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2 WARS' HEROES SALUTE MRJORIE Battleship Ciirl the Honor Guest of "Vets" of Civil and Spanish Conflicts. RLTIR.?) COLONEL A FUND SUPPORTER Col. W. S. Pattt-n Contributes for 14 Grandchildren?Has Two Sons Now In Army. and Bpai eslu'? Mai shir It ?in n* ? f the recep? tion To tl i A. 1... and the A??? ? a, U. 8, ".V. Y , i- ? little girl, drcBsrd ir. In her 1 air, I ??I.*. w. p. G-rinrth m thi I attli il The romniundar.t tl SB called for a ris? ing salute to Marjorle, her cause ?nd her country. Later In the ? a'ter tie Aeolian Orchr*tra had fli isho4 its pro? gramme, there was dancing. In thu tpening grand march Msi corted by W A. C Hoot ? . ?rrandson of *h ? itioaarj feme, w\ uniform. A j ? ? the satei to the !'?:?? 1? Ki-Arm? Maa Helps l und. *Thes? Comn-anier \?. 1'. Gi "?'!., Pi 1'. ?S. jl. II ini i 1'. P. Cam? '?'? V G Hoot???. ? the Masonic Tempi? ? ? Wii aad 1 in i bri Cadets, m lei tl l* verd? ient C. v tion. Fror. I a list . ? headed 1 I (retire. . his foai Patt-en r. ? ? * thirl years ? ?. Hih father, ( gradu?t? and a? n his life, left har. I in 1 Patten I Captain W accouv Philippin* of the A George F 1 'a. valry. He B?S Major v on the Mex-, lean hoi Jcr??e.? School .?"ends ?20.90. Fol!" ?ur.da High Scl to the ? repr?-.. from tht pupil th and high I ? ' iliridgo (N. J.) i ?intrt^atloria. 4." p r ? ? ? ? ? it in .1 * ? ? - ? ? M ? a I 'i.a.l-1 H Uli ?. ???*?.*?? a . II? .?. a* . ':? M?- - JU . ) . ? - ? . * - bar ' - ?JHHfil ', I " Ha ?. Mi?. - r* I- I ? I CetmmiW ? !,? ? ,.'"''"'. ' " . - .al - ' ?. 1 - ' . ? r i - . - II |: Ml ; ' ' ? - ' , - 1 ?. ? V ..* ..... ? s u ' .. - " ' . -',?? ! I * **? '? B1 A 1 11. { M ?.-? A ' I - ,- ? A % i ,, v ; a i? Four FV ? i ?? rnr.i'i Rli a ? ? - - , a ? *vi::i?i . .- ? i?.y L0V1R OVVtOtt. OMININQ lau f-? um.). XI-. p I I COU Ut* A * 1?*? It a ? : ? BY ] ? *. ' ' *? ' ' ' , ? * .? TKD I ? * '< ? 1 ? . m " ?-' IT,- -1 \? . H I, I 1 - .INI' A I l|? ?? . 1. . " ? : \ v. ? ...,. i ? ? ? . ??? a r ? ? '?!!,' - V ? - V Cap as ?' ? I V KATHPltl*. ' ' ' ! ????>.?'? - " I . ?-'.-?? ' I ' ?-? '..a T-rn.? I r-, a a ? -?, ? \ a . V IlUtlaaft. A 1 ' ' - - a-' ? ' ? .. . ? COI__ECTT?D rv TBXUU M HAl*Hr.ii nti tn 4 ?i -; TTov A larri * . ? ? - I ? TV"! HY C MOOR] - ? ? . I ' ' K.~ '..? II '' II- F 1'? r ? 1 . BY W II M ? . ?-'i-, ii. * ' l - ? ' ? I A. I-!'.: ? l -?:?-? ?? r ' \ .? "- - .... ,.-. A ? ? . 1. ' " i.u-i-r. I !.. ? ? I I . ? ? a ? -. - ... ? ? ? I ? :?-... ? l - ? ? . i - \r ll*l< A ? la . ' ' . ' Economy Do you not believe that ?t U always economy to delegate the manage? ment of property to specialist? in that line? Our organization con aists of forty specialists in real estate. Wm. A. White & Sons Real Estate ?16 Cedar Street \?qL Per MONTH ON PLEDGE ! 1 AJ of PERSONAL PROPERTY TOE PR?VIDEN1 I o AN StOO IV OF NEW YORK MUIIWM? I.I1..SX , , -.. 148th SI "*< -' ' IUCM.KITN gairtdi ' ' . ?? . St. 1:?" Bouston . ? Av 1 ?? -J . ! ',.')?. (,.. ? *\?L II REPAin WITHI.N , /?tj FPOM DAT! turn -.".?-..- n, Clara tl -a l * . ? . ? l I . ? ? r -.,-,.. Karl . ' ? a : ?i M . ?