Newspaper Page Text
Xtvo Tlark ?ribuiu First to Fast?the Truth: \e? s?1.tutorials? \(l\?-rti?ements. il I ?I'M M\i<? n - i gen tett '?' I '? ten i i ? - ?*:r.i_ r -??*? r? ? Pa!'? A ? ? ?.,.-...> } ? l??l . A - ? ? ?. n.9 PAU . a ?AT On? i t ? V i.M.V ? ? 6 OCi IHII.-i a ? - l>u? i??r. ? - BBSS*?? a: ' ? I . - - ? ? t? I - : ' a ? Yon can parchaos merchandise adverti?ed in THF. TRIBUNE with abaalat? aaf?ty?for if ai?atlafactiow resalta in an> .a?-?? Tin. TRIBl'M. guarantees le paj >f?ur money bad upon re?iue*t. Nu red t.iji?'. BO qulbbllag. W c nake K'uiil promptly if the afhrert leer doeoaoL "Crises" with Germany. . Followii | tha i r the ? ; pa .-?'." r Americat: dfopatohe* ra I ?Id, old cry i.' .. is" in our rclatior ("ern.any. I ;." faithful | the Administra! the prediction, now almos! (o be ol To-morrnw. sil to lia*. diction will probably be- ; again for repair . I not Gei iny'a fault that ;.?;.'? Tl ititcn-, tion to mui m was there, even if I'i'.\ n'.ir;. ?? ? pped in and ordered ati ex? ception for 1 Mr. ? tag iff? ring * It will now be ?af? to ay thai had any Americai ilaagfatored tl e \ '??? ?? tral would have Bhown th? epti in Herlin and ?icre what it- far. I BC founiahility" pronunc?ame really ? ? he imj ' ? ounl von Her' I i fl ??i fj fies. And int ry will have to wait u I . . . .. , - really capable of when he f? lating ? r dictum Bel vered that no Ameri? can live* hi ; there nie talking in Admi circles ? high ipol ? "Tin- World," for instance, was moved to ?? ! very i all other i ? ? ' ?nything ia to be gained by maintaining my I? friend? mat .ce with a ? in truth and ho In ?I ? that ? headism" in ? '? '?many the '.. Yet there is mu : : uary, "1 ? - to be :'."' il. then ? er been "anything to be gained" by i*i I g I up to the demand? made in the Luail - ' ultimation of 1 el r lary, 1915? We told i We ?srarfare coal We the murder of the \- ? ?can victims on the ! ????en I isitania w? . "H.i -d" by it. v ?. ti fare" The V, ickling has, cm the eontrarj. ? y into the depth? of humiliai ledly ut? tered the : ai?l I - Buchanan had ever lowered tl tional ? a Biuch P t W has low? What i - to ! ?? *fained by a "cri.* i " v. . I ? many to another Mcr The !. recalled. Why ?Iras: il out further, each new ca*-?? I by th? in ? Lility of g? iny can pa ?ability in the M? ditcrrai Au.*tna II In the North Sa ?-he can faunl: With ' victim not of a It is a fai ce to keep eel i g gi fur 1 "...'., -.- ' . with ("cniia irdcra, in v.o.atnv.?- an right* . nati?..' .:: la ?? W? ,;." I . I I:.;*. again**. Gen a Gar?an big liner, Fhc h.? arly cli month? to di a\.,w ? ? anees that it wi |{ , ?.till It-aii|g ?? ? \Shy, th. . back to our : t, great n iti ? .-? - anee? Th? | ,(ial over>h;?i!'.v. ? Wa have had .? ,...,? to break with ?.? ra any on th- l . cane. W? have . ?., far ne tt\e quat? aUti fa. ?hi, for th? injury done M no offer of ntufa-rUofl -.vhirh the Admin? istration ?iar? to ? ? aif 0f tnr American j>< If w* " with Germa.- y 5 -, the ? ? I ? ?? 11 able under any Administration im' truc Americanism. It would car, humiliation of a diplomacy ?which hat . without h ??. r 1 our own bo? With i,?.t a friend in all the re t of world. Chasing a Stuffed Monster. The Anti-Preparedness Conun I largely of ministers, ettli workera and General Isaac K- Sherw of Ohio, finds ??thai "the various milita masquerading a 'defe ties . . . an deliberately cr ing ??? widespread condition of i. lafety of this country ai foreign invasion.'1 In campaign, therefore, it ha President's challenge to "hire large hn and make ?known ?ta case a.