Newspaper Page Text
?-ND THF. ONLY TUNE?" WWlli the girl i ?-a'.?-past fou'; in play ' ? ? : ? I ?' ? ay." tad, whn lever charge patter? let, think the . riled goeernment. Dye-el .r eased irreatly in I ? Id price. ANTIQUITY OF THE MOVIES. ?? B? after and 1 mething rec ? . 'ace of min< ? ???? I learn m "Shadow - ? ' -> . re? Dark te the Learei 1872) -*? And this ?? f? - .-.'?-? - I '? i ? ? pleased companion's face, earn that Mildred Lawson, even uack films, for (nor ? . ;;, "Ceh ? always admired tai g1 proprietor ? - i our -";? ?? anybody who ? or n?ache< i< another ? ? ry a mai ilat ?.' a'n'.c ht.n i<? Ol K ADVERTISERS Our 12-point Bartlett type is next: -_y-lnd nothing could be nobbieh . our neto 10 point Cisi?n Cf\t ?-? Delia Robbia. ? Mex? V'i a Need? a 1 cing '..-izette^r ? 1. . re) ette." I ? r ? - ? .. ? er. I ? ?' ?? it. '?V \V '.'.!,. ? - - etting forth 1 ? ' ? RIZER ? 'her the funny frankness that had I looked ithe idea of dis >. whether he didn't say there thing.-! really was, ?and couldn't bear it; ,pe : r him un'.?* he could make bclie\o - v . real . wasn't?** ? r il ' dec N. V.. Standard: Tor arras, hen house, two acre? of land. t is no deprivation to h would impair my sft ine. tsnil ' 9*9 court? MiSfaotattsn'S Ifftlsai Aid. ' ' ft?. and sails and sal r **?*? ?" ' lag Ma 1 ? ? ? i . I 091 J ???? ' whether iho? 11 '? " ? Ml MOTHBtLAlfO f my Mi ? loat -io??rn-trofid?n lai - ? - itloa *?'. . -.. ? ???. sees aa ' ra si ? '-? i Pelees ??r a ?Ingle ?oie ?.peak Dut i. ??-. :.n, ? ? V ? ? --?iBa*, ., ? ? ,?? ? i- en, ? ti ? Ay i ? l i Genaaaa ?? ?in., *__ t world, IM jOMM IZTDLOWMU. ... , ,, -, ??.?.?? dini*. the country? . ? - mood, will demand the Cotona!, ?. , i iJonetH-e F- *.? A* I MISS JEAN LONG TO BE WAY BRIDE Marriage to W. T. Ketcham Is to Take Place at Ardmore, Penn. JULES BOIS TO GIVE LECTURE AT PLAZA Miss Schermerhorn Will He Married to John Matthews on May 2 ?I. Lor.$*. o? \r ? i Will "Mi noon, - par pnts- ' : ?ated from Vale aother H rie I? I (.ram;, tor t ? ?? and ? I au ' ? Mr? ?ler? . ? ? j. ? I ra, John !,'. ? ?orn. " ter da ?? ?eft Dgl V?. I : rroMa ... ? ? ? the A IVound? - ' ? lohn Liai er van 1 . .. ? . ai I rned ? *. ? be i ? - ?- ? aftei n at t V r ??-. ,v j Crip] ? School. Bauei Mannet g of ? - of Mra, ?J Morgan Browne, . .? ? ? ? ? ' - . - ? ? Douglaa Rob .... ?. ? ng 1 ? ?? ;*h on Max ????-? Misa Anna ? ? - e de Gers? ? Mr. ar.d Mr? Bl I Marie G. Johnson at ringa, Ya Mra Fra lotit I * *r will *-ir-? a re tudio thia afternoon. Mr? H Diteon ?' ftei ' her homo, ... Jtreet Mra. B the ? I a bridge , ? NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSES -Marie-Odile" Igaia at ?M Standard? ? i- i ?W-" st the Breas. opened for a return - ? | ? D of Kdward Sup? tarr w? Wain? : J and "Da Long-Legs.' run at ? ? A '?'?. . ? At the Burlesque Houses. "?'_??? Pi in the ad I a ladies' ?emii ? ? ? re la.-t - aripal l'arn :. rayne ? ? ? ? # ?? ?_ IS HAMMERSTEIN TRUSTEE i reilitor? I/H-arn Oscai*a ?'n'y A-met la Pledged Bleck, a? a aieeting of the credit * f Ol ? ??.r Nathan? I ,el A ted trtietee Mr. Ham? ..