Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE. Your Money Back If You Want It tee getteetat I . ? was? 1 Mttotyi Vor. 1.XXV....No. 25,3.28. ?opt ri? hi I 11 H The Trliitiii? \..'n ? ??<"?*?""?*>* at??Ei -. Catrr* ?ti?wne WEATHER. ~" Rair. c: Vtom ami warmer*. Probably fair tomorrow. ? First tn Last?the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements H E?SI)AY, MAI.rU 21, 1916. ? * ? . l\l" l'l'\T I" *"*?>?"?- I 'I' ^???rl.. .l?ia?T(l|T, "?""?I? I I..S. I ,,?,, II..!...!?, r. M.?,al,?r?- ! ?. ? ?eels. Villa Trapped After Defeat, Say Carranzistas; Three American Columns Closing on Bandit GERMANS PUSH FLANK ATTACK WEST OF MEUSE Paris ?Admits Partial Success in Drive from Malancourt. LIQUID FLAMES AID ASSAULT Berlin Claims Repulse of French Counter Attack at Vaux. March 20.?Th? German _ttad has aif-ain shifted to the west i ;se. Thr.r ranks rc - th?? failure of five t right assaults on Vaux, the altar? OH the Verdun anvil have been resumed and the Germans have turned their attention to Le Mori Homme. ??riic. however, instead of at . orbeaux W?Ood, ala of the Crown Prince are ?tt? * pting to flank the bill. Vio .accompanied by the use ..ere delivered to-day ? '?'.. ..* ? .rt-Avocourt sector - ota ar.'i east, instead O? to - . of the hill. In the Malan? ga admits a pnrtial * does not detail the ex ? ? ?i <? ?., reruui v "? . ays the, Ufa Offlec lUtement i? -mans. in the course ?<? daj, after an ir'.< with she.;-?* of lari? . le an tttempt to ? ' their front An attack by a fresh reeenUy brought up -. --note from the front, bed with (rreat violer.? . the use ' I liquid r poaitioi '?:,'ilaricourt. Fire urtain Stop? Attack. ?- ? ft arc. th? Bra oi ,-.-.s ar.d infantry lafliet*?*! ? ?-,??? ,. ? . iort of the aaaa ?lifht pro| >?. t ; : ??"*- oi th? , * ?. ? ? - bombarda)?*)' s\to oe I and ? ? M IB ^ ?rdun 'hts-board, the flanklr.ff attack t '** ? Maas? **??>?> eatlelpated b; * i faacfc ar. . f * ' them coir.; Ije?p;ti the tr??Mf r ar.*! desperation in the a???ul'? ? ... . . ,.. a.a. . v m be no isfal than the direct attack? '? - ? rheae** and Bel I ? , ?? trtot :???? .? ? |h1 p aad asasso? atoo' '? , avail- ! ? ? ->.-*--i of artUto-ry. B*/ea tk? ? ? ? ? fir ktary pne fei ?fall will ?"' a ?? -.???? * ? ? ? ? el?ar, t.?? ?a. ? . . , |hl fren hanged |Ua Ha ..? i ? - ft ?h* ? ? .?'.*-?? ' I . Il ' ?n Offered A?d at V,rdun . Ha .* ? U tUTOtn it-*: ? i atill rafinff, ' and .'a admira- . ... ... ?--,-. ?ial: iti .g? - l . , ? matt Ikal it will ? . Mtage? ??- ' ? ' ' . a , - .. . ?-, the ? ' ? , !'??-? I ? ? ? in? ? " '-? ?????* ? ?f u i flanking ?m '?i ' fjt ? ? ?h- be peaked heai? ' ? -rar a will ga.r? OSO* '? I OW ,h*n r??'t aaaaiilt <?n| "* M'.r? j}?,?. ?. ? ?f tb?y ar? ab i ""M' ? ? ?-??...t4 i ? -.??f? - ? ?1 i . H' I " ' * ' A V ? tl Nell* ? ?? all * (? ' A UUoitl Ml K4?f* I r'rlnm. t DUTCH PRESS CALLS ON WILSON FOR AID ,*. ? London. Match20. While part of the Dutdi pics has talked tarar with Gennany .?s ?"i result of the ?inking ?if the Tubaiiti.i and the Palem bang. another section lias called upon the govern? ment to appeal to President M ilson tor aid. Hie Amsterdam "Handel blad'" declares that the I nited Slate? should make the intere'ts of all neulrall fier own and take tliem under lier protection A confe.ence of neutrals for joint action i? suggested. RUMANIA TO ENTER WAR, GREECE BELIEVES Results at Verdun Also Swinf-in" Athens Toward Allies. Athens. March 19. The impf prevail? ??. ! |?