Newspaper Page Text
WAR SPIRIT STIRS ARMY WEN HERE All ?Military Organizations Throughout City Ready to Help Hunt Villa. SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE EAGER FOR SERVICE Columbia Plans Brigade, While Spanish War Veterans Pre? pare to Resume Khaki. Tii? proapoct of tina; In Mexico ttirred J apirit ol Tarious militar; day. Offei to aupnt'.' liahrr.?-? ' .?i al with Villa handily Dr. J. I Hauaman, of tho American I ? f" ?telegram i. . ' ?Jin ??ral Hugh !.. Se,??, t hlof I tho army. Department eo ? btl ' ol thfl legion In tl 0( -to Mexico. The doc r < rnem- , tern of th? loci?n were ox-oorrle? veterans of foreign wara, cowboyo, trapper.-, hontei aoldier.? of foftw had given thorn I for rough a ; m the Aas? Corre with. Mar f v eohrod from th? . i,r Huusmiiii ?. cculd not Ik? tor I them. i Spanish Wai Veteran-. Prepare. The Mexican I the I'nited Spaaioh Woi Veterana to net about furl.. An i announcement * Com? mander WiUlaia P. Levper, H? fendam Camp, Nu. ?. Daj urtmenl of New York, callin^ on thoae la command of veteran military or naval organisation! to arrange for ?i lyatomatixed tnd up to-date record of the mm Th? Spani-h War Veteran? of gTeat er Now York will bold ? h;g prcparcd ne.?.? mooiiai oa March 31 in conjunc? tion with a reception and class initia? tion to be given in honor of I.. ('. Dyer, of st. Loui.?. commander in chief of the national organization, at the 9th Sagtmenl hsn '? Fourteenth Street. A ? I ??liable members properiy listad in th? i contingency "/ill be a that meeting. The ean ?? ?' ril of preparodnoaa was ptirrini; at ? olumbio iraitj \ plan for organizing a I ?Aa-? broach.-.l '.n a letter prll I college daily paper, "The Spectator," and editon;.1 support waa ?i*ron the idea, urging the ?-tuil.-nts to plan to join th? Plattsburg camp next summer. National (?uard lteaiiy. Declarations of willingneei and read? iness to go Into ;v." Sold with their outtrts were expressed by i oflcera at naf: I throughout 1 ht : kl iruard of Now Vor?. State ii tho ' of any rU.? Rrlgade, comprising the 7th, 1211 jind "lit regiments, ii and i inand of Bi Kyer. The fl '. which men, and? I Rates, ha* It ? ... moi and Thin ton, a?'? inspector genera!, e na? tional gllf.r . but if wai lioubt m i-... in the | wcuM I ever ? . equipped, I I !.. \ . who could , be oar? r<-w hour a call, la ? honra they The the 7th. wltl ?? armor) al Park Ave? nue and Sixty-six?. there : nr? 1,0s) nil i'. . ?ran i nnt Co'.?.--. J.or'.e.I men eonld bo r? and the er tir? -i a ?lav. ' ' and Sixty-s. last r.i|? at a mi In Brooklj ??, Id arid heard . prod-i CO '.ven' At tho : armor;. , T h i? H i .- ?? D, S and ? . trin and tl ? under way ? 13"l ? ? ? in readier-,?. I? i, light field a pa*~ticularly suit try to be trat - -*d? -land? ing .<i|u-..-- . . rVi ,t Ninet;. ? \ nu?. ?aid that although no ?; ? c .1 were b?:T t.f i Di Kible for ? rt>_d ' hour?. If the oi . ) ;iv.. T70 -Ma, rally r -.?: ind ?nd especially > train parkinir, which wii! be a feature S ? na campaign SI ?-' \rtilier\mcn Ready. ' ?; ' . , be si rm? i ..? ?i rea i-- te marro. ? ? ? lar s??!?*-T*mcnt would be to I ? he;. MTi- pi The r ? . ' M rr. ?. , rd B1 I - treet . ? ? ? is, 1 immai ? 00 men m ? ii?? c? ? vided Into a pioneer and ?? poi n 'here 1? the .'? ? ? gu.ird manded by ? ap?ain Howard C. V ward, and r J.i",' \ ? t night fier.eral John F. O'R ran ' s ?report that th? tete fore? ? aaying thi contingency a; d did n ing. ? - vurioti? volui 'if orgai 0 rush, at the r? ? reg - Onl ? S'cw Yoi vu. .le City and Ilobol ? ' the reputar?, ?bout the ci .... . on th? i Harr Id '?? it no of i -. ? 