Newspaper Page Text
Conducted by Samuel Hopkin? Adam?. Tb?? department h.? entered the ?econd ?t?ge of ?eraic. to Tribune reader?. Primarily it wa? intended merely to ?ep?rat. the ?heep of advertiiing from the goat??and hang a Hell on th. goat?. But now it goe? beyond mere identification. It embrace? a human nature atudy of both ?heep and goat?. You are invited to aititt. For every letter printed in thi? department describ? ing experience??pleac.nt or unpleaiant?with ?dverti?er? of merchandise, excepting only patent medicine?, The Tribune will ?end J2.00, payable in any merchandise of any Tribune adv.r* li?er. For the mo?t important letter each month a ?pecial pris, of $50.00, p.y.ble .imil.rly, will be awarded. Name printed or withheld?a? you prefer, but muil be ?igned or we will not know wher? to ?end the prise order. Addren: The Ad-Vi?or, Th. Tribune, New York. Now, when no many magasines and rewspttper? ?re beginning to prit,' ... ement of seeds and planta foi the coming season, i It la a .-'?"I t:rr,e to nip the nature faker in the bud, and The \l-\ .m fur the operation. Offei of twenty-five and ?.?? fiftj different varieties of seed.? for it il me ?.re fret) sen in mrir y periodical?, but the two-jitney might just as well be donated tu the four wind?. It should be ?officient in itself that an <>!"Vr ?.: ten kinds of "?.wer and fifteen vane that will keep your table supplied with fre?h, and yon can have ??? paradise "f bloom all summer, would be enough to warn us to keep away, but it usually befalls the novice who buys '. : ! a v hole ?phson takin?, care of noth ireeda. (He ?peaks from exp?rience.) However, for every goat We also lave a sh?ep, and 1 InclOBS a lew linea from "Bui-pee, of PI They do more than speak ? ? spirit, as well as 'be deed, which The Ad-Visor here plain!" cd. They instil f-uch conti nol feel other thaa lustifled in giving a concern which do? ai Burpee bia patronage GEORGE LEON. "Any ?in?? who is not thoroughly satisfied with the products rai.-?-d can have hi money **-i<?'??: any time within the year, for such is the guar? anty that }in?t?.-t:. all who plant f-ceds bought from Burpee of Philadel? phia" i the Imple Burpee pledge. Such a p-uarantoe beget? confidence nnri confidence ?"?"rgetfl patronage. Ren,! the serr.on marked with a circle in the inclosed advertisement. It 1? prett] honest, s(iui?re-dcalir.?*, doesn't it? !.. M. H. GI-ASKR. Ifai tstk ..<i< > iti-? menta tell "r.othin?* but the truth." . ?? II "the whole truth." Mr. (?laser's inclosure of the W. A. McNaugh T..|. i. ent fron, the Monede (Ind.) Star dues both. I mid cement be more open and aboveboard than the two followin<r'.' Most Prices in Thi? Announce "'Get Rid of Your Odd Lot? and Less Desirable Styles" The above was the ?'dirt from the mana to the second floor ? ? .i'i\ *u wear section. "Sell them at BOme kinil of a price," the further order. "Put a pnce on th? m thai ??. ill make th? m go. Don't try l?. gel what they an? worth, but what tiie public will pay mid be eager tu pay." So here i tho Sales Manager an?! the sal?.-people. ment Are Not for New Good? No, tin y are accumulations from pa I -easotis' purchases. The odd lot* will accumulate in spite of us and a clean-up time comes. That time is ri?*ht here and now. In our rTtatementl we will try t<> he frank and fair and tell the truth M the Mumie Ad Club d?fit.?'-; th?> word. While the irarmeiits are not of the latest style?, they are not "junk," m> called, but usable all ripht ing apparel. The .V! V ' pie McNuui-hton Co.; and tu the Munde Ad ? **ratulationa upon its -ucce**i"u] inculcation of ?*ound doctrine. ?tttl I th? ?j erial offer made by the Ponati Galleries before tmiia to make four baby photos for $!, I thought, it was woth a trial " ;- rear-old ?on to be photograpl I v i by Mr. Proakauer (the manaa-er) that if the proof? i?