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SIGN PETITIONS AGAINST HOLLWEG Ofimans Indorse Protest Igainsl the Chancellor's U-Boal Policy. LEADING PAPERS ISSUE -MANIFESTO tall on Reichstag to Press Rom? lutii'n?. .ind l!phold von lirpit/. Thev si*assl ? ,that 1 CbaDCi . ar'1 ? g the < - . ?? will gnantly , ." ? ' ' . ... lures ?mnt (?r?z..ns. ??'.??ehe fes I ? I'iredj ? Hod. I make j I " ? B ? ' ? ?? ' ' .' ? ? .... ... I . - . on for ? ? ?m by ? ! ? ... ... . pa.n- ; t la our duty to the; ? ? '. Imperious U ? ? these things! The Foe ?? bership In I I to present 'ne c\pc< i? roncern ? arire II !?<? a?. o:d*?-| ff? tuate an un ? on ?.f ' "The Re .1 do thing to b . ? ? the ? ? ? ..m:c free?lom i Pieces of Brass Founil in Tubantia Lifeboats ??. March '22. The Tub set ? ' i*,.'ch government. It is declined that action ? ? of an ex ? ? i Tu ? ? ? i mad? I, will T hol ? ??y rn com.* of 1 tia. The open en in?) . ? The 1!. . i be . ? . ?at Woden, senl to h the Tu-1 retui nt Rotterdam, ha ? ? uled to ?? omin??. ? ..?marin?-* d '. reason for the deten-, Palembang Captain Sure He Saw Wake of Torpedo ?? that ! '. ? ctims of ? - ? ? when the capta of 1 -.ported to the A111 ? ? ? ? ?' l ? -? : ? ? ? ? The ? ' . by lum and !. ? I ? the folio*? the G? ? at the Tubantia eoul rine 1 . .... pedoed by Germ ? erst a? ; .- ' ? ' ? rmaas have a. i .? apoli i si d as I ' tat? j the ? ? ? . - which .-an?. I ? ? SUPPLIES SENT TO CARRANZA Convij-nnient of I nrtr ?lires (?o Throu**r l.arcd.i t.? X't-ii? n. ? ?o. Tex., ? ? ? ? re 1 ... ? -_ franklin Simon & Co. fifth Avenue Tiente Cloihwg Shop 8 Wesl .Wth St.?Store floor Fi ft h A vi FOR TO-DAY Men's Spring Suits For Men and Young Men?33 to 46 Chest ? ? ? \ored Read [ to Wear one, two. three or four button models, of rti ; or I3orr.c-.tic Fabrics, including a ety O? fabrics made expressly for and con i r-anklin Simon & Co. 19.00 t?. 45.00 Men's Hand Tailored Suits / Men and Young Men 33 to 46 Chest red Suits in one. two. three or four ted Ol I onservative models, in the |: , ... . from the best American mills, including Blue Serge and fabrics. 25.00 Silk Lined Top Coats f ? i Model I i? Men and Young Men 33 to 46 Chest ?breasted Chesterfield modelo^^?ackof ,: uned, plain at u\k lapel, 19.00 MURDER CHARGE STIRS COMMONS Government Is Criminally Negligent of Air ?Service, ?Says New AI. P, EARL OF DERBY'S KNOWLEDGE DOUBTED Blundering Policy in Aeroplane ( 'instruction Blamed for the Death of Many Officers. ?ilun ? i Pai liamei I lireat ? ' ... ' ? ? ' .*. ? ' ' ' won'..: h were nnal fleets ' ? rom $500 t., ? . , ? ..ce. Harold Pai enta Vor War. repli? : I .?.d he t the coi ... POU| - leath ? or Mr. Pi ? .