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Mtn-?ark -^mm ?ntame GUARANTH Your Money Back If You Want It. IMlMirM I . tttrmm i Firsf to Last ? the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements WEATHER. Rain this afternoon or evening. Rain tomorrow: colder; south to east winds. FU a SoZ IAXV....N... 25.334. iSfSSSl?fc, MONDAY, 'MARCH 27, 1010. * ? * _ONE CENTSTaffiysJa*S^S Sussex Torpedoed, Says Embassy Report; Six Americans Injured, One Still Missing VILLA OUTWITS CARRANZISTAS; ESCAPE LIKELY Pershin? Reports Ban? dit Has Broken From Trap. MORE SOLDIERS NEEDED IN CHASE Commander Indicates He Expects Wide exten? sion oi Campaign. LI Pujo. T-?x., March 26.?Fran ti-co Villa, nil 'y beyond the cordon ahich Um I BIT*U,*dstU reported th*y had thl ?'?'? about him and Ma band:: in trie vicinity of El Oso, to-night II only a short cry from the mountair.ou- wildl of the Guer 1 \i:t;ial immunity from Thii is official report gent t<> ?M ??ay by Bi .?ra? dier General Perching, ;*i command ci the punitive e; and trans? mitted later to Washington by Gen era! Fur?.-* I'tmo?* ? ing made in the f.i**ht toward tlie mountain?-, which V?)]_ is near ?rig rapidly, neither men I U0 ': - ' ? i. It hi kntrvni be is practically without supplies and ?mtr. reported that ? he il atta ; .?eh the neigh , borhood where b4 I il ammunition cached in three p i Alntd] Um ' an advance ha?* been carried 250 nil I below the bor? der. Genera : -report-. With Villa heading for the mountain wild? ?outh of Madera, apparently unham? pered by the Carranzii-ta?, it is ex? pected Um American advance forces ?irill be car: *. irthei beyond ase before their quarr. ight to bay, if e**er he is. rep-ort i? re? gard- . men at the border a3 anything bot 'ptiffiiftk and as in? tended ?to prepare thi Washington g?*.v??r-* .- , fan*, pa i gn ill V awaken it to the fart ? ? *, with Villa once in the mountain fi I Guerrero, Car. y m n *.- lind? Mcreovr G eral Perahing*! re-port ? ????,-? that pur ' '--''?'? - to require the Making of triet ?-h the i bris*- tjfet ? r the tree] b* P?'? b\c. llodd I.radin-* F'ur-u.i. ? ? | . T'a?': nff Ml the -.*;*.ei ? a!,ich b< It* ? ? ? American ? * * I ?Tell tail in '?-'-.-a'. Pel ri to Gi neral ? com-nun'': | 1 * larri *'" '? teaeral }?-.-.. _ Pr-wi- . : ; - -loBS ' '' ' - ??? of eornmunl ????r. ? ??,..?' moot >,' i Vail,- ?aether line ? i - ? ! ' oth of rt of ? r ...lit i.?? d .? ?? ' r *- ? ent of In ,"? ? ed. % ' re at I Valle and ? | . 2_7 ?* i '?pin?* rj*\ P* tor . A " ' ? . ?" Cita ??nu* "II, trat I).. I ?I ) '? a ' " '? ... ? ' il' ? I?. now .-., . A ? ? ? ? - ' , la, ' ? I VILLA REPORTED SAFE IN SAN GER?NIMO CANYON F.I Paso, Tex.. March 26. Reports received in Ju-?re? Irom unofficial source.- say Villa, ?.?-?i?*?.<*,i to !>?* cl*?sely [)iit*iircl by ca/alry rind M?*xiran troop* of ( ol oncl Canos command has reached 4**>an Ger?nimo Can? yon, .'outii of Guerrero. It wa? in this, canyon that Villa baffled th* troops of Diaz for months .it s time. San Ger?nimo Cany n is 130 miles long, with almost perpendicular walls rising to the heavily wooded bright? above, and affords every means for a successful eva? sion of a pursuing force or for a 3uccessful stand >f a lew against superior odd.?. VILLA GENER.AL SLAIN WITH 33 FOLLOWERS Twenty-three of Band Killed in Fight?Ten Executed. (" March 2?".