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ADVF.RTISKMFNT. ,? ^*3U5H?0/? ioNDot CrUAL MA**?-* Alike in Beim: Different Confusing a genuine Cross article with an imi? tation is like confounding black and white,?because both are colors. Envelope Purse* i ?,? left ? Black i r< !>" leal, litt"?-! Mrith mirror, frame?! ailk-lined coin ionip-rl, in?, ?naide ?'id one <>ut?ide pocket, handle on back] 7 x .V, mi I.e.* . $5.00 Hand I><*"-* (al r,?-l-t i Black ?ii?.ir? silk, ?ilk lining?, fitted with mirror and framed kidakin?linod "inparlPK-nt. Ba? 7 it.('ne? deep. $4.00 Monogram?. I.der, fro? $2.00 Cigarette Humidor?i?h own closed and open? Of Tine?! ???ver plate, revolving door will, compart? ment? taking liflv ? ?-?.??rettes. The retentive qi'aliliet ol thi? specially prepared met ?! preserve the aroma and flavor of it.?- tobacco. Size: 5 l\ a4x3?-, indie? $9.50 Monograms t?? "ider. $4.00 Sewing Box ? (at left) Froated morocco leather, in colors, satin lining, fitted ??.?th scissors, knife, bodkin, stiletto, crochet and sewing needles, four spools of thread and thimble, button compartments, hooks and eye?, etc.; 5'-. * 5 ' -. x 2 inches.$5.25 Jewel BoX--(?t ri?ht) Of finest morocco leather, velvet and moire silk lining, removable tray with pads and ring groove, compart? ment underneath, strap handle on top, lock and key fattening. Sue: 8't *S* inches $9.00 "Week-End" Letter Box ? Colored aaacoi o Uatber, with slot at one end for m? oaa?aaj laail ?<f ?I? aent owner. I ?,. k and ker fast?,,, ?"t.* Paper cutler and srittor?. S?i*e: lOsl.'i in? lie? $7 75 World's Graatesl .Leather Stores New York Boston 404 Fifth Av? 14S Tr?nent St :?..-? ? I .>???ir,,, 253 Broadway "1 R.,r,lt ?->, Daala ? I ? 'id? World ROOSEVELTISW NOT THE ISSUE, BIRD IS TOLE Moose Pilgrim from Ba} State Has a 90-Minute .all*, at Oyster Bay. 1. R. BARS FACTIONAL FIGHTS IN HIS NAMI Senator lodge, an Unpledgot Candidate. May Soon Be \ isilor at Sagamore Hill. Pltjei ? ??4!? rnn..^'r.e]er.' tl Tat MM '?-. r??*r Bar, -"?'. V .March ?7. ? harle ? 1 r Bird, Aral of the prop pilgrilB to ?-agamore Hill, left Oyatei Rsy for "."--ton thi? afternoon pre pured to report that Colonel T'ooscve!' I .?rut h* said m Trinidad mhn he declared that ho would not he 1 party to fi?,*.- factional lights for dele ?rate? or, ?o far as wa? in hil power l?ermit fac'ional fight? to be made it .???? He enme here i? re?ponc? To 1? telegram from Tulonel Ro?sa?Vcli after he had asked fo? a hranng or 'aituation. Mr. Bird 1 '- Boo ev?lt an . : ilf, ar,! after he had left ?I Roo?ev?lt i-nve out thi? "A -:,?-. I ?rr,\ ?a r.orr.e I received ? letter from Mr. Hird asking me Ic r., sti tonent about the 1 <? 11 u?*0f? - ????ration until he ?-aw me. I graphed to him and he came on to? day, V the eloBe of our conver i him l had nothing to add to or ?ubtraH from my Trinidad ???'? He told ra? h? eonld ?a? nothing until !,?? had srrii hi? colleague?." At lea?t one of Mr. Hird'? colleague? 1 ' to day. The* one whs Representative Augustus P. i.aniner, of Maasachasetta. Whether "? Bird 'a-t Captain (iardncr ? iralag 10 hi 1 home, in Wal - .; not known here, but from the ?? Colonel ):. ?'?'?' ? tati ? ??non tu be held and that Mr. Bird may tun hei ,. * ?< i'ort ? Hird lake? Home M?****sage. that Mr. Hird in .--.,??