Newspaper Page Text
Saratoga Springs Hopes for a Bigger. Better, Busier Season SARATOGA WILL 5?E MANY HORSES Cntry List Is Larger than ' ' That ot Last Year. .f. b- * M * Mli i, wen . ?day by Hi S "7 A. '* Erlaekcr Saratog * -a? -? ? * "?^'.ernee 1 ****?'*?? - ha?.e lw" Vahad for thi twentj * >eee, ?? ?_t2-aara *a*9s** Sf- pn ?''.. ? - partial ?re nomina -'''. t.-'V t ?"'? i } ???a* ?lev-* Vl i race, entries .'., at - tances ovpr ? '' !p- ?"d STi?i ?u. - ,The , ? ? ch i? ?mv da* racei i the entr es sre ??? Eng. ? ? ... ?uaptt H ? J.l?.OfH?, but ... been ?old, ant: i ...? teat ? ? - ' ?id ?ftati at Saratoga tt la i ?at m ?n ?i*?? ' ' ' ' afclTkl I "'? b" stance ? - I? and a fur - <? f tact -* ?tl-Tiir' : * ?j?ace fee of 1260, has to date * - ENGLISH SET DATE FOR DERBY ? ??? ?l Derb?, at ? ?--olds in the Epaom, ptbtDerby on May 30 and the Oaks on ? i - at Ncwmai ? ? ' . ... -, has bee ?..???? tinj j imn the * ^eJpor?li?h? ! ?yGrant lana Die* Another Query. ? v ondcri pitcher feels tchi lYc': r asked ;. - ? ? ? hen ?/< A ltd ? '! n>, n | '.'?? ; ? ? i the odd* were for a most > tended hit /.', ? talc ng up I t I ? a td of Zir?, /lTirtf/irr qvrry reoehtt OUt OCTOSt the hv.-~j rinr' f? '?? tying li/i and ning nord: and ?-??/wo* ll'<? - . ?., hen John -ird Hein ? the PI - * ? Wheretl the PI '? stepped out and mad? ? * t that thi r early spring deta great vi - enough at lift?t I ed to make Colonel Tinkei 1er whethei he i?r ? ' ra guess . looks ta I ' ? ha I ***?*?'? tor fla~ : ? aa a bi trill bs sble to put good fluff on display and then finish a mer* And the i may be only - bleak edge back of tha * anei so far as playing Ci icerned. No False Alarm. Benny K f. f 1 be a.- of th*ngs, but he ?I no part of a falte tiara. Beany started away srith the prea'est outbnr I of eloquence In baseball relating ? t hia feats of va'nr. Then, getting ?"ay to a -e the aver-igti at I km bren sibdue-d, Kauff kept his head vr v.aver la the slightest until the base hits he*;ar. to por. snee that Hern y hsg In h im si I ? t] be erer-ei] but it Is evidently sincere. It is no part blaster. When the daily records begin to dr ' ETetary John Heydlrr the e??l J will have his share of hn*e hltS a- cf it. We'd like to i ??lake good to thi He was a trlfli ? at lea?t )e Introduced a ne-ve eletr.e.? affairs and added more than his share to the general gayety of things. This ;? reward. I wo Years from Now*. -, they gel Je?s Willard hack into the riag." - If tl net be into any I r 14 1 .* Nothing under a ; ? r 11 Jess expects to turn aro. Federal Leag a made one big miataks tal Id have grabbr Rickard for an o*-.