Newspaper Page Text
Xtw ?)ark ?ributu lirst tu I ast?-Ihr Truth: News?Editorla Advertisements. il t*?i? W M 1K( H la, IBM On*??, a ... a *???r Toi? . 1?" K? '. ?"-?? ??- ???? ? lu-.????, tfi . -? H "ru'?r. T-??.? ?-? AU?????. Trf ? ? -?-tTW?. NB? ' 6U**>. BU* ? I Ma >.- ? et ?.-??'?r "?-? injtj a *. . t. i i>m;t * - * - . .?,tri? . 1>??ut a * SuaJa? m ??'? r? ? ?O?ADlA*? 1.? .. ?T HAU.V AMi M Mi Ona m -'h S ? On? j?4u ...-. t, I.AII.Y OSUI SU rr. ? 'r ...-.*? Oo? ??a? D?lLl 11 0X1.1 ?*o? m*? IS ? Uli? ???? EnUr-xI ?t T?rB I You ran purihase merchandise advert? In THF, IHIl'l NE ?ith absolute safety* If d i k ?? a 11 *. t .a i nui rctullr? in any ?-ase T TRIM \K guarantors l?i pay ?our money b upon request. N?i rpd tapo, no rjuibblinfr. make good promptly if the a?** ertlser doe? i The President and the Hay B Kc'.re. entative Hay told 'h>' II . c Pis on Saturday thai !.: army raorganisat bill had tin- full approval of Pi Will With a I y and mnprnar im rare OB Um pari ol a *tat?*maii guidin, ?pet i?r??j?'?'i. through < Mr. H wen?, aten further m em'ihasi/.inj* 1 President's pi D to I ::.*u ar mi a ? ? g of the H l?il! ?.r II.m . bill, a' i' ha?! hithortu I" ?.alio?!, ho said : "I' ?a hi I P '*] bill. It ran n . cut the ra-.-oltilliril? tions ho made !?? < ? m irrt-.**.* in his m?-a?aa*"* This latest ?apparently inspired) sta mcnt of Mr r\ on' po ition (l"-*or\ analy.-p. doubta**dly made for t ]>ur?HM' ing th?> palace of t Hay hill through ti ?? H ; ?. It is suhjf to sum?' discounl on that su*t*oant sei may represen! a present state of mind . the President' ...... t am pa stat. from '.'? Mr. Hay ai ||r. Wil absolutely in harmon Mr. i hit off the ??al pui the Hay bill when ho said the ?.thor d. that it ' ? 'i'dness .*,' ? a prudent -unotl ?? which will nut ti i jaciti?'- ..f the Bryan school into h. Like Bottom, Mr. Hay and Mr. Wil* want the lioi of military prepare la al the Hay bill because, whs t-vei t<? the main poir in ?:; not my. Mr. H tl :treti?r.h of the mobile army in continent; Unit to aboT, ?0. The tgainst tht in December. 1914. Hi va? for it in Hi cemher, 1915, it 1 lay i>< cause ?t is th? -?;. ? iggeste ?r ai y *" th? proposil for army koi -...*-?,? ry. Mi ? ar ag ?. ? ? lent of the arm by s er, H \ ie' led t laal Dwemb? land *"?r a minute Inci i th. ? ? ?r . 7,?5O0 men cae Bui he would n? .' army favored b and indorsed I '?> In the la"* ? last unnu? ? The chairman of the H mitte on Military Affair* locked horn.*: with th Adn. on the continental arm bcheine. ild nc t the fretI .* I found i politi Mr. Garrison suddenl " '. Hay had d him mi!'' He had I ? '?twee * and lea. lice. President wa thu- ? author of th Ha;. g himself on thi nor. man in 1 any leg] ordanc with which a n I the army t? i. anything must he con dur ? ' rid to qualify furl >i I ? Hay bill by ?*onsentini t'> ? ? " of the Ma'? militil '?-??a I ad not fat ltl ? r in 1 ?16. Mr. ('arrison, with hi approral, had rapaatad tn .?wed a chimercial tho idea of depending for na .???:.... am,.? ers appointed by forty ?ii*' ' ' -? ? Il would, in ; apon loci matt-rial i'<r a flrst line army, ? ? ? a second line army. Yet that would he fai .ess fantastk than to d?iJMnd for mi.itarj (ai ? PretA&ettt told ('on?-*rc?? in I/CcornU-r, 1914, that the country ouj-ht always to . n a "?itizer.ry" accus? tom? : ?.-???.? bal Speaker : Set fi,r ? ?Kh , !e(j an amat?-ur am,y of " q lirrel ll After ravlasiii g thi ?? fav I , -taaible ? ?' ?? . . * ee?mata on Mr. Hay - ?Sil |H.e Pre ?..'rirr<T;dati<iris hi* ? ..,-. ' ' to a riatVligahls figure I tfl the i**agralar army, the, Hay ... || Ktill Mr. Hay's. It con forma risj -, of g ?.,y army. i'?r ary even ? ??n In his m*?'