- General Pedro Gozman et:il twenty-two others, all mernb-r? of a Villa ban.1, were killed , in battle to-day in the neighborhood of Laguna and Dinamita. In the action between government forces and bandits ten prisoner? also were taken and .summarily executed. This Information came in a message to the Minister of War, (.?encrai Obre gen, ?cho was informed that the cam? paign againe*. the Yillistas was being waged with the utmost vigor. GRANDDAUGHTER BORN TO THE PRESIDENT Mrs. Francis Sayre* Gives Birth | i to Second Child. Philadelphia, March 26.- A daughter wa.? bom to Mr. and Mr?. Pranci Howe? Sa.? re I.??re to-day. She is the i second granddaughter of President Wilsoa and will be named Eleanor A.-..?on Sa>rc, for Mr.-1. Say re"? mother.] Mother and child wore reported to- ! night to be doing well. Mrs. Sa\re haa been in this city tis iting her aunt, Mr?. A. V.'. Howe, a aiatar cf ?.' President, for several ?aaeks, Th? President wired his con? gratulation'. The birth, of th? child g:?es the President ti.ree gr^ndchildeen. -FlBB* dl Weadra*? Sa-.r?' nan born inore than a y?.ar ago in *h<? Whit? House, while Lleanor McAdoo, ?laughter of the Secretary of the Treasury, and. Mr?. Kleanor Randolph McAdoo, was boin la Washington several months ago. HONEST "NO NAME" RETURNS JEWELS Gems Worth $.5.000 Lost by the Powells Oddly Restored. ?iackensack, March 96, Mr. and Mr?. H. II. Powall, of Pnglewood, who lost a l(j*a contain Ing |5,000 worth of jewel? while on thai! way from New York in ai BVto a meet ago, have re i.*\ed th? laat '?wala. They were re? turned to Mr-. Powell bjl ??[??????.al deliv? ery, but without any evidence ? who returnr-d them, last prier I baf Wa? ?eat to Mr. Powell at the Importer? and Trader? Hank, -. MARJORIE TO ATTEND MI-CAREME FESTIVAL Marjorie will be entertained thl? afternoon by the rummlttee in rharg?- ?'f the Mi-i areme lestlaal at Ihf Hiltrnore. The MM ?reme Pent I val ha? be? n arranged by I he ron?ulidated effort? of the War ( learlng House for I rame and her Aille?, the American CtrW Aid for Prance, the Ameritan I ommltlee for the Itelief of th? Habe? of Belgium ?and the Victim?' Krllef I und under the patronage of Mr?. Herbert I,. Satter? lee, M" H ll?trkne?? Magier, Harones? d?- i.r?r??-nried, Mr?. Will? iam (.reenough, Mr??. M? hola? Mar? ra.? Hufler, Mr?. Alfred Norrl?, Mr?, ?.eorge Jay l.oulrl. Mr?. Juntu? *?pen ter Morgan, Mr?. Jame? T r?.?> hriilfr Mr?. Sel h Low Mm. llorare P. An ?rette, Mme. Ignare l'adere???U, Mr? llonald Mrl.ean, Mr?. W. T. P. Hellla?rew?K**tt?, Mr? .Ume? Of on nor, Mr?. Jame? **lpl?| Harlholo inev?, Mr. Koba-rt lira? ?mi and Mr?. J.ihn Milton Gardner. Total r??rrl?ed be I he Trib? une lo ?I.?'' *<i.l"l..'?". Niml.T of ? ont riliij?..r? "7.117 Simihrr of ? r i ?. ?.??ir? I.? ?ilha-r Il?|l?l? ?I lOOt tO* ? .,rt I Man r, I'' . .!?.1?0I| J.. ?jaj . ?t?.r. ?nd ll?t of ?on ?riliui'ir? ?ill li? [kiiikI Bfl page h WAITUETTEl PLEADS TO St MRS. HORTO Prosecutor Calls Ca Complete, But Hun Goes On. SEEKS DENTIST'S AIDS IN PLO Second Woman Gives li\ deuce?? Parents Weep Over Son. Activity on the part of the Distr Attorney yesterday was taken an e dence that he is seeking aceotnplice? Dr. Arthur Warren Waite, who ha? ce fessed to poisoning John E. Peck. With the case against die you c'entist admittedly complete, the D trict Attorne*f*l of*.?