Newspaper Page Text
GL?AFANTF**. "?'uncy R.ick If You Want It A?tt?^0rl( -*3*M ??xxbmt WFATT1FR. "????it or ?i??? tO-nigbt "fl to mor. ron . in? ?<-??: ng - ??? ?- *-?H -?-t wind? ... , Is. First to Last - the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements Voi I \\\_\(?. 2~KZel?r. t ?parlrlit 1 ?aIr, I h? Tril.iin?- \??'o. WEDNESDAY. MARCH ?916. ? v \ I - a ? I' V 'I? I-a \??t \,'t\ I i|. Nraa.a.k teros? ? ???, I * ? I . I I..? I ,,?| ||.i..? |U?,?rt?r?- lato <->???. PershingAsks More Men; Alarm on Border Grows; Berlin and Allies Ready to Modify Peace Terms REPORT KAIS WOULD GIVE WAR AS DR? Germany Would ? Belgium and Ri pay Tax Levies, ALLIES READY FOR CON?SSIO Blockade Aimed to C vince the Hermans o Futility of War. **"*? *T"-''>-on? I Wr.* March 21. Modi tion . f * terms of pe;> fid?*--. ; ropoan v rated *n information reaching \V infjlori. ?Germany's desire to rnrl ??a*- while ?'"e it ?still victorious m reach their rtrenptb in the ?coming Minimer Ion*** b-wn known, and freak < ?? id of it has reached Wa hington on the last few da;.*?. But the strikii,*? * ? *?? fs ! tfct Alites, ?according to hi?-h aut' it> here, aro no termine insist on the complete nun -any and ; g to pi ** torms than any I 'ted from All? In dipion.. ?sides of the war, ;i well a.? ? ? ? tatei c Wfro madt to T'.< I ?iilCAt ? | ready t?? :"r'.m their terms. ? nnar.y. i* ?I is trill t] e Status quo a* fications. Most >t r;k of the.?e i? her willingness not o ' relinquish Belgium, bu1 to "h in its restoration,*1 presuma throuph the payment of a' nity or the rem H I ????*" ta: collected thero. Allies Rear)* to ?Madifj Terms. II dema fr Great i ' ? * t be ? ed." It now df-r'arrd I ? ? tin a F-ft- i ? . onclu jt??-?? ' ? -mar. p^oj ?-sv** bet Bggn * ? ? prof lesa." ?? ' I ? ?.? e?to bi M t ? ? "Va'hfr ' **.??' H '. ? ? Ma J ? ? ' ' ' v ?,- - ? ?IT Wll '.??!>? d< l * - A . ? ? I ' ' . . i.? , ? ?- I ''??'? .-, p plomati : ? - - ? ''' : ' - " ..?...,'.. ? t?, ?In . t" i ? Hi 'i ?????????????l ?a? g,aa?m I. ???l.jrr.? ? WAR ZONE CHILDREN SEND MARJORIE DIMES Ihrpf. children in Paris, Krarr?. ?a-ru. knot? What ?nr mpsr. ?,. th? ? - ach children, ??rot-*- tin let'or t?. ?h? -fir] m America ?ho gave n dime fot h batUaship he cau??* fI < unn's Aaieries to ?void unr |,y being r?-i H\ : "We irre three American children *?li?> li?c in I'aris and ha?e heard fron <>u r father ahuut Marione'? l?attlo*liip. ?Bcttj and I ?.end you ilir?*.- (?imp? apie-ce. Harold i? the littlr*T?t. ?o ho ?ends four. \\> tend ???ire tlian ?me because v? e have he-en here through almnal all the war. and man.? children? fathers d?i nut come l?a?k home and man? other children have no nir?- home? ?n? m?ire. and ?c ?ant our count rv to hr ?afc from an? imp l MILI h ITHERINE SHEETS, "HKTTY 8HEET8, H IBOI I? I I?' Wh BHEET8, JR.. "???i RtM (lev \ IgaCB, Parla, Trance." Total received h> The Trih un?. to date.$6,1 "?-..fil \uml?*?r of contributors .ii.?2? Number of contributors to oilier paper? at la?t re |.ort ?March 19). .'