Newspaper Page Text
\l?\ n;i ! "EMKNT. ?to ^NUISNf0/r 'x-AAf-^' ?rm ??a**. CrOAL MAI*-*--1 Lugganc C redenti.tls | | fie?' letter of introduction. It retkcll credit on the owner, and in? i denla?y 01 ' t lor a! I ?:; J Ml iK Imi'-hmi i.\ the roinpany > when travellmp. 1'v lite lug* ige i u cany. contr*?' -ig,. I has and ? eck linen i ? I ekel in ??r. clotl'lllfr .' if i ?,, . ;-rfl' . ? . . . . *>! ' ill Trsvelain* I n hide I-?tli?*r. with .ontiaiiing white slitclung, red ai : lie? !t lining, I ? F' "i and ca* Baling?. ?-. $| I un Toilit Cas? . ? I ' ? wt-aaeo, ?--ri lining, handle ?t lop. While iviry celluloid fitting? : l.a.r brufli. ItOB hook, nail hi*, lootl jer, a >ap bos, Holder : f?ete ... ?-. i luS tin , . g, white tings : ; holder: ? y -i >, 1 rachei foU I .$/./"> - ' l>l??i. ? d titling?.: hail biuah. < ? r. .,-.1.? r'i |?n? - tl?--. I.?tir ; BS, t . It and I - . : her m lr t?, sod ' k; large ? ?i | w ;? .$29.00 124.75 Trank l-plp Vetaeei Bass?"' " ' " "'?" B| and b*d '."'-i ''?'* '?'"?'Ul.,,1,,,,, ,. I mr-' ' ' ' ' ?'?a"?* 2 j ath?r Mi "rfUsi J d j fopoa? - iitasaals aie lack asad ??. ? . ?i r.. i ?lr.wav,, I |.,w?r ? l?'i?ra' hat, ?ho* km tei ???..., I ..$24.75 >?K)?JLNiJ^Q_'H^*-^ '.. . htVw B-.a' ?* I ??'. A.? Trea I . 253 "v.. I>.?r. I I '?'Il KNOX IN LEAD TO MAKE G. 0. P. KEYNOTE SPEECH Ex-Cabinet Officer in Van for Temporary Chair man at Chicago. H?GHF:S SENTIMENT GROWING. IS REPORT Subcommittee Fails to Reach Decision \fter Discussing Manv Candidates. I ? l . . . A ? IfO, ?Illicit 20. Phll-all??.?" ' Km?a. of Pennayivania, is th? late*-. for tempi ? in National ? ? ? ? - th? ". a- tt bit selection bj ' ? H "'i M rangCmi I tl committee, ?hic'n mot her< - that he ni?-, h?? compelled lu ?or President ??> u Pennayhrania "fa- .r'-.'e ?.'iri." hacke,? b .*? I ?tOT Pen ? and the Penroae organization, i * ; . retar** o ?tor f? n primar?/ can .- itati p * Goi K i ii olimi ? oni derai ?on ai ? ? ? ion. ? i i ,??.l to after the Ural ?('.??ion of b-eommittee, t..a* Knox'i name I a?l been brought f-u card. Mr. II111?*?= - i to gi? r ???it anv of thr name? ten canvas?? ? t<*in > porary chairmanahip. The namea o" .--- I.a>l ?been tnt i ? ? -. - aid, .inii h ike 1 tern publii. Mr. I nked if thi am? of - ? and, o Uta ! ni lerland ii the eandi ? ? t . .,* *<-?? n - in. ked, ai ?. it ?* kin.? n thai ? i bei ? king . ?- ?? ?ni' ? i,mm .? ? ? ? < -???n wa? execulive," i man Ihlles Sutherland Boom Paartared. apparent); punctured I i ? ? a i.:,? William i i itoi ? - Repu ? hi?. Hillea ? a-? dedim ?1 *??*> go ; with the Sutherland proposition, '".ng.'' . Hi ? ?al fhrniriot-eH a?- a - rl'datc by Chairman Uilloi aftoi I ? ? ? 8Ft?n? Republicana m rnirijc. Mr. Hules Mid that Ro it it : ?? h' thi ' ? Committeeman Williams, of Oregon, ?? || ?"'iif(r^~tir?i*i of ? * --r.a-?r Morsh, ??f Idaho. M of l he ?' ronge I - ' itai dpattoi i Borah radin gresi a up to tha po ? tl.? ention. Tha Borah talk tin? da*. Governor McCall of Maaaachuaetta ?? a i] es a proepect before ! ?? iub-committea ii in difficulties admitted thai -?ins grami had ealled or the toi porary ehairm Ban ea ?i?.i other? wanted Ja .(??.. r?.