1, but ' ' t be t r< ther?. were ready to proceed at a roar i eompa of coast artillery, ?>f i the post They could go Bl ? All of th? ? il?? not . unofflciall) call in case AERO CLUB ORGANIZES CORPS FOR QUICK CA? Aviators and Hifih Powei 'Planes Ready for Mexico. The A?ro Club of America on Sat day telegraphed to Newton I?. Bui Secretary 01 War, ?-.n offer O? UBI I -? raice in Mes Secretary Baker imma il that the government would be pl< ? ?? of the Ai'ro eh. utT.'r should th" oc.-a*.on ur | . Ill sice I ?i.ry ;.' pr? -? - s Me? it"an sit ... .-> and G? Iton bes -.?:d that a large number i be necessary a? soon ins against \ lia !.? g aviators can scout over Me.? th little danger A meeting of the board of govern? Of the AerO Club ??as held ;, ? * which were proeent lian R. Uswl eat; Ri nr; .\. '?'? Hays Hammond, jr., W, ? Jansen II ? ndell and lien It WSS fii . tops to ; . gO ?1 tO t : .. and to be supplied witl W. Leonard Benney, en ? vpert Am? ican aviator, ?a'no hi..-, just return from Mexico, where be was romman lug oflcei of Carrauisa's a?.at forces, was chosen by the board of go to have charge of mobili-iing t! squadron. Captain Ralph K. McMillen, vvho is comma: d of the B . ' SI 'ion of tl .a national guard, has brer, ?i tailed to t1 ? by Bngadi Gsneral P, I. Hall, ji . atajutant ge eral of Nebraska, at the requ? Ae.-o Club. Captain IfcMillea will b gin a ci ? . he aviati? school at Newport Neo the club paying his ex[ I li. Roy \\ . **d pll? connected with the Sturtevant A?r Boston, has be? si the disposal of tl e club 1 retaran aviati quadron is Robe . r. al .. cross? d the eontinei in 1911 and haB flowr over th luadron will be .'"!? Guj G pat rid , a 1 rhe Cm School, at Toronto, l'a? a la; !.. B. 1? e i . a New Vori man, a Wright biplane of th Pierci i Amei : ? ? B ken war; F 1 flight : , and I'.?-' ?? as! . Md. PROVIDES FOR DRILL IN STATE SCHOOLS Compromise Bill at Albany Call; for Military Board. Albarv, March 19 A rotnpromi?' led to provide foi physics and militar?, training in the and agricultural colleges rf the ?ta' ? . ? enato ?-.. itchei 1er, end Assembly u slsh, of Albany. Th? .... n fere i the ?por.aiT ?, Ad (uta ? General l.ury arid. Major General O'Ryan, Nat,i . i, rd, and ? Bducatioi ? , - ? The Education Department oppo*ed ? 1 l... \ - - mblj mai ? ' ject in view, wh ch was nti in the legislative sesi on It I the Well star bill doet sot the views of 1 ? - ? The m? r *' ] creation of a military m to be ? ng the Nu' ? Gua in, a member '<i be BOpe Hoard oi Reg? member to be epi G ? 'he api". ' ? ? be ? ? ? . rg Spring Suitings, $30 Now On Display r-inr- fori-i-m -inH rlonirsti? material* -stri*-tly rxelu ?iv<* MMfna All ?h?ulf-3 ?md wr.ivri Novcltiei tlwit ? ?in not br found elaewhwa. Suits to Measure, $30 Tli** atylr, workrn.insKip, (?t .m'l finish ni evrrv Arnheim --_rui<*"nt "nuit 00 satisfactory. .S.itnpla-?? and portfolio 'if Style Su$*-"i**".tion? on request Arnljnm RroaH' ll t*tt 11 fVf tit M E. 4M St. ?? XvJL illll Hi I "M- 41m St luaively Cu?'on; made Cloth?? "?."