Newspaper Page Text
Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adams. Thie department hai entered the ?econd ?tage of ?enrice to I ritSune renden. Primarily it Bras intended merely lo ?eperate lha iheep of ?dvertuing from the goata?and hang a bell on the -foati. But now it f?oei beyond mere identification. It embracet a human nature ?tudy of both iheep and goats. You are invited to aasut. For eiery letter printed in thii department describ? ing eaperienco??pleasant or unpleasant?with advertisers of merchandise, excepting only patent medicines, The Iribune will send $2.00, payable in any merchandise of any Tribune adver? tiser. For the most important letter each month a special priie of $50.00, payable similarly, will be awarded. Name printed or withheld?as you prefer, but mint be signed or we will not know where to send the priae order. Address: The Ad-Visor, Tha Tribune, New York. The advsrt i so liberal as to arouse ist a slight lu?-* ? snd il" nul value. To illustr?t! erchants primarily desire *o maintain ??? .,? one morning I ri?n.l ?1 ?nient about their new ?tock of winter .? to my complexion ?t $80. My foil tfter wearini t thn ] hi., ne back ??? Mi Bangs and ask what he thii ' ? - ? * I will ; ? ? t to apply sgs nst the pui Imed Dj ti e fail ; on)) n "!? ? I take ? ai three , .... nally purchased ksaume I whili I n ?-,.? readers and Bangs a Packs, the itomer g to the c rcum ?aiict.-. Now, lien ?'a thi jiaint: What is tlie niHttt?r with some of Bangi ty nothing of en of whom H n with a "hit " "?1 .?, or ft considerable part of profit -a hirh enable?? them ' ? certf. " and trust tn an infla'eil repul an?l ? ? a not-l exacting number of ?patrons ?will '- ? . ? ,,r "money bark" ? ? behind whose policiea are hidden lug r thai a-purancc ; . (like The Ti bune) really deriving i e profit th thi that tl moi ? MICHAIL ETTLINGER, !', S | have used I .??.?? ''?? no -an? tieulai tiser be ng intimated. If an orerwhelming percentnee of ?the purchasing were not ?rea? sonable and fair-mil ded, the unconditional money back policy might not work ai well . . Like several other correspondents, Mr. Ettlinger ?suspects that the cost of refunds is charged up to the ?general public in the form of it | rices. Were this ?so, the ?general public would never know it, ?so infinitesimal would be the proportioi e on ?any one article. In proof of ?this may be cited the experience of om of ti ? clothing r intry; a firm winch refunds on the slightesl basis; which j-o.