Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE. Your Money Back If You Want Tt. ??-.?? i. Dleiti^arli .-?^'i. ? (Mlwitt WEATHER Rain and slightly ?.older to-dav. Cloudy to-morrow; strong northeast wind First to Last ? the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements Vol. !A\\ ....No. 25,335. 'roprriitiit if?i8? The Trll.un?. \??*al TUESDAY? MARCH 28, 1916. il\'l-" 1 |.'\T In N??. l.rl. I il. ? . ttnrl. Irrawa ?l?T, ?"."lia V I..I I allj H,,!.,,!?,,, I l.rttli.rr It... (?nit, Berlin Ready to Disavow Sussex Sinking, But Washington Fears Break Will Come TROOPS RACE AFTER VILA 300 MIES BROW BORDER Cavalry Pursuit Neai Foothills of the Sierras. MEXICANS TURN AGAINST BANDI Keep Pershing Informe of Movements ? New Hase Established. Bj ROBER1 !>l KN. . V- .V.' Headquart ' i ;.' i. March 2 e ??:" catchii e ? but :h<' infantry hi ? ... ... -, ... tl?r' ? ?? i . (?oner: ere, La ? *'(?(? tivi in t h - ?ahua, Mci * f thi . i ?ce the ban of * ? ravaged tinm . an 'rc-crn * ' i, armai ? .<? America! formation 1 ' of value, it II pe thai ? formed ? n ? ? ? * haste in hi! - far, ? "?ilia May Ma?.?- Stan.l. r ? ... . . . ? ,. ? M., Mai r? it the -.lumns a* ? rally beci ? "-?. . by th?? I a-rriran ,. . r thi a '? found nui?ierour?. Villa minca. ' * he r?r'?<*i,ct?--d ? s sesera] up ?: ?. - ? ay is ? ? ? ?to his le ths pineh I or SB early * ? *'i-y have re Nsml? ?, ? ? ??dovlA?' ? eon ? ? * ? to an ear. : ' ss I ? ?-n? in "Wat? hlul MTaHllf ' ? t? ? . ? h \i ! ?? ' ' ? ii ? rtbs I ? * ?Will?.,??.I m. i?.??? 3. r?,|,,r?i, A TWO U. ?S. AEROPLANES DESTROYED IN MEXICO Washington, March 27. .""?rcretary oi W-.?r Bait' ., in H Maternent, an? nounced two of the aeroplane- with 111?? arn'V in Mexico liad been de*-tr.>\ e<l dnd f.uir other? put ou' of roni*ni"?ion. 11?* made no mention of the fat? of the ?u i.itois. I Ic SB) I : "(jcncral I un-ton tc?l* u?, thai additional aeroplanes would be of -cr\ice. both in rcconnoi-*?ance work and in carrying me-.r-.ages from the arjvance column to the base Bl ( olinbus. Of the ,;<?ro plane?? already there, two have heen destroyed. Other? have nerd ol replacing parts, bul lwo of them ?ire in a< lual Continuous ? en ue. 1 he de? partment is n.?w for the purchase of addi? tional aeroplanv?, hut iie?th*?r the numher nor type has iieen yet determined." PERSHING LAUDS SPIRIT OF ARMY Troops Arc Eager for Sig nal to Take the Hot Trail of Pancho Villa. B* ROBERT l?l SX. (By A '? ". V. .l/.i ?, March 26, in ?urn;, v.. . . ' ' I ?>ri nf artillery made the a r Mue, when ?.. ?. T..?Va r ;. ;? I tont an order ?end ng forwa be depr? mist 8ii?l fog, to ? imcii, ?-tred. In ? ? camp ;, ? '.i an enormous rood, G? | an* in? ! .i ?? had to th? . ? ; ? ? it miles ? nl bj if the cam S .. of tire aig . ? 1 ?r i in i hief among on of the tr-- ? They arc ?rait *<> take up the (?i? trail. I h*.e in bet fellows g| ? ng we this COant ry. Anil h< ???;.-? enthusiast I of '.he infant ry I-1? Villa COnl ' ' travel by a looping trail, pending a <?