*") to |5*) MOOSE PUT T. R. PLEDGE ON PAPER New York ?Delegates Make Written Vows to .Support Colonel ?it Chicago. HOTCHKISS BALKS; PERKINS DROPS HIM Republicai Old (mard. Uneasy, Iry Hard to Win Barnes to Hughes. ? ? ? e Ne? - ? nnounei restai ??noted will be rot? it I iriei April : will go to under writt ? - ? . ? ? that ] ? ? -? d, and the . ? will prol as a ' nel. rman of 1 . ? .. . mitt? 0*1 >nn l"o rlf every effort to pledge i '.' ! that eve- a New tioi ould pledg* ? formel William U. CI -i. and Will Ian I. KHTison, of th taking the pi I'erkin?? Wants Ml Pledged. Mr. Perkini -?ave a little dinner to Chedbourne, R i Mr. Per? and M i 0 - gave th? eitrunt delegates a heart to hear- I Chadbourr. n lame r?. :. and eaeh a letter to Mr. O'l onnell pledging hi? support to the Colonel Uotchkiss held out, and therefore due? not appi-ar on the list ?'. from outside of Manhattan. Delegates m the 21th Congressionel 1'o-trict, most of which i- in \Ve?t ehester < 'ourity, Were no? named. Mr Hotehkiss may lie dasignsted from that district latiT. Mr. Perkins and other national t-i - I...? ?? been a .; I abtai?i ! ; it? pli ..? ' I Mi Roe ? from all the ft.-' ? Bndoi their etfur'..* beve succeeded in a lure.? measure. The Progressive lead ire determined to ?rot out the Colonel at Chicago as their standard bearer for the apparent puipaae of Irinf-in'? pressure to bear on 'ha lie publicai.p to lailoj?* h i m as the Republi? can candidat* If this plan should not SUCCeS nior-t of the Bull Moo is deli gal 11 sa itch to ... ? Th" l: IG i.i d saw a ? ? he nomination in Colo n? 1 Roose? elt's r? I merit from iV'eat Indies. Then have bien som ? ! con ferenc? ? during few da;.-. William Barnes is opposed to both Roosevelt and Muj-he?. Some of the oti have been elves to convert Mr 11 d a of lining d '. uu .1 .-? i ii . post ibl ? it Chi? ???,'" ?Bornea still for Ko??t. It Is inta r. Barn? been converted. He * inclined ? ' ' Broar?. the men. i obdu? ? . o 1 Old ? . ? ? ? - ? withdrawing ? o name from the ?hiican car ihn V.' McGrath, the ? olonel's s?cr?tai telegram from Lewis G. Bte venson, 111 '??ry of .-?t?te, in? forming him that the Colonel's name would be withdrawn. Mr. McGrath t< lcKraphc?! "many thai Moomc Delegate?. The list of Progressive delegates si d alternate? fron. follow?: i - ? . ? . | j>?, '. . ) '41 ' . ?? 4. 1 * a ... a 1 I A ? a Join, 1, ?*.?. ? ? . - * ? | : . : ? . i ' 1 t ' ' ? i.? a . IlM'T l ?' ??? ?> . , . AI. I - . ? a r?? I .. . laai i . ? ? ? -4 t ? ? * . . v . - . II I. .... I . . - . ' 1 I ? . ? . I. 1 Sotarla ii??t !? M - ' . , . 4 ". ? M I 1 ? .? '-? 4 .. ' ?? V?, -. I Il h* ' ? ?? -? ?P.?. L?r?n I i , ... i - p. ?, , t i ; ? ' -et la: ??'??? I V I -, . 3 ? . . '.?? t ?-??'? SCUTTLE BILL LOST IN RUSH Overburdened Mouse Cal? endar May Postpone Freeing Islands. MANN DELIVERS MINORITY THREAT V?.ill No. Aid Legislative Pro? gramme Unless Plan Is Abandoned. i . - . i ... u aahiagtea, March U I poi that tl ? .' tration Philippine I -? the ittlo poliey, mnj *>? allowed to ?lie iri the Hou<e of Rep doopite the ardent ?upport OJ [': '.'?on, Bppear. d for ?he ? ? m>? to-day linCO it?, introduction. rhil became plain in a conference over pi*oframm? dor ?.f the i< loioa between .... : i .: i irk and Democratic ? I aader Kitchin, <.n tho D. o ; . .,? I ... r Leader Mr. Mai "TOO ?? ? , .:? .. ?:, v.uu'.d have tO be allowed to die if any corporation ? ? irity. The I?eni?*cra' '? ??'" "**"'? the loot fan year : of profrrooo in both ihre? and o ? ; nation b leu?* Important Of the fourteen to be . j || men! hr.-. beer gotten out of the way. Two other r < . .ren, the Indian land and the po.?.t billa, have been pa??ed b Ii. 100, but aie .-'..?1 on the ?ar. I nde?r-?oi)d Takes a Hand. ,?...?? 