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"3 dead a mini: PISASTT?? I ??-. In,i ? alally, m I'lue \|,i?.?.i..ii. ... ? ? r.or n ' - ?hort.v _____-! SAFETY Cash? ihr most liquid banking asset a rplll. law of tin L State requires thai 1"? ofthenel deposita of ever) Xrust ( ompany ?n the Borough oi Manhattan shall be ?always in reserve? 10 mus? 1??* cash in il- own a?iults? the balance may l?e* deposited in other banks. TheColum hia T?rus1 Company exceeds this lr?al rraii i re me ni b) a liberal margin. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY hiFiNaiK ? D ??? 60 B?:<r*? I ?i S ?-????? ? CtNTta r .-. t ^4-- **j-.r r ' In H?, t M 12?*- S' ' ' ' ?? L? ?? ? A.!"? t I?. B' *??.8?? I ' ?: AVCMUI NOW OFFERS U.S. AEROSAT$lEACi Aero Club. Amazed at Re fusal of I rcc Machines. Tries Again. 48 PLANES URGED FOR MEXICAN L Si Criminal for Aviators to Risl l ?vos on Present Type. !.\pert Declare*. .* the War Pepartmcr' ITer of two, new h.f?h of cha r?*-e \rn?-rica ha ? S aira in at * : ' n Colui . that ":he Mexican troi.hle ? I ?>t ? ? e cnousrh "(i' met ? i i ? ? ? i ?.? ? . Depart? ent ha? - a 'ai-* wh ? ? ? . . sa a .?? ? . m 1 ? ? eg thai nmenl ? ? of i ?'? ? ? ? ' 'gifts. No rej ly rec? veil. Members Aero Cl i ? d at the it the *"i ??f Pena- men! the fa . roplane? u-ed on the b ?vhicv ; ? S slow and l ? an fifty mil? '? | e fovernors of the Aero ?-?..??-?.I lb-' Cril r:al to * rs in these machine* on the lor.?- ? . desert ahead of American advance column, ? t pi ? 'it 240 miles from the ? ? ^ma/ed at V. S. Apath>. :.OU?*e. ? ?:? should have posai ?tt Fort Sai tal oned, I here ? ? re tor? and ? bin?e. A v two in ? present 1 ? In " lew ? rtat the ar ? ? ... r*athy of the authorities in Wash ; | tl IS trouh!? . knew a -? ?? ..- a -??? ? ; 4,'ht lead to . ? ' ' lead to a general conflict Vet the elub **nt to ?el Samu?-1 Rebel offei g 1 Dg r, . 'You i telegram ha* been /^AEOLIAN COMPANy\ | AEOLIAN m \ HALL m I j\ NEW YORK BROOKLYN /L +**.*& \j. 29 ?C'-t4J & II FlalbushA?c^r TL. j|^_ ???jSSgi II??-Il Style II 11 11 ?200. : THE s A E OL?A N^ V O C.ALI ON T T?IK Aeolian-Vocalion i- thr* finesl and most TM rfri t phonograph th** world ha- vrt ??rcn. i tin- j- the \*ry d?finit.* *..?-?m why? The Vocation is the product of the largest nization for musical inttnunent manuXao 11 j r j ri _r in the w-?rld. 'J Ijc la-t resources of m i<ence and art?- the keenest minds? the mosl /?if i j?**- hkill have been employed in its de? velopment. Thai its tone iar surpasses anv - heretofore achieved in the phonograph i but a logical result? \nd the wonderful lone-control pained )?y the use of the revolutionary expression device??the Gradu?la ? make- the Vocation a phonograph of new scope and power?practi* tally a /?< u inu-mil tnstrumtiit. IN INVITAI ION/ Com? in an?! h-ar an?, try the Vocation, if \<?u ar?** ***onaidering tli-* purchase ??f a pbotlOCnipfa ? Of if *?'"?" ***" iii**rrly irilf-r'-ialril lo Lriow v\}i.jt a vrry yrrinl in-trurrirnt ?t actually ia. JJrn-onf-trationa *\ rvrrv li.uir of thr bui-inci?.-, day. ? i oration Priemt Son Gradu?la Si>lr*. |,'~< to IT',. t.iiylin.1,1 ?itrios.$1999a 93SO. trt Styles to t'?<>" I rry modi t iltr Irr in,. I 11 4t ?111,1111 ill ,14 loll HI I'". t tftalogut * taut oh re^itest. I'MtU IMORD? "ivi'ini -tn'S.- AI.