Newspaper Page Text
SOCIETY WOMEN GOOD SALESGIRLS Even Shoppers Who Don't Want to Buy Forced to Part with Cash. HUMORIST'S JOKE COSTS NI.W <A DERBY Ladies Wetr Dep?rtale?! ai ?imbcl>' BMJ Ml Hay -Ten Pc? Celt Doei to Charit;?. There ?' *nat to ?? - _sal " ' ??? '-?m Ja? ' . ? ? Gen? ease. ??aai I a? ay. fur . -Id *ee tl I aall. Hewi I m rraclonaly that is? f ? l no ,.,-, ? . I l'a becomin-*. tl l t?mate e cjje the Jama:? a woman had boigrht ? ,'? .r, -[ fati ? .v. aid soy tad ?be ? - - ?,a;st - du?n * ?sut t Kree Shnw Costly to Shopper?. thai ?a? '?he saJ of I ? tg pardor. ? society sales-nrle were the - ? i twitS' ?? "? *1 ? with the si kept the ame .?ay Th? r*? ' ' '" .- .-, ? ? ? ? ?vmpts to . <.i e . ??-? ited frort ?kirt and . ' non th? and Mr? J. * ' Ol? ?a . s - Il ' sum I rol - ? i .. - ta " -- ; . ? | ? : Wok, tl I -.eral ? ? II In?.*1 ? - \v no Mm la ? ting: t ... IK1. ? M - -i linn J hbriskr? L N. , v thin? .. Johi '?<? ?ni G* K:ii I *" ? j Mi .??:?? Wm JVDGE FINDS NEW WAY TO SOLVE BOY PROBLEM 5 of fi Votrtht Sent to Sweep Road- b. Mackensack Court. ; ?" Ini : * *?" ... ?omnn r.'t. ' . , ***** -' .r? r-'h : ? ?; that ? ??'.. of pro f the r ?orne ? ?. t'U-k tt,r?)tunanitartan tO?n Cult ICHT AT 8:1 I LESLIt HALL I '" ???' ? ?: !:? ,?.| Enouc h said I"???_ I OUR GUESTS: ***** Adamton, ' ira ' '?mmiiitonit %&*ett Thotnpwn Se ton, fc **| Wood? rait SOCIETY SALESWOMEN ON FIRST DAY BEHIND COUNTER. Wa;.?t 'Jf;ai*.iiUM.t at (.?niLel--'. showin?** ? narity roeni.'? a" '?' 1< M right, Mrs. James ( urtls; in circle, Mr-. Howard Gn :ert ar.d rubbish ar.d clean up - . hoys, wh?*. has -erve?! *, terni in the Jameahurp -ure?. ufert -a: :. Itch 1 out ause I con?dcr tl ' ? ? leal ?a ?th " irther suted tha be eoasi iered f most boya' I a?-. - ? ? ? -. DEHES DEATH NOTES; RECITES ALLIED PLEA Mrs. S. B. French Reads "Caril? Ion" at Benefit Performance. ' ghi ? .?c at the ? sal tre 1a?t .ppearsnre the receipt | a ? ?? . i,* he? that her life would he in - if she did net step sreusing ? ? ? - Urs French ? ' .? ?? ill til** at the war Biais ijrm ; u- she said. 1 .-? - ? ? . ? ?? a poem by Em Us Cammaert-, v. ;. - t tim? . . effect B -. . tOBI . b] the orchestrai seles? lion, written hy - - Edward Elgar, ? ? N'w Vorlc .-"-ymphony ? 1 the theatr Belgian F ind, tre - r :' ar.d St. Dunatan's Regent ! Mrs. French back to the gain ar.d agaia ? - read if* a'l over ihc said, e hen ?he whs permitted te reraaiB behind ...... ?? .n add in 1 tl t '.??rman. I ittentioa 1 r ?? seme rr.aU - ?- ? rru-r. I h-t'i - ? ? : ? - tod all the letters Into 1 ? tete basset." ' i .irrrum, in Serbian ? ?: pic t| v.?r fronl erg? reeemts i?re expected by thus? M. JUSSERAND CRITIC OF ANNA HELD ROLE Ambassador Regrets Her Repre? sentation of Trance. . i , Merci ? - time *?."* a ; ? ? ? play wa sate," the chief ro.e being depicted bj Miss Anna Held iaaj perseas objected to :r,i i &1 gT-OUadS, ?inonaj them aaius en, whs arete Miss Held, raie Am ban?