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GUARANTEE. Your Money Back If You Want ft. >?? i ? .:.!??' ?..-.:. Ntm^atk .SU-** ?_.x._ .,?-a*?^ 20I 53K First to Last?the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements tMbtme WEATHER. Cloudy to-day; fair tomorrow. Northwest gales. ' . II S' ? .''Jklf ? Vol. LXXV....N-0. 25,330. i .?ptriahi ?nifi? Thr Triliim?- taa'B.] rHURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1916. ? ?|\|.' | ? 1.? y 'I*' 'n Nf? ?Inr:. ( lit, N?w?rt. Irrwej CltJ. \J*\.\\Zt \ *4.y I _,,,?, ?akolwo, ?BBtorBBWs I?? Cemte. Carranza Chief and 2,000 Men Join Villa; Wilson Will Rush More Troops to Border FRENCH YIB HAUCOURTE IN LONG FI( Germans Get Foot After Stupendo All-Day Effort EXPECT NEW DR AT DOUAUAN Berlin (laims Fresh vanee Toward Esu from Malancourl. - i . Ma " . . -Again ?? resistance of the F rig attack w apparently ? he ? daj ths Germai ? j debouch from the cou:' ? '. yesterdi ? direction o? F* ? ark by the harrier o ?vhi rrt?tin had c .vood. v lum of the dajr'a ato I* Pai i? Imita only th. of the >mall hill ol Haueourt, inore than half a mile * ?u.hea : in i II pi ven an 'liilanoourt, Mori Homme, li-r HaltH Attack*. **Wi ' o. th? .Mouse," say?? ? to-night, "aft ? t'.'inbardtnent la*: ng ? I ??". Ulan?- directed ? our front, of the Avoc the Milage of Malanc? ? - atUropta of the enem h from Awcourt wood l ? our harrier fire and infantry. The enemy tin a footing on the I .out, about one kilom southe?. I ? f Malancourt. Tape, t New Douaomont Attack I of the Maust there wa? ? bombardment in the rej a?jm'?nt and Vaux." lion of heavT. artil ? I'o.ia'.?m..nt and VftU* ?'.reshadowing anot With the diversion ? erve:? and gun? to th**a'.rrr*d region about Lai M ? ???? br'iev?*d that the G another of their li?; ?'? . P.y burling forwi great ma ses of n.en they h"pe take ?M ? rerch by ? : Bt-alty ??.th such tact er, i 'hat invariably the ar t-patal SB C ve? away the atts '?? ?? taat is. the bombardment it? ?4 - ? eel ?ta'.r a? to cover the wh r'.r.rral the point chos excent in the "rst di '' t, hav? rot been tl '.rrmans Spare Men. - theil extravagance* of men a - the early days of t fetta ? ? e ?.?nr.ians are now msel *.pn ti both. About Bethincourt I ?ir failure, Yrtr, v. ,1 ?? r r h?i?banding ' ? ',-ribardment was ?no: ? ? : ap-r-areatl*. the gun ne ' ' I ' 'ro'p?. trait constan ? - a 'he .-?.?? eV report? - ? ? taaity ajt?**aaca i.-1 I i by grens'l * d' ? - ?e*,rrv??? b>tbI ?aal r? ? ches. ""at-riia ln?i?l? on ' aiilore. I -?? ek den.a!, p?*i SB?! ?re ?,r* ??. ? ? ? ?' . ??.??., an ? ... labet ote tats " ? eapturo of ad tat?rm? ? ?mir.(i Up Ik? ? ist of / ' .1 . ? - I ' ' ? ? *,..?? i,>!., e ? ' a French aga ' ? . ,. they '" oases. . ?. put ? a- I Bl ? ' ? Bassaaesl ??? ????? a .?lum? a LONDON MARKET IS "CURIOUSLY CHEERFUL" OVER PEACE RUMORS By FRANCIS W. HIRST. Krlilor "Ihr Kt-nnomial." lonrlnn. . 