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The Conning Tower VOICEP. ? ?' <-r?> -rere many voter? Vying at the feast, Ai'l through them I rem'- ? Yours you spoke the leas'. Witter Bynnor n MeClura*. / hnpe thai n'l fbc rpenkere /'? e heard in my time. fat the nubile mct?cige Of Mr. Itynner'* rhyrnr. Vr.e U\\JM ot crime arc not easily understood. It appears that ?. |fg?ghad IHtk respect for many of the onnvrntmnal laws; but ** never cheated ;it lawn tomis. Wo recall a particularly hard -itch he onct had with Mr. In-po Hartmann. Mr. Hartmann ?sent ?ball outside, but l>r. Wait? played it. and when the umpire asked Wditc wh* 'her the ha!! wnsnl outside Wait/?- had lost the point . y ?a?d he thoupht it h-v. been pooil and had played it as such. A IttKTiON IF10M IHK CONVrNTIONAl BLACK. ii ??- th? Mriidin UM 1 OI-?l*th.] ?M pet' ru t**<"t I* ? k-iutltui tin lili iitd th* krl<?|eMm ???? t ten rilir?? lull. "I shouldn't have put that capta ? on it," said the Sunday Editor, who has the h? dl)| i our shoulder. "I should Ytxe ??aid rtomtthing ?1 il Billing m d ( >oing." Bpenking of which, one of the Tower*, dairy?owning nr.d f\.r rsn frier?!- MJ ' hifl noisiest bovine F.aeketty Kuh. ?UN, FAST AND FURIOUS." Sir: Now it happens that there is ? sheet, frankly called ?*F**n." which is riven away weekly with "The New York World." You mi\\ subscribe to its rifjht t-o the title upon loarninp that the .-?a;* recent number contain.-* -.vheeze??, built upon the infelicity of i-njagal life, the difficulty of soeurins adequate domestic help, the tasstM of a man wlv??? daughter i- uikine: ?-iiipin-; le=son?, the quality of I'ittsburph itogie . the inability of the fairer se\ to understand bankinir RMttCT . the discovering of a hair in a gentleman's soup, UM nfl-iol habit of examining the husband's attire at night, the impecuniou-ness of artists, the prevaricating power ot press agents, ?he greed of lawyer, and the tendency of the male to forget to mill the wile's letters. Blackhanp. Mr. Hearst'l attempt to prohibit pri7.e-fighting in this state his our support, and we hopt- he succeeds in having a law pas=ed ?Vbiddir.g such exhibitions. But our attorney, who looked the mat? ter up yc:tcrday afternoon, inform? us of a secret; and, a? we ?imply can'* keep a thing te our-elf, we must tell Mr. Hears?. There if. owr attorney sags, not a single law which compels any c.tiien to attend, countenance, pay moneys to witness, or even (Mi say prixe-flgW whatsoever. The Complete Letter Writer. ? rtrv.'rvv] ?, i i'i-? ?I'.^t mu-u.'i? : M Gettleaun; VVe are received a three dazen of lady'?* WSista throuth .pre?? Co. in this citv, with a date of March 22nd, and there was ? iaaj d.fferent from our order I fined. So-on wo are ?cdm* them hack ti ?roue houf? directrv. a? f>on as your reply wear mari?? op hoi?? vou '.-(v ?are would do for this case, waiting it'a reply. f e -r?r (..Toff, are theire, not MF.DLEY OF POPULAR SONGS ?aid Opie Read to K. P. Roe. 1-e heard him play In Chicago, But the only tune that he could p'.ay ?I ?.ike It.'" Ornithology, we are neh?med to confe??, never has interested tfj but we care more about the Gu?charo, the bird Old Will Beebe. fl.rovered to Co.. Roosevelt, than we do about whether Jee* Wil -"-templates retiring from the Rope?! Arena. mi. DIARY 01 OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS. Por a walk, and met upon the way Frank Colby the cyclopedir.t, and we talked of this and that, and I did upbraid hin w;th writing too little; but he, with more courteousnes- thar. I had. mid out my writing too much. To J. Wise's, and * lyed there at p'.'