-h political eirelea si Athens that Rumania soon will aban? don h??r palie; of neutral i of the Knt? nts Allies. ai 1er the war Greek I t piare.i in un ? rass:nj- position. Militai*? repre?enU M ai the I'ntente Allies <io not i! ? guise the fact that at present they have no nee.I f?.r Greece and do iol ?i?-?'!e t.. assume- responsibility for mainten? ance and equipment of the (.reek arm.. unless they arc as?':- tel** of cooperation in the even? of an Allied off? lire in Mac?- : The eearss of tl ?> : ghting at Ver?lun has produced a marl*?*.! impresi even the most ventioriist.?. and the rojralial press i? enansriska its tone in regard to partici? pation of Greece n: the '?ar. MORGAN SURE PEACE IS STILL FAR OFF Disowns Credit for Rumors That Causo Wall Street Break, break pri?tes 01 Exchange yesterday, especially in war ??t.-icVs. ?ras attribut i to rutnoi peace might he ?-Tpected r.oav. T;.e ri?,--?, talk was connaetad with the .'act that .t. I' ."?Lir-t-aii ?as hack at bis desk rifter ;i trip to Engls '.?liicii he '?--.| tn hack new Allied securities with Am?'ric.:.n col? lateral. It was ?aid by fri? : ?riit.. however, that he yesti the ere hi ii H'ii!?.l that he fell sun ths ? i ot the war was still fai Mr. MorgBB said t h h '. An rut aa important i reports mad? ? ??' be dumped in a lot on the An, Hot well handled for the inter? I V '??'.' t lat.')'. ? i * - lid com?- SO -U'l* dsnlj s * ? ted, accorc? ing to Mr. Morgan, becausi the A tie the ?? -i - until -.var mena??- ha*l been cru*' i rj GERMAN AERO DROPS SMOKE BOMBS ON GUNS Means to F.xpose Battery Posi? tion Used by Pilot for First Time. Par ? Mar.-', . - ? has dropped several smoke burnt. a French battery, il ??. reported fr?.m tl.e front. This is the : rst time sines i.r :'????Hr. that weh bombs have been 111 Not in themsrlvc? dangerous, the ? jf.'.-e fi.r-n a int? per-aist? for ?'? long time a- d serves a? a ?,'??'(1?- for the hostile artil? lery. MARJORIE STERRETT TO BE G. A. R. GUEST tdmiral .?>ig?r?ee, \dnnrsl t ?her. I ornmandant ?if Hie i"'r????kl?n Nat? lard, and Marjorle Nterrett. the balllr?hip girl, -?ill he the guest? of h.inor at the annual r.mrert and r? ?eption of Wlnrhester l'o?l, I ft, i, \ U . t?. nif-lit at the Masonic temple. I.afa?eltr ?.nd 1 lermi.nt A. a-nur?. Hrotikl? n. \ parade ?if the po?l ?ilh Ihr Admiral *>rhl? a *-<iuadron. Spanish \?,?r \ iteran?. ?n?l St. Barthala me?'? Hatter?. I?, under ?nmniand of Major 1.1. K?erd?-H. ?ill ?Pen the earning. ?Hit ??lilrli a guard of liorior ?III Sarar? the admiral? and Marjorle t?i Ihelr seal?. It ?a? derided al a meeting of the -x.?l aa Saturda?. ni?-lit l?> de tote a percentage ?>f IstS rerelpls la Narjaeie's Hattir.hii? Fasi?, a? ??> rtl.lrii'e <?f the e.leein In ?hl? h the t Heran? ?'"Id the girl ?l??