Newspaper Page Text
Reformers May Get Busy Now and Try to Suppress Benny Kauff's Brutal Batting Tigers, Still Un-Cobbed, Tie Series with Giants Beat Mc?raw's Men in the Fourth Game tor Bush Crown. LARRUP FERD SCHUPP FOR FOTS OF RUNS Worst of All. Bonnie Kauff fails to Smite f.von a Single. Bj I KNNK OAIII I WaxahHchie. Ter., March 28. For trire?! season? I - ? ;? r?. BSt OS the l.rnch <.f ? ? ? ? I. at I . Bowel ? ght, but it hurt Ins head, ao mostly h? just sat. Rut. ? habit a::?l eeaaj??'! the tl ajraiTia-t 1l ?? .Jungle I'urk. la l)i s <? ' Before tl r ' - .. over the fur.?' Wen for the Are denai I ? * I sip put thi Tisera out. MeGraw wa of buildmjr a ??am Ben I "1 base ? flood r>; Tigei ? Neither was done, >. a mattei of fact. but the Jungleera ]r;1 the foundation that ?? by a of I ? For two mmr ? ,- hupp deeo? la'eil the , ? r ' r r if the diamond. Bj" that tim? .lohn .1. MeGraw decided that his little left hamlei game a laan to be braten t?, death, so he took him out n- .': tter in to atop the ravage?. It was a mean sort of ? way thai tl r 1 igen had of ?io'ng ihmgs. too. 1 hey waited until t**,<> men wer?, out in the Aral hree fnunea be? ' ??? the? | * ? runner ?.round th? loop. They took Bitter ;.' far? value and er they were able Tal en a all, the game may be r?e;Mftc! Lhoae things whicl The machinery pped ?a?rerai cam, oni *1'1'' nI eemed to go righ*. lm?c ' 'anre. the reliable Lea Wendell allowing the ' obbleai to ?teal live 1 ? 1 in and ?oia ? parted double larceny in ?inch a run ner ??cored, It ?im a Rood thing hn( maeh waa atrapped on. Then. too. ?here vrrr i which aided '?at. Hut, diacounting all tha* went wrong in the afternoon, tha fact remains that the pitching was i ot of eren 'lass AA variety. The Detro l batten laid bark :, a* i when tue ; leather rame up they belted ?1 to all I eornen of the loi In thai heel inning, foi Inatance, tl.rrr was _ double by Bush, a triple by llrilinan, a by Stanage, ai i ihrer baeei on I ? mingled in with Fletcher*a boot, until ten men ? i nina were acorad .??o it went The dflivery of Ritter wa? not ht .?-o hard, but the pilfering of batea made rut H was a gala occa.-ion in this city and some the beauty and chivalry palaed through the turnatilea. The grim-island was filled to overflow? ing, a-?! there was a b.a?s band, too. The musir?a', in ?.*? axahachie are a tcm peramental aoii of chaps. Three of them . i n sitting on the top ?? fence while they blared forth their : The saving eireumatance of the day, from a New York standpoint, was the hitting of Fred Merkle. The big I ? I t-ackcr got four blows, all to lef and ?ana good for two ba?rs. Loberl Benny Kauff failed to meal the ball squarely at all. The Titrers broke camp here to-night and moved on to San Antonio. From that city thaj w || worh North by slow stages until they pry the lid off the season in Chicago. Bugbie a1"*,* ingi did not cavort on the coaching lines this afternoon. He Our suits of ^''Forefathers Cloth" have caught on. We introduced them in me? dium weights last Fall. Now we have them not only in medium weights but light weights notable for Spring and Summer. Briefly, "Forefathers Cloth" is ,t faithful reproduction of the cloth of 1620 same colors? same texture; e\en the wool comes from the ?ame County in England. The idea was to get something new and hand?ome which would give long and satisfactory wear. We commend them to the man who is hard on Ins clothe*, ytl wants as handsome a suit as sut ?how in our stores this Spring. ?f"?c*.