*? has increa?. rather than Ita inqaify. I Saturday afternoon and eveaiag and i yesterday afternoon Assistant Distri Attorney l'oo?ng questioned the t* women thus t'ar connected With the i fair. Mr?. Harry W Horton, the "Mi Warren Walters" who vir-ited the roc at the Plaza Hotel rented by Waile f a studio, was subjected to Sat?rela?, lfnglhy grilling. Mr*, liorothy M? Palmeiiberg Bnd?rW?Bt her ordeal ye terday. The latter is a close friend i Mr?. Hortot:. It was to her home 'Vert Seven'} f?cond Street that Wai telephoned ?hen. ?shadowed bf ??' tective?. he arrived in New York fro (?rand Rapids a week ago. Mysterious Trail? Polio?cd. What the ?-ii-iiiiicance of this unusui activity-on the part of the ?t?te real! is no one can learn. District Atta it. e Swann said over the telephone yeitei day from his home in Park I'.idge th? it was merely "to make assuranc doubly sure." Hi? a.*-?.?*tants confes that they have "heard of ever-, thin Wa.te did aiac? the day of his mat riage," yet detectives and wita?Mf come to the District Attorney':-, oftic for long ???sion?. Mr*. Horton and her husband can??? ? the I>i = triet Attorney's office on Satui day afternoon, carrying two heavy hag and golf clubs,' apparently hoping t I? r e th? City over Sunday. At th?- con on of their long conference the however, le their home, a We?l Elcreath Street, where the; . .11 remain. Woman an Angry Witnexs. The four-hour aeaaion between Mr? Palmenberg and Mr. Dealing, whatcve: .-:.-.;.?-?. wai net peaceful by an* means. The woman's voice during th) conference! could be hoard now an. again railed high in indignation i i anger. Sha left the room loo?, ?remelv lulled, and refused anappiah thing. "Pr;r.t again ?ahat you ?aid befoia,1 ira? all ?he flung to the nowapapoi ? c. before ?h? ?tapped into the ele? vator ano wa? carried dnvmwsrd. Mr. Dooling admitted that th?? worn ?n'a ?tory had an important bMlin? upon th? . ia-e. Up particularized tn the ?steal of aayiag thai the informa. t.rin ?he geet corroborated other mri. depce regarding the pola? .- activi? t?? of W aite. Imn.i i ately Hftf-r th.? reporten Mr. Dooling, who bad previously I Id tl.erri that no one from the ? Attorney's office would i ill Bellevuc yesterday, ilipped ?wa? fron: hi hastened to the ho?pitai, att-ram? paBied by Rai S hindler, the private ?j.-'ectiai' employed bv the P?t*Cl t At) Schindler were ii.nferanc? with the prisoner for more ti an twesty n Daring their talk ?Va t? erne, ;?* i. !.h< becom? ?tronger, i ..- becoms mor? and mare reiaet. al I ilh about fa - ri, e . ? ' ia Mr?. Hor Mr. Dooling told him thai hap? he nilgh?, if I ? rare enoogh, to?eey. Walte Appear? Batter. \? ?,,'e appeared ??> be in bettet ditlon, ar.'l i ol ? ?ff? ctioaatel. of l - ??rifa ?rd in? aonl In law, ??' iin? Pech, When say question wa? put to him eoneeri tig the rasa ! i i>? came eae? edini ?at, looked ' i pld and ana?? red ?xtrem? -. rly ?sad raref ?illy. The ?? itaal presecutor conferred ?rltl Dr Gregory upon bis ? ? til fr??m ?... ptisan ward As a r< alt ol i on U r i r,r?< \V h 'e will be rernov? I | day t? a private room. While !.. to hirn n the prison ward Mr. l?i rr-'in ?rd twentj 'i f" other fir: ? ?? )., Id there Hi n i led I bat II would !.?? < aay, ? ere P site t? coat? i ?ulclde, for him to obtain mater*ela therefor from those about him. Whether ti.?? Hying rial! to th? ho?