Newspaper Page Text
SAYS FIRE BOARD PLAYS FAVORITES Anonymous Writer to the Mayor and Adarnson Criticises Kenlon. ATTACKS BASIS FOR PROMOTIONS (. harpes in Letter Unwarranted. Commissioner Replies Au* thor an Outside.. . ? | ? -, * ? ??as received yesterday l>y Mayor; ? ! ?-:d r;re Commiaaioner A?lam ? Boa of Merit ? D?partaient s I of "play recommendations I ' .niformed men for capabil ' ? a nation? lor I -prciai . ajrei fo? "a *quare deal 1 ? ? one on tne Civil [ n the examination on I the grade of ; , I The writer n'.ejred that uniformed ? - of Chief John | deputies on the Boaid j net have a fair chance i eli-ribl? list, and stated lined to c^e all ? ? ?rid capta' - I tb? Mayor to | renard. ? Adarnson ?aid be **a? i ? ad not he en written by I ai the work who had a i/rudf-e .? Kei ion. He po;ntc?l out ? iei Kenlon and ? ? ranted ar.d the ? ' | for driver? bad been :-r John Hinn?. i ? Hoard of Merit, and i ad I- - -? Baaed by the ? -loner thi next examination order ' ne?icned to p'.ve every eptional ?-cr-. Formed member? i tail a arl ? ,v?r ai ?pee i fie -liter Je. re? rata i cord of all .i tending to ?how *-reatei ? ? the head?* of "capability," " ? ?? ? and considered by i ? it in recommending ' - *. rat ? ion. I ?ora commanding officer? I he chief of nee January 16, The ? ot Tel reported ? ? * - i ratines. There will be thi uniformed : ? examination for - . h~r row only two - three vacanei? ? ?',. but from ? : ? motioni are to ? -ee ?.ear?. ? a *?-..?- Commie* -,-??? s knew ???nilon wM "a stockholder ? and intisaati i ?ranaged t* I ... I thi? alie? nad never HIS $10,000 JOB GONE; TEMPER GETS BLAME Secretary Lacked Tact. Sa>< II. I . Huntington. ' - retai I - tact and v Henry F. ?? ton, - ??. ? late Collis : " ' ?ton, is defend?a** a ?nit j : ? -? '. ??? "> m . . his for - .a'? nrr? ai I -? in pr? sl ? ????.fr ?i ? ? ?r '.'??? i- ?? figured ? ? .'"-"? of h'r tata? ind ? i ????'?? ? he so conducted bin-! r?nd offend 1 ? n"-i\ t ? a* v e rier'orm'"! un unw.llnif- marner. ? Varna ? ber. ; -.rar" hre*. ... . . . " ? ? ? g a aalai I * - Van.uTi re- . - <? ? ??? that there ?a? ?.*. oral to gel " re wai te b - ;. . n says that . ?? ?? te "he ? ? rtsaei l nr.?i - i ? ? ' a? a? ? ? ft' v ? e -etarr ? I j I I he wa ?? table ? - **. ?? ?? net a- d showed - hia dutiei Vernoa '? -, ,..,,,,.. ' partie '" 4 at ? i,' manner ? S ' -?err ' ? t-Wi Sfcuritiea R-port * ? - - | ? | *L*af>*r??aa ? ? ? ? apa let IBIS. the? e,\ a toUl ?7,120. an lacrea?? ot . -.ear. Th? - rharge? nrri'.uiiled to f ?.-?? ' ? i ?I -d ?. ready ? eat ? nail - IIRi: RECORD , . ? ? ?? * ? i ?;????* a ? a h ?lav ? a ?? * . ? ' ? ? ? . i - ,- ? ? I , - . * i ? - . ? - . ???.??.. 