?n.noo . iterda] 'a ?c eiop at of ? foui ?I on Page *. GIRL SUICIDES SLAYER' ACCUSED OF FORGERY .1 I . Baxter Arrested as Intlorser of Express Co. Checks. When A.He M. Richardson killed heraelf laal Priday a' 24(1 < umberland Brooklyn, ?lie left h rote to .1. Frsiil" Maxtor saying: "If there is any I earning iibo'?, to earth I will be ; yon out. You have a ?rid you have killed me. ' No?', no your o? I answer to Go?J fo me " Baxter spent last night h a cell,! a ? . n forgery trbish he d? - nie?. I v .??. m 'n ",' American i ? . .. ? checks ? ere ?-toieii iroin A. I . Baxter, a rea' estate opeia *?or of Philadelphia. ' rec?.?. te the value of |W0 na'-e come bin-K to the V < . Baxter and in? dorsed m the same handunting by a "M I rank Kax'.er." Some were paid bv W. F. Wessen, cashier of the Fift- 8a? tract 1 M ' . A. ;> and the Mane Antoinette Hotel. ? ?; .1. Prank Baxter'a name de of If las F ardtoi were notll i . ar ii i.e B as nr at the raccr.e of the BVieide, '.'"" set, He m as r< ? sal ^ \?lams ng. CYCLONE WRECKS PASSENGER TRAIN Clover Leaf Cars Blown from Track ?:i Indiana. Ind., March "I. Clover Leaf - I rain No. i?, ?no-? n a? "i on? inercial Traveller," was .?lotvn fiom the ? a ras' of Mai ion. ?lur thick passed ?'? rouf?h ? . about 1 ' ? nif-ht The train consi*Me.l of bee car?, four ? ?? ? irnori ovei. the other ? ' ?ion. It S rere injured. PARIS, TEX.,'LOSES MILLIONS IN FLAMES I ?rr Sweeps Throngk ihirty Blocks i'i Heart of City. I, F i re s ti in compre?, tat? . v et ?"'l * o 10 basin? I t-, bavin? square . ? ortn ? idential disl riet?, 'IF I WERE KING" TO BE SOTHERNS FAREWELL Actor will Give Last Perform? nnces Mere in May *5( ?i y.,? . bid fai? Teil '.t, . ? . ?ern perf'irn.nnre? ,i' ' 'rania. "If I Were ..... | | | . ? '?.r Iht t of th? a- ?? r ? Fund of America rooks in M roa gagement was announce? ;..??. irule? ? . p?a; ? ?I It man's management , . , . iatiOfl '?' ?he?. "If IV?..?? I ?> BS one Brf Ml* ? ? .,?. .' ,,i ? ? Uld fil ???rial . ,.*,,...,. i? ?,.ss written bj Justin ? i and Ural preduc? d OetatM i 11, IWI . , . , ,| .. . ha original . ? ? " \ ! ! . ? ? i M r v? ?r mill hnv. ? i,. ? : i., entire p?"' ta t perf'.rni?. ?fa '"'???'I Ilion dallai rampiijn foi th? A i''ir* i TEUTONS TAKE WOOD IN DRIVE WEST OF MEUSE French Position at Le Mort Homme Is Now Critical. LINES STORMED DURING NIGHT Esnes and Hill 295 Shelled by Germans?Losses Are Appalling. M- t'.H? t?-? 1 ?' , - ?London, March 21. The ituation ' 1. . . ng in? creasingly critical. Despite thi born r I tance o? the I ? i ich, the Germans, with ?battering-ram b :.i-e steadily driving forward thoir flan kin-.-* movement southwt Mori Homme, Checked yesterday afternoon in their tir?.* assaults on the Malan? ? ?.vocourl lino, t.ltey succeeded last night m wresting a large part of the Avoeourt Wood from its dc fenders. Paris also admits that ih? village of Esnes, important a?, a cen? tre ?if communications, has heen brought under the German tire. "Weal o? the Meuse,** says the of? fieial Berlin ?statement to ?day, "Ha var?an regiments and ?battalia Wurtembuip landwehr, ?after ?care? ful preparations stormed the ?entire strongly fortified French ? in and near the for?ai northeast of Avoeourt. "< ounter?attacka attempted by the enemy dnl not ?bring Inm any ad? \antape, l?ut. on the ?contrary, in flirted further se'ious lo?.-es upon 1 im." Flamin*- Liquid ?? Again ?Used. "Several times last n??,rht," Paris this afternoon? "the I man- WOSl of the Ml no-wed their attacks against our front, endii to Malai mi nt t.