.er. losing a tidy sum to M. Glass, T. Hovey and C. Riegelmnn, a lucky trio, t . Mors then had J. Wi?e and me to . where he told us he could sign the bill, which he ill not without hard look? from the head-waiter and the other ?altert. Te the Cornet., where I saw .le-.- Willard be-;t Frank Mora**, but 1 deemed it a dull and sorry affair, and marveled that so many persona would pay such vast sums to ??<*? it, many of whom do find da;!y excises not to help those about them. SS?Stopped in all day. reading Will White's "God's Puppe"-." which ? the cleanest and sanest matter. Will White and George Adc I deem the ?moot American, if that be an adjective rompa-.? 1 our writers. New- is come to me thHt M ist re He.?-? Tower, a- fair and ?sweetly spoke a maid as ever I knew, ?a toir.g to ma?-ry Murdoek Pemberton the theatt ick manager; which I ?m t* I ? r.g both ot them deeply. With Mistress Helen Itor to dinner, and che tells me I am exceeding droll, but her I deem a flattere.-. To the dr- ? md thence to the office, where till dinner. Met With I?'. Warren, who told me how the band at .Sherry's did ??se playing Saturday night when H. Swope, dress'd in his lounge ayed to dance; which was a ?great joke, methought. At the "flfe *,.: ? md on my way home did stop for half an hour at 'The Cohan Revue," to see the "Common Clay" burlc-quc at which ? could laugh every night, 2-8?T?*> Yet ken With my wife, and get out my petrol-waggon, **hi?*h ha* - d Id S fof its week??, and I wh?* gratified to know ? hid not forgot how to drive it. All afternoon at the office, and K. Ri****har? the tayle-writer and C. Falls the artist to see me; and to G. Kl I the poet's for d.r.ner, and .-o home and to-bed. PUTTING THE DRAMA OVKR IN NEW YOIK. **w Yor?.er a ihow is n rorlaer: mention tha matte, libretto or ?'??.r* him the chorui makes up right bef?te . '- bre??he tr??' tha tonor arrivai la * ear. v'-r**. ?? th? dreamy, tha peach? und cream7 ot* -. ?? aing every n-i I rbaa to aaj Jo?< : h I'rhan Ha mad? all the eenorj talk * ?.? gh?. ?Uention I ". mentii) . ? - ?4 to prove thut th?? sho?*- r, a trea* To mak? It allure him, {oat ealrn v _s.?ute him Vo , KNOW he ?ant poaaihly purchase a Boat P. W. Kr? J'" Vila speaks of "Peter Maher, who carried a deadly **4..?p ??, e ?her hand." "While Maher," he pays later, "was strictly ? -**igh? hs'Hed hitter." And yet Mr. Hear?-' wants to annihilate a 't-*"*' thai ? !<?'.elop a man like that' "\. B." No cloud ah?- 1 - o ? ryinif of wind or wave; ?\ *r*-*innrlirtfiimfir iwim r?n even keel, 'while on?* ?Ahito if-ull follows it.-* wake toward France. why foci Um ffull downward suddrnly? Wgjr ipeed from that now and arrowy wako that strikes Aleog th*- water, by what phantom icfaw Clamed to propd what phantom hull? ?And now 'h'- -nxx',-.' : wake bhintg r>*i Iti targai . . . Death -Mpt from th?: wfldi gran ambush of tho h?h. D?B*t lip-on to your hr-art, or loso your head: ???ifct Kribble with your peneil on your ruff? <**W mak*. a ixoU <>f It, dr-tr Uncle ^am'. ? I ** WlLSOM DOOD. ?