1.? ' 4 U* London. March 22.?The money market il firm under the* tax tax-gatherers' screw. The stocK market is curiously cheerful. I judge from last night's "We?tm;r,?.ter Gazette" and other signs that official sentiment is gradually being converted to the po'siblity of a atis factory peace settlement in the not far distant future. There was a hopeful sentence in Premier Asquith'? last speech, but M. Ribot. the French Finance Minister, went even further on Friday night, for he said: "It i- permissible, without ?boaating, with? out vain optimism, to perceive the end oi this horrible war." "It i?. permissible, without boasting, without illusion and without vain optimism, to perceive tfie end of this horrible war." This view has undoubtedly found its way to the Stock Exchange A well known jobber told me to-day that honorable peace was not only desired, but expected, and certainly prices in some maikets ap? pear to reflect an optimism which expenditure, debt and impending taxation would not account for. I hear from neutral visitors that Berlin is very shabby, but stub? born, and Vienna bright and lively, but tiied of war. RUSSIANS WIN DVINSK LINES Storm Three Lines of Trenches and Cap? ture Town. London. Marca SS, Ths R assian of feniive against the C.trtnar.n in North wftorn Russia has increased ?fl Inten? sity, si jilting is in progre?? day and night. The lateM official ?tateme:.t from RuMian general beadOJUartors nays that de.sperate ;t'fantry tghtmg Is proceeding north of the town of Pos? ta* y. ?hers tho tiermans launched vio? len* counter attacks in an attempt to fii^odpe ths Russians from trenches ?whith they had pre\iou?ly cantuied. Respecting this operation, the Berlin comn*.unicat,on say?; that ?t this point ?he ?* ? --, : un ?? delivered their heaviest attack and their losses ?reached "ex? traordinarily high figures, s c?. foi ths number of Russians in action." The Russians captured three lines of the (iermaii trenches on the lOUtharest? em ?hore of lake Narocz, where, it ?is i officially declared, the fighting IS dB I -.eloping in favor of the Russian forces. ! Here the Russians, despite "aapl Bg e??se? ar.l a murderous t re." iorc??'l ! three lines o*" ?ne entanglements and ?r.a?!?. their ca n la a series of hand to?hai ?? ?? .,i . ?? : - al o official? ly announcei the capture of Ispahan fter Bn engagement An un? . tp|?nr? received by way of Roma and London ?ay? that ih? Au?trian? have abandoned ? ternowits, cap.'a! or Huko-Mr.a. Seek to Outflank Cermans. The Rusiian operation:! on the nnr'h ern front promue to develop into tb?*? moM rtermus movement undertaken by their urde in this thca'r?? of ?*ar since Field Marshal von Hindenburt*'? cam ' pa'gn againit I?\insk la??t autumn. taking advantage of the (?erman preoccupation at Verdun, tii<? R ?'i" decided to anticipate any plan^ the iiermans might be making for an e IB the Dvinsh region by a ki-r'.rn o' man<*au*rrc a . ful. will not make it only imp. ' for them to in?titute the B apparently intended, but Brill force them oui ef ths posit ?ob thej held against the northero !.. army. Irr po??tior. of t ; o (ierrr.a-r ?'nri", m ths noitherr sector ?taki lora ?fnntinned on pace I, rnluma S NO HYPHEN FOR THIS BATTLESHIP BUILDER A ?urpriung fart aboul the chil? dren ?ho ?end dimes In help Mar jorie Str-rett build ibe battle-hip America is that *o large a pen eut age of Ibeni are of foreign parent? age Ibe following leller is an ex? ample retened \esterda?.: "I read in papers c\cr\ mornng and afternoon a lot about prepar ,,r?s. M> granpa. lather and moth er are forginuir?. hut are true Amer liait ?ill/en?,. Hut **hen I am of age I ?ill betoine a -?ailor. I ha*>e ?.a?c?l up a dune ?hirh ? ??end ?ltd pleasure to help build