Newspaper Page Text
xnx i K i ISEMF.N1 -- ?JffeJtejtC. u Xiaam Or. -H ? our i< tks State 1 epar Irredoi de I s Mai tan Ambassador lie ,e*rr?te. bad com af tks protocol sr-kcd -a to govern the ' -- -i forces in '?eiat;on hy the troop* go? trnmenl Ir. Arredondo wer e sec the I the pro? a'.d ihe 'after ?Jis Carranta i ap proved II ta h?*om* elf 1 . that ' thai the ??? ? oneratio ... "? ? By elf t? ?? i.- tko ene of r? ? '?' ether' 'a i a r ir< This wi ai pr?s imahly, ?hat ' the America ?*'S?e Ilfpsr'Piert official? in? al p. tl that a sir r? poi from the interior of M? the horde- showed ''-s' eond I , eiallv were oi.iet, snd di?r ; re made ] tairi their stsl So?.- ?f-i *r om Genei ? ?e ? ame I 1Kb? ? Departn ? ? ?<?? nol eard fi o the gunboat Ma at tat ioned ? Tsrrr estai day sftei i eo TI e Maeh as I ? as ?s d reporfed to-day, bul ?.p to a IbI to-ni|rh' pn mi ??.?'o had come :-. commander to ronSrm er d ?hat tbc gu host had taken aboard !"' protecti??- fort gasrS a* Tampico. General I ?n?*on did not d - " ' ?ource of h i InformatioBi si d ?r? '?? ? ,.?- eould be learned, no ei i ad reac- ed th? : tat? Departm? abassy. Fes I report nvf-ht he 'rue ?rat not disguise ? . . ra er, ind t< development a- vie?;. ?. ...... ... ?, - ; ? ha? .? was a ith the possil of ? acl a developmenl I rera in mind tha' General i lsycd sendii i hit mn ontil he eras prepared to deal with i muck mora ! ? ia1 I an th. tu ere ; dred followers. Rebellion in ? arranza's am ?? wool? lender the ] Imeriesn e: peditionir; r ? p? tha' ? .'? - lier would be i ? t more tha 1 5,1)00 men ?? oi Id be a able g out th? rdf ? . tinenta! Unit force? - umbci oi ttla re than 5,000. ? ?;>- i.nder llenera si scribe st heme prohah ' I-e pa ', -a ?,.* ??? * ammunitioi . I.ouii Herrei h a waa o ? g 1 Durango, siso have leaded to increase ? Departm? become ? ttl? - Orleani and had boei . ? ?. ? ? ?.- of Tamp o W*hei ih? Ka tucky was diverted it ?a. said that had devi oped there was no need o a-. additional warship, a* - ? e War Department that a-i cd theie WSS BO I ?-.' ?->.?. a? ; e id boon 1 milei "Ml of man em Me? to ? their di - iasing. F?NSTON READY TO USE RAILWAY Troops Concentrate for Dash Over Mexico North? w es?crii to Aid Pcrshing. MEXH AN OFFICIAI S MAY CAUSE TROUBLE Consul Consent to I'se I in?? Will Not Br* Givcn. ).! I'.? ". - . March ! ? ? ? ? i ., i? ?., einforeemc i ? pliea by rail fi point 1 -? i' rig's t ? ? ? i Me ro If? ?mpered 1 s attil '?1" ran oft To I . ' ' ?" ? rr,ar-n . ( n? les ito the .I - ? ? Amir -.-in ?re si . ' - Arrangement .>ia-l?? - ? ?n mpr.rtai.' base and lo concentrate reinforeemi ti i i To ? ,. ? , . . , rotnms . v in .? . .'!??, ean ? I .? ?. i. - ,.< ths M? , ? foi the American nur . . , ? ?if* lilroi ?r the | If? co Norl ? ? ? is a pi ta'";..- i ? -1 corporal crating under a Mexican charter, ? I ' is a common ?carrier, si I he ex pei:tcd to handle y ippl es for the Id not, t is si v -i fot American army purposi e icnii f-ovotnmei ?ri * . ? , ., v : a - ? d here, the Ms govrrnmeri? ?e no: willing to eiar' May i se *? .icon Knati America * platini col'iir-. '?