- Urantoldrlei I 1 sircas for the Syndicate "**? <>ie M?,y He f,-,rr, \ . ? ?900 mm m i? Km ,,;,. ? n w,?!, w-.i, bow fh growini ?M^. f. /'. A. QT, DOG AND CAR PRIZES AT BRIDGE Society Aids IM. Y. Wom? en's League for Animals at the Rit;.. MISS JEAN LONG WILL WED MAN () i V.arjfiric Sterrctt To Re Ouest on American Ambulance Day at Palace Mower Show. ? ai ' ?on Long, ... . Long, of Ardmore, r? nn . a/ill be marri? ? I William r ? i , ? ? * - i i., -i han . of i:-, eif-h'h Stteet, or. . Ardmore, '?del phia, ?a lias d of hono-, and th? .i Bui?. Penn., ; ? .1 Mi : " i A'' Ketcham ? in. and the naher in II I, jr., John H. Stewar! and I : I I of tin* city; Harold I .*. ;.rd I!. Lei ," Wil? mington, I ?? In aid ? ' Sew 'i .?:.. W 01 ? ? ? ., bridge tourna* I ter da ift? The ,- ? ? . or th? s than j two hund?, i old. among I who hud them b? ng Mrs. M. Ortae tridge, Mr?. PeterCooper Hewitt, Mrs. Mm.shall Field, Mm. J. Muhlenberg Bailey, Mr Charle H Diti Ml , Levi P. Morton. ?Mrs. Le? Mi l II ai le: R Anne ? ? nk B. Porter Mil \ B. .Icnniiii?-. Mr5. I'eter B. Baker, jr.. Mrs, J. Kenn? Mi Rene La Mane La Monta? ' ban? P "' - ? on and Mi?. Franklyn I Hu1 - ?raluable sere n?\*?rdeii includ r.'mle. a % u-trola. ' ' or?, :. ?bort-hiiire : and a tan. At the ?aal he list of : ?need II . a source of joy to Mr?. Cuyler D, ? won the fourth price. Tl I rai a prize winning cal Mrs, Sprang ?a.; hated eata. Fourth and fifth place were interehani?! .' m .1 Mr?. Sprang was happy ? presented by Mrs. 1 sur M? rrl Other prizes we: ? | ,r t, a chow Aog, p ???* ? nted by Mr Fi anklin L 11 ?nd won by Mrs. H. II. Henna; se? a box at the Me . Opera 'n Apr;l ?'?. ? Ml -lame \> oi K v Mr,-. W, Critt? lidami given by Mr?. . r-. II. I-. Hop . prise eat, gi en bj I ? and won by Mr?. A. F, Sel a box to "Erst ??. hile . M r , l i?, i a ?m ' ? * - I h< ? l m -I aut? mol le a a ?von by Mr?. Samuel J, Warstaff, More than ?''00 women attended the patty. tte? the affair included Mrs. Lewis Gouver? neur Mori ??.; Mr--. *,j;. therine E. 1 J, .1 ? i ! '. ? Hi P ?r repont, M rs. Robert Le Ro] lyn !.. Hutt-Mi, Mrs. William P. ? f and Ruth Stilli lan. (I ? | r | . r...: , tyer? Mrs.J.M ? ey. Mrs. ? l: I .??."?' ? - Jo: e, Mrs. ' ? . Harry Ham .htd P< abod . Mi I: ! airfield 0 " ? -aple*. 'dr.. James Speyer, '.1rs. F S. Witnei li?e, Mrj. Frederick 1" \V1 tridge, Mr M, <?rr .e \\ *on and Mrs .'?.me- B, Dick The officers of the le.-.-ue ?re Mr?. Speyer, pre ident; Mrs. Kre?i \V. Vanderbilt, dent: Mr?. Corni I ' Uyler, second rneur I!, i ? r, and Mr lohn H ? ;???* a re? ? ' lest evening ?on Avinne. ?'"r their nie? ?. M Klcanor Green, daughter of Mr. and Mi ; ii. ngton j I ' ?? .?"? heard ?t. a number I he gUC ' the deb itantea <?f the I 1 set. Mr- " I ? Pyni Mr Mall;,?' IUi tu* Pi ' .-amuei Neilaon ? , Mrs. ii London K. 'i hoi mged a Mi-( ar?me leap year dance fur this erentng ?t the Hotel Biltmor? Sixty girls have ?' nil n, and an ai v have the dan? e . and la? ne the men to ?lance. MarjOTie nsor ?f 'h> bund, h>is bee., invited to be ? gtiesl of the rooimittee ?il ?i i Amer.ran Ambulanc? Da] of the '.i.- ver Show a' the ??rand ? ? ; !1 be i '. hi the afternoon tea, pri . ? Rob? ? ' i ? ' harl? ? B. AI? W. K. > an *?U| l?t B( ? ! ??? Kl- ; lio Ni? . and others, ["he show will be held undei a : yen of the I ? ? -' < lub ar n the Hnr ?cultural I the I ? lean Red ? !roas ... r. one-half ol ?.???? I ha Ot ' er half Will go ??? .i Bacon it cha m?an of the Ar. . ?? ?? and Mr?. \\ ?ili?tn Grecnough ; seen tary. Ai ' ? rie refugees of Moni ? . ?given I evei ini? in the ballroom et the Plasa. The ? ?et include ' R ? Bekhn ? the Ruaaian Am bassador; Mi s Rooseveli Poll, Mrs Herbeii L Sattarlee, Mr? \i .;?? a and Mi * ll*nrv V W .