*??l tried to . throui - 1er at thi t con ???'re m December. ' i %tr\ to . ' ' met ? ? . n(c?. ?a! .. in '...e year Max (?n ? Until April ^0 ? be ? irpi aing if t ne sub - , ? ?ma date around Api I - ? ? . nta a . . n minat il ? . * eptioi ? a Knox ? lit umb* .i-' to Pi ential < andi inced la-st hi?', i eal candidati ng f? Pe only. ? its, I - ? ; M I California lates an . ? ? i, th i i t? I di kded interna , candidate of ?ta oa i t?'..- there waa ta i*? r. Xieholaa Murray I' it ? of < ?..',?..!;,h a University k;io? i? parentl** as tl Diily co . \arious Men Dropped. ! ernoi lladley a ? a he the -? ..???.: Boral ire the po ' ? . kb]e ??? ?get it if : OUI!, of i ? lie is rnatoi ttee, he feil : af the co:. i were mplcted dui ntracting I .,??,-, ?> ? ..!. i f,n ?; ' .??'):? I ? ago < \ t er, he? rn . ? ? 'the ommittet Ida, aeeretai tona ?rgeant-at am.?: I ?? . H an of the < nil i| ?STTangen .?.'.,>,. ?. a, Wasti treas ? ? Htagl ??? -?nt.nitiil Strom I ? I balraaaa i: ' ????? llugha ? ???'?-': other mon. ttaa did not halite a to tall -."?' ' - Williams, of Waal * . " ***?< ???? R*?Publlean aer.1 ? '?rthweat ??? '?,,,, ? ?I"fh*?; " ,- .. ? -, ? I ? ?? tien it ' ? '< .A A ? and data ?v?i.,r? tha eon ? Pranklin Murphi of] . ? ? . ha /svor>d l.lih'j V.iioi. ID! ERTISEMEN. CHOOSE 41/?; AND SAFETY Do you care more for the In? terest on your money than the Principal ? You can del 6 or more for a while, but will yon ever *Kt the Principal back ? The highest typeot investment is a First Mortgage ?in New York City real estate guaranteed by this Company. Our Guaranteed First Mort? gage Certificates place this secu? rity at the disposal of all in? vestors. \o investor lias ever ???.' <t dolltW Capital fi Surplus. $10,000 000 176BWSV N.?. 17". Rems? n Si .B'-lvn. j.?50 rulton ?St., Jsmsiaa. LEADERS TO FILL BARNES'S PLACE Meet Here To-morrow to Name Republican Na? tional Committeeman. ? ? ? -, ii'pi,. . ference will be Mr. B ? Ige, < I ? 'otnm ?tteeman V ' I I ,: ? ' ' I?a? ' ? . of the Republi? an part I > c ? . plai ? I ? : "??ill ted ' ? place ? I a \t<*< ? . ? . !o rr" ? *. ha ha.i be and w< present agai.Id Barn? L on ? ? ? t-larei ?'. *.?. e r ' i- ? ? ?a ? ? I ?,,**,.. " irpoi the 1 ? r, ? . ; , ? Tli?'. of the \? h it mai Barnes's ? .? ' ? ? . ?J ? 1 . ' ? SAYS LIVINGSTON IS WORKING FOR BARNES MasKoli Charges Republican Chairman it ?tli Pia; ing i aise. Km.. Republ ?' Re] Jar? li I ? ? tryii i: ecurs thi ; ? . ? ? ' - ? ? '? . ? M? t. ? || . ' ll| ' ? ? ' ' V * '. . . ? ? lion <?: H..: PLANS BIG SUBMARINE BEARING 12-INCH GUNS U. S. Navj Mechanic seeks Pateal on 280 I ool Craft. I'.T T?l4T| .. v ? ?I'll ?? Mr ?? ? ? ' ? The ? - SrtBBB < ? ? , long, ? > disappes ; 1er . ? . .Mr : ? twentj ' rpeHu I projectile ci ? be trittn by eight * po ????? . ? . .'IS ? ; 1 ?.. ba< . furnish glancing surfaces <?? from sbo-.e m terpedeei -r,,.,, beneath ' O. HEADS START WAR ON BLOCKADE Board I. C. C. Named Has Full Power to End Tie-Lp ?To Goad Car Hogs. 19.000 CARGOES HELD UP ON NEW HAVEN 1,200 Lost v V. and Connecti? cut Firm? Have Motor Truck I int's to Philadelphia. ? i lenta yeat ? ble m of break ng the ? nth, to Portland, ?.? eommitti . ng. s Room -'"" ' ? ds ? held until tl ?i g - ? II?,. . ?gestion has b< i eommittee's . ? rds ? i :. Hs " s oi i -i '."'". leaded , - ire i ?. ' i | dell cry to : .? load ed cars intended '?? Set Rnglai 1 ?re ids i ? ? ? r? a? far ? and < g to mo! ods to stores and fac tors at the Bi ? ?? had tu unload theil ? 