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PENNSYLVANIA STRONG FOR HM, COLONEL HEARS Assured of 2.50,000 Major ity in Keystone State if Candidate. i. R. SEES PERKINS AND VAN VALKENBERG Illness Kieps Senator I linn !n?m Oyster Baj Roosevell Again Chops Logs. iblican ? ? than ever I :.. ' Hill thi? aftcir -', "A ho . Penna* In ef the , and on leaving . all. It of the ? headed bj G ? ? ? ? ? batanee of . will vote tl gi ?!." V'alkei i ? ? "I had be? ? i? he Fhid ' ? inia.'' ' I ? Brum* re Koiii?r to ' ? will i.. . there ' ? ! will, it i? declai an rity of . I ime. e to . i ? ? Flinn, the ' aar.ia l'ro S lid l s a caller st t but 1 ? i? i" ? : 'nin Gol ? ! .. ? ? | .. ? ?.- tramp ;; nl ? . ? thai ? ASSEMBLY APPROVES RIVERSIDE FUMES BA? Git es Governor Power (o l'unis Offending Jersej Firms. ? I enabl? ? t ? ' i ? rom Jei the: ? ? :mg h ? ? ? ' . | ' A ? ws? ni ; will take 'he CO ? * case, ? rolled bj George W .' ? sceived littl? i id. Th? lull. DR. KEMP RESIGNS FROM CALVARY CHURCH Betrayed by lawyer. He Says in Statement. ? E linbui ?h to bu i list ? it 123 ii was ? Trouble in th? believed to ? ? nfluential met . 'lurch ? John B. ( <? he re ? i ? ? made a reputa Bapt i st i ' ? ? Mi. . i and T. R.'S SECRETARY GETS JAIL TERM t onllnne?! frnm p?S* . : ?. .? . ne thei of aa anew. He ' ,*" wc ' - V 4 ? what tenor raph , ? j i i.nd by \\ li'irn ?" , _? ... ' -l demai d ."?' ? ? ? ' ad- i I intitt Keaealed. ' ' v ,.,? " Theodor ? ? ' ? . t .. word ? ed to ' ? Ihe a! ,t,on. ' racter ? ' ? ?o ?tart the I ? ...J?* an '.ri?u?t?r.jr rirn?' ? . ' "I ' a I : Perfectly Protected Deerfoot Farm Sausage i?. aaeaS aneeaessamt t,..i,atr. >?? moved 1 towaj id bei ? ?. McGratl trat tali the Raymond ria." He la bei ??. macaro; . '. .aauf :or the ?lay. He i? l<> be . i?. the ? ... . ' . McGrath ? . and. Whi. ' :. m -? ? ,, . '? The Colonel die m a ... -y Per has bi ? ; nearly four yea It in ? HV.I ; * ' ** I DANIELS'S AD) URGES BIG FLEET Assistant Secretary Roose? velt Says America Should Have Second Place. I ORCE INADEQUATE NOW I OR ITS WORK i Bt'lievM U. S. Could Outstrip , (icrmany Despite Higher Cost of labor and Materials. ? . ? ? I ? * ? ' I rr-.e ft.' : upr? ? - ? hould - I ? ? !( I marine fo ? * , ? :?l - While the Hi lanf S-eeretarj . ?? ? . ? . - ? ? ??'?.: -.. . ? ? immediate ? ild nee?! '.. a ? .' ? H ta ted, would ei tail de-u \.,t in Hie Flrrt < la?-?. ? r power?*, f the i t bot coa i th<? ]'.: ? ...... ? to I? I r labor h-. ? itei ? . lapa tir navica al thai \ ? i 1 i ' . the I e, he .Mi. ? - hip m I ; ?? war \ ? ? ../.at i un in I ,.r ?? Peraea ? i the f or the Af "would .?u we Mr. ; ? 1 '?!->=? 1 I? ? ? . appio??'1 the law ? ... ? ? ? the ? I ra and ? ... . Ft. : ??,? i nair?., ?war. rre,*.r*ermu. ? ??IV .'? nnnnmci Im&enemmmZ "?. *?""""""*"""?""""; A PIPE of VELVET is like a ?*- good watch dog. Itwel ?comes fren'iy thoughts an' ?gares unfren'ly one?s. 