Newspaper Page Text
PERSHING GOES TO COLUMBUS asumes Command o Main Column That Will r.nter Mexico. TO WAKE MARCH ACROSS DESER1 forer t Nprctfd Jn Kc Read; for Mart Thursday or 1 rida> March It Api>ro\ troopo. with forty moun roro 01 . . night 1 etw? ea D . v , Paso, a lino abo? - ? ? -? ."?i tin lannand of ti ? ? ?? : ? Mexico. tar: ?lub t of neai , with in> -i-.e_.tio- - that about 4 ? .e. . ?int ?nay be -0 of the larp? li f Villa ap ,firf ? ?i the erection of bead?, . lohn J 1'' ?ho Major ?? -. announced ?e if- 1er of the ex] off?. ? Tro:; ti seemed ?-?pert? thai -s col? umn ' B ?' '? another move | vil) be tnatie from the i a third from the Arizona ? ear Dougla ? El Pp.- ' ' would > railroad linoa, while ? ' ? art, To Heart Thursday or Kriday. I ' ? adji to ? ?..-? . i . map? ?nil ' rnoun Villa to oa? Villa to-day. i cording to rrper . . ? ear Corral - f eral trail I. urn rumbl? , aeka, .... '? ' ? .-,?. ? -1 ? is ren '? ?wcoraera ? -.!. I ? To He Vain I nit of Kxpcdition. mai ;. ? i ' ' \ : I ? ? a ? ? . .- mpoaing ? ? It I.: II ??;?-? ? ? v MM . rii rou'f I ~ . I ? (.e- Pal ' mmsi | Of 2,000 < ar: .. .. e | . ? .?'-.tied Americar as thai ? expected to era Pershing I WILSON EAGER TO AVOID WAR President I ells Scandinavians Nothing Is Nearer Mis Heart Ws l il ?l'on. March ; ". !'-< '?' told B that nol ""art rha States oui of ?a? lie v?a? assured by leadT . , his ef> forts in behalf ef peace had be. n ?: ? ? i throughout the coin ? try li reply the Prei "This i- a part S r-ar.rius thing for ;.o.i ?? ,(,, to see rr.e h:.?l bring; me th. ? r ? l?ge of approval and support. I - ? j ou that noth il | ? ? ' han keeping tin* . it* and doing anyth i i ? ted States ra?. do to sh - I tor peace end 'or j ist I t d ng that n she * im* at ion? should tight one anothei ii eratandingi and ' ? - eal ing, ; ? -- aaaared thai t ? ? me aery muen I --.onId eome if encouragement.' ? .iinavian? rame in th? ' to ere, * a ? ment noi John tiventor of the monitor type of warship, Adolf Eekberg, rha.i-ti?n i . it ion. told ? eypr? thi oyalty of the del? ? ... ? ??- h -, or: rae handled ?bruit problem tfia* confront . "We ... - I -? ? ... - ? rued. "We 1 .od may gr?-. you strei - ? it under your ? in nay be spared the O? ?at and n.av be able to in* e and lead the heiligeren' notions righteos eaa and ? F --r-erald'? bill to rtp propri?t? 1100,000 for th? ttion b*?re ? ? :ioutc Library ('omnv - . ? ge d? legal MEXICAN NEWS BOOSTS STOCKS Railroad and Industrial Shares Respond to Developments. ? te announcement tl St ? ?? ami . the American border to capture bendita ?vac gi n "???<?; Street featerdaj s ?h an ou:* of bul is iss in not equalled for week?. It was generally : that this "once*.ion had re? moved the possibility of ?eriou?. i -i over our troop? cn#er;r:g Mex? ico in pursuit of Villa and hi? band t?. The j-reat"- act it] Wfl ? ?? war stock*, the fa lying helped by rcpor* me roven ment a? a? abroad. While '-et-; of the nay we indretrisl . the whole I ?t rapr? ? ?.??ding, incl rail? road? and the copper.?. The reentranee - the pul nto the market *hown by total tran*aetior.? of " turnover n sen ex ? . ? mes befoi ? o v. ar itockl Which ?rere.) rere Ci ;o:bie Steel, T?a "i-a ? LOCOI ? ?rifan ? ? a new high rCCOl lommon ro?e ? - ? ' nta, - ? 16H. General I expeditioi . . estera rail roads, t th? - be gi ses of sdi iste tage railroad m? atti ghted i . I ? , a:;?