Newspaper Page Text
.???avow?1.? or It wa? soggeste !. ?Ipo ' man hat an effort might made Vnited Rtal ? ?nu'.ii ake I thi? communication would he was i .ifrtre>t*i!. ? e . .??i be i ??pen for a few da) ? mere' .- ? ! The r : irk? for thi and Germany. ?-.<? thai ai - ? A State ?'im.hi th;* afttrno?>:i whether d ?.? ould be reu . he taken in the Su??e? that "circulai dence is boat i A may mist ? . , I that < Iia will avert s ? ?. e .' Pr?sident. Ha declare ilenee wa when It was .ulil ; a? once, aiul would he a bl wi t ho a t ai ".t th? - ted. 1 l ? - ? . ';nn, as it v . do at ? McLei 1 lou ? t be with th? tunity ? ition. ? . I? recog? no re? .i or < th? pi ill rece- ? "teat ? ri\e s.???* r? t ? ? Consular npirit?. ali?ad who hftv ?II til ! he ?depart nu nl mini. ? ? i. . ?. . ? luch <? ' a!. ? lie owever ? \ , I i iatol, Engl 'ornm ? ,,ily a? ows ; . Livci ... ? seven \ laid." 1 \ who were . ? ? ? ? - - 1 ?ep.; | ... ?? public 156 ?Scandinavian ?Ships Sunk Since War Began ? ? ? ? TURKEY NOW DENIES SINKING THE PERSIA ? ? W.i- ".lui. h l~i .- mtormeci the st it? Department to-day thai 1 *r submarines 1 ad notliin?/ lo do with the linking of the P. and 0. line.- Persia. Delay h. intwering the two Ameri ran inquine is explain? 1 by the lad that the Amencan Embassy't < ible message, sent Mau ii M, lavai "rinel ?en days ?,ri the way. I lie reply ?leclared that 1 urkish ?ubmarinc ? om ruanders were under in?'ruc? tions to By the Ottoman ?lag when attacking. ? .?? m in) ?nd Auitn i en? imilar disclainen two months ago. Strong ciiciira itantial evidence makes the .State Department pract'cally certain that a torpedo de? stroyed the vessel, but there i? no ?????iv ol fattening the guilt on any one ol the (. rii ? It has I K ... ?. It 1 . a be? ?! suhmaii' ? theii ? ? ? i The " rota! NTorwegian tonna?*? amounts l S.000, oeil kronei r thi value.! price cO'.irta ha?, e ? valued at 10,000.000 kroner. One hun Swedes h-. ? their TEUTONS THREATEN SAL?NICA DRIVE dims Active on Whole Iront \iiics Skeptical. March ' l . atche? from actions .]? rf ? g-out opera! by Bui ana, a?e ai ttaeh ?-,?.n- I ?1 ! ne of the \ ' I ? . ? ible gor is being displayed - - ??.! en ? at in both ... ?'1?re is h belief that ? ? di ?ve the '? - has begun. ? re, while ?he im g arii\ ity of Germa i ? ; not ed, then . il conviction erie ' tend to ?? rapture ?>f Sal?nica Addrc- by Brander Matthews. "he *th- and ??sin the ? i v \ ? and Letters will be ?? Mattheraa, ? **e i raditioi a," a? I ISt 1 ortl rir.<-' ?on, March ock. 'I he publie It invited. Smart Clothes $19.50 vrOT MERELY $ 19.50 clothes, but *** clothes of character for this money. Stylish, clean-cut-, dependable suits and over? coats of the vintage of 1916 for men and youna men. $19.50 is not an arbitran* fig Urs. It representa it price based on "Three-Stc e" ft-syfo? Post*-, a fact tW bus?MM mt?n will instar tlv appreciate. Suits ?S? Overcoats embodying .h?lstest style ideas of the Master Clothe? Desiffnera of New York and copying their line? to a ?etgree which will surprise you. Others $18.50 to $50 > ?roadway and 33d Street. U-BOATS SINK 4 SHIPS IN DAY i Manchester Fngineer.from Philadelphia, Founders While in Tow. ELEVEN WFRE KILLED ON THE MINNEAPOLIS lit run Declares French Irans? port Strikes Mine in Mediterranean. bfarch 27. . oui reported to-daj ti tank h- German U ho?'