*ne* lid have had tecond division ( 10,000 a day. w pta at $3 a thraa rho eau for a 1 ? ? Spring Song. ? et rri'd, ring and r n ?rr eried, -*' with J, ? TENNIS TOURNEY FOR SCHOOL LADS Athletic League Plans a Three-Division Trial Tin's Summer. n> IAMBS B. OM.M I. ?km is made that " e T?.h **ae this year will rond::et a tennis tournani'"' gles and d' i g the il hig* ? ral chant. ? ? op? ' competing ? ?.who. . ? outside jui : ? I ? ar. eomprii Manhal ? ?r.posed Queens. All the mat che? will be r tl '-oyrt? of the Pul It h le tie Les .n number and improved. v npionship lattan, The i ? Hall. ? ? liai repr? ? I . Coi ?' ; . . Bovs' and Manua . Il.ll, g ?will r< present ? 1 of ?'?:. ac ? von the ' Hotel ' * .rrcd - rrnuda chai and p. cup fot . a "brother act"' in t. * g tl men?, doubles. agei Raymond L Griamer, of the Unrver ? et \ ermoi t racquet ors I : th?H ?cheduie: ? .enee ? ?:; "?, Ford ham, h- - . :?er Poly 7, I'nion, at ? r.dytech-, . ? the tea the home folks o- ) t? e h order te pul ? per into the men's ni dou* ? tic plav, the PI . event an invita onal ??so. ' ? si ? la, however, ttla ea forniana, who will bs? 'o arpear. in th" reeent l??rgwr?e,d covered-court championship at Ho.'ton the general play of the wini or, I?. S " al 1 red :-. ?eld. ? umnire, t*. ? ? reg ? .-? t Ir c ? . ? , r ?-. < But it takes Virginia to give a cigarette "character"! NOTP. : VirgiaiB t'.b-ir. o ?-,?*.? f.?r ?. . d?fj*, no 0-*lu frtxght. t ?? ? ft 'nvtiteful hit. f/ll '. Thai !*.whr Piedmonts, for : I bigtacet-giade Virginia, n??-? . r a!.? bere m t.'.e I ' 5, A. run afford toglffl *.ou It'.'.tr tytin/i'y than a i **a**etti t rro* , t itmn '> a '..? r. baa t?? carry all th.??- wu'.ejul sjj.eiitii. CHARACTER" Mhat's what every smoker wants in his cigarette. But it takes Virginia to give a c*i-"*arette that life and zest called "character" 1 That's why Virginia is called "the tobacco man's tobacco." Piedmonts have in thorn only the highest-grade Virginia?ALL Vir? ginia ! ?Golden, lively, mellow as ?southern sunshine ! If you want a cigarette that will satisfy you?-that will say "char? acter" in every puff then next time, ask for Piedmonts ! Jfeya??*j4fau&&itJ4U> Oar. The ALL Virginia cigarette--* The Cigarette of Quality lOibrS-r r^Also Packed lOforlOt VALUABLE COUPON IN V VCH PACKACB Heard at the Sign Of the Cauliflower ?- By W. O. M'GEEHAN ?_ 1EAVE it to a ministerial rr.ind to ? a.r<- the i - ? - ? ? ? ? fight i A. C, in Brooklyn. ?'?? ?. .-'. Edwai ..... ? ? ? ? ? * ? ar-i fl ii der his o? gnaturc reverend ge**.* ?- i ? h * ? ? ? ? (if o to ndm.t ? happened quite of" ai rar g' : injure each ? . - * rw York v (hip and < *ht hero, i* -ranged ich other o'-ernni'1 ? . - chased i \\ ?a ?. i ? i ? ? i gem of the ? i Oral ? ' le ? * ? Ben , ? '. i lot . ? A little Inter a light promo! - I t ? . ? He wan 1 thi i "standing so ? I at thi eturn match. ? head is level. W1 4"?uple of ho*, ? i ge i ' i ? Ight 1 ng Coi ? . . ne able to make a little dou i n a ? r. NO ?i a -. S Ami t:.e : .?.'