--a ? ere, it wai 1 rp?ir' a \ ??, .,.v ? WS -'A' ri\ th ' franklin Simon ?s Go. Fifth Avenue, ?}~ih and 38th Streets Art Important Sale FRIDAY 80 Original Paris Models Women's Suits, Gowns, Coats and Wraps J ??' Eect '?'! S. S. /." '! ' ? Rochambeau and Chicago These Prices ?*e Parts Cost. Less Impir' Duty Cal loi Soeurs ChcruH .Icnnx l'a,|uin Doncel f?crnard I (?own I ( lOW n I ( ?...1 I V. I Suil Suil ?Suit :*-uit M rap \?. rap Coat i'.randt ; i ( .own Wrap (oat Wrap ?Suit I Gown 1 Gown 1 l .own I Gov.-n I Wrap 1 Wrap 1 (oat I Ca own 1 ( oat 1 Wrap 1 Gown 1 (lown I Wrap I ( oat I ( oat 1 ( oat 1 Nut I .Sut I ?S.i.t I Suit 1 ?Suit | I Gown I ?'lown I Gown I Wr-p 195.00 I 7.".'?(? 145.00 I-..".??i? I 4.-?.??<? 145.(11? 145.0(1 125.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 105.00 105.00 145.00 145.00 135.00 145.00 145.00 145.00 I 45.00 I ?35.00 175.00 125.00 125.00 145.00 175.00 U.t.OO 1 05.00 145.00 125.00 OK.,-!/) '>HMI I 25.00 I 25.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 ! 14 5.O? I 105.00 1.15.00 145.00 Lain in 1 Ctown I Gown I (oat iJocuillet I Goxvn I Gown I Gowtl I Gown I Gown Drecoll I Gown 1 (oat 1 Coal I Suit f.ccr I Gown I .Suit 1 Suit Pre met I (oat I Suil Georgette I ( OHt I Wrap I Coal I Suit Maurice Mayer I ( .own I < oat I ( .?.?I I Wrap I Wrap I Suil OS. .50 125.00 98.50 195.00 175.00 145.00 145.00 08.50 Martial Armand 1 (oat I Coal I Wrap Klein I Gown I ( lOWIl I ( .')?? II I ( .own I I I ( ?own I < .own 08.50 08.50 ''\50 145.00 105.00 I ?65.00 I ?45.00 135.00 125.011 08.50 I 25.00 9&50 08.50 135.00 OX.50 1*35.00 135.00 I. ,5.00 9&50 08.50 OX.50 125.00 I ?65.00 145.00 145. IK? 145.00 1.15.00 115.00 195.00 -1 Aj-nes I ( .own 115.00 I>|C V, rap I."5.00 IT ?.n i??? uitfier consideration a? an ? terns ?? ? -.o-j'??, . inin finall??* r I faga ??, '?r-,,?,- fei Ihs 'i?e of t? "? | - -.. ?.???-- ??.a -oad Fron ...? m . t ?. ser?. from ??aber? ?re o' t?e bttl ?tr; > rtheri Ifeiieo >scis -ou' a?H 10 ?? < through Charcal ?- ? - ?g?on abent Ahumada toi i irai ? rom '? Carrizal H fe ??? t? ? rn to a spot scarcely lifts .= tile, the matt i ? , r. . no*? '? 'o -? ? h??r ? -? r. ? 1 ? - - , r ? - ?a., ?i ? ? ? ? .-,] p."h'?-n w brii ? tie in the rele? ?ni betwee ? forces srd Americans - I.. I -e \m?nr-n 1 rew? A'* ? pr?parai one, however, s* ?-. ? p?, fn? | using the ra .? ?: r Ame) ta owaed rel ??r ? 'il !>;' Amer!? a" ri - ??ut? ?? a . - . ? ,? thro'.i^ .. .-,,. ?believe s city t Juan ? t h? I? ?.TUT' i. Ktui an 1 oops I ? ? - rlljrl? t ??. -e?1 COntCI ? j ? -v tained fr< I I ? ren?? ?overnmenl foi the m lits , ,-,,?. -?, ? ?. ??.??., th? rai ' ? ? ? . i ,. , -. t? to-day tha? . r ma *? r hemp listl ' ? \ ., . i d for i "ai I e tri i , j . , _. ?'-.?? FI l'a???? <"- v'? oad bave, ? i ?sid. b?een aitioi * ive bei I . ? - pul ?nta 1er a I he *rmy quartermaster'? illy i lid, in ] pa rinn iwi ? main*? ned a I imbu? I .? ?I ra'l ? men m getting equipment ? i ? '?? entj ?foui irs s fter I ic order ?' g?\ on. El l'a?., I?, II? a Base I ng of ti oopi in Bl Pai a ? seid ?'. i.? under way. Oi Hc< '..-tlsy ths? these pi ??pa r?t ?r>ti - h.< not fo ? i ic ling of troopi nte ?'