Newspaper Page Text
Larry Doyle Showing Texas Fans How He Won Batting Laurels in National League Mr. Benton Helps Giants to Slaughter Buffaloes Rube Makes His First! Public Appearance, and Houston Suffers. LISTLESS GAME WON BY DOYLE'S (?LOUTS "R?ffln-j Benny" Ignores ( hance to Win I ame at "icana. iiv ii:\nk o*m n i ? -?.irana, Tm , March : "** It ?wan far r.?> Other prison than I tha boya a littla trolley I two hour* i . ? . ?.r it might have *,,, ? ? | .??.(rig dt'-air?- forre* Wha'? - ? ?tue, Joh sent h ? ' . ?: aft, r ? sr tha | Doola, to ' This I ? ,i tne . . shot them out without a run. 1::? -?hoe was on thi otf ? ? r, fa- i HtfU Vorn tha T( xtn I.? by a Mora of ?'? to 0 It was a vapid, pointless sort of a fame that droggeo i.Ioi.ft throughout ho nine Innings. ?Quite the be?t *>'?*; of the spa?rn was made by George Burns, who caught a fly that resulted Tn th? final put out, It whs un ro?y fly, but It brought a relief. We feel tt incumbent upon us to par? tially retra,?t oir previous statement. One might be ??; tilled in i the pitching (.i Kni.'i Berrton, on his 1 r?t public appoarii* ' more than pacing intere t. I ? big Heel womed f?-.r fire Inn surely had a world of ;t>ilT on the b.v!. Two hits wen ' m, hut he was never In troub ??. He strn -..x batt atra tn 11 waa work' ? midsunmer -?tvle and the Houst?? t??rs I mueh up in the air. tched the fr?!T?.e>< and escaped with n i } our hit? ? off h m, ? . - Kaufl are alterna buhiness of atairing at ' team. To-day it was Larry's turn. In four times up i ? ? ?'* run over the left field fei 'i and a bn- I He ?cored twice. ? i^??? bo1? ?j beneath *' a * at Kauft, ha negl shot a ' light Held ' ??ver. Lew flail, the only " ? man on the tear.?, had n perfect ?lay. He y I tripla ?? plata. I * >r:.?-, ? e Giants faile ? I n ?,h tha i ? ??:? l hi y collect? ? 1 a'l. however, made it V?ic Iff.. ' Ifou ton ?"ai he tried lo r.vrh Dooln ?ihr: ond when At-'?? Fletcher v... Flete*'! ?d. The ? invade Waxahai ? la tha foui nings I talnn" a will .m against ? la tha ? ? Then he will play 1?' Bl a formal lit-I Ua daace for 1 hem. ? Wh1.? tha G anta were down han this a' : Anderson and Matt ?' " ? ? ' ' ?* .: ?? ? of Otto Herold rietor of the Nan Country Club, where a foanem? playe?! o*. ? ? . \ t I beti ... McGraw number of hulr.i. Tiube Schauer has go? ?? ? the -?cor,! McGrasv ? ' ? ? lou'll diau a pn/e in these new hiits of ours! "Rogeri Pet" Derbies and hats in new Spring styles. Stetson*?, too, in abundance including tlir "Stetson ?Special," the pride of the .**tet*-on ??hops. Spring overcoat?-! Roomy coats of handsome tweeds and i heviots. Shapely coats of black and dark oxford, sorne ?ilk-lined. [?Scotch Mists" (-.' ? HUDCOatS and f.iir Weathei COatl combined. ROGEM 1*1.1 r Comi'anv Broadway at nth St feroadway at Warren ?Tha lour Cornera*' Broadway at 34th St. Iif'h Ave. at 41st St. MB MANHATTAN tf??* ' WH.I.ARD-MORAN ' c ? ' . : 4 i -. I ?' ? Utr, ):? M "i . it I : . : . . . 9& Benny Takes a Rest. ???