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Marquard Seems To Be in Mid-Season Form ?iant Colts Come from ! Behind to Gain Victory loyle and Hunter Make Hils Which Count in Qanic with Bronchos. ofNNV KAUFF GETS A TIMELY TRIPLE lajry Lectures to His Team? " mates on the Story of Texas and the Alamo. Hv i i:\nk O'NKlI.l.. ' . , j . . I team. .' ?aid ? ass tret .lies in tl - a '*' Masas. -The?? foi ., . . McGraw i have enough of? ??? team in the ' tao, cr 1 : ' appar . r\g the are flghl ' T* '?r t*o sscepl aaj I -, ? ye ? --on the broke 1! ? frame-) ' -smmed th?? ? maced rt Hunter i ? ? s day. i . I hud two ? .. - ? base? ?" ? . OB the ? National League ' -, r, but was to predict ? tall field si ' ?? ? -ifie'.d an Interest ? a Her'n .?-a in won ' Hank Palmero pitched red a ] ? The ?'iban was pum ? hen Sen .'*. - ? . - ? ? ? . not bad ":-??? ? ' ?,-i Ceoh ['?**???? trick on him Bad Day for Pitchers. a ? ron ?? a l ? ? ? ? . ? ? T ? ? * a .a i o ?? 4 A. ? . 1? . - ? . : - ' ? ?c?fr i - . ? ? - t ? ?? ? ?. in the ? anlng Eren the victim ? ? iVjgr.. ?"??ptair. Larry I?oyle played the part ?f h ; ? ing < ? * ? ett, James Howie, Co : 76 ethi ; heroic Texans <iie.l ne\er I for 1 Independence of the Lone Star State. Larry Doyle lectured exiemporane ously on the history of tie Mamo. He . .?, ted li ??r?! of 4.00.1 gr?a-ers until their mit ion gn- e out, and then, helpleas \ jbbed ? el" said Milt Jacobson, "facing them with? ut smi i ist be 1 ? with a I r*u' " And at that Larry walked right out on tha lecture. - may be Hans Lobert'i last ?? lug league. The big Tl ItOfl ng a bil f troa g into i. h? et condition. His arm particu? larly ha ? ha been and he has nl] manner o* ?i fl gt ? g the buil urro **.d. . .ire Benny Kauff has started to i * man in the pitchers In the world. ' en I really begin ? ? | * I et " - - ? Is making i . ... if she. i ttlng a . He s'A*ingj from the port but left-handers are just si for him as a??y ot' kind of pitcher The Giants left here on an as I train to-r.??.-ht for Waco, where tl play to-morrow. HARVARD OARSMEN DRIVEN TO LYNN Cambridge, Mass., March 21 To overcome the embargo on rowing | I *.ca dua to ice condi'ions. whir.'. kept them working indoors, the Harvard Univert I ?-day derided to go to Lynn for practice in the I Th? basil i ' ? n ring A it l house . ; > main under ice longer, li .? probable the man "mson ? ? that dtp. Baker Puts Hand to Test; Says He s Ready to Play "lome Run King Has 20 Minu?-* Drill at Third and Will Get in Game To-day. ? '. r* TaaTH 'i ? ' ?. tiase, and I t*. ?. ? * ? | '.o take ramos. 1 T? - ? h manufacture! ? ? I ? ? . a? BO I ' ' e? Raker ?ont ' ? metei ' the Van -.*.?. wi? a ; . . feat lb? blsj . . e tale 11 "f?r?i . ' ^ a 4.?/. ?"" ?tin? -.?i?. , .. U??. lit. ?& "T.Hr ? I ? ' ? I ' ' . * ' * 7. . I ??'. HIM. **** <*Aaa.i\m tee aerlri,?!??. Regulare, and there are ?-usplrions that tha affair wa . r ature of u. -1 e North | .... pur? chased, bu" the ???eral .?:'.. club r.?>w In Ma iva ao far r? to coa A i . ? ? f'.r Cy. He ma .? away from i got i but that es ? -? ? ?? i'iurth Inning l big . i : .'i?e. i y hit twe ras I for a 1 ? . . ., i . . n after tl ai ? ??..aine. Sam ? trol was BO bad 1 1 Bd no trouble grs '.?*.. Yann g in tha' ? ? ? I ?rdei ? ?' ? gan ? '.