-t?iry I could have another Bitting. I'pon receiving pruo' tting was necessary. I ^erit a^ain an?l *i .ly connected with the concern so lures n auc? ? ever, Mr. Proskauer, after devoting considerable time tryinr to pet th.. baby to m icccss, advised me that the t;r?r improved upon, i decided to leave it to him, and : leased with rh?* : nal result, ::?- the price at which these photo? were made and the d to i.e. I would certainly say the l?onati ? ? ?' 'irr: the Sundav .supplement of i.e. M. 1?. W. "Kveryi'niiy connected with tiie ronerrn m anxious to make the pict peak well for the Donati Galleries, Tact alone, although Useful, will not set at rest every complaint, but tact combined with tho to please ?very customer ?viH build a lastin??, reputation i. r any firm. Res .? there ire two ?..'<?- to ?very question and that all ? be unreasonable, freedy monsters and ?il o? .... - tour judgment on the follow* have pu/.- iderably. I "'?? . . one day this week to buy a coat, a? I I there Bt r, .i in,able ? in that $10 was about as much as I ?hot. Por fully half an hour the .?"aleswoman showed me coats at in\ ?ne ef them seemed t? be exactl) wha? 1 buy ;? a every other year, so getting me i ? ? ttt red a lot to me. yc.-.rr ngly tried it on. wonder :.e doing righl ?>i wrong to pay the $2.6* mor? re for :?'??? Bg impatient ar.d hint?*.l ?hat i? was time for her "Don't let me keep you from your lunch," 1 get mine fit the same time and ? about the coat." I ed to her while .- coata that I bought one only once rd to pa) very much for it even then. I became unite sharp with me. "You see." she ?aid, curtly, "I ? n't want to *?.. te ill this time <?n you and then not make ere are two side--. She had spent a full thirty me, pato f me a I II ? ' > of coats, arid I fell for her if she should not n.akr the aale. But, on the other hand. ? ? a cf.a' a? lonjrr as I do ar.d your mean? are very g to I one t.tit you or to ford. II after I ant that suited ore for $10. Wai ? - aas 1 B. N. C. v. ?vornan, y< v low ir?* that S. N. C. ?omor, it i- ni! i'i tho day'? work. Every call The Urne thti et down to profit and 1 ? ? v.rr.'. into T.oep's Shirtwaist Shnp. on Flat i 1 h ad se? . at home I o ? . I took it back aid si ow? i I to the ? to and ???'.('. apologized" tock. bat ? ? p m. they would i uve a . for me. I ... that he Couldn't ??rar ? ?r : ?? v. h ?ring ? ? It of not bai ? ? ?? the irai ? I told her 1 ?? ' ? v? ??? ? i it? of ?. another waist the oi $3.50 instead of $1.98 taking .'.???. r exchange that ? .n for my trouv wan'" ? more than appr?cia l ith a smile and ? I ?... I I . : ? '" da, whe "SATISFIED." When h firm want? it plea ed and al fled thnt re ? ? l ha best method consist? simply lig 1 : ;. ed a- <! ati Red. This is neii * . ? - itlon nor commandai on : rather ?s a commentary ?,n the ace of the collusion that evist? between newspaper pit.: ??*.. hr ,\ th? manufacturers of pa-' mi nea. rv*.?, h eh all type ?..:- ? ? appeared ? :"i.'"k ""''y Oasotte, dated Friday, Miv i bed I A Me!.?.,., at their , ? , Franklin' llead, 41 Han? si "*<i'j?re ihe advertisement read? xa * 'DO? T<IK HI HI Ml \M S FAMOl 8 I' " ?grand sp?cifie again?) tb? i t oi tinate diaordori I? sot to the human hap, sack ?? the Lout. Dropsy, Rheumatis -orbu?- Humoui Leprosv, and .? excellent iri exp? ? i'.'> !?'''?'nrr< ? s oil the vlaeid Humours In those ?' '"") " fbs ?ed Ar tamas Thei al*.. ?r? of rders (acidORl to the Fair S?, lfl m ' Impuritiea in the blood PI rsieal Pharmacopeia sold " " ' >.,.' ngl a H ox wi'h itj A A M'l.-.r -, prmtirif- oi, . Prasklln'? .are " ?a pan?e,a ' ?r all the ill? ?ha? ?1 ? fie.h || i r.r ?.,.?.-., ?1*,m, ' . GODI REY HAMMOND ' ? ? parallele?!, in ? ?io/.et; || ?? ? nmlerlying principle? rapaci!y.' ; ? ,,rs of hopeful fool.*.. ENJOIN INCINEPATOR PLA? Maten Inlander?? (.et Order Ag-ii* Mayor?Protect I'eRun. A mas, meatii g to proteal arai eatabliehiag a city garbage ?, lag plant on S'a'.. -. I land Wl night In Rorough lia'.!. SI <?< ?'? Staten Island, by the Btataa lala Cirie League. I?r,. -.ere ta'-. , i.rainst .Mayor Mitchel and * I I of the Board of F-t?mate i awarding a contract for building I . R William U irt Milla, i ice-pn ?he Uajrue. announced '??? n i ;???. r?r?' M. Pinne) ???