-?-? mi I'lrlfl ? ???? ? I.?I'i . ? ??? M?j . ? i t-?? i . ? .... ? ? ? i ' I.' \ ' I ? ? . : i . ? - . . ?r.l ll ? A a ?.--'. ?7 I 4 I ?? iol OAnnr.*? ? IT, tit:, . * ? . *"""""""""""""""""? 1. ; , a ? - - I . ? t ? ? j ..... I . i W. 1.111 II . ? i r 1 1. IK ? (???Mill, .' ? ? ! II. K I in . .? ?- -? |l I ? ??rt? ?? ?- .. .19 | 1 1 ? - I? ? i ? ? - i Mil m - ?\ n?M? " ? ? ? i >\ roas i un i ? I> Bl ?. m ?. ? a -.?i ? ? , ? ? i ? \? ?. ? . ? i ' ... in ? ? ll.*. in V II ... Irai ; i. ? ( ? ? i M i l . ?' ? ? ? * T. Mr!?? ?-,-'. \ I : o? ? : ?ATM 1. - I ? ? ? ' ' ? I r > ' I -. i . m*.m. PRINCETON IN VAN AT PLATTSBURG - Old Nassau Leads in Col lege Men Pledged to Attend Camp. WOMAN WILL PAY FOR CITIZEN SOLDIERS Democracy to Rule Training Corps, Says General Wood. Who Kxpects 10.000. Inle*??. other colle*r?*i su; ?rll * claims within the next fry watt jor (??nrra! Leonard Wi,<,?| announce?*, that Princeton ?ill plav 9boo Hen Ad hetn In I ? orinen ?m i ! fr.r Plattaburg from J'i ? Au-?u?? * A i?'udy of the enrolment ? l headquarter?, of the , Inland, ahn?-,-? that "Old .' i?m:' laadl all the rest "The d,??("?ivery that PrfncttOT I? far ?I ea,| in the military traimnn camp ? ? ent i*. very (rratifyine." t'eneral \', ?H>.| ?aid *re?trr,lay, "le ha* been talk In the paper?* about an'i prrparcdne?? aft-itatmn |fl th*?* college. I . -,;,. ? | ? ? ?n to ?en?i b?tw??fl 400 and r.*.0 men to Plattabarg. Vu a I I Harvard are expected al'o to ??'nd Urce ? N,, i laa? Pi-tlncMi.n. (,eneral Wood emp- tailed I . ? - ? five trinnir.|{ camp? I pactad tu attract 10,000 mm to r hurt bftweeii .lur.?? hi. 1 October. "Our parp?se ?? * ?sa ? th? campa ?i.-m,? mt men ?if . I ] nulitury training t them 1 aafficiantl-f ? "We dur?'', rar?? whether rdncal ? li h?? i? rirh or poor, whether h?, i r or lower i ? A N??'.s Y - ? IU1 I] b? re-; one ?quad," th? General ?aid "I d ?n (o| ?women who hav<? expreaaed th?'ir will ? - our p> ;.*? r???,?'. for ?? ? rio t not ?enaibli some of :' to aend mei . - ? " Prineel - R, "?I Mrr ? ".??.';' of An - (?f "The v. '?? Newa" m New Haven < aptmn Gord J? ? i. General Wood, t-*;. the letter, with 1 H . ??? <? ennr i -ti,? i re n eeivi d -?. Pi ii Til?? 1>? ' "hi I'r :'ir?'ti.n we ha? ? ? I ? i tie ii part of 1 ?tudent body of ? "federa military training involve? .,v0 , - itiBCt elei eats, the or.?? ? - largely physical. i The ? - ? * he a proper . rsity < urriciium; the ' Princeton Bead} to Msr?h. C?, Us of 'he course -?of the -sbt, a course ?? ? uraco ? si | '?? ?nday ? . ? gft know by the exoerien?*?' of the past that when *sr come?," hfl SB trill come sal ret-ponsl ihip imposes, that mtry, their laati? ... ? i. *" them to have t h will irge th:? obliga? te for eour age .? the mark of man';?><?d. whatever li degree of educa* ob hat a*ith ??? of ntelligenee commen? with their opportunities IB life. In the ? ?o the idea!? "or which Imei i ?'and?, Priniteton, like Vole. st iona to the ' Army ofleers *? <;?r.cral Wood'? .-?.-. aatld jresterdsy that an . lof the Plstt irg prop re employei - I ? * - I ha 'our weeks off ths sammer training .