> Marled tiii? patrtatli ataesateat. 'ii?e<<?m mlltee ?if arrang?-ments i? headed b> WIIUbtti A Hoolfin. fami < '"" mender, and William f CrfMh, I ornmanilrr. Total loda.e IW11 11 SumUr of ? on? rll.utors ."'.70'? the ?lor? of *?h?' eat up-slatr ??(??o? did for IM "?S'a. ?nd I?" "?' ?1 teaHerda? . r ?ml rihutor? ?HI l?r found on page ?? CURB HOLLWEG REICHSTAG CRY Herr Wolff Declares Chancellor ?Must Obey Parliament U-BOAT ORDLiRS CRUX O? BATTLE Constitutional Issu. Grow? ing Out of Modification of Sea Campaign. London, Mardi 20 Di ip ?? th? appar. German*! on th?? war, Indication! ar,, apparent of a fas1 -?ng. Th? the i boal i the imperial Cham ? to th? R< ? '?-ail of ? I - Kiir?er. Tins ?aaue waa ? I taken editor it chief i t the "Berlin Tag? blati the most fluenl rrany. A .. ?-.?.? ? f,a he COU d, ' comir? pr?s? ? called apon thi ?.??r'.H' . ? ihr. '?? ... ? ? r a ? that hin i??- ? them" In oi der ? bal I '??t-diri? for Parliament th? I >?? hie), i- ?I . Mf rr ?on H? '?ran.:. | . . d en "tha new hope af thi mor racy" in ???nHinir thi lli<ra- \V?.]rf ?*r?ankly t .. ? , ? ; th?> laaue preaenti .: .. 'thai illowi ? I'm -, intri? l an.i Prance. I" en thu? i1 earn - ' '. .-,'.-. ? es, Dr. \on Bi thmann lit friu?' ' ? .r-,;. hi? opinion ? ? ? : ? ? ? ? rr?l nntenal ? Morr Wolff, rommc i g on thr Con urna' ' ? 'A. ? "Many of UB I. a eon? . ? ha* the the Conaervi bers of thi . ? ? brought to ho', und a: foro bedtime. "Whei e atorm-1 ?ti or ? .*. r ry their ] everything l era them ai realiti th? ? ?irsirrs in the R? ly as will re j eel thi? mputal rur? for Parliament the r? ' bare. < hanrrllor (ihitrt of ?altarla. ?'Th?? 'Kreui Zeitung' hai ?lerlar-? 1 franV. : ? ? | tiom 1 t\ ativea and thirty ? pporl n th? i'-' ntended to expi tho g ?... h eh ? ' ? . . ? . - ? ; ?? ? Beth m ni Hollweg t J e ib Imperial i : ' ? him. "la i that-al ; ? ?1 im.*. ?? ' ? ? a :? ? ? ?I pur' an ? Il nri- <>f the pi ' Bui . f th? ti ?? ?.?.. ? b< en broug ioio tl "In h! n jr : Mr? ii i ? ? . rspedii pu.i and Saloi ? off? ? oat part haa bei . an i tar; .? - m : that i? 1 ? ? ' ng try 1 effed ? I prerogal ? of the al . ? - "Our Cona? ? I ? ? .. ir fiery demand ? r irther ? aat 1 ? that elaewhen ? ? ? al and mil? the | I ? .-?I .i? t0 m .. ,i . a rrif(....| whil ? French co.on "Harr ron Heydebraad remaina, nev ? i ?? . I ? - i ? ? : I.y the I tag declares thi .... ; . thi? German) ? abU I limit I ?iiitlii????! 'in | ,?? ' r??liir,iH 4 SHONTS MIXED ONGAYNORTRIP He Saw Mayor Before St. James Jaunt, Thompson Learns. NEW FREEDMAN LETTER FOUND Mitchel Says He Never ?Saw Offer to Build ?Sub? way Without (My Money. I sal aas generally be sr.d there was neither e? del 5? nor ?* ? to prora t.. the eontrsry that re P lionts, pi ..?nl Mayor I'aynor SSI inct or. .4, 1910, a* Ihs Mayar*! Home in -? James (I -a? or. this 'np that M raheaii I. BCtC-d a? ?? .rer arid companion to ths IsterborOUgl ient. Mr. 81 onts admit ' ?'erriay sf '?? documentar] proof was advance?] pro? ? i' the fa?