- Wood. A ? e for the i.enefif ' of th? Aberdeen 1 .? ?! s hi ba given by i ,.-.?.. ? ? l: :? anal tl ?t ?be Hotel MeAlpin. ??ueitt? ?ne re ?, .j ?? - ? ?.] to wear peaaanl ee tunes ?nd ? - ? inelude the wait 7, addition lo folk r ia a ndei tl a pa i am of thi ?nd Marrl of Aber.i-.r;, Mayor ?mi Mr?. Mitchel, Mr. ai"l Mr?. Guatavua T K rby, Mr?. Warren, Mrs Egertoa L. | Winth " p, ?ad M ? s Arehi- | bald ?"? A Ml-Carlme ?!?? ee will be held th ? evening ir, the Delia Robbla room of t?,-* Hotel tl r?:<- fund? ; f,,r ? ? ,, "' ni" ?if the milk t t*?!?,! ? ..f ?I,. Sen Voi ? Dial ?..tchen i A.-or,,,? on Mra i dward M I taut I? ( chairman ?if ?he eommitte? ?n charge ? t ' * d?ne? ?ad ' ?'.'". a? <*?' ?ach, "SEE AMERICA FIRST" MAKES DEBUT. Roma June- atul Clifton Wild in the new comic apara at the Ifaxin? Elliott. I fron: hei Bt il E * rollei . held ?'? ?if:. i ? | N'ev. York ... 3S-I Mad -on \ . nue i ' chmtre Include? " rriman, Mr*. Carl A. de Geradorff, Gilbert. Mi litchell, W lliam Oilman * ' Br? s er and Mist Mat*] I Cboate. 'i h? Aft?? Theatr? Dai ??? ?nd per Club met la ' night Ii th? Robbia rooni of th? Hoi Henry T. Sloar ?? ? .? etumed from ... and i ? at ? '? ? Hotel G w here !>.? \t !l re*i aiB antl ne\f month, Mr *n,i Mra. A. J Drexel n ?Idle ?nd Mr and Mr- Antier B. Duke have left I'alin Peaeh for Durham, where th?y will spend several week?. M.AJ- HEINRICH SINGS IIbb I'eilaim? in Rental ?t rrimri? 'I heal re. Hi ? rieh ga ? ? ree tal ,n the Prince?? Theatr? of a sort I i .?? ? reviewer? of Bgl in irl ii?-.. "?An manner, no leas admirable than it i ? far, vn ac animents, W II there would oi I * ha? been four tun i ties to reeog . g nee and art eon ran make th? a? . and make beau!- ? B?f' ? q n . ? 111 y. ongs wei e Sehn ?? Tas? it" and "Gi a a I .?? 's "Der Knabe mir dem Wund. s of them hack? neyed. Afterward, ???th ?'arl D? rich declaimed Tennyson's tin Irden" S trau i ' equally tiresome ? SINSHEIMER ?QUARTET PLAYS Please? large Audience in Rumford Hall I oncer!. The Sinaheimer Quartet, which ha? gradually been making II i way ?n New York' ? . . ??.?.?? third concert of the leaaon la Rumford Hall, lie quartet ba proved eonsiderablj of late, especially the aualiti ? ork, while Mr. Toedt and Mr. Kovarik are eapeeially two exce? capable mu ? The ?luar'e' ; , < ? ?u* 'he Ilvorak CJuartet F major, the Haydn in 1? major and the Sgambati Qu ? (. minor. In wh eh ?arl 0. Del? took the piano part. The audience very : Hod the hall and waa warm In its expressions et ?pnroval. "JULIUS CAESAR" IN GERMAN i.ah? Perforaiaar? f??r Rendit ni lieiit-'br? Theatre al Metropolitan?? Count v< B? . witnessed the annual ira I a performance of the In ing P?a? e i heat re ? i ? for its benefit at the ;? "pern IIoi:*e la*t l?ffht. In eOBaidcr* al ion '?' the Bhak? i nten iii ?. four act ' i "tn "?' uliui ? i lar" ara? ..." d i table i anee. I'm liminary to the play, Dr I ? ture on ?he \> oi ?. - of the imnfbrtal bard, and Nahan Franko's or ? An excell? ided bj I > Rudolf < hristians In the role of Mark t Carear and Richard Feial s Bi i ai d -i ' ooi trayal i : the l**iatorical the pi ?..irl Otto Meyer, Ernst Holsnagel Fn ? Robert, Lud? ig K. l"nterk:r?'"t ? r, Ludwig Koppee, Heinrich I-?,1k. v. I I gen Keller, Ben Bus? oni, ? ' ? ? Paul Seheuta ?nd Gret? Mi CHINESE JAR BRINGS 5130 Opening Sn?Mon of Sale ?t ?tnierlean l.allerie? Well Attended. There was an exe? ? i I at ?? lai i terday ut the ? ?le. ?' the Ami r t i \ -? ' la Of the Mr. E. '?? S mmom and ('. A. Hiraehfeldei colled oi i ol ... ! ? bin* e?e pareolaiae, ad? . I gi l be ???p price of the afternoon ?ras 1130, paid by 1 Frank* 1 ,n for ?i bl lie a'.'