[, kr.d SCOl MtlM ? . '? . ? it i, : ? i, ? 1 1 S I i.... e - a ... .... . 4 ? - I . ** - ? a . ?? ; rtod ifl the : ,' I ?I .?" . ? . I g from tu, attack o: All th? members of ?the Yankee? were ?,,,..<*, te ? .?? ??? thi barbei ?e ar r*ig?d la '? ! ** ,'1"" ''0'jr -, ? lub, ??' this city. ? that it ia aa b.g at the fetal? of MM* T"E SPORT-, LIGHTS Ghosts of the Alamo. !?? ? ? ? tramp of a gho.* on <?. .',?-. ./-.?v". 'o-mght. .In echo that drifts Wet a dr****** on ifs ?.ay, s blur ?.' a ?pctirr ? l leavee f t fight '?>'' ' rf /ro?n a font;-' nr <*hed day; out 'in?' f/ie -*-.'/ 0/ grlnt *">-i' un'o ??*?.?' ??* '' ? ??''.?/ '.??!??. owl 0/ ttotA'i t?t?deteed glen. To fol if.'d roV'. W'Aer?.',?,-,... its*. 7 "|?-ar Crockett'i ,??.<?, u f-^ ,V,i;-*. from the dust Atid waits n' 'ir eau fur an tttsttot -" I Bot ? .tes 1 '?lade red with ru?' - ...' ? . ? ? . ? ??. trail? '? nets that - ? sti their tleep Thtir bo ? " \ rent in O Mad'|-?VI"at"rf?SX? den, Bui their tpirits hair tOWtt from the red s'arry - Where G ' he llamo gather again. You think they're forgotten -beeaetee they hews tlepi The lay ta Anna charged in with hit tit I! hen ' Mitd men ?-- ; I art .Uni ttcrmed the latt roympaft that tttyed fat their ?? You ti ''in; bttt faint, from ?/?"", fa ratling the reu of hit mew, A ad a VOict antwett "Here!'' through 1hr sba '"? ? ' Where Ghosts of the /I "?two gal lier again. There's a fa?/' on a frfnifs 1 ?jad you '''?''??''' ?' 1 ifarf ? ? 1 ? ? ? ' .'-n- Slid ? that ' ? ekaed that mthsnx of uar? Not knowing the hi' Of an old border tune; '?ray thad> after ?fade, stirred aga'n USttO hren'h <?ray }>hantom by phantom they cfuirge. down the II' ..'.;' a hott (hat it greater than death. Where Ghosts of the Alamo gather again. These ?re tryn-f day? upon the par,fl?t?. In addition to the gTOUOd ? en? -. ? ? ?? the Mexieaa malos lad strat sraal ' " s^il rrms'r.i. the gaunt I of Wlllard end Moran '? About tb? ineo bow fot *hs pac st to keap a 100I 1.? 10 s-o lot . ' **ra ?? eellar and lock the door. \?trr the Fight ? Mi Morsa mast aaoomplish to msintaln prestige aftoi ' not Pull Festival) Il a matter of deba'? A ?? ? - that ?s particularly ??,$,rs-asiva and i which no certain rerdicl rei srod ail! eut heavily Into tba proaoat prestige of both ? Willard, to hold h BOT knoel Moran ont or clearly an! cleanly sut] ?' I fairly wide margin. To finish In front by a bare ?hade w II bring h m no additional cheer Monn'? task la somewhat shorter In s'.a''ire. He doOSat ha?? to prryt that he la champion of the world. tOSt 'hat will leave him upon fairly BVOB ??-m? '??.'lard, his position trill be establlabod. Bat If both ?hould refu?e to tar.? nny BBdus chances and r | | tent to play It safe, 'he t'termath trill curtain very' little che. r Yale Eleven Now Plans to Scrimmage in Spring Yale Crew Rows with Mittens On v?. i? . ?.. New H.i\en. h -1 ? With the tcmperatare down t<> freezing ?m the harbor, the problem of proper ru? men: Inr the Vale er?Wl || a per? plexing ?me t?. Daniel C. Elkia, m_n agi?r i?! the *l ale t re? . To-day his holution, of ihe difficult pr.'hleiu ?>f keeping the hands uf the oar-men ?wirm app-arcd. Ihe men found woollen mutins luted to their nar-. I a?