a ballle-bip for I n? le Sam. I am len \ears old and go to I'ltblit School l.">. Mban.t "tour- raBgoctfally, "MOW \I!H BRI Ml R ? P - l'lea?e ?all the balll,?hip after the ?1 ??lige?! man ?bo OtOt liaerl and Ibi? man?? name ?as ^amp?t,rl.' Total retened b\ I be I rib une lo dale 14,4*39.71 Number of contributor?, 1", ?III Number of < ont ribiilors to ,.lb?r piptrs al la?l IB port ?lar? I, 19) .10.00? ? moi ? ? . ' ' I ? snd ( - . , ? Pagi I PEACE RUMOF STILL PERSi: Capital Thinks PI Is Afoot Despite All Denials. ? i V, :? ' | Mill ?.i?'i;t!.* at the White ?I"'? ?? State Department in-day that " bassador Gerard would Berlin to discuss pea?e" or "Germany had in?mi;?', d '.ha', il >ired thi.- governm?*!;' to .1 I | ' ator" failed 1.1 dispose "I the In fact thai Mr. Gerard was called i conference by Chantl llor von 15 mann-Hollweg last 1 rida ( peace? \va* disctll ?.i. .Mr. ?icravd. 1? 1 - 1.. .,-,?, ? . .*.., e,| i,y .1. t ? aide a full ac-count of n tu the SI 1 Department. l.erard I ailed I B? loi 1 Id rials regard i*. as a ai umption thai thi 1 purpose in calling Mr. (.? conferen? e was to I the lervi ? f the United States as mediator -? me way, direel or indirect. 'I" believe also that t i eca pea?e I Bring in Her that thi ; ? .. loi ha d< t.i tal.- ;. .1 .,? .r. a' :h? | return t.? America, alth State Department r< him ih?' opportunity to do Mr. Gerard notified the d?pr? iment two wir!.- ago thai he wc* ii"t take hi* vacation m America. was not. thorefore, because of 1; ? Friday's conference that he decid ??i remain at his pot. 1? . stood, lii.'.v?'.er, that hi* ?1?' lowed a i?"" ious n tniesl from 1 1 hancellor thai he remain, "in 1 k .." the 1 lie pending 1 twten the tu.. ?.'....?: ? mei Believe N'e-gotlstioBS I ndcr xx.i?. hi a - uined thai the ("ranee1!. 1 ad l ol ?atiotl in mini 1 wh? '? ?? I:.;-:. | ! 1 I i'-r.,, .,?'??' .. ' ' ' mai controversy, . i'.flv ihr.. ,?'' ? 1 ?1 von !'-? ? tori" l' 1 ? elieved, hov ? . ? ,? ' ? rmany would ? matt? nly communical fl and. e 1 ? ? ' G 1 1 ' ' ?? ' not th ;? l.enc here. A.l XX ;i n ir-*,'?*!! ? ire being 1 . . ? it 1 mi month . ? Ike i 1 effer- ' ' I Rasalts Ire Daahted ? negol ? ? formal ?Mil tentai. ? ? ,1 thai .. . ? . tans ? brougl : ? * ? e \ S "1 .me d? ? a w.lhn^i ? ? ..ilium-*, ?m gegs I ' asrtte * PECK AUTOPSY FINDS POISON; SWANN ACTS Dr. A. \\ . \\ aite, Son in-Law, Questioned on Death in Home. TRACE A1LSSAGE AS CLEW HLRL draml Rapids l'air Died During Visit Wife's Body Cre? mated \ ? - 7 Pi . m? the Grand ?Rapids er, whi ??? Mar. n 12 at the home in-law. Dr. Arthur Warren ? > aite, u dentil I at 41*1 r.r ?i Ida . there '-va? a; ? ?nach. - ' rmed at I ? Pare?/ Peck, a Vaughn, i tt ?1 Mil '? ?ta?. Al.O'her !?' the bra 'lib. n*.a,le medical ei? D ?: ? Attorney Swann, to ether the Uiug ?-a? a.? nur, ? ?th, . ? ? led '" 'he inTcstica? tion into Mi. Peck'fJ death irai pa:' v o the death of hi? vife, Hannah M. lei?, i ? . ??.,- old, ?.ho diad al -he apartments or, January Uncei which Dis? \ ? ?. ??? nformation ? te ? be prosei utor, Dr. Wait? body "* ?Mrs, Part ?ta i Aftei tii? funeral it take '?. Detroit and cremated. Mother, on 1 lait, Diet. Dr. SA te, after his marriage to < law ? ? September, - to ? '? V.'ik and about Januar', i tMO ( ?