-?? vi nea flnanc *?? h would ? paaitie to meet : t-uch ar. ernercer ( ' ? e expected 1 '? i ? ' ng based i l - ? am!, under entrar make eonees ons in BRITISH LOSE 5,000 ON TIGRIS Turkish War Office An? nounces Results of the Battle of Felahie. 6,000 DRIVEN BA(.K ON YEMEN FRONT London ( ensnr Says Operation in Arabia Was Successful Reconnaissance. Ion, March IS. The the . force i in M? rece?? battle '.-ar Kelahie ?re tat ma'ed by 'he T . . OAl ? ?? at ? thonaand. TI IHcia "'*?> ?? d Marrh 12, followi : ? . Felahie. on the M? : r, are ' at? at 1? i thousand, while i and ta IRcei fell ii "In Arab a. on the Yeta? 'arhnient . | ''antr;., supported by 600 cavalry and 12-cenl me're guna, ? occupied the town of / .... perior forcea, but wi rom El ?a? \". ? three houi lie rew Only the pioU el : ?. panic. \itlt-H b) .??hip?.' ( annon. "l I ? tried I I ? ? tie, fc metre? lOUth of II ? ? had been | tdvanc? r > Turkish tro? ; rtified ? ' mai indei the prove anchored in the ' . ? ? town i tificat iring all the found th< re. A pr?a: numbt r I bury ? were n the battlel , " \ ring which afterward - fi s'r . *.:. '???- i ? | all ? ??r.pny. I ? I on of man, \ tweni i ? ier fl n Ions* : at Se : Our I plreti elf? ? ? and drove 'her. ? <inl> a l'etn.nnol*?.ant e. : i . irl i official ed hero to-day was | . g note be pu ed at the ? m e : ? ? ?'?ni_".h ? . accorr. Britial ? ed." \ n. ... Turkisl itatemenl ' ? e main Bril ree -:. March I made an sttacl right bar.?: of th* gl ' '1 after oi ? ? r and ob retreat, I ? RATTLESNAKE ARMY URGED FOR KAISER Georgian Would Send Reptiles Against F rench Trenches. ?:??.-? ?.. T - .,.-?:.. ???.. Marel : Id annihilate by meana of rattlesi akea. ?.' ould exp ? . ' tor the S ? ri .-a??- ag line! the i ? much a ' ira? ta now i /<???? gainai I ?? pat ? "an Inci? ? ? . - Patrick did in Ireland. Do Good Fearlessly? jor no one will notice if.- If this he true, we are iafe tiling these gloves at such prices. For there is ? whatever the matter with them?except that tre noticeably plural. (?loves Reduced in Price . , during this coming week, at both our Neu York establishments* ,*T>BUSH?D,e I9?DO.; *CtUAl HA**-* / of ll'iyrim ? ? I m.r'1*. ' ? ? ' . , ? ?It *W'l'. f '!'?' rutile gre% nr ton ttt?ds - ' - , ,,-. 1 p id. ??/?'' ? r',i-J,r '?-? ? ..n (an nul nr", lists ga tnllel I >.? and K le i " I / or Mm Ores ? ? - ?.//. four* ?mri'le' ,'?, I ,l>l. I -, 1 \NMLN^^?U I S2.00 :.nn 2JA 5./.7.-?- t\?w 2.7A $.1.00. JJO at JA ....*"'/' S JA JM ./..-i-y ??.7.J 1.m > 2JA 2. An . I JA ..... 2.1)11 .1.011 JH M .90 J0 .'?.*? A*. .0(1 55 .'?.?> .90 ?5 .*??? .75 ?a?5 J5 M t M IJ5 2^5 53 lima i tras //?.''i BULGARIANS FEAR RUMANIAN ATTA Will Not Stud Troops to VI Front. They Tell Kaiser. It ? BRITISH TAKE SERBS FLEEING FROM W Search W r-sthnij-id Ship?. Oblige Ralkan Ally. All Serbiai i tar age are b sul a . ..? ' - ? ? ? will rr to maki thi : touch? storm?. >. during BRITAIN ASKED PORTUGAL'S A I ntered War. Minister Siys, I cause ?if Duty a?. Ally. i ?in rot* ? r I , in 1 ? . ? . till had ? ?n her to ?: \ - . \ . . Engli un of "The firal treaty of .. ill of th - . ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? tury . sndoui t by I ? ? I' a ' ? ' en gag ? ther natk i much ? , ? ? extent of her resource? ? ? : ? ? '.. RUl ? I?I ? I : ? ? ' ? - read" I f..r which ? GERMANS MAKE STEEL. DESPITE BLOCKADE Manganese Shortage Wet bj Substitute, s?n Manufacturers. ? i i rum, aaaei t?? ' ? th? arm? ? ... . ?. ? ? 