1 l. ? arge consuman o roppei t hare bei , ? er ' ta and ? 'nr'i,- r? I uih.irgri l'n-aer \b?i?lute. e of the i ... ro, ai . m ? i ? ' ? . ? -i i I ersl - ar Supplies o?* ? h the cost a meeting. rs and n the Met \ ? ti the ?a ?. ? ? ? | rtl ? i ?committee ras appoint? .. terst ? if A. H. Smil chairman; Sam. ucl IS snia; F. D. ' i ? ? . Howard 1 :.., ? W ?, H. sau - I Ohio. ? . deal * .- borgo. - .. ? a -. - ? g ? ? ppeai . induly . Mart Hunt l??r ? hi Hog?. er is .. r hog ? on hold inn g thi ' ! f'll ill I!, enti?re il ?. I ' .-? ' .?-nt at - ? an inquiry aa I a rapidly inet with ng tha ?lemur lo you n ;tnt '."* In ? ?ment laaui er Clarl ,- t was , ? trio ha had their caaes ? ' the madi ? the probli ro it, bul ? I k ill full ; \ ? ' meet ?? . mitt? ith the '.?lima?! ' ' - it?r?e! Sul ? ! reich' I thi ,? ige erted, | for thi - ??? ,-i meeting of th, [ . ? ? ? '?? iterday onei It. A. C. ng ? ai I road freight. t.'er, inelu ad beei I " er for va hila t1-?* as i rowded to ?capacity. tho difficult) lay in peri h!..| manufac? er and work Disagree an l ieup? < ause. II. I ? ?ded at ' ? ... I I ? ? . ' collect ????? ? itretch? ? to ?the breaking ? ? facturen !!?? -.any un!?"? ? condil on i ??? ? re Improved maten I P the trail i I trouble I ?not ' .i^r , ' ..? . th( (frani belt ? .< r. thi Missi lippi," .?anl ? 100,000 eai*s belong . to .'? estera lines Oa tho other hand, the cram ?tale* ar?- ,",0.?1il?*l ?-?r? i in- ear ill .utt:<? i meal ?en , ?.. , ? i -ta!?'? W i * h coro a; 'm('". it must be marketed utile?? a \*r%r part <>f ' ' - ? ?.. i.< lo?l i ? , ? , ? ?'?i shortage i? mad? ?" bj coi Igi ?*? ? . "ii . . ,? , ,. i i i \ ?luu ".Stuff toi foreign ainprnent baa thirty, tla?, ? U unload In. We Lava but threes | SUMMER TO BE AIRY IF BLOCKADE LASTS What Irri?l.t blsellBtle mat re *?ill in. "I nli - - * li" I.mie i* rai?>e(l ami rcl'ef ??-iti'ii ilie manufarturer?. and distribatera of underwear and Im-ior?. Sara "? t,rI. ???II he lack* i" it ?? nil ?tiuttmr iiri'iind next ?urn* in? r W?rariag nature'? nnder??ear ami nature? hosier)'-"?John II. I.eit'M. at Ircn-ht blukade meeting. i ' <-iJ into storage. ' ? .< . ?? to E ?por* freight in- ' tensil The th? lers? f i itns mal . - e the ph< " as a | '.ce ??? . Loft said iroul ? i ?"..????? i bj ' ., up iar* ? l. astesd toring j i agreed to a . ? ? th? ? ? SENATE CONFIRMS INDUSTRIAL BOARD Whitman's Men ?0 l*hrongh Af? ter Flurry Of Opposition. - v -, . . .? : v? ?ard, "I H to be ? i i? l mi ? 01 after i I ?ppoi '?! ! . ... ' . * Bppi ?>vsl of the Senatoi | I Republicans voted stion "f Lynch : age ?of cd W Brd nr.| i with . Rogi ? ??.??? ? ? ritmen'? ? ? ? i ' inti ?Vrgel iger. I be ? ram M,e De | the object - ? he i?-??r.i ? ... re to cob . ... h will . ?gible , es all rue r? ' ' r la" ! ig? i II, .iiatiKin?r 'he ?.. i.r.i- ?da I .. budget, _ ? lei Sen stor Wag mini tj leader, .'