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Only Danger Now is That the Fight Fans May Go Stale Before the Battle Admirers Force Moran To Battle a Few Rounds Crowd Spoils Challenger's Hope of a Day of Rest. TRAINERS FEARFUL OF TOO MUCH WORK Danger Thai Pittsburgh Man .May Cio Stale Is Kver in Mind of Handlers. n> \v. o. M'f.Ki.iiw Franh Mo??n had Iritendod: to t-ike ?rday afternoon off, but WBBB h? arrived at the ? hatcau 'Awkina lie found that re?or* ?.urrotinded by tVK) or more admire;?! \?h?j iiad come to Wcstohester to see him box. Thoujrh he did not frei that he needed the ex? ercise. Moran go' into his castui went threagh twe ; h with Bill McKlnnor Ire fear of MorSB . hang* over the chateau. McK and Kendall, lirai and s.-cond . ants to ""raiaar *" Ulla Latvis, declared that Moran whs right on edf-e and that any hard work from now on would bring h'm down too fine "He ought.'* to box to-day." declared Kendall, "but, of courue, ha wouldn't disappoint that mob." In the fojr ronads Moron played constantly with his left hand. The fsct that Waltet Monahan was able to r?i.ev \\ ?Hard's righl rith t; pai I battery ha i Moran the notion that he can go and do likewl a. On Moran h O] es t more ens? I ha The ret th light ? Hut Moral leavier thar trains! ? or In the ring ? near, play? boy is a : The day's proceedings ??ned by b Indiana wildcat in hanii I IiilWin XX ants a t hance. "New that the date ol thi :? dr,. kno?? ' :o meet th? ? .... ... Wein i ' many ol big a If Mon.;. shou d ??? in dee * ? - I ' ? S '.' SS ? " ould k? f? '.:? ? r*- -.* ?> $? ?ted and i*t?esji] ? The spectacle r,n 'ess '?'* humo- ? romembere.i tha' Dillon ?xas mat for a whole ds ? - i to pro*'? It, ? : ? hs? de? i ? ; 4 ? There il a m? Jack Cui ? n f t h e i ? ? ? insist thai mat: Xndrr Ma? "t*lnni?h. ' ' ' X Anu?- ,uld I,,. Of RT. ***.?*'' - ? ' match ??? ":. \' rumor that . - 1 ii 1011 H'Oll'l ??il?' xxlirflicr ?Sprint- i?-,iK oi i" I if you go plano ?oto one of oui four ?tores lo?day for youi v'S?*ot< h MatA Spring oveti -.?it. In M/?-?, iSr m#[, 0f .-v?.., UM Foi ibrrjyi t*,.,. " . MRofen -PoeT \)t.r\)ir. tlUf] soil li?its ri'-u .li.ij)?.?,. .M-*t*.ori Derbies ana -oft I,*,*?., ncludiog t!r "Stetson-Special," pride o? id" SMioii -}io|,s. J.'h.i.'.s J'f.i.i CoMPaUTY Broadway J'roarJway at Util ?St. "The at 34th St. I 0 ? Broad way Corners' Fifth Aas 4? Wtrrrn It 41st 8t . .... . t. Anrli ? ? ? ? for ?i pr??. ' ? ? . . an?! ? ??.ii ?avs, ? as W iflard snd Moran " ? .* ' brr-H' ? ffstei ? '???? ? ' ?? ? ibber. llr will be del *,? er, young In i vai ?' ? ...... manager, ** ill do;, ip and Moran Want? Little Ad? i? It. ????1 with 1 the ? ? ' talks I he orn I d one bel tell a mai ? ? ng. id Jim i ?? ?t had ? pi ting. II . ? ? \ fighl ? own way and or fall by it. I h at < ??- mo und shouting. Willie ?Le? ha? i. cool head i .? He ?i he does not scream j That i ? why I like hil J I ;.:. ? ? .. Mora;. ? r while this battle i? on." Moran spent n distressing" He attei ded the ' his little oi "It was the mo?