-?? rday obtaim d 'in injunction in ' 1 : upreme Court and : * on May . Mitchel tnd mem bei: of the boarH t?, preven awarding the ca tract hri'l eatabliahing the plant. T i injunctii ? ? ?ay. v.h ?arrumen'-: will be >. ? .i r ? 1 by .Iu=ti i allaghan in 'he Supreme Court. Set ? ml pi * ? gned by thouaan taten 1 ? ? ? been circu?? ?? Mayor. Mo '?,.'??? .-a hear, on the matt. ? ? Hall bare ; ready been n ritten, Prote i ..m ? prerented placing *. | {?tant on Rikcr'; Inland. -e , CHEMIST AFIRE; QUITS HOSPITAL, FLARES AGAI] Undaunted by First i:\plosioi He Tackles Experiment Anew. i Experiments in chemistry caused lo of e\citem?r?nt ami considerable dar ac?? last niKhi. Abraham I.erkin, thi |?y year?, old. of IE Weal 127th Strei was experiment ing in ; he lab the i". B. P. Chemie*! Campaay, tl M ?SVeat Fifty-fifth Street, when thei j wag a banp. I.erkin departed for tl at i?, llamea. Patrolman Teggart, < Weal Forty-eerenth Sti | anvffed oat thi ? ereai and aen1 him t., the Polyelii le Hoi l? tal. Firemen extinguish, ?I the blai I in the laboratory. Instead of returning home I arl nent back to the laboratory. Anothe , experiment ended arith a -??eond ban and put the laboratory in flam.-. Lei gin, apam tbl?aze, made foi the i Patrolman MeAvoy pal out the blatin clothir.y-* and called the trabulanee an Fire Department. John White. ?Irivinc Hook tnd Ladde ??. amaahed a wagon in front, of 60 w? ? Forty-ninth street while harryin ; to the t';re. John Whalen. driving th I ambulance, ran down elght-year-ol Annie Bteinerl while harrying to tak ? T?rken for hi^ srt?i,nil ambulance ri<i? 1 Dr, Smith picked up the ?hi!d, anil finding the wti no* injured, earrii her home and ordered Whalen t' ?Irive OB. Eventually 1/erkin reached the ho? pital. an4l stayed there. Firemen foujrh the blaxe in the laboratory for hal an hour. a PRIVATE SCHOOLS TAKE UP CAMP DRILL St. Paul's Alumni Is Told ol "Junior F-lattsbur-y." Militan.' training will be encouraged the lairpe iiri.atr schools of thr Urea St Paul'? School. Con eord, X. II , ha.? arrantred to ronduc' I "Junior Plattaburg** tl Fart Terry, N 11., where boys of fifteen yaara and over will be trained. This announcement wa> tnad?? U '. nifrht by Dr. Samuel s Drury, reel of the ichool, who waa speaking at tbe Waldorf to the "old b attend ng a ilinnrr in recognition oi th?? aixtieth anniver i.rv of St. Paul's, Many men prominent in national life are alumni of the institution, which ?Air founded by Di George C. Shat? tuck, ??f Boston. Graduates fn.m all over the United Statei tnd I tntda and Europe were preaent. Dr Charlei 1> Hart, preaidenl of the Alumni \ aoeiation, presided, and atn?>ng the speakers v.r.? Repn entative Augua tus Peabody Gardner, of Maaaachu? 1" Frederick < . Shaituck. son I of ti ? imuel S. Drurj. the rector, and Malcolm Gordon, an tor. \i!. ? k* th?oae preaent ".ere Paul ey, Percy P of Hoboken; B. B Keyaer, Wald?? New? comer, ?if Baltimore; !.. II. Greenwood, tker of the Jl A. J. Pi \ ?.i. tary of the Treaauryj i i ? ley. High Col I H? rbert Paraoi -. Robei I 11 Mi Dr. E. H. Tool. Dr. i w. M irray, Dt 1 II Biahop, the Ree. Philip Rhine ladelphia: the Rer. E. M. Parker, of N'i i Hampshire; the | Rer. Paul Mathea . of .New ,1-rsey; the P.ex. R, i. Paddock, of Oregon, and t? . \>... i h?eodore Reese, of "Ono. "HE DRINKS," WITNESS SAYS, TO PROVE HONOR . Court Reserves Decision After Novel Character Testimony. , Street I eaning De ? employe, wai i eh thi Supreme ' ourt yi 1er for George ??*> Reilly, ? ??' ife, Mr.-. Celia u Reilly ? ? 