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?. S. JEWS JOIN TO GET REPUBLIC AND EQUAL RIGHTS Philadelphia Conference Hopes to See Hebrew Flag in Hol) Land. V WIM HAU ED AS GRI M ( <>\< ILIATOR ar Di fi< ?? bj ! nthusiastlc Dcl t n's On Btesl . in 2,000 \cars. - ? ? ? ? ! ? morn? ? ? ' * rk Righta. I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . i ? - ? ? ? ? in I'lalfi.ri ? ? - ? I ? ' ',?. I ? ? ?, , ? . w ASHINGTON I ?MY TO ?/? ? ? .1 * I13.SI Jl"> (16 ! '? ? . XL PennsylvaniaR.R. ' - I - ? ? ? ' JEWS GIVE $75,000 TO HOME FOR OLD I !? u of (lifts Cheered at Dinner for Daughters Of Jacob. nc burnt ? ? ? Jacob at a nigh I - - . ? t? * . - ' ' - ' ? ? I the bu - I ' ? ' . , ? Ma?; . Harry 1 ' . I ? ? ? titni ? ? fl ? . .- ? . NEW JEWISH CENTRE NEAR CENTRAL PARK Pians l ormed for S.ioo.ooot ofn? p ?site Buildin?* in bSth Street. v ' ? ?; de ? The ... - ? pi meeting yesl . ? - ? ? .- ? ? .,-?.'? ttl? t bous? . e be? the s ? ? ? Um ! thorized ? ? ; * . ' ' work ? tre, fflcienl ? .. ? ? - ?? . ? ASKS NEW CIVIL SERVICE SYSTE.M M? rton Committee Calls for Rc .rii/ation in Stale. ? ? r ? ' . . - - ? ? ? the ?tat? ? ? ite to ? i - ? ? ? ' fl - ? tl ? and in? - ' ?. I ? ? ? ' ? an ? ? ? ? ? ' ? LITERACY TEST UPHELD IN HOUSE Vote 225 to S2 on Immigra? tion Bill Clause. Despite Wilson Veto. SENATE TO GIVE LARGE MAJORITY Amendment to Prevent Asiatics Entering U. S. fhrnu-'h ( ?inada 1 ail?-. --*??? '?' . spite of ... . , .| ... ' ' ? migrai n bill, ; last year .... al wed it? I * ?.I TOtl in the A? I ? ? ? > cannot . .- ig nt by ii , : ' ? 10 | ? : ' fleeing pen tioi - ' U HS h ? . ? .- successfully ought a : n I *? ? ? - of thi nil ? . ?ne b i i *-to Asiat ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? | ? i ? t the ? the Pi ? ? ? ? ? POLLITZ SUES TO OUST DIRECTORATE OF N. Y. C \\ ith I.-U Shares Contests ( hole Ol I. ?545,2 riri ? ? ? ? ' Com pan ii bring madi - ? . ? ??hares ? ? ' ? , i ? ? in Hughitl ., ? ? ? ? ? Democrat! to Hrar Gen. Wood. *.? Leonard lunchei * \ . e. oi "rafter tli ben of ? AN engineer o? ircognizeda ithorit} nays: "Probably the Mercer i- the moal Euro? pean engineering ?ob made in America . being ;i liiv'-i efficiency four of consid ? rabie power, h&\ ing a capacity for very i i i ?_?? h . (i?'??), and ?'i very high accuracy of ?ninh on all pari ." Models For AU Need? Whiting Motor Company 1802 Broadway, New York City I Mi. ? ?nlr?l *t??.. Nraanrli. V J GUEST OF THE CLERGY \mba???d<?r Morfjenthau Tell? ( burrh men of T?rke*,'.*? Miaaiaa*. ? - Morgenthau, Aasba re guest of 1 r at e ? a- ? ??*.,? \, ... * leral ? Brehes at the Hi The Kev. Kehei . I rhairmai ' the clerical fen ? ' - ? - " \ ?? MEETING FOR CREY?ATI''\" *M??-.,?.er* Will Urn-ar?.) \S. tioo ol Ml l emeter , s by 8 ' ?.lor" will be ? ? ? ? ' V ? I valla be s ? r in balf a Bih ???' any er:n .* The state ; uni . I. i'JX V rl*2e ?'. mm ?**; .?;fc54?5lVr.?*Sa.*.?.* ?&v -?.***,...e%^?^-*JR_w? '?"rS^;%^ "-?so . ar Crane:, r, playing the Rrrordin? Picno in : ? ? ??i this v.ay ??nit Dun-Art R-- tt made AN INTERVIEW WITH SE?OR GRANADOS ON The Duo-Art Pianola (?Sai * er of the French Academy, a tnerr.i* ? ne'e friend of Spanish Re .\:i*.''? t ?? is the ccmvc<er of t!i? first thorougKlj Spm he -compos?*-. * .* first ope I at th? Met -politan Op??ra Hctisc. K'irsv York??.v ?..?,???. 