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INDIAN TO BOOST MARJORIE'SFUND Redskin to Appear at Thomas A. Ldison's Battleship Ball. BULL RUN VETERAN RALLIES TO CAUSE Old Soldier Say?? He Knous Dan? ger of Unpreparcdnosv Chil? dren Sla?_;e Play. A treat I o< the i tod .,. Mi ? |oi i Battleship I Mr?. Thoma ". ' arranf . o a .' : ?American Indien ' he you i gtt? the efterneon of April 26, the 4lay h' ? ?.option ami danee will ; Mee l ? the battli lee. i et the OOJi tai r, * ?? rares". ?. f'tote'ii i?> 11.?- o? . 'nis land h? bei ? ? ? ihmo thriller, m? kins bit thi ?ore allunr g. "I rr ally thi* I this v.iil be toon interesting for the < nildren than movies woold hiivc been," writes M ??. 1 loreace !.. Dey, chairman " th? battleship ilanre committee, "??i ?*mi,<-h a?, they can po to tho movin? 1'ietures at any time, and what chil?: ?ouldn't he dellphtcd to ???ae a mil Indian? This Imlian's name la O?ke onton. "Everything is now under way. a'id from all appearances we expert the? dance in the evening to be a yreat suc ??*.?a. V'e hope to turn $1,000 over toi the fund. In addition to the danceI ihcre will b<? an entertainment by the Kdison phonograph artiste. I bars -riven Miss Bterrett a box next I JidiBon's, r.n I thought that ???ease hei " Tickets of ?dm ?von a:e decorated ?Mth a ftetort of Ifarjoris and * oif.idnoucht it Seven children of l'iarijrp were ? > add ?13.11 to the fund yc?t?r 1 by i?tagir??- a novel pe? 'ormance. | a - 1 : ?n our ettic which WS .all the *(>arr< ? Theatn 'Thi 1 aithiul Joh'i.' si.d thoae taking part! ?lary Lord, aged ten, K. , . V. \. Lord, jr., &?*< d twelve, I .? Genevi?ve Loi nine, \ . ? Sareh Loi I, si I Id; Ihomaa Ilariy, aR"l ft.t, Child; -r Barry, ap 1 Maul, ? r Ua ' ' iirdy, aged '??urtcen. Pi nee. Besa!? g thn ; c-mude os and coi - ?arii Hamiin Child-*, the T'rojjres leader of Brooklyn, yesterday Marione $:? from "The Three Betty, Belly and Bon Ami. n ending yon $1.80 for the hat-! '' said a letter from Palo Alto, j 'Th i .res contributed in by the boys and Kir's in the 9 It 1 Polo Alto II tr'i School. e out here m California, where erything is very different from N'rw bul we be!if- '? in prepon -* the same. I In?* come to the P?. If it m San francisco Bar Mine t . rhnns they will let us go i?n board ?nd ?ee it. Yours truly. "DOROTHY NICHOLS.* I ast Sunday aft? moon T.". contri was Victrolas Records 4M 5thAve. j??k 2381 B'way Near 37th (S&|j Cor. 87th Street I^Yd ? i r'?_n? Street PIONEER ^FIREPROOF ST0RA6E ?WAREHOUSES 7>hone~Mam 6900 Out+37tJ?yeat+ /"Jionoer?yorvico means er fed ?Satisfaction ^ ^m ???S ft ?A .-4*1*2?* *i gr MOVING (Ail ll?l ?- I'.-m Service) STORAGE SHIPPING Rug and Carpet ?Cleaning Moth-Proof STORAGE ?' SAre Deposit andsilver Vaults M ?Expert Service in *\ll Depts Largest Warehouse- in New\brk Estimates for Work Anywhere ?n 3 Z^Oa^J Fiatbush %ve,?rooklyn .-V- -t>--M* >? I V'V'-- - THREE BATTLESHIP FUND BOOSTERS. William Hnmlin I bilda, Progressive tender "f Brooklyn, who sont ten dime? each for hi? dau'.rht-t-rs, Betty nnd Sally, ami himself. ! ?he trrn*urrr of the Fr-rcn h Banda*- icho ?1, Ji r* City, who foi s fond ? "I am an old sold er, and ?vas In th of Ball Run,"" wrote R. H. . n, of Bii "*han- l ake, Minn., "*"? ? beifl** pre? pared. To nur shame and disgrace, eleven i o Representatives in Con have shown by thrir vott? that 1 ?"or th? German vate than th?* honor of the ration or th?* lires of United States eitisena. We hare only one true-blBe Am?*r.ian ?It! and 1 was t?irn in Norway. "You ?re ?'I rirh?, Kaijoi ( 6?d blct-s you! Vour? traljr. Yaatarslay'a < ?mt ributIon?. THRor r.n TBt i ' ? I M.? OBB I I I TilRu' OB TH . O BIB* 81 ?H GAZ IT1 ' I ' ?. ad M ? K l.??T . I M il. ? r. i? Hlan-lM ? II ? . ' I ? II ? lull? ? . . . ' ?e le ! ' I M< ' .' I tilth. Jr. J. I. : ' . <?!? v?. tford ' .1? ?;??] " * ? ? ?. : urn i i rotan. Mm ? lui-* i . ? ? . \t. ?