- heart breaking ex? ' rver had In my life, h< ?-?nd. t forget thai ? ? . ? . ik of OSBORNE VICTOR IN POOL TOURNEY Bridgeport Veterans De? feats M. B. Hawkins by Margin of 04 Balls. H. S n Club, of Bridgeport, Com l ? ? ? . scd chain ? e ran ?.ut i ? liftei ? hie. ? ? ed to di ? .? ? nt, playing ? . ? r i time? to 1 moi me . bul '. . . ?? ? ? g on t .? ? ' ? ? ' J. Ma ? ? I . ? ! _ on*? ? -. IS m rami iry of thi . . ? 4 ? .? -4 i . lita . - i Ou Is' Club Bowlers Defeat I Iks' Irani pht'games. ? ? ? i Leaves Team for Mines. 21. ' ? ? ! 1 ?' annou GOTHIC "Arrow Collar ! ?' the knot of a finHg. bond or ho? perk* t]y. _-/?._?;,. I act, PeabodjicCe... Inc.. Makass ?iflrV?? MANHATTAN ?f?j m.xU!.v?tV%\\\ Tairwnight RKICH v?. PORKY FLYNN I . Pawn ????'? "? i U taw*. * Movie of a Man Trying to Make a Dale By BRIGGS Willard Proves That He Can Box as Well as Fight Champion Jabs Partners a? Will in Session in V?. nicn ( .leverness ( ounts. Hl *. u OOD BROl S. . mpion ? ? ? ? ? ...-h the ? ' ickli i, thai ? Heini A ? ' ? ? and i?? ? ?I h is ??,?.? ' . i on v l ? cruahc lb ? ?phant ?f Ro del, ' ? . * ? ncd to irai ? 11?? remembered ?h t ? ? W altei Monahan had raised a lui ? ? and, an in the third act, W?| ? Cnaile ? ? I . York Jeae ,. ??,,..? ? >.. ? kilful m? l:,.,|??l and Hen ? elever. In hi* bout with I''??I<?1 ? l?i?l'i ng Ull.T ? . ? ? , esch ' illard lir t ? Hi tapie bon ??il? moi. It and the . ? ? V haril one land? ? ? ?. and ? ? ?? inch, and * ? ? ' ? ? .1 clinch, and ?lui ' Hoer l.'...l. 1 '. an ? ? ? ? ? . ? done I om !:? lei $50 il r ? ? '? i aro ? r i ? . ? I nit Hod ... ? . ith, th? A ? ? . did t ? ? > ? hand K ?i ? ? ghl and : amui ..l W i I lard la Indi ed big I ??ir,, . nothing ' ?? i.i i? . . . . trtha i li ? ? snd ? . ? ? ? i, reuen) - . Diary of a Fight Fan. Ml hands ap at da?n. reaching with qiliveriag lincrr?? Inr the morn? ing papers. It ? is ?old reading in bed, but ?it li "it mach la be dune ?e gol au i? "Hh Rve ?nlutnns at tight goaaip before kicklag "ff ihr blaak ? i - and K?tt ?ni* up. Head Iwo redamas <?t Nona? Will.irt! ?-1 li fT ?hile taking S SbowCT ?nui i in ???? Biore while dressing, Ha?. - lag scrompll ihed this mach, b e a ere read* foi .1 hard) breakfasl ?if innace .'nil olire?. Having breakfasted, ?a?? ?>? ? ??nteen itin'e colamas of lue goaaip mi whal ?'?.ran anil Willart! iliil .n? terdaj I hen all hand?? re-ted while w <? had 4,u r bean rubbed Inr ,tn boat b) a bl;n l,?inii li ii-iii?; a . ur.-a ? ?iinh I In- -tarttd ??r?ula In.ii l?, ?ach hu extent llial we ?ere nhle to ftni?li Hie mtiriniig paper?, m-. .1- I he afternoon sporting page? reach) ?i the si 1 el. \ft? r readiag .i? 111 more igbl ? Bl?mas ? e Inn hi tl h?BBl il? ;tt?.i ll>. t. Lai la a' il li.r d?., -<??i?l honra till it ?gol t..<> dark lO renn lin? ii?.'- (??til aas II ? ..lull.ns ni light -1 uff. good fot 9?MJ ?.??>?rd-. (in I Inn >?i!.ia .tnrl I rida?, ?e shall read oal) SJ i'?liiinn-. BS OS begin ?Ira ins .?ut. (in Sat arda) ?e shall ?