- j ket remainine; field, foi. '..rdiiH' 1o v Mai ichuaetta, the onl pair thai ? he m'tde b\ a fight would he pos 1 tri el ??ran would I"' the CBS? I ? ? h, As mat 1 Of the delega'ea-at-large on the unpledged ticket are counted at Il y ??. Colonel Roosevelt. . ei atai Liodgo, his Hfelor.: d aid .1 rand:date for re?*' ?? --cnate. arid Governor M atho. . ...e??e tO being Hie'. i for the Pi lidencj. 1? not I -;if. to ?lie irri-!? . ? reasonable certainty and wants to is?* . ?.overnor. These ?no, it i? I, would be for Rooscie.t \ip to the point where further adherer: him would spell <iisa?ter to them There il ai*o the chance that l.'idce be mad? chainnan of the Chingo convent ".1 the other hnr.d. in the r\ent of ? I red tl at MeCall 1 ted, with Lodge or Bird saving Weeks, I to ' Wilt .'. oui foi 1 ' . Of not Mr. Rird ar.d his a? r attei ? tir i s licht, r, ? i olonel Roosevelt change his mind, i? n question no one O ] m?e?? ? Ion? ! Roosevelt - m to chai -? mind -,n the mat! ? ? I.?idee in **ee i otoael, Ion from Ma . here to-day, the man from Nahai I ? red, and there is nothing 10 ate his coming Tight away, b ould !"? surpris*??*, ki ? intimate friendship of the past, and l.odsre'-t de-ire to promote part) har mony, if he -?l.oula quietly mutor out hill top to talk thing? over. Bid he come, however, he ?rill In all probability learn that in the e will not enter into any ei for delegate?, ?'olonel RoOSOVell ?. for the Pn HUGHES IS MAN, LODGE BELIEVES ? onlinin-d from paar I rr ie, even of trie Crane-Wee .1 paper.?, th rushed a t laimlng all respoi r the cartoon. Bird hai written itOI We. r. , W. Lufkin, (?ardrier'n seen ?y for it. Lufk g 1 .rdner-i .ushi 1 g- Bird '-> 1 I campaign Lufkin, charges Mat* Hale, chairman oi ' . ? im ittee, witl b? ? at! er of the helpless 1'? Id, which is r-t-.ll squalling on th name unknown left it. ridiculous part of it is. there tely nothing about tl , , ? ? most 1 live could object. ThTc wa r.nt the r y tor ar ; : I ? lent ?? ild be trivial, except that it has served to , 1 ..? n strai n ?ol of bed f< ', irdi rr-Bil king- v. i.-liburn ? i.iie up of. In l.rpnnt l.ardnrr'a Speerlie?. '.?. ee) \ . ' Suatnei Bird, ite on the i s Bomnoi Bird >^ exp? ? ? n to mori-oa from ? ?. h< ha? been conferring ? ? Borne a -.-. gen will ha-.r to he adminl itered to tl. r-Waahi here ?01*1 ??.or? b) lomcbod; away. r to ae that < ?.lone! * ?' as from the -' ?at 1 .? the?? ? ? ..... is of Oyster B osta of ei 1 ' " ' 11 j ?te ,, ; ll ? bostlI .' ADVERTISEMENT. Bond &, Mortgage Guarantee Co 170 Keni?'H Mreet. Urn..'. I? n. V \f. Mrcrdi H, 191*. M Hi? annual elertl.-n for Inr?? tor? ?if this I nrnpany, helil till? ?U> I lie f? 11...? .nu inentloneil K?ntl?nien ??-re ?tu!? .l??l??l Hire? tor? f?>r Hi? ?n.nin? t'ria. Baile? '."' - ItnWt, niomj? v. Balft, Clar?Ma B. k? ??? Charlea f. Brews, "Ur.?M m Mi tSt, W"??I?t i. B?4#h. Atttti R. Mtrl'.af "Tilllam B Clark? John M. M?-1 ?.?ra?rit. r Dartes anillara r vit'rratty aril ar? | r.? i,?*?, py-derlet *-' U m Haa, l*. tH il*?? Hmsoesa, '??'-,? '; In.-rsham. J?-,ro W. |t?l a* l;?n,?a?a Johnaor. F?ltr M **?rl?irt. \t n ?iiI)?.?<?Mienl m??eilin of I!,? It<?>r?l th? following ofTI? rr? w-r? iiii?nmi?.ii?l> el??-tril: -.?:..? ? .. - ?.??-?? ?-.??.? ?.:-? , II - ?. ? - . . ...... I ? . ? - ,. . ? ? ? il ? , - >\ A,?!,'?; . - ..... ?a ? a?a | -, -.?.. '? ? ' - ? - 1 ?Visar I UUlanr Mi.i.iAM B ? LAR*-. ? ?