- I "run:: ? "I repea illenge it 1 i I Mr. .e mem Not . ' ' . the 1 Lord I the same subji "Nu ? . ? had ? RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE IN FULL SWING ? unliniiert fr?im page I il*e, w Ith the nrrny bel ... -. the Get ?ptible to flat ? . a ; In sdy i ?. Idvaace ??n Ten-*?Iile 1 r??nt. f Lai ? ? ? ? nature k in . ?tacks, if executed, . befoi D Friedi ? ? | ill BRITISH LIGHTSHIP SUNK BY TORPEDO Lonci'?;?,. \Iirch 22 The Galloper Lightship, at the mouth ol the Thames, has ' ?rpedord and cording to a Lloyd* report. The Dutch -teamer /"jn "telldiid, from BueiMM Ayrca . : im, tepoitt, ac ? iding lo i Reutei dispatch from ^muiden. that slv* ?et her course for the Galloper Lightship, Lu' found on ?he spot only a masl aboxe the ?uifdrr of the sea. I he Gallop?-* l.ight-hip was one of f'.ur VtCSSell Dtatkittg ..: 'he tamcus (.'<"l\?in 4S.ind?, at the cn nt ol Doxer, ? Se i, and a few miles from the Kentish coast. ihei hght.?hip? are the North Goodvvin, the | i?' h'io;l'.?in and the l\en?i?h K If \?i< r-norted on March 8 that Gei manaes had be?r*i busy laving an tnines between the the 1 h unei and ? hip. Many ? "?? i urred in ; lev. months in ?his neighborhood. from R<*r . m -.-?-.? ? The re au . a*? several .' ? ? day and '???? .-.'??? ... . th? 'n.n' north ... ... ..... read * i an ex ? en for the numl" Maaj Prisoaers Takea. ? ? : B< ':.. Il .... ?outh ? ? ' icob . I Vidsy ? eriemy test pos ririr? coun ? an WO a Rus . *ceed at any point in . - wera ? ? Pi ? -... red, in i I I statement the gains more spe . \ pirogressing ! i *.he Rigs .?re of Plakenen ' ? ( . t ? ngsgemenl ? . | ??In ? i SCter we capt . . I wood t of Angust? ai also s wood ' rest ?? ;.. ? ! i. * - :. r . ;he south ? - : ? ? and inl Three i.erman I inr? Taken. tern shore of Easka Naroc lag in te Ce r? ; a murder f.f wire . by h ?erie. ? lines of the en ? . ' . ?? .a 1 ? v our ating and poisonous ? "He ite engaged in apprai.-mg our Bp to the ? n officer? Bad ' I ?rer.cjl franklin Simon a Go. Fifth Avenue Vieris Shoe Shop 4 West .'?nth St.?Store Floor SeparaU Shop, a Step from Fifth Avenue Men's Spring Shoes Men's Banister Shoes Low or High Shoes?Fifty Styles Of Mahogany, Dark Tan or Black Russia Calf? skin: also Patent Kidskin. lace or button styles, tops of Dull Kidskin. Cloth or Taupe Buckskin. 7.00 Men's "Thomas Corf Shoes Hand Sewed? Bench Made High or Low Ready-to-wear Shoes, made en titely by hand on Special English lasts of the finest specially selected black or tan leathers. 10.00 To-Day at Special Prices Men's "Ko-Ko"Calf Shoes An Entirely New Color and Tanning High or Low Shoes of selected "Ko-Ko" Calf? skin : English or the new narrow toe swin>* lasts. 4. 50 Regular Price $6.00 GERMANY READY TO QUIT, HE SAYS Banker Sees End of War. but Only on Terms Fixed by Kaiser. SITUATIONUNCHANGED SINCE LAST AUGUST Wall Street Calls Peace Talk Tost Balloons, to See the Way the Wind BlOWS. : ?SAtS ?- ha?? r ? oa bei ?? Tha' 1 t of th.