'V %i^{ UOtJtTTi, HYtM TOBACCO CO. c ^firaica . -?I Jr APVEITMEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Tiffany & Co. Pearls of all Sizes MITCHEL FAVORS A STATE POLICE Woods Joins Mayor in In? dorsing Measure to Fs lablish Force. ORGANIZED LABOR OPPOSED TO BILL Insists Constabulary Would Be I'scd to Browbeat the la boring Classes. ? it 11 Alba ' 28, Ma>or M un.I J ?? et i ommiaaioner <? 11 Wood ? : ' through ? . ton-Wi ? ?.'?ce lull t e A ??eniblv W ? < >?inmittee. r r o ta * 11 a I of -great v. e dty |m || ? ? I - - I ? ? ommii ? by ea ? - ? ? ? ??m into i ? ? I that I ? ? which have ? ? ? ave I ? ? ? <r\ lottei. ? ? rig tha have Laker Oppeoea Slate l*4'li. f ? ..1 run mander ??' i ? tubular*/, d ? * . ?? i ? ? - . ? ? ? I i -? ?h? ? II ? ?" tl ?i could guard. ., I* .. . ?tete i a r , ? i ? . T ?:. the Civil R? \ 1 ? oppoi ? X'. .? the 1 ' i ? ? ? inf. 1 bill ? E The Side of The Angels -In all 'r.. de? li rtptw :, ol l.u rn m relation!, ol family affaira, si tliC lo\e , foi woman \?.?.mu? t"f ?n.m. Mr. Km--1 t?tally BASIL 'MlK.lllf. He ill cloac to .- il / T ? ? ?I ' I ?/ - I ' "III" i\ ma t ?ill fytng.yel ma f provol ing ol ,lll 111? l?ll?''x<." A I. i HARPLR & BROTHERS I! Ill* Bi KING. BIGGER POLICE PAY OPPOSED IN SENATE Citizens Declare Lau son Bill Moan $500.000 Expense. ? ? r I '?' ' Declaring ?hem ti ?? ?mpt to saddle ai ? eng on *t*t1 andatory . ' ? i to ! lena Cil ?gains! lystem. peete? i for sr K?n lermi ' W. ng C it ?sene 1 Dr, Abraham Korn, representing? i i, opposed ?hem. 1 ? ? .ttn.?men me re e fo| :; minimum salaries: ?i ? i i ? ? ? ? on bill does awai ?? ?nimum, I? . . the forei The ? ? ? ? ommissioner t ?, S urad* of pat rol* IcGold missioner Wood*, laid hi ?.I ' o obji i-tion to . MAKES EXCLUSION RECIPROCAL ACT House Votes to Treat Foreign "salions as I hey Do U. S. ?ton, March :- \ ? ... the ^tit1-? ,. opei ? ? ? Statei S ? ! n?'d ng ? a?ada i ; i ? i?l. ' ? ? eont'i ? t' STATE WILL BUY MANILA RAILWAY President Safeguards the Owners of Philippine Bonds Issued Here. TWO PROPOSALS TO GO TO CONGRESS lieuse Resolution Favored by Administration To Be Pressed Through Shortly. ?. ?'a? s ?Ml - *> -a?, bee-?, i ached beti een the ? - -he Manila Railroad it? . i | of Luxen, ? \ : ?? the Philippi ment It to purchaee the road. learned t?? da\. ? "en his sanction to 'he -?chenie : al m aanctioned .1 plan * ? 1 ? *;:'..ij"\000 of government bonda non ? ro plant ?icy will be. by 1 ongl ?rill protect two [urge eins?? *? -r< in the lalanda, ??.sailed ,t pr?-a?e':' with grava doubta a? '" ?lue of their investments, should the pending Philippine Indepen lenca bill pa-.-. Not all ?American inveetora Will be protected, by ?tv means, how ever, no' even holders of the I'hilip pina Railway Company 4 per cent -, ??ue in 103?, and guaranteed aa to intereft. by the I'hilippine govern Bier.t, deapita :hc fact that these bonds by act of the United States t'ont A ?esolution aul g the pur ? of the Manila Railroad Com? the Phtlippinei -?overnmen*. will ihortl) I??? in'ro?luce?l in the Houae .