* r? ? Hart Room I'niT Company Broadway Broadway atlJthSt. -The at 34th St. l-'our Broadway Comers" I ifth Are at Warten at4latSt. AtrroMoari.n mi-.tai. t*v.wk >"?? a r ml ni ?.-... I ' " ? ' * * ???..,, ?? r . , ., I Alltj i t * I y rab?? Mir. It ? Al 1 -I. ?Mir? li-t* ? ? - Ma . - D_r) ? ? *\\?o\\TAAey "Eeee-Yaahh!" ?i:*n:oiT. ?V. 1 ? ? ? 4 1 t vr. , - ' . < ? *'.<<-a|t. ? U.TIfUf - ? *> : ? ? a ? I ? - , . . a 4 1 -.a, -, aie? V ?'-.'' rie. 4 ... ? ??? M ? ? '. ... I " . I ? ? - ? . i r?Mill?*? i ta his bed mount? ed '.? ? I raped ? : of th?* r< ?w to ? lidi ,ai I h? neg lected to have :? treat became n fee ted and "or a threatened te reeult aerioualy. Ponie Bush is one of the most enthu . , ?atei ? for Hrri'l Kocher, the .- catcher. Hrad had a trial with the figera a few years ago. but for aorae reason or other was turned bac... Jenninga, il wa? haul, trie,! to get him fall, but Met.raw ??epped in and bid fir ' _ Miller Huggini and Char!??y ITerrog are willing te relie?.e MeGraw o* Lew Wendell if the Gianta decide to let him g?, 'Die same men at'? watehing for Kocher, so then seems little proba . of theae youngsters droppii ? company th-.? \rav. ROBINS AGAIN SLIP MACKMEN NINE CYPHERS Appleton and Smith Hold Reconstructed Athletics to Quartet of Hits. - 'i-?r*i t? Th? "Ml Jaekaonrille, Fla., March M. Al? though the Athletica were reinforced tO>day by tha VCterai Lajoic on srr ond, Witt a* : borl and Strunk in eei tre, the Brooklyn Superbai managed to hand < onnie Mack's tribe their second in three da;. ??. ShetTod ! ? ? irer. and ? ? rton worked for the Hr crowd, at ?I allowed the Ath four bing!?? ;. Appleton vni ? four rounds, and not on?? of < 01 warrior's rrachrd ? It was a r-napp. ? f> an both sides. Ivy Olson, who ? d '"'Mara at short for the H rook i vu team in the aixth, made one ofj I play? ever perpetrated n*i a ball trrld. cutting off a eure hit This ci.rv.r- m the ninth. Jimmy Walah hit '?? r n? Ippleton that bounded over ? ?teller's hrail like a -?hot from a ! rifli It eem | 'hnt "i get near the ball, ! but he did. With 1 ?a gloved hat - pill out of the H:r and. by n perfect throw to Daubert, eged to get 1 ? runner. Stengel mad? h crrrat ahoeetring ?a'.<h of Mcli flv ?n the third inning. "Bullet Joe'' Bush atarted for the ! I . and It was at his ? that the Brooklyn crowd acored both ? runa Joe had plenty of smok? * one. but he wa? a thy on control. A base on balls in the fifth lining helped the Supcrhas to .?core o* t of their two run?. number one came in the aecoi ?! ii.ning, and Jimmy Johnston, th.? mei ?* ? from the Pa the individual who ened ng with a dour? After Cutahaa wai retired <? i ? 