<? line nur light readiag la Ike headline? onl>. It? -iinda?. illuming ore expert In I??? In ? ??ntlil inn In read 243 eollimn?. embracing S7$.ttl ?, ihii ?.II i.e employed la ieli kau Wil*ard anil Marafl apea) thirl?, niinutes ?>f their time the ihkIiI lieftire. t.. K. AMERICAN BOXERS AGAIN TO FRONT Win All Ihrer Matches ?n Tour? ney at Christiania. ? ? , 1 .,? ilon, 1 :?i p. m 1 ? ? ?.'??! lean !??? ?? r . a hfl taking ? e% of 1 ? ? ? ho recently the A 1 ?aniah champ 01 ?n two <.f the thre? classes, were in all threi 1 <n the ? . ?. ? ? i ,t ?.. John Maloni y, of f I Rita' ? si 1 tub, Philadelphia, look Ihe .first pn:? m the John Kht penski, of Ihe ? leveland Athletic ' lob, U l,tl 1 , ? . . ' , 1 ? ?1 ? r, "' 1 he 1 'nion ? or ? n ? ? .? Porky Flynn Will Meet AI Reich Porkj I li tin. the !'..-?"' ian, thi leal ??pn?ni?tit named ? v Reich a) the "pening of the I.. (', on 1 ? ? . nmg. Ihe Ulantir Bo? ery, whi re l"?>rk?.? . ... the S lad um \ ? ? .? .. bout between Rddii ? 'arnpi und Billy 1 Bulletina fr?,m i., road ? -?? Boxer Not at Fault for Opponent's Death sdelphia, Ni rrh SI. A?-ijt?? .|||? f thi earl eau ed the deal of ? the I ?? ",l f.'Mther l.r, ?-aho eollapsed in ?he third r,,tii,,i ,.' .?, bou rith Michael last I hday nigh I and died i, few minutes later, according t" tie '. ? rd el ' f the < oroner' st I he Ifl u ? ? Mai. ? exonerated ??n?i dis god. Boxing Tourney for Jersey I ?? ' 1 -' al Bteur bo aing tOUrnB " Ih? ??? ill I. Newarl in tier Ihe \ Il ? ? 1 m..11 ? ? . ? hratioa 1.11 I iia; Jo. 19 aud 20. I GOLFER BARKER NOW A BIRD1??AN Is Here Serving England's Aviation Corps?Other Golf Gossip. ?;? FRED H IWI H?RNE. i-ho wa n B rmingfc m, Ils., - bent i - ? . ? the ii ' ? the Bi . ?? , ? ... ? ? ' ib Barker w as .;? ? ? ? ?hafti ol hit clubs. n good itead - ? s ? job Hi ? orders an? ? imes, danger - I . i ? ? ' ... i ? ? '' by I he not ..r?.*M ? . ikline iroi bj anil ?ho ??? rut r <. the r ? t ear ?rill pr? ? ? ? ? Hi se Run Counti ' lub ???' New? ton, Mi ? '??rinr a-i -iflTei trete the Sea England club, ?ml it ?a be lie' ed ne ? ill probabl lisjn ?? i on ???..?* stsrl to work there ?ring. Ales Phidlay, the Ils?? nrth Co ? lub p?.?! a doughty eh Ip of I; hloi-k. ?* ,th ? no red on the inrio- ? i seriOU accident soi.eeks ago I ? ? f ? I he "a? on ? hospital col n*aa th? intimation his friends received thai II? ? had beei ? ? uc b > See Jei ?e train as he ??a* driving In a motor rar. It i? reported thai the auto era n duced to ?<*r?p iron and Elndlsy tossed ?mi of th?* tanneaa. rhr Haworth pro, er, is fashioned ??f sturd) bib? ? ? and '*'H probably soon he ou' un the link?? again thereby lifting a loa?) of gloom 'rum ?Isa golf devotees h? the ! i * lerse) club, where Ales is .