1 : .' rv. ' oil. for >'? M j l lew I eratir flooi leader of the Houoe, made eech on rhe ??mi subject on the floor of the Senate tl ?n. In which he ?aid that In twontj trenn'ax* l a.t navei aeon 'J'e P ! In addition to ppropriatlon mea-mre?, Inehldini ivy bill ?. are tho la** aai irea winch imi?i i??- pan?. ' ? ;-:tr bill, repeal? ** frei ? | ? ? mmona act, .... ? .,?-.. Konae to?mormw. In addition ?perinl ,e bllli mnai be poi ad I- pro? for the inerea?e di-rerrce appropriation?, bit foi I more than ?"??'. .?ion. ar:d on the ' ? | * in of the iga' hill. ;:ed Mur.ii m to to ai I c ration in mahing it poaalble to adj.- . ? o < '' on. ["hei a hope thai Congren in. ? <-fi ra ? ? en up by all, ax . like m :. Kitchin Mr. Mann rlii isi d an ultimatum I DomOCral ,r leader ? Hi favored ar. early adjournment, hut If the cooperation of the minority ????. expected t.? thai end ?ome ?agreement OB O log ' I pro-fTH-nrue mnst 1." reached Mann Term? I nder < onsideralinn. Mr. Mann made it clear that he would not agree t.- the paeeago of the I plnei bill, noi to the Porto Rican bill, i, bill granting a much larger neaaura of aelf-government to that [aland. He tod thai tho government ihip purchase bill would have to be ?tantia?y amended, though detaila were ratic l.';ider= did no? til |. the Mann pro II, rOOflrving ?he right to dioCU ban ?if 'he Hi . ? r ? ' bal '?? ?? ? h the Preald? nt, I ? i r han i i o - .f Mr Mat a hold thai they may give it .. thai tho Kuttlo p.?i.i ? in the Phi ? ni : had been given up. for th 11 Administration, at le.,.? hero becao ? n ol < ongre ii to bo? ? March 4. ther. ? the mi ? and OppO WAR ROW BRINGS POLICE; 19 OUSTED ? nntintied from p?|? 1 Putnam. He was promptly lnUrruptf-d gallery, orho de?nanded :.? know "what about Ireland." The ?peaker oaaured him the "r.?I lr hm?". .'. i ' eland pi efe I ho ft eodora E i '? - nr.d.T Homo Knie to '.he iron l... In the dii urbance ?a rich followed Mr Putnam aira m an police protection. Thi ? ' thi ?ngl? o wai roiaed tbl ?h: - r< I "Reaolved, Thai wo, the membera of ? ? kmerican Righto Committee and - friends, it. general mooting a ?embled, hereby pledge our hearty sup to the Preaident of the I ? tond in def? of American citizen.?, a? an? him in hii letter of the ' February, u'l-?. to the chairmai nata ? I ? ??'?> Foreigi Rolationo, m..i .? I? i mem? grooi .. to lurrendei ? .... tho roo a loi - feo againot Gor? ? . ? -atety ai d ; the Amencrn people an?! their duty rights of ? '? the thi Entente \ n ? meani our power, not only ..? ? . I thai people, I ? . '. not pariah from the I, f'irther. : . eotl Am it: ? \ ? opli and the ?Gei 1 tha?. when th. tJei tho dre -, the pei . pre. tmerieai ? will r ?me apairi ir.'o felloe i word of ad vane ? ' , ' ????. I. ,r:..,r.. ? Mr A'- ?' .? ,.,. ?r .,.,. ,i? iturbai. oi W .,..,,?.i loriing It, I evoke.I the .. :eT.inne?ra,ion of ? ? r?'f?rr id '" "y I i anee all time! e i ??? eoi d r,-- Mr l'utnam '. I r?-? ently kv Dr ' harlei W Elle! 'in tho rooolotloa t.. luatain 'he Preel .. ? ?- ? ,, dleacnttn. ? lei i ?n 'he Motion <.f ?;. mpa'.hy an.I rm- t:mi" a;d to I|,h Allies ire a ? lloooal h *? noe?. Dr L-aagdon ( Ptowardoon, firmer proaidoni of H-tbart ?"ollege, declared >. prevent the passage of other March * will come into ?" ?-? :: s t, be slotted bo?.No? vember, together with a new Pr? slae he ?btrtential ci anges ? the Senate, which may make it more * il.rougi id a measure ; ist pa ?ed th? ?SsswtS regard in?? the Phil pplnes. ?.- .