1 ? r t, ?a d ? I man;. ? ? plare.l rma BURNING SHI? SUNK AT DOCK l.v|il?i?iiin? Stall Second Flra ?n the Mut-tu? and Kill C?ptala. t. John, N. B., Mai ? ?? ? II ? ? - - ! I ; ' ? t t'a i ? and ?? .... I uga ai then ? r?l . . ? ? ??_ eocka of the vi and ?ha w?i allowod to ?ink. SAW PERISCOPE AS SILIUS SANK Two Sailors at First Thought It Stake Mov? ing Through Water. LINER TORPLDOLD HALF-HOUR EARLIER Seven Youn? Americans Ofl Bark Makiag lirst Voyage "To Se? World." Ha* 13.?A majoi l a the ? lared to-day that fpe.|o?d " ? a ?ubmanne and that the ?? ? A ?aw ? | o. stake i ? rey ... ? Th? in? ard wil . i is waa sont to - ? ?r ? ? el a ?re Ameri l ? Igt .-??.-.,.? ' ? I ? ed for . quit worrj ng about lie men that they were then ? ? Hartaaaan, ot ? eir < tutnbl? ? had time ?r ? to a to 1 i ? ? i . .. ? i .? ? i ? I it rescued all .r. who wai : .. l tai i and a v.. io drowned . ire 1 ? i hue trj ing .? Mona? e returning to ? ? Ulcer of . t'r .?:. i?? i Parii on that i :\\ v been ??ruck by a an aeroplane, instead of lo. er wa? on watch at the wh'.rh he .. !e by nrr aeeroplane, .i Then there - on ar a!" I p on the pel ' \ ? ' I the 'rien to rhe ikm. It a ith creat ; I :?; < j . I hi ITALIAN SHIP CLEARS WITH GUNS MOUNTED l 5. assured Weapons on the America Arc for Defence Only. ? ? r the utorda itoara? th two | n her ? I ' ? the Saturday ? '? ' ?i h c r ? ? 2 LINERS BEAR TONS OF ALLIES' MUNITIONS Cymric and Lapland. Now at Si-.i. Have Heavy Cargoes. tona of Amer ? ' ? '.?? ? -. th r ee ifelj The Lapla ? geea, in - from Brit ? givo exclu a tiona. hipi eano ed for I . sera th? l bjf the Adnr , ? ? ? t ho freIgnt Rea, revolver?, baronets and a . ,. tots, of the artielei ? triarnfe?t* of the la ? LONGWAYTOTIPPERARY FOR SCHMITT AND MEIER ( lub with Irish Same Fails to (ut Permission to Incorporate. g Club Tipperar** ration. The according I i rag? ? : ' i? -oi I ? - .. ?- r.... ? , r? ? - of " i Tlpperarj ta of Valley end, are Egid Schmitt, I leicr, Otto Mil? POLISH RELIEF UNSETTLED llrllmh lahmet I ikelv It. \nniiunre 11 ?t h. i-i.m Tfcio MTaok. I . ' .: ? to ta? IM London, March II Mo ??rr lion yet h?. t.? ? : oa ?v e Polioh !?? ? ' 1er ??..i ? dei and an announcement this ig tal on to alio? to Germany, then i? asi the iltghtool likelihood that the Alhea *rUI changt ?hair pr???n? polio] The British Navy and the German Army were the two forces ready for this war, says Frederick Palmer who tells why in "The War's Lesson to Us," a dispas? sionate perspective of a year's intimacy with the European struggle?in this week's Colliers Vas NATIONAL WKSKLT GERMANS PREPARE 3D VERDUN DRIVE ? nnllnii?.?! from pan? I The moi a ?ap?. ter having tm . Germa aroui ? ist Fr : by Prenel I to havi I -. ? . ter. aith ex eourag the < columi ? French .75, ISO end .210 metr? i I -eeu hut ? Th.- lieh tl for! ? ? i ? Th.- German lin? ? ?? climbed up on 01 . | ?man ia there below ran n It 1 ? . || ! ken Is '.hiri. scti ?i. The ? ? tg ? . and 18th Germai Inn th? ? . . I ?a-.? n was . ? ' real .? ? I .. , U '. niak a hun red .