* parednesa, one of the main objt I . to ba the Hay bill. Prolon laupht4?r and applause! What shall ? ? ? ? "wideipread condition of 1 tena'' which in tlif intl rests of pacit ? the Hay bill for ita denun tion? The Hay bill (how the fat" must 1 with Homeric joy over I ., r tuffed lira?*."?!), ski!ful!y <?? Ii -fislaton ?to provide ? a ? of protection without the It a-hi, practical army; it removes not one of the disabili whi h the militia lias labored fr t, including the cru hing i e duty. It Beeks : imp! ? : te " ? co ml ry's available fund thinly disguised allotn ? p ?rk ami i ongressional districts. Surely p iflsra could de ire no greater triun than the passage of the Hay bill. Ev< mealy mouthed pacil I i" the House entati' including General Sh wood himself, voted for it. calling it President*! mea are. If only the orator- of the \?,'i P parednesa Committee would really show Up, rip it open and expose to the countr view the sawdust of its insides, reveal i insincerity of the man who in St. Lo could challenge them openly to oppose p parednesa and then return to Washing! to stand sponsor for such a ham. th would deserve the everlasting thanki their countrymen. But instead, apparei ly, they are preparing to take this II bill seriously, to stand off at arm'- long and growl at it. to support the pr?ter thai ?ta teeth are not of papier-mach?. It may he. of course, that Uli the conspiracy. Working on Merit. * annual report i Govern Whitman'.- Civil Servie?? I ? which mi thing but si factory to the pi politicians and their joh-hunter That means that it should be the oughly satisfactory to the bulk of t! population ?f the .-t?te?to those who i ?gard the tata service aa "ne where ea< individual do his work and lie ab to earn hit -alary just as it' he I ? by a pi - concern. In 1915 the c ?mmission actually reduci the number of o.\< ? on the statt payroll by 187?that is, it took away fro liticiam 187 chancea of landii henchmen in jobs. Moreover, il a favorite <i hoving >soi ? ticii n'a favori ice on the payroll where merit ; ? n by the percentage obtained in e: amination markinga would not carrj And it greatly reduced the numher i "provisional appointment ," anothi of t;. in-' methods of -retting hand into the treasury, Il permit! appointment of just two persona "for !>? and exceptional -qualification without examination. That again is ? to political precedent. For ii1! tl.i the commission acknow the cordial support and .peratio overnor Whitman. It is distinctly t the creiiit of the ' ? and ihr men h selected to work with him thai the spir of the merit ?system I o thorough! carried out. It would bean excellent thin if the recommendation of the .*-? i ? I Civil Service, u rgani ? of department tail's, Btanda ? . ! he maintainin ? ? ? oida and the like, were I be put into effect bj thi . Ta!.:: g Up ; it ion won! complete the process of putting the department service on a high plane ? and usefulness, of which the *a the Civil Service Commission, howi l ? . ? only one part. Controlling a Terrible Scourge. lie I ? " mi of lleallli ?m in the current number "i "Health New.-." the monthly bulletin o! : irtl ent, "to v. am the pimple ol the : t?te against the ? ture ol money?often ill-afforded 'he ral I ope ;.? : al ? ' all, the wa ? ime through tl. res and tation with ? ? iua purvey? '? all who art ?? may he recommend? th perfect confidence ?to rea?i th?