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MOSS TO HUNT GAYNOR LETTERS IN STRONGBOX Turns to Kings County Trust Co. After City Hall Search. DISCOVERS ESTATE IS NOT APPRAISED Thompson to Jog Shonts's Memory Willcox i.xplains Subwav Memorandum. Frar.V Mot*, r<Mir<??1 for the Th?* mp ?on ?MUBittOO, da-dared last Light *hat it ir.(:'iir he f v.r. A reef >rj | , aerve .-; ?ubp?*na dore? teeum on the County Ti-ust Company, of Brooklyn, as execut?r, to produc? the prlv.Ut pa per? of the late Mayor Gaynor. Mr. Mo?? aaid that certain lt-ad? hhd de Teloped in the investigation which t'.c eonamitt'-e ?ou! I he boond to follow op. Th!? announcement followed a search by repre-enUti?.,?? of the rom mlttee yesterday auorg the arc':.?? in the cellar of th? City Hull for let? ter? of Mayor Gaynor. Search of the Citj Hall file? WM read*? with th? ! P\9t that 'he commit'o? would find ?or <??.>?? ?r ?to throw iifcht on the operation? between March 22, 1010, when Theodora P. BhonU, president of the Inttrborough, eer.t hll letter to William K Willcos, then ehainnan of '" tb? Public Service Commii-'lon, finally ?tatlng the company'? plan? to bnlld tie new subway? with It! own money, and Mayor Gajnor't. change of frort following Mr. Shonts's call on him at St. Jame?, Long Island. Shonts? Tefltlmony Unsatisfactory, Sow the committee is anxious to dis? cover what Mayor Gayncr may have ' written and received on the subject of the new rabwayi iibout March 22, 28 and 28, 1910, on which date? Ml Shont? made change? in hi? original letter t?, Mr Willcox, Anally abandoning hi? offer altOffOtbtr iftOI ' ??** ln Apr ' ' " '? ' ' '' these" ta ha? proved unsatisfactory i y . th? pon * --' letton <-* the th? poo? ?-?raton, th? committee Ky cor? respondence amo:.?,* the ?fflclal files. -:,,.?? M I "urt Street, Brooklyn, counsel to th? Gaynor aiM? ..he had been all over r paper? and found nothing * the May-.r's income OOt rom his own Income. ?astv I .. :?-?'? g ??as di-rovere?. . might be any reason .-r cal. :.. tne Gaym r Will I to hy B ?rrogate - rn. The entire I ?? , ? vp children, and ty Trust Company ?us tnstOO. Mayor Gay; teahOT 10. Itlt, but BO '.(?en made to have the ap pn-isai of hll ??tat? : na'.'.y determined. <?(i tan of 19,500 was paid to - pending the final ?i-, e;i-.*.. Mr. Brow?! claimed the privilege pro ?. i,ii | * law which permit.? a ; kind ln case an estate il ?-o involved ; settlement would worn hardship on the bene: . inl?r to avoid a pen? alty o? -'o i't-r et :.t OMr ?:.? u'. original tax. th? | Ivaacod to the Btat? i ntrollcr. Payment of that ran ? ieats at. ?state of between i dentood ?? .?.e was not far out ' : " '-e way. leared to Hurry Appraisal. Delay in - final appralirt"*!, Mr. Brow? -,, th? late Ma* or . : g i? mort? gages. They v. cotnpa-.ifr, mptey if a * i of the ??tat? was demanded, he said Th? ???-Ate - ? t?. I..J nor aeran ; ? rty of any f. MCOrdil ;: ' . Mayor Itep' hi? o? ? ? I the late will? ? ' irt His ' r, when h? be Mr I ???ynor'? lai I St. Ja * * ? m commit' tee yesterday -?.nrmuMeated ?rit! art! V. 1 . .- . for J. P. M*""i'-* . I ? labury ?.a'd .Mr. Her? eom? befor? th? c. tira? ?i<l n?. i r? ? ? . town, but if h?? ?hoi to leave tire eltj h? ?ri Did DOtlfj -,. that h? coald ' ? ? prior ? ffoing H? may be a ? on Knday .Mr. Willcox, former chairman of the Public Hsrelet ? ?tate?? ? irday ?ip s instances ?un men.' ra 10. Il ws? man? plain I . .. but a toatetivo form of agre? upon which at- offer was to be bs tee Hefeelive as it Btood to h . But it waa a i ?'