- Wtlt the Bn*i?h ?teamer beater Engineer, the French at< i Hebt, the !'?; itieh ihip ' erne tni . :'.?h carrier Khartoum. Nine i. ? ?i The ertWI ai? reported '? h*ve : bren lost Il ? ?nnoai i ei. 'hat eleven ??? ? were kiilcri when the British Iteei ?apohi. formerly ?a the Ne*? York eck in tue Me?ii'errai?rnn. A Lloydi diapateh fro? Malta, date?! March 24, ??>*?.* the Mini capo was * -, nen, who a Bi tiah ite nit ? i n L? neer, from rniiadelphia Matr-ii 11 for Mancheiter, has beta ?unk, acca *.o informa' ?On rrcrrvrd hv ! ere? were taken aboanl a tug The ( entrai New?. ?ay? that the Man gineer '?a- i?,r;odocd today I by a Germai lubmarine, l* .a?r' I : that the reaael arai set badlj ai aged, bal ?he feaadtrtd ahila mak ,ng for por* in tea , The ateamer carried a general raigo. Including K'.OflO pounda of moat. : ? ? ' of wheat an?! more than !" galloni of lubricating oil. She had a .-? of J.-i ; .-nui .>?? of ('nptam Smith. The French iteamahip Hebe, 1,494 the Brit teai in Cerne an.' tiah I ? ? er Khai tourn r?' Hull have been ? ? erewi of t!i<? Jlfbr an?! Cerne have bee?? lan<lr?l. l?n members <>f f he ere? of ihr i traiHTi hare been ? a? e,;, bul it ia feared the remaining e mei ? Lie) thai the Ri atoan? I eeilia, the linking of which wai announced --???r.ia id a | cargo from Portland, Me. Bei March 27 by -in'-Vv to Say ',.?!.? ttheni that a French oai rr\ ha?i atruck a mine and ?unk. -? ? r ? -, three pei :"i ? being r? aajra the Overaeai Newa Age ihr foregoing may refei to the link ng < the ?ril ? M ineapelii on Wednceda] la?* in th<? Med tern '?r?>rt?>?! yeiterdoy from Maraeillea. itinneapolii araa beliered te t>e in the govei ment lervice m Mediterrei ran tratera, l'be Ma- ei Ic report said ! that the Minneapelii .,?ed. GERMAN BOAT LOST AFTER BRITONS' RAID Torpedo (raft Fails to Return to Kaiser's Fleet. Ion, March 27. *t German tei pede boat ii miaeing .?ince the nop ghi followed the Britiah arr rmd Saturday morning on (?crman avi ... ?.?.?i; IIo! sfoin. ?<-i?or?i:r.<- to an official Gorman <.?,-. ed h.rrr i.?. wireleae, ? hirli - Rngliah nai a! aeroplane attai ? North Friaian roa-U f;n!f-,| com I-" armed t hing ??'? amor? ? . liah veaaela. Our t.-u?; aeroplanei at i t!?r ?ngliah naval i'ghting forcei and lueceeded in ?coring h num , rieual) damaging a naval ?fhi ng for ?? ml :(-?? we ic * ?mmedi I ?te!v. <?'?'? a 'r \ to'pr?lr? i.,.??? ramo 1 .. ,th thr retreating enemy night of M?rrh ' One of theae torpedo beata h?*? net yet rr . turned " TORPEDOED. SAY i EIGHT ON SUSSEX Inntlniiril from \\nt? 1 York, ii In a hospital a* Dover, ???? cording to ? dispat? from thrrr. We 1? badl;.- Injure? I I will probabiv recover, All rectal?, of the disaster ?