< .. g and raui; But his influence among th'* peo a ga Ding. Thii men v. nom h?- ? I ed at h? \'alle ? according te the gei eral, on the pie? that the Am? It wi . - at Villa dragi ? ? . ms the gen? . . ? - Ina, in I their preai a of the Amarii. ? ' eooraa, in ?rude, exactly a?, hiap ? . IP| IP ?-..?? ? r ?? ? ' . ' - S r dust? bo) i ? ol?-,e ? ?'ira e> illing "I'.ueiio? ' " 1 .? ? ? r ..I Pel - ? 'lid many nasses th? ipposed idaii of the ..i ??? write. nouneed the e*,t?bli?h ?:?! bO? ' ? ? ? ! Villa . over" . I folio we i ..' Bertai ? ? ,r? ? ... ?air. 'if Bertani'i eon ? i) Villa. ,??'.." ? ? ? . ? i ? ? ? ? i blood i" Moi i ?he ? . ' . . edited ? mi.i.'.o m?.., ?iri?i all o?rei ? i .. ?teOOl - M rifle and nar'ndl'? ? ourself, ? i? v. ? tui thai we de ne m?.??- agi ? And, ?n?ee?, li was ? ?1 VILLA SURROUNDED, SAYS GENERAL GAVIRA !Carran/a Chief Reports Defeat -if Bandit Hand. Qu?"-? taro, Msrel 27.?M ?Ur i ibregon to ? vti advices from General Ga? n ? ? r?.?i?rr> defeat inflieti ! on lbs Villa neighborhood of Nami ; 1 he date oa which the defeat "??as ?, ? mentioned, but Villa an?l Ins followeri '.?i i,.? surrounded. in il?; skirmish, tl'.?? adrieei ssy, -. 1 ? i r t ? ?. i? bsi dit ' srsrs kiiir.i and l" ' hone and a number of land uf arm* arere -capturad 1. ?era] ? i -a opl m i I es ? '? r, i., I ? '?, make , .-?hurt time. SCARLET FEVER GERM CAUGHT AND STUDIED Boston Physicians May (miqticr Disease by Vaccine. i-. - March T f? \ <?r. nol ?time even greater d Mich ? phi hi i ... tuber? ? . >. a irtul* Bo ton phy l?r. l . B. Mallor*, pat of the ? Hospital, and hi ?? ' riet fi ?I the sonn ??? .i bi ? ?.-11 m ? the v ., er an effective anu ne. I?r. Mallor) b< Ii ? ? -..?? ..i ?j'jil. BOWERY CONVFRT DIES, TAKING JINX WITH HIM Some Lay It tu Injuries. Others Blame "13" Hoodoo. :?,.. fty-i ' . , at 67 D g ? ? ' ? : ? I ' arm ? . ? addrei - >'? ill / - ? . 1). J. ? I : ' - ? Lord. ? \\ in :i )?<? r??a!; led th( the number th? r?v,\ <?r; Midi "Hard luc?.. Thirteen has been my hoodoo .-?ii my life " ? v , n ? " ? rr\ trout a euburb of thirty yeari at??, aflei ? ?? hs,<l n thi the thirl Town Snowed In: War Blamed. Iron?a, N. ?!., Miirrh 27. The roadi ? ? - I ?????all -?? .] 1 ? ? ? ? ? .... ammunil on for the Alii? ; ..?.viler fac- ' rig the v. omen to i i ? nd farms. YALE GETS IN LINE TO AID MARJORIE Under I Hatil?? Her? " "I ? 1 ale ! ?,i S Of follow? ,1 the eraitii ? hip Fund, and print | comn To ib,- i halrmss sf "Ths Xewa.*" Sir: \\ 4- have followed with j-reat int<ri?t id?? progrese ol Marjorie's Battleship I und, ?m recorded in the \??? *i <?rk Tribuae. \N ?? BOS not? "ihe Regtater" ha-? started t<> cooperate in thin asoat practicsl in4>\ finrnl. and ?r fe?-l sure thai there are man?, in the aalverslt) ? h<?. like ?iiirsclves. share thll in tereot. Bach a rases rigjbtlj ?le srrves the support and ? nop? ion of lb?' nation an a ?huir and all <?f il- ?ili/ens ? In? hav?