-- \ |, itratioti i? determined ?.- id, si question, and h - its .- ?? . . ittsi wl St the attitude if Republicans, the b-.'.': must be passed, Is no doubt that the b?!l will ?*o threup1 a? has been said all alone In ; r ?,??-. Witl this policy, how r. . . t Will he :"-pos?i"ble to obtsitl ec Deration from the Republicans Withoi ' thifj the present session of .ig alor.t* until It ._.. .- ? |* ??-t session be-m I . December, si ??*' Um ?*a?e In | 1915. ' _ TAMMANY DELEGATES NAMED M.inv Big Indiana on Manhattan List for National Convention. The d itrlet delegates end sit? fr -, Manhattan ami The Bi National I tion at ht. - 'o be voted tor r.* 'he i were a ' of Tammar.v Hell. Msi ? the .-. I? .der of In,,*.- . He eretsry Smith in named from the loth Congr? ? Distri? ' . a. a? ?adera are: John r. ..- i ? srlea t. Mur? o-.. from th.* 15th; Wlllism D i : .,?1 ?he Hth; Ssmuel Mai t, i\ 19th; -lohr .1. Diets, from th?i ? ?? i Ar-hur H. Mur? phy, from the 23d. Among the al'er ar?' Max S l.?".ine. William N on end Nathan Hurkan. district lesdei i. The list of delegate? and alternates Congr -- onal dis Broi x i.|-t;hT S ? ' ? ? I .. ? i ?is ? ' ? ? .m r "-?'"* Vt? I' t IIONAL 1 Rot-er* I. I - I >''??? ?' ? ? . , ..? rjai *-???? rnui r . , , .... , . ; : ? M. DisTai?*r Ian 1 ' ' ? ? ? "BUTT ;. . II ?ai i l' T .-T'i .' ? ?-.Al. DISTH1 j Mrati i. B atari >- *?r M?n. II - ..NAl. DISTBIf**" . ? \ vi. DISTBIl r ?vi'.:iam r u * uai?a?h . ? ' I I i . . * A BlOXaVI, DIB**aUC*1 a- ? i . 1 V mal ah*. ? . .. ; M .?a. :?. il 0 i AL DISTBIl i it f \: -a. ?, l-M,'[i J I ,.. ? ||. M -? REPUBLICANS WIN IN MAINE < BJTJ Peal ?.f I he live I It] Elei -tiun?-? Dessacrate Gala Bld4efard. P ?rl land, Mr , March 19 P< t ' day wsre won by tne Republicana. Th,? only Di mocratic suceess ?-?? ? ford. v. hero Leopold A. (?irard ?Hi Republiran Mayer? ars ? S. Viles, in AugUBtai John P. Woodman, Bnnrror; Prank ? f?icser Brewer, and William K. Keene, |j U. OF V. STUDENTS WIN MILITARY DRILL Philadelphia, March 13. The trus? tee i of th? of Pei - ? a . ??ranted to-day the petit on of Btl asking for the installation of a courte of military traisii g ., under the dire? tun of the War Depart l ted ?ii'drsc U hart?n Pepper, Johi < Bell, Dr, ? G I ? Conte, Jemes ?.i i ladwaledcr a com? I th I 'acuity in r : ... ? for I ?e bow . our m. plan submitted to the ti ? lUrs eai The military tl ? *ome of th? not interfi : s existing roll. that before the war A i tail." a at," ha declared, "we have -ittin?; "n the side lines, bu what w ?? h.?-. .? -....n in Europe aid In the United States we ?u reach definite conclusions." T.. r gerei I ?hip?, he declared, would h n? the morder of non-combatants on ? . iermai -.- had murdered noi ha'ant? on land. y'?a. of 1". and Dr. of I ? ly. Miss I lor prepa: . . ? I1 Prill? I Of tl . ? two aiii* ted . s th? ? '-. J., and CI arles R 1 Avenue. Robinson, w| he ?va ? stenographer, ara ! er. Search for l,?imh? Futile. r.- ? la h. ? tins ?ed II ? ? ray. in l, - . ? tel ri, that th? ? g ?? ? ..l ? i ornell, Rob? ?? i " . ' B : -?? th? Ri ?- Dr H. I ? n, E. Pan UC? . J. Serf. ' - flechar?-,?-.! m Nicht < ourt . ' ?? . . . ?*,?_-. ' ling spea it th? rid and I is ii ? i. ? ion, who. !.. . ?,-? eral of the i ? sa d thai I ?? ?ra -ed a flag a ? i "What la ?he n ,?? - -?-ith M ?i; f the meeting h half and ? oft the fact < . ?? ' , ' 'he char*.