<ti? ?-e??fi?.'.* of Dm ?-il. I?er li , ?Mu-fh ptrhaps giving lews f<>iri.<? : by III Gairiaon. ,' which itai ? m ah with the i i ni i preparadn? \??'. I ti,< ?! is "a| I noise like preparedness." Who can say ?Uri v.-hen the far letter Chamberlain army reorganization bill I ' '-?'J in !the Senate for the Hay bill he will I for it? The Chamberlain bill "hi.-." Again, when the conferei mittee grinds out a i ompron.. ? ably bf for It, in prefer? the Hay bill or the Chamberlain bill. His vagaries on the subject of pre] | i real preparation lias been i-o superficial that Congress, if it i- ?die, ?rill | him a?* far as possible in reorfi army. Events "'i tl '? Mexican border have shown DJ hew value?!? army is in time in this country of ?I leasl 121,000 , men. and we i-annot have that force w?> increase the strength of the ? i army t?> 250,000 men. non-conibatai ' excluded. Public ..pinion will support Congress in creating such an army at once. Lei Repre sentatives and Senators take a chance on Mr. Wilson's well known agility. So doubt he will be ready t.. adfl measure giving us a real army wa i o "lus," after Congress ha? sent him - ;i ? for approval. Quit Dodging Suffrage! h'or rosera! weeks the i i omraittee ha been ??? ? >? I ion on the ? itutional amendment, ostensibly at I Senator ! the ?Republican leader, who is pei 1 me that ? delay be ended. The amendment i be acted oi favorably at I mittee meeting to-day. An idea is widely prevalent thai the ire is t<> he killed by delay and in? direction. That is highly unfortunate unfortunate for -Senator Brown, who has I as th*? chief of the opponition; un iti for those members of the ate committee wl i are in favor of the ?amendment, since they cannot permanent ? refuge from criticism for ins Lehind Senator Brown's coattails; un? fortunate for the Republican party, which in this critical campaign year - 'reo from any suspicion of m,'. en the part of ?tl repre entai The v.ay ^ rad that ides any ? ? ? bargo on the amendment lifted, so thai a fair vote on it may be taken in committee and it may have free ? the floor of the Senate. The suffrage movement in this si too big to Strangle. It has to i*s credit more than half a million votes. The n*ie;t lire to enfranchise women might, con? ceivably, be strangled in committee; it by sharp parliamentary practice be killed in the m h of legislation at the end of the session. Bu1 for any legis? lators to lend themselves to such a futile ?Still Wl r e, for any party orgai tion to be part of such a scheme would l?e foolish in the superlative (legi< ? it would invite sure and speedy punish? ment from the voters. Already -Senator Brown has stirred up wrath against his party by his course of delay. To continue it will inevitably intensify that wrath, which assuredly would be countable in ? on Election Day. The demand for equal suffrage i- a de mand for ?equal rights, duties, prh before the law, regardlei Any legislator who believi and sex privilegi ? tirely within his rights in voting against a measure to en bise women. But a leg: f to ai v scheme I ire by indirection or to prevent the I and freest discussion and * I fatally shortsighted. The women who desire the ? 