- aeeompaaied by his ? ? ' r the Mr. H I them that the s, iy ? e know of area tl . ?j fnr a loan of |:..."i?o. He 6?,4?.; . aged u> f*u_l other ai ltt_. .--_:_-?,-?*-?' '"?? MRS. JOHN JACOB ?ASTOR AT AIKEX. ?BLUE ENVELOPE' IS A DOOR FARCE Humor of Play at Cort De? pends Largely Upon Physical Action. ? fat*** I am ? ?? ? ? i i-? traitai ? ,-? -T . . . r ; ? - ? . ?A? I - - - i:-..?? , ? ? J lali ' ???... a?,. .. Ths rising sortais ..t the <"ort The? atre last r : : i< r ? re. fair j a room that ??. B BCTTMB ar.d a ? of the doors . act, and ths lixth sad the scteea sa? the plot in "he second, but, there :' use for Shake?pears is a farce that humor in th? rapidity * I of characters I thl | 1 te escape ? to er.ter through I?oor No. -, the second group believing that the person? behiad DoOl Ka. -I are a res ad Door No. 4, that those, who a beea 1 ??'*? - I Deer No. B pi froi gettli | : ? "' F it is merely i i aenseli is, and the rial, lather a fall y good the programme - . to guard ? - ' named John Poe an?! e wer* also "The as well as a po '. doctors ar.d a Furthermore, ? thai the third act -.? a? ? ? ? . riam on Long and. ?- -emed to presage a farce of the BOY! period, ar. . wa.? ?xa.;- . ?a bat ti-.e piece turned out to be. ' the, -ure-Sre fat -. late the plaies I Aagal u,.j .* r, - ? as a ilk one hand I -mg caugr-.t In the act of ? lb | te a marr.ed man with the other. IS 1 -lel'.eved-to i| - ?'?-- ? ?? ? . from the girl be hoped to B* also a bunch of te stteri ? ng to ? >a? u bcau'?> . ? ? and a toxittab ?mash-up thut brought a : sromafl togeth-jr, .-of "hell?' and "damos." Ar.d theru was the ?cre-m and tl ? the com ? -.?.?> for laughter Bad S bit however, it hnd I a it deserved. .-? .. ? ??.-?...-.g, a i ? - i the fauit of the authora that they I ? : rge Prebert ca--? ,.r.d Waiter with a laughless c'.urned to I . 1 was ? il reel -. ' ? ?atina; ? ? r a smile, ,,? I Fraaklya and iii ward cid everything in ; .;?*? r, ? ? ? ? ? $70 FOR CRUIKSHANK BOOK Bryssrt's library of Poem? Brings ir,:..-.?? at Iranklm Sale. graphers as a scarce eni) IM issued --? ptive H rka if lieorge top pi *? 'he i on? of the ?.a!.-, at t-.e And? r?or. (',?1 rr:et, of the librar. ? ". J M J the purchaser, gavs |7'i for this ?or?. Dr. Jo?erih Mar'.ni gave S"J.*.?) foi "A Now Libran W ??;--., . - rate '. I Cruik? ? ? '.'. alters ?rave St'..; n ? ?. Harri? obtained, for Ivea's copy, la roar vol?mes, of Dib graphical v i ? litiaa; or, the Hietoi - ' Prlaliag m Englani. .*??-.?Mnnd *rd Ire'.-. Th* total of both ????ion? was IV 921 *5 Th* ?ale will b* continu*?,? this aft*rr.oon. I NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Film Version of "Ramona" to Follow "Katinka" at 44th Street Theatre. The Fort, fourth ? ? | ?mpany for :r.e - mor.H. ' a four! I fe, it :???? ??nie kruwr. | af ? each ?cene a cast of ? enact ir. p.? atmospheric i*'.: I| will b? lowercal, a:.d the ItO**** I ued on the acroi on of "Rasaoi a" ii ? few hundred feet loi I - I I ' Birth of a Nal n** a ? a heurs s laace. "K?. the "ausleal Forty-fourth Street Theatre, fti I ?.ose its New York run the end o' the month, to go on torn com*;; SI ? ? ? . ? ?:. for : a shor Janea K .. | af? ii ? ? ? I ? ra '? famous. Marj Has. a repertory eon ? ? I.adv." ta:! .