- i ? ??? ?.? ? ?. !'. I; .; : i II. '. i | I i>anie) ? ? ? . . a - i . ? , I T -... ? ? . ? 1' ? ... ' * M ?* I t ?, ? ? - \ ?i Mi ? a ? a* ?' ? r ? II ? ? '..?. ..I ? HI tTil'.lain Knlllian ? ... i ?I, . . . v ? ?lia? Hm' - ' ?a Htm?r?l 1 i - . 1 BT ' a ? 1 ..--a .1 WVai . j ? ? . Mary P**j 1am ?? .? ? .1? M ti - ? ? IS .Li I? I) ? \a. ? ... ? OlantlU . ?. ' - I ? ' nu r.v '.trt~ka?,' r. m no.,-***, ? (,. . .. !'?'= Hugh? - ? ? ? ni. i:v EUZABI ni .-*? .i'i.n . I COUXI n D ST ANN* BNTDKn ... 1'? ' "I I.l.'T***' PT Tf.A? i li!-lir. mOM WO na i<r saiNTCci in. ft t V . ( T-?t?. >? 1 I? ? ? ?? ' '? ??-V ? .. ?. i a-.? ? T-a ?. . ? ? Mri i - M-ffTttl '?- ? ? ? ?? . ?.??.I?? I . \\ m1?i Hart *?<?? ?.* n Ira lJ?l??j KI?io y ? I' ' ;.. ? ? ',- -t W 1?,. liai ? Kir.?, M '1 f ?' Ti u i? . . - B. W. MattiMn. >? ... ? <?i Ll ' n r> rv ??il H II - ... ? ar?'? l.?lr.l?r? '? . ;- .... M i. II ?Il !? a,;,. ... . I? a ? I 1 . ? i | DOSOTB1 KK HOl - 90*t pi pus os ru ? ?.'/> u?to m n , Boast en. 1 ? ' -1 '?? ?? . , ? ,. . i . ,. , .- ? . ? , ! s '? 1 -r. t? ? En riic-M i.'H i i ?un m v? Ol ? IB r..M?i.? rose' M ? ? RAiutoAO set* roi:s Dit i-i" ? ??!?. ? ? ll V. n i ? !" ? ' . i Bwd ? !.??] . ? h?l t ? ?? Ma' llO'.'l ) - a a l-i ' B. Arn ? -?? ? in - ?? t I ' *? J y ? i' ? ?i A I a II 1 ". II 1 ? I '. - ' I '.. .' ? . Bal I. t . Mm? .i ?'"is. ? . m y n ? ? ?m?? ? ? Il ' M,'?., H i ? ... ? M ,. te, ? ?lui', ? - . ? .M II 4 i tntpt ? . . . Prank I * ' l IS U /.?r-..?rl . 1 Vw ? , .. . is '4 I 11 ? -' ? ', H A 11 IV H 1 i'. Uartti i 4 ..i.i.r? n r> i?? -i inci t mt> : - i I W I. i. ? 1'.. .?rlr? r ? * ">?r ? la - uxluakj ? ? ufara .. M ' M-a II W? . ? ? 11 HT-CAI MT ri -TU ?vl. f.lT | MOI ? 4 - a -.- a a a ? I) '.".'? ? .'-. . I .-? n<?<?r. r nu.i.iii ? . ? ? ?, .. . ? i K?hl rt t ; ? .1? 11?-':? J???|>h ?. I '? ? ? ' 1* I . . ? ? Il ? '?? a ?? .... ? ? ?' I . H - ?? M .. . ? ,?r"i r ?? ? ? ?i i\ il v ? - ? ? ? n i? pr wu i.iAvi bu ??' .il M ? ll Cooks knows no other duly L than to please MT.H<~nsypipr Mi:rp..-'i-T ?i ? i- i i, ? ? ii I .... ? - ? ? S.fftli t 11 ?? " ? - r ? ? ? ? ? i. I ??? ? prP?R-nrrvT rr I k-)K> ! it Henea. <"????im:B? ? m Earl rra?-? a .*?? ?a ?(-. . ?-?? ?I II ."A? a A.1ir-. an .nut' ?. Ha.- V i. ?" I, S-??* I - - 4 . .' '"*" ? ti ? ha ?-? a-1 : l* J. II ' ? ? .? i w tame i: "?'??? ? ? ? ? " " * " ' ;,!,'' II : ? * TUL METHODI * Bool i ?'??- ? ?? ' ?,.1r,v\'",'V, . , - a u ...??>-;?. ' ? i i...' ? ?i ? ??? '?*,'' ?? ? . M ;. .? ?? r I- . i I' - I? I . . -. ' ? " " ,: ?? Y I THr.oTr.if r. r; t r 4?t a I or." , ? Ami.-! i. JOir* ? a ri ; ?fl ' M t't I********* i'-*"*" a.'? '? '' "TCM ? ail r a - ??'.-* i . I I 4 . I.a. ? ? . Ban?, ? ffa? ?. ,- Btarl ten f"r ai I? no? - 4 i ? i.a -"?v.; i .? Mi?,?; ?a ' II II?. ?? . ?? I: | -- T?l?a ? barte? J?. ? " II OTHZI Tltl? ? ?''.' ;; m t r - ? ? , t "-ne <- 1- . ? M ?? I , . ' l 't I ? 1 v i ,-it M? ii a n \;. ,. \: : ? . ? . t ?A ?,??>?? "a 1 ? i i*i i g ? ? -i 1 H?- -. 'lin '? ?1 Juan if- *.-0? . ;-. ?;?-ri? T? i ? ? i i ? .-?? I ii Mariiri TorapUl ? ?1 T?-- a I" I -' :; Jam?. V ' ? *.i\? i H ? S'? " '.. i il ? - ? u. P. ? A t. \ II I t.vpinT' i m ?t. '? tatrra s c". ? un n r. m?-,--? " m m. ? a ? '? ? ?tiaablon I ??j , i. ? r ? v - " l'.?rr!'| ( fl | ... : in Pial ? ir*-. ;.r r f * ?-Uian I M Ha ? Hi ? -1? *. Ii v . | 0 rvrna ?"?r m bino "??-non-, stampo-ip. . ?iw . . .. ? r, ? r-4 ???> ?? ' i. - ? [?,: ; .",'. ,. ?.. .. i ? Kra-nlv?U; ?..far J.r . ? . ? Roaaard Ht? ? ?? ??"!*'? ' ? ' ,. . *..., Carpa ?- aj?w?? Hm?**t, ?*.'"r .*.-,?. tribal H?-?-. ?am Bv. Unk. W ?ri M Wllllari MI.??' ensena ??