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ADVERTISEMENT tells how he became a] star] during his years in the old Lyceum In the April Scribner r AH Xewppt.ndp ?nation, examining it from every point o? v.ew. Me i? anderatoed to be weigh ing verv carefully the relative t tage= of h | with Gar many to on insecure ha Reviewing the whole history of !'s relation^ with Germany will, it is be I eved, show HO ? of perm.i i enes. l !.e Lusitania i ase, tha !.i -i SI d mes* serio ? of sil the attacks en American rig the h gh opa??, 'm^ AEOLIAN HALL "A Bnsiutli Ccmmuntty Kith Dn?indion" Alert business men will appre? ciate the advan? tages of Aeolian Hall prompt service, central location, plenty of air and light, a widely ad? vertised address - all the factors that make for prestige and efficiency of the highest kind. ELLEN & JEFFERY .1 -atttsfet Aeo'.tcn Hall Tr'tt'n-ni Pr\A?nt g?A i ? i i - rr?c ici imp.?? ' ? ? t ghts, even 1 tt? the Lusitai ? " ? ' tania rn?e he ?as Inclined te ' the ne-v v olatlom lei racks on *he Hesperian *?? I i braskar. wen ft pi the Arabic was ftc iposed ??!'"??'.'?' ? ' ... i show of f ' tb her Bcrn?torff Out of Grace. The I ? . ;i|< ri ' ?? assurance? a.ready given that at.'m*:i would in Bo ? in? * be torpedoed Winu' ?? n r n : n g. In the fare . ? thi? eool t? ? 1 Pre?*.*:? ?.? V. . -on !)p?rh:. I . ad r.o Kill intention of ttling a ?? could t, u ? ... n the Prei attitud? i ? *?? ?;? ?- Count von Bern? ?? ared b il highly r?? ti i at the v. hite Hou " i" ca? s? i ' the i ry for the 1 v h ich ) ?? i ? Id out, became th* Administrai ?tba?l. i' ws conf?a!??<i that ire ?an-, actually, if not technically, pei ona non grata. ' ?alks with ???der? in I ongress were repeal ' "ted or ? t.-, . .? thai ? Mr. U and v.? uld welco his prestige by a bresk with Germany. Pi . be iel attitude had and I ?ids ill th Gen t I i change o Ri lo I ' ? 'hef that ' . ? eld thai i to go 01 record to i lie should ? ? . He v own to have man ?pu? ll peril for ? . al ad? ?ntage The*. factl have convince,; ? ? I onorable eon to bi eah with Ger rove vio* lotions ? m by Can? ? on? .'., not patriotic, -up ? *,-?-. ., s>. ? ? ? -.. - DUKE OF WESTMINSTER WINS HIGH HONOR Decorated for Gallantry Against Scnussi Tribesmen. ?'. ? - i he Dnki of Westminster ha* been award' | 1 servie? order for "';-.. d service in th? ? i/jtl | i ; .-., ?? Sollum, m ' ' - op? ra1 ? ? the v. ester? Egypt i . Mar? h 11 to 17. EVestmlnatcr I si - ? he-h:re Veomanrv TcrritOl mind of in ire ? i tribesmen's camp. I ?enl ? " wesl of Sollum, snooting down ? ' ? - * . ? . ,-.... Bin? eked -. ?? ho . ,.| [and d ei the l ? . rd 1 - ?n. Gentlemen ! $19.50 TS OUR price for clothes that really Adeserve a higher figure. $19.50 is not exactly i philanthropy it representa busi? ness aeumen b;i*.."<l on a 'kThree-Ston?" buying power. This means style, t.istr. worthy fabric:s and pamitakins? workmanship at .4 pri? r is often paid for "ahoddy." 1916 Suits & Overcoats Fashionable clothes with every new clothes anele that you could want in the way of color, effect, weave or curve. We make ai hobby of pood clothes at $19..