??, bul for | ipplies to Genera ? itner evidences were that -,e t.,?i,? will be ised, ?nd nsed foi reinforcing General Pershin?*. arrivals iron, rolnmbus to-day re? t the 1 ransportat - ? ie desert was hem?*? !???: hampered bj -ar.i arms 11 ere ere ?? i a except those ? ;'.e Amerii engineers hevs been ah.? to irapro? lee, i. i these aie ?aid to be ?-.i? 'o pieces ? ?> her?'.;. 'uinDort ?ragODI Macardo Herrera, brother of Lui" Herrera, irai arrested here to-night by < an'a.n Mali, of the city police. I ip , arrested Hei ? Ihe Mexican had returned from ? i".n hours' conference with i.enerai , , : \r<- ll?> !"fu?ed 'o mak? ?? ?'n'emcnt in ? e ai re?t. General 1>?I to nighl extended the ?t? DOS ? <l:?natrhes ?-rut ovei eommerelal ?ire? ??.?t, of El Paae ? Bid '.?.ere of an ":ni er.'l'ary ??'." General Be ? ? i did not to wo information of "pneparations** he nal mi.-, i g : i?j- in advance ? r execution. Tie ?general ?added that he was inveitiijatmjr report? that the ( srransa |*arr:?on at .Tuare?. ?,rro?? sr from El Paso, had deserted tO * r Villa r?U?e. The ?troetcar? ?between El Pa?o ar.d IS were ordered ?tupped to-nifht ?* "."?. ?.'rlo.a's. St ?vpla- a* or: m a? gire? by the ?company for the order. II irai -. ?atf-r that the ?tree! ? on the i eeora The manager of th< treel ?? company ?rere | tl g arvoni . to take any risks, although ha knew of n?, a I lal ?rouble. | I i i ER STILL LOST Lieutena Gori mrade, ?t yel unhesrd from. v wherea Mei ONE U. S. FLYER FOUND, GORRELL STILL MISSING I ? Willis Safo Search (?ors On for Comrade. I i. tgraf ? - PI . al imb is " March ' Robert H. Willis, ? ? of the two ml ? ng tan r ho started IrF ' ? Ce sas G rai is arrived safi -??' .*,-?.., h?re to-day. IVirelesa im?-.?**},?? from j the fro 1 I ieutenanl r?igsr .1 (iorrell a, . eard from, 11 o ?..- . * . not i ..... heen forced l ? si gl ' ..' light. Th? - ? . the miss? ing eighth stach ne Seven '?ere re? ported flyii r all right ?' CasasaGrandee, Gorrell's ? mergeney rationa would not have given eut jret, h ?*'a? am ?uneed, even if he were stranded an tas desert ai .. ? ? mountain ? Lieutenant Gorrell it rated a? er? af ?He baa ?? = ? coaservati i flj-era ''. ? one I af the 3 oungest ? atora 1 the servies All th? it.-??..plane* wHlch litrired in th* Ms lean i peditionary for?a mi.* bapa ?re 100-horsepower tractor?. At the time '"r' wera purchased'for the' ? -?? ?. ra - i ladren 'he-- ???ere eonsid? ?re I hv e.peri? to BS ?he be?r nbtsina? ble in 'his country ?.-r SCOUtiBg I or?. MEXICANS USE SILENCER9 lie? ire I'ounil on '.uns Taken from X 11 liBtSS in F.I I'liai. 11 :? ?? ?. B nsa-aaa Kl Paao. Te\.. March 22. Mes tai - are aslag Maxim sileneara en their guns when ??-noting a' policem?n snd so:,r.ers in Kl Paso, according to claim? nade to-,??y i.v Hen Powell, s privatS ? stchman, who Bays ha was fired ?j'i ? ??? ??me? and heard ' " lirr af the bullets, but no noise of s i Proto Gslvis, r Met eaa, was arrest ed aftei policemen, ?. mi seized in houses <?f allege.] Villistss have been fOUSd equipped With ? ; - lencers. Franklin Simon $> Co. Fifth Avenue, ??/th and .'