..? '? :? '? '? r', ? ? vill inquire innocently: "Cai friend i lown on the short In a poker game t'-e I?ev ? ? wo .'?1 prol * ... ?? . | - r ? S. i.dward seems ? '? r Ml ' ... mentor "If they tried thai this referee would catch on and st^p thi ... ate ft * h and won't "And I recognized ths trntl i Mr. Young. The reverend gentleman wor. to l?" a very farsight? i person Indeed ? * niah in th ? _? r ? are ro fights I I : oar l'a qaiekl ?? | g truth of a ? ? . ? ?? ? ?, ? ? ?? tan t Atl ?- there will continuo to ba g o| ? as to the ? ? ' 'Inns, for "I coneidi r the t * a a dis ther hand, Jack P ? ? "Of ci I ? * was a little ? a Heai | ? ghta i ? i i Rol I do i Mi ran forced the | . | : ? ? the . ! \-. 1* IIr. Curley-Jones W al ret tart ed ? g c.n *!,a: Willai Dt As . has B'r. ady sent 1 - . ? ? i!rtiior.itra,'> ' ? 11 PI] * *? tin anca wil H for h mat< 'ard. ... - ? the | for this .bably not ?be Jones end Curley hsvo t; ? t the feel? ... ? at, P I ill 'here il ri ... ? ? becomes ca ? hi -,, - -n; ? that, I ??? r r,f ?: ? en "srra?re Fight Log. TOMi.HT. Pt?n??r S. C ?Sf? Al M-Co >?. Cut Curial??. Till KSDAT. ?ti?lum A. C ? Par?> 11 -a ,, CrUaat Siritn. PRIDAT. Hadlttt? ?OTMn l,a*??n?F??<ISIa ttttt ?*> Barn? L-niirrJ. V?nd??bll? A. C ?BatTtln? ???)??? ?a. Dj'?f Brandt. *-\Tl RDAY. r,i?-r??t A c????arts (?-,,, ., Pa e?-.. 0 i-n.h??? A. C.?K?h?i?a Kl* ?a. 1?? M???.*, Cerno, ki? ??. Du**.?? luum. Broaii.ay S. C ? Outer, Brandt in. Kid H?r* ma?. _, ?<? each o,;?r ? uch." A! i ersons are i t 1 ....... ? ? t to 1 reach ?uch ? r a retu ;. ? tl % Pn. - i ? ?? ? i . ? *. Kdward Younr ' I Boxing Comm - a? ? g Commit ba? ideaU or just notions on such ' i ' ' appear? thai tl * forehand a? I ? much," we I ?? r-e.*- . : . ? .. ear mar'- ? .?'?hint;, CHRISTIE VS. MCOY AT PIONEER TO-NIGHT ? ? new Al. M of Brooklyn, are both reported m fot -.'1 bout, at ., to-nig,ht. tarts ? ? ? Eaat ? i, be?t - . battler bout ? n in two weeks. In ? ten-r? and bout " ' ! ? . ? - TIGER FIVE GRIND CLAWS FOR,PENN Prll ' ?" . March 28. The Princeton ba?k<tba!l ?quad held its latt : ?B in final ?...-.?, . ?? played in ? I to-moi 4 would alle . ' .? ? j only i * TK to keep t: ? . in the ? ?' reol re in i.p-top con? dition. Rahill ?il. in the ; ? guai ',. ai 1 will mat? . ,.i if to cai 1 ? ? ip is ? . forwardi. M-Tigue, c ntre? Ra i tat Niblicks Would Be Handy in Hockey Match To-night meet I r at the SI ? ? for 1 I play ?argton ' ven. ? | ' ?- ? Roland *., former I ina; Harold .