-??? - ? LIMIT SUGAR DUTY TO FOUR YEARS MORE Democratic Senators Oppose Straight Repeal In Caucus. ? ? ? . - i? mm ; Washington, March 27, r>j,pr?? n? *?? rr*n?;i! of th?? free lUgar the * ei ?,r la a, I he Benat Demoerata, in caucus tonight, voted, ? foi ? ear Senator? hr'>u???r?l un?! Ransdell of Louialana i that they ?the deciaion ? floor Va .very larp?? ma I * ? ? propoaal mei tend the life of I Of repr-tll"*-" * ? , ? ? r. ih?1 quest ioi have to be thraahi ' ? ? ? rarrie-4 out adopt i ?I 1? MORGENTHAU NOT TO MANAGE CAMPAIGN \inbassador Sajs He'll Oo Back tu Turkey in ?May. lie: rj Ui i c" nthan, Ainba Turk? that h<? intended to r? mam In I ? ferai r' of Pr< dei '? campaign, lie laid h? ? lay 2 or ?lay 6 He ?.. d anothi r tn'k wn't th, l lei within ? ... rrii\ pga on a leave of a hie i'uture M?? ?:pc?lareil upon Ir turn that he hud , irai * ? much .??I it \. .*ii Am ? il Gerard, at Berlin, toi v appeari d that he was not tor,? icratic ? ?'????- Pi, ? ? Wil ? ? ' re?lei oi Ae< ir lii g to on ' rienda I-,.? w?-,u*.,j like to remaii ? this < oui try. but ? eon? ? - from s trong sense <>f duty to return and continue his work dur ng aar con? ?!.'. oi a. TARIFF COMMISSION BILL NOW IN HOUSE Representative Rainey Intro (Juces Administration Measure. Wa hiagton, March \ re ? r a permanent non-partiaan tai ff nested b ? ? ? ?Wilson, and whicl haa i red hia full approval, ??? ai ? ?l in the Home to day by Ri ? entatlve Rainey, a1- ..;, - 01 I " "J be irra has the : ? : '. .?? Admin itrat o . meaaura on ; ibjeet,** Mr. Rainey declared, In ai i i : aceomi. mre. ii" bill would pro* for the ap-1 pointmi ra, at I I ;, \??Hr e;ir??, no innre tl tl.r? r of 'v't . ? . .? party, rhe Aral appointments ? for I . ' . . ii . after whit i be foi twelve year?. T n : ? ? ? ? s bill. Repri ,:,] the bill wou!'l not be submitted to party eau? ru?, although, to aave time, it probably ?.?. ould be ii'i'i?>d to the omnibus revenu? | bill. Because it h hoped to ?rrske t sion pirrnanenl, he declared, the bill provides for nn ?nnunl approprl? tiun of $''oo,uOO to meet its expanaea. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS Tat IM il ???. . A ??.'?ti t.S/Y i IIAMI'T? ??? . >' :-irt 'r> ? ? ? ?. '11 st -:.-??. Wl? DK ARM?)M>, :, l \ i a r . LAW , ? , 1111N I ' H l ' ? . . . >a ? ? i*. ??Mo n . . ? ,, FLTNN M?1 tti-vr,, ;' ? ? viLLUM w naxni.? ? i . . . ? - - HENRI J NI? IK.Lfl Ma ? -.. rr?a a ? > paaud l'hiplaia :. -, utas I ?? ' ?S'a 1 l. G '. v. p -.?wiii.n,. dstaeiMd i ? i - . - - ?, ? ' M. COOK -, ? -? | _-?m ?, ?. KENMrril HERON - . - I ? ;? -a . I * Ml .-. 1 " ?' c ? ? Burasu . ? ? ? ? . . . -,_. t ... -i - 1 -r . ?V -? ? II. '?'M'.'.?Ml Ut ? ? ? a ? eai ' ?.Apt a ? ... ?. a * ? Al'I'lS"?. dru ? - ? * ' - ' " * M I -1MM . - ? . ,, -,? ... . a ? ? ' i '? r Vrm ? I ? ? ?I . ? . A Rill ? . t ... a . . ' . a . . ? a- |?M ? a ? ? I i , ..... a -, ? -Ail I D M?- ? . i ? .?..-. <. ' ?? >,, i . ? . ? ' ? ? . ? . ??? r . ? - , ? ? ? lUl I .r |?. ... i . ?-??^1 '- ??,.. ? ? . .. ? .? . Im i ? i ..... -, ? .? ,. ? j. . .--?,. >,,.. i , ? .... '.-. gna al cCBMilt FISKE PUTS NAVY BELOW KAISER'S Admiral Tells Committee German Fleet Excels by 2 to 1. ONLY 14 SUBMARINES READY FOR WAR Naval Constructor Urges Need of Fleet of Seagoing Under water Craft. \* i Hardi 27. With i ? ? "he hated ' " ?ay it, l'.ear Admiral Bradley A. Fisko, ? < aid for Of told tl e HOUSO Nava! ttee to-daj thai i Navy was ??a <<< n 'le dis trussed the Fiib.-oet reineta expressed the opii ion that, all ? to one "would t !.. eery '-.r;" :n an er ' " ?Tength of the Ger man a?,ii American fleet.?. The rea? a'iniir-tl declared th.v th? ' . tting value re?r ? ed for ?. .