'ran I.ajoic just mi-sr.l, Johnston '.or In the fifth Stengel ?a ??? : loi - .-'?, at the plate ?for 1 four uni? 01 I . ?Hi a hit and run Wheat ?maa-h???] one to rieht. ar.?i l"a?rv ? third, Wh r- La <? ?? retiring Johnston Stengel countered ! with the laat run of the came. h young lefthander by the name of Ray replaced Hush in tha l pitched I ke a Plank. In the four ???as faced i allov. hita, aca n, the young Brooklyn pitcher, was released to the Bea i Texa I eagua I ire follows; ATHI.l : I ? | ? let .' h -- ? ?'-M?-? ? 4 ' ' ' . f i. ? Il II -, ?* . ' 1 lb i * o ? : * ? ? ? ? 1*01 I ? ? I ? ?.???? ? , 1 i f, o ? ? ? * - ? ? a a e e a i ? ?? ' ? t ? - : a . . ? ? ?. , l ?."1 I - . . - . I ' ' ? .?'?.< ' ? * ' 4 I ATLANTA, 2H in. high WHITBY, IH in. high AR.RJ3W COLLARS 2 tor 2.S cents ' ????*?". r.?b??l? & C?., |Ba. M.k?r. Kelly -First Aid to the Injured ....**BRIGGS Sport or Thereabouts By HEYWOOD BROUN. iiv-v RIZEFIGHTING. hra! i.????.. lie? ed exhibitioni of brutality, dc I--** moralize a community, making the better class of a^iectatora * brutal ami vile ami th<- WOf ' da criminal and murderer.*." The ?,.i?t;t*i??? i. of cxnirse, la from "Tlie Even ng Journal.*1 B?**wing to tho ?freight of Bny opinion which "TtV Journal** ma pre m regard to the wor I ?-las-- . .**? are of tli?-* opinion that Mr. Bris rra in maintaining that prizefights tend to make ""the hotter clas? of ?pe?*tatora brutal and vile." wr doubt whether William A. Brady growled ?ero? the breakfast table of ? Sunday morning at Grace <?? itiae of Uta oemiciou? Influence of th?*- fight, or if Hilly Orr hurried I Ubany and kicked the tir t reporter who fourIu to see the Governor. N'or was (,eor-*o I.oft, in .*o far a* wo can ? certain, ???Ticiently de r? ?'il to raise the price of chocolate cream . If there was at the ringside any estimable citizen, any good husband or loving father wo are of the opinion that he left the Garden at tin*- end of trV ten round? with ?mability, hi? **oodne-u anil hi- loving kindm unimpaired. . ng for ourself, we left tl , . etter man. The gsmeness ? Frank Moran shamed m to the estel el in pelting a reeolution to get. to tl and have It over with. Aft? watching am) admiring the physic, ?en< - of Willard we decided I ?moke only three cigarettes a day, an to begin each morning by ariaing a* o'clock and running around the par! The fact that we later compromise on arising . t 12 and walking amun the bloc' has nothing to do with th impulses which 'ne fight engendered. gh1 .r.p develops the best i mur. Its psychology is, to our much moi ? ' han thai of pro onal ! ? ? bal A light eroa ?I n fa.r croud, and grudges m<?.?r: ??i van vage ? to i II r mu ipite o the gros? eommercia ? ? re ii i * ? . .... ? en the mean ?ht ( ub. ? ? liahii ' rai g?? If ' (?? ?'Ii t; ?? '?? to be morally improved, : if he is beaten badly enough, Poi . soin?? ?,f the original sin o? Ad?n may be removed ?t" a hook i-r ban . enough. ?A ?? saw ., lltl ?? gu'.'