-? great '"ii . -into. The memlx I of 'he Sum dale Countrj Club, Mount Vernon, has grown to such numbers thai the) bis Lr-ginnins* to feel crumped for ?PBCC on the pr. . hole Course and are looking around for a plot <.f ground on which to lay ?ni? a full ll hole circuit. I hej hope to lo?tate somewhere la the ? ?einit; of the present course, a? ? majority of ?he members arc resident of Mount Vernon, New Rochelle and 11 arb. toa ni in W estehester ? ouatj, ? Bowling1 Tourney on To-morrow. ? . . national Bowline '?ill be tir?.I ??? morro? sight a) the Grand Central Palace alleys, when the RnveOBn.I live ? < ' the patte .-?t :? o'? lock harp. Fight Log. lOMl.HT ri????? f, t i.u, CBrMSs ?i Basra? SaB* Till RRDAY. filiSluni ? C -Poil. Fiaran va AI Ralrh. FRIDAY. HlMrm S C '?.??ill. w.l,h ,i Trial ???II ar> an? l.hnn? K libar?- ,t Harry Danahut. BATI RDAY. M.-II.?? Sanar? l.artt.n-lMt Wlllart? n. Irani ?? . - '..?.. S ( Ir.?II. N.-Tv ?a ?... M. team feamaat ? I >?????> rtaaa >> tenet BBar a?, ni,-??i- * r Wim? Saisi n SBa IHsSaoa O????.?*.? ? i nrnn-a?. Rum? ,, ya, S?ir?h ?.ii?.. ? ? r tails (aatel .? BMi i n/ Heard at the Sign Of the Cauliflower By W. O. M'GEEHAN Our old friend, Gomel /?'? ?' Stretferd-on-Avon, vhote ., ,-, . ?drillt ?? for tlie Shakespearian Masque, .-.?..?. the lack ?i rennt ? ? could bt ??? rated if we were ., ....... ?. ,,...; _ h ril. they i for trying, oa J " I kid ., ? . . of llu arid. St EKE IV BYTE'S Inn I /?,', ter Frank Moral .1 Moran: Bring is knd ? ? te?ra; \? ?r? dab . ir j porl .?,.. V:i?i ? lam .... ... . , . \ nd -?? ? Ni Bi tig h." ?i !".??? teal boy. (,4.1a I ' ?' Mek '"'? ''*?'? I Mcketricki How iharper ''?'*". 1 erpe t's to A plague <.n all l>o\ ay l Muran; Buns* me a pound of s'e?'-,. hi j > !.? ter Harold Pollok.) I'ollol ?Hoe d Dan ii arhat news opea the R M? Kei ri.-la ; Mas! good Harold, IfcBi l sm and< . hooks, ? hit i'Ur-e. .' jo brutish beast* IVhen ti| theii for the r own. Pollok: It is ii snee One day e'en Frederick Welsh msy call ? ?.ml I must necdi so forth mayhap to woi What kna lone this scurvy trick i" >ou" M, kelrick; :? .?.- the blai thai rayed I iut?g* With 1 ooth high sound ne wordi and a ion if? elo o,\ hia mouth and ?* lied his forked toi?.* tumuli ro?" * : ove I gaberdine A thousand scui . me hence And ? houted, "'?, ?? I tool ! " Pollok: Thlis i? Indeed ? sorr? tale, g.! Bui we will meet thn - ? ? 01 idlne'i [Alaron 1 and exeu - ? 1 ?? ? ! ? ??. !?. 1er O'Neil > nAeil: t.nofl ?la?,, fair i-'r.inr, [( ?a ???aorl to ? ?* How lightly thou can' l marticate s steali ( , ghtc I by the 1 Mcketrlck: What! ?? I ie laugh thcB to us? U'Xell: ', give 'he horse laugh Mcketrlck: Have at thee for ng nave Bise, Harold r ?-,. and upoi ihii charge < r'., "All the ?;??. managei res R:rkar<? ?nd tin other fellows '?ait. iThry fight and MeKetrick falle into ?*/ pfafe ?/ soup.) Mrhelrlck: Ala?. I am Indeed undone and in the soup Strike BOW, coo.) Harold, as you irr? er ?-'ruck. [Pollok strikes nmi O'Neil folia.) Moran: Tin? is indeed s sorry sight to -et? Thal t'?am embroiled ami no one at the gate To '.ike th.? prmM' ?i'jeats fm.n th.? crowd. How t|ie> ?Aiil gnaah tlii'ir te-th and ni?