* r ? . referred to an r?tcai*>< d i ? ? District Atl from Mr?. Palmsnheri la no! known. Mr. Ilnrr. ? ., ?oratng to th? \ ? Diet rl< t a''??r?ii. , I proaporo? A i |.r? i?*.' be i- Inter? ?I ?? la a for trench flghtii v. which, be saya, ?*?ii Ha ha n? oft? ? Bol h I iintllllj?.) HU l',,?r I. I 111.1/11II I DANES REPORT HEAVY BATTLE IN NORTH SEA Fleets of 80 British and 50 Teuton Ships in Action. ENGLISH 'PLANES RAID IN GERMANY Two of Kaiser's Patrol Boats Sunk; Enemy Destroyer Missing. By ARTIU'R S. DBAPtt. London, March 26.?Unofficial meshages received after the issuance of the Admiralty report indicate that '. the full Itory O? Saturday'.?, events ; in the .North ?Sea and off the German coa?t have not yet been told. Copenhagen telegrami .?peak <>f heavy cannonading at Ma? o? move inents o? many war-hip-; o? fleet - O? eighty i!riti:-h vessel.? and of fifty (ierman craft; o? battief in the air; of German aircraft aeen going an?l not ri'turning; of a raid by two British a?roplanes on Tondern, the Zeppelin baie, eight mile- fr?im the coa.-?t Schleswig, and O? other ;na chine.s ttttn making for Wilholms linven Kriden. No definite conclusion cm be formed pending the official new?, "but it i.? not unlikely," rpmark "Tho Daily Newi," "that ?re shall hear of event? of importance in the near future." London, Mar?*h M, Three British teroplaaei which took part in a raid on German air-hip shedl m SchlCfwig? Holstein yesterday are mining. Two German patrol vessels were ?unk and a Britiah destroyer Is beheved to have been lost. The following official t-tatcment wa< i?sued to-night: "An attack by Bri'-rh seaplanes war delivered *, ester.lay morning upon Ger? man air?h:p ibedl , i Seblei -v:g-Hnl ?'??in, ?eastward o? the i ??an (] of Sylt The ?fi.plar,?-? UtTt COB! ? | ?-?i to their rendezvous close to the Germ?n ???.. by an escorting forre of light cruin?i? and destrover.-., under Commodon 1 ;? I - whitt. "Three of the seaplane? which took rnr' m the attack are missing. The destroyer Medina was in collision with the ??i'stro>er Laverock, and it il feared 'hat in th?? stormy weather whieh pre? vailed la??t night 'he Medasa m.iv have been loat, lut i ?, ml ig | are felt ? 'he ??afety of the crew. T.i.? <;? : ami d pat rol reset li wer* sunk by our ??,? troyi 11 Operation "Achieved It?. Object.' "No detailed report ha* fti bei n r. ceived, bat from Danish presi me :)<i appear that this opera tien, whien - ? can ?1 oat within the enemy's wati * eved its object.*1 Dispatches from Esbjerg, Denmarh to th,. "Merlingske Tidende," says Ren? tor's Copenhagen correspondent, report h great na? ?? bal tli beti.he ?i 1er? -ome three mile? all the Gra I p at midday t,i-llH\ . The ?lifpa'ch add? that Tondent, in Schleswig?Holstein, hn- been bombed by ai roi A dispatch to the Exchange Tele? graph from Copenhagen aayai "According to the 'Politiken.' large i and Germai qoadrons were on? served yesterda? along the west ? of Jotl ind, ??ff Bsbjerg and Fanoe. .-hip captains arriving al Eabjerg report that tl ey met ? larg.- German flotilla, eon? . re era ?sen and ????? nty tor pi do boat '?-play morning. [n g boa.? boj saw twenty Hn,: li torpedo boats near Hlaavan an?l that i1?