*>0, though we show Other g at $18.50 to $50 Broadway and 33d Street. SWEAR U-BOAT DID NOT WARN Americans on Manchester lingineer ?Make Affida? vits to Consul. TliRtK MORE VESSELS SUNK YESTERDAY Dutch Statement Shows Palen? banv: Was Torpedoed Three Times. ! ... - . ? sent \rthur Mack vnnnah, and Torr. Fifer, of Delaware ? re on h'?*, i . the Bt ? - "-amT Manchester Engineer bate made affi - hefor" Amerii ?:. I 01 ml I reel ?h.-?, '.he steamer was torpedoed out notice, aeeerding to a i ? m Queentl No I ivei were loal 01 ! from ar. an port, the Empreai of Mid? land, was sun? to-day. I* i nol be? lii 1 that .11 v Americans were in her ? i?-\. '. ? romer. from I.?n. don, arri?red last night ?'. Maa??lu ?. ? ?th all the crew ,,' 'lie Em? if Midland. The Midland, -.224 teni gro?s and eel long, .?ailed from Neu- Veril ii I ardifT, ? alai. She ?n1 built ir 1907 a' re ah? wai owned. The British steamer Eagle P< ??' aad the Daniel -'earner Harriet were al?u ik to-day. ol the Harriet has hern ? -?. | ;?? a dis tlie captain of the . reporta that the struck a mine. ? iel of ! ,392 ' The ' . a ?.. seel of 5,222 * end ?rai built m 1900. She * n- .,.,.;??,i b ? ? e .'.'..i folk end ' \ ? ?mpai of West (as! record of the ? i arrival a* St. John, N, B., March 2. . Man ? 1. the date announced Gen ny for thi prosecution of the submai nc campaign with increased ... -. ? ? '. sell '??'? '? oten 11 Of this number sixteen British, five French, two Dutch, Danish and fire Norwegian. The Ministry of Marine, in a ? ? ? m on isi i< 'I to-day ai a re the inq liry ii to the sinking i ti Dutch steamer Palembang of thi ? loper lightship March 18, add wbal to the details already known, Affidavits of the captain, the ' ? the boatswain and a seam.? Ublishi First, thai 'he ship ubs not g at the tin ? ondi 4i? ?!ar ? . ide '? ?? Pa ' -' afti r the -? e\p!o?ion he uw a 'rack appro ? ?p, which "???a* followed I third i ?plosion. mpi and seaman s fti , ?"ion ! saw t reaching 'he steamer. ? was foll?n ed ;- ? od ex I British Call Sussex Attack "Last Straw" ?f ?*l - ? JUS I 1 0 id 'larch 28, "The Erening Star" carriel a eartoon to-nighl i "Tiling It On," showing a camel almosi nirler a load of bundle? "Lusttania," MFi b ?>?." "Aneona" and "Sussex.*1 The camel asks: "What! more lar.- strs ? "\\ la* ii America going to do " oi ? ? ?gam the queatio i heard ? Tl ?? latest mnrine outragr-a lave influ . ? the Un il ? maining neutral now think the Preaident rausl act or lose the respect of all nation f. r the moment submarine and aerial warfare occupy the attention of Brit am to 'he exclusion of practically , . other |l ?,???. Shipping, neutral as well as Brii at? rifle blow lyg, :v ?? British agents of the company which operate?! th?- steamship . ?a'd to nay the t^'al of casualties was not e\pecte?l to exceed tiftv. _ Fear Miss Baldwin Alay Have Concussion of Brain [flf C?;.'? to T?a? T-lbur?? ' Tans, March ::k. The r-rha?'?.- re eeired a telegram from Lieutenant Smith, assistant naval attache a? TU? ; lorne, to-d?\* saying that Mies Baldwin bad re* ve* reeovored eoascioui Concusr. on of the brr. ' ?? t? ?n,| her condition is ? ?? ? ? I bassy received perm ? - foi I ? . tenant Smith a-,d Major Logai aaaiatant military attache, to be ; ? ent at the g i enl nto the king of the Susai and the exai ?i of ?he captain !?<-.?? Smith a1?