>-?ri. WniUra HtarkM William J?-? ' I' *. William lor?*. John H?rT*-rl Orl R - -'? > ' . .,,?? [?art i/.-?wy.\ J-*:, Ml - , .., ; | .-,..?..?? Iam?i Mi ?."??> ?? , ?. . . ,??:?. Hamltlfl ? Arthur I ? ii,?f, Waa.1 Biaotoo WUm >?? f !'?? ? i - ? fouMri l. . ? " . ii,ima-i William Barton, ''?'?? HI??'". h ..-1 h . r ,.-. . i ? - i. - 4 ? i . .?. nun i mai li F fatrntr, II. 1. K-i'i ?. ?? ? -. TV il | < " t .i ? Mai ?-. ??? ' " CREDITOR, TOO, ENJOYS BEQUEST TO WOMAN $7.000 Legacy Attached to Pay for tiowns and I tirs. Max J, Me/er, preaitJeaf of th* Hal ?on Violette. ?Ml Fifth Avenue, think? le hs? found a ?vay to rollect from Mi |?Ja Caahiag Sot; which th? aa? owdl th? concern S?BC? III?* for g I for? and oth-r wearin-f apparel. In antwer to ? demand for th? money,, Mra ru-hinf- wrote: "Vou sh:?ll have | the money a? .?(inn a? I can get ?t, or , part of if, ;?'il tiothinj: will make me happier than to pay it to you " [g (he will of Oli-rr C. (jajley, lie?? ,??? ??' the Pre? ad steel ? ar Compaa*-, whleh ?*.???? :,led in the Surro catea' Coati on hebni?*T '?'. subs? to thi* date of th<? !???ter. *??? the provi?ion: "I five te IB** frier?!. Mra. IrJH N ' I Iff, ' v- ' ' '?' t, i,O0. ?hp Maison Violette ohta:ned fmrri laatiea GavBga? fa*ta?jr?lay ?n ?ttae? iji*;:" Mr?, ('u.-hinff's sh?r?> ?f ?he t.syley estate. Add to Bayside Holdings. Leal? S. (ir*-;,:i?-r, wfae l:ae h I ?BBI* mer home a* n?;,por't I.onr? lalaad. has hough? the adjoininp; property of ?n , .rre and a half on Oakv.ood ?'.. from Misa Jennie M. Ter*"?/ a;*?l Hirr?ie F". Wsr:? Alfred < . EtJward? nan the broker. POLICE DEPARTMENT Tra??far? IS ? ?n AM 1) r"oi ?*i?Xlll*?rU dii-iiivi lo Brl .- Pi r .n i i i ' 'ii, .'.l ?? ' Resan. ISM: < ?\ ? ? latter. ISM H w Jarr-ll 1 lili r> P m-.-i .?-?? r r i . " ? . 1 E. Earn ?1?- ??. '.''i: . . , ? ? ; hi ?* ? ?.?? '??? ? la .. ? i .?. gui. a?.l| ment ? ...i w r i- ? tan?? II? ?? i ? , <?'i n . . ' ? ?o I i ?. ? . . .. : ? ? I ? . ? ? I -? Tam-??r.r. Al.i|n ?tritt? ' :- I P. Wll I \< I in.l H ??pan li II ' I ;. ? n Mi '. .- i I I'.?." . :?"> l?J Li I r? prrmtSM. '" ?1?,?. 4 p m . Apr I I f 1 ? .':??? i Ha ? ? I - I? 1 ? . ?- I ? ; ? II Btl i i v, < a i i ? . - - ?' - ? ' ?miiaj. .? ii '. I ? i - ? ? : . . , ? r. ? . y '?' I. llano? r i ? r ? ? il M V ? B*. II r'?!?*<*r ? . ' ? .- ' I I. 1 ? . * i rid A?l?nir?n'? Dl???i?tl?ij?*?t. Ptlran w A lime? ? - I- .;- ? .- i i . . I I' . ? p rr . Mil r??ri. k Rr? ? lo C. o. s*jua ?? ? ? p m Mr I . ? - ? ?? , I I i ? * : . . J. ? W It A .. * II .1 W I . full Pay Wnll. a? Sic? Ri??rt. ? ?r' ' II ifht? > H te I. tat 12.SI ? ??, ? ' - . i i Ml - ? i Mai . ?' ? iii ? ' ?' . . , ? a h Mar.-h 1*. un a ? . i :? . i : : ?I? r. I The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothin-* But The Truth The Journal of Commerce Uve Catata All News St a n ?Is 'Or at > our lf?nnc CENTRAL SECTION likes an PLAN Public Hearing on Restric? tions Develops Only Approval. FIFTH AVENUE MEN FEAR FACTORY CROWD Pt nnsv-Uania Railwa> Irges Protection o? Terminal District from Industrial ?Congestion. tn mi Boilding Dis and Reatrietions held ? --ero.-.d public hearing yesterday *? the City Hdl.. taking up the restriction! ; limitation?* on heights of buildings proposed in the tentative maps in the diatrtct between Twenty-third and ninth .street y Virtually no op ad ro ? > a' iroa. a:i?l repre? senta' -; men and prop? erty owner? appeared to commend the plan of the comni:?-?ion, ar- far at it went. Some of them vj-r*-;o?>ted ?Xten? sion3 < the reetr rted si itrict. The Fifth Avenue A-,soctat,or, v;'n a membership ol ?TOO bnsinea? men and property owner? between \Va.?h Squere and I 10th 8tre?et, urged that the territory from which manu faeturing i; to be ? .eluded be ??,. *? tended m to include the are? bounded I Maili.'cn Avenue to Thirty-foorth Strei . sooth on Madl n I ? n te to a point nelf i ???