.er m DC of ; nary 1 tag | r \\ tched two yc ,: ? ... thei ' ? ? at thi by a common ? by a '?? ? The ! ? . f??r thi crii ? man or thai ita ai ,. Wc received 1 ing m gned etter: 'in this morning's edition of v.irik Tribuni a W. T. 1 tunean pastoi of the Jam M I < l*.un h ?? urday nighl'-? priai gh1 II alao ?true, a mentioi ' ? ? V??r -. Joun exhibil I mighi illy a eei agi Mr. lleai . ?? ?. ? ? of il news] ? of the ???'?i.'r murder, bul they do not approve of mur,I? r |, ! he] lal?"i I 0 proper la?? ami penalties ai ?i a l< ' regulation? to prevent irder* and other criminal hi??) immoral .. I Nobodlf ha? any rrgl I *? - Il.arst f..r prim g ,;r fad of the Willard an?i Moran I t" ' ? ? ??' ? r ?-unie ?une <-nn?lemning t h? contest. But M i Hear?' n.?! i ??? eonflnc the i t e< of his newapaper to printing the facts of " ? ' | ' Immeihalely after Willard'* victory cvrr .la??. Jeanaon Mr. Hearat hired '. writei ta pr?paie an autobiography or Jess Willar.l. Mr. Hear?? would ..ardly ??>?,?<?n>| that thii lengtiiy document hh'l any relation t,> fri. ' Before the Willard Moran fght Mr. Mea-?,'. emiiio?,r,? another writer to ? a ?liar?, of Ji? "? This documenl also ! ad no relal ai I , ? of the flght Hearst rurl ? from i < it. a gi ntlema ? ? ?? ?I? murai, pru. figh'mg, tha right to u??j his I Senator Jones Got No Annie Oakleys Alliant. March 2*.?Prohibition of hnTin? Imuls i? the aim of a hill la* traduced in the LegfalatBre to-da> h\ Senator June??, of I hen.nRi?. I he hill would repeal the art t realms, the Athletic I oniinitsion. I red \\ ea? I?, chalnaaa <>f the dm* lag < ommiaaiaa, <?uld net i?e tened laal nicht, or thrre at ou Id he a K.lumn In add tu il.??. I r? ?I? ri. I. i? one of the three <iimtni??,onir Bt S3 IN a J ear v? lioni the I hcnan?, ? ?i.liin prapoees ??? r?ler*ate la ?"inie more u?eful bal le*? Uni at n e pur i itory purpoi I . ... rden. : i-, M r. He. ctitiou diary of Jeaa Will* , ? ? th ihe pa g condemnatory < . ? .... In-.,- t, ' ' r ? : ' ? Every ? '!?? ?.?.e ? the mot ? r,u\u a t i fOI I ' ? ? r ? Beult te and? r* I ' 'le ri:n ruil g ? iirculalion of " I r.v '. . ? r ? A ?.. ? : We to run a campaign a".d rrint : orner ? rove of bo-aini:, hur ir . ' j'.t to collect ?ucl. a ail-?' neople whoec ??pinion? ?metning ai r trig ?? i engi in legil that ihr;. have ? ?? ? that I the ?tHtile ' ..fter the h'.r?e had b.en did not real eoateat \*.th that p? ?ion. He also ?rute K letter to the 1 ?piT ;?;?.. ,? the il trident COOMBS MAY PITCH FOR SEMI-PROS SUNDAY Set eral refalara of the Breohlyn Saperbaa Will be in the line-up that will oppo?? the Rulgewoo?l team, a ?emi-profe??ional nin?. In an exhibition game, on the latter'? field. Rrooklyn. .'-.?inlay afteraeai The player? will be in rh.rge of .lark I'oomli?. ?vhi ?? . ? lags Wheeser ?Dell, ? II arm Howe will also play. The Othei ? * SI <i' tne te?in 'til! be !.. ???I arm i,in men ?im nir m... ?trenuoua effort? to earn a <n. the Bbbetl p.yroll. Jack Dillon Again Shows Levinsky How to Fight Thrashes Hebrew Boxer in Hair-Raising Return Match at Broadway Sport? ing Club. Bv W. n. M'GEEfl \V d Battl ng ! red at tha Breadwaj ? lui? las! night in a completa ehai repertory. I* was Dillon's dec - >? put up one of 1 i bit ona seen In these part.? sixth round Dillon batter? i ? 