*.. .- 1 . ?!?:. ?' vYasIt Bgtea. Ts dOI ri*? r? i ? I t? ?rit? ?thing ' ?? ?i than -? |b lbs present Instance the sretun ; ? ..,-4ttin|*. ' ? . tart or BOVSll el the iyi BOOB tru'npcry ? . ? . r ...... isatlng Fra ... , | have died ? ?**? . ? .'? . how to Bl that the nation d'*ter? live and obj? el onal a sgiae ? *n be Iered a re| is? ting it. ? Maxim to Tall?; on Defence. .... m '.?*? ?" > :i aiirtts ' it IU .... ? . i ibjeel if NtS? Dsfei ee." Ii ? -?' "" ' '?*?' ',.*;.? ral Leonard Wood ? - ? series en ?leturdejr, April I, M ?h?- Ust of the publl? >-' ires . ding the annual dinner of th* ciub ffersea's April IS. at the i Wa.'lorf-Astoria, THIRD SUFFRAGE ASSAULT TO-DAY Army of Women to Invade Albany Again to See That Bill Is Reported. if iu(Tra**isti Albany to rerr" d Senat n R. Brown that to-da?.?'- t^e lay i lUffrafe bill to be reported b] r nrrh op to the I ?? ? ? ? ? ? ' Bowerei , ? loobled their foree? since week, ju-st to rea l - ' -isted. Th'j say thej arc pien_r?i ?. treble f re?--. If any more obcteclea ar? P'jt In the way of the par-sage of th? - | Spaaial enrs nill he attach".! to th? .1 morning The Bern ? ? | ? beaded by Mrs P. thell, will have a wh'!e car to itself. Manjf O? the ???.* ?* , be acron : by thnr, who will remind the legislators that the men of the state are intere??ted in th" frage bill, Among the me-i wl go k:?- Norman de T.. Whltel Jame? Lee? Laidlaw, finden Raid, Ed war.) Van Zilo and ?"har!e. ', of Diamond Point, Laka Georf Nordotrom'i ???.e Is a sister of Aj ?ernblyman Henry E. H. B rare ton, who ::.'r"?!uced the nufTrage bill lata thl ?: ? y. .t.*. Mrs. Norman de R. \Vrr?ehou?c, chairman of the New J an Su'Trage party, an?) Mr?. I.eet Laidlaw, cha?nai of tl lative ? n ttee t" II comma' I ? Mr? William ?Y V. . of the Borough of Richrnar ' , of the president yt tin? Board ' nill hea?l th. BtatSI Island ? n .- ? -tv-thre?: assembly I itrlei ? New >?t' Mr?. Mareare? Kay, Mrs. . ?? ElIsabeth I Ko iea, Mr? I Newman, M ' i ] ? ? Lern? r, Mrs H. W. < ? Mr?. Allee S. Petluek, Mrs, John Zim? merman, Mils ". . Mr? W. H Wilson, Mrs. Edward Vai Mr? ' ; n, Miss M Miss Kmiiy Hooper. Mr? Marie .lohn , MIM A Hul Ml*e. .lame? n An ? rraJ ? ? Mi-? ' ? nard, Mrs. G . ' :': l ?!? Rose Hr inner, Mr- I sepb Whelan Mr' MarK Rudieh. Mrs. John I slei Mies Bes is ? refer, Mr?. Earl V Whit nlaer, Mr |. William A. F .? Mr? J ?V. Perkins, Mies Ida I. ! worth. Mli Mas Y'.r,ri" rr, M-. Man? \ ? mi R. E. Van G ?! Marne, Mrs I Mrs. alaclin, Mm 11 Blank ?.' r William ? ? ?? | \ n. Dr. Mary If all W. P. ! Mies H? lei a Ri . Inn Chester Arthui Mi Piare?, Mrs u ill an Bwan, Mm J. A. ? ? 1?.?? I .rd To*, Suffra1.;?-' Bill i xperted t" P.??*.**. Assembly "To.d; - Ilbsi iker ... -i ? ' then '?> : . . th" rr ? ? ? - lay. KITCHIN GETS 21 FEET OF SUFFRAGE NAME Petition from Illinois Wonc I allowed b) Active lobbying. r. ..