11,.ward told <?:? gerich he i? ? i !:? -, as an "W ?jrablc man ' ? ce, "V? by, 1 ? an drii ? ti d i eld hit end up." ? her huabtnd number after their i riage. It w ,. i: i 1903 |i the !: . -? ' ich rc-erv? i SAYS DR. POTTER BACKED FARRELL CHARITY TRACTS Printer Testifies Former Baptist Minister Re? quested Secrecy. HOTCHKISS REBUKED FOR GRILLING PRIEST Spectators Express Noisy Dis? approval of Attorney's Heck? ling of Mgr. Dunn. ? harities investigation before Con-mi-a-ioner Strong became seething hot yesterday, ltefore an audience that erowded every available foot of stand in ff room in the Bar Association Build? ing the Commiaaioner, the lawyer? and witne m had te i?gh* ta control their temper?. Th.- storm broke a? 8:41 p. m. while the Vary Bar. Moaaigner John J. Punn . a itm ? ehair, submitting to ? Father Parrell called in his now famous pamphlet "prifst baiting." Will? iam H. Hatebkin, attorney for the i hat,1 ? Department, bad failed in ' to get information from Monaignor l?unn. Baffled by the wit? ness, curbed by the rulings of the Cam? , tier and exasperated by the satis ? ??. with which the audience was viewing hia d??f?-a?, Mr. Bat? wheeled suddenly on the prie?t and cried at him m a loud voice: "Then why did you send in a letter $100 to Dr. Potter, so that he could leave town ?" In the breathless moment that fol? lowed the j it back: "That's a .???trent of yours" An?l in the de? risive cries that followed the crowd un feelingi tad showed how strongly it? sympathies were with the priest. Turning sternly on them. Can? ?rier Strang threatened to clear the room if such a demonstration arare repeated: then, turning to Mr. Hatch? ! I reprimanded him fur his ques? tion. John M. Bowers, attorney for the Hoard, ???.ho had sai?I scarcely a ward before during the day, arose and declared that Mr. Hotchkiss had cx ; the bounds of dignity, and had i.ver-.'.epped the privilige of question? ing witaetaea tin- Cennietiencr had given. Sped at or (.??.-?a His Version. "I am here for the purpo-e" Mr Hotchkita atarted to explain In a mili? tant voice, but a spectator, ?Ah?, hadn't totallj relieved hia fealiagi la "he ? i the remark ? .'.. "\ou're h?Te for the lluardians of that's who you're here lor," tl d. grabbing his hat an?! ??',;?(, Bed fr??tn the roam ???< though e.\| ? momentarily to be aeited by the collar bi i ommiaaioner Strong. The Comrei - glowered at him ;. I e beat hia retn ?it. Mr. Hotchkiaa ?liligently followed daj h i ? ? . (I the da; h? fore "to al ow colluaion between Father William B, Farrell, Dr. Daniel i Potter m. I Robert W Hebberd, aec? r?'nr\ ??:' the ? t?te Hoard of I !?.,? pul ng the pamphlet tiie inve ?? igation." Th? the five pamphlel i pub Of Path) r I? I : r trih '-i braadea I tmang Cath? ? ? ' .?. C'i'.i? i wen ? of | l.iinr. Saya Poller Ordered Pamphlets Dr. Daniel C, Potter, former - m,.i depoaed head of Board of Ambulan,.? Service, gai for 1 he pamphlel , wa w to a- th.? morning aeaaion by Prank Leber, reprc enting M, B. Brown, i binder, of .'it i hamberi ! ??? proofl ?>f the pamphl'-'s were sent t,, l?r Potter, ?*ho rrturnci them corrected, the witneea said. Leber U til ed that Dr. Patti i ??'?.e.i him io "H??ep thi printing matter quiet." and rave him four typewritten pagi of ad art ici of Roman I athelii . | o th er ci t i i whom Ml Potter had entered th W. I'. Plunkett, who assumed the ex? iling th?.? pamphh elTor'i office ? *..?. jforl copil ? ' each pamphlet u. i ?? ? of the chancery of th? !;. ? .? ' ? 11 .,,-? -.. of St. rtt Street. Dr, Potti r waa onetime head of the reau 1 t the city'i sub aidiea to 1 ril ible in titutlona. ? . Board ? I \\ hile he wi thi a of ? alt and Pri ?by t e ipedient to enrice. He ? ' :'r.?in thil position, II ro? K oner of ? iry, He ??ft threat "~~*-"~~~~~~~*4'* ~~~*"-~~~~~~~~~?"~W--B?~?"-?--. ? iAn*giicd!5 Le&dit? l?er t&w&ni Vlr/aNi i"*C but would ? \\jLi, ?l? ."? "y* Aviv**>*? p"** /Va. ? Y* I V? y, ?a II, 77/?// ?7.50 Special Dinner The Rector Special Dinner served so perfectly in the ballroom from 6 to 9 is not onlv wonderful for the money, still he wonderful at any DINNER A LA CARTE in the Main Dining Room. Two Orthestraa-?Two Daneiag Floors -? (?rrat Cabaret Broadway <\\ Forty Eighlti f troc?