??sil- Streets Latest Corset Models For the New Silhouette Sizes -'0 to 36?foi Women and Misses // ig a season of dancing, .??por?' mid rir,ir,-al activity in the world of pleasure. Sew styles anticipate and pro? claim il?therefors Milady s figure must be lithesome and a corset selected that will take vnturnilii every notion of the body. Paris-Made "Helene" Corsets Have proved the perfect style requirement of today. For this reason we have had this corset made up exclusively for us. It is physiologically ?correct, gives the graceful curve, to the tigure supported by the length, height and outline required by the best designers of gowns. 5.75 m 10.75 "Parfait" Corsets Made in America by expert French corsctietes. It gives supreme comfort, plus ultra-style and tits ?perfectly. In pink or white coutil, fancy brocades, novelty striped materials and Suedtne Cloth 2.00 .. 24.50 "Oossard" Front-Lace Corsets Have the great advantage of being easy to adjust, which is also a great time saver?besides "there is a Gossard corset for every figure and a priie tor every purse." We carry all the leading models 3.50 i. 25.0U "Blnner" Corsets Different models in a wide tange of styles for the average, the petite, the full and the siendo figure, in the highest grade act viceable materials. 5.00." 12.50 Women's Brassieres Charmingly dainty models of crepe de chine or all-over lace, luitablc f ' * i diessy wear, other styles made of cmbioidencs Ol batiste for sport and geneial wear. .95 i. 7.75 ARMY PREPARES FOR HERRERA Takes Precautions to Pro? tect Border from Re votting Troops. PERSHING SILENCE CAUSES TENSION I irst Report Receixcd in Sixty Hours Tells Only <?f Clash Monda y. ? ? ? ? aio, i '? . March 22. '.* sral 1 4r.- ie ha.) beet ra'a reported rerolt, a?rd tha', arhi a there i lael f eon? ...... ?a ? ... - eesutionar; sggi ? ftweei G?rera ?.. h?.i t?ey?d ' ? eral I un*jto*i ?f of stsfl ? . ?. fess the is well s ? a?a' i?tand" ? B ? ?. repoi from i is made ra , . ... ..__?? , , '?? roncerning Pershing's oners'.on?. Genei - ?1 to da r ree? from i ? *,,. PeTt i ? - ? r?t report from It i ama from ,.. , ? onl reference ? -, ?'?;? orerar ?>r? n* VI a ???? Si '.ills and ? armr-a troops c!a?hed S'ai |uipa. OiRcially sn-i ui (I -' the -p'"'1*"1 hi ? ?-.?? that 1 Herrera has lolnel Villa tha international aitnalion might | ,- m? ? a- b? i'ompar'.aon tha pursuit af Villa would he regarde?! a? incidental. i ona . Be ? ?. , of Carrai ?? - c0' ? * * . eceirad no : epori oi 'ne re ported revoll of Herrera, and he tras r .i a? a ". : . ? rding to the * arsiofl Bg ?i- Herrera -?a? iemove?l fioni commend Monday, and immediate Ijr took ??ep? to alienate his garrison. That < arrsr,7a lia? snOUgS loysl troons in Northern Mexico to tlrlve Herrera from the cits of ? hihuahna if le attempts tS hold 'hat plaee wa? h" h: militai ?' in?"' here, bat it I feared thai retentioii of Chihuahua would not be hi? pla1 Military observers I ara ses a po-sih'. ?' ? ???..- a '?'1,'c.l revolt nterruption of win i,.*.-.. P,., i :.?aa Grandes ?nd Juar? terday, and tha wire cutting to-day be? tween Ojinaga, opoosit- Presidia, and lorien:; f| WBS BUggCSted that the i..'r??^n? who eal ths wires botweei I .. aa ?ira'.de* and ?' ?arer might hsve .