'a????.. ? , . i^y. ?j.t.aa. AnVERTlSEMEvr. ADVERTISEMENT. \nVERTlSEMENT. IDVEKTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS Do Your Work Your Way, and Help Your Typist. Do It ?Better. HIGHEST \WARD PANA.MA EXPOSITION^ Remington Typewriter Co., Inc. 327 Broadway WEAVER will "suit9' you with his new Stein-Bloch suit? and overcoats. The haberdashery and hats also exhale the breath of Spring. (nrnr fn the thop and itrr thrvi. A.C.WEAVER ??hit MB WHKRS t: o i_ i_? mb us Ml ? r? BROAD*AN Al MXIY SIX 1 1 I ? r If 1 I I The Public Wants Intelligent Co-operation Nobody likes to )h told that ho is ?getting a $5.00 article for s.*!.?mi when it is worth only ?**?>_!.?*>h that isn't intelligent co-operation, that's bunk. Barnwm may have been right in his day when he wrote his deathless epigram, but he never could have conceived the Rotary Code of Ethics, which plainly sa>*?. " \ ItnUrian shall rnridurt Ms business in such a mann-r that he may jri?.- to the public a per? ft ' ?errice rqual to or ru-n hi-tlrr than his comprt itor'i and ?rhen in doubt ?zi?r nddrd srr\u??. bcvonii ? ( itr?d m- -isuri- of di tit or ?obligation. When in need of*mei*chandiae <?r service, select the member according to ih< requirement and g<> to him. You will receive courteous treatment and full value for every cent expended. Mention this foae. I', tetll tervt at an introduction ami tht member trill appreciate it. Rotary Talk No. 4 will appear in The Globe, Wedne-fday, April 5. 1916. Rotors t lab HeoJaoarters, ?.nom , ,'. ]!? ?,?' Imperial. .N. } . TYP EWRITERS New and Rebuilt. All Makes at Low Price?. SALE OR RENT tro ?-?' . '? ?"* foe rtpttttniotU't. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. - 314 Broadway. TClEPHONt li) ?(!??? NEW NETHERLAND BANK IDAMS BROWN, IresMU'i' \ ? ??iiiinr-. i ,l b-utk? with all {??-iliti-?. \ il ? ,: ?ni for wohin h. S if? le suits in t h 41 W. :<4th St, Ju?t East of Broadway. HOTEL MARTHA WASHINGTON ! Rotar?an G?o. C. Brow. SSS0IM held foi tornen. Ptssfscl i'ivia.-. Rain t>er ?Jay aid yp, ?ah!? d liote lun, h?on. 40 .?nil. '*mr*'--*tk. k**x. F! * ' 20 East 2 -? ' * *-f r?* "i* 9th Street, New York. ht. P i ri ?Mac DqnAld Photograph?r-of-M?n. ?576 IIFTIIAV(|[) COR 47 ^W. r n i i> i s 4, \ su m i m: \ i ?.R ll.l M'llKI -?MM M \ll IM, : i ?...?? ? t I Hurra HII - ? I ? i ' ?or ? H II \\ Kl PR ? Relalh E M ,. ?. ci Fifth a? ? . 1? -. ? M .;???-. m-mter riniTi-x.R\phic niriiM, - Holland*? ? 4 *? i.irmter. EATON & GETTINGER PRINTERS OF EVERYTHING. A priniina shop that run h-in-ll-* four requirement? intt tt i.nrl promptl**. tionr] printing ?n?l excellent servi'-. 263 Ninth Avenue Tc!. Chelsea 8680 F O S T O R I A MAZDA LAMPS IMPROVE YOUR LIGHT ONE THIRD THE CURRENT FOSTORIA INC. LAMP DIVISION, 39 Cortlandt St. The \anie TOWER ?I? ?* Miggested the first In run??? ?? lock, qualit* ,?t <-.;.i\ . courtes} "i sen i? ? I" Uve up t?. thr- lll\\ |.