- ? I ? ? he Nee : : has Tnrt% ir. three of tl ? ? far produced ahle to resume her the Plajrhouie 1 ... f tl - * Ohio La rurt In Chieaf Dm to t Tree's pro: . which ha? I Theatre 1 tending ha ... i ?eat? I tain -sill risa at ? BOORXOVERS1 FOUNDER DEAD Seymour Eaton a Virfim of Heart ?Ma? ease at Plfty-six. Philadelphia, Maeeh i Eaten, a ai lelf ks cm rertlalng exper*. died to-dav ?. . ? Lai heart SleOSSO. Ii? US years i old. Mr Eaten uot r of the Book? ! lovers' an.i Tabir I Inn Llbi . toaron tor of thi in this I ?? : | -v | hi rn. , ANNOUNCES SUFFRAGE PLANK I? I Het-frd, Seeking tC llun for New j.r-ev Geveraer, f?>r Banal Ballet. In ? . ah ich le;?-. ? ? Jeney. George I Record, of Jersey yesterday caiae sut " ?''?? 'or -ornar. suffrage '"-" "K '?; "If ?lert? | reor I pledge i ' U BSC * h e srrr,, ? ? - ?' ? ? manas-emer * of 'he pul of I a following rr.e-i- jr. ? : ? ? ? eipal home rule, local nrti n or home rule or. t,. ? a ' r r.'imc rule on puK ? IochI I, ' r hoi .it.on, I ? law pr?-' franchi.?"! of | rpora ? ? . tie hat's I that OS a i of raili ii "La.?'1!-, ' self ? es senai tutiona? amend!-. a -omen the ?ame njtht to vote as m?c . - - 50 STAGE STARS TO HONOR WINTER To-day's Testimonial to Venerable Critic Will Be Remarkable Tribute. EMINENT MEN TO OCCUPY BOXES i lab?rate Shakespearian Masque To Be Given in Honor of Writer. Poet and Scholar. .. at ?-a Hou?e th ? after? ? most .-es ever tendered to ?n la this eons ? than ? ?tage ? - of the ve-r.erable ? ? ?mes abo for ?as dramat.c cr f.c el I Th?? rill be ? John ? and ?" ' ' fl trich re the ' bore? are .'? . ' ? era are H. H. I ' ' i Mr?. ' lira. Mrs ?Vgrren '?' ' ? . ? - I'roframme for 1 est i menial. The , i? a? foi: ? ? ?-.: i - - V. I .1? w . . - ? ' n?? : 111 lana . - .T II . ? - ? . tl : - > I ? I. " >? ? 4 * Bann *ar T???r ? ? ? ?? t ? ? - - laaro '?' - ? ? - - WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. ? - > ? ? - i - - - . . ? '-?. ? 4 ? -.-.- taren i M l am Htm lernt Tb-air* c. ? . . il S ? ? -4 ? ' - , ? ? ? ara ? i ? i B ?j? ? . - fork S ? na et tba - , . '' -- i * ? : M tl .... . . . -.;?-} ?tat ? ? - ? a . - * ?' 1 -1 ... - ? 4 4- , . :t Boit ? - - ? r ? ? -? . ! h ??- -i . ? t . i . t '.?*.? . ;.- i r - t i? >. t* gato h??. ? -? ? ?? ' ?jx-JB? MfhlV, I??am.'' Act V !- -er 1 ? to: i - HacaMft-l .... tva-im H?_ai>'-. ? J ? - ? ? -:-.*?? tota ? <-fi ? Se? Seefe-r ? . ' . _ r?rv?-a Wim : - -???"-' "..-?? ' - i ' --.-? . ? 4 . ? 4.' ? CHANGES IN PALACE BILL George Sash and Julia Hay Substitute fur Hattie Williame. Rival darcmg couples are the head lii -?at the Palace Theatre this week. ? I HiaSSS -ras to have appeared la a sketch by Grace LH ? **atea Fur niit. but Misa Williams i-e-queetcd a i the .:.