-pended, and ? ?hould he ? better rat? m of a Hear Admiral n ?*ry Parue' - re of preparedri - auaed b reaig d for op' ? . ite fourteen Submarin?-? Available Sere] Conatructoi I faory ? Land id that inelod boats nee st Panataa, fourteen ?ubman'ier? eould be triade available f"r ,? . rviea immediately or within thir di eightoen ' the Atli fle? aid thirl were available. < on-truction ?if large ? f? .- ubmarines of I rongly urged by Coi ruclor ' ited by ? ? ructor Hand. He -aid na ? . a medium sized boat ?if aboii? ?00 ions, '?"' fee*! i ol I.i 1 ' to 19 knot.? - ? and aboul i ' lubi lerged. [land, Germai ?Vus! and ? ; . ol bo It," lid "Italy. Japai ed Italy ha" ? done,i the ?mall? i hoar, and ii ng boa! from 760 t? WO I ? He explain? d that the net Sehli ??' 1 ad not < : the experimental stage, and that the navy had not develop? fui t of boat. "Eve f th? i b iti ar.? experimen? tal, that i.? no rea?o:i why we stand pat, when every other pal the v.r.rid is building th? laiger type," he added, recommending that all I submarines Congre'.? authorise? this , . X the .*'*??>-tun \;n?. I hlrty 1>?>!? to l'quip. During ? war game. Mr. Land said, the percentage of seast? among I nines' crew? wai from 40 to 90 per cent. He said living eon? ?hoard a r-ubmurlr.e prcacnted a seriou? problem. Representative Rutler wanted to know let ei lltion of the United Stol ma of them wa- general. ?;.?ed now, to-morro-v ?,| ime of them can." wa? t'ue answer. "Tl > four 1 boal ? ould he availahl?? ? rty daji. In ?n eaw rg? n? y we got I ther L boal ? ,- Ml. The K boal ?a. ailable." Altogether on the Atlantic <oa ? eluding Panama, the constructor said, .'.'.inn?? row are readv, or ? . . ? - ?..;..-.-. Re| ? tier pressed the ? - the cond i ion of oui ubmarine fleet." n? good | ted, the ?? ave grown up in | eari past," i : a ?red v r. I \ - i tan I Secretar, Roosevelt will lie irrow, and w ith the testimony rectory Daniel? probably Wednes-I day or Thursday, the committee will' UNDERWORLD BILLS DIE IN COMMITTEE State Senators Uphold Police in Gambling House Fight. (Trr-m a F'aJf Cirrn/iornl?!.'. o' T'? T- . ? ' Albany, March 27. A last desperate , but vain effort wa.? made to-night to ' Everett ee-?ea!!ed underworld bill? out of the Codes Committee, so that they would Bat BBT? to u-o | Kulc? Committee, which take? charge ek. ? I which a ould prevent a police officer from being t-tationed in front of a gambl ng i, a I ouae ?. ' i or ol h? r place \ bare it is lus r? etc ', I ? lated. wei ? e New York ? I : olie?. rh? I that ai worli! ? person of an ex convi? ? ra rea| - bio for them ar.d for weeks l irul been working to get favorab!" action by the Legislature. The committee, by a vote of I to I. r? 'nie,) to report the Everett bills, and : an effort to have an investigation ? ' the present police situation in New York ? ? ?? I by Assembly? men Blocti Niekerson, at Hew Vor.*?: , ..f ? olumbia, and Taylor, of I r-.e. voted . rhey held I the police should not he giren the .ch a?? can ? ? ? I tl ?-??*? pra? . f the rationing mei froat of ore ion of rty ' an Everett, tl rer, appear. ?! before th? urged ' ? .? ? ? he rep? rl ed '??-'... oppo red that I hand? of the police would be I i deteetin? i tor? of the law if the I court ? ? provea! ??? ??- invaaioi of prof ? .