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DENIES GAYNOR HAD BEEN NAMED IN BRIBE STORY Williams ?Says He Talked wHhW.llcox About Alleg? ed Offer to Barter Vote. B. R. T. HEAD STILL SHIELDS DEAD MAN Admits "Official" Could Be Identified as late Mayor. by Inference. ? ne. Timothy S. William?, ; ?lent of tho Brooklyn Rapid Transit ( ?cap-say, yc?torday acnin refused to give the Thompson committee the name Oi tha BSaa who called on him In the spring of 1 Ol 1 and told him I ? ? lbs rote of a member of the Hounl cf Estimate could b?' awung to the ? >-. H. T. lila n ho i ana on thu? ad ? i?S? i corrr Mr. Williams admitted talking about tho i SO* 1C. "Aillr-r two ?.? lluro? weohs ?tro. Mr. Willeoa at the timo of tho ?Jilted ofT?*r to bart? - . fry half a million dollar? was chairman of the l'ublic Servie mission. ?-. Wilico? followed Colonel lams on th? ?tand. lie denied Mayor Ga**Ba*r*a aam? had "-?? ?n mentioned la tho conversation. He 6l-o denied ?ti inter to him, in which ho war- quoted as saying Colonel Will? iam? said ho andentood Mayor ('aynor was in the market if tin? opportunity aro?.?* ai d mebody hint the price. "I do Bol ? "i?l Mr. Willeox, I "?hat ?my city official ??.- eoi rp or scandal." Thomixm .*t?k?i New law. Senator Thompson raid later he hit ! hired a bill In the Legislature I giving the committee power to compel ? tTata"?*a*aa to testify and to force the ?urrrndcr of books and pape unwilling corporations or others. The' bill ha? passed the Senate and i? now in the As?emb!y. "Mr. Williams," began Mr. Mo??, "do yea remember a conversation with Mr. Willeox, In which you mentioned th" call of a man upon you, in refer? :., ? ? your getting rid cf tho hostility of I Maya? <Jaynor for **..?'injoiin ?" "I wouldn't put It that Way," re "-. ? lama, "How would you put It*" "l had u talk about two 01 I re? ago with Mr. Willeox on ?uhwsy ; matters. Ho ?aid he ?l.dn't believe any man in the city government hud l ? ? I influenced by h corrupt consideration. I ag*i*eed a I think I tolj hin. trci era.;...- why I had doubt? about that particular in? dividual. Tho ir dividual ? name, a? I all it, Tva-, rut nent.oned." Gayaat Named by Inference. "Wa-n't the converpation such a? to make it relata only to th? Mayor"" '??hat infer? net? could be drawn from It" ?i fur th? name of th? individual who eai a to ?? j ai ory." I William? could an ?n view <>? ! W 111? ? him was dead, in justice to who ' dual subway con ?he name. Mr. wanted was . olonel ng: . "I ? - n an'? reputa ' r." William? Read" Statement. He was permitted to read the ta! a tho ? . ? ? i( .-. to whicb l ?? ? noi bad conn "And, ao far oi 1 know, th? continu ii;e of ? . to ha Iter. ? i:. I?..-.?? t?, Give Name. ? - ? ? .. ? farther ? .-aid: - which I am I ? ? - ???ad. "I* thia is an inv< r?iu?' . ? t The attitudo of tl ?' ' ? ? - ' ' - . oh St Shield? Name ?| |), ??? ?,,,,? was ' ? '? .? ? rar r . ?? We don't like it we've i would 1 ? ? Mi. ',', I. He b ; .;??! ? lipping from h;1- f* "I notice some of the i ? f> t?,a*. Coll iam?- said to me that r ?a? in the ma "Pport:. ? ' did, Id t il made it. I no would ma . ? general aubjeet. The man ? ms Mid. 1 ' permit make mrh I ?? wai ?. r .??"" a^rd StBaU I true." i reprove < w : ,ar at hi I Mr, lloaa. "Did ? ? llaaent from ?' V "No, and I would ??ay thai that anj citj oflleial was cor bribei ?? or scandal." Saturda; ?aid h<? might I:.??