- Repi s.i ta' rai bv Chairman Will? iam A?. Jo 11 Insolar v Comn ? presseil tl ? ? ??? aid of tha President. Thli reao Proal? ?eps jtv niny 1,? ... the roll?n I g I ' ppina got ?mm? ? . i the friar la ? i City of Manila, 9,000 ; iiued1 by tho inaulai . ernir? i | ?ie?l by tiie of I I ?i I'ush I Immj-li Senate Hill. adm ? ??! bv Administration olution providing t bend i?sue? r-hoiilil ordinarily be included In ib?. Philippine* bill, but (.-.airp; tu the facer deaire of l I il on to -, t.,r:.-l?| , lie liml-e. 10 that \h.ere . \ ther opi for amending the ? >? ??. ? ?? bond pro ?irely I' ' : .- tneked reao? ? "u the ? the Philippin? RaMway t the 'nkes n ? ? ? ? ni restrict Imada By the rhili^p?ne-^ trovernmer time II agreed to guarantee th "or thirty year*, hml nor !>? e c?smplied with what the hond? Ml !? :? stated, for laoteaao, th? aa -pta'.ried the bond? ?hould n?i be - ?a than | Il al they '? ere tamed OTOt f? . construction compaay, bu ? ,? * . - assert tha thi.? construction eompan* ?**> ?*al! re Iroad company Itaelf, under an orh*e and th.? con?'ruction com - ? >f*ed to have sold th? hond laatry ?I a very hea? ?? ala ? . , of then? be ng I - -?? i ? n* low a? ??" Senator ' lar Le tonlideni. \. ? anothi r reata? '? : this safeguard for holden si n ia< ' bend - ? i indep? " ? il *? ? . !.. ke, ? bill. .,? ,.i>. >,....*.*?:? * I ? that all hon.?holder* are safe the fallowing lanfuaga n laure: "The President is hereby investe? with full power and authority to m* ?? : : - . ? .????.nu1 iona ai into each negotiations with th?. . ritie? of rhe .?aid Philippine? o. other? a? may be neecatar) to Anally ? ?y. ! adjust a'! propert) right? ether relations a* between th? stes and the said Philippine ? ? cause '.o be acki.oavledge?!, re ipected and safeg .aided ail of th? *nnal and property right? of* Clt I Il loi I ? be ' nited State? and of other countries re*.dent or en? gaged In business in ?aid Philippin" or having property Interests therein." Tin? biff concession by th* Adminir tration, for the protection of the hold? er? of the government bond? was forced. .' la believed??by the pressure brougn' on so many members of the Hou-e by ? m their districts holding the r. al ?he passage of rhe Philip pinei ??coming doubtful. Ad? trat on leader?, to-night ? re laed a* ?he new? from th? White Hou?e. a mate two nos _lie two pi??, . te two large elements of mSJ?*" ition '.o the measure. Educated Filipinos Band to Resist I. S. Scuttle Manila. March tfj R?..p0rl purpose of the Washington AtW ? nation and the I'.-mocratic W_*?' in Congress to force through tV?*' ?ppine abandonment bill prttt something almost resembling .**'''' among the more ?f.'e'igentaai tantial native re? lei.t? ?< . ? action ?_.?. '' anda, ?ho cee in such action aJ' chaos :?r?l ;,nj (o-aZ-T?* rain. Nu:' ' ? or., pourii ,* ;>.?.?. 'ft,. J ea, .arnestU? . "* tag tt ??'