* betweei rwentj leeond and Twenty-third streets, then west ?o Broodwoy, thenee nor*u u.i Broad wa> ?o a point half way between Thir? ty ?first ?nd Thirty-seeend streute, thenee we?* to Seventh Avenue, thence north on .Seventh Avenue t<> Thirty fourth Street, ar.d thence east, to the point or place of beginning. Cyrn? C. Miller, representing 'he (entrai Fifth Avenue Association, asked the commission to continue re? strictions ol t1*? height of buildings between r'ourth and Sixth Avenu?? down t?, '1 ... . ? eeond Street, instead ty?tl rd Street- a? propose i. '!. Ha? ri H?ke?l that Eighth \ ??? ie, ! ?'tween Thirtieth and Thirty? :;.rst Streets, be unrestrittteA K. A ???' Mosel ish r, representing : tnnsyh a? d, ur~ed tha commission to restrict the are? ??ur ; .?.an a Icrmitial v ? ..- ?., Brood-ire** and frorn to rhirty-fourl i lings ind es? eluda msnufscturing. Ht ssid it man - ufoeturing wos allowed in tha*. district m great congestion *h?n the torminal i-n'-hed its maiaim'ir. ?B tha mottet i lerriee RET ON MORAN: GETS ISLAND New Bedford Shoeassker EsgtslUS Beg? ging by I ?????es O? light. p Murpl ?. n*he uid hs its? a ?;. ? Be Iford, Ma??., ? rdsi before Hagis? .... ? ? lomb- cou ? Detective Council, of the : ' ?il,am S?iuare afier he had begged for a quarter "I ? ame here Isst -re',, to s*e the ? Mora sr, 1 echt e, my return ticket snd smsil chsage, too," (urphy to the msgistrete. "Von ?nowed nighty poor nidgment," ? "I think I did make mm? k.nd of a mistar." b; the looks of th ng ." fol? tered Murphy. W.-i committed the er t'i the ??? ? rkho iss en an teimnate sentence. JERSEY ROAD* BILL PASSED ligan Mensure l.oe* te People After Raltle in Senate. 'i rentoi . '-. 1 ? March 28. It roe? ..?" ??. botfl to eoni mee l'aiint. a.ld Ri pi ',' ,?,, i Senators RESORTS. Th? M?tt Attreettte Coeasajry notai A4l|a?-en? ?? \at* York I llr. GARDEN CITY. LONG ISLAND 1m Of ?he m^'i ?i tos?**?? eountn hotel? la Awertra A ?omi>in?tion of ?- mtr?* Ufa and me:ropoll?in h?>'?l lu-.:?-?- ?.'?Ion' '?? n-1 e?o?. d'ie'ed on ih? Am?-! ?n P ta The-?; ?i >,?<a for : he ?nlenr? .?if BMSOrtSSI t Handsome a la Carte Restaurant tyastmp ?b?i ???- <-* i? ,rp?.<M<i Mo<i?r?*e P'te?^ m mi!?s r-?.?-i *;?? *if, \. f fq .,,,, r ?? ? - train from l'eau i ? 'i ?< ,i i ' LANXIN* CO r .-. os service comfort-tTbeauiv Tuiuvot ri*u.-?ccr rlsowj-otei inI??i^na Amcn-.i.i-Uia. hrx>ay\ht,n I ',?^vl!r':,"' ^Wa'aPV'-I-,V? T?--*--?* nit>? ??_ ry,v-T<:-i .. meneWtytnttjtt .???/MaTTfc^K THr LEADING RESCKT HOTEL Ol THE WORLD l??arlboro?igii ?Uniicim ATLANTIC ?'ITY.N.J. C own[.;s,?i.i MaiMoesas?e*r Uosiah whrrc | .son-*, company Ml isjtwun Jetr--_agwB .eniarjn.?'-?-f fOTEL'GRAMATXN" ? ?..-,/... l ..un'?. r??fln? pi??? for ,n, ???r-.-r. \l| ,?,|,|,?,r .,?..., I r,. *.|.,?|..s..,,ri ?, l,..?|. v?r, i ,j , rate? f?r ?i.rint: in,I Kummer [ 114*11 It i.K \M \l \\ Laurel- in-1 he-Pines I ill.? '..,,,?, I "ara ,|?r??a ? NOW OPEN FRANK F. SHUTF., Mgr. ALAMAC HOTEL Oceon Iron?, in ?li? ),i??irt ?f AMjnti- City. Ab?o!j'??'; lir?iio?,*. Oseo Alwaira. ' r;o|?'V. plant. IIXTK-IATZ A CO Galen Hall "41 ? rn?T?iilte, l'a II. M \\,?t. ?1er. \ ' ?"? i. I llr,N, lierai Man?t(er. BUSINESS CARDS. I??R|> \N s 9am 14.HK < \KI'l r i I.HMv,! WOKKi I ?? *>.????. llr 4 , ... ll?i?ln|- Storlm-Alt,?!?,,- n?l?|ni *!_<? ti * ?..m ? m. ,a.'V i. ? ?lUTI ? i.i a* i.,. , , . ' ? ' ??? "' **? ?*" ??? ? ? ?! ??? ,., n. i ? . ?> m n.i , |. ,.? m MUN1)I." ?? i *?l|. mi i liiuni rri nmrVri . u rn - 1 ? i m ?,i n i? , ' ??'"'i" ' ?