-.crests of pee? Carrie Do Mar ? l matine? in a sketch sailed "Quick sr.d ?rot It At the evening the void was filled by -??? \_ah and Jul.a Hay in "Th? I'nex;?? tt ?'.." an BSluaing piaylet, seen at the Palace sesreral we??k? air??. another chance waj the t-hSCSJCS from the h - l ".ca! reasons, of Geerge Bickel and Barry Watson. Unen ?'?,? dust had ?-ttle.l It was i that Joan Sawyer and George Harcooii ?tr? eompetiag with Florence ? '' artce Far he ? re? .'-.ver to glee a decision. aay that both dancing pair* rel *urtaina and dark hu<\i or trsi The amceing Henry Leerte ted I - "?audeeille cocktail." ant alance of the prv.-ramnt? wa* mude trank Urth and the! Kirk and Billy and a pootng UBdor the guidance of a g*rrUle named Breach. CAPTAIN BERNTER TO SPEAK Fxplorer Will Address Canadian Club at Dinner To-night. The Canadian Club of Ne-w York. John Emery McLean, president, -rill have a?- guest of honor at its "Explor ? la evening, at the Biltmore, the ?'an...! as Arctic explorer and navigator, C?ptala Joseph F. Ber nier, who is soon to leave on another expedition in an endeavor to reach the Amor.-- the other gneit? who will speak wi.l be Gecrj-e K. Cherrie. who ? n his r of Doubt" expedition; Captain ?? E Bartlett, Anthony F?ala ar.d ind Heller, who waa with both Color.el R<>o-e-velt and Paul Ramey on their South African expeditions. Thom?i? I' Nee anda, thairman of the rtainntcnt committee, is in charge ' ? i arrangement?-. HOMER SINGS IN "AIDA" Make.? Flret Appearance in Verdi Opera Thi? Season. Ixiui'e Bomer sang Amnen-t ir. Verdi*! "Alda" for the t'.me this year last night at 'he Metropolitan ? > House. Assneirls is perhaps not IflB, Be*~MI*S best part, but she hat hlways he.--i satisfactory in it. and the v,al so last |ht ? '-vas In excet ? voice and received a warm greet ? ? -, _ the east have all raag their resp? l re parti lereral ' this seaaon. Mme Reppold was the Alda. ? | ai t. ?. Mr. Mar a rese- ant ro red Radamae, Mr. Amato a iq( aaro and Mr Scott an . Remfia. Mr. B-.-agnoli con? ducted. SPHINX CLUB TO DINE Will Discuss I'reparedness, Naval Needs and Villa To-night I ?ill cot all that is coming to him verla'.:-, when tl phiBS Club : at the Waldorf-Astoria ; to-night A formidable array of spea? : reparednea ? and naval ' 'Tie I. r.ited . arill make ad ral Leonard Wood, Hear Admiral Robert E Peary, 0*Byan. Lieu?. ?r Kar'. B. Je*<op, Rep? : i alder, Mai * \\. : - N'ehemifth Boyn 'd Laurence II. Luellen, inventer B Mobile Arma ? m. ? - "The Great Pnrsuit'* Opens. ipaaS ?o Tt.i Tribu.-.? ) Toronto, March 13. "The Great Pan by ?' Had Jon Chambers, wai ? -ted hv Joseph Brook? here to? ? at th? Boyal Alexandra Theatre arith a can which Included Phyllis aVeilaoa-T? rry. Mane Terr.peit, Jeanne * Brecha, Pnce McRae, Char!?? I III rrv, l.riham Browne. Men liter a week'i the play **rll go to New where it will bea--in an ?engage? ment at the Siiubert Theatre oa M II ? . - 'Th- tjr.a* Fur s a modern version by Mr Cham- i fcer-j of 1 _a I lier." ? MISS GOLDA CORREA TO WED I? Engaged to Jame? Harden?Mise Lang?troth To Be M arrivai. Th? cngegemert haa been announced of C, '. iu <~orrea, daughter of Mrs. '?'