->?? I -, ? Ht, If ? ? i ? I ? ? I ? ' - . ? . a . . ? . ? t' _' - . , , - *. . ? . ? I I ? M I I ? H ?) 0 0 0 0 8 0 i . ? Kri-D*T I ' ? ? ' -, I I ' ,? . ' - ' without liking every Comer on hi? a ! irlag I S tavern In Ulli ' r lunch tel? ? dry br< liked it or i Ota 1 ?01 '* tell 01 tl I ( ? hall player is one ?wcet ?ongi Larry Doyle tried to burn up one of the Intorurban cars to night OB the returr: tl p to Dalla?, end almost ?uc ?? ir ?.tr-h drojined In a pile of di'rnrde.i paper? and tl ere '?vas a lively little bonfire for a while. Since. Poll Perrltt hit that donbl? Bgainst Detroit the other day there I? ?ding him. He haa ordered a do7en HOW hate. JIMMY CLARK MADE L. I. A. L. PRESIDENT Vu Brooklyn Sodality Has Fif^ht Clubs Enrolled. ?: of niany gruell? ing Marathon run??, ?? 'lously en prcsi lent of the rte.\!y formed Iwir-g Island Athletic League al ? ? . With tl ? e chair the inter? cr??t progrc?? n tl on hai tioa and hai Committees were part!?.- formed, it ? ? | !i*d to defei tho elect th? ? ? ;?ri , 1*. noi of the reg: I ?nmit tee. ?,??!? h (?eorge W I assistants. Harr-, Keweomo will tanti tai ve i from I ? s Smart Set I ? lub volunteered to place on their | for their anniiii re lay, closed to the Iom?; .??, ?! a dUtanca of on? and Barren-eighth mile?. ???r?. elected were: I're?ident,, James i'!ar'-. 1 man tel House -V "..; ? ', \ be hern an, Brooklyn ?\. \ Rogers, St. An \ t.; ? es 'er, Andrew dub. bs pi t i their repre sei tal g Ialand " I A. A.. Abe tugustiai v \ . Preaentatio i ib, . Ei anuel House ?V. A , Jimmy .ai \. ? , Harry U ?-truer; \ I . I ,vr^re w. Latl * ,n Central V. Id. I I . Eddie (,'arr. AMERICAN BOXERS KEEP ON WINNING ( apturc 2 Out Of 3 Bouts in Tourney at Copenhagen. Cop? via London. March 27). The American pu? 0 1 .- part m a SOI ..menta in Scar : last won the An.. " ogian lips In all three i ? h wa* i ? ib? ?' of K : \ n Maloney, i tb, Philadel F. :. ?ai ? ? ? ila?? John Kar ? pen ski, of ? ?athletic < 1 won from Harald Bahnson, a l?ane, in ? e match. I ? class W?liam ?. V i ?.'. al ? -i bj Val len s '- ?m the Ar ? ' hero l i ago. ? iiolm, - il y ?n ind. ?\ ners rece ved ?ih-er eaas from ? . | Al I sail for '. i? \ 1! 1 on CINCINNATI REDS DOWN THE PELICANS raking ad i ? lean? ?nati Tea: ' ?? t? r - I T 4 jf&tAlN ?ND HIGHEST GRADE TURKISH Che LITTLE BROWN BOX 713 CORK TU Teaching Friend Wife to Shuffle the Cards By BRIGGS Robins Win Second Game In Row from Athleties Uncle Wilbert's Boys Pack Trunks After Contest Pre? paratory io Starting Their Homeward Trip. i ? ?eras? le TI ? - Daytona, H?, March tl Uac * bcrt Robil on s time hy a scon of "> to 4 itel sftes the ?he piar? r ? i pack their trunk? ar il tfripc, for to-morrow morn P fins weather, Of beautiful Daj tona I lbs jo if ney homewai . ??? lb? other club.? in ' ? al League a ? . s battle foi tu? pe? i . I In the club hot) ? ifter tl gan ? I day, Manager Robinson wa? just bubbling over with enttin - .aarn foi ' - prospoct? of his warrior? in the cot ?ni?h. "V. hen W? 1? year," b?? gan 1: ?bl ??. ' ? -:?' ?' . ? while O'Mara could .? oui hol. t.roken gel report? pound? be? low his usual we ght, and ?a.? in poor ? hap. . S on. Bul al! th?s? '.anaucd to : lini?h ? "Ti- a va?t difiere- ce All of 'i' condition |l*g 1 ?I camp, 1 rom thi boy? I ? g the t? ,: i, and with ? .. , .