*? l?ul ? ?vare not only of the the barefaced imp in din ? able newspaper! but likee ise ol all who profe to have new system of ** cai ei by d et ; _*. bj ? i ctrical ? tent, by pancn ? I or by any other oi the doubtful m< tl ally exploited by enthusii I -. Early an<l complete removal i I malignant growth ii the one safe method Of treatment we know to-day, and to thi ? arly diagnosis is obviously necessary. er la by no means neeeeaarily fatal Ther? Is not the slightest doubt that th. ? trota cancer might be ? i I iced if only every ca < -.ere and dealt with apeodily. Many 1 ?'"' i iblyattributable ,!" ''" '? OF fear; hut prin? cipally to ignorance. All men and w?,men [ahould i,?r Informed of the dan.;, and all who have the . ? ? Ofl to ? peet cancer should at anea ?? I I ' advice. Much has already been done t ? public the truth al it I '?? t he done to popularize knowlcr con?rning cancer. All thai for the information of the B"B or wimnn i sert forth in the curr? "Health New.-." which may he had with' charge from the Health Department Albany. There it* no lon**er any exc. for the i?rnoranre that prev,v ill dly. Coming Round to It. 'I ? ??-. . . i thing for peace. Commercially, ii and financia to the gi? ..? Euro] ?-. Pea except for the fad bound to com?- -ouner Brill pre aim'?.-' munseti ' ' war. Now, therefor? I me to p: pare for it. A : in tariff hoard to mt with wirst r?. problem? of pi tection will prove an ? eaaure [t I'd?' to r-uppr that WBgi i war hu ?-eased a irmallylowB lahor abundai L Th? former ? ? will adopt ? their indu*' ? hich th 1 before the war, while rel degree ii their for? .!..i ? . I 'o meet 11 in our OWn I H reipii an exfi? | dation of tarn"' into which politi? mu I not be allowed enter Representative : I . ' introduced into th'r HoU ? a hill er bodying such a tariff board. I' lia tl approval of the Adminj tration and w be the Admii tral ject, he lia ' ?t s?rn sure of passage. 1:. ca e il the ?Pre . es the proper judgment eli tti n of tariff commis ? *ha" he in a fair way t i raeel "ine of 11 m"*t ?erioui problem which peace tai 'nrinR. Il',- what an opera bouffe 1*1 trine! ? Too Proud to Talk." e | ? liune of the 15th of Fel ruary. It ? nol flatti rii : to \'-\ I perfectly \ i indubitably well-int? i I i*. one ??:" tl Al which ha\e ireen consistent!) Allied cause. The that Kr.-,land has been hopelessly oui '?. ? red u he they entrusted their affair* t" Herr Herr burg, * on they n ?. ? . ? . . made fall use "'* all tli va it resources ni 11,e American ? ? - the American newspaper a* B? they con made their Chai ? ?me i re I - B? mann-H talked t.i ?numerable millions i tu the medium 0 Th? Briti ib methc . dain. . . The Ti Bi ? and pi !'?.' ? ?. go tem? ? the JJ t i?." Th sympathy ami '. publi arc of ?minen ie imp? ta . ' o u r g ? ? ? lign ? Uni! ? . in tl.? ?? eriesi little about the ss ? ii ami m? ' irtenini i clear I \ what il effeel dy *? i! . .. I ? ? a great I in th? ted State?. V pie. Amei ... g< " g I r? .? ' v* I ?i i u!i a "pub! ? ? ? ' ,: |. el lire <.i ?a mi? I ?.,? B|| w? the the t. to he don? '.' V. ? ? I ? ? proud to 1 ' mar:;. . ... \ahich wo art Boominf? the Dogfish. I ' to bo I : Burea t I . .i i ? ? * ? ? pparent way I ha? h' D tried aiul COI ICBBl ? . ? need to !?? by th.' Tank? ? - 11u? '.?? I they doat I.iae th? darned things, and they ain't lit ? ? i ? anyway, hut th? their dof th? r or no, It la doubt an appeal to tl I .. , ?i ?i.. ? 01 ' t.\ Idently ell that ? eod to thirty days at hard d . ilia: in jaiL A PRO-GERMAN VIEW Showing That We Ought to Love the Prussian. To ? f The Ti beae. -. : ? present day r?-r ' *"? ? ' nuLay n the abeee ami f Germany, which has shown her Dt fei this country for more than a .'. . ? Frederick tl < . ( i'rr. i aent a I Geerga Waahing? I ??i 'T'r?.m * leat Gei arel : ? the Greate-' General," he never dr that a day would come when Prussia would ?? , .