tRRl' * ! ? ? * ? ? ! : 100 'b t?a?-. 1 ? . " bnn.-lit-a. 11 . S 1 ? ;. ? < \!<M ?ti'.r * t'.in ." ??-.I. 1 ll'all.t?; ? - : ? - ? u . \l?H\ IK l"PRO -V. I ?a. ? < ... M 1 1* I r I oW KM*. Ha. bau ? ? ?. ' . i . - ? Ct'CltMBttRS. KU. hot. 1. ii'ill. K.a- I < i HICOB?. No? Orleans, bid. j ' . . ? ? I. 1* *? \ ? 'l.l'l VN I*, bo*. | t. , ; -? - KOHLRABI M ? i '?. ' ' IOS ? ? ? ' i Ml'STABD ?' ?? ? i onion* Cuban, ... ) ?\ntts i?. ? . I Con ?a, $ _ ,i llnt.i.iii. rrl. tl ;>u.i|! ', . . ata'* j SUd WOaM '??-. 11??}!] . ret. lilil? ' , i. .?.,,-., r-olltnr, "?i-d,!'. "?; rt-j, l ?t '. ??hire, large, <rr?te er ba*Ke?, Il M ?it'.jo. Valavaola, sata, II ?0?il4.'-0. , irate, I'.-.,... . ?rat?, Il 2J ,,1150. OKRA. I;?, ??rrUr, %\<UU.U; rub?n. 91.StTSsJtS.SS: OYSTER PLA?aT?, 1?"0 buneSea. 9- ?i.a*4. PBAH, Via, Urge, t-A'kaTt. I'l?'? ?mall I. '0''|.', ; Bermuda, *, bow Ili'llO. PEPPERS. Fla, box, if M?ffS*.tS; ?iaaket. ?t T|.': Cuban. Nu. t^tti . Itl? of Pi: ?i. ' ? PARSLEY. New Orlaaai.?. .? irly. bM. I .?-.'. Btmi u?i?. rrat*, I'. |2; PARSNIPS, hhl. ?' ? K\t> ISHKd * i . .-??? ? . ? . ROMAINE. ? " [????>.... ? ? (, \*a III I 111 ! i \ I l 111 - -. * Or I? ? 41 -..' \*:( H ? 4 i ? I as ' ' "... r h?* ?rat? II ? TOMATOEf Pia ? . .iban, |? .- ? Pirn 11 ' I WATI SV Ina?has. I HOTIinrSE PRnpt ? T? REFT GRIKNS ? tatket ? ? ? til MBERS. V? t. dos 1? V DEI ION '?' . . ? ... "... ? I , - : i Bats anal ? RADl-?HES ?'?< ? . - . I RHUBARB, M?b. ?loa I Bastan . '..?.' -r, ai ) ?I ?... 4 ? OES. lb I IVESTOt K MARK! ' N. ? . || m ? um ! i?: . un H?- ? ma, ?? ? i- . i - 1,171 ? ?J. ?>T \T IHN.-J POM Br.tV St ... ?. ? re. -a ')??!-,. 1 RggVEJ ' ...... 4 ? , * . ? - ? ill?.. I t quota! ? II \ i - ?, - - - >ar?i? . ? >i ... City . - '?? ' UBBP ?NO I AMRS B?.. ? ?.r? On ?a'? .-haktp in ???? iiith' in.I -'?-.: .?ni. ? . : ? ? . I ? ? ' ? H?I(.S. R?-*-*ipt. f . . ? ~ ? Market unevi ?- .? ? . . . ? | ai a ,t| ?t-rtlg .... i, -.: ? MO.VEY AND EXCHANGE. LAI " ?-' '?? -? ?' il ? ' . I ? ? *n?t ? WJ. i -la-- ? i - ? . - .?. tea li - . *> . an ? - .. I ill a a h ? ?a-?. ? , ,. ?a . . UIINU HOI , .*?? ?? :? " ? 11 1 . . ? ? ? - 4 T ? .. . . ? ? ? ..?-::> ... \ . , l . . .. 1* DF.fU ' - ? a - t i ? , , i .- ? ? . Ia>, , H | .?j? t A . . ? >/ * . i ,, ? ' . - . -* i ? i ? , .*-., Ims ? a ? ? i?. ? ?*?/ . . t KlilH ,a, i lu loa t.. . . ?au ..,-. 4. till? r? _ i,..?I STIl l\i il.?*.?..- -t . . ? S.,1 i l..* ?a;"?'.* Ban -i ? ??? J I. . b? '.:?.'?. ?t . . .? <i ? ?. i . l ?? .. ... ?. '. - .j . . . . l ? ? . . -, I . ... ai| u.| . , ? . ? ?" > ., . . -, -. . , . . I I - . J .1?' I ... .-.,.. . -< . . i ..... . - a 1./4. < :? ., DIMULNDS UKCLARED. P. s i Tarm P.*"* Payai;?. .?at? ,. ? t My*ro ?'. Ar?- '. V . ? ' Q . ? IV r M M I - : , ' .1 M ' a ? '.' ?v. tp? ? ? \| ! -'. Al' I II ? ..? ; ' , > <? I?, ? ?|r I \l ? ' I 4 I H I 14.1 ??.?'?? 4. ,.? . a V? l; il ?y la??. M - I M . P II ..f ?j 1-,-. \l>? ! ' ?1 Mia 4U-1?1??U. ?UuUai .V-iiJai-U. COTTON RECOVERS ON PEACE RUMORS Alihou(*h Reports Lack Founda? tion Market Covers Early Sales Pending Developments. A r*...t' . poses nuMTS caused a ?".arp recovery in the cotton market bees fOt9ttttaf, ?.th the advance sis? +ge.{ by bullish Southern apot a?lvia-es and the appearance of a mod?r? ate demand /rom trade iourtes. July contracts sold of? le 11 Sdc ettrly ander tSttetod buyer? of last ? -e?. but ral'.red tu II trie and closed at rls slog Ins ? 