Newspaper Page Text
PRISON PREYING ON WAITE'S MIND Brother ?Admits There Is ? Something Wrong" with Accused Dentist. SPENDS TWO HOURS AT HIS BEDSIDE y.urk* Poisoner Has Restiez Da) \mplities Story Mi? nas Aireadv Told. ? - ? I allarue Heapita ? steeping ;j . ? ? B wc-li ?if aocsr? ? ? n cen trat* 1 *, ?v?n ? ? tome ?? ? ? ..- ? jht tliat ? ? prison i * ? led t - ? * ? * he wai It unlock. - r the 1 a te la .??'?. ??fier : ?'??? Bald -h-, ,- on adrice of counsel, * tart to fav ?whet family good ides - d of havi: . ? il - Ruined - ? ? ? V - Mr. Wk :? -;.r<\. He aal -, * i ? id dejt * . ? i to you?" I a j ready told i ? tO 81 MRS. HORTON SAW WAITE BUY GERMS I fr.rn (?at* 1 enta ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ?-idir.'. ? ? ? ? ? ? ratoi B all, ? * ? ? ? ria cult eel . .? ' ? * ' ? ?. ? ? ? : * ? ' ' ' ? ' I gar i - I ? ? ;-. ? g ? ? ? r?ar* ' ' ? . ? r ? ? r !l did not ?ay what the confession ** saetj. jroB kac ? that he ?ta?, innocent." ? f^nve that In mi I ?hen you " :t COOfoSSil rliii ? Sir. Wait? . PAYS $750 FOR GRANT'S LETTER BOOK AND PE First Session ??f Auto'-raph Sa Nets $8.147. attar ho? ? April ? .- nal ja??. broug ' ?t t! ? * ol the t-alr. Ht. the A r -, American ai for? ? George 1?. Smil One ? tters cm etter book, ciuted Apr torii Interoai, Lee, and r< of the 'n' c : ? ?? e - ?u of ?'? ess of further i nn th A-1 '? Ve. ; .?;? ! feel that it ?.? ?o, ai. ? tram mj . ng of j mi th eve JA2? f?i .? rest, writte ? to '.?lierai Sherman, relut ? i original terms P. suirai dl Generals ?-"herma Its roncludini ? ? ? ? tot ? na can eon? ? tiaifli ? n their ami , ? . of the Unit* . lie also pan ?a eolleetioi et tei ni na t h? ? ngtoi e '?' ?on. 1 th engraved par! ? ?n \. ??o Foi Gran! field dispatch .- ? i-arhon copi? . i ? ? ? fiftj three tc'?-graph | - a?-nt to Generals Mea .- ? (?ra'it. vas weaving foi the c?pt.ire of Lea, J. ? h three-page I Lor.?"' ?? ? menti? ning Di'Ven?. ,;e I?. Smith pn?e ".'10. The total ? aeaaion ? ? '. The sale tr.d? ?rith this afternoon's session. CHINESE PAINTINGS TO GO Famous Master-piece?. Will Be Sold Frl day and Saturday. ai.d m< m I nese paintings, by fs ters, now ? i -;on nt '? ?? are to 1 ?e on Fridas ai '. Saturday . ? -c the col sctioi the prop'" ? ?pent, it i? ..irme then. They were ex* ? ?? pa\ '.lion at the ? ?tyseongh, wh? ... stall 7.10 of Chinese ? ? poems by tl - | r l.'inn I riaric by Wang H i;." ? ; ? Iof I 11 ghi ? I god in his ? -i- Chi? ? ? ? r:.u?IC, ; - ? TM HAPPY/ SAYS WAITECOMPANION Mrs. Horton Loses Plea to Visit Dentist in Belle vue Ward. HUSBAND INDIGNANT. WHILE SHE SMILES Mother Still Trusts in Accused Poisoner "Couldn't Have Done It Unless Insane." Yeau --> aftt. ? ??? * -?-??, i'ie d?-.r>- of th? District Attornf - el ?Sea ?behfafd bar, her faca flushed, h-r hesd held high, i he wii Mrs. Marrer-.?. Horton. "the wornsn of myster.?. " in the Perk murder rare. In thst ?