-?aj i ' ' reh 18. R. ? t re ' ?. . le ?- tchin receive?! from tl ? - BtittOfl a?-? * - r he i* rderi - ? ... ntensiv? ... voted to post ... ? aero not ghl ?>f th it A I with ] . 1 throui ? ? rtl Caro . f the at ; ? whi resentativi .glfart ? ? ihai '.. . lier. . '' ' " -- ? ?? . Manor i and Mr.? ' lieiarj : i . - - vora' l{. pre ?. ha? - ? TO LFTVRE ON NOVELISTS John Cowpei r?i??\s in Give Series ?'? 1 Bths at ilnnti r I ?til?*?*;*-. pel - ? ? ? ?n.l Le. | Ti-.? ?der the auspl res alumna of ? .I - i'. ???-.-? I . ? ... March DO, si - . - - ? al'inmir. II I ? ? wk*"\*s*>j -*e TKi? Sign. TK.?-J. of Ccv..r\try lit*V *la?T\ to- Th.r\k ^ c/t'tMMt.Li?? to*-*-?? y?-!-W*-l?-< DOT ??^^ ?K.S 5?!^ WHAT DO YOU THINK - of an office, in the heart of ?lie City, ?o large that it contain- a full ?ire country hume You will mitt an opportunity if you buy ?>r leate a country home without viti'ing tu. H'i use?-?Plot??Acreage Furnithed and L'nfurnithed Reniait AtiMI.MI? iftf?V.V'.f-i NAME DOES NOT WORRY BOWERY Merchants Object, Veter? ans Satisfied, but Indif? ference Is General. ??'TAINT NO USE," OLDTIMERS AGREE Wuii Street More in Need ol At? tention. One Resident Thinks. . pea: ? o he ir.ii:rTerent indes ?-1 he? i ? ?:? i ?o Coatrel ? sad there an old'..mer, tena?- traditioB, reseats the char.?re bal Bfl ? thfcie i? a - | ? bul ? r a.: ? is a* ? ? e ' s centu .. : ?;, . a BUI ' ? ? . th? igfa plsea :? a better -.?reet ? ? ? -?i?. It ?ail slwa* - travel at any hour, but f. -trrage p<v.<o-. , Sew 'hat. The name to be rhans-ed, became It B . ? ? Mile Houae at 211 > y as old as ?he ?tree*, ?imer.t - a ,le?-p droi tend il I b.irrnnn.. Near 4- ... ?'rame, tin fe th? ? ? ? ? foi n millii ? coughed loudly i ? might walte i fumea! ?i>o??er\ Alaaa>? floater." sterpoeed a vet - ,, - he ??? ..'?, hit one hundred tl i als. " 'Ts ry. Alw.v. - r'at ale i : ' - reamii 11 i1 I Let I'owery always ?Jo??' \ ^'ree pat p that hsi - - ? .- against the . free? the Ban* Bower? ; he Bowery, always, for heir to the P Ferle?, an? Iher la ' mark. opr*.o?ite the B I .. de ta BBW name for the Bower] i ?- -i . topped that move BSSnt a ;.?r ?r U before ?" died." he NO FORECLOSURE TROUBLES Circumatanc? may make it necessary for you to foreclose what were considered good mort? gages. Eren il yoa know that you cannot '.oae ultimately, foreclos? ure suits cause annoyance and an interruption of Income. All this Is eliminated if you curchctse only Guaranteed Mort gafl?-s. The Interest you will receire regularly until the prlndpal is paid and the Bond h Mortgag? Guarantee Company will take the consequences of the foreclos? ure, purchasing the property if necessary. So investor fits t\er lest m dollar fyfl'^KMl (?UMJ-JflH (p Capital ft Surplus, $10.000.000 179 B ?ray. NT. 173 temsen SL.B'kUm 350 Fulton St Jamaica. rang ??p nengh To and 11 i a... ? --. I ? i ? n |? -i ? . a chanj-e or' name ri?.?j^H? help t route ? - a nari.e at all > near Riv ? . ais'er summed up II ??