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OSBORNE JURY PICKED; WILLETT aLLED TO STAND 33 Talesmen Tested in Two Hours? Convict Says Ex Warden Knew Affairs. JUDGE LIMITS TRIAL TO PERJURY CHARGE Tompkiws Bars Immorality Ac? cusations Battle Rakes Out Harvey's Flmira Past. I a? Mott Oobon | ps-ned tr'i? tool a tying ?tan yester itt in r,?r- 1!I of ***? WeetcheetOT* -reme Court, at White \- u B. Tompkina l*f and evidence atrict hkl the Aral ol a ttr.ei o? ladictmonto againit the de- < find*' I I two hour? , gUjft ? ? was called to order 'rty-three tales -dmmiaod had proved latiafactory p,f - an oi aolon ,he mi and the defence Al unea Har- William -1,'illf". -mates of Sing. ? m ? mo tetitimo* ?erti!?'"* ??.". '?*?- Mr. Oehorne are ?tTt('- ' '???. O i..r. youth ft t--:\- two, to'.d in de'_:l the story Suave and ??Meat, Willett. former Kepre.?erata *?**? in Oniireil from Queen?, related fat ta '? eiary board at ? . -- ? ?'s? a member, -'duced to ,--??? M Warden, ,-??- if 1 ? when Dr. of Sangortiee, a '. Commis ? g on October 8, n. On the ? Mr. Oaborae'i leationi ( prison the in? ry ?a based. District ??? - hio a = = itant. ? ok to prove that raiarepreaented * ? ? r?rti". '- i-or the de ? rdon Battle and a irs.i ; ?auxiliary legal talent ?*-,.'. ?.:. *hat r?r. Died'.ir.g had mak* hli investigation, the trait?, a-.d -??'.edge or lack of knowl ?d|? cf l*..-r.ora',ity la the prison waa - Hanej's Record Introduced. Yc-jng Harvey, tv.e Aral vntnes?, said ban - ; r.g Jur.e &. 1915, to, ??rr? I areoni He admitted ho had ??- oent to ?lrrnra when he ?i? Mventeen, a-d that ha had also r vagrancy. He toad t? e - to the warden, ? resrance befot-? ? t ; ''the prison to ? accused, and "to proteft no ? * * . lid Mr. Os ? -' - to keep quiet about ~ed to "get Vr. Battle - record ;n Elrr.ira to rtthi added *o .? ns of the . " ' ' id mad?? a i ? Sing, that he -.g a Com ? "Kid Dropper" ta at i ?? 1 by a jur. . wfllli of at ? on to the ?. ? ? - ... ? ? d he * udi - Harvey told I that Mr. 0? " U.r? Sacha No Favor*. -nvicts ac ? nee a ? * which v"i hod brought ? ' irt? l' ill make ' ' ? ? -rent." <?nly "'.->?-?? I ?aid. n had o meet h i i ?.tlnued "M? ? would ?aid the own by ? gTapher, had ? ? ' A-??rr,a.> Hi ii -!. I A' Willett had ? ?? ? aboal from ? about thi .: -.?ai? ?rere . ;?. int ? ? ? r ? ? A -1 eaooa , - " ? ? |i t>i?lfy - . Mr. Ba* ' reply. ? ? -,. , the I'ia -ase'*" ,-? been ?getting parola . , ? , ? ? : vr,. ar d that he 'iur'-K i .' . / ?????men ? I IaIi r, e tor oil that the -."? -..t '. i.rHeri'i '+a\, ?*?' He eaidi "This *?**-?i?'? ' ?E7 *'.r ? ant . - The n ?.' ? ?. t,v,, .ir,i\j by ,. ? >,t ?r,-?'ilry \wAtS%St\i , "' l/'' ?a^ ''" ?" ?-'. m '?,fm ?ar.iy in ?o far ""?*??*?-**- *?? s_?,r ?-un. It roljk.t he** MEN WHO WILL TRY EX-WARDEN OSBORNE IHK Jl ky. I. John Watt Muunt PISBSSat. gardener. -. Jame? 1 rigj??. North Salem, farmer. ?. \rnold I hlin. Srantdale. lore nian for gas eWtWgeJSg. 