-.frirc ?he had been confronted '? man ?ho identified her t the ? Dr. Artkui Werran Weite, I ning .lohn !.. Peel fa*!.er-ii,iaw, uh-n. early in March, he had purchased tube? containing ml !:;*,i typhoid culturel Her request to riait Dr. Whit?? in Bellevu, Hospital had also bean rafuaed. But Urt H'-'r ?Md she was "happy." "I'm happier than I ha?,e been i)i I l day ill eadful cams up." '.<<-.??? ? ? ? . , ? ? ell." l!rr cheeks, so ; ? ... r,.c.A . \. ? . f r*. <-,?, Saturday, ? era r i '?. ? beautiful broun cvea rparkled. Hush.ind in 111 Hoed. "I her ?hr ?'..'e.i into *nt : ar fur, and shielded bar fac urith a black-ciad arm as she hurrird to a waiting car, into which aba ?i? helped by her husband, Harry Mack Bort?n, and her attorney. Harold Spielberg. TV.?*- waiting cameras clicked in vain, ?hile "th'* woman i1' ?ajratery" laughed. But her husband was not in a good humor. "Why can't th->y -inlt hour.din-? -*s*"' Ye demanded angrily. "I hav?-. been to tha newapepera and they don't knew how to reiuy tha f&* 01 I'm through helping them." n't be ? ros", dear." smiled Mr?. Horton. Then ?he chattered, 1 e ?eein?. of the charm?-. ?' her d itanl I ??mc in ?l? Weat. "I could crj ?? bei i rer f hear any one ?peai: < \"\ wi-?)i I there fcl*a.r. Ti-.a''- how I was brought up just a happy, unsu : inj? country girl And I never I ted to enything else." patttlti quita untroubled by *v'? matter of the typhoid pern ? a sing permitted to see I'r. W She said further that she had i ?. ? si re to ee Dr \S aite, but tha* ? urai ' ifa sha had been *? preai huaband. Wife and Mother? Views,. There ..? s **-oman seme? .... ? - fa ? ? erj w nrdei i ase, but the pi i ?s m?'? * all] dramatic by the presence of a nun her of woman, most of them int arm outcome }'r??l?iibly the one ??econd in that sue) th? Moli nuix ? even : Mr? ? ' '?'? . ? : ' cerm! Mr. ?eck, th? mere fact of ?mowledg . ? ? ? ? . ' ??? aid there *?*??. n o e? ? t of an ?e ? seal . on. also said he 11 I a pi?*, fur le. sei from Weite, hut on the plan of 1 it! n? ... gi t whole Manet:-, il,-,? Mr?. Wait?-'? Will. ?? ? ?tant ? ? i the Peel with ore? t.* fi?i?n '?!:. !'?? It a I ' ' the way p< the hi?!'?; ? from her par ? ? si Mi '??? lite ?. I. Hotel Man ? ftrited ? ? graphic ? ? ranging ; ? ? ? froi 11,000 to *. ? ' - ?aid wi . pie ?.n '-rr to send a I ndum ' n legal told me, ami ..... offlee th? teleg ? ? "l'i" ? but 1 - ? are i I : ? ? iso as had b?? - nina ' marie I - ereil I licatad that Icing ? ? ? in deal . ?i odel ? ? p?*? ? i Ho late I ;? gei era! I merchandise firm by which 1.? ployed in Mackinec, tha aaaiatant pr? said Both these cases we hui-1 ed up ano he wai allowed to co tir.u?. in eolhge on probation, but oth thefts were known to have !?? rii-.tted by him. To have hi':.?elf get ? In a dente! parlo: ir South Africa by ' -? sde a but of startn busin? paper- him complet ;? .-pee iial rour?e that w?ei ? era taken tv yur? and > ? . ? ? . a.fl h\ ? ? After getting started by * * v a?- upposed to make an accountii ; t?, k?*K only a txed percentage f??r himre! : ? :.r v K tllowi ? ? ? ?. with them, ha i.f ? .. holding out money prop petroi I igured in \ut?, ' .i-.? ? ? ,, ? lOUth Africa ? /? onaidereb el ta Him. 11 reunti 7*-* ag lH?t Chr ? as ? ' ? 