- heard the atoi from vou?" "I wont iaj ha dldl t I .arm t an recollection of r" \? -?. i... ? | "?> hearing ended, an -.? adjournmi __-?? THIS PAT TYPEWRITES NOTES IN DEAD OF NIGHT Dobbs Ferry's Ghostly Visitor a Fast Identified. Dobbi Perry, until jreaterday only ic manic : Waal . .i that it has 1" ? .??? i r <nr of h haunted typf wriur. A ghostly \i-?ttor uai ? r.jay to huve materialized from n< knew where each night for ?1 Itaelf before the machina > Ui orga I Qrlffln'i garage ',r?"? ' . i oi . ... - ? (?ufr'nt ? iia?> a piece of paper on th roller. Like erarybodj elaa who knew of th occurrences, John McKeon, u helper i tlio fcumge, wn^ greatly in, pri^-ed b letters that ?ppi'aro ?r the paper left in th he deeided to aolv remaining on i r.y. He remaii ed, hi tapping Of lire keys nnd r'i"h??d ii ? ? -, hand was vi?4?ble. bu land to ha\?' bei : *' a parer. . .. McK? ? ?ser ?* the machine. ,-v i ? h ? : ? ? ? etch, nervou A f??W ! elapsed when, without the ? teilt ? ire lo tap He quicklj ? ?ppi ar into a h oil the ????nier of the innpi. It ????at- a ra ". hlcl . sec ' Keen, was i as large as a cat id of ? r fund of curiosity! PSBORNF. HEARING GOES OYF.B Lawjara Fall In lind .Indue to Hear Weeks'?. Answer. FaMure to And a Judge who would hear the fttis?*.rr of I". ' . ? Vtornc-. Weeks to h*? order to show ca':?e wh? tha Immorality I barge ?gaill?t Wnrdei! Thomas tfott ('?borne should n * I ied pr?' ?? ? ? . this step In the ?'.so against the Sins ? 'day. ?? el Utoi ? M. J. Tiei .?! for Mr. Osbon a, and s of lawyers wenl t<> .fustic ?. Wl ta flair.?? m the a?'.crt:'.?,;. for a of the ordl I against tha prow :?-. Just ice Pial '. It u a hoped to 'nave an imni"d?a!f ?leci-:on. . - the ? eetioi ?? ^?. of Georgs <..?r,'on I acuse?! warden lawyer-? then win' to ?' .-. in Part II, who refused be? of his formar with Mr. Week himself ?a? Proseen! A I to I e chambers of Justice '?"on., ? . ed that he was ill an? .rt f?r tinued ?lay. had to the pond in?? i?, s 1 ? m whs illegally found on the uncorrol hear ? ?t?: "Men [ havi never : of, whose history or ? i It would be le for .?. ? I ?*ho might ap rat til i at the trial. rroboration would bo re?iuire(i of such f- v.? opportunity would be priver to r< fute such stones. ainl I might l ? confronted with a vile " ' ' if ?n ?ndictmin ' ? Is character ia go?,d in law i* will I i?r, after be p< *sible t?> indiel a | fl ? ' ? ? . ? f duty, a misde rat cc int charge h .:.: ?a ?I ? ? BOYS TO TRAIN AT FORT Military dab \ct* on Su|-gp'-tion of l.i'iieral Wood. I ? n .- ? .- lay afterni on a*. ? . i . .? I ib : "r Boys, a.-- ing on ? I i " ? ? imp ' ' ? ? ? .?ral Wood said he would tha pei ' e War ? -, ? ? - | ' ' ' ? . . r \ ging the resei ? ? KAHN'SBUILDERS STEHE U.,rU on Ne? I ounlr? BUM 1? Halted end Sheriff Placed ?,n l.uard. ' charlea I ? ? ' * ?. . t V ' Kahn, I ? ? . tor \ I hi rr-Hl ? ? i ? ? . render il by stril Iriki ?.