! wl tl hs temple j?r of the K'aBg-hsl peiic: I'. K. Welsh, o< p| . gnra I1M for h clear [uir.?..,.. :i avoid f the Chien Lung period, ?n?! D. Karney gave *??" foi .. Mina eeladon th floral decoration. Mr*. 1'. W ? orekroft paid f'l'i for ? ? h':er. I.tin(j jar, with hsndles and a "Octangular reck ?ad t?tM foi .? E'aag hsi ti ?npl# j?r of camellia leaf gr?*en ?Is ? i he total of the seeslon v.,?? 14,469. The ? ale end? with thi? afternoon'.? session. IN ENGAGBMENT. rh< eriiracerrient. i? announced af m n?i?-i e \ ?.;??er, daaghtat of Mr and Mr?. H?rry B. Glaser, of ttl Wsst Ninety-second street, ?o Albert Herr , man, sino of thi? ?it* Th?? wedding 1 ?til take place in th? fall. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Mme. Yorska to Produce "Through the Ages," by Dr. Zulawski. 1 i ? \. . AA pul into rehearaal yeaterday ?? . Theatra under th?? personal di reetion of Mme. Yorska, who, ?oriel melt Corrigan, arill be featured a) , company of alxty players. rni plaj. eoi lidered am iliah dramatie ??tTorts, ?.va? :?n,i produced In Wareaw by Dr, Jeriy Zufawakl liftoen years apo, a ?i ?I has boon revived la 'he principal Polish eitiOl eve:?, year. It dopif eternal -trucirle bel roen eal and body, ?i, ahown In rai am Inearnationi ?lui -I*- ?he ape?; that ?pan fmni 2.000 11. i . nt On to the Ii ere arte.-. lie men ?rill Im preeentod in seven ac i, and ii being produced bj h new lyndieate entitled tki i Co pa W i told Gordon, Pol i ah t, hai heen engaged to ?*onrie to this country to of h. i r den i ? ? | . ipecial musical aceom panimi i ipoctecle. Norman Trevor, i.ow playing vci'b ? rgn "Margaret Schiller," . . -, ? tant role in "I he Co? . Meagre. ? ortly bring te Pi? ?? ? orl prerc ?ill upen in Atiai t) \pril 0, TaVnighi fit the Playhous? Ore r Gi rge an?i her company will pn "Captain Brasaboundi Conven on," by George ?? U play Utdy Cicely Woynefleet, Robert War ?ill i?e Captain Braaabound, and Ernest Lawford. Hubert Druce and r .. r prominent purls 111 th<? ' I ' Prank Spealght.England'a be?t known 11.. ? en ? interpreter, ilramal tii "1 wick Pa r," on . g, April 4, al teollan I Brai "The ladies 4 Club Hi ?he Hotel A?'"r yeaterday. Amono other thinga. Mi. Tym i I I the club mem- i her?) that there ?rere too many ?Irania clubs firmed nowadays ?hose principal purpo-? era ' eel eut?rate tipkets. - Voleaka Buratt, be 11 known, arrived from London yi '?rday. _ . title ef the now Victor I eon i ?? Young musical com . rom ' My i ? to "II- r Koldiei Boj " lim ? be l c Her** and An hur ? . loldier boy. The ? ?? foi out?i f?town early next week. Ott? ' " ?litan ?np?ra hut-, - tone, will aing nt the ne.vt Hippodl Bui da] The larri. ? ? ? *\ a i Street girl up ?>M th.? New ?Amsterdam root", . ? i aHtl her ? ( ? died >??' Monday. A ?jfluttony ? I eap cigar to him by ? ?. .. i the rea on for ? In.? d? ath MISS LUND GIVES RECITAL Presents Work of I?cnty-4?ne I urn p..?er?, in Varied Programme. Mr?? <hii""e Lundi Whs for som?* ? ?. ? ? beta well and fa* srably ' known in ?-* world, gave *| night at Aeolian Ua.'i ? ? ?I Interested audience. Her prog ? ?? '?