'a no ?'? and brought bloo?i. In eventh 'he Hear-I a' dropped fan i meal ticket to hia knees v. ith a cl oppy i to the jaw. The Hebrew boy was up ?.? ng bark like a young fur;.. More than orce Levinaky was da/ed ? ? ppy left hook, n?ver -'??l?;?' I g for a tant. This ? ? ee the of last month, and he appeared a b ' stale. Dumb I preaario, ???? i ned thai [?evinaky ha?l ? ght hand in the leal g *.*. I.? i -, ??! up matte eemed ,Ke little use of his own lie contented b.w i*.e:i?l the left lung the harder Larvinsky fought bao'?.. I?o*pi:e ?he injured hand. Levinaky started out ?.. mak? a cyclonic tiru?h. He ??' jabbing Dillon "1! over the ring, when Lha ?iiarr K'ller ?hot over another choppy right ero?? an?! Levinsky reeled. ?h- flrat few r.-'urid? were ?low, Bud tha crowd began to suspect a repetition nf the "brother art," but Dillon cut in the fifth in a very unbrotherly faahion. Only a tough und courage? ous boj eon Id have etu?tvk up ?in?ier that beating. Horh men gave and tun?. punche t . d have upset a dosen Tun Cowl? It wa* no rehearsal aet la?t I H ? had been Brlasco would have been outdone Levinsky will res! ,,;? har.d for a few hour?, and probably arrange for another :"ght somewhere to-morrow. I?ar: Morgan believe? that, a fig should keep busy to *ave training e? penses raeetKess to ?ay, Daniel i?. a manager, not a fighter. Ir- rhe semi-final, Larry William1, r e*.- risky'? sparring partner, stopped , ? i, Weinert'a aparring* part rid round. Tha ? ay :"* [on over Weinert :n favo? of I evi | In th? rat preliminary V'oung Mar? tha outpointed Willie Gardner in four found i did moat of his work econd !W ( " ' ' e -a, ' fought a whirlwind Franki? B? : . ' ?i . won le i ' " lohnt ?? Herman, of On Trail of the Golfers B) I BED M \?U HOHNE. Hai ard in ? I are i the formt ? that thi and lual ? . ? Ici ? ' ... R. !'. ? ? '?aveir ? lid b< ? Will I . . ? . t r, headed bj J. G Hi ? . I i i '.?:.?, i. '.'? i : . '. \ M.?? ook and J. I. '?? hockey tram. All the afor.r .???.? ??i ? ?1 I'll in'ape. and Otl en ?a ho will battle for tha Crimaon ure 1 irk, P. P.. Devereua, Hayden : ??? ??!. '.\ P, Hunt, P. J, Armorv, jr., and W. II. BuaaelL Pi ; have to pit .;. B. Rosa, ? ii ta the 1918 tram, who has been grad tati : from it R. N. B. Pa be abir tO r. I ? ? key tel i . .'? title 1 ? ? ' oel ran, I 'a?? ;,i Herr.,-. and I.. H. Law il r arc ai?o on the t'?amb. Wa see that a SUggeation hai been made that some BOri of a shelter house be built rear the I r.? tre at ^ an < ort lanilt Park, "o that when it ra'ns hard ? Ifers o', rb. r pu bin- links will have ? n from 'he element?. I'ne plan strik?>s us as being an CICCl ? ', ? ac a i,.i has been caught : , torrential downpour while wait drive ??ff at the Drat t.-e will be abi? to appn its i bei * of a shelter hou??,' there It ?s a good quar. t? r ,.f a nils from the golf hou?e, ami thoj?> arho nr?> ?hort of wind and high ir. flesh have often found the 4411-yard dash a bit beyond their liking; be sulrs. golfers like to take their pleas? ure leisurely. lia-e you rece?