-?t they ?ere hen?' ised by General Pershing for commui ? -, General Funston. ;.- . poi ? ?nouM i.e ti ue, and If Herrera greatly the United StStCS :li its :o run down Villa sr..! h a followers, say these observer?. Cutting of the Mexieaa txTorthweatern Railway at cer? tain points would make :t lmposaibi?. lid, for the Am?ricains to use ? foi forwarding ?nppiie? for the army, e-.-en If the CstTsnts government de? ? (?e.i ?(. gran- General Funston's re : ssl X'o'her move thai it -vas *'???,;? lie mishl ma'..r was io po :ior?li and i. ?'?:?? ? ' . " ' ..I" ? .. . , ? \ lia by ;?? tack ing Pre ? I ? A ?mall Amaricen fores is ?here bow and this p"rohablj will he itrengthened. .. : -i d ??..?..' : not i a to limpie a? ?hat affected at ?olumbns. however. between Presidio and tijinaga is ?he Rig Grands instead of an imaj-inar;, line. ? FELIX DIAZ CAPTURES PUEBLA, IS REPORT Followers Describe Bis1 (lains Against Carran/a. I .t -r?; Galreston, rex., March 22. rhe F?!ici?'a i'ir.ta a' '.alve-tton to-day .*a?s tha* Feiix Dia-, a' 'he head of an army "' ?".,000 men, has occupied the ntportant manufacturing city n?" Puebla, located ?ibiui? halfwav between ? ??. sad Mexico ? ty. Il la ? 4* thi '-' . " ?' . bia followed p bat! ' ?? ? ? alr-o-i'. ..n hour which the ( ?riav a geneia!. .Iua-i Alearen, va? foi*, ."ter a ass af several hum;-?,! killed and woundr,, * GENERAL HERRERA JOINS VILLISTAS ? niiilnneil from p??? 1 srnment of the "Firal Chief," wss food for m'irh d KUSSiOl Ousted a Xlonth A-jo. Herrera ?i? on?ieri from his pi > '?I litsry Gorernor of ? hihuahua Stats ;i month ago by Carrante, following ? large, lodged againsl !? ? for ineoin peter?"? a-id drunker-.r-.e?'. A' that time Herrera WBS told that he would he sel in'o the ir-... :? s as af tha GuetTO B1 I Minaca seetiona to hunt Villa. Geae**e1 Luis Gutierrez ???. appointed to ?uc .?e.l him ?s (?o-. ? i According to American ar- ?.? . ?'? ?* ? IS ' Hei rein '..ok '" ?? o.n ing with bad grace, and aullanly h i regiments of ragged Mexican i . try into the hilly cot try. Only six months ago ?l?rrera ?i? ?aging a campaign m the I.owei | ? huahua nnd Upper Datango districts for Villa When Villa trae an ??ted in h * .*onora campaign llenera <" ? llerrera\ cour?e from I'hih la < itv ??hen he ??a?, dispatehed ;o bun* x ilia i nol definite!] known. Nothing te had b?*en ne.T-<i from him, ?>? ! he wa - ,vnti.e.\ ?? .,?. threading I mountain t>a<-??i<-.e? on hia mission to ' ? '''am. Vesterday ? cour ir esrrled th? news of Herrera'? dec?a'a'ion ar-amst the i n fed States and of hia Intention to ancing iii" govei am -i ' ?.f ? 'arranza It ?s believed here thai v.?.?.? and Her rers had com- r,a a?i undera'andm?* m nsediataly upon tha lemoal of Berrera ?'rom hii poi ' as Go t Herr? ra snows the mounts n fast .if the 1" ?? ui ?ell, mid :-,ad he? an? el ? ? ' ? mt S. Ilia' ng it af 'he class ??? 'altered, thieving ?oidiery ?o ion? den tilled with the Villlsta ? > were outtil ?'?I b Carrants before their departure Into ?he western eountrj osti on the hunt fer Villa. Their equipment and | arse v.ere report?,i a? pour Dissal afae.,1111 over the lark of n??)tal nmne from ?IS de 'acto ,ro-ernn-?nt la r? pe-te.! m have esused TTlHCji of the ' ? Bg bach of Hen-era's move. 