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GERMS A GAMBLE; WAITE MADE SURE Biccterolocrist Says Ty? phoid Victim Might Have ( .hance. ARSENIC CERTAIN IN Dl \!>! V WORK Tuherruio-,1'. Bacilli T?tMl Slot*, for T.isk, De? lares Expert Who (marais Cultures. "if Qr v f*erm? on I . fi? .t i? - ' <? c la? ?nt?. t air " ". ter J ? I'-pai! a ?!'? ? ' H ?< ? ? i ? - >,l<- ta ?III Pflllh. would *. : i. It ? ? v. here *? o ? ! ? ??. ear *.|. rasy. however, Di allegi s ??i irrrater natara ' any one in th? i!d be ? (ultnre-4 Well l.u.irderl. Dr. ? ? ' ' ? ey ai ? perm ?-ult'i:. dena:? ? ? itory. "1 eonaider ii ? rj riakj? to follow ?ny ol 0 ?Id no ' ?ooncr think of furnishing a icertn ?han I would. If 1 wer" in charge of the rhem icsl dep-irr- i cyanide of ; . in?rr<> Vere ? e Col I?.?-?. . -oil tO n unknown ? "! have i r read ah at any who were i - . Baa their al n ba . ro rid ?liem?? mies, Dr. Nor- . rm added. "Theia ?a? a ea-<* in Ilus-i ?;a recently, howorer, in which a count; -.v?* accused of . . ? rasa in th* food ?et before I - wife." Buys Stat-n Island Plot. is sold for : "*. '? . aalala*** Lei I : city, f John ?t., Tort r Staten Island, .: ei will erect two Two fan ? '""DSMASTER'S VOICE APRIL RECORDS OUT TO-DAY A mn-at Intar-restini list Ib which II rteei : ' ARTISTS are Mprc ? tAKU50 ( . nme? """-"Ib?) U)IJ - -???ill LLitIAiI V-r.rj.tJ l?a r? nt.Mr LL .*. .r.. .. JOURNET I ' "*r?".e) NKt.?yL.^" ??,-,??4, n*ar?H MARTINELL' Qu,.., ,....,.. McCORMACI? * "" ..v." ) Schumann-.M-V? (. l*\rmnmU) TweBty-t*vo Popular Si?-*i Sa Da.-Ke Rise***??.* The Victrola I? r.-,. ?.??,. ?,.-???,.1 ?,.,,,? ,h, ST IK? m ? mi ?i, ai iNtariii \,r\T Bt e ???? ten'. : .... TV- . 1?'?? ?. ? Within IM K????, ?f ?-??r, Hom. r-^Ll" ' ?-?!??? ?**?*?-* ?' ?... 11" \ ?14? CHkS. H. DITSON ?It CO. |ll.|ril..,to... -?-10-12 East 34th Street FROM INSIDE WITH ?ELLARS >MB0TH ON IRON CEMENT NO. 7 - ???.??Ill '.?? \|I ,. , ,, ? ? |. s j DENIES WAl'i; BOUGHT HER LOVE. ?riva??? ?-y C~?'?T f| ta a;,.,?.? Sfra. Margaret W. Horton, the "-corr?an or mystery in the Pe?.*k murder ??a-a?***, photographed yesterday nfter beint; qiif-tioncd in the- ?Mstrirt Attorney's office. WAITE CONFESSES DOUBLE MURDER ? ?.4iHr.i.??i" from page 1 ? tal of th?* ward by a white ?creen. Hil head move.) restlessly to and fro upon the pillow. His eye?, rolled BtU? pidly. He gazed at the visitor* in a vacuous fashion and ?aid nothing. An Th? group approached his bed ho turned hil tott a"-ay and rubbed his forehead dazedly with one thin hand. "Dr. Walte," Mr Doel ??id loudly. "here ?s nom- one to see you. You re ? ? r Jodge Swann ?" Bat the sick man only bunked .-. aid said nothing "Don't you remember me." Mr. Swanr. ? pplng forward "I .?aw you | ni Friday." i ?Afalfl tha *-ian rubbed his forehead on.) ?yes in an aimless fashion. "Well, perhaps that is true." he said ?1 1rs?. "What is It I I did It all rieht." Then he continu?-d with the | amazing statement ?.nmerning the t of Kane. II ' arl beeeme known yesterday that ?vtorney's offic? nas in on of information which that Walte immediately after tun Grand Rapids, a ., . dren fr ira the i'orn nge Bank, l'niversity Branch, ?This he leceived in cash. What he did with it no one wa? certain until his confession to Mr. Swain. Gustave Cimiotti, proprietor parafe at 29>M Broadway, where Waite kept bis car, cat-he.1 tho cheik for ? He s??d yesterday that Waite had m 1 ?.. ?pi. ne? Monda? ai ? ? ha chi-ck for >.