4. Joteph Muhet, N?*?* Ko? helle, builder. ">. Kotiert He.? itt. l'elhanv, farm? er. t>. Uilliani ft. Kullotk. Sea (asile, carpenter. *. David Tester, honkers, farmer. ft, \us;u?tii? 'Ira. i*. \rdsley, re? tired hot elk et-per 9. Morris l.eti, larr?to?n. mer? chant. 1ft. I harlc-t "ft Knapp, I'-?:? boro, farmer. 11. Lemuel S? hrenke.sen. Harri? son, insparttor. 12. Oscar Sers-ericran. Ila>tings on-th?vHndi?tin, meribant. Thltrtj three taleeasea ?tere exam? ined in one hour and Bftjr-Sve min? utes.. T?o were BSCaeed tor r.tute, ten ?ere challenge?! h\ the defence and nine ??ere < halli-in-rcd b> the ?tat?. furnish?.'.! a motive for the offenes al tant. ','. ben Hi ? court Il uni ? " ' ' " han'. - .he found every ? ? lery fille 1 I . ' He - several friend?. . on the jurera Mr. Osborne ?i? interrupted to Kreet four womei took table I ffroup Mr* W ;','.,hi-i H ' - <-.i? and Un, ? lera "'. Wl ?te, i ' '; ork. and MiS| Evs Ingcrsoll, 01 Dobbs Ferry, daughter of the late Rob? ert (r ?r.fjer-ioli. In ?pite of the .?peed with which the jurors were select' - ? :? ? ?' ??ub? ;ec*ed to careful serai asked whether thev ha - ird Mr. Osborne ??; ? er they ha i re . <-..-...; throne 1 of an r.rtiele ir. a Ne? newt paper in fa? editor ... him, wh? ? in Westell I hethei vould alloa ' man to 1 .... only one admitted thai the ?---i-ralied Osfa - ? .... ? ? | d quest i oi Jude" M.cha?-! J n l'oehc?le. for 'he defence. Formel ' Attorney Deacon Murphy. Mr. -.r.: iit.d M* ' rne I quently eoi fern Iffistei ing a BBfO. Fall?n Rerite? ( hart,**. \> ??? op. Bine of the ? ? nr '<lr. Battle moved tha- the il ment be dismissed. Justice Tomnl ??aid he ***oul i reserve decision. "But 1 make this motion ver* er ," ar? gued Mr. Battl? ",?'??,. si i I will con? sider it ?enousi>. If necessanr, aftei *he jury hap rendered court rep".:e-i In his opening1 i.<*j'.rc-% to the lury Mr. Fallen ?ari ?tau. htvj la th? ease -''ai to prove the charj-e of per ;rv against Thomas Mot? rne "This rie' ad? perform wh? the prison." the BSI Bald ''He had to U trnl he t??Q under spec,ai obligation ?-. den to aid a mem> el Pr;.*'.r. Conn seion in find ng ont con? dition* in ! - . After she ehing the ?. if Mr. Osbor: ?'*-? ?rnment, '???? ? eifere Leaf*-? *'? be prosecu? tion won. i prove that delega! sergeant? at armi elected 'o : ...plied for He ?.-.-?? been ?mpli???-.?? ? ? - - ' nd (ft . . . ........ * ? ? the coi get th? ? g, who waa res] ? tiga'ion. Hi ' I .... Hi ? ? - I to show 1 " PLAN TO REFORM FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Civic Workers Organiie Effi? cient:, Institute. Was fo? r-overnatent reseerel ' ? ? ? ?-averaiaenUl srth - ? ' Dr Frank J. G ? ' B establish? * . - ' ' ' ', ? ' " ? and ' e severs ' gag * ? ? generally , . tl - ? Ij-aas, . ... . Roher* S . \\ h ..?