-t, a former Yale player; H?*-rae? Ilrrner, formerly i * Pav I gj K'trioald "?'? ...i.-.-c ? Renn* ? 1 r. W. Niekeraon, ex-Ysle Archie I'*id ar.d ar' Marat ' arlll probably play ? W .Ter???v ?' ? have a? U .ward wei Mort-an. jr. ex-Harvard rantain; Grant ? lead ? ? ' . Van Todd Vi I ET KOR RI -IM Ft ?:?'<isks to LET loi; ki SIM SS PI RPOSEa TRIBUNE BUILDING t$A Western Street Overlooking City Hall Park EASY OF ACCESS EXCELLENT SERVICE MODERATE RATES ...? ????? :^-ypski-S'SI'', - SALES IN THE REALTY MARKET Theatre Planned for Site Bought ?n the Melrose Section of Bronx. BUYERS TO IMPROVE WEST 16TH ST. PLOT Will Replace Twelve Dwellings lutweert Sixth and Seventh Avs. uith Apartment Houses. it r for The Bronx, with 8,600 r>cr-?oriv remit from a three-sided deal an noui ? ,iy. ? ?? sale ???irle? F Conorer and Edil i ? -??th of the eight lots, fronting 100 and -d stg., lo : 117 fee? etat of Melrose av., and having a depth of 165 feet; aleo of the 100x1410, on the south eld? of ? ? . :? . ?*? ?? va e?-* < f Eltoa ar. Ine purchaser is the Harborn Realty pany, ??Inch gave in exchange the "??er-.ty-family apart ?? .?? .. it? Valentine av., l'to IOU. ' ; ? ; ?'?xl0'>. ?a Harbon Realty i ompany re tlg 'lot plot extending .- I02d tl to the T Washington Avenue , Realty Company for cash. The com lite a theatre h-.?i -???re-, aatimated I it |ltS,000, II ha. e a ' ? if garden. ?The place will be utilir.ed for mo? tion picture? arid ?rill be conducted by \ ai \ baaf on , - president - ?\ .Ii4??,h?. treasurer. It .. g the Inee of the ot-er atrea in th. cry. The above actions ????ere negotiated by ter-Lo ? i, [i ur.ii involved a tota).of abou? ? kYil am I . 'garten ?X* Co., Inc., are the buyers of the twelve three story ?a'.<_, at li? ?o 137 \V? . having a cotn i feet, n-ported recently a? g 1 ?en sold by the Longatreet est?t?-. It is the intention the pu ara to improve the plot elevator apartment . a .? ? . This neighborhood peculiarly lendi of modern apartment-. \V. . from Fifth inately fr??e from loft I lingt. The time ? it uoulil be advisable or ; : the rei lential * ? ? ? : , th?? erec ? ? ' lildinga. I t Hileouate hous ( in I ir.-tnet, assuring the | .. proveirient. Myron W. Robinaon, pre?.dent of th? , Jamei 1 : . purchased from Fred? rick Bl .gh Charles W. Smith and Max . 4SI t?, 429 fleet tilth ?t. two itory 1 famil) apartment houses, on a plot f-.'ixiuu feet, rear Ki'h av. in part payment Mr. Robinaon Of twelve acre-, un and outbuilding!, on TeanecK . Road and ? ;.