- "mar.? ? it, a they outnumb? *....,... r.e' ? ? vi . of houses beyond the ehurch of Vaux. They then organized an assault the church, and the French, being unable to bring up reinforcement ?.ceo., tain of tire, elements, which -.????? .. gor of ben -, . th I in reg ?? I '.,ine they loft th? Bit? mine.1 .- '.rey uere tu a'.er ba. K from mar- md the ihrapnel from the Freneh ?.??milli? m?tre mountain irun?. In the ?i their rear a eurts kept up b ? ,-11 up ? ? ? ? ? ght di< . - ? - . ? <- - ? the \ <-rd . i ?? l.sthei h a - he.-n , - - ictivitv on ?' ? ? l "d on ' ' ng on ' ittacl Paris, on the ot ei ... rep? ? pag e and in the I -. of the Aisns our ?f llery ?hattered at ?everal point? enemy or ganlistions on the plateau of Va . "In Champagne well rrfrulated I - 'roii ...,r \ i a' ;. ha"r- e? \?i re directed again** it? ?ierman work; at Ma ? do Chs ?-,.-?.. reg of Va il ??We cerril I ? at de - , : ? r -Vrgonne." French Aern*. Raid derman Base Town Near Verdun Loi Mumeroai . -, '. ? rd in t he Fr? com i "To ley oui ? . aeroplanes rt a n 1 , - a '. - ? I "In thr coai ! ? - ?? - - i - - ? line?, ?jther aer ., aren n th S .- ? ? ? It r . tablished. il g ? ? ? ' i gh I g ' s frr?. . -. I ata liai - In spite of ? . ? . getting 1 POLICE IN LONG AUTO CHASE I alia? f??r Mile and a llllf. Then l.?.?e. I .?r that Mil Man. At S - going- nort \ ? Hern. ? ' ? Ha? ? i ' ?venue, the ? - ; ; Eifht ?? ?aei? two I men in 'he car. ?ate&<?0mi?attii Broadway at 34th Street *" - Complete Spring Outfit for Your Chauffeur, $46.50 1\ /I ADL of hard wearing fabrics, cut on ?** * * clever lines, and tailored to give ser? vice worthy of the standard of excellence upon which the Saks Motor Shop was founded. The Outfit Consists of: ? i $25.00 Snrfolh or Pleated Suit. made of Oxford gray worsted whipcord, with one pair of breeches or trousers. ? .4 $25.00 Double Breasted Oxer^nat to match, cut on full, liberal line?. And a $2.50 Cap to match. SMUTS VICTOR IN EAST AFRIC Kx-Boer General Rou Germans After Stubbon I y Contested Battle. Vsrch 1 .. British for under Liootonant General Smut-, eently appointed to the *?"_?;*. Afri' command) haro had a ipiritod enga ? ? Germana intrenched ? e Kita oat Of Tu.eta I'c ? - ? .- ? and ;"'.?r. ? Snail*; the German* wi . ? ? -a! Smu'?, under da'^ i ' Mai ?K'rnp!? 'he \V;?r ?>rV;.'e a br KttiOBa 'he ?-?.p-tar ? m out to-night a? f arao March en ? repare I ;io?itions ? Eaet Africa)? : ;??.eta. resulted in * no?t oh at -.a'e itruggle, eoi til ? ng tunei "The moat forr- - 'a.- ,? w donacly ** oodod and ate old I i * itrong force ? '? ' enemy. In the c>.ur?e of thi , ment port "r i of thlfl position we and retaken ?evera! I ? tween ? o'clo I ' by two column? of SOU irod a hold, wl i them to maintain the po?;!: on id ? >ng .nor ingi wl t wai MOO that the Germ ? rre retreat in1? to ard Kahe, *o the southwe-twari. la the engagemen* at Kitovo w nrocee ding, one of General ?-mu1 ? I brigadoi wa? engaged g the enemy'? force? from tl [a, '.-. ?he northeast of Kilima ?aro, rheae K-d been cut orT from the ? v a rapid Britiah e Ivan? on Mar - ? and 10. Movement? a in propre?? to bar the retreat of the? ! in a forest, to the WOOtWord. "Sim ilti thooo actlona, ? .?olumn ander Genornl S*?owai coming from ?he d roctlon of I.ongrd. appeared on *he Aruihe-Moitli road I the rear of the ?Sermon concentration ? li retf -a'.ir ? ?rard the uoaoabar ? Ba ? l| being continued. AMERICAS CUP STILL A LURE TO LIPT0> Sir Thomas Hopes lo Try for I Next Year. London, March It. Sir Thoma? Lip .el tea Yacht l ? o compete r.ex.' ?:? at '?? Upton, in 191 built th ?hid -?a? to ha'.? ? ? - a;th trie American cup dcfene? **ach( The *-hamro.