-. ; to keep the pennant rar." 'Ihe !i" - ? orb a little hard beal Maek1 i afternoon, etl led t1 e '.?fuo in tl s g, when they hammered \ Meyers, a ed up by ? ?? Rale i'.h club lait sea - I r finir run-. In this inning, with ? lutshaw i :ie to the ? ? I played a for better asms 1 than on Sunday, t nth inning . a ho start? i ball. Naboi ewhat oi ? tu i h * . ? id two i d 'he flr?t four Innings i and Wal ' Howe- er, he ] ? In the th tho ? i wai FLYWEIGHTS BATTLE; RISE IN MICROSCOPES ? ' . - ? ? 'a le, the " '?nipion, It: ? ; : ?. ? Wfl-4 tO h here Poor Connie Mack. ? I IIII.IIiF I r-HIA ?v, ? . ?.????? po a ? ? m.-? .. I WaWi. if... 111 ? ? c . ? i if... s i a a i I > ? t ? : n ( n ? ? , , i ? : ?i . ? . III.. 1 4 I H M?.?,,. . l-i 2 ? ?* . t 1 1 ? i ? ? . ? | : I ? t | ? .. p i ft i n n ? ' r ? ?? ; *i' ... o ? a o i, TMsii ni ii -.* ras * m iIhiii ?j -? * ? * ? SS a ftS ??!?'. I - | , 1 * ? 1 0 4 ft f ?* i 9 : '? 0 ? l ? : i ? . -?-. rtua ??? Mt?< ? ? ? ? > ? ? ' a ? ? 1 V . ? - ' ? ??? : ? ? ? i < U r .. ? i m* n * ? ? - " . a ? ' n t a gaSn - a a * a, , ?-. , , , . ? , v . . I > ? " ? ? . '. - TlBM Games at Home of Newark Club TORONTO. April .'7. 2S, 29. .10; June 15, 20. :i ; .\u_u-.t IS. 10. 20. MONTREAL May 6, 7. 8, 9; June 22. 21. U\ Ao_u?t 8, 9, 10. B1 ll'iio. Mst 11, 12, 1.1, li; Jone 23, 2H, 27. Aniju-at II. IS, In. Kin HESTER. May 1. 2. 3. -1 ; June 28, 29. .10; A_?_u?.t 11. 12, II BALTIMORE. May :*, -9, ?Ji; July 20, 21. 22; Septemher .1, *4. RICHMOND. June 1. J. .1. A: July 2.1. 2i. 21; Septemher ?, 6, 7. PROVIDENCE. Jona II, 12. IS, It: July 1. *2; Septemher 8, 9. 10 ?llouhle header?. Tennis Head Faces Task ! In Arranging Schedules Many Applications Received for Various Tourneys? Women Again Busy on Indoor Courts. I!? JAME*" S. OMiAIK. i President licorg? 1. Adee of the United ?ti Nal ?Bal Lawn Tennis ' Association ?? I a the tournament list tor the sea? son, but a will ba forthcoming in a days, just a? soon as the rchedule committee can juggle all the date? into i ? the appiication* been thi* year tha*. the matter of ar ranj-uie every event In a Satisfactory ch ron o f?nica 1 ord?r has taken more than the committee anticipated. v tournament? applied for this -elude two clay court state cham pionfhip? in men's singles and doubles nr..| m jan ind an? der) male sing .ides. Tha *:on of the clay court champion? dea from the national, which ha? been U> the state tiUo play is re as lea is a i and .? . ratic I l to Si mu?ate the groa-!i of the gam?. The lirif-elside Tennis Club, of Reach Rave sppli? r the Ns :i?l:ips ? ' ? yd C lub. of ? ?:i Peni . ha* a-M-.l for the Keystone ? . ? u; ? anni her i eat in addition, the "Labor Day to in a? ?u be beld If pormisaion from the r., ? la obta BC?L ? . r . ng to such ?an extent in the I'hiladelph .. d itl ct that if all the tournamanta applied for are award? ed, foi bletorj Um eity ? . *? one sanctioned every month of the ?eason. Women ajrain started to ? canvas of the Indoor court? *? ? torda]. the annul club rham -? r-.? under way. Several fair a the ! saino event preps to tha national cha and tha eham hip il taembora of the The result? follow: ? round Mr?, i baaman defeated lit; M ? Bett. de S, I i. M Hull defeated M ? i ?' :. ? Webet defeated Miss B? echer, '? ted Mi i ? e match i nnis team this summer, taith, Wal llall, Ar'i h M I .* ibond. ; . w litan H. ' ; i - ?vier? v. ;ll take p:*???? Mel the I of the \Ve?t Point ? aiet at West rapta i and Raaagar of M ich Igen ? ? ? arre iicd : Ma**? I I ! ? ? I Inatl | tato, ?? 1 r.?>, 1,., i'rrmn, ?t Trovi d nca; IS, Tale, at Sam Har?n,? 17, T?fr? ith Bethlehem; 18, Lafayette. a* Bast?n; 19, Johna Hopkins, at Balti? more; .0, 1 tata '??.val Acad? emy, at Ann:. to sa " ihigan txpaeta a good team thin year. Dwight P. I>av?, donor of 'he Davi? had ins dream ? ti i a hen th?. national Municipal Recreation F?d? eration wa ? | Saturday night. Tha federation plan.-, ? ?nullit? public interest in a? ' trnrir? and golf Davia, it aritl !"? re? I membered, recently completed an 1.;? I ern ir.p, on whiel conferaneea with tue park rommissioners of all thu inri,??? eitiea. Repreaentatives i eitiea came to St. Louis for the meet in-:. )?av.s t-a? e'e.ted pre?ident of the 1 federation: t abot Ward, Park -Commis I sioner of New York, and Irwin h ?,?' . ncinnat . were cvi<.?-?n rice-presi? dents, and ' Cunliff, ?,r St. l.oui.?, ; s? eretar* treaaurer. II i" thought that t? r? y eitiea v.--.','. be represented In tha pan ehampion ; ship tennis tournament of the country tl ?? finals of which will be held iri Si Tha country ha?? boon divided in-o * ?? , wh eh v.- . h 'M pre? liminary divisional tournament?,, all to be played on public court?. CuniitT hns >??*. reiI a trophy similar to tha l'avis Cup for a pi ? PRO COACHES AND TRAINERS BARRED May Not Serve as Officials at (iames. Rules A. A. U. Profeaaioi al elub roaches, trainera aad han liara of athletes will no ??mcer t ?a permitted to act as ofleiala or run at large on regiment ?OOtl during a'h letlo rompei rtron, according to a de? cision rendered by (?eorge P. Matthews, chairman of the registration Committee ..t tho Amateur Athletic Ui ion, jreater day. ra is a ru> ? I lateur Ath ?? . but during the last wint. r promotora of ? ?? failed to II' ?? up to it th? future th?? professional i a have ta be aatiafled with Dg th.? races fr ??*. at ? ..'i ti ?? ?Ida Of '.ne tra,?k. 'I he enforcing of tha rule will he her-un at the N'evr Vnrk Postoffice ? lerfca1 tarn? 4 next Saturday n ght. GRIP GERMS SLACKENED SPEED OF BALESTIER \ ?? ? ikened condition, ?lue to a re cent attack of the ?rip, was chiefly re sponaible for tha showing made by El? ? r, jr.. tha premier middle - anning the schoolboys, ? ? ? Princatea < lub ni??