. EL A ? r-'.t. . if | : \\,... Seventy ninth Street, to James Harden, of this city, The ?aoddtag will take place in Jj".?. M.*? ?'crrea's father was vic?* pt*esia?eat of the Home Insurance Com? pany Mr. and Mr?. T. Wmsor I-angstroth. of W.nsor Place, Glen Ridge, N. J, have ar.r.erjr.eed the engagement of their daughter, Misa Dorothy Lang? et roth, to Jame? I-auchy Oakley, son of. Mr?. James Oakley, of Montclair. Mr. y la resident m .r.ager at Kobe, Japan, for J. M McDonald * Co. No date has been set fir 'he MRS. SARAH N. Htl.lOCi. O'-snge, N. J, March I I. Mrs. Sarah S Hafleek, seventy-three, died this I igton East Oraai . r.onia. ? ? ? Sem Y rk, coming her? rs ago. Her husband. Louis S. HaUo4*fc, ? Sho wss a member ? if .nl.of th? Eases Count; ithU H ??pi *al and was a t - to many philanthropic mov.-m?'nts. Mr?. Hallocat .. member o: Brick rrcsbjierian . East Ors . .1 ?? ?? .?enti? fled its missionary efforts. Sha leaves three daughter*. JOHN J. 3CAIXISTER. John J " ? re, ? ?ilk; Bsaanfatrtai ? . ?Iill Su-eaK, 1'ater-j son, <ii?t foolordej Be ??>?? beta in] Patcrscn and ?as a I I emo.j erat. He leaves his Wife, wo ?. BB and a duughier. f den CAPTAIN ANC.KI.O J. ARATA. arrtjun Angelo J. Ara'a, of H";* ("ar?, a? r. street. Hob? '?.?n, a '. it of i the Erie Kerry Ceaapaay, liad yeetee??] day. He wan one of the or.-, -? * ' the American AsfMCisI *a r* Misters! an Pilots He ??:,? .t - ? f th? ! Ma?omc fr?terait l tions. horn ;n Ganara, Italy, taptain' Anita came to Amer;.a v?r-..i ?. i i-' fai Be aras h school commissioner' of Hobuken lour ?mr?. Ilia wife an?l three daughter? -.r ra him. hied. A ? uon.Mary ft. fkl tmmt McO. Elktns, Maryc Strang, Ira I>. - E F Tewnsei !. v?. a. Halluck, Sarah N Tr.??;??, Lucy J. ALRERTSOV At tVra'hnr-v.on 5*e-en'h d?y. Third month, llth, Mary f Funeral servie? I al kef ? home, on Third d*y, Th rd n.'nith, at 11 e aavas Pel a, ?n , T*e* t Jr: ?lily.1 a papers r 1 B March 12. : 110. SfaTT C Kate) 1 1st* ? ?let 14, a ?opy. : . t in-law, Herbert K ' 4 : Or?:. ' HA!.I I March IS, of Laaia tl ?? . ?me, 11**4 W ? ? . ? . ? ??. ? ; I ' home of - ? Char It Gunn, I ? - FT RAN?". A* ?Shrek ' 12, ISM, ?fa '? I hi* I ?.??ar. fattert . I ? ? IS, at J o'clock p. m. fOfi ??'SEND March I"*, ?grtaner sal runeral ? Timothy, STtl it? t f?th avs., on V. h \>t at 10 a. m. rcl 'i, *l Ka?t Orar ire, w*tt? Trippe, wife f Wi and laugl ter of 1 ? age- Euneral private. I NTH.R TAKERS. 9 ajsttst* ;fauoil^ CTMrTTERIES. ?the wooniAi? v rrwrTmrt. BBSS Bt B? Har ?m Trkin att.* tr Troll?-?, Lare.? ?f ?ma:: a ?? ' ' ???? Clfflc?. IS Kiuit 1M PU I?* T. -? WARNING i Messrs. Costikyan &Co. hereby warn their clients and the public that they have no connection with an Auction Sale of Rugs being advertised under a very similar name. Messrs. Costikyan & Co. further state that they have never held any auction or special sales since the incep? tion of their business. Costikyan & Co. 12 Bait 40th Street