*o will prohabl- 1" allowed to makf a personal r\s,re ? ,? .,?? ?f.. - ? ? RUSSIAN LOSS PUT AT 80,000 Berlin Says Attack in Pos tavy Region Resulted in Heavy Casualties. VON HINDENBURG FACES 60 DIVISIONS I ??.'??"tiru, Severe on Front Seven? ty.rive Miles Long German lines "Not Shaken."' I , - [n the F from Be n re? port' that th ?. ?aghta ?f th? ???"?" ; , BSt th? Ormsn I in?? have a,.'.i a ? s totees i ;. ' e?\ ; eaSUa tlCI 1 issui d in Berlin says th* Russisns hat?? attacked In I i over . re- "?'? mil*.? ?, | lava DOt been less fresh mac ? ? troop. ; go. .-?, the Berlin statement. "The he-; resistance of the *roop? of the Baarbruec? corps enabled ui to with? stand i? . th? ?ai ha in this ....). . lupp ?' inki bj Hi????... r ?. irg Ubi ovenan and Hal!" corps, ? rrpe;r?-ii onslaughts madi b two Ku.--| , ? nos! -,,: ted -i ?n the ei ? ? !:. peated enemy attacks undir of darkne.-*' near Mok/ i ? ft sim? ilar fate, I hi i? attacks were ms ver li?: ground." : i uitless at-a? k of the I'.us- ! i s ? later itatemeat, "n of -iie.r divisions ha.? :. against 1- leid M . ? ??i HindenburfTI front are still con?: tinning. The lvi--iar. casualties so far] are *?*? mated '" bav? he? -i i o? le? -u..uni on a front <??' 120 ? m ??tu.? '..'. miles J. "??n March 19 sei en Rui an e it?'.- atta? led ? Geiman catall gado. Ir: this fighting the Bul a .,,.. abe .* ? ."i!, men, h th Gei mans !u?i two killed ?round? ed. I.arer un one ea? I I men' . :? ? I I ?SO Bu. siaas i.erman* ? nnlident. .? tioi I I 1 rellently fortified and pre .i : umhei ? Bus? are doomed to Germs ? i ? - ? iken " In ' i o i'.nost skirmishes !i?j r ? ? . '.*??' The vietOI I ? * !: .>-.?.is on the Dl ter "tvere meiely vanguard ? ..?..a to-day's V'iOBB? Ofii? a inique. "Austro-llutifrarian re? connoitring detach men-.-? withdr? t? ?un positions when ?-tronc l.ii* n I', ariceii Dui :-?.' the la ?? | ? ? e main army of (ien- . ? . Pflaagcr." Hi. <? ,.-. offi? al repur' *o hand to nigh! ? ?? "in the ' ? ?? (semi is -? . .?*. matting fui .?i . \ i . i reg ? ssi I.. ? Xaro? ?- admitted by Petrograd. lia! lenl .? .?'i of tha village of .\1 t bj i-o?."' i a- tacK? we ??. lodgi i him from the northern part of the ? od, eapturiag two ma? chine ?_??: aid a number ot" pr.;on*r? belonging to four different regiment?." i.erman Trenches Taken. A Dotabl? ?bccmi fm RvMian ? in Galicia . reported "In th* region north of Bojana." any? the ?.?oiled ?imaltaaeonsly ? ?ir infantry im? mediate]) afterward rushed aero??, two trenches, killing I surviving defenders cf the works with des and n hand-to-hand v. .? took 125 prisoner?, two i ... ,o (runs, a trench mortar, :. I thrower, a searchlight and a quantity, It ill arm?. "Kiv.gam were '?.ken daring the setion were made eomplete - an re una!?!" to re- , move ' ? Bakitne m s rch ' I'l.;?* front north and ? . ? ? t i n u e. "Di itl er conditions, I e tally p?-ow ?njr worse I 'he whole 'ni-, ?is well as the very difficult topographieal condition, -oops, imbued with the Spirit of Sacrifice, continue coijrajjeou*lv to ex? ecute the te-.? ?? tr? ted to them." BRITISH AND GERMANS EACH LOSE A WARSHIP Roth Vessels Sunk in Rattle Off the German Coast. London, March tS. Offic ?1 an-; Inouneemenl was mads to-day tha?, in ........ engagem? il off th* dernian ? a British light cruiser rammed anl ?anh a <?rrniftn <ie-,tmy*r. \ the ships employed in the op?r S JERGEI RACHMANINOFF, the ?rmt Kussian composer ami pianist, ;crotr: "/ rienreti In play the MetOU 9t Hnmlin Ttiinrr* hernnrr / heliei ed the,/ irnu'H hr mm? SOtitfoctOrtf teateia *?*.?/ tcork, Ijeeltkak \f'Ihurt tuiceeilrd m staking the. tligktest intgOtessien on the pablic he v wuleming, i' ?!*r,:t p,ni ffft-S} success 1.1 dar to your xnstruvirnh,"' SinTi i?, tlir estimate, by onr* of the cri-ai-st and mu-a? pro found musician! <>f the flay, of tin* ai?) afTnrflf-*?*! to musical cfFort. liv a Mason?-. Ilamliii Piano. It trill play a?, impor? tant a part in -our own iuumc room. MASON & HAMLINCO. SI*. Fifth Avenue, at ?-uij ."-Irret stions off the Garmii coast," say? the | inrn'j- rmi i*' BOW return*?! to their parts, rxcapt the ltedu?af"whieh ?h p. a* feare 1. ?vas ?unk at'rer all her r? tl . very bad r by I dei raj er Uastae, ?rith oai any casualty a nne piece of sea? ssanship. v. ? ' - -. ng with ene i ? patrol vessels, w-ere theres? ???? . enemy aircraft They ia? eeived BO damag? of ary k.r.d. "Th g pri soaei i were re?? rn?.l from the ens ral I raa I? 11 v e re previously reoorted sunk ' ii 'mm ih* trawl ?r ' "V R ; I? ?" a- ! ?? m from the trawler Braaaaahare ?' "On Saturday n *-*?* a d vielen ef German deatroyers m? encounter? . ?rr.ed and sunk by Ii C!?*-cpatra. N'oa? of her cre'.v ?I- ?ave.i " A: ?A? ?l Genua itatemeni raster. ; f the lae? of a Germen ror pede boat d .ring th? encounter off the North Frisian coast. The statement thai two armed ' ihing t? ? r-ad been ??irk and that one torned" boa' had fa led to return. The Bril ih ? a-as tated. I? I three seaplanes SIR E. CARSON MOVES TO CENSURE ASQUITH Will Make Issue Next Week of .Married Men's Grievance. don, March -""' Another step in the jrrowth of a full-fledj-ed Oppol L?O? ? ? ? ta th? pre eal CoalH i - | va? marked by ? moetiag in the ,'o.i-?e of Commons last sveaiag ef I - Unionist War Committes undet ?p of Sir Edward I ng declared its ?< t'n* priaciple tha* "the country de niands equal Sacrifie?? from a'.' men of military a?e," thus_chsmpioi ng th married m?n ""ho ?ttested under l.o-d Derby* en n.ent ?cheme. but who demand that step be ta to e? ??? d conscription to ail men who i., atteat. At the suggei Iward committee agreed to give Pre? v th'? ?.overnment s week in wl errang i of the pi ? i recruiting muddle. A i urea" I CANADIAN EX-PREMIER INDICTED FOR FRAUD Grand Jury Accuses Roblin and Tun Associates. h in? ipeg, March -'-. True ? ?d by th? grand Aaai ??? Court to-day sgainst Sir Rod mond Roblin. ex-Prvmie? of th.? prov? ince; George I!. Celdwell snd Jam*? H. Howden, m*niher? of the Roblin Cab iael ?ad Themas Kelly, ??aatrsetor, now held in Chi?*BgO, ?harglBg ?BB ?piracy to d*f.-aud .n connection with ?reel ' Hen 'oba Perlia m*nt building. I I * grand jury reromme:. Is - th* trials be held n JuM True bill? w?re found again?' H t Ro.lmond. Coldwell and Howd?B on charges of conspiracy to defrau?! and of attempting to corrupt and corrupt? ing witnesses. ?? tru? b I w? ' ? I :.t-a i- -? r r.odmond on th? charge of attempting to de?*fro\ end nes'r (Cell) ii i iiar^eil and obtl nir.g money ur:?