00,000 ? ? ? '.?. ant* th. titled g from the iture. The shifting, evasion, delay, to which th.'ir representative-. advocating the Imei t, have been subjected : fair tn **h time for ? ' r ; blican i wl ng the ms ? . the ?people for the ? t?. turn over a new leaf if the) value the public's confide litical sup? port which follows e German Air Raid? and Others. It must -I to dt justice to the ?Ger? ? ai - that in their official report.? of air . . more enlightei ii .? ai I much move entertaii ing than the British and the l- ?ranch. There have been ?two great a;r rail- in the last two days. What , described a? "the greatest aerial hat- | war" ? on Sunday ?.ear M?ll day fifty . | ??.-) eh, I'.rit : h and Belgiai ; ttacked Zeebrugge i Hen? WM an obvious opportunity for a thrill? ? lory of di ti at "considerable dam;.. to ha-.? I ipare this with a recent German accourt of a ra d on Eng-, and. 'i; i i,. ; man people v.. n. Off au ' ! .-.': h ai d I ri I h ''? I With a ..?? ? ?thing appeared to be done. They were : done on I sut German i I 1 or table witl ? a cruiser and a trat port were h< damaged, several blast furns i ?were al ii.oa.-t completely dc troyed, twog i fat'tories h;i?1 other burnl U the ?ground, eau?,i g $2,01 0,00 -* powder factory wan blown up, -? drydoeks ?r.d engine .-?r.*i boiler ? ?reeked, bealdea a few ipinning n ? 17, and, among othei a.? ..?? - raiser Carolina and the destr?yer! i ?? and Ni'h were sunk, the cruiaei ah? ? I ' killed outi ght, W drowned and 58 wounded. The Germans aie as skilful a1 colled details thai In ?England they ?- wha| h?? happened till Um ? ? ?' i man n !?<?? ti i? aeh theii n< ut ?. apei i . i Ihn eon Ich jad to the pub'icatior. of the < Germa:, reports, which s?*em fa I of great amusement to English rei g the Gern - si I * ? it their rai .... 'lull i : .- ' ? . Peal Tom Taggart's Appointmen1 If G tunity, shoul?! appoint Mr, William B wouli half IFenci .: i :*r B ? ? ? ? point ropi .? '? ; . P si One a ? think of thi . for exai ? ? ] Brandeis t" the ? . ' realizes thi mighl a Murph. ' ' . i ly. *i ? ? ? matte vita) e to the countrj Sei ' Taggaii will casi h or "I ag ity of upbol choosing i ??>-. as much . :. he v? : ? broker on ai. aboul the offo. the count .. rity. He ?s a political brokei * the ?Senate chamber will serve admir *hoiiid bo congr lated. Al a timo when the nation ft -*| ti : patriots at the Capitol ! almost never before he has used the which I'm? ?don ; ' way to send there a vulgar political t ? will I. - ad of b ? .?i m wh< n the ?mea. Unwilling Recruits. ! great dea f the dissal factioi m England among those who h lately been called to serve their cour - . much to a w of palr tupidity. M? Who v ei r r ? fercd themselves i?i the early d * v.,1 ' were treated wit! ; ? ? ??', en with h Larg were rejcwted i me critica thought 1 sasonabl? thai those who had b? - immti wh? n -? ? ma I? compulsory. "i quite recently posters I ."*ir John Sil rted In the House Commons the other day, intimatinp: tr? inen who cla ; that they had I en medically rejl produce a certifi? ' aa g '? - ? ? il lutely no ty for t in the Ad that in ma ? ? :i'l? medical certificates in the fac? who off? n d them. loul t. moi - timidation hi ? (,ti used. It ? ; ticers in stsveral ins! es 1 sve imposed ? the ignorant - ling to TI " arrie?! mi : ? led the r of 'tl ? It wa ar that si upid want of tad among recruiting recruiting in tl day la cons? ? . An thi that ntly more blundering thai ? Oce?in Travel in 1915. The Atlantic ? ' it I ' ? ' ? of Coi ? nu un iry ani legitin ? from ? ? i but '? ? d< rnand. I ? \ ? ? '? . natioi t ild be abrogating ?.ne . ... Riots and Soldiers. ? Beers, wil ? ' ' ' yield n ?iii-ii. lai f i I men wit ? I m litia wholly t., ? i repai ? arm? d inra cannot a? ?? ?f mobs b.