120,000 Cepetou n he beca ? ged to . hulk American i""*' * - -.n'l had ? I ?, tt ? ' ? lean i I of aeme aw ; . ? ? .' . .? ? ? er a?ege.i ? r tO dil ? h- s popular i lodel. <tne .? I ? ' ? . brol He pul ; ta and i happened a- . can there with a ? I ? ,. he got up in the i the i red t ?sine part l ti ti ai *??*. re n engine ? tolei ?? ? i ? - rig the other mai * i ? ? r e, but found I would H<? called ?>;i Waite ? . ' -*??? I I sei I n get uf thniper with the rer He forced hii Hi ? ? . ??ther mai for tl 'ha* mir? |.?.'lv wa ? ?? from .,: ? t Attoi ? to engn end complet We ?? 1 ram ? -nap'hnt cf Mr? Hor"?n .' itricl Alton ey b .? het na Hofl nsd. Mrs. Hoffmen . she met Mr abeul i ski niro. an?! ? ? g and French I ??.' h large il Hoffmen eek? Horten te eoi *. i ??la 'l ?il?? eouldn't, si I rouble. s ?m ??s *?ir\*. "tiiirm the most Interesting apoleanlt collections lu the M nrid." M ?' l 0"M III t*Al I) -JMf -N ?SILOS FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES mfxArr^J' VS' '' '"A "S Auctioneer. XflT-C*f?. Will Sell liv Au? fu.., -WL?stf+V By Order of MRS J WADE HAMPTON ??W^Tr*?" I the Grandniei a Ssl Madame Jumel ? THE JUMEL COLLECTION of Napoleonic and Colonial Relics Au? lion le??iona lnd?y ami Saturday ( M?r ?1 and April 1 I f,..r,t j I 10 e??l, day |ll. .Ir?l?.l < i.lltl"?'!' M ' eel. ?tel Mrs. ( 'ara Prr?. the ther drab-c. ,red little arifa an. .It relatives here . bet ? ? an .?he ha?; > ? . ut few iff t ???. and . f ht ? r? .*??? i ? matters longer than wires d ? -ate, Mrs. War-.-. U Weit! red mother 11 I -1. - - ? . - - The Bronx. i ? ? ? r-.n ?? ? ? - belief "I st I ay, but I ? do such a ?? b? the She did nal fea .-? ey to Belle roi ? - s'.erday to *ec her son. ? -g, and I car.'* think that he could have dore ?jeh a thing ? ?<-? waa Inaaae," pratti ing " I ran. Waits er'.ai "Every ons arho e**ei ki i *? " - ** '* a? lurprtaed m we ?re " \unt Piilikes TubH-it*-. irk Ava I M *? Cathi ?ehe had juet got bee a * monet ? quaint black dre??, feat neck . bit of lr;-h life and a tr*. ? grey hai?-. she might ef a- loeet n i:? ? ? - : i ? ??.?i .. fest ' . ? i the i '?? - "il; -.- rrsme ?r.y more tha he Im ? .- ? till now. Thai other woman how can enybod. ocent, *.a*.e noth ?iiy nephew ? ? ? ght t. My If,-? ?.. - ha- told r r nel to ' ; ? I ? g wit Ml?S ! ? a h'r jour t ej htn Mr?. Dorothy Van Talmenberg. of in;, WeSt SCVCnt] "* Morton's ir,t!rr.ate friend, whn has also been queat oned by the Dietriet Attor? ney, leal night refused to mske any a ? ,ent. ANCIENT JEWISH POEMS FEATURE AT BAZAAR - i Other Attractions Are letters of Tolstoy and Zarguill. a new auton hila **?* honking Iti r?ew horn hoarai In or.?? oi !'B/!iMr -'?terday. In another Mawrn ?? i k* '?*T <* bs ;n boys' pant. Pretl lymi all pa . es to rat??: ? pot ee seep." But tha crowd tarried not with the -tutomob.le?. nor with t.\t boys' ; I '? ? | ? th Street, Tl e rebi eentre ? -. ral 1 . anciort book.w' ? ?, Sholi I '?? '"eked up in a glas? case, that it ?. pretty hook. Hour.?!, nnel marked the wandcr : aneient little ?won igt ? ? !