- iselli of large cali n ? * interruption. at tai ?a- of the t ? he ?throwing of flam detachmeni carrying sp?cial maelime f pijrpo-.?. "In -?.-*?? '*r the l eav] lo es in? flicted by our fire the < able to take po ?? n, ? ,. i . part of Malan, OUrt Vi the A' x ?ui * Wot d, wl ii pied. All ?the effort i of the I ?? n arch oui ol e A ij ,ire." ' o I ' by th< ? ? botnbsrdmei ' r ' ? ? ii an?l Hill 304. The - ? ? --ays; "<>n the '? '? ? ?i ? bomba rdment ? ? ? . 'Mali ?rjrt. on thi 14 . ounter ? si 'emp' ? b.'in l?ir?4r" ? .. ? ? en ??a? of the 1 2...00 I renrh ( .i ?-.-turril. Km lin ?ti*?, claim ire of thirty two officers, two of ?rhoa* were intsl romi-ianii?--?., anil 2J999 SB wounded prisoners, loffether aitl material. Bi -1 1 n-nrla ?mi .... II ?. || ng '-i'r bat ii.-. ,,' I ?o ?;? iment ..... ?-,--. ? ,i,?a,.i ihi-ir defeaee \\ r?( Hank Hanirrr Palet. \ it Le Mort H "'i * ?. - a Meuse Gen . lia? tHro-An ihr w i.i4t? t.? h restn ? - i he ? ? I I"*. ?. <?f th?? t.ver, t? rtr< . h? hattet.**ith * i'?< li it Im prall) ha? bees planted Ai long sa Cistitis, ?i'-irk arai ?iil? only enough infant?*] ?n- i ? ?d?-?l t.? m"?r thi font, ?.? the m "i?- opto m **pl hi,?,?. prott b? bat fee hilli fenti in? main bronl of battli I si this r??a , ,? | ? - I a r I . Homm? snd the t'oti ; i ? sr t r? u! m ? ? . ? I... doi l?rM< ? rally t h? ?? Until " v ?Sijrh plateau in ?li-1 ... n ..' \ < ? ??i? only three farts, ??< ag-iimt < ..fillnt,cl on DM* '. column 4 GERMANS SED TO CARRY WA? INTO HOLLANI Germany Wants Con trol of Scheldt, Re? port in Capital. U-BOAT ATTACKS TO FORCE BREA.1 Conquest Believed f.asy a: Aid in the ?Campaign Against l.ngland. ? i ?BBS Germany i ' the bel i? t ret I develop ment A ... , r q?c si toi. The I'nh that I 'a long 11 m been expected a- the next ?icrms'i cm, ?tuest, ar.,1 that '? 'nt~, en the iresten front and In the ?..?i**i* ?r ns eampaigi > ? .111. G e rm a ? ? ? -* o fold ai ? a pe n' of '.arita?*e from which u r onduct i.a? al ?>: . . I I ir.-a l!r-tain, n-l to BCCUra niorc terntor; with ? ?o bargain ?viren the peso negetiationa begin, "he captai erp gave iiermany a part of th? Idt I .' Dutch Bent ral it; i?. pre vented fitiy valuable BBS being mad? of it. . the obloqny of forcin-? at ?. |?.,*? avei ? ? - under : to be the (?erninn plan to irr.tat? ? ther to a declara! on or o asentan at which dermal v. ,iy. s astice. This ? s .... I'utch .?hips. Thi im-e beer destroyed in sas* rcumstancei v. ith m a few da>?. sad fe? high in thi It lp ? . . : that Holiaii'l trill ? II Germ . or. .. may ' ? ? ' .. i : d not ] ? Anger <>i Dutch Grows Despite German Denial .... ? ? . ? sunk. icstion of the ul l.otter hether ?O lie ? of no? li ? ? al?o and l * \ ? land ??lilad" ? Th? ' ? tat i v< ' ? thoUt S dec i i ... : ?urance, which has become ? mpossibl? and According lo t ! I ?rant." t tO ? i the ?> ri rl? v a * I ;. i n c le, Tue difficulties of inak* crea?, psr titrularl) ?? il is hc'ic?r,i a Torpedo ;. .1 in the eoal bunkers, cauain?? As Actors See You Vou ? o? on .? s>tag< look I ? ? ? ludience, bul haut I ? '?- tt , ? .1 ?? tr.-ni the -tice* 1 ne (jrsphic Picture Section -ii" ? ? it <-A~fm* ?,,, Hand I* lore i crowd fill rtf tn<* %*-.t auditorium ?>t the Hippodrome the nicht uhi? t'ir cifre hou?-e U9S reserved foi the employei o4 the Americsn News ? ompanj .?r prifa as * full-pa*?