-ourse. - . ?* such Bast I," ? aptaln Dorey ?aid. ? ? - ' ' : ? ? . ? ' ,?? ira . is ' The f**?pen?o prsetl cal prepan t Platt -'urg i? ap ? ' I ? . ? re Of railroad \ .... >.<? nre t?M otified ... they rill I Ipi lions for oi rolment are I Nassau ? :, th.? headquarters of the ' ? ? ' ? " HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER SUED FOR SEPARATION I \ ( horns (iirl Wife Says She Had to Fii-ht for Clothes. a H rs Bijou .1 Call, wife of Hr. irth ? all, professer ol' ? De Witt I liat?n HlgB I, Bras a member of Arna H.*'?'? . to help is to create ? ? of ra Thi- ' '? ? ..r-, Call left ' ?? II ii..? l BgO I ?' i BUSO, she . : ed i? .-account of Irlnl . ? ' eh all?. I ? r ' . Prior to her lea land sei eral i c ? r n irrlage, say? barges, m, and he ? ? S her for t While the j Call i He ? ?. aad .t r?concili?t on nut the itrr.i:.;.'. ment did : ot Di ' , while he C g Island, home, he *e put a II? | . Iy allowance and a.- peered. the has lived with him not four days a month, coming to b .m nrr ! ', ' * ' : ? By." yy thnn h.- co ?. ? Dr. ?'all Ha "mer choru? girl " r. ab..u? him to The rour . '.'. eck a'imouy WHITMAN DEFIED IN WOHANSIC ROW Wagner Bills on Hospital and Yorktown School Shelved by Senators. GOVERNOR IS OPPOSED TO PRESENT SITES _ Will Try to Force l.oi-islation To-morrow on .Middletown Additions. i ?Ufl i" ?a.;..- ItPt f T ? T: Albany. March 21 Th? fifht ? *" the abeadoament of the Hohansl ! pital for the insane ar.?l th? Yorkl ? >l for Hoy?i m ?' ? ? :. '.?-i water? ?<hed reached a cr: - l I ?: crnor Whi'nntn ? M k a -i- H governor th? two ' tii na weald *i"v*r b? pal rh? Governor's det the refasal iiiit'i-e to report tl ?. .' ,i i and afl Is furl ' r bill?, ?'.My attitude remaii - ai it ?? . ittentioi ? ? : :i. "I do not ? A - long aa I titui never b? pat Ii 1 ave eteadil ? ? pi?? ?.f im e* i ? g an add - I p pa who otherwise would have | inn..- - a - m a.? there " OD pur. ?i-, .n N'. '* City, that l ?? dan-?*er - aping the in?! . uni be con . d ?,:' our I Depart that there was no da "However, ? "'?' . ?' cr bed to the | tution . , ?;. WOUid '?' I I? 'IP bcre reaponaibli, I ? condition franchi .1 . ? what plai G rnor Whitman mind !" ' rever, that a plai foo ? t and to allow th? ? I ?i over until nexl ? ?. ahi . of publn i? -, - proponed : rial ion for thi ea ? ? *' th? par now !n>?r.?. ilia in ? ?r row make ? irtht r conaidi I * m. A ???nip*, will ?. the - -. ., \ ?'?? limilar to those of S< W agner, an?| were tamed I ! v the Way? and Moans l <?m nf the Assembly !;i?t ??>?? k twei *y-four ! Sena'ors pledged to ?. -?? ?. t the nee . run.I,, r of on h?