-. ? e up I toma, end oi i a monumi ieetual pn i The Loo! . . -. philosopher, e wrote it .man For i ,. H ?.??.!'. t o?.\ *i?r ?-arri.'l il v i?h the: Russie, and whc*. at gel tion ea l nti ay I r . 1.4 v ??r:n boll - are eloquent -.em Mr. Ash ,? rhargn.f n high r>r?re Indeed, hi nks tha ? ?eum would be; I (| s? ': II tO ? ? . . ? ferer? of t .i ? ?n, ? n t to be bought \ ter of Toi f Israel Zeng .?? . t passport ? ., '? sigi sd by T .!? ffer ? ? United v * ? ? ? i Merci . - 1rs*.*? : i th aft g sessions of l i buying : : a ? tar f lest te sreel rting terpart. Mi ?Chi her waffle girli I vei weet ? - ie end Mr . Nathan .?-trau-? liov ererl ? ??.?.. g ? them I ? e Breslau, of the Metre . ?ara Burowitch ?or? ' NEW HEAD FOR ROGERS PEET : Mt of the Ro| era <-? . t a meet ? presi? ? ?. , i _ ?i.age- I - ? ' eleet? I irlei ">*? Hi. ? -, ? ee*ptei P Bn - l?ge, t"-a?ur<-r. and Rob < i t I'. Lewis, seen ta**) Booth Tarkington's SEVENTEEN l I ule i>l l muh -md Summer lime in.i the Bautet I easily -t ^pci. tally It ?Ilium. .i lona i ?????. -r. their o : m it. it the resemblance ind .?.ectlieirt?. and ihr oi I- per* ? "re no, ? ? l ->k will ha || of 17. a ly i 4'?ire el ? t. I i HARPLR & BROTHERS llt.hlnlied I AI 7 'COLLUSION* FIRES CHARITY HEARING Dr. Potter's Son Balks Counsel's Hunt Started by Pamphlets. REASON I OR VISIT TO FATHER REFUSED Witness Tells Hotchki?*s Me Is Cheeky Threatens to Quit, I'c'pite Contempt Menace. ' each ?the r ?t th? ? e. i!ive.'ij-atl0n **CBt4 Williaa H. Hoi - ?.?? - for the Charit ..... Dean ? - - of Dr i1?' el I Potter to the ? \-?nd. -aid Mr Hi - Path? r- It Karrrll, Pr. I'ar.irl ? ?? ratai ? ? Boai in pah ? ?ampl ting ?-.- ? Mr, ? ?? -. retntei ?o an -'ion.? and char- : ? gated ' . - ? . ? ' i collusion : - - ight no . ? ? ?' 1-a-' er F'eter and Faul. U noon. ? ? rriar.v ad? lee of William 8. tier, Father Parrell's attorney The I ? ' to Di Pol ter'? bo? e, Il ?.Tor. Ave:--:'. I<rn -- ? Friday, to get a ?ultcase h? i had taken there two week? before, but refused to ???> how man*/ times he had been sent hv Father Farrell a? a mes ? to Dr. Pottar la the last two r ? ? Urnie? Invr?tigation's Right. When Mr. Hotehkiss persisted in ??'<- ' question Mr. Hitler challenged i i right I a the witnosi ?ered only one o-.e? ? ? regar? ng l ? .?.!'? s?"l ? ollusion in ? " ?v ?.?.' leb - ?tneil to latisf** Mr. Hotchk .... . ? ?on a one .Mr. Heb ;il!ed my fsthei "V ? en ?*' 'I ye ?? last Far ",r Hotehkiss aaked. "I mo t coi '? Hotehkiss,*1 sn ? r, "that I cao sao bo aacy in jroar question." Turnin?* - I harles H. Strong the witness continued: "I don't understand ? yond ; Board ol gate ? rther } athei Fan miel < PotU r or ray I would eoni l< iteh an In ... of my lib? , '.'? In me." j earried mesaagaa ir ?*???? Father irincii?" Mr. r.Cd. ... ion," Mr. Pottei . \ i?ii to Fathei Queried. ?h? m Itati Bo ird of ? ariti? was ' with the ; . .* ? : Ln.icr the name of liga t ..o:.," ? Col missions! .-*. rcn.g. "I think ?? ii proper for me to investi ?'