???? tain st i . : ? ? ?mtVri "indi , ? ?i TJ urn - 1 ?', 2_ . ir-JS* and op? ? (re? planta! , j??' i-.??-' ?..-,.. thi ?o i In laateaad b ? aativ? p,-' abandonne . . , j, l?F****** i>< v. p..I tii a', pu *?? ? being orgn. ' fo** ti ? ? ? ,?? rSS! Siuh H lll?tia\..r ,? ' e I,.?.. . , ? ? no-???: she nati ?* .?? the ir.d??,?., i Dk?Z?? ? tha-i at t leir o? n pelitiml J 1 'aid that ?. ample fun.l to I .( activities is being subscribed Hy ?a, er? and othei I: is believed that will bave a marken ?fee on and Han *ha*v, th? Hhili?p,? Pelegatc - a1 W i hingt ? , bota .? i aie known to be -??-?ret!? ???..> lit ?cal reaaons they ha\? ?? ? FOUNDED lH5f) ?j-r-i iQ New and unusual Spring attire for men and young men?from head to foot Spring overcoats in a wonderful choice of ultra and conservative models. Home? spuns. Cheviots and Tweeds, fancy and plain colors, variable weights- -the ma? jority cravenetted. Leather Jackets, handy tor golt and trap shooting. Chamois colored soft felt hats?differ? ent from the general run?smooth and rough finish, in natural shape or snap brim. Dress and comfort shoes in lasts and leathers to please the most exacting. Brokaw Brothers 1457-1463 BROADWAY AT FORTY-SECOND STRLLT B\_rfi .1-*-E^---..-y...4at?:. Gsfa&BkStimlmaaWirnW H ! Burn SOCONY % KEROSENE RAYO LAMPS Oculists say that kerosene light is be?st for the eyes. The Rayo is a cTurable, inexpensive lamp that gives you kcrvxsene light at its best. F>r ?1st Uttre NEW PERFECTION KEROSENE WATER HEATER Ilo.t water on tap when? ever \ou need it, at one third the ccst of gas water heater. Krmsene is " coming in." More and more people are coming to recognize the con? venience, the cleanliness and especially the economy of oil fuel when used in the highly efficient stoves, heaters and lamps now on the market. Im? provements in oil-burning de? vices have fully kept pace with the developinent of gas and electric appliances. \\ hat is more, kerosene itself has been improved. Ail kerosene isn't alike by any means. And the good, clean, clear-burning kind is enough better to be worth asking for By name. SOCONY K?~to?t?ne is the trade marked brand rtain<s of the Standard Oil Company of New York's b?-*-1 cr.:iie*"of refined 0*3. Dealers who carry genuine ?SOCONY Kerosene Oil display the tSOCONY sign in their window?:. I.uok fur thi? sign. It is th. r <,ig* of quality 'and the World's host kero.cne. We recammead Ike following ?il \ rra* a? the be*n e*l thai<i? \ frrfi '--j 1> ( okltov?! and Watet Heat?*?, l'ff: fin r n .??? M Oil Heater-, Raye IaiT!.>s ami 1-antern?. a~TAl**DARDOILCO.OP NBWYOtl rsinctrji o?* -. /? NcwY?"*?" Buffalo A.iiiny Botion Fir (.'d irrer NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE Now ?serving 2,000,000 homes? das stove conven? ience with kerosene oil. 'I he long blue chimney i; "*; a smokeless and flame. odoncss '?' //M?* PER PE CTI O N SMOKELESS OIL HEATER Convenient, portable, trouble-proof. Ten hours of comfort for a gallon of bocony Kerosene.