***4 L_ __J TWELVE APACHE CHIEFS WILL SCOUT IN MEXICO Waihifr-ftM, March 28. Major General I unston has asked (or the s*nir** as .?cout* of a do/en Indian chiefs, and Major C, ? ?Scott, chief of staff. t.>-d<iy authon/ed thnr employment. Ihe Indian chiefs not only are familiar with the Mexi? can country through which the American troops are pursuing Villa, hut ??re 1*1 of the art of gu-riil?, warfare. Ih* Indian? sought are men of advanced year?, who fought with Ger?nimo, the Apache chief, whose flicht into Mexico led to the hist expedition across the border I'v American troop?. General ?Scott is person? ally acquainted with many of them and heiieves i' *-...! be possible to find a few \,In? nre physically capabl* of taking the trail despite their rear?. of staff, who direct thai ' ' ?? I ; ? l.tion which is **oinf- mro Mexico s r and that il has ??. ? 'or new aero - foi the exp? passing tho serial corpi I lbs War Pepartment ' - The presid? r:t of the Aero Club, Alan ; P.. H.iwley, SCOtTed at the War D? contemplated purchase of . 'ri?es for the Menear, i ght aeroplanes not i g I are needed immediately to meet the Mexican situation," ?aid Mr. It..v ley, "If r."~ ? aviators at pre?. B the border have been pi of active service by the nccid? ? I ? - machine? there should be 1 .ar. 1, ? addition to that, a resei ? ?? kept (in the t.order ;n CS eommt ? the fi onl are cur. eight piar ? IS and might be a BIGGER ARMY BILL COMES UP IN SENATE Chamberlain Wants 40.000 In crease Over House .Measure. Wash ngton, March 2" Ths ' the na s measun got be* ? the Senate for f*encr?v ? . day i ai eorga I busin? the bill, report*.l a ,. r the ai laaed by ? | to morrow enator ? I chairman of ?;. Committee, will op? ? pi There an the House I a reli g to the i at may be inr I , -? reacl ed, m the oi Of the Democratic lead* lnd< - ? . ? ? amberlain b - -n ngth u f the ret would be about. 174,71 reaei of ISfiOO oi ? trength and of ? il propos? House ?ai.-o is made for ., I rci? with a maximum I ?trength of 26(?,'?00 and a federa I ? 280 '?CO men. MEXICO PROBLEM MYSTERY-BAKER ?We Do Not Know What Is Going to Happen," He Tells Committee. EIGHT MORE AEROS FOR PERSHING'S ARMY Ultimate Intention to Build L'p Two Squadrons of Fliers. Says Secretar). "Va. ?.-?-. liai " ? . ? - ? g? ng te happen In Met leo, ?? i', we have ? ea haw many le ocr ? . . . . ?? Thi? d*r!ara*'en wi ? Secre? tar*,' of War Ha- I the 1 Appro; r al ? ?> i ?*.-: ttee m connec- ? * ? ? ? ? ? - passait of taon*; ol ? h* appropriation : - - ty-four adil ' aeroplan? this **nBt*-a*tion Mr. ntenl a of huyin?* twen! - machine?. The rat I | - buy eight ma . : with th*rn to - that nave r Eu repesa ?*r e. Geaera 1 i *. - h* ?hould bare ei| ne? m add:ton to ? h* ha? now. They ?a ? ont (iutv, sj ?? ? 't b* ased ffeasive operation? except ? y* "We do not know what is going tel happen in Me* .0. ?r;d WO have ro Idea' how many columns we may have to j diside our ' ? ? to. It ?say eery well be tha ge get aery far , ?*,?h ? ? ? . ? ea we 1 and the eight we pr secara ? i? to build up tw? 1 ? anes ive to reor I ? . tirent d on ( olumbu?, N. M., bj \ aa be? Gen? eral Funston 1 te take ?oon a? Colonel Bio g the isth ? avail - ai * ?uch ? ? part in r*pul-1 m Mil ? ? - . IRcia ? except for - . patch? eer? and m? f 1 Ca**ali*"* ? f Villa ? serai I ra< ' .' ttee t.?rar? available. Gold Export Rumor Denied Col?. b? amount of $7 ?ras wlthdi ' Rumor that I was tak?n mpany . - . ?? .