<?t last Satur < i The Morris H ig ? idint was forbidden by his family phyaic i run at either tha Princeton or ??lub ehampionahip *caiaei on Saturday, ? ?"I ?pint wa? such th it be ? ! on (oi | !., tl .. marl lone-half-mile ?run, ITnder the eireum ??lan?a? i,.. did remarkably ?ell m tak? ing thinl place. Sports or Thereabouts By HEYWOOL* BROUN. Jim Corbet! -I'll pack? B punch. Ho ha? I inn uric rod the- heart of He-ant ami changed it. With hi? typewriter ha did It. William Elandolph Hearst rolled out of hi.*- "little old bed," a? Jcvt wouM say, at 7 ??'< lock on Sunday morning. \\v had hit the hay unusually early on Saturday nii-ht. These facts are important. If Mr. Hearst had not risen so early ho wnuld not have had an hour to kill before break? fast. But for that spare time he would not have read "The American." But for "The Anioru-an" he "jfOttld nev??r have known that Madiaotl Square Garden had harbored nn exhibition "brutal and brutalizing?." A? "The Evening Journal" so well said yesterday: "The Mayor, the Chief of Police-all knew that two men had declared their intention TO COMMIT A CRIMINAL ASSAULT EACH UPON THE OTHER." 1' i? true. Practically cvcryh?,?iy but Hearst wn* hep. If only he had stuck to the news? pages of "The Sunday American,** Mr. Hearst might have continued in igno f what waa seing on. Unfortu ? ? rayed to the Heal Ks t?te and Want Ad. section.. Then the a-e.-ret. I for things had come to pa?s just as the editora predicted waea they advertised in thcif own col'im-s: ".less Willard, Irrin 3. Cobb and .Tames J. Corbett will de-cribe the Wil lard-M lalTel*** for read- ' lay American.' " Tha ' " ard atraeh a respon ? e Hearat'l mimory. ?T have M It inme before," he muHcd 'o him elf, "It seems to me wo ran his diary and his autobiography, Lut I forget who did them.*' And so ha read; flrat Cohb, then Wil? lard, then ('or'.)Stt. "This is awful!" said Mr. Hears'.. "It. is too much!" he added. The oiitor waa no? long in rea -on. He called up ?Arthur Bria? bare. ?Mir. Briabana," said tha want the brutal and degraded < I is to dabaaa and dem? * tha public at Ma ara Garden ???!." "You raeai between Willard snd Moran?" asked Brisbane anxiously. "I mean," reitera''*?! Hearat, "the? criminal assault and battery. "nh. rea," uld Briabana. "We gave ?t to Willard. He won all th? way, ac? cording t?> Corbett. But, you know, we stop it now. It occurred last , ? "Dont be an a-s. Arthur," exclaimed '. angry a? a wet footed Canute. "What ia tin.? to ni? Doeant 'th? est sf' ? ? 'ion' of your '? ? ? Journal come out at midnight? I stop the figt ? We ra- '* vouch for tho itl ry. but WO hope I? Is true that Hi-h.-p GrOCr said when called upon to comment on the brutal and degrading spectacle, "I'm sorry to ?ay, I ?i dn't I'M it." The W. Stafford T. Dunean, ?? of ?Tanei Methodial !.. Raid A- '?? i, Street, Hrooklyn, said, in th?? course of his sermon on Sunday muht. "I ie ri^ht a telegram from Mr. .??'. Randi Iph Hearat, <?r' The Now fork Ami tri ?. tating that h-.s : ? .?? papara '.'