|er false pr?ter.tea and pel li<* i a fighting ? radii m to ? .. .ma. BRITISH AEROS RAID TURKS' ADVANCED BASE Se'? T?re to Gamp 100 Miles from Sue/ and Rout Troops. I.e. jr.n. March SI I luecessful aerial raid on the Turkish advance base at Rir-el-KftSSBBab, 100 Ibilei ?Ml of the Surr tunal, i? reported in a - d'spa'ch from Su*-. Th* raid wns made by British airmen on March M. Forty bomb? ??'ere dropped on 'he Turkish camp, whieh ?as ?el on lire. Other bombs hit the reservoir and reeted by the Turks in the last <e'?- monthe. One Bril ih s rman routed single Ii ' Turkish infant ? ding to '? ith n "no feet, he np preached the lurk? "rom behind and opened fire ? -hue g ;??. The Turks fled in panic All th* aeroplanes return*?! in safety, having flown .-om* 200 miles. It has becom? a practice of Uritir-h airmen, vhen flying BT?r 'he d**"crt, to a'tack and disper s hostile pstrols by sprsying them with machine-gun fire. VIENNA TO SAFEGUARD U. S. FOOD FOR POLES American Committee Will Re Al? lowed to Distribute Supplies. Th* Austrian >?"-.en:m*nt has a~feeii to reeogn 'c the Ameri? .... Mater fer the reception and dis tribotien of food supplie? ??nr from this country for the re'-.-f of Polish w?r sufferers, it ????. anBOBnced lier* ; - tertlay by the Anatrian Con General. The MinUtrv ?**" th.- !.-.. a? Vienna, it \?a?- sa.d. had sent a ?able messftge to R?ron von Zwiedinek, c .-.rf-e ii'a'Tairea of rhe Auatnan Em? ba? i ?* Washington, ?ajmg that no requisitions of food i-h?pm*nts from America for the \i?e of the ?rmv would b* mad* in districts where the sup? plies were being iiatribttted The tierman government recently made a similar reply to an inquiry ad? dressed 'o th- lierman authont ;<?-i ei behalf of the organization? in th ? '..?mtry when have been ?ending food for ths relief or* ?h* P? FRENCH REPULSE HAUCOURT DRIVE (onlinurd from p??e I ?ctioi ? close range around the rs sprung by tne Pri' -h and in i-imty of the connecting line.. "'?n both sides of the Bivet Meus? ??here area nothing new to report'' Recording actnity on other sectors the front, 'he r renrh -'a'? ?.a ? : "In th- Ai ***tni s ?ur artillery ? ' ?!*?! active again ?t tie enemy or* - ? ? ' n' Hm. er?. . ii. ?he lector of ?.a I'entaine ? ?? Che and Haute ? iev?aeh?e, a? well as m Eastern Vr,-. Oai fiara,-ted ori an enemy bat* 1er? I the Montfaueon wood caused ? viole ? ?xpleslen. th?* VVoevre our artillery ?en* een'rared if i tire on visible points of th- enemy r ?-ont ?'In | , Vosges the artillery action pirited i? the teg , ? eier. Muhlhach and Hart? ? ? " I "In Lorraine, in the Poresl at Par rov, are delivered ? surprise attack on a portion of the ?nem;,. the occupant? of which were either killed or taken prisoner <?n ?.thdrawmg we blew "?na position up. ' BRITISH SEIZE STRIKE PLOTTERS Lloyd George's Aid Charges Attempt to Stop Munitions Work. UNIONS REPUDIATE ACTS OF LEADERS Tiial of Accused for High Trea? son Demanded in Par? liament. ion, March 29. Dr. ( brief Addison, ?Parliamentary l n?ier Beere? for Man tiene, r? saled 'o the House of Commoi I i grave con - i proaaetion and what he ? bed as a lelibernte, or;.-. rolicy of holding up of war . m -he opinion of Sir Edward I Carson, who followed ? * r bate, : ?'?? the men involved - r?:i???-e.! ?a ?til hifrli 'r.?ason fot | James Henry Thomaa, Laboi.