-k IV ?r ? ?' In V"? York not lor.g after thi ??u'hreak of the war, but th?. race? ?'?rn postponed and the challenger ?*?s housed in a Brooklyn eh'.pyard. wher? ?? la. DEATH MISSES HTM TWICE Anieman ??uraiaor nf I.usitania Jrjit I ??ape? \irship Bomh in Belgium. March 13, Dr F Worroa Pear!, who ??? a ?.rg? tatet ar ir g the an War. narrowly ei ??.her?, at bomb pied from a Germai ?Taube ?? ado? m ? pita! of wl e ilef irga - - - ? oro ? ; - Pearl with lebria, but h< u i ? ru-??' | ? ' tor? ? ?:, and loot two el Idrci - ? - JOIN TO DEFEND ALL SCANDINAVIA Ministers of Three Coun? tries in Accord on future (.ourse. ?"openhaR-en, March 11. [| nowaeem? - ? ?'??!,?,! ?hut 'he recent confer enee of Scarnl; 'avian m.maters t>f state ata? called not becaun? of any 'pending situation affecting Scsndi . an a ?thole. bet anticipatory of* problem? ?-?; ar.?e m the near future |> ?i, eoasidered desirable, especially by SweJen, that the outlook be discussed and the ?r-reement he reaewed f?>? faint action on qu? I affecting- the *hrre COBatries alike. . doe.? no? re.-et?arily mean "Tiat. ?he?e Rations will ?al?e np jointly ?n? its ot ? liasrje ?-ouritr?.-. but that ?? 11 he . jre t., act vig-oroutly to gOtl er wrie-e t! S aril tiple involved applies 'o all. No expected a? the i, the i n ? ? ? . a ? ? ? Denmsr. Norwa alar? ? .* lir *i h e\?ni ? ? a' d r?. . are not iegard? .1 as -? rioaaly impaired. The mil itera -A-rn, attended tie .-or ferei , attempt I?? trrave a;.; I of ail intries eoi rern i ing the future. There was a wbol? isle H^re, merit that .: ??< n?-ce?iary '?> 'have complete and th ?rough under ? itanaflBf "f the situation and a cot ? ? ?:Tort to place the neutrality of Scandinavia on ?urh a high plane that it would be bound to be r. ., led s? impartial by the being-? rent eoUBtries. ? r. pec! the r -e 'ri complete accord. The coming ?prinjr and -ummer ?re regartied ?? . ?! to the sorti ' : ? ? ? Sea and tl ? . ? ;. ?>! **il S O? their r? ? 1 ? lavia depend-t u; , I and it h ?:? ? , g * . ??aeets r. Ha the situ .- th? ipring -.her. probablf * '! be ? are wall In? formed believe the fears be 1 m-.g-ht b?r .. , sd to u is as the cr??t? t tenet et ? .: ? ? "I 1 not eontemi ??? i al : -1 - ? I REACHES RAISED CAR TO FIND HIS SON DEAD H'i'ilaliaii lakes Child from Patrolman Who Pulled Him Out. v. an I king 'e-aa"! koflse? reet, lee. niffht, saw a crowd gathered SbSBt a ??ailed southboar | Eight Ivei BS ?u** facc car a' H roo me an?! I';i?'.ri -??? | He pu?r*ed - *. Bray throagh ;.?'. I to see the aieckiag ere-?- fall ba-h af-cr baring raised II - ss I * pa ? Iahen ran over a- 1 II a?*--*? ' ... m'a S ; 40*. John Tl ? in tl flop? ... ' ' - ? - rrived s pi : *he ? ? May Build SI 000.000 Terminal. - ? e ? . ? - '? ' ' ' are '? ,h* , ?? lila a lav James McCreery & Go. 34th Street 5th Avenue Specially Priced for Today WOMEN'S SWEATERS New Spring Models Angora Finish Wonted Sweaters in various models and colors. 7.50 And 10.90 Shetland Vai a-.?' Worsted Sweaters,?variety <?t ?*> Birable colors. 4.95 and 6.90 Milanese Silk Sweaters with sash. New Spring shad?'?. 11.90 Tl ?? Sweaters with sash ; variety of colora. 22.50