\ . hnglcw ood, \. J.. valued at 160,000 The -lJth St. I Wl re held at $l_0,00n. 1 Ither follow: BRYAN1 V : II Jackson has . ' from the 'lurpoil Realty | ; Rober Igur, president, l"Jl .':' Bryant ?v., between Westches story new on a plot 186x100 feet. The houses were completed by the . ing company in October, and are rented per arriim. They were held I* v.HS a cash transaction ? an. \: MONT AV. k jtz A- Tren hare Bold for the Isaac Lower.feld Realty .1 Beaumont av., north a two story dwelling, on a ; ? feet AN'V.-. AV. Sharrott ?4 Thorn -old for Frederich Tench, of Terry ?A- Tench, the plot, luuxlOO feet, at the ? of St. Ann's av. and rhe pure?-??? rs are Samuel B. *?:? amata ami Max HorTman, mho ? ? modern ure pending for leeeing ths prop.*.??d structure to a I brokers f.?r a long term ITOTll'?-T i A 1 a? ?r? have r? ? at the southeast corn??- \ it and 170th st. o-, a ; ? ? f. Will? iam ?*"ohr.? and O'Reilly 4 l?ahm wer. the hrr>Ker? This \?n?, taken In ?*. change by the sellers last week for the Id it upon which Robert M. S.'.verman will bui'.d a -v.*..- ?rory aprirtment. Business Leases on East and West Sides g lliam ?. PTbtt? I lea? have rent? ed the building at 24.3 U ashing*.'?-! ?t to Popeh A I.ud?*' Bbaw ?*?: Co. have leased the ?- N ?t *"*"*?. K.t-hth av. to the George Kern C ? paay, Ire. Satnur! II Msr-'.n ha? leased the ?rere and basement at PSI Ninth a?. to <"arl tit ? The H V. "BBBBy ha? lea.ed the ?rore it ?? t.? Hall It Setty; 1 - Men'? A? W t'*t .list lt., tO 111 ?t '.?'*. B ?? 262 We?r Biet st rita A l'a? kin Pre i hnr'.-a l" ? ? I - pany ha? leafed tO ? " B the r'r iirh ro Da Peyater st . foar lofts ?t 191 William ? t., basement, to the National Leather G< I f, ar '. a floor at M Ann st r * 'k ? aratein *, ave laaaed ?pare in tSA) Fifth BV to Akawo. M.<r: mura (.? Co.; Bpaee Bt * I 1 Hrondiafiv to ?'?'? K\ . ai 1 ?icor?;?' Gypser; <?" i teat Hat at to Max Wasi i at S41-S41 Fifth av. ' I ( n , an?l offices in the ?ame building to th?i i] Brush Com paay, th . a?. H, Mi a? r, :h? , ? irla g ? smptuiy and the ?lellows-l'eeve Com l a 1161-1I?I Hrofidway to Marsns and U?ck? f? Morehou'e. and an office at I 10 Klfth i to th? - aa*-*BtrualHg Vanufsct ? ? -'ed office? In 4?7 Fifth av. to John W. Bre't Wrstchestrr Estate Sold. Griten, Tr' * Ripie**, Inc., ha?. ?o'i tweaty ?erea b^'infring to ner.r.1 Fountain, ov-ri Bcarodela Golf and ("ountry Club?, and oppo-tit-* F?r f.eortre I HuntinfT'ot:. Th? consideration la ?aid te be about ".'.ii.onn. The purchaser intend? to ?rect h summer hem? on the the cround In a rustic manner Sale- in Auction Room?. A '1 V???? .* it. j-t?r.' p r>?T ?1ST ST Ul ? III W ?? ' ? ? a* M US .1 lr-?? ?. 4 ? ,/? .???" ? ? ' I ' MTN ?1 -i ?? 'i'-ki? ? ? ? ,.? ? pi a In Uff 111 57TM ST. .1' 4 ' ' , a . ., , *.. || .-?. ' H j ? - , ? ? i I4TH ST ' " ? a <? ?:??-,. r for 11 LESOY ?T. ' ? I! - I ?.???.