-? of th? pal STATE SENATORS ASK MORE TROOPS Pass Resolution Urging Congress to Provide Army of 178.000. MILLS POINTS OUT NEW YORK'S DANGER Entire Country. He Declares, Unprepared to Meet an Enemy on I,and or Sea. Albany. March 27. Referring t-j I'D 1 Bryan a? "the modern Phodi a Nebraska, prea ?? of peace aad anprepared ne <?:" great national peril." Senator Ofdtfl I, Mill? spoko |ht In support of hit rc.iolutior. urg-rig New forfc'a representatives in i ,,? |., -, ;o | <??. the r ?support to ? ? al r-o^raTim?? of *a*:or.?; ,(? feme. The resolution -. -. I engraaa ta in? ereaei * ? gth of the ?regalar ana** to 171 and tat? ? , It wu adopted bj a rote al :;" ta 15. Democrat i i lad ?a :'h Rep loyalty, but when the 1 'rtnocrat? voted in aegat two Republicana Argot? i ?them, urged the nc tt rake the peo from their letbari Bens? ?leciared that if adopt on i re olution hi. I ????< ? i would have accom ible good "a o jreara ahoiild " .'?'nafor Mills said, "when hardlv a month ha gone by in wl faced the ii ' - the protection of th? pn rights and tho liberty of OUI ? ' ?' . either With Mexico or ? ? mi n of the preat Kuro pean powers. Should *v:?r come which l.o,j forbid ure up, th- laMriCM p?o ; day in a position to defend our I I MS power? Humiliating ?.?? it :??. thp answer muit ii,?? negal Mr. lained in deta.l the un and ?. - ? ? ? f naval oflleara to show that the navy ranked fourth in ." ?,f | econd. :r navj no:, only fourth," rnator, "but abort of men, -hor* of ammunition, without battle er U i sera or ? ? SCOUting -?hip?!, and de ? - ? lubmarinea and neropl-.' i ?? th?, serviea ao high I) in modern warfare can any one question th ?' It is the soieran dut ??' every member ?>" the Legislature, but of ?very eiti . - v -, repre? sentatives in ' engross to do ?II in their ..- v upon a be lis adequate for national defence?*1 Nc? "iurk at Faa'a Marcy. ?Senator M Is declared that the cm seaa of Mew York I Ity would he in? ?hat Hliips could stand outside of Roekawav Hea?*h, tire over I the arbole Width Of l.oni* I>iand and ! Brooklyn and reach New York, and still ; be bi th? ra ei any guna ?? ?I in New \ .?:?*'- ?i? :" Dell. a ?f-arrii.0115.'* .??etiat.?r ? .?" ; 1 itomac, ihr I :?pe ? eat, Tampa, ton and the Col -? atly below what tl ??: " lW br? In fuet. mai . * ast fort have tripped of their per ! that they irave been placed in the ha ? ?'? When our arc complete we -a ill ha I '? i" t cent of t1 rera I ! Of the enli?-ted *r\ for providing a mini? mum manning I? all mines and alf of the gui : artars which it plat '1 --hall be manned by n rulai troop ." Senator Mills raid that if the Cham? ?i bill providing fir 17??,0t"?) men in time of ! ? SCi a':d a f?.?11 war trength of 22o,000 men. with an in rrea-ed numbrr of officerr. was par-r-e,', it ??.ai probable that the requirements ? regular army Would DC met, He *<d, however, asi-iimt the feder?l alization of the National liuard as a Supplement to the regular army. An on of between S60,000 and 400. DO0 ctiren soldiers was needed, th) Senator declared, to work with the army in time - Ol war ??It is contended," Senator Milla de ?-lar??!, "that the requisite rrimbt-r of men ciin be obtained in the militia by paj :.g both the rank and tile and the officers, li'i'i till*, the militia can be into i? trained national army by giving the Federal government some ire of control over the various till leaving them - ? fiction of the various tuthoritiea, Uaeeaad an?l Pangoreae. ? rha plan is not only thon unsound, but a very da ? ?, he. eauae its adoption will lull the an? eedlesa to ?ay that the great majority of our people are not experts In militan affaira into the belief *? national pr?