- '.i i, proi. ? '" " ? ? lomar 1 i JOIN THE ALLIES The United States Should Help in Their War for Humanity. ?? ..-. governnur;'. occurreJ about a been accomplished in ? ?forerai t as era waraed i I upon - . amies, but our fi the high si right to all I . ? ? Ira. ene? - ' ? ? ? ? . ? i leless foi :,??? ttle t on honora1 l perl : believe d ?? ? ? . ? ? n iroof. patience of the Ai i in f ted. and th? . . -. Gen v \. .-. n i.-,. ? of ???'?. .".-i', ihing ? would fgest ' ? ? ? ? . in our territory, sell ?.?of.iis amer g th? the peopl? , , .. ? .. ?"aro. We should r?*pnrt or plni-o n a del . I i ? i rhaps '??? t eon : '. ? ? ? i from En| that ment I ' or the trans] . . ? . i.f detect i? es to ace i ? r result, administering i i punish? ment to ?he perp?tr?t?: I suggest that we I ' our resource? at They ?'???n the spirit m which I ? ? coup?.? more than ' It the close ??? ' England, Frai ? ? ? United ? ? f world. I G HALI Dai e,l ' . Hat rh 17, 191?" Game Protection. Ii Tr-I. ,ne. Sir: ' note on the editorial page ? tide 1 ? Bird sference is ms to t the ag ill ' Perha :?. be inter? it? : ? ? Irgus" ol \: ' that there b" n five j ear elosed to that s ' tl.? ?'at-'. fr ? "The Uiverhcad (L. I I r," to ? .?? * ; by (,ur ? - . a latter to ] son that as soon as the gui ti ?re ara bo mora f ? ? pad s It .?ill be ? ? 1er ? ii pro] ?? an, and will m self, but will take part ? destro) ng ? snd th?- fi .i g at ones the pi ind limit?t | it which t lion at it s . . pa i ? of game o.? any thinj m th?? way furthering '; . ui lertska I \ I WEEKS, 116, A Warning. ep for war with Amei -. pre?, Bring to tra ng m our ports to tiie nominal I Edward N. Br? . ? ? ? ? hi \ ? might well i ? i I ? i ? h? r in>? eoloi re not going to be s i ?de, ai era rill be ?? | ? drive ?? Verdun dui r and ?rapo ? the end) . look foi no let-u| protocol mil is torn up, ? . ? BOW? ? ? .*????? ? Buddenl) ? I si ged for the i . lay I" Bran nri?i equip the Allies, ? ? BCHI . 1 l.l: S( 111 ?.111- I I ! ? ? "fork, Man h Id Adventures of a Public Buffoon. ? ? ' , ? ? ? led himself a ? "he Vital Issu? ipers m d pa the British governi ? i tu fui? ? ? ? ' much t that M til < rea ? . ,i . FINN Ti OOL. March 16, 1916 No Dirty Deal in the Record. ? I f Tl ? .nt to aay that the rai of this eountrj favor Hi? jrrent opposition ?ohms from si bosses ??? reds him En des admire him for tha backbone hi pa ess? HI ord of many yes des] i. . i,,|.,;.. I : ?... ? ?? a alt ? , d all t i i ? PACKARD Huntington, Ark, March II, 191*. "TOO BAD!" OPERA TICKETS AND SCALPERS Speculator- Get Many, While Cus? tomers at Box Office Can't Buy. ? I hav? to hem ? ? ropoli . morning I of th ? . ? -.. indow . '.y tolr I modi r: "Vou ? : ? Cerl have." I told thai ?irnl ui In 1 the three . ring rall? at ? ? ? ? ing fer would ? ? . . ? ? ? eatre I?was ti ? I heard d I t ti. mother laut ? '??.(lie?l ? ? ? ? ? -, ? r, but ' inging ? I To g Broadway I mad .? ., guiar box ' I from position I , ? ? ? ?rellars "i the It!?? ?' "or myself, but I I to cheat I ? rtun:ty tu ' . ? world . ? il trtisti CLINTON B. DAVIS. ? Ohampioning the Militia. '.nr. I ? ?? i ! ibui ? lound ? articles preparedm ' ? ' ible enough ?? ?guiar m. , m --?-. have ? : ved n thi nent, under tl Wil? cox; -" Ci lonel J. Q. Adam i, ?lar ?il.I hu\ ing ?<? ??ti acti* s ?? I?..i!i m the Held .-it the call Preaidi I. < . coin, and In riot duty ut the ? think I a calling ti,,? ed ? -Tribune to ih up the n 1861, 1862 m.?I '? ill for hel|.m the 1 ? ? ? ? iponded ?.' once, and ni twent) foui hours the movement ?