?' .rions of a member of the ?rate hoard." Mr. Hotehkiss continued to ask ques ? ? ? ?3 re the unoeratand Bg that ; .- rhl be *'..brrr.t:ed to the Supren ( oart in contempt COedings aay. what name ? ho'j-?..*" aaked Mr. Hotehkiss "I won't aaawet ir." ?a-i Mr V ?<? ? - ? ? ? -" ?'<"?h. >c?, I '<?.'?<? ??' Hut that-? a othor piece of iniper' -r - ?. i the ?ritnesi ril great ? -. ?a why h? Hraa at hi? father'? house jp-terdav I .'?!- I' ? -? "If I choOSe to gO *'? my fa'her' I'm en! . . -aer f it 1 JOB." Mr Potter ref . tell why h? ~?de a rec?at *"i?it 1 -s of ? "Why do ***** re".a? *?? s-*?er""Mr. -? aake ! Eh tanas I think It'? unmit-ratfd snd .__ ?tad eh? - ?' - ra to ask mo thes n?." Mr. : i sat on. without paus Did -, .-i-i 'n'.? a- ? pamphli l cf your father'-? d?Ml "1 dec'.r.e to ; B?w?r " "I .i - ? ? ?nswar that iv-ies tii*n," ?aid Commissioner Stron*. "1 rr.p, ? ?' .--c. 1 que.*t-on righl ? aal me *? ?uch questions," rrj.'''?"d Mr. Patter. '" propose to be heckled a to what I ?in a- a ?? ? A m?me-* later the witstON threatened ta I? net the room ?' that lino uf "Th- ty of putting '.?-u . ?hen tried to lean, fron thi sr l>r Potter waa att? | ide the sub ? . ?itkinc for him. Mr Hotter ?aid he knew nol ?h'jj- ? Father had said ? . - * - New Ye -- ' ,'? .1 --?nr ? Im had a sub ; i - a"! ' -, ? - aakod "ile ?.th?''' that mucl of a fool," r? tarted Mr. Hot? roa? e*k< i Mr Pat toll D? Pottei '-at he wa? want? ed at the :?? hut th? res? refused to ???? ?s messenger. Mr. Hebberd is expectod to he a wit re.? at to-day'? hraring* RASMUSSEN TO AID M'MILLAN RELIEF Natural History Museum Gives Explorer Unlimited Commission. A rab?? mes.-arre ha? b-eon (?Bt from the A-ncri.-a?; M?j?eum of Natural His? tory te KtMid Rasmus?en. the Panish rxplore? ? lai ning to leave in a 'ew ta . - ( ?edition *o North ? ,-? ? land, tolling him to la fil and ffo to anv leri^:''?.? to ?uecor the MacMillan relief partv, ??hich ha a 1 ?ard from since the lir.u'ua'^v hard ? ? . . ?. ? ? for its ?af. ".ssmussen ;? planning to eyplore the rer?:eT. betwean Peary Land and Green ' will leave in th?? early rr:n? from Thul . N'orth (?reenlar.d. ri S MacMillan relief exp?"-' dor ' te command of I?r. i Hovej. of " ? vuseum ,.' Katural Hi? totry. left New York on the <,eore;r B. .-p. June ?. 1918 At the rr tj it no apprehenaion was sr ? < . ? ? ite saf? I of the i nr'%- arj that nail ii expect?d from them ?.irre time late ?,-, June. It is thouch' that the tnn horn?; ? II be n ado via Denmark Tickets for Mi-Carem?* Fete. file *a> of ticket? for the Mi? ? ? arnival, I \ at Bhai lo* '?? on Thurada; et i ng foi ??? r.f the VVesi Sine Juvenile ?'oir*. has V ? -. ? : ro Mi?? Fr RikcT, -'r". Madison Avenue. Tickets ? - . inee. i FEAR COURT BAN ON SHOP ZONES Commissioners Find Plan Is Gaining Favor of Business Men. UNIFORM LIMITATION ON HEIGHTS URGED .Marks Reports Approval of Re? -.tricted Area Idea by Dis triet Associations. :i. ?jit of Build ?ne; District : rat public hear ,? tei ley h* the ? ? ' Manhattan ? ? rea particularly the Hat t? ry ai * treat Kdwaru M H;. former Publie .