??n the laterbero made to th? eomi ? . . nt ?rro^ a ? . ? ? ? Hitrh in Subway l??*al. , ' March 22, 1910, Mr, v. The confer? rei.ched a p? i ere jl di?i sot a? ? ? ? gotii rr.ncY. ? itrrordii ... '? ? " ? - said his es? "'"?* ?"'<* ? an offer such as was i mem?'- me he ? ?urn wo take up the matter sg "When Mi ' ni" * no offer was? forthcoming after hi? roa the West, I told 1 lm tl inasmaeh as I I ITerei ttl mes, I tl ?ild call on . th M ami I think it ? from ? middle of April. From that time I he; nothing: n ore aboat 'he Interboros until Julj '. s '?-n Mr. Shot I told me that Mayor Gai ? o? b hi? office, und had aahed that an of fur building subways should be saeta ted to "Tl.;* wai the first I hsd heard of I Mayer sendi offices, ftlth?.ugh I had heard of * rs t to I '- eounl lame?, In April, J?U0. "I .?a* much dl turbed when *? Shonta add? d that he had lent a lett under date I .? the Int? rboi - er.* ? rs np we h id that we should talk mutter*? to a co elusion and ?ubn. let possible. He ?hid th ??-.,': to me, and hud sent the origins! to t Mayor, Is? or Y ad reqm ? igh he fully realised ; the ruelle Berries Commiaslofl ??a? tl body having originnl jurisdiction , Ibis matter. Offer by Inti-rborongh. "We continued our active -?or?, c the trl-borough plan, and in the Se U-mber following i.dvrrt'.ped for bid ? These were reeeie?*d in October, t-.; after thru, pome Time in Noven b?*r. Mr. Bhonts came to my home I I take up the i egotlatioi ? si iln. 1 toi ein-, that I iras perfectly willing to i ?a, I".:', that we would hate to besrj 1 where? we left off in March. As th ill ?.f the negotiations which the ?took place, the offer of Decon il 1910, iraa made 1 > the Interbnrouirh. "1 1 ave al?.. ed that the el i forts to bring the Mayor's reprenentf tives into these primary Tieirotiationi ? r the ? -T rl ? era th? S l*e| resentative? to evoke u solution, wit the cause of several months' delay i settling the subway question. In N'c rembej the commission had ol ' ? ??? construct'on airead It, and the ?? ? loeini la having been exempted from com nutation in the debt liait, a t B !.i eri reached when it was absolutel; necessary for the Interborough to r<rr sent 11 heart sTor, if on? was to hi presented. Oat of all this, tbel the offfr of December B, 1910 '? ?rea, It the judgment commission, so favorable a proposa that it wa? referred to the Board ol mate for the consideration of tha body." SAYS BRITISH INCOME GROWS, DESPITE WAR Sir OcorRe Paish Declare*. Na tlon's Capital Not Yet Touched. London, March 21.?Great Brltela'l annual income has increased hj *:?(??*.oco.<)O0 since the ?-e-rlaplng oi tie war, declared Sir Georjre I'aish, thf w-ell Olity, in i. lectors to day ob war finance before the Royal Btatlstieal Society, and tho total has now reached The nation, said I ' nearly succeeded in maintaining itl productive power, despite the drawal of approximately 4,000,000 men from 1600,0 ta rap tal from s sine? ? nearly all of tl is, hoe evei to make fresh loans to tries ai If all?e the in eroa to in the eo lock, Sir -? .Id be . . - ? tor? ing to draw ? ? w taxation oui.t ? ??? . ? mated the taxai 0,000. Or. ? burden of I BI I ' . w ? re ilur . - ? H a .??? by the ? ? the wai CONCESSIONS DENIED TO BRITISH HUSBANDS All Who Attested Mas. Serve Country "Cannot Wait.'" ion, March 21. T1 Gel -..r won". ? can- Ol wait, Ol ? -,? consider ai ' si ' ".