- or ought lo have tin* welfare of (lie Kepiihli? at I,< 1. We have seen Iwivv well *l ale ha? respoiiiled to the r.ill of "I'alri , i? i -in" in the . M .i I ? I i-l. m. nl 4?f Ihe lale Hatter*,, lei her re?pon?l a? it h eijiial fervor and enthusiasm to this universal r.ppeal of our little friend *v|riri?,rn lur h?-r llatl le-hip \iner i? a. II ?verv on?- in the ?Riverait] ?"ii llibstes a dime lovaaril llu? Battle? ship I mu? SIDO?an be raiseil. ??iirclv llu?, is not asking I?.?. mmli I "lale. Holes lo re.elve ?.?Mlrihu iions hav?. bees placed Is Vsli Bta t ion. livers Hall, ( oinnions and I be I aft. Ih< moliev lhal le BSllSCtsd mil he turneil ml?? "'Ihe Register** (nn.l K. KTANLK. *H?I SG. ki.isii \ K. (*ON*i P.R8K. GBORGI ? AKKIN?, ION Total rretiini b, TkS frib ? v to dale ?s ?' ?? \.t.Hrr Ut ,??tr?b?u?r? -V-itf." Niiinbrr ol nirvirabraliit a lu .,?' -ui !??-?? ycpMT? ai kuU rt-THirt i Via n h I'.li .HI. OH II Kurt her marwp ??( ihr fuml ?ill ha f'liiiiui ?,n .???hi- *l. WAITE ADMITS KILLING PECK, BROTHER SAY? Tells Swann Prisonei Confessed, Calling Suicide Tale Lie. MRS. MORTON SAYV HIM BUY (jfcRM:> Plaza Friend Describe.? Trips for Diphtheria Bacilli. Dial ? ? rat learned !.. v "\ ..?'.i, brol Dr. A?tIi'jt V" u te, ?i .,? ??. ? b *.- ? r-in-law, Jol ? ? ,? lie. '? ? ur \\.. te r< peal to-d aann, as he I to do, I b? . ? '? ' da? . he will admit thai he murdei. d Mi Accord i i . n from the I" ?attorn? night, Ar? thur Waite, ..'?i r .. lui',.', tearful tri!? between tl . ? I ?'I gave him ' ? i " I lied I a 1 Mr. Peek wanted to k.ii - If." Mr dee .?-<! to . . :n the g ;? ela ? thei an e il may h I ?? - I ?? pent Bar roseen . .- ge ih? admit? en he par ? -, ? had ; boa n to her undi - ? . ??., devel ? .. ' ? i tertt ? eory, he got them to auk? war with the member.-, of the P? fei tood 1 etween I mily wealth II ' believed he trird them, hit gave th??m up w i oand their .low, and ?r .d ,r> " quicker ar ?env. iBSaalty Defence Slarlr-.). ?.?ken ia Ws behalf to lay th? paais of fin in-..- ? defence. u.r?-?r Drew, an -.':.>rr,. employed by hi ? aunt-in-law, Mr Cath? ? ? ? ? \" v Swaan, iignrd yesterday by the ] eg? 1 falher: "l. h , depose: That my father-, Milo U'aite, left his home and family n i ,.i ? ??? burg, K? ??' ? 'ounty, M:eh.. in the month ef June, 1*7!. and never re? turned. Also that tw-?> of my c?. . of my moth? ' are ar.? I ..-. e been coi i ed I ylum a1 Kalamatoo, Mich of the -.'. I ;.'i inmate rar? and died there. Another, I'.-rt Jael now, i for mental trouble in G .Rapidi and Ann Arbor." Dlatricl Attorney Swann ?-aid that the ? hi ready to combat the inaaaity re, and that he wn ?Id pre;? the ea?e to trial in the firm belief ' lie ?aid there would ? ?'or the appoint - ? ? of ?i ' otnmii an befoi ?nnilnneil on pace ;. ?oliunn 1 ' BRITISH STORM SECOND LINE NEAR YPRES London Claims Capt? ure of Trenches on 600-Yard Front. FIRE AT VERDUN AGAIN INTKNSL Germans Shelling Vaux and Douatitnont, but In? fantry Is Inactive. London, March 27. The Bl tish tad ghting fiercely m the r?.- I "i, i auUi i ' Ypres ? ;?