*li pair ?it mlttcae h??l been khl in the palm, allow ing the oar to ?a-?a through 1 reas-I v. PHILLIES BEAT CUBS IN 12-INNING GAME " ?icago ? ? ? .; - ? i I . exblbi to ?'?? ? r spring eontosta made .? . PIIII_A1 V a, ; , Ibl I ' ' '. ? I 00 ? 4 : ' ? - ? i s statt I l , | o r> r\ j ? jooiaooc ? * l ' . - ? - ? ?. Decide on Basketball Play-Off To-day the Ui ? ? ? \ stion, an ? ? ? g thi .- ? bats a and Prim r the tere? ? !?? ladalpl ia, March II The faetsl? ? ver?ity of Penr tv ? ? ? tercol? I .' ?. ? -? ?. i ?. pie?? os of the two in-1 etituUeue Ut-mvirow. Jon?"?, and Bl.iclc Deckle to Break All Precedents of Football Team. r -.-.-? i m ~ M irch tl Af. r : sronee *? it!. Tad J new head : .-....,. Michael Sweeaejr, general athle-, viser, Capid It. Black, captain of th, \u e t itball team, announce i to-night ite plans for the reoigarma'.ioii of ? *ball. All Yale football preceden' will b? tbrowa aside by the new coaches a ring ???.-? ! he second I r'n. v. :.'. f?e ?-<???. t?'? ST ' .... .? ? A I week of sj ? .*??>.?*. ? .? Hay I ?? ' rat time irs this drill wi ? ' ? ????,.' iin Tl. u p.?m -a::! g.?,e 'he C ? . ? itei , ? ate t ?? dc'?*:!? of . ?. . ? ? a !. ; ?.. Ilrsl uiek of ?pmg prart'c? ted to ti fimdn ? Pi.. ? . BO a! " Early fall framing for ? ) ear will not ? letei . establishing quarters in New v tffo? | g made to sec-re quarters N .1 * THREE YALE CREWS TAKE TO WATER . New Haven, Conn., Mar?. S'iekalla sent the Yale crews out ? the ?Qulaalpias K.ver and Hen HaeOfl H?r - IS dB] for the i.rst tiflM in nearly -?night. Three ere? i *ere boated te the fset that a f.eld of f . | a i rowed miles bets ?sen vlee ?boathouse flu?'? and the Bell Michails Kept the ?streki most of the time ?and allowed i uii-ideritig the met that it ?as r? ? . ? r?? tr p Of 'he ? Mater the crews perform?? ! remarkab v I bIL la th.? Aral 'rua'. I ?sad -'?err man, the lira -Tu?,:, ?i... < pos that hi ?* . dew?. weak ? ? pool ?s* '?? The I r? lay was seated: Str??k?. Hurrimari. ,". LoW? f?, Meyer. ?Si II I ?. ?. 4. Sheldon i I, K iltsl ;, B, OU * ai-art- bow, Humee coMWotn, Ho-Laai. , COOMBS'S COLTS PUT JEFF AND RUBE TO ROUT Batlini*; Rampage on Part of Robbie's Voungsters Brings Victory. ?-,. Tt? ' - ? - ting the loi face , mem teei ?i over the I to I was ? . three rum ? and s ? ? v . ? were .1 ? ? \ feal ? * played. ? I *? ? ? ?? hanka ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? '?ip t?? ? ? r ? ?...,' ? . I ? - : I MATTY HURTS FINGER, BUT HIS TEAM WINS Nine I cd bj Big Six Defeats McOrtW'S ?it .Marlin. Mar . ! the - . -? ? : ? - base. ? go over < I ? even?' .* ? ?' ? ? . * Columbia Freshman Five Has Ambitions thei in basket ?. ? ? .'. vic ? ? ther i ? -?? Cozy Dolan Gets a Job. " 'a : - ? ? t, that More Athietics in C.imp. Jar?? ? r.rr. Virtnaily st*- **utt ,?iui*cl *?*"* i 1U bera. ' Shipping Information and Marine News of the World MIM-.T1 tl AI.M VN \? . ? -a??- rmm ? ? ? 4 . iill,.r , ?a ' . . . " ? ? . . im i-Mis.. -i EAMBU ? ? . i ? i. ... ? ? I. rrvUai ? ? ? Bl a .a ? I -. ... v? ? ? .a ? I? I. . , ? A ? ' ... !.. ? ?'l- U ? ' ? a > * ? . a 01 l?,H|N.? - 1 I- Wlt K ? a | UA a ? a ?. r. i ? ? ? - MAII - ? a , ". ? ? a - a - u . a ? , . . a ? ? a ? i a ??. ?t ?9 | ? 