- ' ?" ' I J"'1"' l harlei '?'? I nd B F? ,. Cembridi 7?"1 j Ooodnow, Baltimore; ?irthui 1 Radie*/, New Haven: Mr.. E. II Herri ,.,?.. "...w Torki ??esees J H??l. -" i Lombardi, Dallae, Tes.| A i . L-ewell. '?'nt'""!-'", V ?? thor. rjl?jveland? ' hai -. I . ?s-to., Biartt. W H ItJlL Maison. Wl... .nd Hob ,r, r WondwaaH. ?WBohlngtOB HERE ON 55-YEAR HANDCLASP HUNT Tanned Veteran of Ala? bama Waits in Vain for Brothers lie Has Lost. GAZES AT CROWDS I OR FAMILIAR FACES Michael McCann Hopes Police Will Come to His Bowery Re? treat uith Cheerful N'eus McCann hai Wai ror. '? ? In 1 ? i nor . ? t a haadcla ? ... ._..... M.rt oel ?' -? I ' l i to? r? ui tei "n. The ihield ' -, . ? ? | ....... | ! bock-bei * man. '1 iay, eonatable," he ?a' ? i - grai ng "Mought you knon '. i ann .Tame? or William Me? 're my broth? er.? and I're cotne from Aiabamy a lookin' for them. Ha n'r seen narv one ? ? |car Old Warrii.r Wanders \imles?l>. ? - la of MeCanno," m?- ? it "Thank 'ee " rep ied MtcCann, tremo ? lonaly. Down South 'hey don't talk to ? Michael wanderen aialeaoly ontil he id the Bowery, shortly after du-k .lummated i pi of the Newport : of cheap room?, an.! to h? had near ? it, at "*er," i iggoate '?' ? ... I ? ? . i all r. . -hortly ? ? Bat Jed in . there wai " ? -? ? ??ran. "M ?? lid. Of ? : ? -i. He ? I to I ' ? ' I rtcra," eo| (r?t'ei the poll ? t ran e? Michael McCar tumbli n to ?<M ? I he W rong Mr< ann \ ?? ? ?- Bi levui ? ? ?? Id mi wai fl ..?. . with ... .rr.ed the patient ?ual drunk? ard. ? never ,"' oi to-eh , a dro] hing f d -ran. ? -, He ilomped down into hit chair and gazed print thi wall . trsery br iee " E light . ? each time. 1 - ?. ror f . ; "If I ahou m what 1 I ? ATHLETE SAYS TINT WIFE ASSAULTED HiM iff? Pound Wonder NOW ( <>nsrr\ ? ?ny Energy to N-rht for Alini"n\ ... ., the uterd Conata Tilua. < ? - ? ? ? tipo the H?.w ? ; nd woman y The ; ..-, imer.t :- on '?' ' eounoel fee? ponding th?- ?? ? ? i oaol . | ? -pure' ? ? ? ? ? ? It ?I H?.? . fil ? ? ? ? - -*ere man . . Mr? if I her and g to 1 romplainl Mr? .-. ? tract ' the ? ?? . Joaeph A. 1 ?' ? ng I MEDALS TOR POLICE HEROES I S. \nlunteer Life Sa\er* l?> Reward Kenruem at lily Hall luda? Medal - awarded by th. ' i Ited I tavti ? ".' ' "?? il k' Corf ? ;II be pr?sente?! t" fifteen ' the Po ee Department b] - '-'.?chei Cll Hall .? recele ? ? ?- .gnition of their effort ??.nnr m tei ' . Ser t-, h' ' A. ? Al di roo? Old Blip; F'a trolmen J. II Bedmoad ard Mwari O'Loughlin, I.-icknway Boochj Dennla \v < allanan, Butler street, Brooklyn: "j i o-.... I ? arrnody and A C r reer\, V .1 Malcomsen Rlehn nd HH1 Vl '?m '?'?un. Trofl? ' '.', Pa' I I'alr'.rk f FriwliT, i.,r. . ?.? itatien, rhi Bronx; l??ike f? t.rerr. Harhor A; Joseph W FinOOgOa, Hart.or b: C. A flu?. Old Slip, and H Ig I'arroU. Liberty Avennt?, Bro-rkl---- | NO MORE MEAT EOR HIKER Physician Uvao on Vegetable Piet on Three Hundred Mile Walk. Dr. J. A Bonfc r, a ; hyoicina ? ' ? lcmbus. O'r.