-- -r,H- .i--. April : ?Jays i ?????rr* ?;.?. gt, .lame? riait, hr visited Ma ei ity Hall ? ? ? ?: chairman of tli? Public Service Commission, William R Willcox. Mr. Willces, who ?a? under subpeena before the commu? t?e, eat a- ?nor to Mr. Th<? test -err.irg ?l ? .lai'ie? trip shoved tha' on the ?a- I ?I Ca?apr*a h'.-ne Mr Shnntr. niad letour of (went] ("?.? m.les to call o.i Edwin liable?, -?ho ha? ? died ' said he did riot ?ememher ..? he talks I t.. Mr, Ha ? ley about, ? ' ill If it was con ?. ? ? ... i. ?????? Shont? Again on Stand. ? i ?am?- connection two other tant ten sd yesterdsj ? ' ? . his was two lit of Mr. Shonts to ... . ;: . , i. rectors ..;-,.. t was a"er dan? a ?e? ?o Ml the II terbo.-ough. 't I i .'i pa,??.! a * ? ?'?-. ? ? ? ,'ii rr ? ?-...-.-.. ? ? T h i ? power to rt of a ict with the ..huut the lif.finl of directoi ' .. ,- ? ib on their action. The second ?late ua? April C7. 191?*?. ?if'?-r 'he ,--hont? ?? i p at .tame?, a- ? said Mr, Baonta h? *.. the Intcr .>*.?_?? .!?;. a 8fter Mr. Shonts'a ?a1**, witl - ?? Mayar in the l :'. Ha 1 ommltment? and llhligarion?. ... ? ? "I." lines s si .. :?? ? the board Hi ?-nnnee :> ? y?ar- later I I ' ?' ? - - ?mmitments and Ol ? H putting through the dual subway rontrnct?. This rnuch Mr. Bles he said that the $2,0 ??'. in the contract his friend,' John V. Ster? ? ib he wanted the r i tract swarded, b it to paj i II I . ? ? liom ? (Tort was made 1 eitl ? to the eoiBB tt? ? Mr. hont a to I ' ? ? .rough This will probablj be attempted 01 I riday. lides Mr. Rhonts, Mayor Mitehel ? entroller Pr? ndergsst were wit? nesses before the committee yesterday. T?. ? ontroller Prendergasl ?a- ?I.own i ?. , > ich ?a? dated March . :.. He a ?. ha .i d Bal sea it ... tente might u ? at I s ' ? never ?;?? I li.nllniird on |.afr ".. ?nliimn I Four of a kind An editor out in Idaho, a banker in New 1 ork. a littli* boy in Pennsylvania, a ( somewhere in FrailCC?each said recently what hr thought ot Briggs. What each <>n<* thought wm that Brigge appealed to him m particular. I ?ir funny part is that ?all four writ right. Brig^s .ippeals to everybody in general in particular?if you know what we mean. If you don't know what we mean, ?list turn lo hil i artoon this morning and see how it ap pe ile to you. I'?ge I 2. ?he (Tribune / ?rnt in Last -tUO truth: Neu s-I'dlinrialn- Ad\ ertiscmenf U?rnr-?r ? f II??? Au?l!'. II .:??..? I ? Six Scouting Biplanes Reach Pershing's Army ./ M '?<-'??-1 to Columbus, \. .V.) GENERAL PERSHING'S HEADQUARTERS IN MEXICO, Mari h 20. ? Six biplanes of the First Aero Squadron, under com? mand of Captain B. D. PoulOtS, arrived to-day to scout in the moun? tains lot Villa. Two machines left Columbus last night and one this morning. Four spent the night in the vicinity of La Ascenci?n. T!:e machines were driven by Lieutenants S. C. G. Chapman. J. E. Carberry, H. A. Dorgue. T. S. Brown. H. H. Willis and H. S. Conell. W. G. Kilner. in the seventh machine, has not been reported. Additional troops arrived here to take the place of the thousand men sent from the temporary bases to try to pursue Villa. The above dispauh apparently means that only 1.000 men. prob? ably picked cavalry, are actually ?"'