{iva R-rca' praise to a young French naval officer ?vho walked up and down th<* deck of the SU'.'C? e-rci.'jra^rrc ihr pa ISC?I cr.? with aaaurancea that thr ves?el would not aink. Ho ?:.<iu?-ed many peraeni to rriuain aboard instead of into the sea. The sur-.-?-? ft 'lally ajieo tha* American i ibowed s:.?a- -? se.??i??-.., in many cases -.,.?? own chances of .?aie'y m faw.r ?,f wom ? - m-id children. Apparenl ? d WOald have born complote had not the net been calm and had the r? plojion not occurred at the how. Raft .?pllced with Necktie?. Moat of the lifeboa's were ?o crowded that they sank almoat to the water's edtre. and c>n?equcr,tly ??hippo?! water. Samuel Bernia reached a lifeboat, bul ?, .*? ?? when " became <> erload women and childior He *??". te a n '??a'cd about rr,r ?,,,,,? tim? until ther raft, ?.;; wh ? h ????*? a They iplieed tha raft? 'ogcthei I with their necktiei and -?.\'-?J a num? ber of persons who were ?till in the ? Mr. Hem.? arrived in Pan?? in mocas? sins. \{e aid ha luppeae : were floatiri^ somowheir in the i ban Bel i'ne of the women lurvivon ?t?te? that two Iliebelte were wrenched from h? r hv mea. An American gava her a ? "I he calm fur?-? I - . minil of Captain Mouffet Ailed w,tb admiration." .?-aid Mme. Wiser I Ver indem, a lurvivor, whoae bnabend i ii at tiie front. "Although badly hurt Ihimeelf, th;? line French ofl?eer worked I without ceasing for the lafety of the I paaacngOia. While giving orden he I anawered all thrir aueotiona, ?diiing ? i r,?aksurmg word, ?leclaring that th? ; ?hip WOald keep afloat and ad laing ?11 ?the fell tha' they had ?ufticient cour? age to remain al.??ard "Ihr In?t Of the DO! ? p to leave the Suaaex for the Mari? i eren ? ? ?1 Bntmli officer?, 1 m line on the dock '?' tl ? iiaei and saluled I iiptain Mouffet, wh?.. r? ted, *??>?? '?irnnia: o'-rr command of I thl ? I ?r? to the firit of**ir?r. arid the) | _? ? *iii?e ringing ckffen .'or him.'' NEW BIG U-BOAT HAS 80 IN CREW Copenhagen, March 27. -- A German submarine, .?ays the Christiania correspondent ol the "Politiken." bigger and speedier than any sub? marine previously teen, and carrying ? crew of eighty. hai appeared off Ltsire. on the southwest co,i?t of Nor? way. 1 h? ?- iptaifl sent a wi,el?ss mei ige that he hid to*pe doe'l the Norwegian birk Lmheld on March 17 and had taken the crew of thirty ?.i. the submarine, where he kept them for four day- and then transferred them tj die Norwegian bark Silas. GRANADOS WROTE FIRST OPERA AT 31 "Maria del Carmen." in 3 Acts. Produced ?n Madrid in 1898. ? A .? ? er I' : i is nor !.??? ? ?? get i ? .? nfi i/ nf Enrique ?ihn im* nr II r > , ?.i. il , r ! i r *> \g\ ? I He and i ft a t belit ed to . rl i H? H E. KBEHBIEL. leere et hii ? BHOforte I ' i "fort by G th? nsrne of the composer is piven ?? Enrique Granados To t*>c him th? . el ? o' bis patronymic in full, he ??>? ? .-.'led Knrii|u? tirana ; I .?.mpina. He was born at L?rida, ? a'a '.'.. 1 ?i'.T. a'nl rer?1 ? from Juan - - " . la h ? da] a man of considerable repate thro ich ni?t and earn * - and Felipe Pedrill, a compoeer and ?chalar, bob professor of musical history ?nd ??? thetirs a? the Conaersratory of Madrid twenty year? old he . 