't?|or .-?.repte, cemtnandinB; 'he mil tar? ha?- rier". to nij??it author ..ed r\ denial of s repor? fion Doming thai (went) seven automobile trucks trsd been found 111 the ' hihuahua d??#rt and that their dnr?i? were rni???nc "isjor Baasple ai?<? ?isted th?? there ?a-?? n? truth m a report that ?to Imenran SCOUta had basn kilitd near .'?amlaulrs to ds^. ?JPVERTISEMEXT. "i 1 FREDERICK KEPPEL?CO EXHIBITION OF Early Engravings XV AND XVI CENTURIES March I?th To April 8th 4EaST39?StNewY0RK j _= r MEXICAN DESERT ORDEAL TO ARMY Soldier Tells of Hardship of Travelling on Chi? huahua Alkali. FINDS MURDERED ? AMERICAN'S BODY \illas Men Had Tortured Vic? tim. Whose Hands Were Burned to a Crisp. El I'tno. i-\.. Mardi 22. lne firm story of the hardships suffered b?. the American soldiers?in their march across the Chihuah'.a desert tv-t told here to-nigh? by Sergeant ft. P. Flarri'on, of the 13th Cavalry. Sergeant Harr: ion told hi? story propped up in bad in the hospital, where he -vas taken on hit arrival here, ' | from dyiei ? i tare was not any ehaering when ? i?.t .11." he said. "Eve. " !io?lr Ta? serious, an?"? not much was said. We I . tsrted off a* \ brisk tro*., and at ?nee 'iif dust began to There Ith ??:' air ar.-i 'he dust I ..v.?? *ne road like a curtain. The alkali got ?n'.o our eye? and down our throats. It ?sifted into our shoes and through our clothing. The .<un beat hotly on us. We put wet handker? chief? in our ha'.?, but it did not help much. Most of the fellows rode along va.'h their ey.?s shut to keep out the dust ami glare. .Many of the men Utjt half Miad by nooon. "Mv tjtt began t. i'.i. .?I?*?:-. a:?*>'j;'.?? the edpe?. Then thev felt as big as ?amp kettle?, and everything sot dark. Von could feel the blood beatini; bac?, o: vour aveballs. Then the hea?lache would begin. i as Talomat Deaerled. "You should have seen the face? of i c. afttr M hour or two. The ? ?etrled on the perspiration, then ?he porspirr'.on would run down, lead? ing ???tie furrow?. Some of them like painted Indians. "Whcfl WS rot to Las Palomas we ,?*-?"? right through the Htreets. There "???'?. ? soul in the whole town. It ? was weird. We heard some ducks quacking and saw t-ome goats, but not nan being. At the next ?own. Bi a Grandes, I ttt WOtO three peor.? _ in 'he sun. The rest of the pi*. ? ?-.? Ik ? a (crave. "lust sntaids al Boca Grandes we :'oi.nd ?he body of a. cowboy who had been kille?) by Villa on his way to Cn? lumbtlS. The body ?lay about twenty feet from the road. They had tortured1 him, and hu hands were burned to a crisp, We did not have time to bury ?ths poor fellow. Everybody ?swart under his breath when we pa*?ed. Later some; of the Ifth tried to burv him. The (-rouml was too hard, so they juat? piled rocks on the body. Dropped in Their Tracks. "During the the boys ?topped ten minutes every hour fur rest. When the word was given they just dropped ? il their tracks in the road. No stop was made lor dinner. It was jus** one ?