\o mstter whether married or gle, ? ' At noon today, refresh the mouth and cleanse the teeth with Dr.Lyons PERFECT Dental Cream A Stundard El fur al Dentifrice Send 2c stamp I?,- a fOftOMM tart.r, > ?,| ?rtlrar Dr, Lyon'? tottott I>ei?ul Cream Ol Toi 'i. I' ? ? ?" I | W l.y<?r,& S..,,?, !?. , IH W 27?*. St . N y t ity J ?n<???? nil?!?! I llllll BUH-M-il III ?IW ???111 ill SENATORS VOTE FOR ARMOR PLANT [?ass Bill Providing for Government Factory to Cost $11.000,000. REJECT SCIENTIFIC BOOKKEEPING PLAN Hut Strip Measure of Pork Bar? rel Opportunities in Selec? tion of Site?*. [***"(? T . fttSmmt f'.-r-?_ 1 Wsshington, March _1. A j-or?rn *.-?? r pal to co?t not more ? no bu?in???lik? ? ?an of entertaining the cost of the urmof to be pr??,ijced by It, was au tborised by the Senat? to-night by a ? to S3, Opponent? of this '. particular and of -"overnment in j-vneral ren'red their un eiTort to hare char iircil public accountant? pian the book _? i ?. - ten under th? plant would be run. ??> a*? to nuke any jutf ? of the fi-,?ur?'? Impoaslbl?. They I that th i ironld clearly do ? rat?- the w?>te an?i ?aTTavapance of goverrm??rt opri-nt The bi:' ? ? ? - ? ' it? pork opportun!tie? bj ?H amendment offered by Se?al i '?'? id ?or? if New York. ? , : tor Tillman for the --??-.. ? ? r vided that the location of tho proposed plant or piant? ?hould be ?elected by the gen? eral board of the navv. Th?* principal point of hi? amendment. Mr. Wad - worth ?aid, was t" eitabhsh the prin etyia that the location? of the plants ?hould be determined by ?tr?tele and not pork harrH arp-iin*? \\ !th th? BOeoptanO? of the nmend rnei.1 by Senator T' opposition to it died away, and it vrn? a.?opt?>d with? out a rollcull. ?tor Week? offered ar. am^nd-ncr-t providing that ii n?tructin>/ a government plant th? Secretary of ?ation? i.rmor plat? ren to d? ? *-? ii price to be paid for ar-nor | th? D?X| ' ? " .**>? '? . a .i* the privat? manufacturer? to continue making armor t1 ? ?would I ' ? ing . rn?, smalltr : - - - The nnwillingni i? of thi Den ? ng for ? | ?? duly Ihre? Demo g t., permit ? -i t > ?.f (.'o\erii ? ?rere Senator? ? , r*ris . . eist ?::.,. . . ? the 1 oOKm . of the Na -, srtni??_l It -*"lH :l??t pn.;?-- . ?'.? '.. !,?r?'r ? ? .. M ? - ??:' the ?I'.l bp in? formed ?si '?? ??' ton of the ??'! ? ? ne." d ? "That wo? ? ? v th th ? rrese I ??.keeping ?*.: I ? ? Ii ' . ? sccepi titut? ? ?. ? , . m the Dei _ ?the bill. B ral I ? -.?nr.?i. K? - ? ?rling i work?. Opponent? of the i??ra?ur?a uro ? : ' ? ? th?- ?..U'?-. h- i?'n?t te rr. change it in i Naval Committee has t the with.? .- t prompt and .i In !?!;,? nifr(- ? ?p rjoon a" ,?-.., tr..,._ ., _? ,. _ | GERMAN ARMY OPENS FIRE ON FASHIONS Berlin. March 21.-- The German array has opened hostihtie? on a new foe? women's fa?h?ons. The la?ge cnnsumption of cloth under the prevailing styles has in? spired the army author-ties to call a conference to de liberatc measures drsii/ned to influencr fu'ure fashions in the direction of gre?ter economy in materials. The Minii'rv of War, with true military astuteness, is not attempting to affect styles already in vogue or to forbid women their flow? ing skirts. TERMINAL TO EMPLOY (5.00(1 l.ehigh ??itructare t<? Provide Slips for Higgest Liner*-*. The Lehlgh Valley F?ailroed, which,: i through its sui'Mdiary. t*M Lsl ,rli Val? ley Harbor Terminal Railroad ' ' ;..