** ? ?rie.i, ' there beiiii; I '.nan twenl i repreaented, Misa Korweg an, Gorsaea, | ?i end l.r,k, Lund' ? rolce i ona of errni ! natural put ahl ?me-? ? ? .-?? ,r ?I an ??dm ,r?i ? atylo, ?nii ?he knows how to pro-; ?' lently and easi.y. The , a, however, ihowa ligna ef wear and It* breR'h lupport ?as las? nadeouate, to tha eoaeeojoeat man aaini ? i-A.r (it g'l Ein ?vane." Sehn-. ' ??trim ??.? lehen" and Ben' "i hant V?nil ad, bul Charpentier'? "Depuii le jour" and Georgea'a barban?- '"Hymne au Solei.', were altogether too much for h?if " a ?v ? ,. the leu?, She did, Bn art:?t, which, after all, is ? i r? ? ? To D?MVM Plight of Armenian**. : t plight of the Arme will he dieeusaed si Columbia iTniver '?,.r,,orrow evening in Karl Hall. I?? prir'i-ipal speaker tvill |,o Profoo? SOI \ D I Hamlin. whose father founded Robert College, ?? Conatan I tinople, (.eorfe Huron Putnam and I Dr. M Simbad Gabriel also ?III talk I In H'ldii'on 'here will be a mmi-al programme. GILBERT'S GHOST SEES BROADWAY But ?Sullivan's Influence Is Not Discernible in New Comic Opera. "SEE AMERICA FIRST1' IS FRANK IMITATION r<>*?.esses a Certain Underi-ra-lu. ??to Flavor That May Make for Prosperity. "See A rica First," a i ' ? ?""' , by T. Las ?. ?r, Tr?a??->r:'.. . ?both Marbury al the MbxIb? I > : ? - .. . I . 1 - t ' ' ? *. The grand ballroom of the i tal illy the Waldorf? was the only thing lacking tl bUxina I la? felt that adiaieaien should have been not by 'ieket bul erifrra\e,l <ard. "See I ??a Kir*' -a . men, and the g a S ttur.i. .'..?? ??? I for 2:110 ??nd 1:30 and ??candiag at 3:io ?ml ?.':?.'n, respectively Which n i te mean that tho n.w piece :? ail had or all goad. Il la a coi I the two, with quite a liberal dash O? ju?' Primarily and Anally it is an imitai At i moment piece one ? of thi? couple; : rom half a do/.en or more of the t apera G ?..te,! '. ? ,?. tue ... La ? Poi ?? r. 'i .? . ?fr Porter ?? rol ? though . th? lyric? ? teilen! act that tl i merely a red 'he fa?'? re. ai e the beat ?lit*, have I in a comic opera in >e?r-. m resemblance It loth tl l ' h and the.r One i ?i object to "He lefl the ?inn i ol Lords, with all that it ?.fort I St i* .?H too liable to jog the memory. Bui the moal uncompromising ad? vocate ol good lyrics would ha**a had hi? faith shaken had he witnessed '..? ? Bight's performance, thai r seldom are intelligibly sunjr. i? tl Important :'em moal ? ' ' ndeed, were distinctly heard last night. But in ' act aei irred ?t song, having s motif the i ord s... ah ?i i .-. r Mr Biggs noi M r. Porter, ll ws ? ol onl ? i prohibit workmanship v..? l tyl? that pre ? i R gg I' ? i. But the aud;e Co tool -imple hear? ?. : i ig ied long and applaud ed, wherea ? ?< had shov I a I to be a trifl? irlier pro* \ ? A.- ? ' ? . - ' i i a | Vint? age ha? s ci irse of ?. aro! | ? r?o:. ? R gg Pot ? re re? sponsible tor them. And the music, a i has tai .. ... ... But America Fin t," for a I ihort* eom?r ?. "ii in the right dir^c i '. Por ter. wl rgoi ?nd Gilbert, ? [|| ?oms d ? ra that may be termed un ? edl} excel 1 Dorol ?v brought ?> fficicnl ' ? . and Gypsy ? >?Bi ?en, I and Betl tttracl .id he ?vat? a W ebb and tier danced al ' ra I Felia Adler did ble I le. The .? ?he feminine portion attains ? " ?ommunity pulchri tode. Gotham ?S n big 'own, and it may bo and cou? * i ala i - "?t to guar* for "See Ar. First-'* i" a "THAT 18 GOING ON TO-DA**. i ... ,. ? . in Moat ta -' i . - - i , , ? | 1? a, m ? r i.? ? \:t ? ? ? - v m ? * ? i ? ? it . ? , . ? . , . Mr? a i ... ; - , " i ? ? ' M ???.?