- nartment. PRESS CARRANZA FOR EARLY REPLY State Department Urges Need of Decision on Use of Railroad. LIGHT ?MILLIONS VOTED FOR PURSUIT OF VILLA Senator Fall Declares!.! Pasn ?n ? Danger from Resident Mexicans. . - Wean ? (ton, Hard lay ? ? ? ? C-artai ? only failing to cc ?.. - I -. I - ? . . . .. . ???"?? ? ?' . .tinned to ? ai there was nothing but harmony in r?.?' with tha Hei at . . a ? ? ? i that Cam a atf .tude I ... i. , . u | . been entirely negative. A ti '.on ran truthf that he haa ma : ' Ob tl -.aiiai, he thai far has; traded gi' I a ha refuti ? ? ? ". . .-. military ?uppli i '?? rgent appeal u a : i I ' eral Rog Q i (retare to day officials fran) I nrt ? to give immi I ?ta ? formal agreement defli ag the ? * the < *. been Mpned, oaring to Carraaxa'a that not < opera tioni but ? ? ? ma the Ami . Moneo 11 .'-'. gel *->-day plared be fore Secretary of War Baker a pram fror?? - . to report ? ? i "? o t") ? * -. Firat, that th??re . I mer, ?t Juan ? er, and ?roi ?????. ? ? \ ? . I,? red ei "ar of an attack from force ia i El Pa o the .' there real. lie taya, an for mer ? t Ore to I ecoi t. ? com orbidden a ai lene to privai ?*>n the ground tl bo u?. | ilumn, ; 1 ? ral Perth in| enatoi ?with i ? ate a - r? about th of 1 ? ? ? y f-iaiolene an?l had a largl ply on hand. General Penhing ar? ranged to get I ? ? dTed by the broth? g, hut ? ? - ? I .. . ??'?.: it Ga pari ate that the M ment .- t of ita way I MOV ?F you intend moving May 1st, it is desirable that you notify us as early as possible, so that a proper amount of time may be allowed for the installation of your telephone at your new address. We receive a large number of telephone re? moval orders each spring. Many changes in equip? ment must necessarily be made and a considerable amount of new telephone apparatus must be secured to meet the changing requirements of our subscribers. In view of the congested con?dition at the New York City transportation terminals this year, it is particularly desirable that we receive early notice of any intended change in location. Why not notify us as soon as you make arrangements for your new tjuarters? NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. _ -iPVKI'll-?MKNT "The American" is a story of a German citizen, of a "hyphen? ated x\merican," ; whom you will be proud to know. H o w did he act when his loyalty was put to the supreme test? It's a story of kind liess, fair play and grati? tude by the author of "The Citizen," in this ?aVOtk'S Colliers TUS NATIONAL WllKLT struct the knee? ran ??ry upera r refused I i comment red it ? which ? ? a! I ? - . ? . I tinu? ? people in Mexico toward our ei ??? and sad we I any cause ' rehension." i 'h* ear*' had been >o planned and ex?ciired a? to he lent of the use of the, in rails I mitt? ? ? ? would be an importaal u [vet tag The U'ar I'epartmiT.t ia r*(ror:atin?*; ? manufacturera '"or neu re plac? .??.ri m the , .-.nriir.c ai.-o i pu new a power* ful wireless app?t?t;;-. .? con- ( ? ? ... i r the erecl in border. I I ? news from , ' through in nppropria* f Villa and his ? Men? the lack of ? ? Conaul Lei ? ? a ? I ... . . ? feet loci ? re ? ? public with ? - ?. . ? - con-j ADVERTISEMENT. |_ADVKRTISEMIA I*. U.,, ;.-v. .? j? *.ltk S?r.?l A V**1 Broadway .