* ? ? . ? It ? rr.hke n mors look:r.?,- I ? sad? | close * ' block? ? ? t Au| ? ? nataral ? i i- : ! 11 n g ? .' . Tired. t?ijf \oi suing for l'earo. "Thai then 'i'rn .?. ; it this 1 ? ?j..., . . . .? . th? irai . S., bul i T h c i <? A ? ? ? ? Thin *riew of t ? ?? 1' ?:?? ;... ' re thai will be sn eai?y pcacs I her Allies ? .- . ? ? i,t which : ? on. ? blood ?. ? . hut then ? . ?? ? ?,?? p??ak a : ' and Germe ?? dea of a. : ... Qiintr?, on Oat look. "Xal ..i... i, ? to make peace won ? - for :. 1914.' Thsi quarteri to . t ? can ? ? I mi| ? - ? ? ? . Prssi? ? ??? ? ? ? "*? lereck for I uraprnrai?. Ul the warring ?' * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . '. ? ? ? ? .?.,> sl *' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i ren .*h I ? - ? ? i ipe." PEACE RUMORS BUZZ AT CAPITAL l ?,'ln'i?.! i>.n? I ? ? ? , l . ? 'her. I. of German Icrm*. ippare ? ? to get oui the v. r.aturn of 1 ? if rica and a con? yicl.l ? ? . ar.'l ;. I'h ' ?. may ... ? ? i to i ' . P German? be re ? '? ? ? ? ? ? '. th?"? ' ? *.?i perms? ? ? ? ..Tionf" . ? Franklin Simon a Co. Fifth Avenue rlen's Furnishwg Shop If) West 38th St.?Store Floor - ' . ? *i FOR TODAY Silk Grenadine Scarfs *CAR MOOR LONDON ... i expressly fee Franklin Sun ' Of fine quality Charvet Silk with Grenadine stripes in plain and self colors Special | .50 Mens Silk Shirts Light or dark grounds in a large variety of Satin novelty stripes. Special 3.00 Men's Crepe Shirts Custom Shirts of Imported Cotton Crepe E | .<il in material and workmanship to the tir.e?.t custom made Shirts. 2.50 Regular Price $3.50 \l?\ ERTISEMENT. ADVE"ri*I8EMEXT. James McCreery & Co. 5?*/; Avctitat 34th Street Special Value Today WOMEN'S COATS Strieel ami Afternoon Coats in numerous smart models and a variety of new mat? rials: full-flare effects; prettily lined and attrac? tively trimmed. Spei . 22.50 ' ? Germs . . . ? idj Hp ; ? ' ' Bali tin ? ? ? to 1 r i ' - - nt sees its ? POINCARE PLEDGES SERB LIBERATION Croxvn Prince Alexander Wei comed by Parisian??, ? *.. r i, March ! ? : ? ' ? ? i ? t l oppr? ?hts thai ? ? th? P ? ? ? ? ? iry.'' ?-a ? ? FORCE NEAR SAL?NICA REPULSED BY FRENCH Bulgnr Herman Outpost*, Defeat? ed in Sharp Engagements. ?n a series of sharp e-. ? ? . - MatcH 1 I ? a . ? ' OFFERS AVIATORS FOR MEXICAN USE Aero Club Telegraphs liaiktM- When the Need of Planes Becomes Known. ' ,a i l'.T \ venue. ? Thn . ? .??1 ? ? *Aero; t?, protect : be llvi ? ?' \ ? 11 ? ' - . ? ' ? ? . . ' : I I . ? J III ? ? ? ? GERMAN NEW MOVE CHECKED ON MEUSE l.nilnird from tntO. I ? ? ? ? . ? 1 hy ?A: ? ? ? -??'?.-. ? h' I ? ? ' ? W^J. SLOAN E ESTABLISHED 1M3 We are showing in our NEW GALLERIES a wonderful collection of GENUINE ANTIQUE RUGS including Ghiordes, Koulas. Feraghans. Kurdistans. Mirs. Old Chinese, and several very fine Old Silk Rugs. FIFTH AVENUE ?147th ?STREET. NEWYORK