\e?| \,,ur 'blue enve lone*' vet? h ? reported that ?tiiti?'. prominent rol fen ha <? recently re , i . ?,? ..,? ... ,. committee <?t the I j" (j a that their names lia va been ?aletea from the h?t I of amateum bv the au?, emitir board I bccauio of alleced infractions of tho _I ...... .... ? ,. ? ? ? ? ? : . ? I ? Mrs. R. H. Barlow, of PI S'orth and . Mrs. i impbell Iturd g ? national a I ? ? ; to-day green . beat ...... ?? . the finals TEACHERS COLLEGE MERMAIDS VICTORS stu* , ? rachers Collet. .- Bar* by 13 i ? . the decid i g ot . ??, v. hen they (j?. : their t -.a:-? a'" ? ? d tuck ? ? ? irdi of the eight de. to I I .ichers College, Tinker's Feeling's? Ask Him. St Petersburg, l la . March 28, Th* Philadelphia Nationals mad? a clear sweep of the spring ?enes nf ?mi, games with the Chicago tie. ittjg to-day's game to 1. i , i, . sssseesa? ,4 ... ? ? .-i?? : ?? -? D ? ran I' ?? ar.- -?; ?*.? : Oil t ? v. i. -?.*?? - tl . -,--'. ., HT Me? 4*14'-. ? : . ? . ? Trrk?. r'ait M.hoff lo Kar???r?'i ? ? la s ?:? r \et\ i-?- L'bl if" : t ? ' ,?-.-- i :. y I Lo ! Indians Trim Reds. New Orle r.a, March 20, Holdin* their opponent? to one hit, the (leve land American? defeated I ? Cim Nationale 4 to I in ar. exhibitior frame lure tu day. r'mith, ( le\elan. right fielder, hit * home run, and thro? of hi? teammates were credited witl three beggars. i .,?, t {???eeoii ? irvlnraM S?i?a?14i>0 il-.-. oB i'i *.;? ? MeKtM 4, S tl ?. l,?il I In a t,, -|- ,, The?? . - - '.-. ? .... ..'?-??: II -nit". -? " ? ?? lie ?I H m tin ? . Ml? i iff in ? ll.Krnai IT ?II ? H ' ' ? ? t II i :? - v\ , ,;,..-.. ?I l|| ?? 4 h S?,l ? i ?pi ? I?" I 4??"? ini.inna'l i ?".: I |*Ual I ??? <?i ?rre? i In.ian.l I Tim? ? a in.? 1 ?1 rmpirp?-U?t4?r a?. I l? ? ?r*4. Here's a Tip for Mathewson Pitcher Ired (.oodhart. of Pirkin ?on I ollege. ??4 tirmly of the belief that arm trouble, ?shioh had hin? dered his twirling lor two >ears. wai cured b> the extended arm mo? tion required ?hen he pla>ed a ?lo? hn in an orchestra. trorn ?February 1 to the present lime (,?)4.dhart has had no trouble with the ?ing. which permitted him to pitch test) three game?* in 19H and one la*t >ear. t.oodhart. inci dentallj. w(>n all the game?, and aller them ?at up night? with his arm. CHICAGO BOWLERS SWEEP TOURNEY Win Three National Titles in Great Meet on Toledo Alleys. 29, ?Amei ?., - gi al 191 ?tj tournamenl ? ime I i ai end here ?,, ? rg'nf when the last mi in t'*r ? ? were roll d shortly bet'orr 7 o'clock. Three l ? | aere won bjr Chi? cago, which entered the heavieat dele? gation from au OUti de ? 'v. The big a chain e to mak.? I dean sweep if Krank Shaw can out roll Ben Hueaman. of Cincinnati, and Sam Schliman, of Toronto, to -morrow nig * "Sykea" rhoma and ??Hank" Marino won the doubles v. ?th the mark of 1,-79. rolle?! two weeks ago. The mark was continually threatened, bul the last few ? , ? invariably saw the ehallengeri stopped. Hattie Paets and t'harlev Hilde? brandt, two of the Colonna Leaguers, of Chicago ? former being the pres? ent all-events ehampion