-?s oui ? ?? to make adjustmi.efunds, oftentimes without requi I on tl. I mer. Well, thai ?concern, with ill ecializing on this ] eed in charging up more than $16,000 n - int in many millions of dollars' busin? The retail clothi i ? doesn't exist which, no i pp oachi l per cnt of it- ?grosi income in its allowanco for refunds and adjustments. Therefore, the public <i i suffer appreciably fi ? Inclosed you s of The Conl nental Jen - ? Coi pai ??? ? inday's Herald, winch, with thi ? of the ?int. Herald has ?been publishing, ?greemei ?? ferred lo in the ad. Hy comparing thi you will notice thai the ad. v h ch would had ? - ? and ? ,-. ? ? Now turn '., the agri ? ? : ? .. . te thai comm .Jp h? * payi ? ? pt?nce or ca?h ii reci ? ?i and they \ii\ \\. ) ? imed in enouj It that The Herald I thee who i The Mt-raltl to find a i from .,:,-? mislead ? - tout. H. I: P. If the Herald owes ai v oblij ' iti readers in the matter of pi i tactiog them from its predati ry ti sers il has never admitted the fact, This 11 *?" tins tract is only one Of many like ?. ?l columns aboul ? _hf no-mi ' Keen ?the lines of the European armies. . ? aaed from the Gotham Gold West Thii t, a pair oi k at ga at tl ton foi about * ' e paii . at leant ! ?res W'lile ? ? h r lil cnargt * ? ? ?? ? l pull an,| it tor? ape i ? hi le the c m< IRA I \'?l II i D Ml I? HELL. \\ ?h-en H Is thi p to ?replace unsatisfactory ,* hould he mi r< gardle; ? of the cil es. It ma Visor hs ? K letter te .? a p;itr of curte ? - are Mite I I evei ' f 1 1 . ?? . ' ' ' ? g thi ? ... ? ? . . .... itoppt " going 1 terminating . letter, er Ki friend that into prinl ; thi othi r for! . elupiv?- not t?. ? . ". . ., . ??'to .,r,, II on him ? r. I I H I? V III It \ Mil I I < I I I MATTKR TO SATISK1 ? I - MiMI It- \\ SI ? i luiN I ill Mil in HI || I i: li\'iU I III IK I'l-- \ I l-l \? I ION ? . g lil i yea i . ai ? Itu I ? ? : i OMI'AN am BBj .? | |? , , ? Rogi ? P ' ITS RATHER A DIFFICULT MATTKR TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS WHO DON'T LET THEIR DEALER KNOW THEIR DISSATISFACTION. A ' v ; ?''? . ' ? ;? i ... . . ? their , util ? '"* ' ' ' ' ' ' ent. Well th. Bun .u ,.i I ich romnlain Rui '' '"?<" ?al? ? m pier and mon d ? ? ? ? ,,?- ,', I ?H 7 ? i? reach*,! ""?"i and ???.. : ... ? promntl ana vit i ? ' ? ? mi ?.... Litvi u ? ri . h 1 BAZAAR HAS BIGGEST CROV Thriin-r? lili Street? Xlx.iit Lan Seeking Xdmi???ion. Laat night ?aw the la . ? . Gei nan 11 caa Garden, an ? I A ' " ? and won ??'.un,": ng foi ? the tself the aft? ?Sew J |15,. for the fu which had be? ecoipt ; 100. ? re are bo.r daj? < ir the ma riighl d that i ? ? ? ? ? ? : ' s to realize a< It midnight I will e\o BRIDEGROOM'S DEATH LAID TO BROKEN HEAR Son and Daughter Contested O Oyslerman's Right In Wed. ? I yesterd - ? ?' ' ?' .? r.pp to I *? ? effort 1 da, mi .-,? ;?. y rt ' he beli ).\ ?i WOmBI the Bl ' ' ' - . ? rcrnei bus ' ' ?1*1 ;il t ' I pplied ' ? ' I was ' ? .i. Bl ?1 COI ? :i rrini''1? BgO Cap! : decid? to wed thi Jones, t ? were man and her brother, Irvln ntmer .??' h comm rson for thei -en hi l p.,?' i r if ;.'