\ i..ui_? Maa Caaaee (he?k. tarage msi. ? . ?? a-'nh a sum. bat , "'That's all light. T ju?t wan* yoaj to act ar my agent ar.d take it around liner to the ? orn Exchange Bank. 1 an having trouble with my family snd am being watched.' " < Imiottl complied, and after an offi 1 ein! of 'I ?- ban? had returned with lnm ? 1 garage and was satisfied that Wai e was ?here, lie received the money. 'I his he turned over to the e'ir >:? ? ' It, ?:<*'iianding a receipt for the amount. 1 '-?? . receipt is n??w m "? Swann. I ear which the young man drove the garage. Jts eashioBi still th? odor of perfume II would seem that they had been (.ponged 1 ?'haps to ? .1 cravings of the Man ?from 10 was, ?1 " believed, * to Kl:.c t'r? announcement made t?v Percy Trek, ion of the murdered r-? rday, that le hnre no malic? ? ?I weald abide by the ? t ici were- do? ?ling block in the way of e plea r ?? ? ?*as removed from th ? I -'ihriicl forces of the ? and Pecks Walter Drew, a? for Miss ? .?*! ? - Peck, ai ? ay that Mr, Huei had rets Investiga! the . riel * er, i trj g the pr? us a normal man. "I should he very mach sarprised if Insanity were the 1 r? . <? of Waite'i crime," he siiid \ester?lav. "I am not vary on these in?an'?y pies bars of ths District Attorney's am, d reporter? only a few hours from 1 ??;. (,?. ??? opon th? aanali of New York crime that from row on a ni??" of evi rould probabl) be brought for .m ths unba 1 ion of Wai te's mind. ghl pa rport 1 I '? had it? SOUKS in Mr. . '?.in prenoaneed bj him a? ab de?rrihed at length tha man ? Waite ) sd e? prrimented -apea bia f? ?nd? with the bacilli which ? oMali ed, hi 1 adde M t 1 ?Vtteraey possessed Informa? Mon ?Imwing that ?e%fr?l of these had ? ? r, ,,r aaee ks 1 itered ? 1 ? ?? ?? aid yesterday The itlrelj taltr." Strx-lt Farm f??r t.erm? 1 - '.r, that the san ' ' rare time 1 ? ? ?. s ol m tha f'ompany, '? W lard Parkei Hoi ? ? ' - ? ? ' 11 ? ?. ob I by the M?n from Kgypt ?. larr*? ' * iv He ?? enabled to | I ? ughou'. i ? ... ? ?p. v,,a,,,,.-i, ,r, fir'i'-'irr ?f {.iip.?r bearing the ,-"er beads of j,h**?lcianB Ihrou 'the elty, It i.? believed thsf he lnoru lated hi? raother-ln-law with all foui of th?? above mentioned diaaaaaa, Evidence obtained by Aeaiatanl Die* . .i in Grand Rap? lome of the Pecks, fiom Mra. < ??r? r. ck "Vaite tend i thai \? ait? killed Mr. P?ek by an arsenic Irnpiag nat?'d eggnog prepared by the Man from r. Mr?, Walte told Mr. Maneu-o thst on the night before her father'? death Sunday. March n sha ? a? about to go out. ??.hen ?he stopped to prepare an 4- for the old man, srho wsi \\-.\i: ?II In his own room Her hu?* band, ?eeing her bu?v witn th.' drink'? preparation, naked her ?hat ?he ??? dointr. "Lo on our." aha nata? bim a? ??y in a*. "I'll tix i? myself." Thi? he d I/ after drinkinj the ml a Ml Peek Da**aiB? violently Sick .it !,:? stomseh and later fainted. u . ? ?? ? "..,?? ietarned she fosad her ynr> nl ips?. 1". rhe ?r? .aere found hi!? of Solid sub ? Ilk? partly dieaolved tableta "I ?fi'v Dr. Walte put something Ilk? 1 then in fa'.her'? tea," th" wife told Mr. Mancuaa. "They were about a? large as a penny I don't know what eolor they were. I saw one dissolving in the bottom of a cup. It changed th? color of the tea." Tie peal day th? old man died. Mr?. Morton, Waite'? "Juliet" and her buabarid'? "Hove ?r*<*-n?"; the oro??,' not to mention "the mo?t innocent little thinf? that ever came out of the West,*1 preened I IOS dove-like "lumaffe in the District Attorney's offlr? for ?ev eral hours t? Sha left at 4 o'clock, swathed to ?hi* ayei in a fur?. "Mrn. If. " ? ? .1 amplifyiBf and enlarf-i' g her nt," wa? the only comment the pro.