-.o. i * eat meat r, at the age of feu on ' ' doctoi ng in | ir Sew York after ira ? ng from B? ? ??? - . - |. ., . . ....-, tnn he lived on die*. i - e ?? how to id. "The a liking t Sow : - than I ha' ? Dr. 1 ? it th? .-. ? ipplei e otic) TEDDY SLINGSBY LOSES AS HEIR English Court Decides Claimant to 5.500.000 Estate Is Illegitimate. March 13. The I ? i ngi icy .,-" rei . - .. . . - ?larod 1 ngaby end hii the right legitimate i ee .- in i 1 glan ; \ - - ?' wai i in January and ? . tho appeal A Slingi egiti mate i ?he appea iexa _ . . .... ... portene? f thi ? ? by Mr- ? ind ' ? ? 0 few davs roe horn to her. ? new xiught tu \dopt ? h.hl was . ... ? ? es m ! made arp..cation to " beli? . ? 1 was the ma? ? terna! instinct. He hold th? re ?hou!d he a ; | the child a I II ' .Tudpe Warnngton. concurring in the s reg t wai i take Mrs - I? nine.I as a a - who had '. ? ? ? ? . . ' | - that ? . ? , child of Lillian v l.esemblanre Pisaounted. fudge I ..?--.. rge Fra ? Court Sir tad | . rdinary res?.n".b'.ar.c.. . , - ?orim? i ,ar. tl ere *-?< i s , ?is which the see " ? I Brav also concurred ir. th?? jud?eme ? The effs ' sf the Jadcmert rendered to-day is that the chi a ?B question is ite, thus losing aim to the *-' igsby estate in valu it s il r"?0O.COO. ? ? .inremert ha? heei. er ?teps. If ? ? ? bilieved an appca. ... ? at will he carried to th? .-, | - ? ? ?? FRENCH UNE AGENT TO QUIT Paul Kagurf "*"??! 1 R?nurn t?? Fiaara ?>n May 1. A Cable * ?t?a? rece ved by th? Now I rh et - each Um lt.. F ?guet, for many year? general .??."?nt of the French Line, w U rt? r?. .-n May ! M ??. ?jen ? tal ? aatet III !" SS man* ; by a genes tl rs from | rai sa; Oecer R director gaaeral Cos ?aserice * ?re.?-ht traffic. ..- ! Maurne ft, Komtaskl, director general for America for p?i?sen?*e| .. ,i . _?K B& i ??:? ?* ?/t?*1* :'an>""--"?**'eBi:*-"'-""i .??I ?_-??? "?.?J.V.V':'-,.V.?V?""-'"?^ AC (?UaranttE. rhardre "Handy Volume" issue of the Encyclopaedia Britannica which we are selling is published and manufactured by The Encyclopaedia Britannica Corporation of New York, which owns the ?American copyright of the new Encyclo? paedia Britannica and which furnishes us with the^sets we sell. The publishers join us in the guarantee that the "Handy Volume" issue is identical in contents-*text, maps, illustrations? everything--with the Cam? bridge set now sold by them at about three times the price; that it is printed from new plat? on the same quality of I ndia paper, and is manufactured by the same printers and binders*, but that it is smaller and more convenient. SurW -f^U?lt?in?rt* yerar entire satisfaction with the conrems of the \?^2s_i? 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