?'i ind?ilg< . I? rabie rhetorieal ted for the ire. . TOM" TAGGART NAMED AS INDIANA SENATOR Governor Ralston Appoints Him to Succeed Shively. ans* lis, '?fni?-1 National i'om emsn, ass appointa**-?! t'nite?! 1.. i n ? - Ralston, . to flll the vacancy ?aa?e.l h-. th<- death of H imii I ... . . is to leave ? ?0| ? ?i r r. ' ? .i : ? ant ' ? ;.e.l the leader - tie paity in (n ? it time. 1 ha ? ? ' .:. irt .i? ever held this ? Mai ?on I county LMs of Indian ? 1ft? ' .? ? rrnor Ral - . i ed Mr, te h:ni " enuine ? \eii ' - . i Ralston, al sa aelf, both in laboi ami mon? . ? ? ?i m its . ? ' e la?: ?? ? '..I.... aci of i ? : ..;.?? of pi I eham? I of > "iir party -,? ith a Bg on 1.1." : to ?ay whet SI " lid ' ?? ?te for th? i ' \ : ted States S enat? Un? i only ? ?: her. "1 ti "i Taggart, "Mia* I ha?i m "? far ?this joh he for? ' ' ,:?.'. I to net de whether t ? ' ? itats convention, n " new Sens : Bll I .nn to |Up. : ? ' ' . Prei MOTHERS RETURN SONS TO ISLAND Pair Flee Reformatory I'sing Hands to Paddle Across Icy River. LEAVE DUMMIES IN THEIR BED!? Guards Hunt All Da\ in \ air for Boys Who fhou?ht to Surprise Parents - [aland ? anted ?o ?>-e I ht ?a'Mi ta as hrra.... . morning thej paddled awaj 1'iom their prison throush ?the .. v lias? in a rowboat, Their pa?Mle? i their ;ian?ls. Jumping aahori Ivat d, the> valke?! eevei t.. \\ e^tche?* ?r Village. Thej rere ? ?ni m pri?o:i SUitS a.'ii hm. , ereoata, an.l it was eold, but thej trudged along. \' Westehester the . ?le in an automobile to UOtl i .?-trt-et There thev ?hi?ok hantls am .?epara'e,, "Morher'l! he surprised to see tue.' ! -?.? ? Johaaen, ?f -'."?' fias? Eighty ? ? o*ll mine," answered Irving David . " mother? ? ? - II The) ? nia r breakfast tinit ! ?hey found two dumi es ? -r ?aper-. in the boys' bed?. Thei ? ? :,- diai Ot ? red thej Hn?1 cut a?aj the rowboal from the Depaitment o? Corrections dock Six guards sent ii a ???am launch t? .-??ur tl e East River found the boat or ? . i ? ?. I iland ?'?le. eneas Leaving the 'au?-. I aired .?ff am searched the country, They ?.ere itill ! hunting I ? ?n'e afternoon, whoi, nuti ' tl lephone call1 i 'o the i.nice ???' the reformat or? ; ,r meaaages are both brief ai.?l the ? ? "\: hi ' can ? I orae to tea me. Hi ack." I ..>.'. nijrht the boya were hack J .?? dropped all to sleep in pi ta , :,i!?a,! out to Da "Wai vi.up mother ,r!a?l ?u ?ce vou *" ? i lould . aj s '.. ? i he eried." "S.i'.i TIKI " " ? ? muffled ? ~ .,n t?f why the l)??;. s ?ame ? .;? , ??'" l?. *. I a ret n;.. CANNERS SEEK AGAIN LAW FOR OVERTIME Want Industrial Board I'mpow ered to I rngthon Hours. I ?- n a Btail ?a ???'.-, ? Albany, March ?20. The state Tt. .,-? ;al Commission ?.?I he KlvrO power to grant canning factories the right 'o work their employes overtime ?- of emergei e s u '??! an amend men* which ?".'l he introduced ably the latter part of this week. Hie determining of what constitutes nr. amargenc; s 111 h? left ta th? comnds mon. Thi? amendment will be contained ,r? tha bill ?irnfteil by tha Urgetsingi coma ? t year t ?? ? coi ;?? at ? s ii lav. ?. I!, compensation ie-;-;"ii bill v.t . ? ?? ? nator I ?-. \ ? . ? ? man Br< nnaa. ?. ? other conference between tha commit ??"