?Kagrd m the chase alter the bandit in the mountain retreats in arhktl he has taken refuge, while the remainder, about 4,000 in all. representing artillery, infantry and cavalry, are held at the Mexican base. DECIDE ON DIRECT STATE TAX AGAIN Legislative Leaders Fig lire on Levy of from S.'?. 000.000 to'$10,000.000. I ?" - a ' ? Alb-iny, March 20. A d ?a , '. bttwtetl | ? ?1 110,000, 000 ?,?, ?|1 l>. a tha 1 -"?/.slature ?,.... have 1 e 60 per ? * T ?i e ;?r i. ? . Controllef Raoi v.:g ? ? ??rhauliiifj Ot tha taatatir? itatemcnt ef rereanee made l.y 'he Centroller l?verai months bj?? l'eputy < ontroller ii etnvini* to * j.i?t"*v an Inrraaai in the aeMeeata ?of 1 *h-? amonrtt of revtnua given ** 'ha*. timt?, becaaM the Repob ran leaden of *he Lcgii latura an ? ?^ on him ? ? ; ? e pro? po ? ??tax ? 'In. among th. eg v. n.? no lnt? r:.ata? I ' purp?'- of tha e the mattoi ? t in ertale ai te lament. ? tted that i - it 1 \m re not eerti much higher. A itoi prominant part in the eonfi ?lay laid thai that would hare I tax would be about 1 ?ending member of OB? of ' ? eommit tee.? that hsni'W the Leg ialature d'darrd tha* tax would I'? In the .od of ho. ever, on the understai I .: at th<? Btata ( ? balan?a of 16 tuggesi tin? year eami i - I formed per? tho beginning of the a* i.. aa not ? ? ? ?.trice and in tho La g i ?1atui is 1 talk ' i fer I ear would esta a record ae far i ?.aver?' I the total amount ?*>* l ?pria? tiona laat year wa -.*.?: being $19 ? . ?. i. ; und ma., go I igher Ii ? I ' ? ? ?? ? ar propriat mi thi?. year, . tat? tax was une* ? ?.am I nexpenrled Balancea. h the first elaee the m .. ? , - ? v..'I l>. g bach treasury of the unexpended bi t h ?? la?' three rr? - I f":?csl year, wl eh would i i but for tl ing made th ?a year. Thu ba!a-r? ? * In addit I i there hat turne.: , - the treasury ? ? th:? sum h ?a ** bi tak? e at I ? . ? MEXICO SUBMITS PROTOCOL OFFER Wants Agreement with the U. S. in Villa Pursuit? His Troops to Aid. "\ s ihing .merit of Mexico tO-tlay proposed to the United State- the dl r'rutiici)!. under which American a'.i - rnsy cooperate in run t in?: ' ? earl i rs its V,;ia a bandits, without .nder standing or The terms i nven ?ion would he designed tu ?ne?: a'.i rjuea tion? wh'ch Btaj e> *e :*i t'.e I'u'.ure. S forh ?he right? of the Amer can expeditionary force* now in pur ?, t ,.' r bandit iftain ? i ! the 1 BiatioB Bspeetad from the troops ' s ' i.' get' liprnrn ?? i ..... sren? Am? ite, i ?men'. ? ?? .,, ..'i the gen ? ? ' . are : mat teived ?i ? 1 h Ud in Irapping \ illa. : ? <n i gov inrge ' g a trap int ?? i . It a and I I'ur'ng the ds .- -g reporta ? ?<? t!--* War Department,-, (,?? crnl Fan s ton regarding conditions at . r-.ora. Ther?, s-i of!ic:n! di? pateh aid, member? of the Industrial Worker? of the ft nakiag In? snare) , sa to stir llation. The speaker?, ??' tO i:a'. S I t will ad \ 1??? ' . ?" ? w ' t.\ d\%. res the War Depart ment?ate I .?????.? ? e raid . B I Ol :?' I BS, N. M., Villa lost ides killed and T-oumleil and me-. -.? ... ,!..?,??? . ' . ? arran/a .*-u(,i?e?terl I'mtocol. The pro] lin in foil.' . ... '..