>f our r. immeneed, fullj armed ntnl ' i ? ?lu? I?, tie ,th, .?. li!,'li was first to move, the ethers f< ?ing as soon as transportation was given them. No ental army eould 1"' org I to do ?' In 1868 ?he < ? I aylvanla, took York. Carlisle, ;>?'.. would haw 'taken ?larrishurp, bul the militia im| the ad'.ai. of General Ewell* ?kirmiihing when fHey arrived withli : and a half ml ?- of Harrisburg. G ? I? red them bacl to Get) irg; Hai risburg wi I.? serai Meade thanked the militia in his special on!? r No I hope the editor will ?give thl I credit, so as to encourage you'.t: mi -join. What we t ?' snd recruits t?. increase our s from our bu- "?unit;, for the young men to join. CALVIN T. STECKEL. Brooklyn, March 16, 1816. Fear Pleads for Armaments. To the K.|i'.?r of TH?? Tribune. Sir: The shock of >>.<r, thi ultatinn it inspir. ? <>??!;, ;ri * ray i ? I ?h?? ready popular eeei i?*11 ? I the ar f..r truthfulnesi and ?inn? ?1, the most nn ? paraded to inapire alarm, and ??? enta of i I.? the peop ;i i i? ??! ?' 't?? and ill i lefei ????." a su| ? ? tari?'ii m every land. I wa - po nting tra?i>** ? reeentl) He .- i i? War veteran, ? man whoae mil ?... admitted the coi tradict ? .. ? " II. had. i' wai !'??nr. Ae?l that alone. 1-> >? ? human - I each other, Fear thai own, from ?? I'-ito-??. ???I our cii nd et tun pirate snd "hold us up.*1 : that thi fwould, and wouldn't If *li??y conl.l "? u|i"; thai peaceful 'rn.le ' mon profita ? irmed conquest and thai merca and n< world. Perhai . ? ? ? . :? . ? : ? cover their s.imtv AR NETT. New Vork, March 17. Germany After the War :*?, ? Sir: I think thai D i i i Mi ; i,. ? any' glooi ly'a Tribu ? ? . ? ? lusions. lie r-t.tter? that the Allie war indemnity on German manufacturers and will compel them to stamp their products with the mark " In Germs ????luile tie poaaibilit) ?? ?ale on for thi il ind ? ii therefore rather promet peak of I am furth? ? in believe that, no matter ho? d< | the i s the A products may be, if the German produel found to ? at, ??? the u'.rlil will stop Ikeir sale in preference to goo v ike Exactly the -?nut thing happened b .?, hp.,1 < i repea il.? whole article leemi rather to be in spired by feai ? n Geraum will accomplish after the war than based on ition. RH il IRD W GERMER. ?..- r York. March 17. l..?>' Subway Crowding. i ? dites of The rrlbene. Sir: I have had to trike the lubway 'or the lasl sis month? t,. ^.i i,, has ? The way the people (men and ???men. boys snd girls) are crowded in the ears snd on the platforms Is einsptj beyond den i If there is any deeenc) left, it Ii high time that the police ?>t the Department ?>t Health ?gol bv ISIDORE i . \ ?> Mew v?>rk, March II, Itia "A SCHOOL TEACHERS' UNION" Would Add To. Not Subtract From, the Teacher's Dignity. Tu ? as t?* on "A ' School r? i ? <*'?'* '?*?*? of a nt? which intel! ger.t rtd* ? te t. a e-0 ? in will it ?t with tit ?Id OB tb? la h aatfg the Legisla! ? . ? r- " Con . ? ?i F?* ?? ?ffiliattl : ? | en trill m all I .< tfatsM ? ?tr-n-th . ?assM, I*. ? ? ? meat ?ny ?** - "'? . |y sad sphj sir leaden,! ? .the union ? ???' ?, re msy BsS I -' N'*w *V . ,,?. ? litt.? ' " ' ' ? :' \\?0$ ? ' a sl ' ' ?? ? '.'?-, Vi''' ' ' ? ' - ' ? - need the ' ' * " ,?.?>? brai****1 "?'"' ,4.1 ?T .ni?*-*! ? nans MiperitiW: > b!btW9 union tu eaatpel the * .rd foi ultimstely "? ? Jj have h voice in th.- . ., I other .>'*.**r" t?J^ . need the unloi te *Awaea # tl,enia.i??-? ? professieaal sad? * pendent, si ' t *"* T'**\T?? an lh?' rhildn ? ?"?' ,; **?Ij type ol ? iti eiislup w ?tho i? "*''.,.. e r, [?Val l'eiicher? v Nt a rerk, Marsh ', Ifl*