*parcdne?s has r, whereas nothing ofj the kind will have bien accomplished. "? ?? i ?? attempting to cranta a' _____ Fifty Per Cent are Rejected?Fifty pcr cent of all applicants for Navy enlistment are rejected as physically unfit. Strong, healthy muscles, sound teeth and good brain are built out of the foods you eat. The most perfect "ration" ever devised is Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the food that fur? nishes all the material the human body needs in a di? gestible form. Don't be re? jected ! Keep yourself fit for the day's work by eating Shredded Wheat for break? fast with hot or cold milk or cream. Eat it for luncheon with sliced bananas, baked apples and other fruits. Give nature a chance. Made ? at NUurara Falls. JN. Y. ! national army out of the state ?tiliM?, ? what we should do is to ereau- a fore?: of I'ederal volunteer* wholly under the eontrol of the national government.: Thi? can he accomplished either by de? railed legislative act, providing in all jits dataill f^r the recruiting term of enl s'ment and training of such farce, or. pre'crably. by the utilization of the inteer act of 191!. a proposition which ?'-oka to the utilization in peace for th? -aising of a volunteer army for training, of the mean? we are ?? i : red to use i'i war for the raising of a volunteer army for fighting.** Senator Rrown, the majority leader, ? ,-r i".!ated Senator Mill? on hi? ??. but had barely taken h * Senator Rennet remarked that t- asolee? to adopt such r?solu? .until there wa? a man In the Whit? Rouse to c:irry them out. ami at Rrown Is a d"Iegate-at large to the Republican National Convention. "Why don't you g?> to Chieago and ? 'r.r the nomination of the man who r gi ' ai Aaaiatonl Secretary of th? N'avy to fight ?ti Cuba." Sena'or B< asked, "and ?ho afterward became : President ard appointed the beat S*< of War this country ever had, a man whom all army officers now ore i to ?. nominated for I The major.ty leader only smiled ?* qu??tloa. ?-? e TOUGH TONY" MARENO SET FREE BY WHITMAN Osbornes Valet Once escaped. Then Returned to Sing Sing. a BUB I ??--?." ' - . Albany, Sfareh 27. "Tough Ton>" Mar? no s so-c illod had raaa of the K.< ? Side, who became a mode! pri* g Sil I ami vail " to Warden Thorn. " . borne, ?a-, -e? tree to Governor Whitman. Tony had his freedom a khort Um? nt'". hut since he gavo it up volun? tarily this ' id a- bis reward. H<* ha? heir, a member in ?ugh stand ing of the Mutual Welfare League, and 1 a valel to 'he ?tarder; could have walk* re door at any I S did i ??'? Whin he was told, ? friend "Tom Brown" I had been suspended he :ad he also had derided to leave. loriy made good his getaway ?nd, ?t ?I. : | lied wi'h money, ws? to Strike out lor the Wet whs irai members of the Welfar.? I '..i,"jc found him and told h un that he ipoiling tl i fair name <>f the in leaving during the time ?if Warden Osbornes trial. Tony there? upoi gave \\\i In* travel? and returned rrrison of his own will. In April, 1908, he was convicted in "few York of robbery in the fir-: do? gee and sentenced ?o a minimum of ??? e years und ?i\ months. G iernor Whitman commuted the sen ?? ' e? to th? actual time served to da'.