- -h trawler ? ? ? .th a Ilriti h battle? ship. Flaming Trawleri in Flight. "It is aoppe ?! ? .? ? ? British flo? tilla la?t night attacked and put the German aquadron to flight I ne cap? tain of the steamer I imbria av? he 4 .?llllniiefl ."Il |>a-C I, ...lllllin < The Sportlight F. P. A. referred to him the other flay ai "a Mr. Hue. <i pressman of sporting intcr-fst??." But F. P. A. in always referring to him in one way <>r ?inoth?*r We merely refer to it to emphasize the fact that everybody with a healthy interest in .??port refers to lirantland Rice I hat's her..use reading ' I he .Sport light" M ?? healthily interesting sport itself. ?The ?Tribune I Imt tn I un??the Truth: N-? n?l.ditorimls?Ad4 ertisementn. .' Sl ?r of lb? tSttt '. B*M?M1 . f ? :r j sttOfM PROF. BALDWIN CABLES "ALL SAFE"; DAUGHTER IN LONDON HOSPITAL :?? - H ? ?'? 1 ,- N Washini(ton, March 26.?Three different reports concerning Miss Blixabeth Baldwin, daughter of Professor J. Mark Baldwin, reached her Mster, Mrs. John A. .?.terr-tt, ?812 Connecticut Avenue. here to-night. A table saying "All sate" was received by Mr. Ster rett late to-night. Press dispatches told of Miss Baldwin's death, and a telegram trom Professor Baldwin s brother, Cyrus H. Baldwin, at Columbia, S. C, stated lie had received a cablegram that Miss Baldwin was in a London hospital. The family was inclined to believe that Miss Baldwin had been injured, as the cablegram "All safe" might be considered merely an assurance that the three Baldwins had escaped with their lives. COMPOSER GRANADOS AND WIFE MISSING. Paris, March 26.?Enrique Granados, the Spanish composer, and hil wife were passengers on the Sussex and arc believed to have perished. Se?or Granados composed the opera "Goyescas," which was pro? duced recently at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York. He and hi* Wife were last *ee:? clinging to i small ratt, according to sur? vivors. Granados was Irving to keep the raft straight with a small board wh;ch he used as a paddle. A boat was sent out to search for the composer and his wife, but no trace of them was found. SUSSEX DEATH ; LIST GROWING London Hears 102 Are Now Missing, Including Five Americans. London, March 27. Although there till some uncertainty as to ti ? : '?? . the disaster to the erw ? I'hannel steamer Susse? last Frida) there no longer li ar,y doubt that the death li?t I? much larger than the early advices indicated. The ligure? ??omp'led iti London ? hnw ?? many 8? LM persons, including five, Am?lie?:... I | .. gui ??: pa,l 4:,?; per-tor.? abaterd of whom the following hav?' been a?* eauntcd fon Laaded at Dover. 72; landed at Boulogne. :.;>0; dead at Boulogne, t; dead a' Dorer, ?''. This is ? . accounted for. The li?t of miaeiag may be slightly , diminished later by the fact that lOmi of the passOBgera who landed ton-; tinueil the'r journey without reporting' safe to th" proper author;* I The Susaea now lies in ?hallow, water in Boulogne Harbor. She ?rill not bo a total losa Ho I ?f the dam- : agi above the water line. The main shock of the eXBteaie? sra? rpent in' bio? ing off the fore part of the ship. The i graphically described by a Russian pasaenger. I. N. I.iphart. ; who says k<- jotted down the facts in Mile they were happening.' 'I he diary aya; "A torpedo ihattered the fore part. of the vessel, although ?he wa* travel? ling very fast on an unusual course between Folkestone and Dieppe. There ?.an-* some loei of life at the moment Sf the explosion. During the launching of boats a further loss followed, and nearl) I r~ later two !'