*s northwest of Arra . :i of a big mine and by infantry el rod m- destroyed a < - . portion of the German trenches. intr* termed and ? along a front Loi don orti cially announces, and Bei German trenches In tin., region ? ere ?. , . re ? g the po ' to i a ? ? ? . . th ity by ? been - [entry have ' I . Honihardnunl latCBBC -it \ rrdun. ] " . i ' th?*.?- ? the Fr< ?-h po ? ive I ? ? ? ?* ?1er ? seat of I "By an < early thii . ? he Berlin I . south of \ '?]? n tl ai 100 . ird of trenches wer? . my ? g the po ? ? "In ' of Vei melt? mine fighting and tool I en? Again I nder Fire. . north? lat of A attempted to ad .?..-..? pre - ; re. MDui I ' I ' ( l; ish again shelled the ? the Argonne and ii lh< i ? ? the M< mporarily.*1 The of) il < ? "Hi '?wren the Sunn. I in the ' rt, ?'???r an intense bombs ???.:.? . ! I? attack cur !.: tr? nehe?, but t:. - . . "i ? | failed. "!?: th? ?Vrgonne the sel r?tj at our artillery continued at rar ? . . . ? , . eet? r of th? Chepo] ?> ... <?ur long rig m ??i' ion of Exertnont I batel and i a munit ion i depot. '???? ? Meuse the bombardment v. a .| .ita ?tense on our ? g Bethineourt, La Mori Momma and Cum ere--, a* 'tell as i I "? . ? region of Vati\ and ere - gusts of ? ry ?re m ? ? ?? '?' try a?t ? : ??'!. "Northwest ..-' Si bom barded at long i ge ? ?- .. Hi idicourt. A numhei i were ??em?.: -. tire."' What the Ballet Wears Not tli?- lent striking feature <?l the- Russian B.dlct 11 th?- b.ilirt wears. See 11?*- nesv 1 ostumes before th?* ballel st.trts. A double pr??*?* ol hitherto unpublished pictures <~>t th-* costumes to hi* ?pen on Monthly n?*xt is in The ?Graphic Picture Section on Sunday. Tour new.-dralrr will srr that you irr thrin if you tell him to-day to de? liver your COpjT. Hht &im?aij ?Jribunr l-irnt tn Isst?the I ruth: Nette E?ltOrJnOle 'A?S ertlnementn. Utmmm el ike AaSN i< ?f CU ?iiaii<-ria. TUBANTIA TORPEDOED. DUTCH EXPERT FINDS Amsterdam, March 11 * "I lindel,|,? ,?1" ia< - an expert investigation prove conclusively thai the ')utcli liner Iiih,inti.i Mrai rank hv ,i to?rpedo with ,i broni * air chamber, which i?. f>und only m ihe Sc?hwarUkopf lorpeooes, made in Brr'in. Tile torpedor- u*rd m the British and French unie-, the nrw-papei lajTS, have steel air chambers, One of the expert- MlggeStl lliit the I iil>antia misht hive hern torpedoed li\ ,i ?mill German torpedo boat stationed il Ostend. The "Handehhlad'* .irpr-i Holland to join ihe I ?utcd .State-; m demanding of Ger? many that she will not tor? pedo merchantmen without a preliminary investigation. HUGHES IS MAN, LODGE BELIEVES Senator Says Justice Is Strongest Alan in Country. v.- HOWARD I> HADLET. 1 ? 1 erjus ? ?i;<i I??/ ?? personal!) . ? ? if he ted ei r ?V '?i just 1 ?.no ol narrt. I Senator 1 odge bel i ? ? itor 1 s esi r from I ? ? onsl ??'??? man named, le * - i ? - itter. He think i It is a time tin ipeskioc. The ?? ' ??-.?? i ' ? olonel, ?n?: 'orm him r extremely doubtful thsl he coul?i : ??? ? '.'. ? -i mutter s ? : ? \ s matte Colonel Roosevelt himself hsi 'old da and admirers in Now d that he cam ted US? ... 