19 point?. .ludg.r.g ?: im the talk around th? fin-; red le be n.> better basis for peace talk than in the cuse of previous rusei lesse ?es!? but o?-ring to tha dtustioa of the war and its et cr?act on Luropean resourcee thete ?as a disposition to cover esrly >ale? sg for further ?Je**el t-. 1 -ade intereati n\ere al?-? buyer , i moderato ? area r id Ij ?b-orbeii, ? | ? | * point ei tve '?"tational if? .- tho early mar? ket. Prices ipenad ?teedy ml a decline "urch and from I t ? i !, | ? i- >.ti other month?, but Quickly weakened under ?.?-?tterm-* liquid.- .re n?s ?.I o Southern. ibebll promoted l?MM nu rite t '.r?il,e ?"-if / ..'? ?-losing . . IT1. l.t. . -1 rait - ... i ?...tiTiat?? ?line?, and offer been l>ret?y ?*? 11 SBeorbed h e. The market than - ? ? I I '"' r \ ?OU . i Liter be came nrm on tha strength ef tha ?lock merket, the peses rumora and bullisK .-pot advice* from Memphis and Ne?* Orisons. Ju. ? cotitract?. rdd up about 80 points from the early low level and into new high ground for the movement wMch begun at 11 44c for that position toward the end of February. A rood many complainte are coming In from the Southwest owing to defi? cient rainfall. According to official il .la (?i?? averaf-e pr?cipitation for Tessa February wa? lest t' an one-tentit nt an Inch, empa- f. ? ? n mial of dsto al M ? . t 11. ?i ' ' - .jint i UMfl . sere? -. t w?a m - . i ?!?/ . alle I ? tern firm. The largest .?. where? i los of >? I ?luring the wert r . ??ing - 1 . . ta? .r ?' ? I . - day. ?1 !l n * ? ? ? ! 11 ?> IS? 117/ Bid li ? . : . u . t N i .. i. , i i . ? . : the local market r v._a ita-uJr ? II ? i .?-t V??? ? ? t I ? I I ?? i i t . M A I I ' . . ' I ? t H I t . .., ? . . ? ' . >tea ' ? . ???rut ? Pill. clot STORAGE Son? t.i. PRINCESS GARAGE, t our - , t . . lue r.'atue ? ? ut ?. ,.r I A ute? -liif.111 IN "HI. FK|NfIr>-| ?, \K ?.?.I . ( T Irt Il i. t? b?t ? - - 1 ? toa-k c?r, . ?t ? M ? i ; ; ' "t-iaff ??itir nwti.K?. ??t..rua? W jr?lp.?i?#? A. N|..tln?f Vane ? . N. T. i - ?t on? ? ? r a pi ?i ??u at , ? A .I- .11 - ? i * - - ?a - :???t, iHorojjh ot t vi irk, fee ?h? a?-. ?? Ft* v. ? -. ? 1 '.'.a ?I..1 ? -?? r ?I furniture, I teats ?... ? i t ? ? ' ?' 0*t ? ? ? ' ? ?'1 llena cl . ?. 1 ; r.,party r? ? i ? - . / Iianl-J R. . r : ?. : r? ?tkr __ t.. ttliaa II M?, ?..n? ?ni ?ripany, Rag ? n- a? ? - > ?i? '. iitk. to.? H **. ??'MC. .warts. IS '- ' ? ar- I- r-by '? r (?.? paymtnt of property bereelter da. - ?' t at' r eue no ? i el*i re% we win '??u?? au .. proper . , alt, Ku?a aad St? ?art farpa? U r r:.m? ? ? ?rait) io ho at pu ?? . t? tLa tatuia . pr?a'.?t??e. u( tii. Ha? i si .raee Mew *i ... ':?r p ::-h. I HI IIHiMV?. J. ?.TKW VUT (?IMTANT. _? ? i - :'i:u A' ; t- ->,,? SIKKOGATPS NOTICBSJ :> PCRSUANCK OK AN OHDEK OU Ifotir-ralM* Jo*;:, f ? ?h?;an. a flurro.ata of the fouii-y of N?w Torn, NOTICg I* beraPv fia?n to all porania ??avias ?-?aleaa ?rainal Martha B Whirr i- late of lb? . ?t Na* York ... ra?ed. ?o pr?aeal I - ma tilth vouefcere theraof to tb? ?.1? r.t,. I? ?'. th'ir p.a- ? .?f tranaacting . .at ri.e of**??- ef u : trie?a. Bulle? ? Hice, en.- auoriiw?. ?v-<1 -- Well Street. In Tl.? t'.'.y > f N- - Tork. on or balur? lee lar ?ta I ' lu.y. .?I?, next Dated, Ne?- Tork. tua :0th daj of De? - 1J15 IHM ??t.AH II. TUOMA? Ki.rr.ii_i.K~K vr. *rurr?*tnxj?. g-ata-Ossg, WHITIUDUC Ht-TI.BR * l'.?.i. Atiom??-? toe ???cutara. Il Wsll et. Near Turk C*t/. k t