-.. ?' A- .ncans a nation to be ruble thi pela ?? ktioa. Seither t t rai il ina; of the ? ? .- ? |o with 1 ' n-.mediately after mmeneed. When I ??- -? ?luhl.c and agai-: itrality of Gi tuneriea i ? theat a word < I The ravagir-r of our commerce by p i note. ri , m * !.. be mor? careful. The t Aaaei y I ??* ?a the . . beea :??? l< i if the ?i heeded. i. many licht-, for ? igainat a -...rlil in enea, and If iha thinks tl it la her I submarine warfare eat ? se rights which she i ? bom d to res| the sane h.gic which thia eouatry ed le allowing the exportation of arm? ?h which to ilanfhti ?- wares rulea 1 ? ? e to do ? ?r ..... ire ires not fht of by the fi at ? ? bo ind 1 ' ptgt of hi lory abes I ha en Iti the for Independence she paid ?$?? to her Ind? fa ,???.?' ? ???men and chiliLren. In 1??I_ liei I irned the Capitol at Washington, ami in :??;?? ha allowed the Mabama to tted ont m her harbor* to prey an oar comm?re?, and was on the pell * of reeogl I he ( nfed raej, And whei ? i ? ; the mai ment in Fort Greene Park, ded ' hat 1 are rea. if ta ? tuertean ? ? I tarred and tortured t?, death by per? ?*,.!? ion. England, with the assistanci ? ally, Jaran, will at I I int da.1 give Americana again the ehaai : ,?'??? tion so gei - ?* ?aii ' \ would ' eful. Soth . I nun the ? ictory to tl ? Mexican bandit Villa, wh ? ? r it ted by Gern ? ? Gern in da icei l B . ? eted .?* I ?'?'?? prou?! ? |ht for the Union in upon our .. - it < me back l i, German, Irish, Ital i i : o foi ? : havi mad tl i cou I . ? pai ? ? , tmeriea loyi ? tegi it) and hon? r m; IVIPFLER. Hi,,?, March 13, 1916. For New York's Benefit. of Tl I Trihune. I do not i ? *?-rly of the facl that Sew York City pa ? roportion of the ? . U I read I thi 11 no dirt ? . I be i barge no benefit and wi injury to ths farmers and country I voted on us by New Y?.rk < itj ? r ? | | have been '. eont v. ? tern ita the < Hty of to I . ? ? people For t ? i - t for a ? .: ? ial the la"' | ??.er. are the | ? I ? that Sew '?? . ? ihare of t he n hould share ? ?., he ; op be ma easy I nd horsi re permanent ? ii. ii. sun r. . An Appeal to Americans. ? I Tii?? Ti ibunc \ ? ? ?, : . qui ? ? i ?;? ?? rm i nation to ] aeger ?> arid. : en charge : that wa i eeking the d ei ?free I g an in ?.:..? at ? - ina ar?? long uf? - and will | I But i ... ii*| B? it i ? ; ; ret? t age by the bra I ? ? tain neutral n uch longei ? Kotwii g we are e larg no longer respected It ' iti I 0U art ? H ??-.??? . ken, for I: "II- tira-, is not for Mi .,i I ? * ? ? ? ? . ? IN AMERICAN. Jfork, Man h 36, 1916. 'No Entangling Alliances." To the I liter of -The I ur t.? it? oppeaition to Richard lli-iiry ar.? he WOUld ? lish concentration camps fur these Amerl? ? eriba t., pro Ally sen? *?? ? ribum ry out I ? ? ? iping on the becks of lha ... to a coi on. But thi Pye-< ? \ ? ? ? unchnc all sarta, noi C. A. KEHRWIEDER. ?.'.rk, llarch O, 191 ?i. REAL SOLDIERS CANNOT BE IMPROVISED la-- D-w. b, Brill* M..,.ary ^P^^?uT^-, :^^;J:]^^0?^!^' ?Biography of Stonewall Jackson.- \ Is Lsed as a I extbook Officers at Sandhurst. To the Editor of The Tribune. ? ? a tine when there Is so much dis? cussion of the necessity of aufleimt mi ?":? preparedne*.* it is wall *.o refer to our ?WH history and study the lessons of previous war* and the opinions of experts rather than thl gsents of some of our "sun-up-to-sunset' ans. Some Sftaea year? ago Colonel G. F. R erson w-r.)?