**er-\ ee? a - ?,! ,?' the ; * ? ;? of op.n ion an | ? -neri uhu !,'? ed the hearing ?- r the courts n to risks l?n':al or ee .k dietricta be nispped o'r- ..... * * si nd of a s* tha V ,ra? seid ?hat ommiasiona he had appointed were in favor of some and a approved the work of the commission. ? ph I. Buttenwelsi r, a resl estate operator, of 120 Headway, declared it ? us and arbitrary :'ur the to ? ? nieta a street sur? rounded by faetorv buildinps and ware houses as a resijen'ial s'reet. As an instance he C tel Fifty aoCOUd Street, between Lexington and Third Avet.ue?. Ha said such an set was confiscstory and no court would suatein it. nr Henry W. B< re, of M M A* si ne, eentende 1 that there should be u .tation on htrif-hts oi ~o far mod, Dr, Hei f ssie. that the Supri mi < ourt ara w?ping out r? - ? he d:?i not think ? hold that rone?, laid out the cil would ? stand ?j: ?- bettei chani ee. The comn thei hear:n?r to-day on the area between Twi nty-third and Fifi .U Would Extend Shop Zone to 23d Street sdditioi ' ? ndon r th? - h plans to cone north of ?third Street from menufectur in?/, the Fifth Avenue Association ft terdav recommended extending the line ? luth 'o Twenty-third ?tie, ?. At a i hi .?l at Delmi t| - ta iciat oi accepted the re, o-i? mendation of the executive committee appr' ? -?.r* of the Commie? ? - i? ?-:. ta and Rtatr e? tiens and ini!or?;nar the movement, to ?jirnent , following ? ' * area adopt ADVERTISEMENT $500,000 10-20 Year Mortgage-Bonds Dae Jara. i?i, ISM at 95 Netting ?baut 5 Y?% rteea n?a4? ?*a IBS ?":??*-- ?*?'.-*>?'(?? et ta? ?"???????y. a???? a ? apir?! Su-rl?*? ??4 f-eSt? ?f |??o??no? as ?-? farttrar a? ym\ ?>. ???? *??*?>?.??' ????? ? r**t**<ISS ol trat aa '?rr.??r< rra' ?arata la ?a-ra, '?:?*> ?n ?a ? r j' :? tte rar? ??)?? at ... **?'?. THE MORTGAGE BOND CO. OF NEW YORK Si Liberty Street We a'ro'c'*. arg? thai IB? are? ??hrrh manu'aeturinc be ???-hided b* extended s a* to i ?rca -Hed a* foil??'*?, y liion Ivonne th oa t balf wai bettf ? ? [ I ?tron ??. t s ??? ??. ? ' ?a Bvaai v n\ : thence north oti Broa4wBp to ?. ro'nt half wav bet?? ec ?'-and ? . ????-.ind ?UT ??eat to **??? a th Avenue; I ? r*e? - ? ..? ?.i TI n , |. ? -, - ? ?. ? ? ... ? 1 a help ?' r "S?\e '. -ove. ment, E. | r? - ? i4M it ? st tli?? il . . ? -? ?"i ? ?? ?>?* ? . hirty lifth and Thirty-aial CHINESE GOVERNORS DEMAND YUAN EXILE P;tsont ritimattim V-Kin ; Sin render of rrifton Baa Franc.?co Malt I ulti? matum demsndir?- the revgnatien end exile of Yuan ?*hih*kai ?; I t1 . exec i tion of twelve of his adviser? h??b?*rn handed to the Qua'i Bhlh-kal jjovern ment by the military go\,?r'.or? of six revolting provinces, according to cabl? advices to the Chinese **?""*?**"*.?? Also nation here. The ultimatum, according to the ad . contain.? theie tiva demands: That Yuan Bblh-kai resign a? a t'xed da'e and leave Chin?. That twelve "traitora" ?aata?l ba tl ed, and if found guilt] of consplrlag It the republic be I (CCUtad. I hat Yuan. Shih-kai' property and rapcrty of I "traitor?" .