>?? ?? . ?..i. i ?i, I ! I II? I . I ? "* '' ?that the K-ran road bill, providin*- tat the vote of the people on a bond ls-sue of 17.000,000 'or improved highway?. had the nece?*ary votes. The Pemo 'crat? ?rare aide? by several Repu"?- ? liean?. The measure provide? for a ""F-"?*"'* to. improved road.-, includinfr all ! * travel in the ? a?,j ? t to r1?.* people to ?*?>'? ihall be lai ad by a bond is?ue. The bill had ?Iready| l>?. n pas.-fd hv the Senate, but '-,* M ?lightly amended ?n th" Hoii!?*. B?B? ator fiaurt characterised ?.he rnea?ure fo? the p*4*aeo"*e-eeeher? or New Voik ar:d PennSJ :v.?rv? " 8 EQUALS 9. MINER ARGUES As Much Coal Can Be Mined in Short Day a? I-onj*. Say? *?"? hite. Jahn T. White, president of" the I nited Mine Workers of Amer ea, | tried to convince ?? lomee lal ikep Ucal audience of anthracite operator.? t : in the Union I.rap-e <''.;b yr?'erday IS much coal could be taken from -,- i'i eifrht hour* as in nine. It ia this ii?*man?i for a ?horter day. the j operator? admit, which is wortryinff ? thrm more than the increase in trafftM , demanded by the miBcra. White's chief arffoment m attempt ing *o demonstrate the equalitj of eiffht and nine was that the eigh? liour day would eliminate !?>afinff on the job. "Mine? operating nine hours in the : non-union iield.*." hp ar-.-erted, "do not j produce any more coal with the ?ame number of men than those ?n the union ! ticM.-." ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ? - . : - hm l maa ! w?. . Ai'.M". HERBERT REAKTM ? - -1 I ?- ? :-..m -i'. ?? K ? -I* i It Mi ? ? ... , | . |??:.|?,i '.-S'l ? <vnp ? ?: ? r? la - -.-? ? -? ? . w ?.-?!.. ?rt.-i. ? . : ten ' * . if i a eei :??,..?? Us) ?OBERr ?; r-ixriiv -?r:-..?- ??- ?.] ? ? : ?? ???i..? u M., te i ? ?: - r? ??? ? ? tp [THOMAS W BOLLTDA1 <4 M < . !.???? a' ,-'.?-- far ?'* ?*??'? from Ma? -? ?-? ?1 Mv? JOHN r. ,\'cvnp*AARP I'i'fi Inf. i rat I lu? JAMES W. BABT. Mai Ilea. ion?, to IVaaSI .ftm Ha-a ?'" RMlaraatla-i ?>' fin? U*-at, i.Ar<*iF.R HART, Med. I He. i orpa, |-i-?r:f<1 r-i- i.?r h \an/?H. tram majen meat i ruid Art July 1. ta I .of r.r? lor 11?. I Aril Very }'. BUL **l-?t Llaul ?TB?TER A ? Aprov. F? A-.. ui'i M ??> ?d I ii i Ar*. . 'n talM ?"? * Il ' fir?? liant 1'RA.Mt THORP, Jr. field Ar?, u tlfned field A" ta tal? ateet lire * ?--i Ft??t Ural DONAU) I' CI ?BI80N, l He. i tu* ? ? ?.? fr??T, ndaaaMnl thai Mttiaanl ?*? ? Jon? - Llftr Th-rp will ;???? ??-i Fri . * luna S to J -in rtflma I In i il?ppli ?? ? ;.?. ? ??* f-. d .?? ?Ki ? >raarl'j-i '? ? i - ?? T -.. atn ?????-*>< ?<*. )-viri iiih rial ' ? ' - : . 7 ii ? til II m t? peSCSSd IS ?SU fra. ? ? I/???? of a ???- i tato ?-?? t.- a-1 ????:. Itf?, to ?tp-- J-.:? IS inrvl B-1? OaTO. ?<">H'*. V VMS.* HI ' ap' ninMA.* W. nOl.r.THAT <J M ' ' rat*? Tit,, ter irmr-iT duty n cbara? ' mr.uir mirl company i?**?r?'?i ? ?? ; ? " BTt'R M WBEATE. ii? I ?a? ? Fl r'? i- LEO y ?iHifr Mad Re? Cene, tt ' Uta! i Ita-ra-Ju \AYT I.' r.-r:r'er W n llE*iNOl*DS -1?ti.r!i?l n, s'nii Sprit li te ??-'*?? - a 1.' It ? KEEDBAM, dartac '1 ? ? f-TaOd ?. -, I? N.'l'. A ? '? U il A "rirv let? -.?-f Id r?'?!'1?-! NtN-MrlM 4 t ? -? - *. na f i? I. iJ ?, ? ? ?I MADDOI ;-,-'?') f'.??' ni't * - ? t ;?i radia dlatrtn ?upfrt-. | I -, . -a U I ?; l: S TAT ?'??> '-f .-a?? yar1. X?*? ?' r M '" rARTELLO :?>"? *1 Vi.-atnla: ?. ??-e\T* t ihtfj i- |'| | . . - real ' ? ??.;?.. ? a ar ! M bow I ? ... i, i SCH?FER i? ??/ jard. ? ? . *.?. y?. ? i :ef H.??.?' K ' I ? ? ? a *>i ni?i'. H * .. i . . ?, . ? - Ri-.?-.? ?'?. I i BOLME?, '? :?-?*? va-.:, Notfolt, v. - r.'.?-ai: I R MA?*DONAU>. If.-'''. *?C?lrilL| ihlp ?? Uoatoi 10 naaal alallon Hoi Baaa: ?? IAMER RE?XT lit? *?-l Colorada; lo Lin?? a .ait- ' ?-. ?? ' R ROLOT. let? *t H .-t * m nary ? Ma-a I?;?.- i M?