- Taphy of Stonewall iard ir tary train ii ? sinci ; ? Colonel H was ? careful student ? .of th? ?jry history adhural His BCCOaal war with Mexico anrl Jackson's participation in it is followed sritk ta h? gatherer from ? -,-ns of that war. ar.d the fol may well be studied by '. opinion on pr?parai ? 'he military establish? ment of I i ?case of any fUtUl ||| . .. would '"" --? poaed of volunteers, and, ind warlike ?Btl , battalion?, it ems it they wer? far ble :? ., ? i ieneral ? irai -. ? the rolan? '??rreil by di ind h ighly ? - ed < 'man for : .in enemy immanded by General raj 0f the aere all rep ulai bo earried triumph from the shoi (?ui' to th? palace of Santa Ana. The ed I ems? It es execed? able to panic. Their superior In? telligence had not enabled them to mas? ter the instincts of human nature, and, although they had behaved well In camp and on the march in battle, their disci? pline had fallen to pieces, It could hard? ly he otherwise. Mob without ingrained habit- of obedience, who have not been t ra rd ' ?>' thoir Will to an? other' . cannot he expected to render imp! moments of danger tl ey !"? expect? ed under such circumstances to follow . ?' tl have but little eon I bat? i a com . : ed leader. are thoroughly well disci? pline ' ?' impos lead - red and th? spasmodic substituted foi entratad pressure ??.' the ma-*. DtO a mob before it ?"trike?* the enemy but seldom a taiaa SUCeesa; and infantry out of har is hardly more effective. In the Mexics campaign volunteer?, although on mar - they behoved with admirab courage, continually broke loose ttOi control under the fire of the enemy. * Individ?ala they feaght well; aa orgai Ited t'?ii:es. eapebla of manasuvring und? and combi:.. 1 ? eom| aratively wort eas Colonel lie:.?ici- la regarded British Rcei rttativa work ? y art. The I writtei Marshal tha late Right Hi n V - ? y, one of the flrat sold day and an observer of much ??:' scribed In th-.s work. Refer? ? I raonn to be derive?! from the .Vm bellion, he mentions that the first is ity of maintaining al all tii I an of efficiency ami eompoeed of thorougl ? men, this army to he ? ? ? it military r? and adapted to ' character and traditions i f I peop the force not nee? ng luring pi ?? ?? tin me-h ilf of it. pi ! .t is periodically .i: . I end n i -.'.. ,, r?> ' i"v>?. The . ? it ? ihould bo .. weapon aa can b?. forged." Let me quote the following para?tra; his Introducl "The tirst of t; I home to u- by the opening events of this unreaaonablj protracted war. A ? I ' -????.?here sai.!, most military stud will adm ? ? . I the Unit , I) m !-?',l. tO put ' ? their volunt an of regular tn pa, hi war woui?! have ended in a few mi I ' enormous expenditure of life and money, a? well a? a Bcrioua dislocation and of trade, would have been thua avoided. Never have the cv:l colis?'.] ? - which follow upon the abaenea of ai and well organised army bc??n more forci? bly exemplified. "But, alea! when lispreeehed in ? country governi i alternately by political partie-, and when th? no immediate prospect of Ratli .1 dan? cer, it falla on deef aera. The demanda made by the soldiers to put the army .??! a thoroughly efficient footing are per ently ignored, for the necessary means are almost invariably required for some other object more popular at the moment an?! m a pariiamentar* or party more useful. I he moat scathing com? ment an tuck a system of administration is furnished in th.? story told by Colonel Henderson. The fearful trials to which the I nited States were lubjectcd expoee the folly ai ption of which even well meaning party leaders are tee often capable. Ministers blur-ter nbot,t tiuhtin.? and yet refuse to spend money enotjj"? en the army to mak? ? u?