-ecutor made upon het pr? - Ha il?l .?"pirlber?, lawyer to the wom? an, said yesterday that in all her ac qBaintanee with wait? ?he had never received a'.y gifl 'rum him. When qaestioned regarding a diamond ring i.a'.e friven 1 ? err admitted thai Mr?. ? . the cift. "But she gave I led. "It ? ??'. bur ?he ga* s it back." , "Recently"** he wai asked. , "\'o." the lawyer replied. "Almost a? '?oon a? ?he got it." He then continued by ?aying that, al? though th? Iiistn.-t Attorney's office had inspected boih Mr. ai.d Mr?. Hor | ton's bank book?, they had been un? able to find a ?ingle instance when a ; larjr' amount of money had been paid to them. Mr. Hnrton'? income during ' the last year amounted to 18,000, he a? serted. Th!? wa? paid In ??mall ?urn? by the I'e Forest \\ Irefess ? ompany, In which th? man was interested. With thn departure of the Man from Egypl Walte's condition yester? day ?ee?ned .?lightly improved. At 3:1S yesterday afternoon he '.?a? taken 'he prison ward, where he ha? lain since brought to the hospital, and v. heeled on a stretcher to the alcoholic van!, \there, it was believed, thin?*? weald be quieter and be would have more privacy. A? a harbinger of this nun' time to a patient i? tl loholic ward ' re minute*? hft?r the prison?! was p'lt ?o bed there smashed the glass on one of the window pane? und va?' ?veil on the way to cutting <?*T In? oarfl head wnh a ?pi i.i fan he i treu. placed ?bout ' ;??? * ? nit thi?. ' in to th? change of room \ shoe! ????.* laid hil face a? he wn? wheeled arrots ard, so thai no one of the onlook? ers could see him. "He Told Me Only Lies," Waite's Wife Declares ri.,*. <.ia- d Kap d?, Mi? h . Marel Mra i lara Peel V" ?? ? g ?. ? ? - | doing ?.?? n ever told me ?a? shortly after our marriage. 'Clara, if ever I do any? thing you con?ider wrong, I ?**??*? you me.' h? -aid. 'f want to <! ?i ?? things '.on would ?aal ma to 4c. i "? ? ? to 1"* j . I arhal ? o i ?ran! m? WIFE? INDIGNANT, DEFENDS HORTON Denies He Got $8,000 from Waite for Alienation of Affection. PLANS TO VISIT POISONER TO-DAY May Hear Something That Will Aid Authorities Mother Says, "My ( hild Was Not Himself." Tha ' ta in le et prai ? afternoon wiped from the fare of Mrs Margaret Weaver Hor? ion, the beautiful young "woman of mpatery*1 in the Peek murder case, by a ?iuer* pul to her In the District At? torney's ?flea 5h? answarad it ? "Pid Dr Wa "e pay my husband \ Morrison, of 140 f'"ck Street, for a'ier.ation of my af fertioni? ?Ve! No! Kel I heard 1 Morrison in my I.fe, and neither did my husband." All through th* difficult hours of q ,?" sniag dirng the last few days Mrs. Morton had remained calm and latjred. With no appearanc?- of anger, s'e had jus I denied being a eo ii pondent In ?h? divorce suit of trie ?i whom sb? K? . nude her home. Bat she ?lid not once smile after 'he mention of th? ?8.000. "I could hill the p?op!?? who say ?hing- about my husband!" sh? crie?! later in the offiie of her attorn?;, Har? old Spielberg, ?' IM Nassau S'-eet. "1 hey'ii belter not do it Mystery in $?.000. it had been learned that a Men son. In^vrr of Miss I Stherine Peek. Dr. v. ai'e'i sont, had obtained M.OO0 b?j a real estate transfer about t h? time to be. I waat *o be year ideal hat? band "I '.??? not ?he confidant of my hu? band. as I wfe should be. He to'.d me nothing about hi? afTairs except lies a!,?".' what hi termed his profession." The R.v A W. Wishart. who exposed tha deaths of the Peek.?, secured the statement from Mrs. Waits before i-h.? went to her room for the n . "She realised everything si I p ?