* f?T ? ! ?rig to cause ".Jr. Kingabary trouble, the rday. Dr. Patter ! i( r.ow secretary of the As?ocu.' i Private ( barit tt, of which the * hers are charitable organization? that ge; city money. Fosdick Report Introduce. "To show up what kind of a mar. was hired to prepare pamphlet-; attacking the Charit ? ? I?, partment and Commia- ; I ??ioner Strong," Mr. Hotchkiss intro- ' I duced as evidence a report which Ray? ? I?. Paadick. ti Coramiaaioner of Ac-' ' counts, made to Mayor Gaynor cor.e.rn , ing Or. Potter. report ia marked eonfldential, and aeta :orth that an examination of Dr. Potter*! aceounta, when he was' chief examiner of the bu retail, of chari? table institution? of the Departm? Finance, had diacloaed a check for |M0 , ?iated January tl, 1907, and signed by i Mallick J. Fitzpatrick, treasurer of the i 1 '?! -??,.11 of the Immaculate Virgin, and ' , payable to his order. The voucher ac- ( companytag this check was indorsed as i ?fbllof "This amount was our ahare mil I ?ion i of a fund amounting il under-: itand te *-?"?.'"i", which was to he raised ' I bj inatitUtiona ta take the Kev pr. tel out of his financial trouble?,. ] This i k wa ?> Jh???l and amount giv- ! ! en to thi Ret Father Kit-patrick. who j ?hat it reached the person for; , whom it wa? intended * "WM. A. C. DOUGHERTY." When queationed concerning tin? I Father Fitzpatrick tettified that he had I never approve?! of it, but thai l>r. Pot tar was very powerful in the Finance ' Pepartmint at the time, and that he' didn't care to antagonize him. "We i ,-ver received any money for our acholan not on? cent?" said j , Pather Kitzpatrick. "I?r. Potter put that question before the Board of Ap prai era and received a email amount, it -, but it helped us very much, He ' als,, helpeil in placing before the board ! the maintenance Of the children. Thev ' red him to raise it to t'2.-b from, 12." Father Joseph P. Dineen, secretary to Bial op Patrick J. Hay.?-, appeared as a witness, but, at the direction ?if Will- ' lam S. Butler, Father Farrcll's attor-| n? y. refuaed to anawer questions. SWANN TO INVESTIGATE ALLEGED BRIBE HINTS ?Names Aid to Take Up Control? ler's Journal Complaint. Diatriet Attorney Sarann sent a letter j | to Controller Preadergaat yesterday : j informing him tha' he had appoin'?-.! ? his aid, Leelia J. Tamphiae, ta take up : the Controller*! complaint tgaiaat the editor?? of "The Kvening Journal" for t allegeil insinuations about bribes to I 'If til in connection with the ?.,-. contracta. Mr. 1'rendergast 1 wrote that these charge?, as written by ; , the editor?, would not have been made ; the editors had proof of them. | He asked, therefore, that in justice to ' the city officials concerned the news paper be required to produce that proof. Mr. Tompkin.? has been assigned for snveral weeks to listen to testimony brought out in the Thompson h ? I gntion of the Public Service Commit? ted t'ne rapid transit companies. ; He has been instructed to confer with i Controller Prendergast in the matti r. The underataadiag is that the Can? troller -.?. ?ii.* * I grand Jury ii.vestiga ' tion of the letting of the ?tual subway aj item contract i? I?ir?'r \--? nay Swaan tlao an nounced that be had appointed \ ant D itrict Attorney ?'? Herman Black : to Inreatigatc eomplainti of grafting among clerki and inapectora in the De? partment of License? made to bun la.-t veek by Commiaaioner af Accounts Mall te.n. "OXIMIDODIBROMPRO-" BUT THERE HE BALKS Commissioner Sends for Chemist to Finish It for Him. After refilling the names of fiTe items requlaitioned for use in the city hospital-, Hrputv < hantie- i'ommis ?ioner Wright yesterday sent f<?r Fred? erick J. Kenney, the departmental Mr. Kenney declared '' it??m?. were all well ki.own che and Mr. Wright was glad to O. K. the . ;'ion without further comment , The tirst fue item.-, were for "on imidoilibromproacemi- acid." "ditneth yloximidomeaoralamide,** "dinethyla midi,a oben aldehyde," "dimethyleth onetetracarboxylic eater" and "triao? liiumphloroglucintrirarboxylic ester." Churchill's More than a Restaurant? A Broadway Institution Broadway & 49th Street 14th Street, near Fourth Arena?