*vi?: ARRIVCP ? ., i. Hn-t K--J K? I :? (I ' ?r? . -i : | . ?. ir-iir-i ?f i, . ? . ? ? ? ? i : ,- ' t? ' i-H I? ~ ?'. V?. po.-.. Ka-a?,-a a- Harrln?. * R*. "a. K? a T?r? CrtM .Ma. ?? w a?ri .f . ? ??? \? ..... ai Ne? ^"?? yard ' m l I' UT. Mr Mm .1?Cyrlopi, a' Hit.; - I -i ttSlAW Mi If? ? ? - '? -????,--?- ? > ? ' ?. ?-i ii'imi '-.- I' ".?a . t,... ra m I.? "r?; Mari ? ?' ? a-'i fe \? >? i ? -? ? ? ?? ? '. ntai ir-, ? for I ? ? -i. TMbraltar ' r K?i ? . Mir h ?.-rt > . i '? ?- v * -w i. d--. far rl Ki: i'? t '? i- ' for MtSlf H-i : Mai i ? - \*'? ? rrjr for Tarn i -i.r.v '? .. !' :' r; frlB a .'or liua.i ?? ?-n ? ??,- - w 7 ?ten, fro?? Hum R"?i '-? ? . ? A ?t 1-..T1 II I h -< '?? r V| .;?? - I fAtcmra? I I ??.?;-???.?- rill l>? ???llaj.a .... i. t* -i - "??? ? - ? ? ... -4 ? - ? r- I It* return ! .4 . ? at- ' ?" HELP WAWTED. Male. A' TOM ?nrr E r ?TBI I nON i- the l?rsa?l ?ad b?M ?i i?"*-*" ?-'?-'! I? i S ; ??tiafaetlaa c'-?r?n'""l w-'? fer ? i 1 fr?? r*?.- W"i ?Id? r M i A ?." rr.:,'?? S* *?*! ???>>? S\?it ::-h It. WANTED ' ? I ? ? ? furniture ? ? ?-?.. .? im ? ? ? ? ?in I'umlrur? ? - _ W AXTM) l-T? - - ?'?' ?" ' " '? ?t? t ?twi it*' rou ? i.-- ? i . . ? ."? I em?l?. GI.MBtl BROTHERS, ? .s VORK. Rl OUIRI nu x| RVICI S ? ?I I KPI I'll N? ED SALI nW? ?Ml N FOR nil IK rRIMMED A UNTRIMMED Mil I IM RY DEPTS Apply ?t employment office, 'th Flo ; id St. side GIMBI I. BROTHI RS, M W YORK, 1 QUIRE nil SI !? \ ICES 01 h'A\. rHOR? II GHI v EXPERI? I NCED SALESWl IMI N, 11 IR i HEIR w? ?Ml N'S Bi MISSES' G< ?W H, :*' 1 i & COAI I'i PARTMENTS. Apr!* ?t employment office, 5th lloor, ">'d St. sidt?._ GIMBEI BROTHERS, " -V Vi IRK. OUIRI i HI SERVI! ?ES "1 ? Hi ?Rl ?! uill v i KPERII Ni ED SAI ESWOMI N OR l'Util" "; i ?USE DEPARTMI N r Appl) it employmenl office, ltd Floor, . ; ! _ - _ GIMBEL BROTHERS NI W YORK. Pi i> IRE nu SI K\ li i * i il GIRLS, BETWEEN nil \ OF 16 AND i ?'.. rO Ai i AS PAR? II VVRAPPI RS IN niMK INSPECTING Dl PARTMI M Applj at employment office, ;;ii Floor, ; id St ?k1c. UOMWTIC SITUATION? VV ANTED M ?le. ?iA-IPTVT.R MSTrttdi ?r?-nhM???. Iijjt jAUj, I .,""??''? nan rj . tiaat fn, .1.1?. ??.-,, ' I?, p!t, ... M ..: .1 :.. N J l?male. ? a ? ii d.i. * m km ? ?-awl? IM la I i ?i . ii ? 1*. ?"""' ' 1*1 ' '.7K a,,' '""? ' -, ?? ' ? ' *?- ?. ? I .1 " - :- - i ? i -?.i ;*,: t\?iM a ... ... ne* I r- . i . i \\ I ?? ? ? i ?_ IlKI.H.lot S N?TH ES. un: i M?i> %i. >t m> \l;1 l?rn.,iltt:i) at IMth otteet, ?? .m . i.ani>markbI (?f ?nu H.ii im it. - ? '1UI..IS?-' \\ \ i I--,. ,?, |', I?., ol llarv? Thuradai Mar ? i rio ? ? al M ? i.?? .i,. ? M?ri h : "Tha l'nnli ... IOST ?Ml MU Ml "?:>?- .. ? -, ."Il tua.', \. Ill l.u II. la TiTralr?. Shipping Information and Marine News of the ;y0rf ll.MATl RE ALMANAC ? ... s.,, on* ie? Ossis* su-? . . -? ? ? , m-, turn ? ? ... ... i? ? iii?.u ???Arts. u :. v "_M 4 .. -??-t? K'-i ? . - ? I? _.. 1 ???? ' 14 ] ? ?? WIREI.F.SS REPORT. ..?,?,-? ? -' -? .. ? V.-.'?.-- ? i ^_____ INCOMIM* tn?MW??. ,ru ?HJ^ srff * .? . .i-?ri ?' ' ?'. I ?.I Ml A "* A ??*" '? u??S?oI ' ? **?? v.,?l. ' a ? , ?I . ? ' ,?* ? ? ? ? r .* p__m_i' r?* ?* .. ..iiu-uib .>?* ?*sBl?ja. ? ' -'.H_2_?t" m -, . < ?oimi .4 ?iatot?i. . .. ,. . " ?^ ? . i, ) , ,aa| .rro .? . I.? ? * ?* '?a??** *. . fiSs?2 ? M-n'-** ;?'" .?.?.?:::::::::::jr?r.- >'?? j ??'?*?? Ar*--**?*??.Men I I. Joeer (>?-re.Ua-?.?-*? . B5 I *i.itre ..B i'.'' UPA .?"?jj .. I.-rPa-*??' .Vh'! K i I r-UMM .l-a-re .**"' .El?M-saf . '" gajraten .... , ? ?li-ia??t I. '- i -irj.l_ Kl??-. .M.i?i?ia .?-? Ro-ee-An* .Shraltat .??*j? ?ot-erea .On.oa .?I r.J rsaaodfif ;;SKS. *:::::, ... g-? i >?*? 2S???35S.::"ii. \ .- .!? l'ar.i.Be?v?.??-?a .?M??* ? Tilt RSDAY, MAI!? H -** ? m na .M?i nah V, ?] ? .N?**? Orleaae... ? i FRIDAY. Man? ? si. ??>t .- ri ???-!?! M rise . ?*??? ??lam ** . * ?