-. Even If he did .... l?rt'sin" I've beard worse In my tima." T. R. ADVOCATES REFUSE TO QUIT Roosevelt Candidates for Delegates from Bay State Will Fight. PLEDGED TO WORK FOR THE COLONEL Charles S. Bird Sends Word That Roosevelt's Wishes Can't Be Considered. ;??[ ? - ftp ? Beoton, Kan : |ht to elect achuootto to tho Republican NV onal ? .invention - I to Theodora Roooevelt for interrupted by ? ; Roooevelt'i onaoaneomont that he wanted no factional content?-, will he continued More than a I lOVOll can? didat- | .?? mel at the <'ity Club th;- afternoon, and after hearing a telegram from Charloi B. Bird, of the Roooevell llatO for delegate^-at-larg*. urging a continuation of the tight, unanimously adopted the following rOO? . olution: "That we ought to continue hi can? didate? tor ele?-tinn an delogatOO to the Chicago convention roproooating lib? eral views. Our f;rut choice for the dentiol nomination tn Theodore ? rit." Ex-LiOQtonant Governor <*u.?hing anil Repreoentative A. R. Gardner, of the Roooevell slate for dele^ates-at-large, attendod, and Mr. dishing presided. raan Sal ? of the Progressive State C'ttmmittee and f, ft, Bird, ion of ? harlea S. Bird, were present by upe . invitation. Mr. Bird'a fele)-ram. Mal from Stuart, Ha., which wait read by fa - follow 4 "I have just read the interview with P.oosevlt. There is nothing new in it. He r.a? iiitherto objected to use of his al primary < loetiono, but he can? ?toro, ? I they m dooire, Qg de!e;?at<?-. pledged to support him al the Republican eonventioi Ii their buoineoa and not h-s. ?v. a face a ci affaira of our country, and this is no time t.. c sider pleasantry? or personal wisl I believe the rotor boa right to no nate as well as to elect, and in or to p;ve ?hem the oppor'unrty to expr therr pror'ererce for President I, one, ?hall stay in the Ight to the 1 ditch." Mr. Bird'-, telegram was eoneide te hove turned I igaiaot , ral ',f tho candidate! In commenting on the decioiOB of I Roooevell men, Governor McCall, ?*? is a candidate for dologOte-ot-large an unpledged tichot, raid: "1 am aorry to >ee a eonteet, beem it ivlll certainly not do the party s good If tt would secure harmon?a Mtion Ol the pr-riiaries 1 should be i trrelv willing to step g?:de in favor Mr Bild." Waihlng'on. M:irch It. SpeaV Champ Clairh will not be a delegate the Democratic National Conventii He anno meed to i ?;?? I >' it woold mpooaible for him to act ?s a delega1 a.? many M'isouri Democrat* have su gente.4., because the H?->use probab would be in session at convention tin Under the ruies he cannot appoint i acting Speaker for more than one da except in case of illness. CARDINAL GOTTI DYING IN ROM. Prefect of Propaganda Receive Last Rites of Church. Romo, March IS. Cardenal Got! Prefect ,.f t1-?- Propagan ?l.i. is grave | ill. He received the last rites of tr church th:? afternoon. Cardinal Cottl received the red h? In IMS. His office if one of the mo? , influential in the Catholic Church. A miaaionerjr land?, including tome rart t.f America and Africa, are under it iuriadiction, He was born at (?eno 1 March J:?. 1834. SENATORS REOPEN BRANDEIS HEARINC Will Investigate Nominee'! Course in Copper Co. Case. Washington, March 13. The Senat? i sub-committee investigating Louis I) Brondoio'l fitness to become a Sjprem? C-iurt justice decided to-day to reopen hearinga. William T. Fit'.gerald an.! H S. Smith, both of Booton, wn] he examined tu-niorrow in regard to Mr. Brandeia'i relatloni to the old Do . mini ? :.ny case, in which ?..???? r'.irc.