??;.?- i-ap main:? rere (?called and the gers taken bach on th? sh.:p, from which ? ere remoted by a 1 i'"< . ? *awler half an hour be fore :. Inig I " WHAT WILL U. S. DO ? LONDON EDITORS ASK Sec in Sinkini* of Sussex Detiant Challenge to America. London, March ??"?. The edit? I ai . comment of the London morning : Susses 0 ant of ?peculation a* to the probable attitude of the I : e Da Ch ronicle" remai - "Gtmaany'i naval policy actly when? it ?ton,i on the day the taaia Has torpedoed ten r gotiat Waal .ngton and B? ri :i rave pel altered it ?? 1 tittle, ai 1 the diplomat have never been for Germaay anything i but an affair of masks and pn U ??? ?l.?. lously 111 mors dir? et 01 ehalleng? ?as evgi beatied hy one na? to another thao '?hat which ?'.. r ?way ha? non launched at the 1 ni ted Stat? ?-??" and all the belligerents wrill row know u?:h thert lacking preciael] .-'.?I t-oun ! CAPITAL FEARS A GRAVE CRIS! Believes Break with Ge many Will Come if Sus sex Was Torpedoed. ' * ? l;;re?u J Washington, Marc!? 26. -The feel! that another and exceedingly gn with Germany had arisen m the submarine issue grew in tensen* Macad Washington to-day, o\?r?h? owing ?ven the Mexican ?ituatii though no official confirmation arriv of the charges that th?' Sussex, t Kiiglishman or others of the recen! ??unk vessel?- ?ai torpedoe.l. The or ?lispi.tch gi.en out bjf the State 1' partaient ?an from Amba?-sa.?..r I ai at London, and contained an affida* from two Americana, who, bowevi had seen nothing of a torpede ?.i in marine I 0 .r American c-tizei:?- who were < the Knghshman Ftill are unaccount? lor. The official statement from tl French Ministry of Marine that the was no room to doubt tha' the BttSSl was torpedoed, though it has not of! cully reached this government, ? 10? tne gravest fears. It is not doubt? ? il try had convincing ev dence on which to base IBCh a stab ment, and it i.? admitted eeerywhei that if the charges are borne out tr dispute with Cirmany will have bee -or i,a??k t.j uh??re i; eras when the tana was r-unk, with tl..? ad?!?"'! COB plication of broken (?crinan pledges. 1??- termination of the Admin) -? rat ;?? to act promptly and decisiret] a the evidence beeoraes conclus; e i ? ?i on all sides, but this doc Bot mean that action can come with. several ?lay?-. It probably will tak some time for the American officials i Franc.? to c?,licet an ? all the evidence, and :?>. received l.frmuny will I..? chance to explain or present her sid i.f the ease. 1 ,er> effort i?< made to collec the evidcacc ?s rapidly as poeaible, .*n it is not doubted that the full facts ii 'he Sussex CMO ?rill be known .?-oon and prooably with more accuracy thai has ? Me in most of the re cent disasters. Meanwhile efforts an to determine th?*- full fact in the bngiUhman and the Tubanti . ai.?i i* ?- understood that Aas tria aril] Lie asked t?< '.ell what shi knows of tue attack on the ! Ambassador ???'i bernatorff ?a' out ef Wa . ? > . and. in hi - .?ence, i?.? one a' the embassy would any information as to what ad ? ??. r, red ived from Berlin te ;He German riew of the recent i >l? ? rvei in who have been iratch? g th< : en ? of 'ne dispote ???.th (i'.'rn-.a: ? ,i: i have been predicting for let i-ooii com.? ? ? ? .;??1 er is .???? lop? ts of the last few daj that the ?.me has ??orne. They !..