>ery. I've ? been here for tl rour yeara. I've B< nary come a: ,:??! ? lia Roan! I ; off a little nil . e j? .?..-%? baek . the ca'.ihre of the oid cov.' path " 40-YEARC?TY CHANGES FAIL TO EXCITE HER Aged New Jersey Woman Testi? lies in Barney Will Case. Now Vori ? > r ? ?? it r ? aid, i ? rrra! of tl oree r.. Barne] New York thai ? ? ' aterren ing did nol . ?? ? :\\ the bnilding which wa? no*. even in contempla: ion nbel I at fired far several '1rs. Barns , the tides, t B. Barney, a s smber of it H ? ,? estate of Louis V. Knnt?. and now ? . ? toen ether testing ring ? ? ? - ? latei an insane asylum, was not ?he execute.] her duel M Mr ' ?as eighty-four when -he dii sot man] ears hefore i own Bra? ? !>?r examiaatiaa of Jeremiah A. OTeary, for the con-1 TYPHUS ATTACKS VACCINE EXPERTS Tu o Members of Rocke feller Expedition in \.e\ ico Reported III. PROTECTIVE SERUM STILL EXPERIMENTAL Physicians Say Antidote Suc? cessful Her: May Ha\e found Stronger ?erms. > star Oil's"-*** s I I srlee H ish, "r." Isft New York last Jsnuary with :..jf-.ff? SxpeditioB to combat typhus fever in Kta*Je*e, ha?, been *? tacked by th* disease, accet i ? ? eh ha'-?? beer, re? frOBl Laredo, Te? Dl .? ' . - - i ? and waa aaaoeieted with I*r. H IS typhus ba? cillus and the typhu? ?accine. Dr. Husk is cor.neited with the medical staff of Imerican Smelting and K?-: Currip? I Koth in Hospital. 11 the Mour.t Sinai llosp ?? ?*.ig;e had been e - | Dr Olitskye condi? tion as improved, and saying that he had b?>eri HI ''or the last ten d?> ? Dr l'a condition ? not kno*n. It i? believed that they are in s h???p tal st Nuevo Laredo. I'r O'.i'tky went to Mexico to work on th? new typhus varcire and deter? mine its value as a protective agi-nt airain?*, th? r!t?ea?e. Nothma; is known a? the hoapital repardma; the work in 'l?xico done by the ?*? ? lition, BB BO repon bes bees made, but the fed I it the doctors have eon'ract-d ??.ere prrpar? ?! t< I COI | IBStiOB S ' th? germ st the Mei*r il fferent or stir I ... . -. race Bulgerie ' : ?. << l ? ?he?hfr the 1 i- thst on which he bat. work ' s country T>phus Vaccination t'ni-ertaln. "Nebs '.. I uv?. ?? fthlng at all about the value of t-.r'-;i? ? leeinatloB," seid one of the doctors at Ifoaat Sirs! last rhich l ?r. Olita and Dr. Plot? are ?jtirg' was BIB I New York, and worK?d satJsfed .? genas thai ??? ind Bu (runa BIB] be ' ITerei '. and the ya? !:??> i ?? -.? or - - ? j??.-.! ? here, ire Irving 1 *?.(*?? iron tho?e aaacrleted with 1' , so that **e may kno.v ju?t huw hit i 1 ?n?"-a-i came n Th? Kockefeller expedition Bel for Aguas Calientes, Ali xico. Januar/ 17, and Included Dr. Bernard Denser and a h.b. ratorv asalstaat, both from Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr ?i; also of the hospital, Ii ?b Au^ ? . tudying the typhu ? Is the Real Adventure get? ting a husband, or getting away from him? The bookstor??