??????. INVISIBLE PERISCOPE WANTED, SAYS EDISOI* Inventor. Off f??r South, Urge Youths to Gel Busy. Thomas A Ed ? ? "I mg felloe ," he -a-. ; I . ? . ? g, ? ubmarinB t ting II rater to g Then let him approach th. Naval Consulting Roard a ?i-tilo. "And it ihouldn't I.i hard to in world's gi it? ? '.vento aii'ji :. that's g ? Mr. Rd build tl B ment laboratory he ha ? ded, in s h il ? ough tria rar. be gi? ? poet Inventors, There i? only one wa tu invent, RdisOl ' ? ??'? erninent " Mr. Edison ?? ? ft intend t. ? he >oiuh. . \entor ha s eon plet? ? ' ; his time !?? : Ing. HER PA WINS* COUNTS SUIT KiMachf-vskj Woa'l ?,?i $*a,tM fot Mlcfjed l roaacing si Deer. ? . ? ?' ft leged Jami J rging '. ? l ?. But ? .* ?.e '?'?? coming intij the | ? whir': and the WOMAN AND CHILD CLEARED lecasad <.f Stealing in >in\ i.? He-asa, 1 hi ? Ire l'1-.i li.i'ir? ?I la ? sai i ? 31 fl i ' in a Karl? m mol I Jacob ? . v. he had s*x . before J ? i . . ? ' ? i.. his ll er. I gs lacobi ' , ... HER OWN CLIENT, FOR ONCE ONLY "Truth Will Prevail," ?Says Woman When Court Suggests a Lawyer. BUTLER, DISCHARGE? BY HER, WINS .$.500 Mrs. Mayo Smith Objects to Jew-v Heckle?, Slander Witness and Loses Case. time Mis Habol It i s Smith is a |itig*SBt in court ?he will bo -??nteil hv COOnsel. She -a'.I BO| -lav after appearinp n? her own er In the p'apiems Caaii ;,i a ? ; ? hrouR-ht af-atn?t her by .Iscq'ie? Roffer* j . s former batler, for 135.000 dam fot falsa arr.-t and malicious pr..?. ? ' ' ,\ Of I ? a? re torn? ' her. -' .... Smith Is I w of : .1 Mayo-Smith, arl o ??" ? ni economy a University. lloiTordinf ' was her butler, and Harfe, , laadtosa and cook. The Bras discharged for Insubordina- I then her husband decided to rjoit re Bolferding had |?rft the ? li and re. ind ?nan ? ot an smicabls one While Mr?. ?' Bl .- ng lier hi. ? a cellsr. Me? tiag hia mis? he vol un too red tl s statement thitt ho 1 i I lairs to got ? -trlrr??,-. Investiga tba .""1 !nr rave ? ?? I iper. lire Accusation "?lade Immediately. ? - l?e.| the hutler ;. n. it \ pol iceman I told the I'on-i I c would arrest BoiTei ? .- ? Mayo Smith did 1 ha Nag ? ' "I ?? i get a law? , - ? " Jas? ? 1 the defendant "Ti . and I need no ? I," i ? plie,l M ? ' . Smith. .^hc ?i:. r? begafl examining talesmen, she wanted no J |nrj i nod that s ' man could not I", rejected for racial reasons, Lu' Mrs. Msyo-Smltb ex ??! thai her prej idice ? sa due to . - ? ?d the ?refendant ;..? (fulup to In her a.. ....;, '! from Bo *erdin?***i wages ? 1 hut he i ? tabs the check of ? ? tailed ihe .??* ? : ?.. prox??, proe? dure of ? ?? court ?a BJ ? her. Ilrnkcn Bita ol Kvidence. "Hei . ' ?h? ? ? broki n lea from lier mi IT, .tu-'ic? Dele ? il such was not , the brokea silvpi ??. . nee. "Didn't ? ' ? -. ??ho retnained flustei throughout the exam a referred to - . as "? .... had pu I hia wife at the time led her s leka thai . u? '.. he re rked ?in hear ? * M r *. ? ? ! t., hir e ? ' need thai - ?? ?