*i.i I thai t would develop in such a way a? to involve 'lie armed mc-r . 11 ? ??:.. and are glad * ..*. the reoper I _f ol ?.ible, that ; been left out. I',,?' fact that none of th?? \essel?? involved m the reeeat disasters ?a ?rin? ?1. ... :'..r as ha? been learneil, .?? t'.c r-air,?? ?imple one 'ha* ?v. *he tor mmt ir??.! at th.? Lusitania - u hethi - my i ght *o kill Americana, contrary to law. as a re priaal ??cam-' England. That a n'u' ir?l ?. | - , ilfO be?'n atta'-ked re ? . ?.rriiment of Mr. ! and other? who haxe uiger) that Amer '.?<" reatrieted t<> neatral -' I? ?| nut -een here how tr, ;-?ue. :f raised again, can be settled hort ? ' a complete backdown '">' Germany ,.r ? brcakiiir off of relations, There il r.', hope held out for I - o 1 u '.??n. The chances Of an??tli??r a-.irn promise ar<? ais?? ? ? ? le ??'! gone, I ! more explicit promises eoald not be given thai I oa< s hlch l *? s b? ei 4 iii'inu"! no y.'f -> column ' SAW WAKE OF TORPEDO, SOME SURVIVORS SWEAR Channel Steamer Carried Neither Guns Nor Munitions Day Clear, Sea Calm. BELGIAN FREIGHTER SAID I TO HAVE SCREENED U-BOAT One American Passenger Asserts That the Bow of the Ship Struck a Mine ?No Periscope Seen. By FRED B. PITNEY. [By Cable to The Tribune.] Taris. ?March 26.?The American embassy's preliminary report to Washington on the sinking of the Sussex, >ent yester? day, is to be followed by a second report stating that there i no room to doubt that the ?Sussex WIJ li?rp?'ii<?e<l by a (?Vrman submarine. This report will be backed by the sworn itatanents <>!' m'\ eral American survivors, who have already arrived in Paris, that they saw the wake of a torpedo and by the affidavits of other Americans in the hospitals at Honlo-iii". The exact number of .American casualties on board the 'cross-Channel steamer Sussex, which was bl??wn up in th? Channel on Friday afternoon, has not yet been determined. Scattered reports indicate that about six ?\mericans were in? jured, while two are ?still unaccounted for, The French ?VJ miraltv, basin*? its statement on affidavit"! of American na.--* sengers saved, savs the Sussex was torpedoed without warniltaY. 1 AMERICAN MISSING ON SUSSEX, IS REPORT The latest list of American min? ing and nur?, ?vor? on the Susse\, torpedoed on i'riday in the Lnglish Channel, is as follow?: MISSIM.. Mrs. Calliope A. I ennell. Ne?* York City. si RVIVOKS. Professor J. Mark Hald-sin. Haiti more. Elliabeth P. Baldwta, Baltimore. Helen I?. Baldwin, Baltimore. Kdna F. Hilton, New "l ork I Sty. Joshua Ilickinson Armitage. New "lork I Ity. Dorothy VS. Hilton, New "lork I il>. I.ertrude f.. Barne?, New lurk (it). Irancis K. Brake. New York (it). Edward H. Rasley, New York CHy. Kdna S. Harde. New lork (ity. Lillian B. S. Barde. Ne? Y ?,rk ( Ity. Beiir*. S. Beer. Ne?* *i<>rk City. Ida Beer, Ne? *,ork ( il?. Kd?*ard Marshall, New \ork ( Ity. Edaa Hale. New York ( it>. Mrs. Claren?? Handvside, New *i ork ( it>. i.erlrude W. Warren, St. l.ouis. Alice Kuiit, Lyoa, < <?l. Tingle W. < ulbertson, I.ewisburg, Penn. Baniel Sargent, Wellesley, Mass. John H. Hearley, Albany. -amuel S. Hemi?, Bedford, M.i??. W ilcler I. I'enfield, Hudson, \Vi?. 4 harlc" 1 ( rinker, Kitch hurg, Ma??. G oar go 11. (rocker, jr- Kitrhhurg, Mass. BRITISH LINER VICTIM OF U-BOAT Steamer Minneapolis Sunk in the Mediterranean. Haiaeillee, Match tf.? The British liner Minneapolis was sunk in the Med? iterranean last Wednesday by a sub? marine, according to Captain Bibby I I the British .