-... ' ' I ? ?? r ti ?? ? .0 ?i . ? .... ? ' ? ? i.? eompaaj ASKS NEW LAW TO CURB P. S. C. Thompson Committee's Report Will Be Submitted To Legislature To-day. WOULD SHIFTCONTROL OF SUBWAY BUILDING Demands That City Be Co-Partner in Transit Enterprises. ? i ?on rornm itl ,. ? report s fes in the law: .?-. >e Com mi.?*ion of ? pow - ? Board . rs o f t h ? every eorpo ? or operating railroad ei f to ,. '..ic Servie? ' mers bj corporal - ? ? the det? Patting panics on of ? .? Puhl c 5 ? ???? ?net. Thompson's He? ommendalion?. The report, to'^r. work th?* eommittee I ? i se? on to dato, sel forth iti reeomn ei and thl ' mittee'a reas for the chantres il ? - - ?h?* transi"? r <?' . ? ! .? ?rice eommi ? ? i . ?i and i* a'i i nter] t ew York bj ? ? r k. "Tr - v reguli tc I . Uawiaa Coatra?rts \pnrnvcd. "The sdministn ? estren ? public ai i ' ? h widespread f? i ling of ? ? ? the diSCU ? I sit work, I . i ? I ? ' ransit I ? ! - ? reeomm? -, ? intractual relati. ? ? - ? ? ' 'v of ? ? I ? ? a . ary). Woald Limit I" S. C? I'oater. "Under I hate ?i slationa i ' for ? ? ? Th? city i er ike million?, of ird I . from - ? i l ? ? ? . I b. a i ? .i , ? ? ? at exorbitant nator Tl report, may i ? DUELLISTS SLASH POLICKM.W id? Interference Retreated, He Ear-capes b> Beating tssailaats, ? ? ? '? 1er, and cul ? attack? I lanec - Tha men ?":' ? ? them with f? Ri port Made JAIL DINNER HOST IN $3,000 HOLD-UP Police Say Two Helped to Rob Ex-Nicaraguan En voy and Guests. BOUND TO CHAIRS BY 3 ARMED MEN Arrests Made After Interpreter and Companion Move fron I kit to Neu Apartment. _ Aw? ?'.13 I - il . , former M iter to Nica? I ? of Torr? on, 3 ? ? t ? ?? three i al ? ted by ? , ? ?????_ , thrcn complied ?? 1 n, a gu< "410 and Jewell ?merica, ? ? ip men lark, , i they '? ' ???! of lb F ? , th? ? I ? ? the pai giv? 1 '. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . SAY GERMS LURK IN CITY'S MOVIF.S Inspectors Learn Only 77 \. V. ? heatrcs Are Well \ cntilated. ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? allot? ? I when ? ? : under I ? 1 to be ] ? hove '?-.. eon ' ??!'? ? ? : . - ? ? ' : I ? ? ' ' ' ' ' . th? ? ? i lie In ?OSES SUIT FOR ANNULMENT lea? her All?gea Wife'a Kir-t llu?b:ind I- N.,t ne--. i tea iy ii which the | E :? ? ? . \ ? ,::?i in * ? ? Hak - ? ? it, and thi ? have . . alive. : ti??t pas.? on a . . . . ? | fr?en?: MARCH BREAKS RECORD AS SUICIDE MONTH lia?, rakes Toll of 65 Victims ? lins i ar. with 7 Yesterday. moi * ? ? ? . I eath, ? ?," two I hi? ? eral i ? in, who had ? mployed, \ an, unein ? ? ? , ? e ? K, s Degree for Engineers ? of the ' I have ?? - ADVISES $25,000 FOR YOUNG THAW k\ ferce Praises Character of 17-Year-Old Son of Edward Thaw. YOUTH HAS TENTATIVE INCOME OF ?$36,000 Breaking of .Mother's Will by I. E. Young Would Cost Him S.i.OOOa Year. referee, ra* ? ?ator? an allowance ???' |?~t>, K)0 a la a oui I for the education an 1 maintei anee of I ao r< : ion of i B. Thaw, half-brother of Harrj K. ' -a Pi nia " ? i a I ' i , ? ear. Und? ? ement between ? er wi fe, made in 19 ? eattsd. from which i*ho wat to have the In \ ? ... .' , ? be In .oung Thai, , uieipal \t: The amounts to |20,671 of i i ? maternal grand? ' - ? r about re. Thia ai l outcome of I a ? bv I'rivi-'r ? ?