>. ould sppeal, for which ? ? . . gaga ? '. SAYS SON VOLUNTARILY RETURNED TO ISLAND Mrs. Johnson Thinks He I ixes in Rat-Infested DungeOU. "I \? ant h ra ??. ?:,, v ; ?. |, right." at, t iiunrr-d Mrs. A. J of ?? I... on M? the City R? fon I "ti Hart's Island, sa she reviewed ?lie hei East Side Hal f? r ' rn to Better ome out decent.) Be sfraid. . time he a? ? .? would h?' ' ? . ? ' ' ' ' ' I I felt BO had. "H -rent bach of hia own free will. . ? Il Ind 1 rd time then " .li.In ..... . r, 0|j petty Americas Leading Perraxirajih s ? wg ?, J U I hr food, service, music, entertain? ment, congenial atmosphere and attractive surroundings combine to make Rector ? the most desirable and delightful restaurant in New York. Our SPECIAL DINNER, ?ervrrl in the hall room, ?it $1.50 a rover, offer?, a Brondrous mrnu. lenred with cnaracteristti Rector perfection, DINNER A LA CARTE \\ -A I ? in the main dining room i? >? I _? %<Snf n \ s s / ?/-o Qrihcstras 7 i; o Dartant) hloors. t SltinniriQ Cabaret {?.ntcrlainrnrnl r, rock nan* REALTY QUEENS ; REIGN IN CELL Swindle evidence at Trial Costs Mrs. Francolini and Sister Liberty. MORTGAGE SALES SNARE WOMAN Went to California "for Health'* After Companies 1 ailed Vic? tim, 71, Lost Heavily. Mrs. Vs'ilda Francolini and he- ?. ? ?er. Rome Halley, known a? the "Rea tj night for ? it ??me siaea t it ei??h teen months ago on indictments i ing them with stealing the savings o' t girls by means of a real e??a?e lOBtie? "ore whom .il siaea M in the Suprern?* Court ' rommitm? nt to the til the ca?e i? finisl ? d. I hej ha bail. " ? Fran ' ? nal la-?- befon he oraran ted her vari ona real??,- concerna, '? KM and lf?12. . ? ? ligned from the merre.I eon ; ?> onttlfl before they failed an,! -?pn? t,, i a'.forma "fot her healt ' ?he a'lmitted that v'i'' had been il !"?? Realty ('men Tell? of Heal Mr?. Pranralial denied 'hat ?he had failed ?o deliver ?i *?T,lr?ii laOltgBfS OB X\'e?tche?ter property to Mis?. Mary , & girl snd eomplalaant . ra?e Sha ?aid Mi?? Steen eon trsetsd to stork in the An? nex Homes of New York, Inc.. and that the ?tock had been kept at 'he r. i lest of the ??nnrari in the company ?nfe. snd wa? Anally turned over nft?-r bank ruptcy to Hob.*-' B I sag**? nephew of MISS Steen'?. ?1 ?.>!.! Misa ''teen," ?he witness asid, "?hat Annex Home? would pav 7 per cent, B? the preceding companies had none, and to a??ur.. hi t further I told her that I would pav her interest out . own pocket." "Where did >"u expect to ?' money to do that*" a?l?ed X l?;*i?r.ct Attorney Rocsoh. "I v aa ire' ting a alary ??' and" "Hut you had been loaning your moi - along when Bip? a, ii I you ? o.] even I - . .-.. do ng wi a. pooi s orbing one years old, to i".' almoel every dol 1 ??ich cimcum ??I v I that thi mpa S to pa;. 7 p< r cent," '-He ?? "When tl.? ? iceeded the bj n or? thsn 1600,000, d d I "1 think your ?ii-urcs are too hi^'h, M? R04 . y.r--. Fiar. ? i Innes Hon lae. made a ' .