*-; kr?4 on both sities ?ft *?' th? ?mo-., taaght by the P?ninsule, the Crimea ra** th<- '?> sr in but -. -(rt> bered. ?'!?e pIoBSiag ?< I Wl '".ever-n. toases money ca ? al on ?,'? ? sqaires i? si i ?,?<??*,_ M ? I r?ee tbroughout the world. ?. ? r-??.?,. I y I pre *m .then ?upported by . i .... t. es ?ng and akilfu i ?-.,?, there can be no SBC* lh ? ? J ,- ??? . ?? opposition 't? iju "If Bl ?rra-/ ' "??1 for its men. ?**,,,, hai luieln? to . ... -i than th.. ?? ' ': nth in 1841 and 1*'- I ? the thoro ?addenly r-Mpiin ? ' rh? pnva'e soldier wei : for ?ns. In 1861 the ( ratai N',.' - for ? ? th? ? th..' ' <*o! netti But I ? ? ... d? r ftre. s ' ?-"dy m outward **arb, ?<? d ai i . faca to .in lapsed into the condition "at-ble, and ran away from - ifaaaal p,i , I; and tl sot h eaase they wore ?- ?a srds, ? ??? ,,.- r.aie.?' lu? ?"? ??? ' ' -' re-ru? lar ? Idlers v.: ?"? field in such i ?''-?" ' ' ' ' ' ??au?? thev neith.'r B d? I ' plins WM BOr the neee*-;"- - I : < '-?'j'* the staff and n let ns, were Ul ' IBB .. ? d." It is the i " ***** ary orgai tl nion-l Henderson call .. ? c' ? .-.??lion? fern d '.i ? ' ' tlj lot 'the I'n' !> to e.. ? !? i" training , . 'ON they ? K.NOWLTON DCRHAM. ? ? Vork, March -"? PACIFIST PLANS Suggestion for American Partition to Produce Peace. ;:-.? . pie seem to realize ? hat int.? th? I '-of this countrj Itg recently toward placin, an important positior as the ina.n factor for .securing a permanenl .?. war wsery world. The active . ? been too busy to talk mud tial foetstepi Hi Ford expe It la pos? that hia report is rj and that the scheme he outlii governments of Fraai . . . ations are nos ... | in the mi?'. of the cigh ;it of a miataki policy ? f tO a lered the forcea I General rj War. To aton? these en . Ign i nt I ?< to 1 : ii CO all the S'apoleon sold to the I :. ? I State bai k to Ei ? ? ? ? - lying i . ? * ? Ca ids and m return is. ? ?I ?., annex Mexieo and all the ? 'lie Unite?! Stati 1846 In a ntinentel port ion i ? -lid I??' di? ? i seat ng English ? being French. \ to b eon ? .? pen on of the ?on. pa ive gil en full as . be no lerio ol act ion in pro| "?iin??. aa tha isea of Cong tow? t any armed opposition and at ited that been a i ani returning re in France, .:' ' I cago, Detroit, Boston, v. hile landed in Mex Orleans. tmerica and thi ' nai v ; ?' ? ng of si o of the'r armed bei . I to them full nuni - .? ? have waived I ? ? the siifTraire for Japeneae women to cil - up in that it that the peace of thi II now be a -rir???l for ind the data le publ ?? t'n. .. . f M r, Wilson - ?? .. toa ?'.,..??? bii letter of aceept X. X. a] I iff, I la.. March Ul. K?|?*,. Wants Break with Germany. rribune. I to ee ? '"ir correspond? nt R. H. Gat favoi our "breaking with mee with Eng And ..... ? H ,,-, :'> Ju ,. ; .?. ,| the idor from Berlin aid : ? ? ?: "-.i lU Tribuna waa right. iw where if thai had done by our government, a whole ream of ' ' irai "lis u,,,;!,! have been avoided and many crime? com ? tted I ? re by German satellite would have bei a pi I ho th tha American itifrht?? Commit? ?* allies have forced ?'"'?? ? ?? 1er neutrality not terlj repugnant to nal ?.:. " Doubt ? ia M p. ? rent ol . ir pee] i on the side "f tha Alliea, beeeuaa they know triumph meeaa the overthrowing of tho.L vary priaciplaa our forefather fought to sustain and which foi of any jual and lasting civilisation. Il our duty in this crii to sid England economic measuri Germany to cry for peace, wiiile at the -ame time making i*. impossible fo? bar to n ?bj tack us. And as our claim? against bar for dam as*? fully equal the value <>'' the seventy German lin?i - bow intern* why ihould w? not tak? p? ' -hem and send them, loaded with the . freight BOW awaiting shipment, to England? . be open and above b? ? ? whole ? -, aad i- ? ad w? rk of forcing '..inan? ity and civilization t?