* my questions to h??r." he said. "She knew that by corroborating bet hus band's Iterp she might do him a greet deal of good. But .-he refused to do that. She d^clareil that his a tot y wai absolutely spurious, and she l?eme i gla .' to he able to brand it a? :'a! ? He can never ??-.pert to pull him.? If out of th? fire through her. Sha has ilenounced him for all time, and ? 111 never make the lea*t effort to help 11 ?n. "I expect Waite thinks he -rill folien in 'he footsteps of Harr;.- Tha'.'-. Well, he's mistaken. Thin grand mm.?! play *m11 ndT itiek. Assistant District It tomev Mancase and I sensed this turn ?a-?? ai d ?re are prepar? ?1 for I If it is neceaaary ws can produce twen? ?. i" i e responsible, reliable p who are Willing at any time to go to N'ew- York ami tertify to his And to these pen>ori?-. ?-.ho Aere intl? mately acquainted with him, he newr mentioned thii cell personality. He will never be able t? 'put that ?*> er.' If is thought tha' Mri. Wai'? will be 1 taken to a private sanatorium to-mor row. SI.? will b? r?.ld of Walte' full confession ?t ti-at time, 'i; 1 cet??] t?? work a hardship on her, an?l I when she recovers her poi-r ???< ?? 1?<? spirited away. Movie Operator* r>re Ofl guard at the ho'ife at all hours, hoping ??) film her. DUAL PERSONALITY SC0FFLD Specialist Admita Ils Possibility Onh in Waite (ase. A physician in the Neorelegieal In? ?titute, Lexington Avenue and Sixty ; seventh Street, who la a nenrs special? nd an autho-ity on mental dis? eases, ??aid last night it was possible that such a mental dilution as the "ol.1 t man of Fgypt, haun* ing day and night," might caus-? a man to commit murder. Hut he nid that If trai improbable, and I that he, in a long eiperience, had never known or read of each a ease. The specialist discredited the Idea that a dual personality could have caused the acts. "The dual personality plea,'' he f-ald, "is not ?utficient to n cuse such acts." "It's the Counted Sheets that Count" The standard of measure in foilet paper i** the number of sheets in a rol!. 'The standard of qualify i?* $co0ssue loilet Paper 1,000 Sheets, 10c Printed on the Wrapper You gel both quality and quan? tity in ScotTissue. Sent Tissue 'loilet Paper is the kind that dares to show the tctual count. Sani-Tittue. IrClted ' I .' dun Bal i?.,. _ ?00 beet! n<*>:i ol ? re?U-, ;? . K\? ? o u dealer KOTT PAPKf. CO. 30 CL-tr?-?. Si . New Yerfc -taker, ef eAiereeeil SeolTinue Tameli 19t ,, Per MONTH ON PLEDGE u of PERSONAL PROPERTY THE PR?VIDEaNl LO.AN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK M Wll \l I \> Fourth Am- H?-, cor. 2 "th ?licet. i isl ifini\toii St., cor. I :li Av , l-rr 48th .*. ? 'th *rv (ton Ay., coi 134th ?ir md -t, mt ? ?llntofl -t i ?dSl .bel i i . ' -. ?,! Av HKOW ? rtlandl * ? . coi 141 HK????lal 1 S ; . Ion .ct Graham \\ . coi Debe?i? ' . COI P"t ?.i?! ' f y PER CI M CHARGED ? '"? ?%C i ' ?AI PI PAID V? i r M : *-. '??* rWO WEI KS FROM DATE tkat a ?mliar smount came into t h?r"i? o' Many Mi.? Horton and 1 wit*, "He gat the I 'rcm v.-.rr'.? telegraphy w ?'?* Mexico." expia.-. Mr?. Horton la?t night "He didn't ( i* all at ? ? . e v .? .