- ? ? ? mortgages, n spite of Mrs. j I ,gt- t . ' : e ;n? - missioi ? of the com : circu The tr'al will he resumed tO-dsy. PUBLIC SERVICE BACKS GAS REDUCTION BILLS Not Opposed to Manhattan Rates for Wards in Brooklyn Queens. an 0 f the Pub? lic Service ? omi ent fol f tel? lieorce 1'. ? ehaii man .?i' the ttee on Gas, I ty and xvn t?T Supply of ?he Ai lemblj "l am informed tha? a hearii be heVI to-Piorr-iw before the committee of the Legislature on pro posed gislation to . to -1. I I .???? are evcral on?e-? been befon ? ?i ?".?r a lomr time ITecl these wards li ew ? i HOTEL BREVOORT, l ifth Avenue. CAFE LAFAYETTE, University Plate. r'ii; 1?? ..I. lK.ri.1 .-. AMI l.t-iai ..?-. ;? HI I.?? VUIIK Cuci}?n*>'s 14th Street, near Fourth Avenae. METROPOLIT VN ?KSK. Tonliht i ,. ?*.. !??.<? , Thur?. . : M.l*.?r.?. .r . ? fr? Mr?. | ? ? *ll? - ' i . ..... , ? I s-.n-iimbul.t. I'. li. i Prln.? l|o? . LA? T WI I K Of OBI HA M asnM H?al Mon. ?? ? Carm?n. I . *? Hi-.lno?!.? ?. I;. I ? n IIAHI'XM . IMA.S?! I ? II PHILHARMONIC lo-l I -II? XN-hX ? HMD i Mi? Ta m ? >l, i i', I Baal ? m At? : I? ALL WAGNER I .1.!!??!? Hull on i a BUI BM ???ii ?*Xt a? i mam . tt ? to PADEREWSKI II le I i . . 1, ? .a s , ? i , I * ? I ? " ? t i " ' ... ITariu. -.? i?-.*c?a ?ne . . ? ? .? Mi fa', or upon ? ? : ? ,,-,? 't>p ind ?,?.?.?. . ? . ? commission Irishes to be ot Hit?mosme ?inv ob? :?,. .A.a i.,?}.. a I people of : hat ha? s ? ehn?< r?: pr -?a- .- The eommis? ? ? ' ; n ni i : h ? ! 1 ?1 ; that Brill ,??<! en rrnent of i eeisions." Theae ?.'h-. bills were introduced bv berl R. Lawson, a member .littee which is ? ? ? ,- Public Sei l si \ emblytnan Frederick B. Burr. Th<> bi'ls ?ill effect the r.??:uc | ?I'fi -, . n thi 2d War.| in Queens, which . S'cwtown. rhe rite remained ?* *' . ? ? reduced to 80 cenl ? the rei I he rate I is - see beea ? nts m Bay Rides la 'cm ?1 it went bach 1914 bjllr?. for en, ?in not inrlii?!.? the Ith Ward n Queens, . \\ . Iliii and .'amaiea. where I : ? ., - ... been before the ,-,,? ? ? many months. TRIAL OF T.M.0SB0RNE POSTPONED TO APRIL 3 ( 'iirt Refuses to Quash Indict - ?ihmu Against Toblimky. trial Bt Wh te 1' -, ? .orne, for ?i. un - I ? ? ireh SO, was el ipril 3, a? it ?a thnt ther?> would be no Supreme < ourt - ,- ?. t? Pia that, d Just ? Keogh directed that an extra panel ? en be ?Ira*n on ? before whom Mr, Ob? b.n-ne ii to be tried, ?a a Democrat. He bench election, ?. f ?he Supreme ? ? quash an indictment found bv the Sine Sing rrand jurj ssjainst .i?,s.?iih Toblinsky, ar? "Y? iky Minfer," a conrict, Charged \i ith a felony. SMITH COLLEGE GIRL PAYS FINE FOR THEFTS Viiss Vose's Mind Deranged by Study. Friends Say. i ; pi* ? i T ? ??? Xoi?' Mass., March 21, R. I .*?? : eaded guilt*. ? ? i . ? fen el rj bbid <?' her nr ltd Bl ?800, fmm her - M m court ? ? to b?? ?.iif ?' i ? _? fn.iii m? r ? .' ... rani.nt, ?iue ? .?