[i>, reeeatlj ?.?.tamed options i- I nrres of land in the (.reenville section ? of the Jersey City wr-terfrr-.? . ? ? Plans hss ' ] eted for a structure, v. l,.ch, ?? warehoeseo and loft bo meat < Work will b" besraa as soon as ?lie laary Brrangements bsea rith th? I ?'. 'Ye Statt ? ? Petei Bentlej - id, made it plain that ' ; \'?allf;. to eonstree! Will seeommodatc th? . liners,' land that It will ?'arid the eapsraso of i'redging channels to the deep watet of, j the hay -, RUSSIAN PORT TO OPEN SOON ! - Nikolale**T"k Will Kelic-re Congestion snd Allow Americans to I.and .'?rod*. A cablegram from the I... " mcrifin Chamber of Commerce in Moscow to the Americaa-Kassian l her, n*. ?'O Broadway, announced ? si the port of Ni at th? I mouth of the Amur River, in S would he opened for Bavigati? n Ol ... t was ?aid, will for ( .?of th.- Eun ; ? " i?.- . Ifoi I -in opi.s exporters to latnl goo<: out interference or delay from govern? ? laments, ? e I .i ? ''en n treat eoi . . ?mm? 'i-, ?i lent ? ?? - sf mm o?her govei ??. American exporter a d the coa?j*es?rlei: ??r? ad? ? ved ?here wi'l he I ? ???here eeaBeetlon i? made witl ting with ,; ?? ; ? ? Railroad. ?TAPAN IN ALLIES COUNCIL Will Participate in Pari? E?onomir ? onference. l.?indo;i, Murcli Ul. Du? . .-.'?' tot ?.f Muaitions, spoak? ? i'i the Hou?e of Ceatmona to day, mod tha report thut Japan invited to take part raie conference, at al eh Walter Rune n.i.n, President of the B . of Trade-. ?* '. b? ? ?? principal ' (ireht Hri? 50,000 STUDENTS TO BE OFFICERS Mouse Amends Army In? crease Bill to Provide for Big Reserve. ADDS TO POWERS OF THF PRESIDENT Measure Now Authorizes Call of Reserve Regulars Without Asking Conv-ress. W ?. '?. * gi n, Mar?* 21. All is n '. I House tO-day ' th? I?.4.V army increase bill, ,t ?"i, found la to reach a vote ! ?.irr.ment. The meaa morrow, "calen? dar ?A ? ? . bat ? ? ,?:. s? t a?>i,ie ? ? naidera ? ? ??rlain ? mmitti i plan? to ????.? i H? ? : for i :. ? ?>nce. ? U ..h one ? posai by I . . 'i to b? dis ? ? ,.r ,?n reconimemla'.iofl der?, or ? on tht House re ?. er ?d ' " ?'" ??-? : , ... anien.itr.ent ? Bopi tentative <;_n) ' Son . Sluil'-iil- a?. R??erv? liftit-er?. ? - pro ? : educa ten l ? to the War Depart ? ? nura ; ? - t.- i . : ? T?" . - ? ? ' ? ? ? i-, M?ii,ili/.e Monition? Factories. ? i fered I ? ? - la an?) ? ? ? , th? plantl in a few day?. mobilising th? whole var mschinery industry of the country i? -fighting line?. Detalla of tl ?rill be worked Um armj appropriation bill considered later. I* has been ??tin -.* ' ??ires alone woui?l cost $1"?. I or mure. ? FEAR TRADE LOSS AFTER WARS END Rusiness Interests of U. S. Will Demand Aid of Congress. _ IF-wn Th?a Trttrin? RurM'j 1 Washington. March 21. An argent demand on Congress for S the I'rpartnitnt of Commerce ; paring for the trade war fo: f ?r. ? market? expected to follow the Kuro pcan struggle will be made by the s? it.tercets of the country, fol? lowing fa-lure of th#? House Comm * \: : ? ; - ? raahi pro? - ? or this purpi'-a? .? ?ir, axecul ive and jud Despite th? fact that ?ireat Bj '?? France, Germany and Russia ar? in the midst of a war in arhich they are put? ting forth stapondooe military ?