* 7 years 11 month? and 11 da>?. H? was informed, he ?.aid, by competent physician? that Mareno va? suffering from tuberculosis and assured by per? son- intoreated in him that he would | be taken care of upon relea?.*. BOWERY MISSION HEAD DEFENDS BREAD LINE Aims t?i Bridge Extremity for Worthy and Willing Men. J. G. HalHmond, president of the ry Mission, ha? come to the de t fe-ice or* the brea?! Ine in KB?War to i i\% recent critics 11 a letter ft- "! ba ! Tnbur.e he says: "1'he ?oDh that ha'e been recently ? offend at the bread lines by Leroy !'? tersen, of Polie? Headquarters, have been mitad to strong, ? igorou*-, ?well nourished men. Men arho hare been unaccustomed to manual work and m?n half famished for want of food and halt' maddened for want of could not. of course, accept them. "What must b? done u:rh the delin? quents who. w-! ?Ie able ?., do SO not work? 'Commit them as vagrai I .' sap? th ? Police Department. That moans thirty days hard labor on Black Islaad, an 1 returning th? ?reets of Sen Vori: ? ?ty in ex nctly the same ("ependent condition, am? amount of bittern?! ii their hearts and the prison brand upon their lecords. In the mean time the city ? be hill - and the i ill with la thii the bi il olul ? i of the :on ? "Regarding the arorthy and willing man, for ahem the bread lin? ?a pn ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISKMKNT. Sunday April 2nd Sec the Capital While History Is Makin-** ROYAL BLUE LINE New Jersey Central, Reading and Baltimore & Ohio Ra?ro^J, -??Hr.. l ?.,risi. ?\ M I' Va -....:"'"?? ,'""-r" St ?- Magi "41. ?I,,,, ? .??a;?. ?-"--'',-,-'*?-?,?;"r-""* . .... *? xc ?id ?s, ,7 50 P. M. : Liber ,';..;???*-:?--? '? manly provided, our bumble aim limply to help him bri.ik-e OV? few difl until we ha?. a job for bins. Thi? baa worked tirely to our satisfaction, and we '.'.lor; tO fudge. "Th ? bread lme ha? represen ed many of the mm of the Bowery la*' pitch of their degrada' " . was u!?o the turning point in tl lives, since through th?* ministra! to their ph\?;eal being, allied with to their spiritual bei their regeneration was accomplis* To u* thr* hi* hi en ?he tiros' import question at iaau? ?nd on? 'ha* tr" ?ends all ether conaiderati? BLACKWELLS MEN SMILE ON GUEST led Shuffle to Ragtime as Sim mers Peek Into Cells. . ,' ? ,--i!p??.rs would call artistic pro:!-, the tlio-at til : t. not thing about the "Profesor" was , leoal of blue an.i white striped \ - g. lie sat at th-* baby gra piar.o between the cell blocks in HI in well's Man?! penitentiary, ??tract! syncopated tunes that made the gra* door? rattle to th? ?hall? ?* hundrr .. ?? ?.r:?iine.l t'ee'. With MO professional ?l'lmmor. members of the Monday Club as I audience, the form?? bc-t rag'.n player among b,000^M0 persons ji ten - ' ? Bast River ro?e to the c ea.*ion, just as Warden John .1. Murtl Hurdette i, Lewia, CotamUaloner Correction, and Dr. Katharina B. Dai know he would. While hi COlloagU picked on the banjo and drew bow ilia, the "Professor*1 thought his student day.? in the Herlin Co ervatory, long before he eve- dream? he would be taugh? with narcotic* his possession. "Memphis Blues" had t,nkle?l awi Into the f-y. hars of "Swef .'ivr when the orchestra wa? interrupted I th? observation party, which had con th? corridor to peek through tl barre,] dOOfS. Tho lnmrt'"? enjoyed the extra mus which accompanied tho visit of tl ? ?.. ed woiki ra air?i executi - chanty and socii !otr-ic.,l organ m New York. Whether they relishe the tone of ;n*pei-fion none ?a;.I "Sui?