> cour.-e of opnr. - irder. I i . i'' MI'KI.I.V. ',,.1... March 22, 1916. Telephone Troubles. To tiie Editor of Tne I Sir: Like the poor, the toloph? wc have always with US, bul to me . ,ild continue. If the : nerl i After a long i ? the local manager* or -.?? the powers Ol The latt. : It the p? properly impressed ? th I steal such as connecting us va h San Frai hut the service in New Vork ? tj continues ... . t rnmenl ?a and. It i*. ?.. . i to reeoiyil mv par When icribers are gather? sr a-e al-.?.. share them m common. My theory, ? o based on some study ami i of the problem of had ? rountl? with investigator i 'nun ? ? linning into m; ?.. th? i ' ? bilitj, ?"?? ? ? , of mistakes o hould commend ;* to blic Sen ce ? ommission. I thii the hui . ha been entl relj gn? i the telephone company, With all forts" .... ? to low wag - of any in? centive or inducen I ol .? career with defi? nite rewards offered the girl*. I am no ogisl .- ? imen ? on Sundi service ., ? | the daj that I ; . ? : without ?' v ' ?' (J. any of your readers will t? l parent ighout the * ? ek. i lOCiologisl reader can Come to I with knowledg? ' fsl itoful, for it ?eema to ? lern of ??ad enrice is due to the lac? human factor in (h* moil ? ' org American urban li fe, ???* h ich ble for th?* !o.-* of a | unt of time, energy and motie;. to I I tbsei bar. Ki ? "fork, March 19, 191?**. READER. Along Lines of Preparedness. tne, Sir; Relative to the purloining of wire from our lines of COmmUni? al would suggest that no cannon bo left the route, as I believe that these ?I ' ' tes ? \t r-. and could disp. of sare. a? ft much higher price; :?- ' "? ? would bo pt to turn rus! ibstrac! ..? roplai ea < ?n fact, I wouldn't trust tho ?? M? a red hut itove. FORMER ?'Fl-li ER OP ! HE NATIONAL GUARD New Y?,rk, March tS, l'.'l?? Some Pronunciations. To the Edit?t of The Tribune. Sir: Will \iiu kindly print for the hen.-'? of innumerable r. idol of your paper th? eorreet p**?san?*?elatioa of eertaia oaarMe la u*.e at present at which only emeeaat are now ma.i, \ i it;?. Carraasa and Gabrilowitaeh aad oblige, ADELAIDE SMITH, Jamestown, N , . March 'J'?. 1'.?!.', [Vecja, (arran.'.t, Qabl ilu \ id h. Kd.l I INTELLECTUAL LIBERTY How the Notable Thinkers of the Fatherland Were Treated. The vei ' ' *'^ltt R, I*, bea written t.. . . d under tl ? Kne?Wp Wit'!.' the rr -t BOb teat il " M ln your or any gr?-,' '???or while it cannot b has ? ' ' * the Held I many years ?n ? ? : ? must be, aa thi Aithoff (Ocl "?' the "bump of pi -' ' ? I ? ijup!? ti taha ? ?' ' i ?... remi ' . '* ' I, quit tdolf Laaaoi well known v " ?"' ., Uthofl ' ?i , Po#f Gemas ?no* ?ho,*n we ha * ?? * spir ? patrii ? ? even OUI ? ? Gi rn Gutzko? man literature, la Jahn, ? ? lat ften, ?a i let off v t h i r t -, ? Freiligrath . I ? - and unsp? s man ; reckon Hi ? . ? and ei ? . land liber ? iffered ? pertM cation and had ha bad taken refaga ?n Mi _ _,, It is certainl) no) with I ? ??.Milan think, is an.! peel ' ?' Um y read} t.. rene? '?.?-hart llaui i.?, eendonlng the crimen c glum by tha modern H ru,i,. ai n ?.. i man literature aad ; *?*' . i have mi l ' [' , lllj in .??aa : -el land. Ill lino?*" -:'"* #4, patriot?! ??;?'- ''"'?' their th " ?-?J a , ruled, would sol eeaaeal !" ??'?' ?*?*? ' aeei r did retara thitl . ,. .. CHARLES RIVIEfc (?ii.l'.c. P y , Caaada, March 1!>, ?t?'1***