*-. METROPOLITAN *_'_?* LAST WEEK Of OPER?. To. Right I II, Ria.lngolil 1 .- il., ? . , . > ,? -. ? '?' ? ii??. i -. r. .- . ? o . , rr.ur.. Ma- ,? J. ? |- Buttgrfly. ttntl I ? ? l. i. Do 1 , IT. . I , Thur?. , - Rigol???? Ji?- ? ??.,? BttOtti n ? ? r,?,. Ffl. ?? ? I Liielt. Btrrlrntot M ?.-:?:.?;.i Dt I>. ?. Bolhltr. lUall ? ? : UptPt ?at ?:. ? : ? Carena. i ?rr?r Km - ' ? ' ? . a i ? | Sot- ?' ' 4 J M,gfr|?<J. ... , ' ? ? 9i ? I?-.. ?. . -, ? ? .?. i. |_i ?., BEGINNING MONDAY. APRIL 3 I '? -..-,-!.- ?a. or ? I . .. -, ??.?-?'. ?! DI AGHILEFF'S BALLET ? RUSSE ?"?"?i"*"' m r i ., arniL i tr i KREISLER i?, i j i r - ? a ? luni.MAN PIANO I ?I '? i CARNEI.Il HALL SUND?* AIT., APRIL?! of S Tl Sf, .'I eta. I? I IB, Bain i 10 IM ; Mo? ot Boa orno. \ l.,n??rt In al,I ,,f I ? ? Uta?ttoot I Mn?l, I ru? l.rraa. Mu.I, >i ?|n,i, ?f A\\ >?ill?.|i?illlle. n?w ?Iru4i.ini In I,?..:,, I' r. Hol \ I ?? . I ,, ,, !-, ,|' IIMIHI-a lllll. Tl??. M|., Mar. no. ?I .I. HP! FN 'Ufll I PR x'"' "er ? eana-aa ncLcn.rnuLLtn i,rU,im, n?.,|, ,,.nrr.. ?Ill, Id? <>r,li??lral Malllj of \r? \ ?rU I r?' ?" I I ?' Baa ?'T ? r,. ? , ? M.liru .' LIVING WAN SEEN IN $500,000 BRIBE OFFER, SAYS MOSS All Movers of Plan to Buy Tube Contract Approval Not in Realm of Dead. WANTS WILLIAMS TO REVEAL CALLER Counsel Thinks This Name Key1 to Mystery Whitney Criticises Thompson Recommendations. "Turre is a livin** man involved m this visit, of the man who suggested to Colonel William?, of the Hrooklyn Kapnl Tran*:'. Company, that for $."i00, "i"?" he could obtain the influence of a member of the Board of Estimate in rh?? dual subway con?ra?.ts," said Fran?. Mo?"?, counsel to the Thompson com? mittee, night. Mr. .Vu*..-? refused to ?rive ar.y inWltr.?-* i.s to who the man now living is, or how he was Involved. He said the in? formation the Thompson committee had on this srore was from trustworthy source.-. "I believe Colonel Williams fully in ? ttement that the man who came to him with what might be considered ?n ofTer is dead," continued Mr. Moss. "??ur information on that score also dovetails with what Colonel Williams said. But I do not believe Colonel Williams should withhold the nsme of the man who called on him, even though he is dead." Cropaey Want? a Live Man. Mr. Moss said the Thompson com? mittee would be able to subptrna the books and papers of the deceased who made the suggestion to purchase a member ?if the Hoard of Kstimate's vote for fHOOfiOO if the name was made publie by Colon**! Williams. "I feel sure." added Mr. IfOBS, "that or\re thee? papers are produced we will have enough to interest a grand jury." Mr. Mo.;?- refused to say what fur? ther headway the committee expecte?l to make in the matter. It is believed by tho*e in ?lose touch with the situa? tion that the investigators are now faco to face with a blank wall in the laquiry inro this particular phase of the investigation. Diatriet Attorney Cropsey of King? .aid yesterday that there was nothing 'or him to ?io in view of Colonel Will larnH's testimony. "i lolonel Williams," said Mr. Crop? sey, "testiiied '.hat the man who ?ailed on him was dead, as well as the city official whose influence the man said could be purchased for *50O,0.'i> Trure ? | of uny crime in hi-" tea? timony. Colonel Wil.iama's visitor merci;, made it BUS*B*SSt?OB, If the Thompson committee can bring me a live man there might be something for me to do." Shonts'? Hooks Kiamined. The sub committee of the Thompson eommittee sp-ml the da? going thiough a mar? of documents garnered by Per? lej, the eonataittoe'a accountant. Mr. Morse hh.1 the members refu??- i to reveal what they had discovered, say? ing rhe results would be kept secret until Senator Thompson returned to town Friday. Mr. Moi*- admitted, however, that of the three brokerage accounts of T. P. Shun'.', president of ?he Interborough, now m the possession of the subcom? mittee, two had been examined and bowed very ?mall transactions. "Pic ayune accourt*," was hi? characterira . ' them. Twe other brokerage r'rm- ?Im have been suhpu-naed t?. produce the accounts of Mr. Shonts . ?? i :,.'