of Illinois ee cured second place in a tie with Ed Harkenrider ami W. I?oehrman, o V\ a?. ?;?. Some brilliant challenges were mad" - terda; in 'he indit d lal ? ent, the s the >;4>', of 1rs lag \\ i l lleai . ?. I. 1 he 1-10 leave in the frame and two earlier breaks in the .am.? gam.? east him the lead. S other good bids ware made during the ? SJ Thoma won the all event with 1,01ft, a ?comparatively low score, considering ether fifteen meats, but one that ? ? ? , f challenged ?? was posted two waaks ago. Oi'.u Kallusch, of Rochc-ter. ran SCCOnd. The three individual leaden will ap? pear here tO-mOITOW night at H o'clock and roll three ga'*ie? on the number '?'? and t drives, according to pr. sent ?ir rangementa, for the national title, tl i winner of the contest taking the ine?lal - ? money, while the two loecra will divide aecond and third money. Secretary Abe Langtry announce?) to day that all check- for prise winning will be mailed from Toledo an Pritlay, last official act as manager ot' the present tournament. SOUTHERN CROSS TOURNEY BEGINS Famous Golfing Event At? tracts Big List of enthusiasts. rViken, s. <*, March W. The fir?'. i of match play at the Palmetto dolf i ??b to-day, in the twentj annual Southern I roai championship, wa played under Ideal conditions. Eben M. B rinner of -the atone, took at. r? ?? ? ., fi ? William Thompson in thr feature play. The club cun foi ' .'en four in i Cn cup v I be pla burn, \\. H. Sands an I Pr eight in the Aiken ire to play for an extra cup. pre Mai hall ? ? I, ,',?1. ? t , ? ? a I , . ? . ? . a . y ? i . . ' * ' a . ?. . II ... ? ? i I up tr. i- i - Ai A , \ . . 1 ; ?? .????. ? m. ii a I??!... . . ? -, I Whitney Is Again Hunt Meet Patron ?'???? ? >'? hitney M? i ?'. to which . ?? tu i.'c. . ? ng I ? - 15,000. 'I he r: ? I to ? .-. at * a ?nring meeting of the I'lp'.n/ Boch V .. . June it Loeuat Valli ra it has been ?me of the attractions and generally appreciati I bj the member-: for .?>v ? ral yean ?? ?. YALE VS. CHICAGO FOR SWIM TITLE Hat en. I onn.. March J? i he Vale swimming team, which has jus* ?? ?a inning the in? tercollegiate championship, will make an extended Western trio during the Faster vacation. The college swim ming championship of the I'nite?! ?:,?? ? probably will be decided at that ?? for negotiations are umicr ... for a meet between Vale and the I n" ? of I hii-ago swimmers, winners of the Wes'rrti ?-hamponship. Many of the ?letails 4>f the trip are unsettled as \??t, several meets being only tentatively scheduled. Thf West ern champions have been accustomed to events somewhat different from. thoM. in use in the East, as thev do not count the fancy dive, and they nave a breast stroke cent. The ?letails are being nettled now. VtW?[\% MANHATTAN ??Tgj? TO MORROW Nil,HT GUNBO-VT SMITH vs. PORKY FLYNN ii? ' ? ' j n. i?, i , Willard irtorgn Virtue?. I m il r.i. Tjii? Niait. KID ELBERFELD LOOKS SAD AS YANKEES ROMP Keating's Pitching m Hitting Feature 6 0 Con test in the .Mud. at? i ? ?<r?r'' - . ? fiatranoog., Terv . Atar!-?. ?