* '!',?, ,,r: ? for Di rb; ?general secretary of the .??? ilga Society of Ka tr.y Service, also ?=p?)l<e demanding, as a reaponaible .union !<?a<i??r. that the ?tit. should be pUt O': ?The announcement by Dr. A: brought out these opiniona was ?.??1er?; nf a ho?iy c.vli'i?- itself the Clyde Werkera' Committee, which had been attenip'infr to foment Ftrikc ?monf? munitions workers on the ( lyde, had been r im the diati thai ' ei In making the mm? . ... - enl l'r. Ad? dison added tha? t'.e eommittca had in .particular attempted *.? ?,;op work in I - 'arge pun?? were '"?* i .* ?* cases had BUCi I ne strikes bora no relation to tndus he ?a '.. and -? ere da* ? ?: ?; ?rades union leaders. The object ?>f *he eon I "? * a explained. ??- ;?. compel tho -fovei ,iment to re peal the i ir *ml mili? tary service acts and to withdraw all ? n mercas???! of pay, s', and freedom of action without government control. Dr, Addiaen explained further that ? i re h 1 7, in one ????-?> one thousand men raving been brought Out, and from that t me on a of strikes had occurred under a systematic plan. Finally the Minister of Munit ion? hi?.i i ? i l i mili? tary authorities to remove 'he de?n - und? r the defence of the realm The government, Dr. A?)'? ??on added. ha?l the support of a majority of the ira, and he ????a? confident it might rrlv upon the .?upport of Parliament and tke nation if;' became r.eres,ary to pul Inte ferCi the full powers of the executive to maintain the production of munition! to the . ?-? .-?.???ut. - ? AIR RAID ON BRITAIN UNREPORTED NINE DAYS Minister Admits It \\ hen Interro pated in Commons. l.-ir.cion. "arch 2". In the House of ? 'o'iiinonr- to-day son?e particulars were given oT a hitherto ?inreported und abortive Zeppelin raid. i ancia Bennett-Goldney, Canaerva? ? ro member for Canterbury, naked whether lia Zeppelins had appeared on ? the east coast on the night of March I ? and were ?Inven off by Britieh aero planes Harold J. Tennsnf, Parlia? mentary l'nder Secretar'.* for War, ad mitted in repiy mat certain report were mjule on the night in question there wer?? persistent tumors of a raid ami that aeroplanes had ascended. I' deairabla to any more, he added. There were t'-.rr?* eaaualt Itcers n recen! the I 'nder Sec r"'ar; Were not d le to the hostile aircraft, The evening new-papers recall that. on London on the nigh? in Cjuection, and e ?press eurieaity as to how many unreperted raids ha-e occurred. Noel Pemberton-Billing, formerly of the Royal Naval Air Service, who was ?'.ecied to ?he House of Commons re? cent 1- on a platform calling for im nro-.?ament of the cpun'r?'= aerial fif?h' II g for?-?'?, said in the Hou->e of Com? ' tO-day that a s?rica ?if casual-re? wi*h a total of 1?0 dead, 150 uoumled and 1"5 missing ?-a- due to the send of Britian aviators in aoroplan? 4 were Outclassed hopelessly by i.iemian machines. Mr. asserted Qgy. aereplanea were mmensely supe? rior to Rritisb machinen. ADVERTISEMENT._i_ADV ERTISEMEST^ iLliC-St?^?iwr & (fe ? Ktt 564 566 ... 56? ?ftfth-'Wnur.** 46 T ?M? 47'- S***, Introducing Li) or id nuvuotu)^ fom the forcmodljan?uui Qoufaner? -tonjcihcr With reproduced-*- adapted und onni/ial dc?iqn? bift/mrom QrtvirA $Lit?ienca/varUdb Gountde ?tre/cc/u% jbeaal anunqenwnti??h ?ompa/w,jmHtej'j/_ouJeatfend md(yoSainMjMfr%??