*:?'?? ? S:?I ?.? .. - - ? . ..;i--a'ar. ? ?'- ..... ??? ? ? . , .I .?<*??> ' v i li .JMipael . * .S5?MJ ?? i;; ? ?B irp mi'.. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO DAT Mi?.? V??e?'. ?. - ? ' ' ?V-rl-i'lon. >??? ??'? tl .. i Kll ?atn". . a 0 am 1* It m fit)tax?*.I ? i .** ria l - in. H-rmuJa .I ""in li *9 am ? ?. ? , i. ' * ?n ?. i " ??"* ?nj Inn?, fa.? ro bamtafo '.-isopin ' ??-M-TI, San .l'un .- 1 M m latbarteri, ?V??retlM ... . 1. 00 a i rtole, V?w Or.?in? .? - 1 - n'< in 1 I'oiuanrli? i,-, , . , . - 1 VI ft* Comal. G*.???'"ri . - 1 v'pin nit MOST Maim *" tr Ha? Mat? fTtrtetlaoasml IS SS *m I "?* p-a 1 Mi i < Km i ? M ? f'?ii,?i?lln?. H??-muOa . ?? ?*? I ?' ? 1? n,i a?n v .. a Cria ????1 . '.1 ?' -i?" ? *A r?n ?.. . ??? ,,,, : ? -,, c-, M.H.roTla .9 0" am I-. ? ?? ?, Huma . ?> i.? ??-i ? . a - . > V) II? I . 0 > DJ rr.ii'.a,v MABCa SI .? ? ?'"?m ! ?,;?. .*? ?? ail .......I ; I - TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. | ijp?- 1-^??? i i <?.??! ?..* Beaiual ? i p rui K?r-,.i ir mi- . C'.nr.i. rhi; rriti? Waods ?.a s?. Praa* i.ll 0 p i;.i ?I -i ? ll. a port . ... M? St Bi i . ? i -? i rae .no? i .oae ??? Il M ? p rr ?? Wtrielmira.M? h 31 I Hawaii. Jipi-i. 4. raa China, riullppl * i'a'i la nu ?? ? '1 '- I <w? I'. I i? taj SIM n 'In , April *? I ? a ' -? in I-landi * ?(ral ? " ?" 44 ?? i n?w Seeland ?te fan Fri lIM ll I ; ' ?I p nil r*.?rra ... April S , tiiwati. ii.i Isiin.ii. *a?>a ?Eaalend. ah in ta u.? \ ir outer ?..I Victoria, B ?.') ? ?? ? M P rr.?- 'tl. art April 1 Jipan, ?."--i Chi i ? '. !r??s?<1 i . ?4 1 , ??a Pai IB,a M i , April a -.- ?? Mantueaas, < no lilandi N?w ;>a a . , ?a Mji I ra.? -'? ? . til M p rr? Mlltll April .".1 - UHU1 BO , ? ? ; -a ? . a ?? ? 1 ? ? ' a- - ? 1 m?1-? Hi? ?' 1 * ? a m lllyain?,. Italttlas*) vl?r I ? . . Min ? ? a ?? ??? ? IS m . Min-ir, ?a' a ', - 114. t Mill -, I?.. ? Bar u .?...???n iBrj !? March I rtoo, I.i'.ly a Bar at .1 a i . ?.??'-? i -*. ? a lli?>r I ? . - r , :., 0 a r , [(] iii-.? Mir i? I, ?- Plan? ?? - ?be Bai ?? r "i a rr ? . ?"?..????n >iif*e i. ?o i> T ' ???i ell n,r ?? a p in .;?'.. , . .. ., | . , ., - s toi U ' ? Mer "n rr. ? \. a ? -, I.,n?. ?v.-.?, guel ri . tie. ?' II -0 p i A itlilei, N't? ni ,-???! * to tin S . 4 " l ? ??? Lei ?- ? ' i m 'im?*?' ' ?? *-aa, ,- ,\or.'oik, ?o *t.? Old 1 mloK ? ?. ' >j.i- ? 4 p ? ? Ri ta,-:,- .m Mir, h l?, ta int?i ' T Wei r- r.?r ?? 4 p r? a r,- n?.-? Manrt 11 ?????'. ,. trat ?*?'?? Uaae, ? ? Qasi SI I P m Mil ? - . \ Rr' i -- :?? Mar ?h 11 to - at art Um, ?i??. ?> lei it - Hi *? H j ? p ? ? Bensude HtrcP I ?- ? ? u-' *- ?l 1 rp'la.?. Hir a' 1 i p - H??l I F*.., , \|,. t, ?_, '?*''?'**' - ? a ,-,'.7S. " i wi, g?, M i< n- Dakar Mar? t , ' ' ' ? a?? u i1** --?a Q .?? Il . g ""? ?* 4* . "'?* '?* * Br Q i? .* i?. ? ta. i_. ' ? ^* "Va? . e_^ i S?l at 11 a a ' ?*-??, SAJ? -. S'?a~.?ri Mil ?ri .|r? |,r,. ?___ _ . , ?** Sperli ' ?...; /?Me?. *? ? ? ? .- ?J?*??*?i, - - \*__^_^_^_^_^_H S I 4 I I ? Bri. 114^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%} 4 ? \,.'.lz .""?V, \ .*** *? BTEAMB18 Al h.i*h!.,\* PotT. iv-r v? . ?'i- ...., ?,, * i * ,.-*". \.. '. . . ?t ?v i. Mai * a . , \.. . ...? i -, I**** ? ?>*a tu M Ml ' ? r?!.?.? ?_. ? ? ? ?"?*? t >, i Per itnl III ? , ? R.,. . ne Si ? ? .??ee ?^ I ,.i. .,? Jai i-.?., M rie J . Mer I' ?? *??'? i , * ''?\\\t\\\t\\\t\\\t\\\t\\\t\ \ee , Pert .Nalel e ?**?*?* T?-, | ' a,'" ' ' ? ' '""? '???.?**-??_ I la ? . ? ?***?? a. >All.> P ??hlrr-Kioa-H. S'.- , \.,r. . '*.. M, !/.:,;<-.!.. Ma--'? C. ,4 ?? worth iB'l -_ ?? "* Mii/iii"?. \ l'Oi. ie, Borde, .t Mi- . . a, . *>-w T ? u i ????, .-.i; . Vork. ! _ ,, }Ji'> 14 ??? * ?'? ' * ' ? ? *> I ??