0 Paris Bad entered the piann ?if Charles de Herri.? I I ?err rir'.ier '. 1899, his tir.?* otieii, ei "Maria del ? ai man," in three i rard at the 1 Theatre in Madrid. A corresponden? ? "I he Muaical ? of 1 andon, wrote to that journal that it "produced quite a sensation alike among amateur! at of the original liou neas ?nd dramatic power I i? t'ai, ?core." In IPOS ? port an of ? i?rcond opera,' ? rfoi m?d a' Barcelona and a l vu ii the rap? ei tory of 'he opera hou -??? in the ? 1911. Meanwhile he hud com ? nl ? number of ? or?. ?. including ?nie poem* foi ? del Mor?'' end "Dante" : the CI -carro '?rche.?tra last November), a trio for. p snoforte ai : . ? itring quartet , number ol songs and p?a oferte I ? the latter ? ere the i ailed "?oj hieb bacame ? he ?. . f the opera of thai name, and were introduced in America ? ? Schelling. opera had he? n accepted for i? ? ? | b) 'he (| rector of the (jranil Op? ra of F'ai is, in the sea 1914-1! ? ; i b* g OBt of thi war. which has n? I if?. !? - .... attenl an ? Mr. Gs ? ( a representativ? ( n hi? the pel n of Sortants Boi . b< . ? pi p? i formai Metropolitan '?cera House, Sefiorit able to finir this soa , ? - given to " - I th? opera had iti ice oi? Januar* ZS, hem?, coupled bIIo'i "Pag . The composer had eon ? 'o New Vor? ?o h"' ; Il E prod r' "'i O? 'he Oper?. . r err,?n?l" Per |ue| "Goyescas" had four mure. performances, three m the Bnbseription season and ob? b* a papular night its companion piece?, alaee il i m short op?T?. hf'Pf "i avallarla Kusti car a'' and the (ierman "Hati.el ui.d i,.i tel." ?r Granados had hcr-? tt-e'i Intro before he On November 8,1915, Mr. Gogor a -.. | three of h al a recital ?\'. i ? Hall. 'in January 10. I Mr. Schelling played lome of h - ? I room, and ?>n Sund? afternoon the coi played ?oino ?,- hi.? pianoforte piccei ar i ?o-m pieees for ptai of? rt? and vio? loncello, with hiaeoBnt.rjrmaB.Pabl? ? i? ?ai?, a' 'he Ritz-Carlton before the So ths friends of Muaie. He was heurd in public a' a recital of his music eh he had the help of Mil He v ?'?? ei "wctcd to ?i the eoneert at Carnegie ll?ii for t'rr bi nefil of ?tudents of the -, Btoire on March I 5. He did not t the concert, how? ever, probably becauss Bt about the ? me he rcrr-,-,... ? .. ,)n to I play ai the White Boas? in Waaaiag? ten. He had already ?ccured passage ; for htm?elf and wife on a Spanish I I ?teamsii-.p. and th? invitation caused . hiffl considerable embarrassment. Added to h:? desire to play a* the home, of the President of 'he I'nited Btatei wa- the noUon, probably, that I .?* something like a rnya! command. At any rate he con? cluded ? 'i ? anee! h i? engagi -..??? paaaage 01 the Rotterdam winch something like ? fortnight ago, ithdrawn from service b<*cau?e of the fear ?if tnc Holland Ameritca Lias officials that sha night as a victim of a German subma Ai i? known, th? Rott? ' reached port safely and it was on th? ??'. boat that the composer and ? leal th? r lives, if the report? 