-'rady hike from morning until we reached the camping place. The infan try was itrung ant so that the detach Wtre S day'? march apart. That il the way they ant jrorng now. "We g?:* no ?..?ter from Columbus *o Boca (?rand???', thirty-one miles. The ?vater ?-i my cantean got so hot that I cou!?i hard;., drink It. Most of i? I i an my hend ta stop tht head? sehe. ' !?<> you ?,.ow how much staff a ,? iboy' infantryman) has to carry? ?ti about fifty pounds. Just s? loan as ths bo;, s hat down off would ? their shoe? Th?; gritty road cut ? to bitl and t!ie alkali made . r feel iwtll and Mlatar I ?aw ' 'ner?i having a tine t-me getting their .??iocs back on their f.?et. Mormon Roofs I'urned "We on?--'.' tbraagh Ca?anla D:a.-. ?. ?? ???' the Mormon ?settlements. The ? rt of ?red brick and m ??re wall ? re WM rot a human bein-r 1 *frry tree? were blooming an.i the alfalfa was knee d?ep. The roofs of ths booses were burred and the aindawi all broken. We got some ?sl"r Out of an irrigation ditch. Tha'I \) IM*.RTl*KM F.NT. YORK aXfownb* ^llicmost | %pnwntdiOe i^olledioii ?***> v-* Uutluntic PARIS ? ES !>? A dffcndbi) aiuj Jiaase tu ?nicricci Qoats* ? ?iblou^?:^ y o tOtfar- or ininu'duite Selection . is what f.xed me. I* cave ir? o;?'. terv. ???A - ?rere fed prat? Rsrdtsdi and canned ? '??'?' timos a lit) '? ! a 'war babv' thati ??hi*. ?* call soft bread. "There are s lo*, of '?? tut who IN Sieh, ?h?t they are a'r*?:?? ?thsy will b? ?en' out, ?o they hold on as long ?i posa.ble." a BRITAIN TO CALL UP MEN 45 YEARS OLD Extension of Military Age Limit Reported imminent. London, March '2.Z.?The, corn:r.f ses?. p-.per? to-dsy say that an or?n ?** tending the multar-/ age Uralt t.t be? single and married men t/> fcrty-i*"* years will be fssu-xi this week. ??"?*? present the enllstmert of men emtt tin age of forty will be voluntary, to-?"*?. All the newspapers declare that S general compulsion bill, extend!*.* *>? application of the present law to a*x* ned men Is being carefully conr.d-Mt? bv the authorities. The Press *Auoci?* tion says the War ?ftre offriaJi beliw? that general compuliion is uittiHtl Most of the morning papers ?'-pport such a measure, bu* "Tre I'ally >tr-s asks why the WMr Office want? isebS bic army in England. ^^^ BRITAIN READY TO ACT IN WILHELMINA CASE After Year's Delay New Promis? Are Made to American Owttei**. Londor. March C?. IsttttMl ?' the steamship "A ilhelrrit.a csm i? ? Right, according to A. <i. Hay?, repr? ?enting the American owner- of U? famous foot! cargo re;:ed ?note tb?1 a year ago wy the British authorities this new?'has eaiWd laryrtss nU* as it was announced m Apr*.;. IStkuf tha case had been sattle ?' I "?3 Riant an principle wv reached Apr_ 10, 191."., whea the British ?fstaWg undertook t?i pay ?ths BaaMtf ''r?**' for the careo and dan-aces far th?*?9* tent,on of the ?hip. In May ?Laid ?'!' aey was sppoir.tcd srbltrstar to " ?ths aefual s'im to he ra." Is twt -"' e-? af tie ci.rc-t. St I rthei umS wa? taken. ho?xever. a** : ?Mr. "?:?' kept a mater.a! aitness in London fi** month? Onginality and "urt blend in the Gattlc Collection. Opposite ?V. Patrick's Catheara. ?'?. i1 i. i-a***?g**a*B*BBti'ii i .miisi