4 ?SEKOR GRAXADOS. the distinguished Spertts? com/?os^# ^ Jut?a dar\t slight, man?listening to one of his own piano performance:, reproduced on the Duo-An Pianola, exactly as he had played it a wcc\ before. The notes were rip? pling upon t-he Keyboard, as if touched by unseen hands?now falling lightly a*, leaves, now charged with indescribable spirit and power "It wtts at a dramatic inomen:?that in which ? saw him first ?' That picture I can never forget 'As phrase by phrase oj his radiant musse swept along, granados' face was rapt with wonder and delight. T^ow he would listen motionless, now?as, if it were impossible ro contain himself?Ins jingers would mot?: as if they danced along the key board }s[ow h\s head would sv\\ within his hands, now tt u'otdd br raised m sheer arnczcrnei.t oj ddigjkt. ?"Mon Dieu, it \s my portrait.1, he exdai "His exquisite 'El Pelele' ceased 'Se?or Granados,' I com' menced, 'would you call that a perfect reproduction of your com' position 7 Docs it match your own on?jr.J performance m every ?subtlety and shade7' ?It is my portrait?it is my portrait he kept repeating, as if yet sn the thrall of what he had heard '"Is there even the slightest .;*. of the mechanical m thus reproduced performance''1' I .:.-H Tlcaz: be very frank' '"7S[o:hmg?nothing/' There could he no quection of his earnestness It is all so truthful, so li/e-ji^e, so exact a replica of my very touch I ? ? in Barcelona could detect ?<- difference.' "He paused, and after a rr.omcnt he said, Tes, tt is so human, sa personal to me that, as I have listened t.? it in a dcr\ened room. I seemed to see myself sitting at the >\eys. 1 seemed to feel the very touch of the keys m my finger-tips.So perfect even do 1 conceive this in ' that I thin*\ that those who knew some pianist m hu life-time could almost visualize htm once again?call him to very sight through the tremendous suggesti?x of himself which rises in rhythmic utterance from the music-roll that unfolds his an through the Due An Pianola.To me it is a wonderful fairy story come to rrality.' A DESCRIPTION OF THE DUO-ART PIANOLA '"Bar, do you not admit, Se?or, a certain prejudice by muss nans against all pianos which are not played in the accustomed way?by hand7' I a. "I admit that such a prejudice existed once.' replied the great composer thoughtfully. 'I .?nit even to this prejudice myself? once But that time has gone \o prejudice can Uve m the hearing of this niaTrum?rnt. Its expression \s equal exactly to the expression of the artist who made the record-roll As well might one be prcji heed against his an itself1' ?"But, as apart from his ability to reproduce the anists rhyth? mic characteristics or his touch,' I enquired, is its tone ex cry thing t)ut coul a J from i piano7' ?Tht tone of the Duo-An Pianola.' replied the composer of ?Goyescas.' tone of the piano which is played by hanJ la additions. Let-me even say this So art niral very way do I conceive this instru? ment to be that I hesiCatiON '?n recen mg U into my own Cons ic in Barcelona' ?? 'And, ' '?his finger rose to emphasize his t ? -rl{ab\c ideal; which must hate led the C m >any which could evolve wh an mstnimeni It suggests of an artist with his wor\?an artist who is never satisfied with less than perfection. -7 ? must he b\cthat ? or whatever may secure men tthtng can secure tuch truly * for its basis the highest art: I ?s the courage to achieve them "l honor them rit And I consider they have achmed for music an in this Dm-An Piayiola an endunng monument uhose matmitutit can scarcely be realized."' I have read this interview in print, and I ein only say that fa-thfuily it re I y views. FIRST?The Duo-Art Piat strutnrnt which aut m the playing of great turen TI,roii?{*h this wonderful it tt ? ? may in \ OUI ' N n I k ire .... Hamlinuri:. < ?abril. wil a constantly inen i ... tamou.?- \ irttiosi ?it t?if? pj -I COND- The I too V* ? i Pianola of the finest type. It is an it ' which you, yoursetl ? *? ly without musical tr unit lelighl I I i ?IK I' The Duo-Art Pianola i forte of su [?reine mus? -????nw ty, We!? r, or Steel in act? n and appearance with the fine : *.'ni have always known. f ?'H- \rt i- driven by Pianola -- iling, i M effort ? ""Aeolian ' ' ? "' . ;n Hall. ? . Demonstra! i how ? ? lay. 7*7 Interesting Booklet* " Bringing toYou the Message of Great Music" Sent l pon Request AEOLIAN H \ I ! IN NEW YORK it) **, \V? i 4; i -? THE AEOLIAN COMPANY \ N HALL v -SRI ?? >kl "1 \ ii I Avenue