4 - ' . . .' ? ? - ? ? ? m ? ?? ? INS1 RI ( I ION III -l\l?? -I llUt'l "4 ALL BUSINESS SUBJFXTS ?lia-- ' V?,r UT *W ^W y. . ? ?r,? ai -*? Bocaikerptna;, Iborthaad Srcrelartal md Stsnety*M D>p?rtrDf?i. AUlRSCttO?l ^W\\Y^V\\Jifc 123,1 Str?j?t ?"* l.nmt.. I..A... nn ? TT ?*? "' '" ? v?-? ,5,k w r n ? I ' I 11 r\ I I II?..?? IM, Ilan?lnc lamltul. < - ? -? t. -1 teatral l . ? t_? M ll???ll Al.l M II.??. ?men? an ni'i ?relgo Tea? -? - ' i ? ?i ? M - M ? -?j .? -? BUSINESS C.\RDS. IOK?1 ?N'II M H M.I1K I MtPI I ! ; 1 IMSl. Ut.Kla ? . CI?, i a ?" I . ? f. i ? ? ? a I I ' t . ? ? ; r ? _HELP v LVTED v ? . . : ' - 'a . a ? WORK ?VV.ANT.gP. a | ? ta ? ?OMESTK S1T1 tTIOSS \\ \>TKD i ? ? . - , . ? ? I ?maie. < a ? . a i a I f u . . _.. - .???_.? ?> . MwTW t--. . ? 4 ? -? ' <::? Bata? H?.- . ? - ? ? ? 4 ?i ' xxn.l;** xi ; ?:.! If.N POSTO ? - ? ? . ?14 Ka . ? ? . . ? . ? ? *???? a ? . V . Ti-r [EB REPORT Official i foe I s-i ir lli.ur?. ? s - - .m'en . < tv t*i ?: ? ?a ! lu?? r?-* . * . .-r-.?. T>? i a r-4-1* y ? a . i?/??.' ? ? I -itli a ? -? ?r?* ta ? , ? . - > ?aasaaa?*' ... . - ? ?. ? * . . of 1D4J . - . ?aearaita '?f S|??lal l?.'al"1?a.?faatara a?t - ? .i?, Bsrtaaaaij '?-da? rali ?r i-?w al ?i|S? aad Sa-*.??. raa? ' '? -i 't r?#t?rn ? . ' . ? ? .. ? mg?**??) : . ? - ? , ? ?. ?i r .? ', ?a'-rro?. ? ? ? laea. - ? ? - , ? ? I ? ? ..... ?a tf ? ? L?r?l a Special Winter Cruises To the American Mediterranean, < .insisting of separate arar . uminne ! ?our? at 10 ?'? "3 '?a? a H Aili, NASSAU and Points in Cuba the i - Ht*f. int ry Clu ba : in the HahaniBT A ?A hr-*c-(*** ru>d I *?my air. Ten nis. If, fiony racing. The t.:i?-?-r | in** on the ""? ? ? ? . ' ... ... ictry Tit,?'?? NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL S.S. CO. -Lh Plot 14, K. R. \rw York. n. ?n. a?it?iail/?*?l iirk*t ??????-? a? *aa*j ,.ir.?i mu .. ? -?***>?c;s,_.> i..^?s^z?%avnJmVB?~<m?emrmmrm J W^**] M* C4-*--?--?p*MijV?ra Generale Ti*a?m?*?dBi-4*ti?W P?OS1 \i. SI R NEW YORK BORDEAUX H ; IPR. 22 I PR. 15 ** MAY 6 II *. ??? ?.?am?* ?fT-i iP*tTPr s*00^ '^????w NO WINTER HERE The f tu rescue ? e- .- and *?.cn aatftt -.. tropical Porto Rieo ?are tn f -? - ?tys from York? Go n-jw. 16-Day Cru.-e *,QA 50 ?">> All E2pt.ia.a4 ta7***t*e up S?MT.e? ?- 11 I ??? 4.' ika ???y hem **?*. a ?_.'.-< ?t priaopaJ to.-- ? 1 ??? n 10, 'A* ton ??e? ??- - r equipped fa trrpi?au ?. r. ,? v ???? .. '-,? Alancea ? l ..????: u*L PORTO RICO LINE I Craoi-ii 0*pC, U 8road?t?f. New Yark I FALL RIVE 3 LINE TO BOSTON S3.00 -?-,!??? a St.. >.,.* I *? I I ?T I I . ? " ? - ? ? I : . :? B a .. I ! , ! ? ? ? . ? . ? K. P.. . * : 00 I? I . , 1 - a ? itr. la . ? . it ?a. A M. IUI. 1 I III il UK I'l K\-KI>." BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE ?J1.60 CULOr-Jl?LLINE 1,1 I -Il'l - I all BOOMS II li?l ' a l' M Irom ?'.?1 ,j. * ?? on 9*. ?9tw.i.% P?H?l'i-tl. CUNARD ? ??HOPE via LIVERPOOL \Ur.24.tiooa . A It. ? A U. NEW YORK? LONDON t A. SL ' M. ' i:??i M. 1 111 u.iii i> un na. - ? ? 1 ? ITS Of xr. ???EU'-D LINE ' ' ? a - ? ? ? '? BERMUDA NATIRES FAIKYLAND K??in?l lrlp on ?-f.amrr. t.", ami lp. I S. "Efugelne" ? A I**?? S. S. "Bermudian" ???-.,' ST ? ? .?,. West Indies ? I . .i. N ? ????-.t.. ?..?<, i*.?,ia?aa? ilr???. ?? M ?il i?ii?i >i v 11 i.D?)m.? siso. I.aili .1.. in.1.1.?- ??...?ai. ':"*?> l>* "?? ? 0 11...??a. 1 . . ? ? . m.?. I ?ar ami 1V1 Bl