-'earner Leicestershire, which has arrived here from P.angoon. I aptain Bibby reports that he re? ceived a wireless call for help from ?he Minneapolis, which said that the rtoamer had just been torpedoed and ?sas sinking. The Leicester?r..-. ttan. at full speed to a list t but arrived too late, the \essel having sunk. Tue fate of the cr?".?. was not known to Captain Bibby. The Minneapolis was of 13,141 tons gross. Bhe '.?a? built in ! "? ?r Bel? fast and ???.,- '.v ned I * Atlantic Transport Compaay. I.ate shipping reeoriis do not cue the movements of ?he veasel, which probably ??? in the Britiah rgoverameal >-er?.ic>?. l'r.??r to the war the Minneapolis pilad between Amcr.can port* and London *' The sutbasai" i-- continuing ti father evidence of ?unrieors. With ? '!.?? e\C(.j), there i* no diver? gence with rej-ar?! to the niain fact. amorij* th<' rarrlvon t-xainmed by the embassy and little difference on ? .!*-. The exception i.? John H. Hr-arly, a United !'?? - i "rr?'.-ji'ind?-nt. who t?x preassd the opinion that the Su -?? erras ?unk ly ? nina. On cru- ? aiiiira.ii.n at UM tinl.a ? -y, however. he had the fad that the ??hip va- ?truck in the Low to .?unport bis opini.ii!. and the smba -y attachas n<> weicht to it. The embaasj* ?nvi itiga?Ofl also e? that the .-mi ?ex was un armed and carried n? carpo which could l.y at.y ?tretch of ima??n?iatioii ju.*tify the linking. I-uthermorc, H'/itcrtlain and the New York -?"?rrym?* Ameri? can and cither neutral p???enten arrived in England ?a.?t wc-??k at tmtk time that I issei ??? ai the ? ! by which thi-ir passenger COUld travel to the ( ontinent. \ r ???I Struck in I "aim Sea. In the opinion of the aa?naggy, thi? aras ereil known to the Merman.-. while the SUaMeX ?*"U torpedoed in broad day on a calm .???a in a full. ell ar light, with r.o pOMibiUt"" of th?' subniarine cimunantler making ? mistake ai">ut her. "In ?-h?rt, it wa.? a plain CM murder," I said to a well known American diplomat "Vea." he repiici. "If e\*r there v.a? of raaalag amueV ami k ' ef bloo.l. ' The SI I ? pr?r*:?-???y ?at lark B ?!<lwin end ?ni ?lauj-hter va ?-re killed. ? Smith, assistaat naval at mcmbiT- oi the trnna?*y ?taff, tas te stake the neces? sary : ? ? anil carry on fur* iBTeattgatlaa Um ?? RelstlTea la Washington and I'r ? ??'?<n haw rec-iv,-.! rah'- me? shi?c? fraai Professai Baldarla .??> lag 'hat all member .?miy ? ii Mlai E la? Hal?, af rasade Park, de clares that - ? 1 body of Haldwin on tka ??hip aftar the torp? laiag. Mia? ?la;?- ,-ai?i to inc to "I 'Mil ta on the forvcarl ??eelt, ?tarbo,: 1 - ?a. In fron' ' i' ii'i'itor Baldwin, s'andin?*, be?id<- re Next te him verts bis ?"?I "ii her left a ?nr. eomiTiu to ?america Arnbu They wet? tell ag tot/ether. The ex| nd I was thrown to th?- deek. ?Vken I Kot to m> f?*et I . doctor lying ?*ith a broker M ?- Bald** in ?tat lying hslf ...ti ? lid?? ? nd ?I pping into the ?rater. I go! a ?ailor to help m?* , ? '., ,.?.,.. de? ?. and found thai tome kind, probsbly ? from th? ?hip, had *"u?** h? r 1*11 .*?.?? and pa??ed ihroufh B#r killing l.-r in?Unll>A M. r ? ml to roc: 'That Is ??'?*? H.. ?a II.' _ , . ? "?U'h- re ll her Tather. I ?"?*?a.-b,_ -?He wa? kntxkcd d-v". prob?*"*