-ffo't. they are lhapittf plans which they will pursue as ?oon as they ar.? '? ? ? turn tu international triada r ich of Il '.rieb (a activ?. in pr. for th< reial itruggU ? ? . ..-?? ? conflict, Wal Chamber of Commerce, and th? : rise be prepared. ? ? and judi?. rial n. ' a? reporto?! to th? Hnus??, t'uiied to niike any s ion for tl ent of addil II \ trade CI " Like? ?.no'ijuati ? far ? ? ? administrativ? tau of ? ?! Domestic Commet ? ? ? ? imeree, the ll of l.n- : : leparati ippi for thi of *'eld stations ' in the " .?.*?? d Sttites. nor the anplica ' :he Civil Service law to the; rviee. FIREMEN'S SCHOOL READY Instruction for Those Who Seek Pro? motion. At l:M o'clock to-night Publir ? I ? l- fty-seventh Street, and De Witt Clinton High School, Fifty el and T^nt', Avenue, ?rill be ; ?,ppn to member? of tl ? ' who are anxious to pi itioni f? r promoti in. Fir? < .?ii ? - er Ada ? ? he will be at th? I entb Street building to ?rith -Deputy Commissioner Hoi? >l? ? i r - ami Dr lloskowits, of the Civil Si i i Ice I ommii ?a.on. The courtes will be known a? ".y-j, ' ? i tension Com ? - ? ? i !?,-r:?>.| ? ?" reeks exam nation?. The second ses-, to-morrow night, TO SOUND CITY LODGERS . ? malttee Named t? Teal Meatalitj .?f Inmates of Institutions. ? f the mu ?ing houai n? r Kingabury af ei Department announced ren? nt of a com the Work. Il ? dent of i?-. ,,lic .?-ervices in. : I ? Aui i rt, I.!? :toi of ' : Institute of tl i? V .?, pit?is; Di -Thorn? W - ? ; th? .. - expert? have accepted. The examin? ar? to discover mental ?.Unes? ??*M4?B?a?<W??w??MMWMWiiM^MWa???M?MMMMMM?????????? i m i.?M?.???.?nia mmmmmmmimmmm,^^me.^m^^^mmm^^mmmmm.^^m^m^mmm il/-1 -AT i 41 OWNERS OPERATE 1751 WHITE TRUCKS And their choice is based on experience No White Truck has ever worn out in commercial service. Its life is indeterminate. It pays to expend a higher purchase price for a White Truck, which not only costs less for fuel and repairs, but also outlives two or three trucks of cheaper make. O THE WHITE COMPANY, Cleveland NhW >(?KK ?lo.idwiiy ai Siaty-eeceaid Street ^_ v**? ?''-?b^bIbV 7""' ' ''?' l,"'""<er ' "?"-???-ii. ? ^?a'sjV ?/ y*lV -? .*gfs?BjT--aB-ai Vr-??ge. \_Jr^__^^-**ja?*gJ^^^ rtint'ou n ,$ tutul i>l II Mini, Irtnkj ^*\ m S jmRjL^P'~~~~ej?^*^^ ' " *' *?..?."??^"???^?-???(?V?1????4?4T???aBI EXPERTSTO SEE? BLOCKADE RELIE Group Will Study Eastei Freight Situation at Close Range. FACTORIES. UNABLE TO GET COAL, CLOS Shippers to Confer To-day < Means of Lifting Embargo About This City. lanosa of tl B New Eng and, whei ? ? ara closing because of the inability to obtain c?.?a'. ami other su| pliea, th?? committee of railroad ?noc? ? ? working with Interstate ton Korea Commissioner E. E. ??ark wi tliia morning send a group of expert '?-?* England eitiea to itndj I tal ?in at close range and a.<?. : i ? ...d remi deporta have also been ordered froi . railroad in the tast.'rn cong? st?' '. rr tory .showing th?* condition o;" h??i ?ara ,.f niiilnight on Monday. I ? ?pactad 'hat thia information wil l.e in tabulated form for a meeting o full aonunittoe, c.i!