-? s for ? American tionary forci-?. Mr. \ . ... . .. . fror, i Jen? r? to dis the requesl State De? .... ? | Wl ? rorlde ? -. | ? , ? ? in troo) ? es I . : . i ? : paral 1 for addit rma . B for : ? I ately. Word 'rat the I srranza troop? were may head otY Villa if he attempts to at still furth? ; ? ? itch? the ai ? : roo[ a at to back ? . -. ' rd 1 l'ail? iiom nt the i I Amer an col regard**d ?? be " ' ? ? rs re . .: .4. t between ViIIs'b . . ? urrania foi itl Bship Kentuch a ?;?. had rden ? i to V. ra I i - ? sfter ? ..? '? era that ? .?? , . ? hould 4 mer,; arise. FIGHT ON AT NAMIQU1PA; 75 OF BAND DE IS REPORT Fugitives, Routed at Cruces, Re? treat Southward and Meet Surprise Attack by Ciano. U. S. TROOPS MAY ENGAGE VILLA IN BATTLE IN .10 HOURS One Division Now Near Cruces, While Other Two Are Moving Forward by Forced .Marches. (From a Staff Correspornient of The Tribune.? El Paso. Tex?, March "J"1. -Villa ii trapped, Carranza oft i ?ala reported to-night. He either will I?* killed or captured by Carranza soldiers In ?*i battle which has been in procreas linca 4:30 this afternoon at Naraiquipa, fifty miles below El Vallo, or he will fall or be caught by American forces which are moving in three columns in a semi-circle t.. cut off his retreat waat or into the mountains. To-night official Carranzista advices were received by Hex ?can Consul Andres Gracia that Colonel ??ario, with 900 Camo? ?data soldiers, had surprised Villa, with 300 of his followers, near Namiquipa and had driven the bandit chief and his for?a into the town, where a fierce battle has been in progresa since. These Mexicans advices are believed bj American army men aa altogether probable, inasmuch as Villa was known to have left F.l Vallo early to-day. going south. Colonel Dodd. with his two American cavalry regiment?, i expected to reach Namiquipa to-night in time to prevent Villa 'from escaping from the town to the w, ' CARRANZA FORCE ALARMS EL PASC i Mexican-? Streaming Con stantly to Border from Scene of Pursuit. ! Paso, Tes., March -* Dcsp ts re i tha Gs had si ?raire. Villa at S'amiquipa, persons well in form d here be ????? : e Carrann bad failed to I old in the - - of the net . ? tie bandit chieftain. Then ?tere eoni : it?! report to day 01 news r? ad for 'he last weal thst tue Mesiean ?mop? not et to cooperate ? ? a ? ? -r..o? ? i but. " ? I ? ip.'anc? ? at I^a?*, w?r? actually withdrawing from the fiele of operatii - It. is learned on unquestionable an ?? - ? ? ,? ?? ?? 'roop? of 'he de factc government which had been ?ta* at I ?* ii Crai les bavs been drawn i." i <'*r" i r-'A' In ?tid i Juarez. From the same ?oures it wbs learned that at sast ? letachi ad refus light Vills . . ? . ? ? a p I him tree to paai ato , 'aetaei detachment withdrew on receipt of a ? -?.??e that he was uarrmg, r.ot on Ml leans, but the er.emi.-s of Meal? . Had Villa in Tight Pia? e. rap:: .'?? witl Inter had " ? ?: ? ? had hapn? ?? ban ? tabl? f Carranca a : ? rs did - ; ar" and '?' tha account of the *...,.?.-? - i ii,r<-f. waa eat it * from ta? north by tha forward *wee\ '? ricas rest b] tha Sierra tha approaches to the .