* will tell you it's the best selling novel in America. Henry Kitchell Webster's Brilliant New Novel The venture Lorgt 12-ro, t?tta, il .50 ret. .t?lttPtJ THL B0BBS-ME_-IR1LL CO, F^bluW? BEGIN TEACHING NFW CULT. *Aomen of CI I mmanity Deac B< -??;lC.'tU?* Wteteu't ? . urgaa? Ratal Kurtfca W_?hin-*ton. ?:_rr tarda] into all the worl.l t.? teach I - --???pel (?> every erea'ure. The Rev. Ann J A'lehach. of ;? 19 s Uark*s Ai pastor tt I ?? ? tw ? I ika ibes .i? a "regal -n al Christian belies si ? w. ',??? t .??"? ilna 1 far ail mai .-'i, Irrespeetlve of stet, demos>r, creet!. race. en,or, MX. wealth or station In life; m s "rotan ? d .-"n j-regat onall ni' Il te? latren? with one m atl ? f '?' fUt th? ll constan*. pra> - lice " ?1 'National Prepar? edness" It does -not come from guns and dread naughts alone Dut fr-*m men who are fit fur the day's work. The making of men is a question of tood and rational exercise. You can't build stalwart men out of unbalanced foods. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains all the material needed for building the perfect human body. It is the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. One or more Shredded Wheat !3iscuits for breakfast with milk or crtam makes a man fit tor work or play. It is re.-.dy cooked and ready-to? jerve. Made at Niagara Fal.s, N Y. mm *'?'?' I ? ??' ' "?- .???..?.?.-,????.?.????.???.???.-??-? x-.^.v.-.^V. ?-???-? ??? -a.'.-.-.- .vt ,-?? -.. .'.a.. |,,^;'('l/'" 'it.?.-. ^i-8AJP,WBM?l ! 1 p r ? 1 ?? ? Wanted: ''Super- Guarantees i j.? Have you ever found a guar? antee that was more than you ex? pected a guarantee to be? Have you ever found a real guarantee in force where you didn't expect to find a guarantee at all? The Tribune is making a collection of guarantees like that. So tell us your story of "Super Guarantees I Have Met" and send us the exhibit in the case? a card, an advertisement, a sales ticket?with your tale. We think it will interest us. If it does, we'll send you a check for $2.00. For the one received before April 1 that interests us the most, there's a larger check for $10.00 waiting. Tell us your stories, and tell them soon?before the first of April. Address Guarantee De? partment. ?the Wtibimt First to Last?the Truth: News- Editorials ? Advertisements. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation* ??<m m im m w wk ? ? MONEY-BACK [ff GU?RANTEH I * ?Ma - : WA : ? m X rOl " can purchnsc mer" chandisc advertised in ?>||? THF TR I BUN H with f? absolute safety?fur if dis? ?x?|| satisfaction results in an> case THE TRIBUNE guarantees to \:\\ your money hack upon request. No r^? tape, no quibbling. We make good promptly if ;^p: the advertiser docs not. i T" m m '?'??, ' " w? ? Hl ?? m? i 1 -, ?& ? i ??> ??hf Ncwgork ?Sribtxne First to last-the Truth : News* Editorial*? ? i Advertisements i