.ero in decid'?.I oppoaltlou t.. th? holding of such a brutali-ini* prize light aa that announce.; '.?r Madison ? Garden last eight " Tha telegram "as received ' D ;? eaa at just about the hour Koran and Willard were entering the r "The telegram in full i. wortli hear? ing," sai?l the Rav, W. Woiford T, l1 i chn, pastor of Janea Methodiat Ep < copal Church. "Some p??op!e ha'.' i'- ???il Tha American' for tl an?! others v ho oppo? .? Iv.? I . t have -, , . eai l want to ?-??y that whatever tha moti\e nnd I hai a i " i ' ? ???: ' ? ? ,r'?rt of h gr ? iper t?. suppress tha revei barbarism which took place last night i irthy of th?? highest eomi tiop." Rot. Sf. Wofford T. Dai eaa pastor of Janea Mathodiat Church, without doubt ?li.l not ol bar of day < " I he Evei ing Journal" carried In a eonsnieuoui following: "Je?-. Willard's 0?m storj of his training, hi?? mel of hitting, his advice on athlet yonng mon, ?ou will find to morrow ? ? g m 'The New York American.' Read it." May wo suggea' to ?h? P.e?.. w. w if ford T Duncan, Matar of .lime. Math? odiat Episcopal church, that us soon ta ha I through with hfa aeria ? i eoaraea on tl a I fht ha preach ? ?.?r moi f?i- ? Inch ha shall lake his 1 -from die eighth \crs4' of th?? sixt< r of tha Gospel According ? Luke: "Por the children of this world are ,n th. ir ^'iierati.m wiier than the children ol* li_ht." I Race Horses Train in Central Park New York City has famed a plsce on the map as a winter training ramp for racehorse?. Farly riders In ( entrai Park ?estcrday irmrnin-f. ?aw n strln?; et young racer?; being logged along the bridle path and later sent at speed around the dirt road thai borders the old reservoir. The horaea ?ere galloped in ?Ingle file, each T*?ith a boy up, and the sijrht ?a? one to ??arm the cockle? of the hearts of the equestrians who haae even only a sentimental inter? est In "the sport of kings." They ?tere the seven two-year olds owned by l\ A. Clark, which ha\p been quartered for the last two at the I'urland Hiding Acad? emy, ?here they have been worked for an hour each morning on the tanh.irl All are as hard as nails In condition, although trained In the rit>'s mid*t. YANKEES FINI) CHATTANOOGA CLIMATE POoJ Rain and Cold WeathJ Prevent Game with Mountaineers. ~B tenante t? t*-- - Chai and <?? . , Donorran's i to-?Ja? v a ? ? since the I Palling -tal aaj _?*W-I Chattanooga early this niora?^jT ? ??'' - ? ? ? ',,-?.;' park and a general ! ?..-.. of i-?.trtf, 1 ?A kai ..." * ' "--.?. to?. met? m W that th? . , o,,.?.?,? ^ to v.?. : :b*rf?:?i,i? ?he boas of the I .?.?.'?.out?, tonfen-, ?ith Bill Donovan? the pb-*a*aafta] '.earns WH'tcd. fiaring that tk? a?. apers might di-dde to play. Ob???, adverse vei \:c' ta?, mad? th? ^ hurried back to the hotel. Donovan f.. .1 to-night ?tag 11 fa planne I to .; H h ^havakey a-'r??^ Bbocker In I ???'? ga-r?, ?n1 ^ that theae ho-rnon probably ate% * the call to morr..?. SI la I.OTelilj,., proi.n i ally for th? gts?, M? mph;? o I a?. SI la In?. favorite there !:?? fir t stti*-*ta|2 ? ion of major I? ago? ?coati ? city. ' ' ?wrr, ?, . - ? ? l**-*0W ?no- \ ? ' ? .""