-?ate of ? ??? luppoaed to be the east and ?rranxs tor.... |i rtain I ? -> fret st ist a large - , ? ? ? . ? .. ? pa of the Fir I by Gobi commander at J-iar. . at points along no res g nor? and ao?t from i.aleana to S'amiquipa, a about lovent accotai ' t baten i loving i toad g nort ?a?'. IS, ?ta ; ' ir. which ? - ' id, ai ? ap. The ? masa troopi rder rema p ; a : r. ?? isibl? sambar ?j. mon under ??eneral ?.avira at Jtiarea. The eadquartera ? I the fact that new troopi are arriving ' .? arg ? I ' .'? pla?-e? ind calculatii ? ? ?1,000 leal I?i ? urn eal la? I* is B-ten tak? 4 ? and | ? ? t of th? Bi Bn kepi oui lid? imong the ' ilia Raaarts from i ? ? ?. i ? I ? i ? ??! ?HI |.,|? ? . ?lu in.. S fot?tttU of I nifed Stale* Troop? General Fvneton >ta--day anmoneed, a' San Antonio, the p'?riti?ins ?,f "- il il i of Um ? rpeditfonary M f The first, moving southward from GrendcM Unmrd BaMcora? tho : moving ?southea I toward Kl '? ?? ? . ??? : Um thir?l t',\?.;ir?l ('armen, '. .1 u repotted ? feated I?y ' 'arranzu' i ? - and to he on I.. I rth toward Y.\ Valle. Gano' " ?? f'iliimn |g ? : to-nifht'l td*/ie*M to have encountered Villa mar Oures, a small town directly north of Ka quipa. There Vi i n-i m? f f-fa?*tual effort ?to eecai it g?\ ? Ing ?battle. He wa p?rei ted bo close? ly that ho was forced to :-.-ht hu way through the .Carranza lim aad ?fled ?to tho ?sooth, cloai . ? r* -<?] by Gano'ii mon. Near N'amiqoipo thi bandits marie a Etand ami a d<'p<*"* at/i engagement wa I started, Villa u.-ini? hia field gun| and hand **re? nud?-?. Villa In Damper-ate Ttlfht Official CemnM adviees to-night ?-ay ?that Cohwd Gano has Villa vir? tually *ra**roonded ami tho bandit chieftain must either surrender or bo -, of copri^ the po.v? Kibility that Villa, dlifOB desperate by the knowledge that Americana r.Tt} also t '???on him, may drive hi? way through Gar.o's lines and ? eape to tha bills, ?bat it is re ^ar'i. . -".probable that do so before ?Colonel Dodd, with tha American ?-a airy, can ?reach N'ami-'uipa. It ii ?ar.owTi that the three colt-mr.? of Genera! Persh?Bg~S arm** are moring iv,uth r?pid!y and It Is believed Col? onel Dodd is we!l la advanca on th?a other column?, hevtag taken. It is I, a more drett ronte. II ' * | re-.'?rt-i ?f the trap ' ..., by Geaa ar.d of the raiqaipe are from Can?a? te, the report! are bcinf ? rieaa o?Tioal-?, in view ??' a * sunrisasat from American source?! that Villa had been ? r-rr? ar.l that a number Of bis har.d.t?. had beea Hilad. n.rcord:r,g to th<> i arrar.n?ta?' re? ports, Villa has '.?.?t already tn k?ll?ed St Cracei n" i N'amiquipa atare * bis tms'd itaniiit??' Escape ?Cet off. , .. remnant of his band ?\rt.- n .??a?: r? a final ????rer-tc effort to ?as,?.,;?,- tl , , r. '.,? uhri-h A nie ri ran troop? graduai.> ?ere ??raw?r.(- ?round hirn, when he m?-t Colonel (?aro'? Mexican and. Colonel (iano wu at Narai <),..??a. ts'arr -,.?.? t; the t?'?" affam?t ? Villa ai tac* The fact thsc hi* ,,...? had left the to?*? <? Villa ?.a?, not ?no?'. ?;'?? \ erica sreei ia pur-uit or tne -a> ? ?? ,??r?i at Chihuahua, or nr advised te-dar tha,\?^*?* !*?< P*-?"1' ( ?"*?*???? , ottUiplt seldlte-aigel lhal -hoy have