*g -ay teen Vankeea, ii "?'IMag Do ,ovan, routed fifteen Lookout? --jT mande.1 by Tabasco K I Elferf-r*-* ; "battle below the clouds" this ??L" noon not far from I he ?-<,,,,, e, ' historic encounter that *.?? ttm?m ' the mountain ju?t out- > , ?? ,'4,,, BOBgB. Donovan began , w .?. bis Regalara la ?. ? ... bal aa*-e*aaa of them a vaca'..?-, ?,'??- In *,,.,," and t'.nishe.l tlp *-/'<-*- . rr?.-rtri. j,, ?ied? on sad Fra v.?,,,? only big tu-* ? heard tat '-,* gun fired .and ?Isa 1 ? ? ? big motor 'bus h :? r.. of ?? main BCjiiad bach to their rooms when Donovan granted the lea?? of absence. The ?core I ' J ? ? '? to 0 A waiae da a, <*..,,, sion could bardl) I rh? i*. did nor rise to dar * .,- , . .,..' noogu whs eoaeen ? mercif. ilul not do much | ,-? ? . always happeriH, a few fart '.tire? ing to flirt with pi ??, 4-, league team in .. Deaeaa ??bilged by letting iiriom 1 that he IB? la the S el bat-?, talent. Harry Sparrow . . . - ?-gr??,, r.ed the * ar.. - cat. ,, eetpta :n his vest pock? , silver for h... ?'ml at I hat. Th? Yet ??,??!,?. ?he field and the : ,, J?,?,, ?h.? advene vvp," ? * soft held Tl.". ? |B pit for tvtelae r ? netted ? total of I ? *..??. %: did nothing on be clas-el ., . Three \eu 1 01 r ; ?. her Klherfeld bo] uhich came,m II ni 1 ?. one of the home 1 1 . ?????< *,. 1 third in ? it went :? Daly, who tripled ? I one "'i'. He w.? ? efl ? <i at third base. The I up into three three Innings. Ri aorked 11 the fii | th? La ? out? uere still hitle? I ?vh< ? ? ?? tired. ?'11?. ' Two Mattered single? were Nick'i al? lowance. Sh tile garre and t ? 1 ssfl b!o?t wer? registered they wer? 1 Betion. All three ? control, as well ; down the hita. 1 ? I ??? were the he?' in 1 1 Donovan ha? had ? tour. Keating .: . hold h is opponent .. si"' ed Allen in the th rre firat pit? ? fence. That was ? ? n, wk<? backed up by and fielding a? I 1 got. In the fourth Ce.!. 01 ?Bgls ?' a fielder'? eh? -' ril tt ?' an out netted another run, In OB final im h ?. s I a 1 former <"ub. WBS ?' f?K B? liorne t?*am. four rUBS were a i'i"l ? doubles by Bonne tnd Vaalter?, ' teli ?ingle and an error. H:g'r-' Inubl? ard a single by Bi around the v.., , much to the ? I er", who lunge i ? cold. A ranning catch by Mai si i-r.-'rr Tl e score foil? s , - . - . ? ? srw ??. . ? rf ? 11 a ? " I ? ? ? ? ? ? I 11? ? ? ? ? < ?. . - . - ? ? I? III ? ? ? ? ? a ? 4 4 ?-* ,- r ?*-/? ? Splinters and Cinders. *' **?? Leagu? ? *" ta 8'h. two are in 1 * run ?:?? ? 1 ?re to Members of th? \ 1 , -?pioniB.P indoor games, ?pi ?, at the 141 ' *"?'/__ K baake! the N ? ?'-. ??? **f.*Z Browi -villa bra Hll I - ? >*'??" of the programme. The next run 1 the 1 t ?J?J T?eagu.- I . ', 1-var. Uhletic A? *? '.''.r, Avenue. Brooklyn. ? V. - It ?? expected that - d****-* laaociation a I have ispi???" ?m the ?'?ii ' p trosiati A Bicycle for Health When the doctor -"?" ""*' ?? in the open." bu? 1 bicycle. ?? ?? bine real pleasure with ***r'.vrT healthful, drllghtfui ?nd -*-""1"** i,i,u*- -arar?! ?tan.'ar.l make? ?? "?*""""", u I,er.? Victor ? ?? .... 1 ? f. I ' ,, ,' ,,.1?-, lar iri.r. ?New York Si'ortim? UoodsO lleailquai ?? '?