-. I.. th? i" ?. in, Am. If 'he me from i will am? tat to \-lat ?27,000 h i ear. Frank G. rurner, pe?era! guardian i Surrogt :e ? f?ir . ilia schedule of the tie* v..i ? : Rent ' !. $12,.I; I ' I ? ? . [1,500; ? | pea ared Referee Me? ?? I, -? ?h af ng in the hou.i i by In, mother at the time of '? ., ? t of which is .sivh ? n '-. run. ?!ii ' . ? i il a : : t?^ecjL ?w?<M Rainproof Spring Overcoats $15, SIS 8 $20 (?anneals which have more style than you'd expect for the prices* WgBatt?Ood t*PL ? ?AIL-lvJf? REISENWEBER'S ON THE CIRCLE Continuous Entertainment \ SMASHING RK? HIT! ?HELLO. H0W-?RE-Y0U?" NEW SPRING BEAUTY REVUE SPECIAL DINNER, $1 BEEFSTEAK DINNER, $1 2S I \ l ?, , PORTION IOOKKII I') i?l{ m u it \\??i i.i. run \ i i din. m ii- ni i; -ii i i \i i . CAVANACH'S 258-260 WEST 23RD ST. FAMOUS FOR ii? ? '?I'M. JEWISH WAR SUFFERERS' BAZAAR i Ml P. M. UKOOKLY \ I) I) TO DAY Lexington Ave.-46th St, a- ?J . ? I -?la SONG RECITAL CHARLOTTE LUND ?Mi nal i ?. riiisi i ?- i m \ rais \f?.. ,? RECITAI. MAX HEINRICH ??Um??,? ?m? ??i., ifsjtr. Kaafcs !?>.,,,,.. METROPOLITAN ; A*l val? l< OF OPTRA. I - '-ml.' ?"*?? K ..??:?? ? - i ?;.??' Rlaoletto. I' ? " -??'.. 4 I? ''* ? ...-? V ? I .-Irl.rt. ?,, ? BEGINNING MONDAY. APRIL 3 ?* , DIAG HI LE F F ' S fcf BALLET # RUSSE ?*ii> \?-,.ll.i,i Hall, Iriilu? VI. Man h II, at 4. i i < ii t;i: m ERIC FISHER on the BATTLE OF THE MARNE Henry A. Wise Wood IVImIaik el tni?.r-:il Nllltarj I riainln?. hail I?-? nee *?. ?tl tl ' PADEREWSHI CASALS s , run ii ibmomi <>?< in n i te \ lll-l | -I I. \**?la 1 I ..ll.III. Ii.r. ^i.ntu? . m r i . ?.?ni? , .?? KREISLER . ?.HIV ?It APHIt . ?- I? I V I - \ ?,,ll.?rl III nul of I?, ?tllllle Mn?i. Lui.. ilii.i. I.M. Ii.r?. Mn?n ?.lii.l.-i.l. of ..II ? ? lalltle? mm ? In Henna 1 WAV i| '. ?! tn .1 ? ? M -, . n THF SI' P PING S?ONf ' KMICKERBOCKE FRANK KEEN AM MARY BOLAND 1. ..h n: lioll HAMBOURG I n t t: t *> s i \ \ ? i i i i s i Il I. M- I A .Inn.-. Maxine Elliott's ' '. s ?. ? NIGHl kH^^^?f,iai;>>ii ?SHUBKR? !i ^ . " iSiT^iLOijffliiri?ia l-r. v II - V W l.r Min? T?.-.???t . Urook? Mofllaau lu,. I YWIC ' ? I '?? Lin'* ?*!??< POTASH & PERLM?TTER P^I*WW??S*A: expensive elothing for him. tra ? ' hin around th??- world. ??i*d I K?jt.ora! j-j\4' him every advar.' - ? affluence. ,i\en Tha* I. ?md I hsracter. "?The eommonplaee sequel would * tha deatruction 41t tha baVa ehara ta , .,. not baca tha caee. I1 ,1 meat favorable impi on nil with whom ha has ?coma la <*oti in this impression I shan fi ?:. modestly self 1 judgment l'4-yoiul r.i ? **Thla youth, who has mail?- ata at?. nar in hia h ? ?. ? ? , a ?,, himai I expenditure of mona] II?' is -?ntit'.?l ?.,. tha homo etteb .,.?*,.. ? . motha and the <??>ni[,ii' ai d matura ;? 1 ? ? . ? faithful frlaada in wl 1 .losotiori sha ha - I by 1 x*?*-r 1 - I and B. C. Jonea, auparlntandaw of the New Vorh Mi tar* Aeadei rail, N V . which Thaw stl before Ral ?-r?>e HcCloakey that Tim?*- raor-j . 1. goo .. "II?? never had any a .\ 01 extravagant habit-?." said the col ? BARNET BAFF LEFT .$82.721 Eatate of Murdered I'nuit r> Dealer l.oes in \\ id,?w and T'4iur ( hililren. Barnel BalT, the poultry dealer, ??ho - lied by aaaaaaina on November 24, 1914, nt Waat Waaaiagten Market, left mi o.-atato valut'?l at ?182,721. The appraisal of hia catate, filed in the ? its rday, K.wi the ? Mr. Bat? left 1 I, and hia e??tste ? . 