\ they liKe it,*" said one of t!i keeper?. "If you were ahut v.n in her* wouldn't you like to s?"' some tie? facet once m a while? i?'s variety fo them, it i?." "I'robably some of them reseat tin scrutiny," Commissioner Lewis said. " gave orders to have the visitors pas by a-. "?uic-aly as possible. They wer not ?'.ipposed to tall', to the inmates." A? far a* could be observed, |es than six of th?. peaiteatiary's thousani inhabitants imilod a welcotao ? i I visitor?. Mont oi' th?m came to thi doors of l heir cell?, puffed on eig arettes and kept their faces rn a stati of emotional vacuity. A few refu e.) ? terrupted ? the) la. ... theii ?' newspaper? or maga a?-. "AMEN!" CRIES HOUSE, CENSURING DAVIS Texan Representative's Vituper? ation Censored by Colleagues. "~ .. hingtOB, March '.'7. The expunged from the ???-, - ?I Kecord" the "vitur' ' denunciatory*1 language inser'.-.l und. r the leave to print privilege by Repre entotive of Texas, I .? "Amer."' ?-hoi need 'he Hou?- a ? ote was ta Representative Pavi? sprinkled i?:: '?'. ith "amei NEW YORK WOMEN SEEK WEST'S AID Twenty one from This City to Join Mission to Voting .Sisters. if Ufa I. irifrton. M.?r,-'i . ; The (V greaoioaal Uaioa ? Hitie? ?**** * ?*' '' ' i St af the ?? ?h" will toar t1 a ?^,Tm_e st.!. on th- *?- ? . ,ry ^ a*, .ni af iiai ? their voting - list will iactade Mn Barrial .?-tanto,, Hlatcl.. Mr ' , Mrs. Jn, Nilho | Aaaa (? atablo, M; a i.'. ? . ? Burn " B Taylor and Un. 11. H P. Belmont, , f ] , . National and ' of th? Congraeaioaal Vi on fr.,n, <,., rt?. ern stab ? haie sigaifii .. - -, tion to at*? r,?l th? I quarters on ipi - ? . --? . plan? for ' 4 '? ? r.l IS ?,;: be de. to .' 1 ' ?? ?'''?'- a " Anr.i> I Martin, of Neve ... ?if the n? tioniil lag .-pe?? on " I he rr< S4 n( L( ** ? . .-uc*." " . Lucj Bun *:?vial viCO?chain ? I union, ?ill speak on "Sutfr ?. Admil Paul, of Now Jersey, natio ? '. rheinaea of tho Com Ui ?.. for . . ??.?." \ the do | Reama Voter"- Attil ' e?l 0f Rast? - iffi * - ? - H Dr ' ora State; Mr?, s. B. M tana, an?l Miss It "H t? the women ? otera . .. rtst lution? and petit ? n'? or itio ? "rond ine organisations h ?ill b? , n ? nte.i, and ? * ? ? ? A farewell l?jncho.a the envoys to the W< ? ? -menti liend'r' ' - ' '. UM Ispeakera will be Mr- 0. H. P. H*. . Mm. Harriot s'-r- ' ? onatable and M New ITorl ? Ftieg " of Vi Squash Tournament Marred by Defaults Defaulted mat ? ? ir, the opening re n ? h <!?ir, * one ?eras played. ? i .' -i o' club, who . V inderpoi I proved fa | la) ? : ? ' tilo ? ? ..n-apper-.r;" ?? r--,- \v. .1 Kna| | . '? " ' * ?ndJ A. I.e Bo .'.eher. ASK FOR IT BY NAME! ^WARD'S It pays to take the tvjroublc to specify by name, because when you buy WARITS TIP-TOP BREAD or DAINTY* MAID BREAD, you know you are getting a pure food product in which you may hare the fullest confidence*. There is a notable difference between TIP-TOP or DAINTY-MAID and other kinds of bread. Even the waxed wrappers which surround them are distinctive And different. On the table the firm, creamy white, close -"rained slices of these quality loaves present visual proof of their excellence, and when they meet the trial of taste there comes the full realization of why it is worth while to ask for them by name. The crowning satisfaction in eating TIP-TOP or DAINTY-MAID BREAD is that fine feeling of confidence which comes from the knowledge that they ar** clean inside the crust and outside.