>.iscum le Dril ?s, ac cording ?o the l1 I ?.?? ? ty't la? Dr. t'> - ? IOS n a? a *? loor i pion, winning the title ?a the 7th 1? pal hi from <;ran?l !'...; Il BB1 _reg _? bei n kept fron M 'he care of pl'T* P< ?? '? hone, when ifter h?T bus left for Nr-. Vori ?.im Frida). i i ? ??; here say that Mrs, Wan? I , urged tc niak?* her fill b\ h-*r rreral times af"*r Peek' death He insisted, it is alleged, ?that ? i "in arder 'o keeg ti i ?.? ?tranee hand? " ... ? bars told friends Mob he did BOt expect 'o ' I through ths ? . ma to ?Mew ?*oi*k to visit '??*:? ?be ? ?good health I ? rtui A. Avei .?*, ?a?*. ? , ;? BBt I ght to ? ? t ia sa d, by i>r Mo ?re thai he ia?l treated Mr .? ? .. | e. \\ he. ? i the ? tS, Bfl M ?, r. h || ? troubla lu I ? al Mi P?ech ?? a? - .' ? i I . h^,? el comptai .'. 1 'r. g foi .t harmli I ? Dr. Moore ??? hen the medicine *?a? ?1 a - . eard ths Dr. Moor?? tatemen! " - ? ?rd he ?lid ; that the medicine he pre ?d would I i - ,.-, . ? a ! to hats ? by Dr. .'a,*oh ? orne?, af Rai s cousin of H ? . Peck's Meadi 1 Bcspeeted. ? last evening Mr? i i? triel Attorn? .- ?? a ind ha ?I called ? ? (hi he'ore Mr. I nnlinue?! ao I'**?? ' 'olnmit .' The White Man's Peril .:???'. . . , .. .a . . . indinf roads ol racial life and ?! - in next Sands ' '?"? ??k?, ?nces ? start | id? Read the an ? ?il rs you where , I -it ma* i-e averted ????'; " ?e\ . ? ? -.i tell bim?so tell kim bel : I ? tboul it. ?hr $unda** Srihnu first tnlett-the Irutb: *?e*- s-l'.ditorisls-Ad* erf'.?f-nrnf?. ?J.-- . ?r -f in? A. . ? T ?a . ' ? ?' ' ? STATE MILITIA MAY BE CALLED TO SERVE ON PATROL DUTY "Villa Fights LikeW ol? r Say American Pursuers I roopg Expect No Quarter from Bandits??Expedition ir Fine FettK?O?ase |g I lot rhrough f><irrcn Drscrt Lands. By ROBLRT DUNN. '/.';!! 'elt ?.' .',/.( EXPEDITIONARY HEADQUARTERS, CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO, MARt II 22. All ...t * .?.- I had ridden al< id rutted ; ?i-i- ia| ? . poundi d to powdi ?the I " ? avalry I ?!.!?? aftai i;? ":. the dust cloud i had pui little, and, ipurring onward, I a regiment hi rscn.t*.'. plodding ?onward ?through the heat and the yellow m up from the trail. ?Behind ?them rumbled ami bumped a ?battery, dust ?-i gunners clinging t.. the limbers, Tin?;, were the first of the ... .?' ?- ., ., light sr'iti? t.. ?set ???;? on he trail N ears of waiting. '? night u. are camped !'?. the Mexican bordt Mormon age ?country. Early to-morrow *.???? will pick up * and pu ; ?? ndition of the expeditionary force is thus :a ? .. . a .,' , ., -, ? iplendid ihape ?and filled with enthusiasm. ? hi al pi ostral ? ha ound an*n | the infantry, for i i- fierce and ?the land di y and 'i ii? men I i ? ? I on. Five years of exil? i ine ha '..Ufrlu them what they might expecl when tl s ed Mexico. They are cheerful and de termined- They are ?here to ?gel Villa, and they are ?going ?to ?get him. "H will ?be like the par I inofl tight. "Only it will he oven more relentless. V eller and mon ' than the old Indian chieftain. Ail of the men know that he will ?give no quarter. If any of u a a we will Se shot, or worse. Villa iij-ht- like a!'. He will i urrender, noi ?accept urrend. ." Thus far the plans of the regulara have ?gone through well The sup ply depot! have communication . with them ?and are .??