1 of the;? death ?re i ??? SHACKLETON RESCUE PARTY ORGANIZED Hriiish t?) Send Relief Expedition to Icebound Explorer. lOB, March 2". At a meetm?; held today in I BBOeti"*? with the Shackleton Itatarctic expedition ? ? decided to take immediate -teps f? oriratn/.aiK.ri of a re'ief r ? Ii ploroi - I? ft at Root Boa. I ? ???. end '., \\ eddell >fi will be ,\.. | ri.J.-.l ai ??mil ?, the ?hip I'.ndui ?lice, i'havCk!?tO** pait'. lOUth, i? spok-n and it l? knovtn Ahether . ? B ij on b.ji?id. B?LGARSSAY?.S. ATTACHE IS SPY The Prosecutor Appeals Against Couche, De? spite Acquittal. EINSTEIN'S MAIL OPENED AT SOFIA WaUhintfOfl Without Neus of Difficulties of Officials in Balkans. iie!aye?l , Th? entered an appeal in ank v Conche, o' vache of the American I ega ? ? a eharge of espionage. It that Mi. Couche will be permitted to lea ?? 1 ? a new trial. Mr. I nie Murphy. Ami -, - ? a Mr. 1 an iv.? ,i?n on h'a I Salon- v ?? ?t a.. I gai an border to ? . ? . ich would enabl? ? ? border. H? i sa d to have ?30 ' and SO0 rai ? different oc? casions. Mr- ? it know 1 s Bulgarian mc After he hoarded a train "oi ;. i . " . ? ? ig to the effort i of Mi M r, Mr. ? ouchc .i tried in ? ei% il instes . ? t. Al . ?? the statement wa i made ? h a ? ?i,.eh?-? liberation *?s due 'o ? - sire of the Bulgai fo ter good relat ? ? papei ? letter to Lewia I I aid I tein'a position still mure difficult ? ? ?? th? Hile.? rian en ? iis i ad few d? M r. nainiy Mr. Murphy. <" igo ' ? ties ga?.der? that all of Mr. I Ir. Murphj ' ma i b Mr. Murph? (Vasl ngton, March at? D? ? ? ie "tmericai I ? gation of Bucharest up to la t Augu t, ? . rair.g th* ciiaice of i.. ? ess ?Bull r-- ' mail of Spaeial "ageni la ftrat inl ? , ?! the Amei le i ier t of i lie- veen its agent and the h . g .is. Mr. Einstein, by birth a Mew Yorker, aen '??"" many years in the diplo? matic service ?,f" 'he United ?? . rar' ? of the '? i?rld a i ?I it was be - he .-i peeially acquainted with ?he Balkan countries that he ?? leet? ? ? tat? Department to go to Sofia. Though nominally under tl.? care ?f the M ?a- I Hulear?a. American interests ii Sofia were belie? ed quire the attention of a ?peeia! dipto .-:. ? e of the ? communication between Sofia an I re the minister makes dquai tere, ? , , g power had anything to lo with Mr. I ' - "i f',r ' post, although at es l two of the ? government? did request the State D partn ent, which '? ad ai turned ehargo of their inter? Bulgai ? to *? ? d ;? i experienced and capable represent to 1 ' ? - . ?. ONLY 107 ENLISTED FROM NEW YORK CITY Mexican Rccratttag Proceeds Slow.) i in Enlist in ?state , - l. ,r?a i 1 V.-, . March 27. The ' He? report.? only IJ I from the da'e of the f*. ? sace b) ' ongreas of ?he resol ad the arm . to Merci her of a pi X this waa G i ; ap? plied durii | tl ? first ' Reports ' r< ? ' ? " - \ ? men hai ?? appli? d for enll ?.?', bei N e w Vor ? It i ppl i r a t i oi in; acceptances; Albany, tion? a? i - accept tai . Buffalo, 11*2 applieationi a?..I S3 acceptances, i I Syraeu?**? 17 ?pplicatioaa and '?'. eeptanees. \- the pi --'-? ? rat? of enlistme ? ? , the ZO.tWQ ?? .i Itl 01 ?? I. RELIEVED FROM DUTY BY WOUND IN FOOT Ry T?'