*t 34th Street Complete Spring Outfit for Your Chauffeur, at $46.50 f| Prom the cutting of UM <-!<'Mi to the nuking of tin* buttonholes, Saks Motor Ganni nta are in i cUm by themselves^ * They ; is - tour, character and indi? viduality, yet cost no more than ordinary motor garments. The Complete Outfit Consists of: * A $25.00 Double Breasted Overcoat. nude (?f Oxford gray worsted whipcord, with one p.m ?<f breeches or trousers. ?, 4 $25.00 \orfolk or Pleated Suit, t.. match, cut on full, liberal lines. And a $2.50 Cap to match. CAVALRY DASH PLAN OF PERSHING 4 ontlnti???* ?from pac* t Beyea the problem of h;n e-rterm, ? .1 a? h?? then ? ill t??? a1-.' ?ral thooaand Foldierv I '. ;:,to a bands. : able I un a desultory i mtaii ?i rfai an unlimited period. In the pa , im traiU ? (Treat ?'or.'montai olvide, ever whirh Villa -.?? tion praftieal!> ? > men who knot ' nit ry. - mulea and horses ean In u- I ..aded .- ? or supplioi* an?) munitiona at the ? ? I to be Gi ? ' a e ? -ere \ an ImpOMi? ? ? ' out railroad fae I backward tra border. Will Equip Aeroplanes with Larger Engines I'olumbu?, N. M.. March rendered i era I American I ? ? flyer? of been or? to return to the boni' tf, hir ? ? ?.?. . i with now enfil ' * ? t, and l-.rg - ? Btronper propeller?, Another change l ??r? la? been fore? i hv failure of thl ? arrar . , .? permit u?>e of the Mexieo ? - 'Irairde.s. f':? water and , ? ' . ? ' '. ? ' 11" ai ?1 220 ' * lia?-?"-? are to be eatal .* < ? route. Feared Villa May Trap U. S. Army Detachment Sa?' Antonio, Tei Hai I ? ? i? mere ? 'nv r 4 her, un I r?s ? ? ? ?atBch w as uc b? attsjaav ,-? that the ad? almost ?"'?o i miles soul '" lionera! Pel . ? , ?' I, but ? . 1111* - General Perahlo** ?till 'ha? ord*r? to ??or!? nut hi. ewB pmh of the da f the i ?* waa ??" 1 knowledge i \ ??. a? * i. rirou-aOai . .. -r**n? ? ? ? r;ip. an ' early CSptUI H tit of th" t? or unlea? ! he hiP Villa had ? ? . . ? ??? .'. ? - *? ' r 300 miles an.: NEGPO FIRST TO DIE IN PURSUIT OF VILLA Trouper ni 10th Cavalry Loses I itt- in Railroad Wreck. -. ? Columba ttai ? The hunt for Villa has coot ??? t'.r?l life m the Amel ? ?edition. A ra.lrnad wreck un ? ? tern ? a Btallea, on th? ed,*?' <?f ??? ! ?'riet of We-tern CSjSe huahue. ? - I ??? If? A. Ilud nell, ? ?? .-, of Colo rn l I?i.Id's advance force. ho? fr?m the front ?*n'e i ? ! in a smaah-op on the era afl "ilar<'h 24. A Um neirro, near IBS It f...'. United S K? ? ? * _ ^aa::. m rirA.try ' TroU Od.? 4tt ?M F rr v, fir's r? B \9 ^Balanced' Tires Give 'Balanced' Wear Every United States Tire i* a 'balaneed'tire. It lasts and lasts, no part giving out first, until finally, after a long life of service, the whole tire wears out as a whole. _D Tread and carcass, rubber and fabric?afl elements give equal wear no part is weaker or stronger than any other. Each part does its work fully ? to the limit ? helps every other part to last longer, and thus gives the whole tire longer life and the user longer service. United States 'Balanced' Tires last and last and last ?that is why they have such wonderful efficiency and low-mileage cost Thar* or. f?o. Uttit.? Statt*. 'Balance' Tanto--' a tir. t. m re/ every motoring urea' of atrt*.. and ate Avth jeotv de.titrr to _/?_?_ yots. United StatesTire Company 'Nahhr' 'CU?o* tkco' 'Royal C*W 'Plait' ?INDIVIDUALIZED TOLES" mWatWkat.