<*li protected by nun 'armed with machine "run-, whi behind as ;he troop pre | ward. Officers feel no uneasineaa over Carranza'a attitude. II" and hia follower . up ?to ?the present, ?seem ?eager to cooperate with the ,'nite'l To .la; ti?, a wet e ?actii e in fn olumn. Six of them were in the an- at one time, oai is th. pie ; out the land. It is a desolate, ? ? ; h ? hich the .?? a i marching. The ?road ?become more deeply rutted and washed out ? I afhance. The land ?seem denudad of a i men. A tern old ? ?- ppl ?and some frifrht-*ne?l women ami chi the only !.' ing thingi men ha'..- Been ?since crossing the border. CHINA AGAIN A REPUBLK Yuan. After Dallyini with Crown,R?sumes Presidency. Pel Bg, March 1 v ta De* a" men ma- *'?? .< : t< I gl I announf ?h? akaadonment ot' the monarch} ar resumption of the repuh ; s mandate *., tl s - Bkss * that the demand for I cal foi if g it una mous, and tkai ?ai reject? the r'mn.?? ? ?1 r? ss the 1 The imp? ents, a?i.|*. ail i.? relon ed !?. kai to thi ?? ,-oi rene a* ? .- .*?? : it?, pr? srs ?.lie resumption of the r? ? ? net koeaa is of 1 t, -igned -.he mai ?.' Ill? ol - i ? tae Repul Isa bee i z ' ' s ?tga nst Yusn Shlh-I to-da ? it the a means that the n t an The BSSOCiSl -?- and South Imerics lintentc Allies a Factor In Influencing Yuan ft ashing '. Press patehi is :ing the sosnd ? nntinu??, sa t>?s* . r?tense a CANO JOINS VILLA, EL PASO HEARS . ? El Paso, lev.. Mai A report re? eived to-ni 'lit says thai t olonel C ano, vali? \?as reported by ( ur.ui/ il.? on M'xid.iv .. i fis?:!itin?- Villa H*.; Namiquip .. joined the liiindit le.irler after I ; with lum in which Vill? ir. lorniccl him that they ?hoi.ld join hands to liebt off ' he .'.reign invade SAY CARRANZA BREAK IS MATTER 01 HOURS Mexican Ambassador Said To Be Ready to Leave r??st. . ? * -? ? | ' diplo itic relal gover? teto M. govern leo Ar tVash gton. has hi ? gov? ? - ? to PI that the ? nstitu? nalist g . tde, s ? ected ( maki ? ? the n f Amer? ? ? hihushua. thai t | sxpedition is es -.**.,? a ? ra .- - Csrrsnza I- il a '.'?? i :' ? .ir r a * ? . .. prnment i the ?tit JOHN W. CONVERSE AT ?MEXICAN FRONT Serves as Military Obserxer for I'cnnsx hania Guard. .tor - >Y. i r-.f '?? - player, ? Blre ard ciubma-.. of l'hiladc'.p'r a ?>mmand in Mexico aa a i If, I . Ra '?. \l., - h ? ? I he ebti I srith them Five Cavalry Regiments Through? out Country Lirst To Be Taken Into the Federal Service. GENERAL STAFF WILL COMPLETE PLANS TO-DAY Herreras Defection Causes Grave I ears Thai Other Commanders Will Revolt Against Carranza and Join Bandit. i !?'rom The Tribune Bureau * Washington, March 22. Secretary of War Baker a! M ?30 to-night announced thai General Herrera, former Carranza Governor of Chihuahua, had revolted with 2,000 troops and joined tho Villa forces. The ?Secretan m?ade the announcement after his ?return trnm a conference with President Wilson at the White II While all information ta to ?what took place was refused, it \s understood that urgen! military measure? were decided upon. The entire matter will be laid before the liencral Staff ?to? morrow. II is considered certain that the firsl itep w ill ?be the calling of all available troops, w it It the exception of the coast artillen. t?> the border. Militia May Be Called. As tli?* remaining troops number ?hardi) more than 5,000, it is also considered likely thai the President will also issue a call ?for a part of the militia. The state troops will be .?