* nest Sands* If you ?>? ?-,t t?i sec jroursell a?. .i.? set you, tell leslei to-da* lu reserve -on.* ?copy (Th? ??'uit?ag Qlr?mni //r?f ?o I mat ? the truth: Ne?.?-?iKditorisln?Adi ertltementn. M????i?r <?" th? Audi! BaftMH f ? II li.i'iona _ Headquarters Gut Off From News of Perching. Columbus. N. M , March 2!.?Wire rommunication between the United States and General Pershing's punitive expedition in North? ern Chihuahua was at a standstill tonight. The army wireless sta? tion at Casas Grandes failed a little bet?re 6 o'clock, the only re? maining line of communication into Mexico being an army field telegraph wire, which had been practically useless for several days because it hail been cut in several places between Columbus and its terminus, thirty miles south of the borriet. If the break in the wireless is n?-?? repaired soon it will be neces? sary to depend on mounted couriers to carry dispatches. Major W. K Sample announced that the field telegraph line had hern , m in twenty eight pla.-rs. eight miles of wire being carried away in one place. SUFFRAGISTS WI SENATE VICT01 Whitney Brereton Ame ment Finally Reporte Out of ?Committee. ? - -, . * * *. . Albany, March 21. With on!; sin?-!e \-f??e ?a? ?he negative, l M * rage amendment, ? '??: another referendum nn Ifrage qnesties in lfl7, reporte,! !,.. ,-., Judiciary i mitt?*? tin? evening, much ?o the jo a handful of -ufrafjist leader? ??ho four hnur? had patiently watched waited ? while ? had h held uo Ion?*- eBOQgh lleven m were cast in fsvoi ?if rep? . e, while Se. BtOf Hr?. ate in the negative. Senator N d not vola.. Fh?S amendment will now pii on I.- ? si order? cai.-rulii; p-ohtibl?. .. bs m .i order for lorn? . u : acted u i*a ' ' . . ?' .? ' . na to M i: '.\ Rjitohou '.. , imber. ?? Seaatera .... around '* ? me a eo ?.i? mber "peeked." hut not a bi Ti?i- women, ded t.i ce . '.i ii ... . door. Ge ? ? foi a time pros? ? -.... le did - ?mi " cu' the suspense was terrible litttaa said "Jas xt Sena' lobby and nevei mua?.. You CBB Imagil loa ? ?? fall ??.hen sou real?T? ?i1 ha? ?he t'.r?f of .lanuat i h. ? continual!-.- on th ? ?? -? ?ii satisfied tehou ' ... ? n r he h' B are ??or.t,<?efr - ijoril il n the A?.??!*--b!y ? IB ef teall the f-ammittae runm a- la* haT-e been re??8rilcd." no disc : ? ' convi B ? istive. Mr?. Laidla ek te Ne"? Yod r*i-- oi the 7 e'eleck train I baut it, ?? h . " \\ | tehou e ... e-;1 ? 8j rscuse. LINCOLN, GERMAN SPY, SAYS HE'LL BREAK JAIL the pi ? . up ' ? pending ? tradi ? and on the ? >?? ? it a?> resorted lerda ? tian ? ' g. Litt - ?renk JS 1. ?" ? . -.-..|.e '.?."? lhal ?'Hi ?taunted th? ?'. I or se?eial ????el? befcre he va? recaptured. TWO AIRMEN LO? ON MEXICO FLIG? U. S. Army Aviators A 48 Hours Overdue : (.asas (irandes Base. ! H., March 21. T?<? ght Am?n--n flying rn'ri and tl biplanei i>f th,? punitiv?? e\p??dition Me\iro nrt* loft to mpht in th?- ?If? -tra-trii?? of \orth'.vcr>t Chihuahua, irith only -hree ?I ?uiteervs of Wl ? in and ?arar, atton, it ? made ? ? ? ?? si military ha ? 4 r a r r ' <? r ?< h??ro to Army nlt'.,-t?r?? do r.??: credit report.? Columbua that the two lieutenants n .? ?. ietirai of inipers. A wireleai from t'?-.e (laid army 11 .