? end ti'.c iinjustral Commiasion sri I"- he!.I tomorrow night ?to put thi finishing touches on the labor law re ? bill. \ lemblyman Bewlejr, a o awns a eanning factory and introduced laat ?. ?:?'. tl ? to-l ?*'' ' ,;*at ',-ihor men ..-" ?? ?th him in the o;.;,ii;-,">, and that employ?s did not oh * * . overtime on certain occa it lummer months. AUTHORS SEEK SECRET SIPS Plan Rea?etvoaa la Which ta Hatch Plots in Pri.aU?. America's be ' known authors have decided to ftnd a suitable rendezvous In which to chat, disCTUS plo'-i Bud drink tea, lip from tall glMiet tI1(j t\\ that. Sundae ;? ?.* I embers i l sxaeu? ? eouneil a ? mmittea of he authors' I ? ague met ?- d rapoi tmnt proie. under way. Further information "?? terious ? u ithhi ??1. It was ru? more. 1 thai they ? ere ''ornin?c a . rojrall - and price* from the publishers. That, thev say. will com?? m : une. orary committee in chare?. of un ? club project ? f Mr Al i ?i W agataff. Helen .-'. Woodruff I ai d Roger B Whitman. ERCER WIIH a speed range of 6 to 65 or 70 nilr.s an hour, on high ge-a., the four , ?i.K.-ar Mttrcer o???-*rs a Icxi'jitit-, .?.Ait .i. l?<-s ext? ' yltndmt a burd?-*r* and un cx?-i?cn-****. Weetsee t'?.cr? .?it Wait ft? P I it. (Ae tetntttr PivrpomH ?Vi,r ? I Fj rast '.. REPUBLICAN CLUB ?NOMINATES Member? liiilur?r Mo?e la I'rotc.l ? riitun \\ Tt?T?hctl. At a r?gulai Repablieafl ? ? - '?'?? "?"*" g ai ' ' ' nal ? ,. immitte? for i ??? For n resident. Jam-* B ? .. ... ?? icholas Butler; third 1 ?gde .*?'. Dei rording secret? rj. i!? W <? ddsrd irer. lame ! t\ . n?a meeting bill to ? I'n ' ? Mo Si te I loa? p -?i and Toratoab 1 rs Seiiool frol ' ' : '.??vor Mitchel's legislative pi ??. with thi ? ? ' the claas? ?.-. e t? ' sr indorsed, i ?? repart sf ths I I BUB it U B was :ipp't?\ed. WHITMAN FAVORS NEW STATE POLICE BILL Measure Approved hy Governor Introduced at Albany. Albany, MarehtO. A .-t?te constabu* rS tha appro' Govei ? oi '?'? Horton Bnd A* i m ? h i H u ell i. It treat? i a Da ta Pol ce, tl ?? !.'??. I sf i? 'o be a ?up?-1 ?nt? idei '. ??! s-yeai rat, a" an annual ?alary of (5,000 Ha may api- it s le| itj at i- ?? lork a 11 ?500 ?? I ? tenofl s< 11*200 . . Th?> : point the of! force, ? containing fort p ites, -. ?? capi lin a ,?? 11,500, a ? ? 11,200, ? ? . i-'irp?-* snd one rank and ?' , orpoi 11, lieadquarl . s police are ?n h*r I : hon : h localities ns ?he si t?-ndent ?hall determine. POLK DELEGATE-AT-LARGE ( nunaelli.r Named a? Alternate laDsSB? n Nal i.m,il l un? tul inn 1 ? m '?. I.. Poll.insellor ? si "... nt ..? W asi gton, wa named sa an .-. i t a- n. ;. * Bt-large ?.> ? ? i >? mo? rat le N'ai Convention, to tal I ice of Thomas 1 ''. I"' I | I'olk. who was fortmerly ? orporation Counsel, BB BUl .?. "il man. Id ??a nain?"! bj ' ..- ? ? ? ad ' D m<Kratic .*? ate ' ommitte? T*-e namil il as to the ? I Wilson. ? HEAVY CARGOES SHIPPED I liree -tearner? Loaded ?illi Munitions and Supplies Inr Mlie?. Turi-e hips sailing ' 'i orh last Saturday carried the u*u.t' a mon n*. of war* ? this port ever', week-e ??? I ? l i s l ene i lin? i Boi ? . foi all ?