-' ? ??? ?? ?4 It Ji ?? ir' Ua-iai ? fl H i? ?? a ? ti U?. I? ' ? '. ? : ? B lor 111 1 ? 11? ?? Hr?<1i. BOLTO? an . a r ? --4 ?, ? ?mm . a'? try <rw.? and r-i-w ' .? ? ?. ?aleoi lau? Co. AP ? ?. ?* ? ? :at ??It a??. IITH ST ? ?'? a? rL?t?l ? ?"? ? !f ! ? ?an ?I ?I; Klkua. G a P ' i?-.-? ?? I At 8:0I Thirl a? K7 ( estnt A. B-rrlan 6EDGWICK AV. r. a a ? a- :?-??? I? ? i- ? , - *. ?i ? ?..a? ??? . , ? I ? ? r r J . New Buildin*** Plan?. Manhattan. -' ? ? - WSaBtMSW a. '-? VHP.. . - 1 li SI. ? W-?>t, ?? } The Bronx. MONTICfLLO AV, ? . : ? r E*?anwa'* aa. } ??? trim? .Iw.j tj ?, ? ?? ?-a i ?t. m : ?-. - . ???. ISS ? . ?? ? ; II'D t?T, :. ?? ?or TT ???- a? tar? I %?-. r?*'n',. 50ir? 1 a.-*. II tlTI IS; Aar-m tin ? Sai ?? fWI ???.'. ??. i. ?.?1 ?t. I REU 1 -I \II ? UK SM.I*. M Vl JEMEY. REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALFL >tn ?/nan. $3,500 on Easy Terms A* P Pig P .V'RTr-.AGR OW 15 '/i% ill *.*.? TSIg NEW COLONIAL VILLA *??SJB*r* . - en 1 i-? m n??. Bel ? c. . '-?via ca*->"t. $36.84 Monthly "?UV* In'eeve*, Tea**, ,'v. .'/?rue d%d ?'??- fl? I I ... > .... r?. ? ? . lull lnf"rtnall"i? hihI \|?poiiitii?. nt to Hoe Home from Telephone 1521 Cort.andt. RAYMOND F. BARNES, 170 Broadwty. Waif?- lUlt, ? rn ar.4 w?l!? Ri \l. EST \ TE FOR S \LE OR TO LET IV foil lll??r.K I iHM?. LIVE In Westchcster County Ntw York i Bot Sskarbaa Dulrict . .. ? ? t? ?? card \\ ? v . ' ' and . ? ? rat? Iraflir liepartment. i ork Hi'? -.???? ?. H? ? ? a a. . .[.ar_ ?I. y.. rr.i Fk. Avt . fl. ?*. III.'?, rial ?I V BARGAINS ? ? . a - ? ? ? 'a :. li ; ?i ? ? .11 t I ' .... | . I . - ?? ? r??oa > I ? ' I? 1.41 A ? a IM fl I?, 4? I, 4- I I.II III 1(1 II I I'll I I?.*? llr.?<1-ay. \. \. mi viKi i-Kur ?.mi. i.rr toi a nv-rTTr ron toi a n-.\*a H??' - i al..? ?PCM l??r - * ? -'- . ??P?. A Tboo as? i?ti <??. Ar:ilA<-*TT? E BAIlfiAl.V-t riFTTKI*!) FT .A':* ISC PEPARTIIENT ?"-TAT;: ??. MIT VOI'.K te ? ?. Itlt ? 'V!' r.n-'.y. ,, -- - A ..-i' I ..? -' * ?a a ' , s il CHANT* ?? -. . ???:>.? il :?-.*. ? - l,rtry ti " ' h*.' ' ' ' , ,utn ' ' ' ?' ' i .-ai ix V. i'. ?? II? ? ? < - :a k. 1 I a .-?It I -?. *??? M aboul a . ? ? ? ?.- or. ? ? ' ? ? , -?-?>? ? ' ? ? . . ?HMa l ? ? trius? ??i? ts ? ' I ? -:? ??? . Ir I Ve'vf- ?!???'? ? ? ?r .!-.-.. .i. ? , bul 'Un ?Ij<i ?111 | ? - . ? . of . '. > ? ' ? I (i-Mclil !>?;?- ( r.tfH . ?t i :?. SAFETY FIRST ? ? rafea are i North Jerjey Title Insurance Co., n ?.'??< ? M. | ti <j. i'i.ii ;. ... ? ? . ? - - i J _^^^^ i.i?; ? > - i II-.4, i.-i \\n. A Kl? L. I. UtT MAItrO. I ?? ?f . > -??.-? a -.? ,. i.v.n CODU*'.. mrv-tnrl L I tsl '1* B> r **?T * TO LET FOR M SIN ESS 1'FFPOHES MIIKI IM? II'?T B"*a"^?|. .m . NI l*r.r! ti . o'? 9?t*~**** 1 ur Cfearlaa im?"? on ?'?"*'?***