?! to Ui, of I.noVioiit './.?., ? ' ,'0 tllrt. to U , ? . ? | S plnycr?. will go to:?, i fsasoas bai i olonel Jac? b I t, Captai? T. I IT u* ? on an.I Mi 'Ailliin v 1 i'hmann and the srsi cormpt nta tra ?i -.???i ??*?? several ho ?utotsirt. tour which covered th? hattl? env I of Chickamau?.-a. ten mll?H below v 1 eitv. ? maVlis oT?r V ?iona- ! ? 1001 in th? b' tory of I ? Praak Hak'-r Is suffering *"??? a ? r-re ? ment I loi 1 ' . rest to-morrow. Baker aas naaty ?? I p'.HT to-day, ? Donovan ? "rd bis'. ! work more than a ' ? PHILLIES BEAT CUBS SIXTH STRAIGHT GA?1? ?*"*"? - Tampa, 1-la , March tl. Th? ten ' delphia National? I? day won tl?' sixth straight gan.o from Um National? In th? i-pnng tl aeries. The scora Ont h t? at opport'.. ??' Tf**??'? ' for the. Phillies' * '? Th? C:> ' pre?er.ted a f*o- lOWhat ~BBg The ?core '??lio-*?; , riiiU4.iiK!.r?iM -v ? ; rni?am ?1 U , r - ? I ?**??*??' "*" ?? ?2! !' ' * ' ' "-filia. * ,?!.!?? ',,v ; -*? * ? ' ???? 1 ? -,. D . Ill J ? . P .. HI ? p . 1 0 u 9 1 _ ? * '?*.Mill"" ?I . ted trt A*?L-r? M-*? 1 a-J 1 . ? i : CM MO r 1 I ? -- Two ?... ?' .. ' *?*'&**??? r-?*. a? ' '"**"^,5, '* ' ' ' " ' - a'?!=? ' ti IW tat Bal ?*-",._, ?_, - ' ' >. ,vaT? . ?- I ? ; v".;*i*y a . *-' *-??*"?* I tt:j.'.-e Flu?nb-?n. _,. On Trail of the Golfers By PEED HAWTHORNE. ,?? -Scott will be the new pro fcaaiona] this summer at tha Muntclair Country ? lub, taking the place made vacant by the ?ieath of ;. Tom An (icrson. Scot! m. ? new du-1 tiaa wlthia tho aaxt few weeks, and will start to get things in condition as soon as he takes hoM. When tha rharg'ng of some of the holes on the course of the Sleep. lew Count!*] I . ?.*. Tarrytos - spring Walter J. will t, around and indicate wh??re ?iuld be placed, why a trap should be stuck here anil a green put there. The ci?.:b officials souirhtthe adv;c? ,.f r maater in this ami when the "ol?l man" has put tne stan.n of his approval on the completed eoarae, it is ?rife wagering that th?> Sleepy ? Circuit Will !??? up to the stand aid. I nos appnrentlv spr::? up . i Garden i ity \\ ay. and now the larg t . forth. The ?;irn ? s ieml publie Salisbury links, v ?mil ha ? ! .?on taKcti I ?*mrlpa-^enUelBb.haiaiij5J tha* another rci. C ??? u? that ;'31? thirty ? "??aC City. Thue 1 I ? ?iSS be tha hut. about whi h fear?*??" be gathered. Masaos I. Tarier. - ??f^JV the Ekwi \l 2 ehester. \ I . ' "JS for some of the : "^ ?t,k_a> son. 0? .! . -. i ? -Ik* ?to<? i for -h presiden! ' -.'..??1 '''" - ??h li" and ICth the * ; P *'? n er? the ?golf*** *""***?" pete. Ii ? '"i'-Ji members of - .A |? Golf A ',r a tW tional y O?* annual ?pi ? * ' ?? (, e four.! ''-f.? from April * trOtO? '?' is * for*** is aii I-..T. t r mer ap ai ? a'tl. ^ i OLD CROW RYE S^jij lieg l*. s Put. Of*. ^?SHSv .America's linrst lOJj |f) WHISKEY / W^j HAND MADE SOl'R maSH filVII STRAIGHT PURE RYE fe^u5| MADE IN KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^^ H. B. Kirk & Co. New York, I1 FrJ