-.l by court decree ind 12,000,000, William S. Young man, a Boetoa attorney, has asXed to be heard further regarding the Warren will eaao. Auaten C>. Fox, attorney for oppo? nents of confirmation of *>?r. HrnnCeii, announced tha? he might risk for an investigation of Mr. Brandoio'a conduct : ars counsel for the Public Franrh'-e '??? fin?! ?h?a Mn ?.?"? ite I Board of Trade in the right agarnst con? solidation of Boston gas companies. BENSON SCORES WILSON POLlcy Socialist's Attack So Bit. ter Mouse Committe Ex? punges It from Record. ?TaahingtOO, March M .V'??, ? I of Yonken, N'. Y. ?oculi candidate for the I'rr Prooldent W on*i ad? - - 0f paredness .: ? .., ^f,' th?? Houoe ?? Chairman Padgetl . ,\? "*'? marks from I!,. w_'. .T ??tirum-v nKainst ??? warned that thi t. leral ? , Pn lident would withdraw If I Russian commit'er." Koherts, of Mais urged that ' mal e hii ene?-, but the chi ?ections b;? I - , Alabama, ami Falbott l>. mo. : ' | ?C Mr. Bemon declared ?' ?-.? . President had aaid what untrue ?when he ai land speech that the eoui prepare for dofoi " nni thit knew what ? isy ?j..^ bring forth. The commit too I ? I .- ? -? ,. representa?.ve. of *l Society, the At ' ,* Ct-?, nuttee and otiier opj > enta of t|. ? creased milita y Ottd UOt-M ?ijres. Mr, Beneon wi 4nU?Prepar !'. -,, datad that the ' -? vU ,. no danger i . th? jo-. I ernment know " ? -ir ?. I reject war," as It ehoee, tl I ?,.? -? preparedness wa? Inoplrod by ?uc_ rait a? General U ? i. a:.d tint _? people of th. the expense Involved army and i avy | rog Ar'h'ir D. Call, of th? Arr.irie* 1'eace Society; ! of New York, Ml - a?. Armenian relief work an propaganda, and '. I .r-y, ?? Baltimore, told thi l .?? -.?. war byoteria hn?. v.-..rk of I 'end rubterranean ?? **____ ?o? "-ar moaiUoni and tradai ., "Those who believe a? I do," ?lid Xr i Curer, "are BO r?'"r Ikol] I -; - ?. etT-c'ency, economy e?l linnenf in the tsn than I ill';, would be tO 1 m eh i ? 'T maiii?. loading pistols." e Aeoij?n Compamy VS&f?&n AEOLIAN HALL .KSSSSSk 2?WEST42 "Makers of the. Aeolian Voral ion and the famous Pmnola Largest Manu? facturers of Musical instruments in the World" ?l m H > m ? i \ m Is There Music in Your Home? j HE fact that you have a piano dors not mean necessarily that you have music in yourhome. Thousands upon thousandsof ; i from one month's end to another, silent' gathering dusl upon their keys, ?giving not a whil < f pleasure to the households in which ?they ! 1 ? placr. Do not be {?atis?ed with a silent piano?with an in ment yoii cannot play. The Pianola is a perfei1 '?iano in apprar.uu ?\ in tone, in a? I will servo tli??*?* who play by h.uul even ?better, perhaps than ?the ; ha\<" now. And ;.".< < an play it also. The Pianola player artim. take*; care "tnccliani???*" ol musii -strikefl the notes. You dire? t ir, by means ??ensttive expression controls. Every chord, e\ ate tone in n ? or accompanimenl is made to sound exa? tly as y? u will it. \o other player instrument can **tve you ehi h perl musical fa? tion, however. The Pianola i*> the first and LSasii all of player-pianos. It has man) essential features no found in instru? of any but Aeolian make. Thr ?Pianola is mad?* in these ?models only The Rtei ??. **-terk, The \\'h?'?*l(?t'k, The Stuyvesant, The Stroud and fair Prices' from $550. Any model may be purchase upon mosl 1 . ir example: .1 First Payment of $?0Secures Immediate Delivers oj ?? ?': I PIANOLA m instrument better than any ?. - ?' 1 ???.,'?' other make, -.!,<? ? ?f name or ?>ri, <? ., ???