>an ?lou'l When the?.- m sober tho?j^ht ?ill realise I hat they hu?, e itaged and played a gratis .?ho*. Bring me a pound of ?t???'*, ho>. O'Neil: Sou-, caitiffs, I will take me hen?-* and hrr? ? This ueight\ n*WS to Thomas Jone?, ?ho sit? Without the Willard eistle taking coins From those who seek tn ?-ee the champion jou?t. An?l ?? hen lie hears ilmt \?>u have fought for naught T will mean your banish men! from i,?.,ham atraiga) ?Krit O'Neil. Alarunu nml rmirtinnA). Mcketrlck: Oh, Harold, bob i fear our doom Is sealed, For when the great Riehardo hear? af ?his II will withhold hi? purse aii?l we alas! Maj have lo sweep the crossing for ?mr hrea?l I'olPik: Il aras Indeed ? grievous blow, poo?) fian. Il .'. ?, the gOOS4 that laid th.? golden egg? But, mark you, did uot hoi) Barnum say, "Another one i? born each minute ?" Moran: Hua tar.'ark Curley thr?'?s ,1 little hull; Minx large thnt shanty on ,l??si Willard's eve Hrmg me a pound <?f ?teak. I??.? \. ?!, kna\e, there'? a |?e?rl [fl this o\stcr. si km 11. \ n bi k n ici:. O'Neill A pingue o'i alt manager?, ?a? 1 Ike Hurgan: Ho? no??, good Franela? ii'Neil: \ plague on ill managers, I r?pent. I ?at me ?lou n at Whxte's to tos* a cup. When half a <|o?r:i managers stalked in They fell upon me straight, but I ?food f??t And snatching up a lusty carving knife Did heat ?lo?n three, but an thcx fell to earth Sll r.riir\> B niters ?in! attack me from th<? rer?r. Hut catching up a [tdate of softshcllcd crHbs I put the si\ t?. Sign) Ike Horgan- Th,?-> ?a?, that Harold Pollok laid von lo? And thai he did H with s single bine O'Neill Th falss I left him l*. mg en 'He ta?ei?i |<oof \\ ith nil 'he potboys ni'ipping up the gore A glague ?n ?<H managers, ??> l AL M'CGY STU1 CHAMPION, BUT BENZ DOES WEll Weight of Brooklyn Box? Tells Heavil*, in Bout?t Broadway ?Club. Freddie V Brookl) ?. isl ? ? ??? .... ?- eighn ?? . ? ? ? ? ... ? ' lioi Mi > , I ? 1 he ? ra? wit) . ' I ? the ehi Boas got s long s'.rrtc... .. : ? ling on ' ' ?' ? ??'??-? . M.? . '. ! ? .' ? Mil '?' B* . having B? v .. is s cat ? lent him d ? ? ? ? cai ? Well tire aft? ; Club in ti i ii'n Bloon H of s r tii ? rstaasa, of Freddie'*? The 4- . ?tingii ?: g all tha tits I . i ? .. ho-?.e' ei and ' ? ? ["he first f ? * rig ( :' fih .*? d ?'ioneer Sport moil of ' ? BBl " ody. to lose ? I treat to A a* : : ? ' ??? I - ?.. -? ' sa, it ! * . | ? I? -. ? ? ' ? Bert last na ? to?rn o?" Bl mrrre th< ? ? ? *texii; r. ? .*, . ? i I , FRENCH CHAMPION WINS CHESS M.ITCH ' I? Jar ? ? ig of 1 ? - . [trti?n ? ?.-. ? ?re of ' ? laffe had , , * *?* ? o op; ortumty ' ' panent b] tl s Memphis Defeats Brown*. Memphis, ?a illne*? er? ? Associai the eighth ii .?*?. Louis Browna to I. OURS ARE GOOD BICYCL? ami tlinr n??' .-?.ntt????? *- '? " J*H lire B?d healthful ? ?? ''? I* ?* S ter Lie? ?le liiatl? ISHUI lb? "' ?*? ' M.?alii* tr.-Mi v.'.'. ?N? !.. ? i., i'?., m ?.<-?' - 9 .T? .''? ? H ?' ? ' fret. ?a N. Y. SPORTING GOODSjJ IS ?nJ 17 War??.. M ?"" *?*!i