?. responded. Traen II. Whitney, Public Service Commissioner, in a >tatem?>nt raster day criticised that part of the Thomp . immittee'l preliminary report to lhe Legislature recommending transfer of jurisdiction over subway construc? tion. JEWISH WAR SUFT-ERERS' BAZAAR 1 Opea III P. Hi BRONX DAY TODAY 1 Miss Nijli.?- ?iaalau liagS ?I 9 P. M. ! E! Lexington Ave.-46th St. /Vim.??...,i S I ?nt?. ? IIIM.I.II. Hill. Thi? ?.fl-moon at .1 PADEREWSKI CASALS v \ run ii VKMiiM? ?mi m ?. 11-, \ ? ??Ml ?llllV-M l.nKl.iilor. ' ? ' ' *?? : .... PI U .. < tarn??!?. Hall. Irl Fa?. Mar? It ||, Sill rinn.. He, Hal? .?irlnn?, i LEG IN SKA ? .' 1 '?*.?' H l?n-?l A Ten?? \.-.. 11.411 Hull, I.i.mi.rniw (Tlinr?. > \f| ?, -, -^HAMBOURG r it ? iiiviiw ? ? y. i i 11 t Mur H-??n??l ?t .l.itir?. K :t?tb*? piano PLAYHOUSE :\. y: M"?---*-* tonight AT ? il GRACE GEORGE III HSAMIl SHAW S ?CAPTAIN BRAR8B0UNDS CONVERSION SHUBERT !.* ?., ' ?- -? ;..*,,?,; m;.,..,:.,'. ? ' THE CREAT PURSUIT '41 If?. ? U ,., V?r , . , .. ?K?,aVt.l?*'T**n *"**" "--**?*. ,..", P"*'"* ?""a w",-?.?'.-r'"??.?. ?*-;*;.? "?-?. BOOTH. I . , . | ? .;"?;v"M,r" PAY-DAY 48THST. ;' s *? \r :.'<??? ?" Hi JUST A WOMAN \^?* THE BLUE" PARADISE '?"-? ft-ft DEATH RATE DROPS A BIT New Yorkers Thrive on Raw March Weather. In spite of the unpopular weather laat Break, New York's death rate ?iropped several point, as compared ?vitii the prarieai weak, and araa con ?(?iarably lower than it was for the corresponding period Ue! ;.4?ur. Ac? cording to Health Conmiaaioner Kmer son, New Yorkers evidently thrive on cold March we;?"h4?r. There were l/?_4 deaths last week. compared with 1,760 for the aaate week rear. The diffarenee of \.-i r? r population was equivalent '.o 1?*... The saving was ahaarn through a decreaeed mortality from hea and the diaeaaea of the respira tory OMaaa Acute contagious dis .. .?- ?!.. red a slight inen ????? STEEL INDICTMENTS QUASHED IN OHIO VouagttOWl Corporations Win Against Price Company Charge. Youngstown, Ohio, March *Jv Judge W, ?4. Anderson to-day granted the mo? tion to quash indictments recently re turne4? here against live steel compa? nies charging them with conspiring to f-x the price of labor and steel prod? uct?. In?l'.etments against the United Statei Steel ''orporation and E. H. t r;.. head of the corporation, still ?'and, as the motion to quash ilid not include thee two defendants, on whom lervice hai not been secured. The steel company attorneys attacked the indictments as being too indefinite and uncertain, depriving the defendants of t|.4'tr constitutional rights. The corapaaiea in whose behalf the motion to quash was mad.- are the Re? public Iron and Steel Company, the Youngs'own Sheet and Tube Company, the zooncataan Iron and Steel Com? pany, the Briar Hill Steel Company and the ("arreare Steal Company. The lat r?r is a robmliary of the United .States Steel Corp.'ration, and with the indict? ments returned against the corporation and Gary Identical in form and intent with those against the others, it i- as lUBied by law vers that the Cary and Cniteii States Steel indictments will be dropped. The or**".?me? charged were alleged to have been committed during a strike of steel workers in this city in .Janu? ary, when a virtually simultaneous wage advance of 10 per cent was an? nounced by the various defendant com? panies. QUAKER CITY '?Wr^8 ' WARS ON COCKT^ Declares War on Cigarette? T ?Girls Mustn't Use "*-?v' r B> T?i?---?M1 'o Tin Tr.W, Philadelphia. March leaven of a meeting held thu ?* noon at -.he home of Mr? i??,... tiaz-am. a leader in Phil-^-jpTv ? elusive social crc'.cs. Derm*?t?. a\ ! delphia society, a? thoae ?hi Bt hope it win, ?le,?,,, *-*? form will disappear tro.-n teeJ, ? tuts, suppers end other fai-aj this city. The meeting w?