>il for 1:1 o'clock to morr?n afternoon? A mas ? ?' information la ask? i ?or. inelu?in amea of 'he firms an?l corporation ;o whom blockaded freight is cor ?1 and the amount of cquipmer? tied UP by the inability of cor.? to handle it. To Blacklist Offenders. The latter is ?sought that consigne??? guilty of lying up equipment becausi of inability or unwillingness to stor? good? ?rill be blacklisted. It waa ex ? la ? ed ysterdr.y that this type can h< ?. . beat advantage by the com mittoe. T.. relieve the shortage of Sox car? in the MiddL? West, where they an creatly needed 'or the moVOmOUi i I ?ra?-?!e movement ol . ?? hai begun ?from Eaatern pom's ? ? relea i a large i r * "r of th? lOO.O?'i cars own<?,i b) Wt il era louiir, now tied up in Eaatern tor? ta the rooms of the Merchants' Asso ciation this morning the largest ahtp . r. and rece rete of freigl ? in Set? York and vicinity ?rill ?.er on to aid the lifting of the blockade. Ytt '? ? ?l.-tv .t ?raa am.o meed that the coop ? - of the Interi nal Harvester and American Tobacco comp,n?e. ... t?et-n assured. " **?l Appeal Made to Shi,^,^ To a:d la rejaiac the b:oe'??d. ? the aa.?oost.on ?a;.? , ?er0u?lT ... ?ri"? ''-.r??rAUr. th? port, an sppeal h.a b, ???, ,,." "? .dl ah ppers to os.? common ..-,. ' ?i.aling with the ?'.'.uation, and n?, ?omplicat. Hatten bj '?.rther derr^V ing more car? than they need I'u nor ' ?*,;.? the b??o??,?,. through ,?? trafrf, ? o^d?,n gr? ?ter aumber of cars than v'ou * taally neer, o? more th??, ,C? *?* sign?e cun . *?"*? "LoH,) ' ' ? '?? vahera, ?a character of the freight v. | per? ' -When -ara sr. team tra ?? 01 .cliver-, at should "PI "Th" USr "'' -'.or.?f?, storage pat*] con t on and pre?. ? ^?Wa ' Frc!i?ht*iios Rrinp Remiagtog t:i .sin?- Order, * tttua lei ty-or.e depart? Arms end l mon Metallic i eit-j - ,.. ? .?? e th.- etaberg arrival of mat? that H ? poraril; ? - to be . at the fictorv ? ? PIONEER flREPS'JOF J-CBA'C ?WAREHOUSES 37 to 53 Fl.i : \?c , Brooi.'vr, targc-. ,n New "lork ?Phone Mam 6900 OUR$7ti.YEAK STORAGE MOVING SHIPPING Ru?" and I .1 pel I eanvn Mcth Pr? Safe Deposit ?N. Silv?ef \'suits /?.?,'?' .if. ? toi ?1 ?? ?V -InvD'.-r ' oneer ?^rviiC? mmris erfeci ?Diitisfaction Atk tht people tor uii ten ist wort)" stft AEOLIAN HALL NIWYORK BROOKLYN ?Z9-*>3 W. 4!?dSt 11 flat bush A?ve. Van } ? ?>? t >Tr-*^ _ **' - ttON fit ->'' '-^ '-> - -I - "*t -"A/;'*. ***>*- ^-* ? _; -? ?MB** "; AEOLIAN' VOCALION .-I Phonograph and Infinitely 1 ' HINK of ili<* \... .ili.>ii .i? :i woi ful nrw iniisi'al in-ti iini'iit than u? a phonograph merely. .sl|rll toill? it Il.lS. Mill VM.lll.l not believe thr phonograph could havr l>,?'?n so amazing!*! |"'I did vou ii"t lii-ar this neuf marvel ?I reproduction re?eounding vo? <?- and ?n??trunn*nts mitli exact li'?flit*.. I vet*} subtle!) of each record \* toughi oui ????'I m-ade in pulee forth in i.t?< ?natine wonder? o? miiMi -bciutv. \ml ilii-? M-rtt punt) of tour i- vourato, onl?rol ?a \ttii wish. The revolution?r*} feature the Gradu?la grant? vou tin* privilege ol - and playing guided by the art of the wo lorfiiinst iiiiisiiian-. i ..M are welcome to come in and -? ?? and irv the \ iif.iliiui, rt'^anjlr-s of whether <ir not '?m an? rr.ul?. tu *?urili.i-* D?monstration? throughout thr* day. i\on*Grat?..,..'.? ifr^J35j?#r?5.Cm<6iefaffi a i ii' $350. Irr ttylet to $200t) Payments us Low as $5 Monthly Coatplete Slock ofthe fot << 'nmlia ffm The AEOLIAN Co ?' * ' ?/ it ij- i