-. I , ? , . i : ; ? ? ? ' - *? .HI iTe a and r? ? ? ? ? ? ?.., i . : ? la-. . m . -, ? ? ai ?-a. Ma . M a ' ? . II . ? .Il ' ' - ' ? \ . r . t ? . ? Datai I .1 I .... . '? ? I I a . ,. a- ? ? '.' a . a ? ? l'ait? < : i i ? ? . a ., ? ? Pul ;i? t. ? ' ? ? ? . ?? ? I jfiiin Euatli w ?? li ? a ? . ?. ' . >? < ' - ? . Ir? *?-??? ? ?? f !/?< |- A" ? I al.'. I ? ?? ? ' '- * ? l **" ? i *?*?* 1,1 '? ??? 4 1 "I .... ... '. ? ? ? ? l . i a i M ? ? ? .? ? . . ' ? , Statut Kr? : . H'. H A I'- t .*.?.?-?? . a ?. : . ?-. ,. i int I School , 4,... ? ,,.? ' u ,\ ,, i?-aoiM tl.?J? ??i-?1 i?,?m* ?t ??-.a??a?i?)?r? r??rtla ? I , ? ??...!.? ? - ,?-.?.'? n ?*.:?? ?ri y, ,.r a??- .?? llluatrat-di FRANCIS L. LELAND, FRIEND TO ART, DE, Tariff League Head Ga\e I seum SI.000.000 in 1912. Franc:? I. Lelaod, SOVOI the \ew Tork C Bank anil the donor of $l.( 0?i0 in 1911 to the Metropolitan seum of Art, d:e,i yesterday at the i'.arenilon A| . tilth Street and V. ro? : Mr i fraaia da Aguilar Lelaad. He educated In this country and live?. ptan v throug i Civil War. Mr. Lei ?..,? rr :<???.,.,l tat as a lieutenant Ha wot for many yean a m ber of Companj K. 7th Regiment, ame- ? 4 - - ' A I \ nan Mr. Le ? , Sew V? ? It Cou National Han*, ari'l at the el.1er land'a ?iea'n. in IMS, 'ne be<eame ' .? \ V \ I took fecting - ' , le him il contribu? V -* He \ i table work, and s - He-, ? ' ? ? g u ..1 - -. Porh ni ted Btatei Life Ina ? ompany, and wa ? He wai a nep-her of I Vacht, I ?'- and 1 r ' and the I \ .?' I gio He maintained a ? 1. mat M * Monte;? 1 iree ao Louia Y, I??"'.' I and ?*? auk 1 Miaa An COLONEL KNOX DEAD, GETTYSBURG HER Hatmaker Received Honor .Med from Congress for Bravery. ?* i War11 | ; ? ad ' f the Kn Hat M ? 1 ? Bi v hi 1 hon . '?' ! ? "t. He h-?,1 ? tor mn 1 .la I and a complicati followed, which reault in hi?? death, ? nel Knox wi on? of the t* . 15th N??* : pendent Light Bal which ? -??rve.l at Gettyab ; ?? bat! and hia h - .? 1 ..? ? of Me igher'a Ir: He wai ihol thi bod) du *'; charge on .lu'y When the ?ar recordi '.'.er?, eompiii Knoa irai rev ?r.:??,| foi h bravery by Congreea in a ? conferred upon h,ni 1 mi ... Man the vo award ng ' olonel Knox hia medal wi When s?vi ira old he start? ? ofire m City the ?HI ?? Vork 1 " iiitry. He lerved at Fred? .?I 4 'hancel loi ivil le, m d wil ! '.-miel h, sicl the pi ach archa battle. When Long re char ?ng th ? ach ore! nr,l aiiim, troopi Km.It men to 1 <!'i?n m cannon. Thl? thi did, ?ml their foe?* iwepl ??? ? 1 thei dead, until they iu< ?len'y found BOO 1.animer,t them from the H ? II. Kti.iv. a nephe ? colonel, wa \ .?- ? irell with hia leropiane 1 Fort Sill, Oklaho R ???' Kno . ? 1 :'?? of the I ?? February 9, 191 t Colonel K;. a aiater, M Mary Uno\ Robinaon, of 1 Mn. Klliotte Little and Mra, Hopo, of Hamiltoi. Oui , and Mr Florence C. Bron - ' ineral v. ill be held I clock, from 91 1 Church, Madison A\onue an.I S( ? ?? 1 by 'he Right Rev. Frederic Court 1 . v . lliary Hi?hop of th ? . Htm York. O01 Elhert H an ? ?' ' .? been ex lovi ?nr.* coma ?ith the family. AI II ?lav morning the? left this cil Albsny, and ihortfy after noon 1 Knox d.ed in coma. MRS. A. A. SPRAGUE DEAD Chicago *4*??>man Was Prominent Ii < baritj Work m W00L . . Lski . J . Mereh ?M Mr: Nun?> Atwood Sprague, ????low of A. A ... go, d g l heart disea???