$ u^, : .ety -"^"a"* ci'. *i. cockta f the ea*e \aith which th? ???Tj iciety cul bectmes *ccuitajii?,!'| ils and cigarette?. ^ ?] DIAMOND LURES BOfl OVER ICE INTO LAU Almost Drnuned. He Is Res*,,, with Rin*". Sammy CtlicOBtz, a schoolboy, **?s broome Street, believe? in *?"*??,., chance. Sarnmy ?aw a durae-nd ri-*.*, the ice of the lak.? m t'entr?! P-r,*,, lerday. Th" Ice was thin, but ti*?^ mond sparkled. propping lis school books, Sf-a* g.ngerly stepped on th? :rt. Witt-, ! row feet of ?lie ring S?mrn? *#,^ \ ured the di-'ance. then, lyiff cUv?.? nached ?nd hi* r nger? just ter?*'^ i the stone. He Mjurmed to Mt-afcJ hold and Just then ?plash! *??. tina ?nd a" areBt under. Patrolman Metaorry, of Trifle *,*a* the ?pla*h. He jumped in and-???-??. S&mmy. At the |':..?,r Hospital out : as thawed out. "What arere : ? u doing on '-.i: ? i :<e*" ashed Mot,orry. "Gee, 1 saw h diamond rinf BbSjSjj i after it," repi'e.! '?And go* nothing but a' your trouble." "?Did, hey!" said Sammy. Put*?*-*, n hand he showed the ring on tk?fc?, linger Cutaways will be The Vogue at Easter. Coat and Waistcoat $31, Vicunas and Thibets in oxfords, black and grays Materials that drape and tailor to perfection Thr one-button cutaway, silk lined and braided, is strictly correct for formal functions. English trouserings, $7. To measure only. &rttheim The Same Prices at Both Stores Broadway 30 E. 42nd Str* and Ninth Street Bet. Fifth and Mad. Ara Exclusively Custom Made Clothes s20 to ?^ft NEW VlHlhS IKM1IM. lUMTKCS *iM> "Id l-'-l'i EMPIRE [.;: V* HM?,' NEW AMSTERDAM ' ?fcft! ELSIE FERGUSON T ^ -: Bg r"{ful \...i\,\:'??: Margaret schiller lree in vtXXXV VIII NEXT TUES. APR 4. S?iti TO MORROW. ? RIO GRANDE ft -* LYCEUM ' j_4IXf1?^*-*l^>" Ml?. Tl' SI*??? A MAT , 1 .* _ __ Chaflw Ffohtiiw?O-Yld Bftlaica pr??.??.t aaiM??^??A5?A The Heart /gajety . , 3 1% of Wetona I ::;,i::.,!!:!;:'.'^| LIBERTY : : ? 5AT-*7 ' N ^?twh??r'susan# JULIA DONALD JOSEPH _,_, __?_,_^. _. . , . SANDERSON ??_*? CAWTHORN CRITERION *,' ''.\ ,?.. \r?P,.* l SYBIL ? VIOLA ?- _p HKNHItTT* Fulton v, s5> ? ' Allen ?j Lrosman :-? <? Ta tn't i- - . ? .?'. Th? ? THOv A wi?i? ? I ?UTAfF MELODY OF YOUTH THE MERRY WIVES Of WINOStt. _ ?EO. COHAN n ? **. 4,AH 'i.f'vr ? -T??i?a M. "k-UnAll 3 . ..,- T., r,,iT. 1? ; !??:?:??'- Mitzi ? ,?lISIIISiK:*i!?PI?f? "TOM-POjM* LONGACRE jfc.;* :;, ! ;; A ?r- j ? HUDSON '""V^ Bg^rrHJTJigiig The Cinderella ?Mao CANDLER " ^y * -* * ?; nasExsosDciszci t?EUSC' M?r> R>,n ? . . 1,- . ? A ..-. 1 , ... NEXT MON. SEATS TOMW. 'taic'-T^^ IKTaV ?UTINEI NIXT t? f?,o*.r 23? MASTERPIECE ac-t^d i ? i fi??? THE BOOMERANG ASTOR _g_gm?aBB ELTINGE ?'.'";,-.,':,C,1 ,"?:," -:: REPUBLll ,* , .*: " i */?.1 :f i : i iiv/.i *i t. m Ha : i : m : w ?yfl BALL OB ITU AI I.IMl \l(r*. ?f nu. THKATBI ?O-MOR'WlThur.) NIGHT -J m nu iKirii \?t??k. ?. ... ' ? -:\tv . :.i B ti< Ki.r? r ? ? i ? ?? - i.wir.s r i in uta ii. in in -i.- .-!.-.?. lint i .. |ie a %st Wit:* MANHATTAN ?Wi .T," WILLARO-MORAN K?V? ? ? m ii r. v. n?i > . , ? r i i ? > ?- .? ? PB. I. KEITHS NORA BAYIS EOOIC A L. A ?-?? B Kalraai I i : * I . ,-. ? *? ?. ? :? m' t i I , , \|, ? II o 1 MOUDim. Maxine Elliott'. T **,,". .."V &*Al ? ih St. Thaa. 1 ??? - Lou-Telleges in 'A King of No-A/n-re' ?4TH ST THIA PRINCESS ?, Pogui?? natt?es a s?. Mane? < ' VERY GOOD EDDIE THE FEAR MARKET ,l);.?;r? ?f " I YRir ??"????'' I ?i- - i?sT l.irtiv , ,,,. wrcK POTASH &PERLMUTTKR IN SOCIETY i]il:|l|y]] ?L 1,11 II'* .TMI H.?. "M"*-4. MATINEE DAILY -...--?. $I*W i ? ? ?. ?' - ' HIP-HIP HOORAY -SOU A .-??, ??'?-***" SUNDAY . -gg Mi-IAI. OHCr-l-' 1 ! '* * ' -. ..-.-.. , . ?? ???*_*""" ? a . M' H tt.f?maW&l?ltyX STANDARD -?' ,;()N fiffi KNICKERBOCKE FRANK KEENAf" MARY BOLANO .?AT ?**"f ia*Tst? PINS l-l* - 4 r"".i S**? PI S.M A RU? TMlATSI ?Vaalf TREASURE ISLAM pro >... ? ?i* ?WsQ.mrEFs -? ?- , ?n ft HARK ?"?"". ?.'"?? * WILLARD-MORA?? ;E COLUMBIA i .'. ' I'? ? i. ... .? irn a? ?????? . ' iJll QIIU N il ? ? Uuor? Unen. BB ?*?"" ? >-?? ?