119,270, three sons snd a da ugh? ? ..?o viiar,. \. as srt.:;:: each. His ?' B. Ha'T & Sen ? .- * ? ? LIQUOR AND TAUN?T MADE HIM A SLATE, Man Who Pleads Guilty $,- ? Was Inspired to Cnm?^^ How bad I '*'T.?r... ' ?.oon ?-?^* drove |t( thii-?v^ ?K:**,t : ' ?''-.m,t7<5 * prerae Co wit???J pleaded y i I illeeTe? 5i against wfl Ju* J* A ? ? ? ? . ? had quarn - ; ?f, V***t a hootblack. at Th : a _., **.'? t) f???.ir;li S*r??'.?' * "tifSf'' ?ver the price ?a* * hit 1' ? ? . an.1" I . ? ??.... | "! had I?? ? . a ''a-' " " " [JH.1 drink?, when he ?a* me dii?u?y revolver a . v -j^JJJi a deput) sheriff ..,.,, *"> . lie got me drui ?. and ??hen toli^"l ?H' a ?*..\?.ar.l f 1 . ? ? f0'1",,l and shoot a man he ? me. He near bj.a- ,, ? ver wa? , and flred. The ma' f?|j .i?,,j>?'^,l Main?? Society to Put on f\.. Thrr?- ?1 Of J_ people in S< ? ?j-,"*' ? ?? ; . '. ?? ? . . . ?. ' Vorli ??- ill put ? ? Mr Bob." ? JI_* m ttt forn mce Ge o. C.Flint Co. R...J. H orner. Co. ' SUMMER FURNITURE IN EARLY ENGLISH DESIGNS I ?over? of furniture of parly I.n-*!ish rirsi?--! dre invtted to tnspe? t our many beautiful example's of Jacobean and William and Mary Permd Styl?**, which are now on exhibition at extremely modera!" prt? r?. Impressive simplu ity, sincerity of design and the decor.ttive v.ilue of the "old oak'' and walnut ' mak* these pieces particularly adapted lor the summer home ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND DRAPERIES. 'lint 8 Homer 20-26 West 36th St New Work m i\ \?Kh-> 1 1 nus?. riii.vri'i> am> ?1 ? ? ? EMPIRE TLfMh.V NEW AMSTEROArn ELSIE FERGUSON ,_ . 7? MARGARET SCHILLER | fee in f?tWXP RIO GRANDE 1 .: 1 ? A '??. r.'l VI M? A'* IIHRDEB I. AUGUSTUS THOMAS r> ,n . n. lava a . . ? AfTfBTH" PI AV V'VTf-,..,..-,? c GAILTY . MRS. FISKE ,- a at*. 4 I ? l.f? ?attn ?f Kalahari tirstwhile -usan LYCEUM mi ? KAT emphatic ?ucccsa.' I he Heart of Wetona Qin COHAN'S \.' ? ' " IVIItziin POM-POM . .,, , , ?1* . .-,-1 at netmty ?lM ??? ??-."-w.-n CRITERION n\wuw ' - Allen s Cr? t?9 MELODY OF YOUTH ^...-V. : ? - - 1 inr iTV ? HARRIS .; i ' ?ran?ii?iizn LONGACRE " " HUDSON . *mmmfflP the Cinderella Man CANDLER ? ???? ???.T - ? * ~ tim,s nil A?rn _ai!i?i:i.iiL?*ai;i*?He^?Mi I"**?*??. :?;?.; ' "^M"'.^?-^ THE BOOMERANG ASTERP1ECE ASTOR . f?4mi?aW?&Wel KL.irUir REPUBLIC THF M I u R t A . LIBEKTY JULIA lANOCRSON ? ? - ? S YBIL n ?M*X i aa i i . matineeoailV '", * $|.|) HIP-HIP HOORAY ? | S( SUNDAY *;niK_ Il H I *ta.|S?,T*l M 101 ??* ' OHtHISrR? M - '1*M1 PflDT lil n v UUII I <*//i?*c f?UW0l Ut?p? STANDARD -on triai;' PLAYHOUSE ,: Begin i" MORION NIGH1 GRACE GEORGE 111 II?,* I II aHAWS CAPI IRASSBOI NO'S CONVEISION" Soa. Tl>??tr? ttttt? It n 11" I Inr r?ri? ir- ??? I. I ?, It? I Lou-Tcllcgcn m 'A King of NtwMft' urn ??! mi* KATINKA 48THST. v ' JUST A WOMAN THE FEAR MARKET BOOTH . "... 5 WTWS!? PAY-DAY PRINCESS ,,, VERY GOOI) EDDIE 44'" " "nviM 44 BEG. WED NIGHT A?.?| CLUNES BALL M | || |> IK"? I un i m i *T?a NEXT THURSDAY MGHT ' \ i i h i ii<? ; m isiee, ri. m i - H H r muh >. HOaa ii*?i? ALACE ?? "5 P _ a I? ARK ! "?JiVS? WILLARD-MOKANk: B^ii'i\"i.'M!;taB3i; V** ' ' a <l* .ewes*.*' s i ?? * h ii\ t>. i ? sil QBiki-:.>si'KI- isiAV strand' "W MstWk.: U '? "' '***n^