\ from ? ?. 8 1 -.'.7. .-.*. Barnard, Vt, ? srk ii Chicago, v here ahe 1 I'p ? ? nr ?h" gav? a .??-.-' for 1 ? ?n of a muaic hall. ted to tha memei huahand, who wai a I of Yali ? aras ?? ?War? I 1 li ?? da igl '? r, Mr?. Fr?-?! i ? th hei . ar.'l a gn Aiber* Bpr IgO, a itUOV I Harvard, ? ? MM, FRANK PRENTICE ABBOT. Mr?. Mary Loimboor Ahbo*, sister of Deputy Fin Commiaaioner Riehard H. Lai m beer, ir., died suddenly from pnru ? r,!,iy at her hom??, .", Pint Mra. Abbot was the daughter sf the 'n'* Richard Harper I.;..n.b.???r. ?''.e '?.'.,!, i lar,?: ?' '. ' ? Abbot, and a ?on and daughtor Funeral terri ces will he held to night the Rev Dr. L. Mason Clarke, rector o* ral I'r, -y.ran Church, e which Mr- Abbot, wa? a member, oil* ciatinj ? ? ? . miss maki (ooK nan. " ? ? ftaeA d al ?aatai-lai at her home. 101 Broadway. Flashing [? set | rd >??r. Sha waa bom irket Street, Manhattan, ami her late Isaac Frost, erected the : r?t h P g ho ?*e in th?r ? or" -ho ?ty. I-. 18?** the famitv move,', to 1 ; "*e trouble? caused in ths ? ? ? We?. For more than fifty year? M - I- rot tngaged acti? . ..a watt, la ? . ? HORN*. To Mr, ?nd Mr?. Alexander I !' sf SulFei ! T., a saagl I MARIIED. ?ITEB ?'? " n .. - ' I, Emma Dem i ? .? the horn l artsr, 1?. P., \ Plain N.ali.?'? ..f m?rri*aa?? .?ral ,l??lh. m.,.| be me.>tn;i.,iilr.l t?j lull ?-.,,,,. mi.I tddreM. PIFP. ? ? ? IdeliaeT, K ? I ,. . \ lier !? ??:? Ma - Mary te Ab - lata * : I Place, Broo! ' H ?J M ? - ? Frai :'n '.'. . after PARNHAM I ; ell? Pari Rochella, N V . on Mai -. 1916, amin Kiuu. ?o?1 of Benjamin ?\ . .il Farn ham, I Funeral private, B ? 1*1., on Tue? ? . " ter of the lato 1 Frosi m r I year ol ' ? es at her FluahiBg, '.. I . Thurado? . I I i HAW I ' -* Pranee? Ba '??t?h ? i ? ?? late II p.. held ' ' ?? in:??? H, Kenye ? ? ' i lie ' ? ? ? ' ' . - F' n nasr.-at - DO i KN<>\ ?In Tue , nel B? ? ?c?h l .Mar. h 31, 1 HEAD! ol ' ? ba? lai i. m JOHN I : On r lesday, Mai sge, 1 . ?- ':rr|i Lels of funeral h< re?ft?*r. LINl 01 N?Ol 28, ?? hi? eoun ? u Minor Pra ton hepard Lit coin and A A re. Intel m int Aubun ? ambrldga Boston and Ph ladelphia paper? ny. RICHARDS Al Weatport, ? sata, Rtchardi . i i- . from . lay, March 2 ?, at 2i3('. eg o?. nr rivai ? .. | Co? tr,-;l SAI K?On i March M, "1st year, ba? Joeeph M s?rk. raai* . .'?". 11 I ?da-r, ? ? ..-?. 1 rch, where a ?ol emn reuliles* mi?? i ?'??r.*d ? I MM.U.Ahr.RS. ??F4Ri*^?kE.C4*?Mpbeil I ? MCTERIEB. Nil ??"-St inr. ?.\nnin ?i? ?. rnirrmr. ill" a- ? . . ., Lots et ? rea ?la? to- tete. <j<-v ?. ?v "?aal ?:I as. n. r. ELIHU ROOT'S rh ill (he l(. |,.,l.|i. ?n I: a? e r a th lahtful lii'iilil I, it? it i'.ii? Good Llbrnry Blndlnji, 50c \? your .|??lrr?. or ?t DUTTON'S 68* tilth Avc, uc-irS'thM. ?j?& TO-NIGHT, PROMPTLY AT 8 |||| X??J^ At The American Art Galleries ^*Wn *>l \l?|-4 IN ?44-1 \|[| ?411 | |( Continuing To-morrow (Thursday) and Friday Evenings at the ?ame hour A Collection of Over Three Hundred Old and Modern Paintings by Foreign and American Artist?, Including Many Desirable Picturea j ON FREE VIEW TO-DAY FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 1 P. M fi ?fFfeyipt. I h? sale ?ill l,e rnn.lixl?-?! ?S?/ Mil. TIIOM \* K. KIBHV etl^JfPfl I ^JVJJC/;^. ?n.l hi? ???I?l4till, Mr Olio Il?rn?-t of ___?HG& f?8E__? AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers g If %XfQf?St SI?Si**- "'!? ""I'll l?iir??n.? 4 I ' 1,1 Mre?'. New S'"- ^-9??rW*^P