0* % wcllnijrh unanimous ? ? the Pro? ud R? publican eon New Knj-lanil for Hughe?. ? \ ? rnaont is H< * ? ?i. but ( ? ? ?rill I"' ex-Gov | ? -ar,- of I Wil Republican .?tat B. John-o Rar - .... ernor Mate Fred A. Ho e-ral ? thi ? Marble \ are from itart I Maine will vot? - for H i itS) him e ia I N',?w Hamii-ihire will hi? f? r Hug ? I, ;-,.r \\ e< - -. Of '?' ? . ? id n: : chance to be riorn rg?- H. Mo ?-a-, --at-large, ; r Mel :. a- cael ? :.?? ? complimentary rotes for Weeks. - Senal . -.? 11 be solid fur i ported to be lining ap for Hu?s* l'?>?ir R??*?sevelt Work. Hfr" in Ma?? . - ? ? ? that * ? ?? "Rooi '?? ? ? aping poor team? ..r? m f-Bird-Waahburn . ..; pear ga fa ter from irging rotors to , "Roosevelt ?rsf On the ? ilar? WSS a hsn g rarton?, ihowing M'.irra-. ? and Senator uv? . .-..-. the dark, earrj ns a ?? tern, ar..l the ] '.'. .. ? ' McCslI ? ? an.I Week a wen g bar i? burglars tr sei bera to lomething To the </r??iit tut ? ?,niin?i?<1 on |>?,??> I. ???hinin ". PRESIDENT LOSING FAITH IN GERMANY'S PROMISES Entire Question of Submarine Warfare Likely To Be Laid Be? fore Senate and House. PIECE OF TORPEDO FOUND ON DECK OF THE SUSSEX All Americans Now Accounted For, Embassy at Paris Reports Three Are in Hospitals Badly Hurt. I ?rom The Tribune Bureau. | Washington, March 27.?President Wilson will takadiMtic action against Germany as sot? an definite proof is received that a German submarine torpedoed the Sussex or any other legally immune vessel on which there wen Americans, a< cording to statements in high official quarters her?- tonight. It is declared thai the Administration is weary of ?evasions and excuses, is fast losing faith in Germany's promises, i ? at il at the ? ?> rman propaganda here and has about priven up hope of bringing the Kaiser to observe Internationa] law at American rights. [1 was statt d authoritati* ely here to-day that if a Genran marine made the attack on the Sussex the imperial gov? ernment would disavow the act) punish the .submarine com? mander. ol.Vr repara ,c 0 and Bat? '"'*' th Ul d State:; that the ? act was in violation of Instructions. Thus it seemed to-night [that the issue might narrow down to tin? qtiestion of whether the L'ni'ed States would be willing to aocepj such a d ?laration from the I?< rlin government. TORPEDOED, SAY EIGHT ON SUSSE Embassy (icts Affidavi Irom 6 Americans and '? English Witnesses. Bj I RED It- PITXEY. - - eh 27. The American Y.t to gather at ?"? em both English h- A i ei ran pa at* I Amrrican ar twn Ei. til agree that t -a.,? torpedoed. While all I ?o far reeeivad layi that th?? batte was wrecked, that part of "he boat hu no water ia it af'.er the aceidor, which tion of torpedoing. Ani'ii? ... - .-?-?