- ,?. H-.i i- "** *' i*m Pilera ->. M? ' i? i . ? ., ?r? ' '? "t, , ,." . THE WEATHIl REPORT Offi.ial Ro.nrdi and IVreraiU fer __ T went ?..four Honn. ? , , ?" " "S ** " ? .? -,, ??, ,. .-?-?- i, "?r i ?? I ?? ??J h S ' -?--.. ?t*,. ' '?'t Ca?'??( .'? ? ^,_^^^^^________ T?i?r? ?-Il le ;. il ?. ? \, -a<lf L ?a. ' ?*- -la? > K4H__rJ . ? v ?a Je? ? Il '?" * ? '? ? '4ft?-?(_T ? like '?-, . . . ; - ? ? ? OMa ?. i?.?l ? ,,... ?*****? - > ? V ?T? , lllr'l I .? --a , ?a ,^, ' ? ' 'IVa ? , M ? .1?" 1*1, "'. 4 ? Ferr-liti for So??lil Loalltlaa -(Mlyt la ' Verk. rloudv In rorth leril ratai ll M'tt W*? | Say Thuri?iy lalr in? airmm. ' I .- < i ???-ni? \tttt '.' ? . ?? , ? .. ? ? I ? . I , * ???I ?? r?iuai ha . ? r r . ? .a . . . | ?? . ' l? ? t tl. I ?, ? mI i t ? . - .??:. Le il Offtclil BSHfS. - ? ' ? i -?-. ? a-.', 'r?Ti ?' ? Weatl -? ' ? '? m ? . ?? i tot * a ' I , ? - - 14 a ? - ' . , I I ? . - . ? - Hiflieei - asa 1 - . I - ? I , itera??? m'?nii? ? . unto * w .?????? . ? mi ?ai ta as i r . . . I ?L?n? Bire???t?r ?--i- -a? | a. a-*. M - ?* millJ M'inldlt?. s ? m If? Laaal ri-!?-? ? n UtUtt .... tROCHAMBEAlJ ?ESPAGNE . ?O IICAGO .... ?T? n ?? lomp&^ni? Gener?le Transatlantic [PO.s[,M. H PAK! NEW YORK BORDEAUX ?... ; : ir.n. .APR. I I R'XHWIBLM . APR. 9 APR. 8 ??f>'P\(.NK . MAY 6 APR. 21 *LA ITJURAI.N1 MAY 13 .??-?..? ?... s . -r. ??. .?'?U ?Vl ? ? '' The Dyckman St. Ferry to Englewood, N. J. lor rj''*"lli?cr* ?,:',' ?:;" will commence rmi TO-MORROW Boat? fretn boi U i ?eta ?v?t r in n? -.? mi ? ? - I from ? A. M i UP m Bstra its etltt te - . ?? er ... ? ?aturda? ? Sun.i?>? .?n<l '? .-n S A. M ?BERMUDA NATURES FAIRYLAND Kniitid I'rip on Slfim?, ?15 ?nil I p. S. S. "Evangeline" ? iNnA.:. lfm K T ?!'.?"?'? Ti??. IBafS A Sat? S. S. "Bermudian' Usa? B T ?a k W'.n. ??*?. W. ? j? D? i' '?! ? *? a'??.l est Indies , ? * a, . ? ?? m ... Quak?- S. 8. C?. ?. n ??'La. N. V l Mil ' ? i i ? I ? I ?i lib A?. : Harm , A W _ *.? ? . 1. Mai ? ? : ?? n -i? : fttak lu ?*: I... M I. ?a?; ?i '. ? i ? K purti ? B"?rl O1?- It ou Aa : M ? ann'? Tour? 1 US H ?a? REO "D" LIME ' ' ,^r,ir\! ? ?B1 ?? Kl? n I 1 HA' An A .1 M/1 I I t " ? ?i Ail"? ?la- - I i I ? ?.?*? I PHILADELPHIA ? > ?"ARACA a ? ? S ir?M ir A i ni.l?s HAU KTT 4 to.. ??.KM H?!R '." lu >.' HAU. ?.H.Ht BD A T I I ' - IT M a? t a? Bot?? Arti.rl ? ?.? l'.i??*?.t??i r??: 11-14. ?i?.-, ni? ???>? LLOYD BRA/ILIIRO. 17 S*?U S?. B. v. Clt?. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 ?Mr? I? T*eS ' ?. N It fl Fulton 8?., .' i ?? ? on I?. M M i*n* *?*?? i ?astea '"aaewtefc) i ine. ?tr i? Pier 49. N n . ft. Meaataa .s? . ????i, ?iav? ??ni?, f. i p lai . I lr .0. ? H. fi. t. *|j ?-I I ?ut P M. *-.rtr ?lit.-n 1 lt.r ?ti I P|?r ?j ?f n.# ?? n Im ?*t . ???*eH .1a?? only. .' n? |? a. ?? . ,, ?, m -,,, ?,. .. ,*. p 4^, lrlda? line, ???k d?>? tvil>. ?Ir |? ' l'i r H, i. ?i . 1.00 A. M . fur t?, ft. m I IM fl . Il l? a M. CUNARD EUROPE vil ?CAMr.RONi \ bal 1 LIVERPOOL . \,.r.l.lOAV ? ? NEW YORK *-*oN.D.?? t AM* AMA .. PANNOMA ICsllli f ? vpp ?.!?*? 5 noon nu wo.sin '?5*_tia# TlirA.g. taTI ?CO C,IM PIN-,- i-TlTi ?__? BOSTON S2.?i PROVIDENti. ?*J COLONIAL LINE UllMlllM ? >? llWj^nil V i-i-itrr. .* II ' ?? ?'??? f ".,'ga 4,1 l.-llll ?IV... ' ?,S ?*. ? liui'. I?" lud 11.(| - m .a). S ^J5?a IN'KTRI t I M?N- _.? |t| ?IM ??? M IK'lH** All MJSINESS SUBJECT \IUR$CH0C. Zt\t. I?, g: i?' *-* "^j BooU.eep.ot. baortkenil. $?'* end Steoaalap? Preir??** aaaM ..a, t S |M*ffgL ?-?4a ?v a^^teW*11* A&\m\c.?tawt* " * ,^ ***** \\W\ *> .?-a m.< i?*?"*?^* |> \ %a IM ri** lian..,, Carnl-ftl. H'an?1 -"'""* i?K ?* '?'?a .1. t-'LL? Sell. S ...I?..?.?!'?"" fr ? ?ft M II,ml luOt-H*?- --? Ktotti,-.. and ?rrl, . I*f*?J^Ao\ t.,,?...,.*. I ,?af.'.?-o'a. l*S?Mi,V-__# I ?aee Kamlliaa Sy,rv ? - ?Li.HiN, :. Uuiou i-mu-it ,?f,?.?... "?'??"^heeli ? ui.Ha rw