-in. airoplano. one of m\ to arrive day. wai parti*" *vreek?d in** ?50-t . he pilot, Lteutensi-J T. S. Bow ? ? ind other si i| Lieu ? tt 'rip'me The wi ? ? . , , Sa avtst* prsvioui b) a .... Un '.' ? in the i .ir.?<,| i ? ???.-??. Major u " .. , I: D Koulo i h: < a?.? ... report 8, Gorrell, ? e l< it * a'.d that no r rig men ?u ? : ., ion*,* i ' I) at i a?as (?ran?!? >a ar?" being en ireh, lifht piar,?-? itartod from he light over 1 ? ?? ?Jesert an.I mountaini threui ?h?? t'a-;.. Grandi Valley to join tt Neither of tl men wa? arrompan ,?>d hv a mechanicil ??.??? .? ,'*:?.? afti ? ? ?- rtigr' began .?tie? tvei then. No'.hir ? ? hear?! from either ? I I tad tha the t [hi there I for 'heir -..??'? ?* ?? i ? i" dola ? that th ' Memben of * i 1?re < orpi cling t the hone tha' they ?nay have e? tad ha been f for i - H rceior.. ieutei a: W. G. Kilm tarted ? e.i to .-? ' a flo-te border. After *r Its i reach'? ?' .V?o '?a I ?} a", i I ?1 ; | ? ? . ' -, ffieers mi - - lieste tha - : -,,,?? ???.-?.-. ildei ? . - irahla . ar.? . i and to car e'. ?' I .rm; Lieut ? ? ? ? ??? .?-. sad ?vat ep Ma |a . Botl ,.;,.? light of array 'plane? ? ?ma. WOMEN AND CHILDREN PUSHED TOWARD U. S. British (nnsul at Torre?n En? ?"ages Boxcar Escort Ready. Tnrrro-i. Me\ .???. March tt. Th? ? , < rigaged a hi I ? to eerrj ihe fore gn women ,nd 'he American h?rder. Th?? ear ?rai ??nable to leave T?->rr?nr bowever, on aeeoant of a wreck near Porai ? ?tart ? ? --- d?*r a ?p? Si .'?-or? fsrniahed BJ Con era! Franeiaeo <?on-?. Ramea informed that ho had p?r?. rated the at tt laan Mn ? n- ..??? K? ? ? ???'? ehiefts '? ?. ? ??. roat of Dinamita, l'urana-?-.. ?g a -uml.?r of th? enemy mil rapt - lirirc IM horSOS wyio) mule?. a| ?all ai a ?arge quantity of dynamite. NEW FORCE SENT SOUTH; QW(MZISTAS DESERT Call for Reinforcements from Ex? pedition Followed by Severing of Wire Communications. SITUATION IN SONORA TENSE; WOMEN LEAVE A TEXAS POST Villa Reported to Have Defeated Canos Forces, but Official News of Narn? quipa Fight Is Lacking. (From The Tribune Bureau.) Washington, March 21.? -in response ?to <*i call fron (?en? crai Funston for additional tro-opa tin? War Department t*> n?irht ordered two commandi rushed ?to the border. The -Ith Infantry, stationed at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., nct?ta? at* ders to ?Mitrain at one?', while ?the ."?Hi Cavalry, stationed at Forts Meyer, Va.; Leavenworth, Kan., ami Sheridan, III., als</ was ortlered South. ( I-'rom a Staff Correspondent ot The Tribune.) El Paso, Tex., March 21.- Lured bj Villa's plea that he IS not lighting .Mexicans, but an American arm\ of invasion. ?j.'inu Carranzisia soldiers of General L-uis Gutierres'! ?'?m maiul. at ( 'hihuahua City, have ?repudiated ?the First chief t<> thro** in their lot with the bandit, according to advices tv ceived here to-nijajlit from ?sources ?regardi d as reliable. 2,01 0 troops arc ?said ?i!rpad" to be proceeding v.esi ward to i?'in Villa in the vicinity o? Alatachio. a ?short di-?taiu? 1 lir^?o? ?Tadera a<*tin-- on information from Villa agents that i I the bandil would swing westward from below Namiouipa. * F?NSTON CALLS FOR MORE TROOP Fifth Cavalry Ordered I Mexico to Reinforce Invading Army. Kan .' '?? foe mor?? Toon? ? . ? Pershil g ? --. ?at SBI scan ?? - a. r,er."ra. PsTShil | ~r< :<>rday lllggestad th.?.' another regime I e seat ta bim, and to-d-v.