?raD'. I '' ? 1.1 Paso, Tex.. Much 27. With a badly wounded ton', and very weak and pale, Theodore Bou I . ? n pal . K, i?ith Infantry, arrived nt the be i hospital at Fort Bliss thi? afti from "aomewhere in M? Private 1 His com panions who brou? I it of Mexico would not l the a lent. R? port had reached the border that h pi i ii? of the 16th Infantry, ei ?? heal i and duet of the Ion?; march aero.?? th? I de?ert. had ?hot himself in the foot Itl it i ? ' fhl be ?ent <'Ut of Mexico. METHODISTS FLAY DEFENCE Expre*? Horror at I'rire F(|,ht and I'rai??- i lean Adverti'ln-,. Peekskill, N. V.. March 27. The ? enferei re of New fork went on record this me ;a* totally ?-.j---..?.-?? i t'> all prepon ?r and against all warlike prepa , ration, except t'.u' t ceded to protect. sak and helpless. This re?olution ??a? adopted in connection with the ?p. ;Proval of the report of Chancellor J. R. : Ha-., of Syrac we ! Diversity, on thu stH'.- of the counts j After ?pressing their "refrret and horroi " a- t; ?? \\ ?Uard-Moran b? ring tion: ?Where?-,. There i? a growing ten press ? il I ins? bever-tj-e.*. "Resolved, rhal ?f commend [action on the pan of ?ditora and put*? I Ir-he r? ai ! ?. . nnmend that our people Igive prefer? nee to these period lending their influence to the ? reform?." ? aril < ta ere ??'"' ted to I ? ? sn Die Re? ?. a l Lord, . re ? eived. ?1! ratos 116; \? ? S : G Da I he R? Ft. L. 1 ras ? a Its ' . the Rev. J. M ? or mjh. I?., confortae? meet, again te-mot ro* tiiomin-f, ?ben ihr appointmenl Mill be icaii. I _ _aiivertisi:mknt.__ In "Splits" as Well as e| Regular Size Bottles ?jj-wp 3 j??P and Stout fSt^^T \i?pl< i" N*?are?l Dealer ALLIES CONVENE IN WAR COUNCIL Envoys Discuss ?Military Situation and Economic Resources. Parii, ? I ' i'** of \ . the moat imp >rt began a".>n <>f the tvffl where other hutoric ?? ? ? hi . Dccuri ??'?? No previoui rever, been of sutil i, t or hai been a'? ? ' figure? -i! '.'urair?. ? ' ?. i pi ?bable ?... K ? tener, itenant - ,. I.??lierai I | G era R ?A.,- ,i. iiter, ? nee. I the miniitr* I I -rrnoon . on of ? .norme resources of the Allie , "i\ here Peace .San. Il?scuased. The around the table at wl ice U i were discuaaed at ?? of the i?panish American '' \ ? ? . . i are th< ??on Hour Ce?, ?. Hiniater ? tho n portfolio; i\?, mi* - Briai d preaid g? admiral l acaac of Mai ine, ?n?j (?en oral JotTre. \ ? the other end of the table, feeing the Freneh, are General Sir William Robert f of the Bril ? lira?! quarter! .?*!;?tT; Premier .?-alandra, of Italy; Tomi Italian Anbae? lador a* Paria; Baron Sonnino. Italian -, and General Count ? f of the Italian Qeneral line the Oilier -.?de. M on g I. Vouvanovitch, Dr. M. ?.. Veinitch, ince; 1 ?! Glliniky, c Ru aaian v France; J i hagae, ea Portugueae Pre nier, k, Mataui, Japaneae Ambaaaador to i ranee, end General I lalli a fact ng l \ Thomas, French Secretar) of ? ? ? for Munitioi . leated nexl I Bourgeoia; Julei i imbon, general ?ei Frei ? ter of War; ? '. Belgiai Foreign " t? r; General MTi< ?ih r naquit Sir Fi :?? rl ??. Britiah Amba *?? France; ! r Kdward Grey. B I iter; Dai id i lot d George, ? Minist? - crel ?:?