-'fl for patrol dutj "ti ill*' border to free the regulars for the more uns task ut' coping with th?' neu Mexican uprising. GEN. HERRERA JOINS BANDITS Ousted Governor and 2,000 Men Desert Carranza. .: Mar ? i ! . Hi ?? Bl ?v d I a .? ' > ? .i '? a li >'.'???' ' h ?iah i Herrera is moving to n.a?.?? a tion of hia fores with tho-e of the bandit ohi?-ftain. Thi- is the? authentic information bt this after: to ?.e |*eli| The ? ? i ?' p ace a? whicl Her--? ra are encamped was ; ot h ..' agi. I' . . rever, that 1 -, of whom ? ? on at Chihuahua to-night an a ; nee tureen San Pedro and Chihuahua and are pre* a. d W? It toward 'ne American p : i? t re ' the field under Cien? ral i'- r I People I a?nr X ilia. The -?:'?? ' of the people in ,. ? ? . er.ty miles directly east of the tiuer rero region, in which Villa began hi? days .i si outlaw, tro igly in favor of the bandit chteftaia. Hia ?ji-i-e tritt" tai d ' g l'orfirio Diaz's rurale? fer ?-??.ht year*, dur :k time there ira a price on his head, ?raa due to . jralty of the peo? ? r mei ? thai Here? n a- d his command will have every po , --operation fron- the people of the . lort marks s laser .. - . . - ,, to captu a, a rding 1 tn i affair . tkat tks i tka ird hy Herrera is the Ural to 1 . - .- Impartant ??. fa ' go? ernmeat sia?to I American troop? trssaad the i I r.e passikle 09ee\ on other ('??rar ,i leri'ier?. ?ho have hem reportad '?? ' * tks g ? satfeBasd *>?? p?t? I seeasas ? Word al , to? i ?ghl thai < '??'?? ?ther i Monday night ? i had joiw ? the I andit ? ? i.?. ha4 | .* arize the OPPO ' ? ? I gfSAjt? "Down a nil ?Um ?grin? ., ., g cry 1 have f ?/n tired of )?-ar, ? ( au?at ?? i.ra? e I <?n?ern. ' ? | ? ., ? ron. I!? ? era re ?? ? disposai there it ; would ' , p| <,to, ' ? ? 'nunt itioi a gen? ral liHi^f ght that orden would ?be leaned ?to a*ot*row ? rag i ral mobilixati M thi ? < aOTO?TJ, rt El Vt; Um M In ;? r . Water? Fort 0 ?lar <>. n"ar ?:?!, N. V.; ?h?? 30th In fur, try. at h faaftrjTi at Va louvi . '?'? ?? ?attaVon each of ?the I I at Seattle, ? ai d Al?? - ?i ' "h In? ; * Alio avalla .il?" army RI an regiment, a r,a :.-. -. which arrr.y ut\ . table In Ktsfee; th I ield Artillery, at Port sill, ;? ?,a"< y A. whirh is et Fort Bl one battalion of the 3<i Field Artillery, a* Port Ifyar, Va, the ?ither hattalion an?l headquarters ?ting at f-or*. ?San Houaten, Te.*, and on?* battalion of engineers at WaaMnfton, D. < . Larrarks?a total af 1,107. I ogld Draw on C->a?t Artillerr. War Peps-* offlctall ?*!e.?!ared to f ? v a' ? v. ?"ar*?, ti? -.rr* <-0'..ld he drawn for - ?* - ? il "?a-iin?* the avails ?sa to tiJ999. Se\er*l of the itates, (totally New York, 111: no:?. Oh 0, ['?nr<?v.',i a. Ar ton? and ?. hae? alrra'iv put tbtlr refiments ?? the ?-i ***.?-???'. o* the tror .? a'.rrtri.T ha? her r - ? | | far month? l they have bf'n actively o-operetlnf ?> ' - ths r? ,? .'?'? ?*-?? ?? . *r-.<*?p? te he railed .? airy. There are, sp proximate!**, f.?* regiments ??ratured imorrj the vanou? atatea in various -tatrf? of pr?rareine?- The Diriaio? of Militia Affair? of th? War Deport? ment durin** the !a?t tvo ? ?*? has ? toaeh *?? th all the?? snd has made fltOt to cooperate with ?hrm in I <?,?,?# ?,? mobilisatfoe. I!, fore the Fun?, ten rr?o" irn-?d