</ tyiaglu/effo "?ZK ?m* Air/ou 3fed COCTUMBI BY (iIDDING. To-night HON. OSCAR F. STRAUS Will Speak a i* Tiff-; . JEWISH BAZAAR GRAND CENTRAL PALACE, Lexington Avenue & 46th Street 1?11 P.M. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. ALL ENGLAND LASHED BY FIERCE IUJRRICANE Worst Storm in Years Cripples Railroads and Telegraph. ;Br C?H? IS Th? Tr.b?ir.? ] London. Msrch 28.- The ?vorn hur? ricane and blizzard in the last half eentury swept over England Monday night, and, after a lull, again las' night. Train* all over the country wert ".o--" far many Lour?. Telegraph poles were uprooted by do/ens and lay with th- wires acro>s the railroad?. Even when the poles wer* free of the ? ?? th? metal entangled itself around the ?vie? of engines. Express train? crawled along a? a .?nail's pace, stop ping at every signal bo\ and fighting their '?ay ?irough the telephone and t*legraph wires which had been biown across th* Haas. Many parts of England and Wale ?rere isolated. Birmingham wa? cal off from thir'y-three large towns and sixty local ceatrBs by the telegraphic and telephonic breakdown. Ir. same plaees the snowdrifts ?ra?a tWCBty fee', deep. WARSHIPsTlD^?MY IN TREBIZOND DRIVE Russians Now Less than Thirty Miles from Rlack Sea Port. I'e'rograd. March 2*}. -Progress vard Trebi?ond along the coastal lin? from Batum is reported in th* War Office communication issued te* "il ercoming a desperate re? sistance on the part of th* enemy," *avs the statement, "our troops, after , artillery preparntiu-* by w?r?'r.n? dislodged til* Turks "rom their por? tions in the Baltateh l?sr?-- R.-?? region, and aft*r ?? e*r?-a|jem*nt ? CUpied th* town on the co?tt. (lia than thirty miles from 1 retuzond?. "A*, dusk the ??m* riav th* Turk? op*n*d count*r attacks on th? w??? of this sector, whi h >?*"* ?U iw* c*?sful!v repuls*?!. "Southes-f of Bill ? Lak? Vsn rt j gion 1 on Friday night, ait-r a flfhk ? We captured the village of Hi???, id? Turk? defending the rillags 1*1 team ward. "in th* Bise? Baa n ittgetaieta have destroyed on 'he Anatolia? "*?"'? ten sailing ?hip?, i!err.oii?h?d tw? . bridges and set fi-* te ? muni'ioti ?icpot." SHACKLETCN PARTY HAS FOOD ENOUGH Tu o Months' Supplies left for Marooned Explorer!*. l/ondon, March Cf? A???*?? her trirtllH dispstch fron? the Snackleton AnU-tt? ! exploration ship .V.'ora. r?c-iv?d ? London, confirms th? pIijattM "'1""* that there is a fair atronnt o? it?? ! available for the explorer? msrwBi? j on the Ko?s Fea barr- er. Th? m?US|? I says: "Two ir.onths* ?ter?? wer? left *'? j Hut Point for the nor.-return*-! **"*" ' P.ead-r stores only wer? !sr.?.?*d BW** psrty st ( ape Evan?. AH til? iledf"! rations were landed , . "The party ia short of fu?l and *.*? ?' ?ng. Th* shin had meagre item*' W" main diet thraaghaul o?.r dr..'- *?' penguin and seal Th?W attti ?w ? leal it?r?M pr?**viously at ? tpt *n*f ? We have e\n*rtene*d bad """?";*,'? 1 **.pe-t to arrive ?ar'.v i? April. ..l|::'i.ililllltlll!!lllilll!iill?l!liU!lW - rnmm te ur.unu e n -i.... i. ?ur. ??m ?-c; * :?*i ?O? " Condition on March 17, 1916 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,914,179.66 Deposits $254,922,175.48 Total Resources $290,533,393.76 Bankers Trust Company 16 Wall Street New fork