-. of St ?< tor War SQUANDERS $300,000, GOES TO JAIL A PAUPER Shrepshead Motorntan Won 1 ortttllC Of Rares 12 Years Ago. i are!? i : eara ago "I uehy I ?? I, a motortnan on the Sheep!? : ? ad Bay line, thi ? ? ?reara old, ectaculer -plunge on the racetrack. Ye-'-r.lay ha came. before Jual ? ? -. premal .re ? ? - icken and a eonfeaaed "' ' ' ? | : ' *ai?l ??m I ?hall not. [believe iu, and that ? ?? :? ou [ will tend you to th ? peniti Dtiarj for an indeterminate I term." - ?nd'l 9 '*? and '.hree children ADVERTISE^ENT:_____. |_ADVERTISEMENT CHARGE PURCHASES MADE BETWEEN NOW AND APRIL hi BILLED mT t ti/ so* see ? - toa ?fiith??ornur. ?* *6*.- ~o a?? srS. Cm?/iaoivZe^-tn??i^ (Jlipntt? ?JioW?na S ?iM%rlsJqshio?]S IN QoshimtS ?)cdik'Ur of cloth &-silk di?dSdcn?-'dres$ Ufkr/ioon 6 oOminqGo^ns ?iii?cn&$Mch Cpocks m AND ^ty^J^M^MJ ? e found last nicht in a tumhle-dow house in Hemmer Street, Bronl l.n. She was heartbroken. She r? called how lier husband cam* home th ght of hi? lucky gambling strea h'ld announce?! that he bad won *4 shaking die? >" a r-aloon. Thst ws.s th beginn ng of England's career. He in -,.-.,I hi? $40 on a 10 to 1 ?hot at th i?hea.l Hay track. He won. and i month* be ha.I ?aagcre.I seven I red thousand dollars. A? the m of the racing searon he had made "3"'?. 000 When ne wenl broke several year ??,-0 i.e bcj-a drinking. mm .?a? ? $500,000 MILITIA BILL NEAR PASSAG? Si nate Ready to Enact Mobili/a tion .Measure Any Day. - a Hefl i (lf?IO?Ol|?M of Th? Tribun? J Albany. March 27. To further facil ir-t'e th?* mobilization of the nationa g.iard of the ?tete, ?hould it be calle? on by the Federal go- oniment fnr ?er ?.ice along the burder or in Mexico Sonata? Sage i'.trodu-ed to-night th? Kincaid bul. .-ppropria'ing $500.000 foi mobilisation p?irpo?e?. Senator Sage it rman of the Plaaac? Ca**mmitt*oo It bil request the lull was inime . advanced ?o third reading i.e pal ' d "?i a few min ' * Plans for mobilization of 'he s'a-?' militia a? Fishkill Plain?? have teen leted. following a conference be? tween ? oloacl Sternburg, of the Qvai later'? Department, and repre ? . a of the New York Central and Delaware ?*: Hudson railroads. A? tbla -erre arrangements were made tor speedy handling of trains carrvinrj ? roop sad for .-ufficient cars for hors?.? ? ?ont. SIMPLY REM?vES?ELL BOTTOM AND ESCAPES Pickpocket Finds Butler Street Court Easy to Crack. II ingei creaked chain? clanked and rattled as a policeman slammed the heavy iron door behind Krnest Pa rantino, reputed profe??ional pickpock? et, a* the old Butler Street court yes? terday afternoon. The man had been eonvicted of trying to pawn stolen proper?,- and wa? to remain in the cell !