-m. Th don'* know haw te m derstaad a g? ???.man. Because my huabaad has ?to by me they drap little fi 1 of hi? life I? ' r effort to make h ' ?eeni a criminal. TheyV? pot to ?t | it. I'm in the mood te ?in anything.*1 "The ?tory ah II I a ?nrd," declared Mr. .?piclberp. ihould Bat ta?.e the trouble I If i' BBOld be, of ?-?"'. M K **' epn't My client? do not < Mi Marri Mr?. Horton did r-.ot ?Hait I?r Wi; , at Bellet ?e yetteiday, ?he said, b i eau?e he had not been moved into private ward. She exper's te go wl h'i?band ar.d with BO? lawy? - ah? , 10 o'clock this moi-niniir. "1 haven'' anything ar "".aite at ail." ?he declared "That i why I am willing to see him. I thir ' it -ery likely triat he may te'l me ?Am ' 'hing he ha? told no one els?, 'ip ' T - ? at?, ?"d that I may, ? thii -?? lie ?f '.se la th? ?ttth ' ?a* I ??.ho asked tor tha mien ?W, and ?hall be glad to ?-ran? hi? reqtti I Told tha? Dr. Watte already l ad cor f???ed to killing bo'h his father- ?.-la .and hi? mother-in-law, Mr Horte ??emed ?urpr'.??d "He reallv did it. then!" she ei claimed, IB a ton? of horror. "No. h . did no* tell me of the impending deal of ei'her of rhem. but I remeta?*? p h I did ?ay, freriuen'.ly, tha? they Wei I horh gettinf old. and m^-h? not liv ? long Oh, the ?hole thir.jr ?i t? I nble!" She d' 'lia* ?lie wa? indignan ?ha' anv pan of her testimony ?houl have beep questioned, and said that i : wa? absurd that any aspersions ?houl i have been casr. upon her character be ; csuse ihe had 'Vudled the language with a man other than her husband.' Study Her One Oh|e?i. "I've orilv done what a million o'he women de constantly, in being truilt' of a slijfht indiscretion." ?he asserteri ? wearily. "It wa? just, my luck to ha. ? i* all come out like this. Of course, n dn'l imply that I ?va? going ?broa? ?ith Pr. U'aite b?eaj-?> I studied rh? ! languages with him. 1 coudnt sin?; Ir.v, a- o? era? . ! gli?h, .???'?'.?! I "" i Mrs. Horten ?aid that, her husband bad ft ral mol her -yrhen ?he wa? ?, for one weak only, at rhe Metr?poli Hotel In ?"?iicinnati "a ver-, ?rood hotel , which correspond? to the nil ben ! ?anr? to per the money for my college fonda 1* ?ns my husband who ?,ir?t. discovered that I really had a voice, aid Inalattd upon hir.'.ng it trained. ill's the Snesl man in the world, i.nd . ?.hey dare to rake up every little matter of his past life, in the hope ?hat they can pj' thcif finger on something that 1 lie can't pet ??ray *? *h. Jus' | l inorninir he said to me; 'I'd prive my heart's blood for rea, Mar;??ret,' but I j suppoae thev can't understand a man I ?o bit* a? that." Mra. Morton were a long cloak of ? i riay velvet trimmed with fox and a dove gray bar which sh- ,c1 ? fha* ?she had trimmed herself during the i cnnr.T of "he morning. **I like to da such things, an,i wa haven't ntonej enough to be eatreee? ' gant." <*?. "Oh, when I think Of this "g. I I -te c- er bu* chiefly I hate SSJTSelf for ha%tr,g been I I ?USI as'?? one thing- that [ m i itrength to go through with ? Mr Watrrea W. Walte, mother of the accuse?! man, yesterday ?icnif.i he . lelf to all (aliara, pro-trated by the .-"??? tjpctt tliat had been brought out in ?he ? ?>f her son. On afee lens i -,-i ?i-,?. ha?l _!vr.iys ?????.-larci. ? - .?h fcrr.e member of her family, - ew her boy was not ?_-j Ity. . ?ferdav she no longer laid this. ? v child was not h it de c'ared. - ? . ? RALLY TO COLORS OF BOUCK WHITE Followers Learn All Me Is Going to Do to the American Flag. T?<? ,- '.' ?? ta??ght 1rs foil iwers '.'