*ar!...1 with beavj cargos Their mar.:fe*t?. ?.?,?.. ? House jresterday. showed s rai ge sf articles, from i whieh are used rpta from ths ma?:ife?.f? fol Strathdena Fift> nine automobiles, .".NO ? 20,000 re. barbed ??ire, I . 752 trate i . hoi, 1,000 ' .* ' cy lindei so s and 100 Pannonia i irtj three ? i ring ? of ? ?hell*, ai ! i??"' ' "? .':i*e,a of ? ? i I 1,400 rev? - of ?ca? tridges, 3,2 f can? ? ? primers, . 90 r? el * of i ? Chicago Thirl |< ?thci'. ?;?:,,-,? irtridge ? ? . ?. !.l 12 bundl? Of rifle.*?. To Discuss Ttiet Maintenance. Porey Btra is, of B H liaey ?"- Co., irill ?peak to-day a?, the regular weekly after-luncheon bu-tiiirr? talk in the rooms o:' tin? Na I .?rpet Club, Twenty ninth Street ar i Broadway. Mr. Straus Aren price maintenan.'. gross, wl ' ' : ? ?goroa -' posed by retail. !? said I it I this hilt bateom? mail houses, ? I ?? marked an adver lise thai tha prie ? f ? I . mer? s ? egia trolled MiV I-Kl ISfc.ME.YT. WITH a lon.iderabl? number of ne?? b u te i loon to (n into commission, it will I,? possible for u? t,, Rur. <.,,,. ployment to more mm have good reiordt m private service as butlers, loach ??n, ihauffeut? <?r f.a,,(. men. The fight tvpr o? t-,,?:, with this training h?? ,|. t?>adv learned much of what he must Unnva ?> a , ()n. duttt>r on a Wth oSenue j3us LORIMER TO BARE HIS LIFE AT TRIAL Defence Announces Oust? ed Senator Will do on Witness Stand. : | . ?iar.-h tO " |%|| ?,. fence o* William Loi - ? ? p?? ii.g ??.ate!? ?the trial ef th? ?'irmer prr . ..,,. SI ? Md c,' ? onapiraey in conn? ? ? faf|. ,-o ,.;* ? . | .. fpg. to-da.. . rvrry Iva lea thi ? I Ha as ? 7 of tho acta cl ?. -. - * * ? ? ? ? id '"?ke ? him on' a burgla ?? ? ? maki ? * rr ?-?i ' t h c i e ? . ? an?l ' aray ??Mr i or mer ike tk? ? time he was a . .a. Of per ?*?? ? o ??. > ?ch ? i . ? tke 1.a ? ? ?? i ?. Mr. Kink. | mer as a corrupt > : *A*n*? ? ? it M ? ? - ? ? to thi State's ? - not- is to a ?' part . h?*?r Lorimerisi i in the i *'lt* Mr. Pink user! ' * r' i lation of a bank to ' " **' that of debtor and * ? ? WILSON ACCEPTS Si OTTO - 4* Prea-ident Tell- < oagTI - I Um\**U9 r\t Will ?*"ii"" Waak | PriM ' , . ? ?aiieri t??? will nipr-i th? I ??l'?'-f Clarho amei ? " ????*"?* dence not later ,l s ? j_JJ?_* i !? dlaapproval - detmla The Pre?,!,-!. ? I | *?*! with I hair:; IIou?* Philippines Committee s .-?r-atas Simmons. It is ? ?? -? ??*? measure in th? ;?' ' I ??f bill In his correspondei ? ? ' -,?*r< taiy Garri * ' ""?"' his diaagn ement ' *???' amer. !? -s'.."*' j || , . . i? -? riet I Ge o. C. Flint Co. I^.JoHorner?. Co. FLINT & HORNER FURNITURE FOR SUMMER HOMES OF EVERY SIZE With the almost endless variety ?if atv!**?. ? mkiis in l.nameled Furniture and Light Wood- ? we have now on \iew at extremely moderate pri i? ?-???.y to in.ikr every room in the Summer home .1 Best Room" in the lullest sense ot the word. Included are many new patterns refleotmi* lull nttO 11,tilinte synip.ithy with ideals of seventeenth <*.nd r;?*nt eenth century ? i.dt?.mrn. >et possessin;?* a marked degtre ??I individuality, which makers them distinctive in benutj ..ill ? li .11.11 tei ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND DRAPERIES. Flint 8 Homer Cot inc 20-2?West3?thSt New\brk 1