<*-i only the snort time nece-sary to ?all the wagon that would convey'him <o BlackwelT's Island. Fifteen minute" later the policeman returned and was In the act of remov? ing the chains and bolts when he dis? covered that the prisoner had disap peared. A \? ule opening in the floor 1 that the prisoner had regorted to the simple process of removing th? Of his cell and ?lipping through ? ??! freedom. Parantino Is well known, and the ? . \pe?'f to have him in eustodv in a fea hour-. The condition of the old court a?, Cutler and lourt ?treeti veil Known, but the police do not hope for such ?peedy aid in cor? r? tcting the evils of the antiquated structure. FOY SWEPT OUT TO SE AS BOAT SINKS IN B) Companion Rescued by Offii of Steamer They Mad \ Kitet While return-in;: laat I || t from ?Standard Oil atenace anchored In the Hav o* Tompkintri after diapeeli *- of their ?'or; of me paper?, Richard Philtlfl and to' (, foarteen and f-fteen vein | respectively, ?-rere tbrowa into I i w.-.tep whm their rewbeat cap-i* Cr ?'*?? area reoened, ? , couldnot swim, "-"a? tarried I I ? The boys att?r?' - ? pjblic school and in the x.'.rnoon i? paper?. Ye?-?erda'. tl I Statrn Island, in the.r ' ' ' Wtttk. starte?) for tie C.ty of r. ?*'?. | selling* their ?toe. ??> ? . , rew, t?i? jumped into the, row-oat gad ?"???? for ?-h'.re. In the darknc?? the hoyi ? ?noticed the.' I had >ake<i an ! ??>* low m the era *hey *?f i half h mile otf Pi - * ' caught in the tide a- ? were itmglUa i at th" oa?*?5 when a v-vc'.'t ?'rue'? the'" Oflie? r 01 ? hey.rd the s*reams ef tl I tire a? the went overboard. H" ?i ??ed in ar.< ' riached C n?to. Thi ? ?*'rr boy wi? no1 in ?-igl?. Crl:'*o I ar.d pal to bed until 1'- thawed OUt. Th*'? dressed m a ?j-t eeetrlbeted bv th? crew air?! Carrying $11 .'.?*:'? 'or him, he ?? ai :a\:e? HUDSON FERRIES BEGIN H?TIS Nvack-larntonn Line Open?P.**?*?. man Street to Mart ft-iur.-!--*. The Dyckman Btl .-?rn-rers and eutenu tel *:'?"??? S. .1. ?ill resume If i ? ! morning at ?*> o'clech. Oi ???"*< '?" the service will be eoi ducted ou a I"* ? minute cchrrHlr gat 1 It f? *** ? *'?* J Saturday at"! Sundi ? ? ? - act? ? <:v? until mid * ' '" i ment? have hi ? ; and boa" Navigation o? tl I Had* \ *' openril hr'ween N'y,,,. ?* and i"'* jreaterdey, when th?? ferry F.r *? made ita Brat trip. The Roeklai - start on a rep-; - le today.. '?*' charge of ?Taptain John Lyon, who h?? been or. the boat I ity ears. To* Fluehlng will itart n ?-*'"? vear there bo.Ts cai-rie?* ",'1.00?* an? 'mobiles. The Sarah A. fen* . of Oee?* i ing, will make landtsga AS ?:?? **%*** I this year. wr?mmMmmmm. LOYERS of poetry who want to come in touch with a raair, j a man who has lived, will find ".Bell and Wing," by Frederick Fanning Ayer, a mine of virile thought und feeling. Read "Golgotha," a searching satire on the authority of books, or ".Man and Spider," a stern protest against mans way with woman, with its odd picture of the insect darting from it* silken tunnel. **I ?aw him lia At ,n? hola on? daf ' Lik? a ?Qnou-gp**, Like a ?-word at play, Stab the Y-wing moth In hi? velvet eloth, Saw him duek to watch From hi? piitol notch Just to feast hi? ?ye Wttch the Y-moth ??a, Drink hu ??gh." THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO., Selling Agent?, 354 Fourth Avenue Price $2.50 NEW YORK IWl-lr^