-? ed a l?ttts this aftern? i I ra Prol tor Baldwi eying that I ? vor? saved and, with th? pet . are n' W mereux, near B? I | IB| ' " ?I ?B a hospit? - ? ?hock ar. . ? I in a ?'upriicd c?jndition sia? i ber rei "rom th? Sussex, but I'rofesso llaldwn hopos that it la only the ? r of shock. Prienda in Par?a read in thi letter, however, a fear of internal in jur es. All 'he A men car.? known to hav, been or. the fui. u" the--? three are ?aria? jured Mis.? Baldwin, W. (? I' and (?. II. Crocker. The last two art in Dover. According to the news re? ceived by the American Embassy in Tar:?, Crack?? ii ?oaaded m th? tee\ of the head. Ha ha? not j i con?i- ? sad there are grave fear las. The opinion ?mor.?z American mat? here is thst ?he fact that no A minean s were killed does not ?alt?ra President W.I?on of reeponeiblllty to act. Th?* placin?; of American lives in jeopardy and, beyond that, the M injury of three A?n?ncan? are deemed ?uAeient ;o place Wilson in the act Friand Lei? 't.ild??in Letter. Paris, March il ter. ?rritt? CVimereui starcl I?nr?H..| ll?tr|ic*. , \ . member of the ' rm of Boaidman i Platt, of New York: "I??ar Harper: K . we were eomiag <?ri Fr.iln;. . Mn I ? I it,- tO tell \ OU ? ?' a? 11' .1 i - lerioasli injured. \\ e ?!??? here with her In the Will i ?>ioml the ? . Mr? Balda In ??re at tl ?? Hotel Soaeex. at Wimoreux, a short j ? Boulogna ?ma DickiaatM Anaitage, of *?>?? ? ? nntinur?! nn |i?f | ?oliiBin I Vux-ri?-.ii Killed (in Englishman. P WIISSS IS awaifng with ii tin? rereip?. of conclusive * Only Iri rr;-ar?l to tin it as t?. th?? linking of the Hritish ihmSB. "n.? Ar:??ricari ? ??or??. to hsTi when the Eng nmni i known last the I ? t ta se I the entlri ?i u ? mai -" warf?10 before tv<- Bes? i ? ' munies! ? ... m fully to Con Isg any definite i?tcp* which to thi ? -.? ranee of SS. All pha ???, of the? tion probabl-,' will he d ? tsssed at ths I si et mi . to morro?*.'. President Wilson um in rr?n?*an* communication with Secretary Sg during n ,?? rts r? a from consular and rrpre SSBtStieei '>-<rr ., ... to the Wh.'o H"'j e a*? soon <v ? - reel .' Xhr PresldeBt'S callers T?a* ' hair un Stone of the B?sala C'ommit tf' on Yoreiprn Uela'ior.? Rernstorff Hitumn To-day. s BerastertT, ths Gsimsn Ambssssdor, who, I - the retir? ment Of* , hu? hern ? p? <-?>? d to retsrs I tsl I row. fie probat ?aussi <*;.?? lary Ls .* boos sftcs ?? The n*y of a i sr of frac -, ln largei ? ? i of brossa fousd . -, re ?harp, at Par ?. The naval ? -??rding to Stat* Department ?-??.?patch?-*, ??ay* the pie?-? of bronze i.i a part of a torp??<l'j. ,'? : - real./? ?' thai the ?? ?'.mor.y Of ? French naval oflieer would be rcgaH?* I a?, biSSSCd I ?? ths German authorit and the department i.< relying up?"i a 'h?? other r - of metal to establish whether they w? - par'- ef a I |f |. war'.zkof f tor \?> Sunn of Indecision. Ose ligniftesnl f..?*' her?? *?< da?, when ta ou ?*? i'h the de termii .- nu?r ter*, was I ?oueh to (ave ma'le up th? ? .- The I ? .? ai?* srou- 1'. '.?..?r ?,?r ally, th?- Administration ii ? I g for evidence, and there wera mosl important the arinouncenient. from circle? . ? .. that in il .-..,?;,? man .submarin* war? r? '?? ? ? ?ny would g'v* t?. the ???"**,,J,*_7??2 ??avowal. l-uinohni*n\?\ _ ....... commander and in???J1* tidministration member?, r*[??wt.A rommeni on the sUiemest,Jwl we little interested I ??mf^'lyh.d com*,