>? authorities who allowed the irirl to be srre ited srs ? made < i i i .?. in-trad of a police ? ? young student broke ?|o,vn and bro i:"l.? t ? be kepi In ignoranee : " '? hu? ?o bring her ?laui;h*er Qroandhog Falls Into a Trap. ? . > onn., March 21 ? ? many tha? have been saying mi > ft sboul the .*! baek, you can em to lii?. face. On ( '.? I ?? mas ! ? * saw h il ihadow Moa ? becausi yesterday, the ',r-?.* dav of sprn .- es ight. Fur] Clark, ? . es ighl him n a i? k h nk trap. Vus ?he Churchiirs Mine it l'e,t,unnt A Broadway Inititution Broadway & 49th Street Ml CAREM/. VENETIAN ? MASQUE BALL INA t.AI.I mi nuir-,1 n t\ ?.ri ha UN,:, a Blfl ? ;*.!?. AI. KNTIMT THEA1RE FRIDAY EVE. M?\R. at 10 ?..-. r? Til ?? ? a .? . nnSKBTCI a - t ?i,.\ ..i i ;. i i,|'l S \ I til I X S II M I . Men F.ta M. Ii t;.s:ia MILH?LLAND SopraiM, i 1| ivit.e I III,,It -, I limit?', i'lrl -I. nr II ,a I, l . i'-i> ill ?,,? f ?. *fl a. %ag | ,j K. ,. if YVETTE GUILBERT \. ... n ,ii 1 i? \fl Mur.-li ,. GRAVEURE < t?l Ml \ \H \ IM???, ? EDWl?5r GRASSE, Tiomm?. ; SSTKI ? TO-NIGHT H 1 . THE CREAT PURSUIT n i Pttflll, S.n.on Irrta Mlrlr l.?t,,?,| Il ? Mrll?? Chirtft Cli?rr, .? . ? I ?1 II . lira,,,?.. PLAYHOUSK GRACE GEORGE ?r ? 1W, ' MK1H l ?, M A lu II n A Mil? H* | I .. I ,.. NCW VOBB nu * ? ? ? ' I ,pt Mr?a t'iuml a CM .. . II?. ITH . I Ml ' I, .. ? PAY-DAY 48THST * JUST A WOMAN ,.?.;<.*."? COHfO*l I - ' > ? ? i. ami Bal THE FEAR MARKET "? \ /;;_'??? SPRING, IN BOOTS, WADES INTO Cin She Nurses Influenza ir Private?Even ?Sparrow, s Were Disappointed. UNION SQUARE LIKE CHOCOLATE SUND/-E Garibaldi Shivers uith Collar Full of Snow. While Flower Boys Croak "Arbutus!" Spring, with that nameless pathos in the air which, it I . i d*a ell ? .??II thini?* fair; Springt with her reputed colden sun and inppose? rntn, is with u?, according to the IVeather Baroaa snd ?I.l'a parilla Almanac only du th?"?,. t ?.i autl ? the ? eri'al serSSOfl i* upon us. hut the spring : *?'. too, in which were written last Novem? ber for ? ' es, r;?-? !??! , rding ( n girl, all ? rest bod ght 1 If she d ? eaterdaj ho worn ga racked s ment Furthermore, si ran so ? that sha accomplished her enfin cour?" in lea i I the la?t St. Patrie Daj ("ir.uii to pa*.- a given point. No ona saw Spring in "slew Yoi ed h?*r to reporters and refused t.* i??u?' any Bl i Probably she re? in her room at a hotel, with her t".-. t in a foot tab. i' ? ra bo cloth? ing for yesterday's ellraate, anyway. If .?-prini? was ni.t in seclusion here, nur-ung influonss deep In the snow and mud somewhere lugustinc snd frent?n ' ?he ? ???n ? ? ?? M-rh.,;;.*"* *i "** 1st? ' -**t?-aa. .? ?lunch?-. ? !'?? r, ? ?Isi1 m the b4.??JLT,r"}*r< under the warm ?un T *" *"J ?'-??" ' ,?.?*' ''"????i '..,.*>;'??* ??-?' d aa-ri. ****l irrowa ?JHf ?"