- Qas ? rut'-'on asked the department for wh he <?haractrr;,'.f.| as an adequate fore It 'ah? announced at Gf-neral Fu ston's heail.-iuartera that th? ' I f?:rv. on? ?ouadron of which ii at To Myer, Va.j another at Fort I.eavei worth. Kan., and the third at Fo ."heridan. III., would be hroi.jr I I | ones and sent ?" alor of rommunici t-on to randas. Whether ?> had aiked for more troop?. Geaen ? - Th? ., -. , giras for itrengtt .?an?'tai Pcrahin***! 'or ? ' . goner ? ? ?.r???ih* ons bad 04 come to ext muaicat Ol and The lubaidisr?/ Uni wer.tker Id he. Prea-autitinan "?love. He Sa>a. a precau I ' a - ?? ? for mon ? r and th - ? CO'iper it? in the pur I anythini ?Ion he dcclii anawer. .??oir.*' eai ' ? ? ed for i ? - ? an it wi I ; . .. |t al !?? . General Pen at * ::i- Of tkf v g it, alia dap] .? . ?vad here that G F.,-,?ton i?. "carried bj reyerta of al l-rgcd growing antagonism seaoag i si ran_a troopa, llthough h?-? is rar?'. ?? , : ng a reporta on tna* pha?e ot thi ' I jation. \ ilia Bands K-.m II ha? no? been farguttes at hi? head? quarter?., i. ?-.?'. , ,-, r-r>r? ?ro'.p? Mmewhere Ii Mexico tha ndintr ?a tii him ?,,i h;? flight. H??^lizirirz ?-i?iir?,. -rr tt \ run'? i ,, It ,?? not eon aide red wise to i -p.-. .,?-? v-*\ Par hing** Lan?- Bahlaofa, toward which "ne of ,. ? h?' mo\in*r. i? almost > border !'? the t me $.?<? cal? direct! ?1 toward Carmen ?.'.d \iai.i ?in p., arriii si ' it "i i the? ai?o will be alma ? ?? fai aauth. I South of I a?a.? tirando? ihr (avail Idrtarhmenta that ar?? Colluding the ( n?iiBH'd ?n i??a? ' iolu-na ' ? ?lenarte.J ? ?1 n ? ulumhtj?, satt daily a wi'h ??uppl;. \ ? |ks !>l'l I ' Tiommtr that ten ? ?', tl ? nrnvf I Mes sad rumors tf iti ? wen em Report? ?if right I nt-t-nftnned. ? gh?Bg hla'J occirre . r.ear ' ma? Gl*BB?3?S I.?"* ?'en Villa and ?o i|?j, Bl . owin?? ? ? ' i tl of Bsaleara, ? !e< frun Matachre arid halfway i. FoIIoh log rs 'Is' till Maxiaaa olej-raph and t?!ephone wirs? he'?..-i.e?i ,|. . ... RraBsJai had rl rimi fr'irn < /umbus fei In * di*ps*eri pa???-d hy Usa m ? ? ? H',.i '.?! aWd *?|re communira- G? eral t'er.hinf had failed, I ?im? bus snd i* tionai ! rhs troubla .he It il ' ...? lo r? < a?? * cor ? * It et a raid i ob tha railiua'? ? tha dama?*?! .; - r? ? . I sjraiti |n ? e ??'??fa? ,? d?fraie?! a BOMtCM stn ?'nm,a? ion tha ?o'jih ??? t**-, s; the fa smai?,u?pa, rta?ee ?t ? rrrtMH Her! ?? the (?r aanee? tha? - ronl tea a , pa endsd. ? ?f had re -om tha front n' h" '? n?***? h of tha rt"ii*as'*' and and V i a- l his "00 on? ??!??? on 'he border. -a ??id h? I |l lie, too, ?Sid ete down. Neither ? roa had he<?n cut hy lid not deny tha*. t prabahl I eevttteA to int?r rernnti itlsfl Mils HrlirtH Victorino?. ? |ht paiat etty ? r " ? ?no? column in? t?> the ?outh ' Vrneriean trfiop? could get ti? the . c Be < t* hn" There a a ?!i?n'nt <n th?* border ? ?? < arranristac at any time had ?an s'lvanfa-f. over th? l.^ndit?. It is ' uell ', nouti ?'? ?? t? . Me-, su a? S l*ule are ?-?a?' afraid of Villa, and that Si l? pe?era! ???'""t ,h* tro?1'* Also it .? I""?""'" ??)?" i .rrantaa army -?' ?******. th Villa, snd wjjaM ?Jj ..... UM Amer.esns in I* * r?tufinia* him . f,p,,r. that \ iH? has aucceajdaid Itliag t?*+ou?*h th? < arranrs lints