*, ? ... ? . it *i .a- ?31 kai's d?"-r?.niUnt? for le?era! "f eitisenship. That th? ?eparr.e prav?BC?M be j?iten fa ? arsenals. TO AID CZARS PRISOlfERS i. M C A. Will ( omforf Million (,er mam in la?l? Dr. Fred T. Hag-trard. for sixt. ..??,. ? ?,.? of the Amein:;.:. !?...? | | lias 1 ;uai ?er* m this city, annonnced to-aiay that he had accepted a ?prrial appmntmer* to Ku??'.a, under ? ?" the international eon Men's Chrintian AsaociatioB. l'r Baggard*? warb i? ta belp hrin fp'.ritual and physical eamf? pr lOBOra of Tarar COnfltocd In Furopeai anil Siberian Ruoaio Effort? will h?. mad?- to establish and eonduct orj-ar? /at.on.? along th? "Thristlan associai i in various centro? '.?here more thai a million . ie soldier? are * . * ? con ? But Fatimas are the best-liked and best-sell?* ?ng of all the cigarettes costing over 5c. Of course, your taste may be different?vou may not like Fatimas as well as all these thousands of other men do. But you can't deny that they are worth trying not only for the delicious taste that has made them so famous, but also to see just how SENSIBLE they really are how CQ v.'.' V*. 'Ico ESSBfl urmt^/tetTttiAi S8BTpmmS3?5?S3^BBvm8^ TWO TESTS FOR ANY CIGARETTE Tt? Hite Si ths cio-ct*-??ceo-dinr , a ?--dlBc tnb-rro Journal?i? up In the ,a?,-. h<i 'here ?re oih-i qualities | hj: ,"u ?I. ? *? look loi 11 ?h? ti-jf-tte , thai loo are ??ins to anca to lor toot I ?:-?>?? - a? H?i? sr? a loupl? o( let!? I :hat r... help lb? a*"ase ?t. .<-r to I .bocte rr * ? '?T t t?-eo ci2?reat ?in I? ef risarrtt? ?. 1'it te-t i? It cools???, ?hi'h | ?jirjr. -, tr.rrr c-r-.'ort l*> ihe th? il ?nl| t?i3f ? I -' :i rcirarette. Draw le a | cloud of smok i ? ? ' ordiaerr pee IBOt, -. miittssasetkl t??t. Hold i It is a oaf aoutb fcrif-- ;? ronds L?t ' tt EMI" srsand ?i? r.*,t root tosfu?| aodthrsai. Sew hi >? out tte inaoke. ] It ih? t ??. its ecetshi a heb grade ot roUd lot,a'?*-? >a?es. csrobln-d in tas! the rich! pree rttee. it ?, I a.sir? fe?| CCrOL PPni ir.-crl i !? sth to yourtbrcat ?ad t ? tear i-ng .? On needier I .nd If th? p ropo mea? ire ooi n; t -._>'. d toe cif.felt? csntsiai inlerier rrades ?sf toba??i or bldriec1 ?t'fcBiJloT r?a?, eilt leal. roo*?. I ("Is r r~"| ?tine al tbe t?p cf your t*?r.r.? or that kudo(-wr''tr.^!s-aroiirtbr-?t. Test number tri ? How do jou letl sltcr .aCtltiBt a.I day I V th.e tihsteos in the ?Irarette In^la-f? s coned oree rti : lot -rid sude??? ar.d .'- -f t! ??ariouig'ad?:, 1 a?? i- i r* < r'y mel!T?red br *<- ??,"d il r ,' .? o?l'd ii t biufout the -i -de Bestrahleaav ^npl-i'int ' le each o4itMdi(ter?*etlrpeam ? ce will te ?* ticjl'v '? *rne?er rou I' el I <?nlLr ._?*?, ib- dar Uilfceo) les.iog tzy -_<..t tica it. ra' -.f anothere.garett? in ?bien the btead is teas skUtfel, e?en <ho?jgh the to? h..c^?a?.?ofth? highest grade, tou ?ul i sd a: . g toward* ibe end cl lb? d,r i~?i it i ??? .- ? to ii - ibal (?Mt-ag ot .? ?.. r ' smoked too such." City W-^alWt*.a-4AvtL Ja\u *aS4tttmau?^?\9uPm9r' llflllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllll 4