? t -"?0*s a',''*' ln th? . i ..... ? r-r;* ?"?^??id,'?.,* ?'? ? ?*?' tr. ?*" ? ? <* rertakL.' *"> of '..',* L3 \ a. ?"? ? ??? r,-u.. ''! mustai ioubtlH..' dHls2?J ' '???? "?a .1 r P'Uttiraj V "' ?S Vr 1 ?' -.-.?er ii?saS rhtlf v?seA Iz ? mS ' eiste ?? ? ? ' SBsaifi ' ist'?'? otUa^H ? ? rait ia CC ' ' I " h B ant iv ? f | -A J-L? 1 Psarj m:#ht S worn on his >?*..>' to the pole. ^' Fifth A?. ?.., ,.,,-, v,tt runnii -it* on ?*a rom ru rcei ?ries of Kith???, ?till laborii K to push th? tt* ?? ? .-.' i'.' TWO DKTEfTIVES COMME."*?** l.nrii-ht Bad I ?U'> XX in A-aanJ St ta? in XX line Siate ( a.?a. ''"' ? v *'*'?rr. J t, ? H- ?( Da...; J. Koley hav? ?aj been publicly honored by ?.oas-Jasiai VVoTOd tha award "?i men?iol rort they d:' '?.til' wu't by * .Itur*" Ltrmu and ' a ye?: |(C 1 ' .-skt B-ajjJ " "'? "???'? ? ?? tract ?? bor i 1914, "??\cell?Bt sa? waa sward? | . tba rom*r?iiij3 er t" Lieu! rgi Kvi*. 8?r|av] Thom.n Tracy aid Detectiv? Pu?. ?I hill. ] ''?'" Drssagkaj .J Frank Gochi ng received th, J ? ??? ?. t '-7*1 ? '?. 11- 1 Dec? t Service that cannot be bettered anywhere. Strong assertion, is it not .*? Let us prove it. Spring Clothes and Haberdashery of best qualities?moderately priced. /?--"?-P'M- Pt * ? . '"'.M,,., a???.i-l'l ~V?t?. iDNfcTHT FROLIC EVA IANGl'Ai . i.? MH YORK**" IIII.IM, IIIKAIKI.? \M? ?I II I *-nlJ*. EMPIRE ? NEW AMSTERDAM ,:-".;.:' MATINEE TO-DAY at 2:20. .?n fo elsie Ferguson Tree in fetlttP VI MARGARET SCHILLER " LYCEUM ? ?? ,?~'" ' I t 7 "EMPHATIC SUCCESS.' ?Sun. The Heart of Wetona CRITERION MATiNce 'to-oa*. A?/ <"U * * fn\, HfNfilFTTA LLENr? WROSMAN THOMAS A. WISt II FALSTAFF ? The Merry Wives of Windsor FULTON ? m MELODY OF YOUTH _^^^ft,? i ? ron an s * Mitzi in 'Pom-Pom' ?\STOR LIBFrtTY A i'u'il] JULIA ?? ? .) JOSl?1 8*N0t ? BRi*?. C*W*??? C V D I I O T D I k BELASCO \ V*' THE 800 &^m3E?5m LONCACRl. B1<-'S?*lr.i;ira?:?*--4i?la*Ji '?THE GBF AT LI C?NDLER ?EDEECQSISK^ V? . , ,-? ? ? GABY DESLYS \ ,' GAIETY MRS. il>ttt , ? r,?? ? ? "? ?? ?i ? ?"? Erstu ?\c "?usan HUDSON The CinderellaIfl HARRIS ?/__ PARK ? -;J CZ?ait5i??dE3^ '?j? i:n_]-Jilil:iil?N MATINEE DAILY. BES! JEATS 51 HIP HIP HOORAY SOUSA SUNDAY , ????'?.'SA "MftRYPiCKFORD HEHSELF ? ran ra ? i no hi i a , MAN* WIM. Bl L i c CMIdr.n Aga ?t I . ?-.n M?4jl.?l in, -*t ' "? ,111 i MI.IA MIONIOMl Maxinr Elliott'i LOU-TELLEGEN in'A KINGOF NOWHERE* PRINCESS Piaalar Matin.? t? ?., , ., t A '?> ? a , VERY GOOD EDDIE LYRIC : _?__! POTASH & PERLMUTTER ?sinnsDiB? 3 ?II, SL 1 1 A?T ?M l ta T I? I MI.AS1IN CABINS a THE BLUE PARADISE i4tH sr iMiA 1 .|? ? ? Mail? '? t. alif. I' KATINKA COR! I jTicf?imdjxelc* STA? ?Va.rV.**" IjOEW*S NEW YORK ?h ? ? -, .00. ?- . ????..Ill . ? - BALL.ri FUIR. . :>o nomi^ , 1 ' AiKi:.\?lK?:'l?^ ?l?aW Pf f ?HTM -, ?alSI* * ? , BROADWAY ? ?51 ?-??'*--".*?*-'? t?. c?<? **5T"B ...? aitCNii ? Strand r " ?&*%