- ?ni? ? The proposal to r ? ? - HERO-SCENES "Goodness have you one of those oil heaters too?" "Yes?in fact we've got two of them. They're real I y aw fully convenient for warming up out of the way rooms and for helping out in extra cold weather. And in the Fall, they save Coal because we don't have to light the furnace so soon." " But don't they smoke terribly? and smell?" " Not if you get a good one?and use a reliable grade of kerosene. Ours are Perfection Smokeless' Oil Heaters. They never give us a bit of trouble." " But how do you make sure of get? ting reliable oil?" "Ask your grocer for SOCO ?NY Kerosene Oil. Better look in his window, too, the next time you are down town and see whether he dis plavstheSOCONYsign. SOCONY is the name of the Standard Oil Com? pany of New York's best grade of kerosene oil. It is clean, clear-burn ing and every gallon is exactly like every other gallon." STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK PRISCIPil. OFFICES: NEW YORK ALBANY BUFFALO BO.STO?N "As recommend the IoIIowid?' oil hurnin?* devices es the heat of their kind: Sew Perfettian Oil (Jeok?to?ea and W-ter Heater?, Fer/ictio? Smokele?? Oil Hester?, if.?-}?? Lamp? aod Laotcrns. SAFEST i^iffikdnd BEST iSOCONYl KEROSENE STANDARD OILCAN Y j ted in the Finance Com ;>y a ?rot? ?f ?il fafl : Of re . ri ? ' ? ? 1*1 W.iL-''? r. I'ullen ? raer and Bennett. Tho??? ?h. eaaure? ap team - S a.*?', lit?? itt, Enaer '? i ;.?.?rge i.. Th>mp*on ?. a".d Sena? ? I - " ? the "ini? purpose, 1 * itor Wal CUMMINS MEN ANGRY OVER EASTS ATTITUDE Point to 60.000 Minnesota Ma jorlty as Evidence ol Strength. I ?rein J V. . ? |ton, March 21. Prienda of ! barker? of bis re hurt and ? ^j ,.r. whieh ?tor Minne -??* i, over Esta? They regard 'tis majoril ? in that ?tat?? ?a tr??m?' * ?nd predict ?ring at Ib? '"h vago con pated b > ? .- ?-i. -v- ",jn not rep ?* ? ??..? United Btati - 'led ?o.,!n,y ?* I i. colleaL i? egar of Mr, ? "Il would be amusing, wen U ! a manner in which proa? tr. ? ator Cummin? in . | ? r I. ?>.?? d? I r.ed to go Into ..? -I f( : late?, fi'ur .'urnmins. -e Eastern gentlemen to have no conception of the W eat will be g in the I I will hive something of ar* a'vr,v??i ? ? ?h- < ?mn ? itn -*t_ ,,?|V '?* I t_aa tioi ei ter -.he eonv, ntion with a to II at <-f Senator I n *a|Ba Ar **** '. !et,'rn?ine,l ban.i of rrifn be ???_ th it - m?", who'it the 1 He will ur?l it of th.? I ? 'lora -, _ - . Anot???" friead . ' Beaator C .-nmln t quite . vr** red ? ?rtf* ? "Mi t< ? . ? rent I ? .??her ee-.d:-' itea I He w< hia refuei l mina wou oould be put up bj I NEW RULES FOR ffflttj Tour CoUege? id ki i Btaafad f?ir AdmiaeiM \'?jr'?. .- ? , n??w met ? . ted bj 5m * ". ? ? ? Under at moat have a school ' tire i ? fo-ir yenr-, ?rtth ?? t I ac*?r fr?>m the ; ? and moat take 1 ted lubji ? * ? . ? un?ati-?f?ctory wort in tome etkei jfCt Tin? new plan wat* agreed upon ?'?. - ...,...,' r- ? ?? - . . , rr ????-* ??. t ? ? ? t/em m m ?es? s? m m s "a? ??* ? ???,?* 'a ??*?"?%-'-'?? et' "'s ?> ?""I"* ? **"'?*>'? e ?o.?.-*"?? e*ao e?e ?e* DONT take our word for the Great? ness of Murad. DONT take the word of your friends. of niil secti? >n ?saying : * ?***"*"? ?,??? *<??*, ??a? ?? ?ee ** DON'T take the word lions of men from every of the country who ?'ire "There is no cigarette like Murad." DON'T take the word of the experts who tell you the tobaccos in Murad are the highest "grade ever used outside of a 25 cent cigarette. j[?Ui^ Ma? ?"".??-:.':.-. GoGUau?l ??:??V.*??*Br? " ?ve?roytW?3a?, Mu*