? "ht 1 'hey could overthrew Brooklyn Bi dps with a ftddle s*r ng . They were holding a co???y little mdig natien meeting in their Twenty-third Street headquarters, protesting agamst the order served on Mr, White laet Sunday citing him to app.?ar in court to ansver a charge of dcseciCaing tl*a American flag. Any desecrating he has done to date, he announced, was noth? ing ta ?.?.hat he is going to do *n the future. Soi ? n hosl le ribration d i arrive. Mr, '' bite a?SHiled the American flag as a aymbol of capitalism. Throughout a s;range man ha?l sat on a :.tooi in it re of th<i room. "Mr White, do you mean to say the flag ?tanda for nothing?" he said sud? "It stands for a g-rat deal," Mr. White said, astonished at the question. "It stands for bloodshed and socal In? justice and the exploiting of the masses b] th.- capitalistic feu." "If yon ?ay that, then I hope von go to .iall Bgaln," blurted the unnamed patriot. Ha era-ed ihre-? minutei to speak, which Mr. White granted. He made h fing ?-reech that would have made (i'orge M. Cohan's be^t efforts seem insulting coldneej to the national banner. CHICAGO LIMITED Leave New York 2 P. M. Arrive I hlcagO .* P. M. vis La*k**vtnn*. .Michig-n ALL steel, electric lighted sleepers. Tl-k?t Offlt??: Broadway ?--- Tc? I :-? Cor. Mtk 5V ' -r Til* PI Cor. 4M at Brook'jo--COI fUaiaa at. WHITMAN DEMANDS MOHANSIC REMOVALS Declares He Will Call Lxtra Ses stoti if Bill fails. ! F*r?r?m a Slat"* i*?*??*j????*r''?ri nt T-.? T-?l*ur? ' Albsny, March 28. The ficht ovei the abandonment of the Mohansic lio? , pital t*o* the Insane and the Yorktown School for Boys, on the Crot?n water? shed, reached a critical ?tage to-day, when it became known that Covernor Whitman had told representative? ot the Merchant?' A??oc.ation that he would call the Legislature in extraordi I nary session unless i* provided ?peeit** cally for the abandonment of rhe tm Institution?. The Go?, ernor declare! that he would reto the bill iatra4_?_ by Senator Brown last nigh? \iT -aid he 'i insistent that tha W?J? bills, or Si? :?r measure-, ??1 tnaaVl Scrator Wa?gner will trj to.^aJJ?; to get his bills out of iha t inance fjlv mittee. The minority leader bt\\? that with the New York City m-??_JI? voting as a unil enough upstat,,, f*. a'nr-, will support his measure- \W that Governor Uh'man hat trttru I hinself behind them. m Senator Brown's effort to bffat ab?OUt a ?ettlement o** the contr???^ through his bill went for naught U day, when representatives of th* oZ chan*?' Asaociation discovered that j. provided 'or the abandonment of tl,' ?riant? Bsylum, but left the school f? boy? undi-?*urbed. Supporten of _?,,, donment charged the majority ?Z , with having deceived them tn* 5 1 nour.ced their de'*rm:na? on to o???^ I his bill ? Musical Resources of the Sofimer There n t refit-ted qual \ty to the Sohmr?r tone thtt yields the d-aiirtieat htnixmiet. Back of which are musical re*s?irce?i with which the rnost gigantic effect! maybe lecured. For the Sohmer Piano is a veritable tremttjra house of tonal power and beauty. Vitre ere more Sosmotero at wee ait** a^tre nr'ttejt enanemel t*** ?*** **" ***** ""*' New Sohmer Grands and C***rii*-h?a to Rent. FIFTH AVENUE at 32d STREET ?S^i?^*^-?^ ? \0 S\TA ?ws? c?a i **Za. xa. * 2? ,eX&' .- tit? \ess cot^ ?tO ? bV ^ ? 4, tSey/L* .*?*? . \ A it? 4r 1 *V ?dtibv**5' TAU**6 \*j ce? A letal ?UlU ?n U*-*** ?fe \0 iW glkrf* ?f*1 ,\SJU-? ??s** 0 us\y riPTiiM CINTI f?am o .?Ti /o?< /i