|{ ii.?i,.? . TOWER UROS.. Stationers Li Wrst 23rd St. Tel. Gramertv 2323 DEVELOPING, PRINTING and ENLARGING DONE WHILE YOU WAiT ? i laborati r?' *. on tin* prt mise? mi an speed work. I*i special rases, such is H'ork, rourl record . etc., jron ran i-rinx in your plates or Alms and have Anlshcd print? in .'i few iniiiiit? hi?-? special sr .? Tire, ?. ... ? ? - r the bip 'Il ? i 'a-i fihofograpl ie HERBERT & HUESGEN CO. \\ * I a splendid ho? fr?' men. it ?s called the and worthv ? - ?.? all leathers?pi ce .$6.00. ALFRED A. KOHN md ?'? 505 Fifth Ave.. Near 42d St.. N. Y. THE PEN That Expresses The Thought Waterman's Ideal ? the n,. - oft m prove i1 vi : A brilliai | ? ma) be -^id<*t r_ck<*-.1 i*<* ? ??* smoothl*. Water leal i ountain Pi i, used lh< ? orld over, has hee:i the ai ? * ouffhl "t ?J plomai . icientl I I ! rery land oi the univertfc. leal nev? .... tains Its original rri' ? I L. E. WATERMAN CO. 173 Broadway, New York. nwi ?vun ??? Two Stores 1 or more than l?i j i'?'tr>* I latch's l';iiii.nis Salto Nut*- and C hoco latcs have pleased. Thej are better to-day than ever. 1223 Broadoe? el 30tk Si ISN BroedMir at ?t.'.lk Si WARD'S fine CAKES liavr* been well named 'the handy and dandy dessert,' for tlicv iill tli*" bill for all occasions. You v. i ! I .ilw^y? buy them itrsli ?ana perf??ecl I;<-i,ii.-? -\?ry i<4kr is p.i? KM in ni'lividu.i! ,, sled ??i oui bakery und de livered fresh daily lo youi ::t'>? 11 \l>\ l.Ill IMNG ( ? if XHtJ I.4IR \?, : , ? ] r?. nuftl .?'.'?' 4 . ' Bryant \1>\ BMTmXO ?? tcr.- ir r.':r ? i r? ? . ? ? ? ? ? .'.? ?,??iri ? . , MB? St? SSI Mil IIITII r?. Wfl FM.IM.I.K.N -I I'll II.- Cusen? ,. i|?n Ci i Or?-n l)|] ? ? i \l HIM \TI4 RPBIKKl I r.? -.?n ?al F - i Llb rtl .'o?.n il 1. J ? 11 .? ? il uvi ri M 1VI l'If 11 RFR?? ~? l?l -K- AND CHAIBS Ml ? | .;,. t r... ;- John SI.'. T?! THOTO r.>4,R ?. \ I NT. Bros ?? * ... s : chu. j Dlsfts n? :?? Pfcacs Bngraviaf Ce : Dusse - A T. L>itiin?. m?mb?;r i ( .. Vel. !l??kman '.""' ? r 41 M il' ? |?l ?-.; H".r D Kran.*i m? m DETTCcrirr s fl>r jiNniKi-iM-. M*NrrArTrnrn? la? H Blr h li." Maiden I^r-- , -?? Jebn t:* r? -,-- Bumncte?, PHOTOr.RAPHKR?Irving . *> Rrivi!???&> . Tel Bai ?> Nation?: Detective A??-.?? ?. In -4i Breeilma) Tel Corl ?;?'-.' Ra> nion-1 C., .1 F ail *>Ye."r S .-, hlndler, i-ienitere. J .'a? H. Birch. Jr. member. ???:i. Irvine l'nlerh:::. member. IiMMiiMi BBOEKI ' LA?KpET, iTTEAJI i Fiat "Tort, i? piAMsT-T'hi p r. r*r?-i?e?u 144 170 Hroa14T,a'- . T?.. ?'??.rt II4I ; rnpl ? Bteara I_un..;'. I . ? ?"?. , v>-r,. -:,h g, Te; ,-,rtt,tv ?J3?. pie?".!.:?- Peerli ?* i Je-rele Ho nier. .-? ; Tel fp"'n4.i" w&.- \-y. ? q r-r?r??i . nernssi : ? r . : ? | .rpranel f..?r m- ? '" '? t.r,A.,:-, m?mt??r. ?"*??"?"?'' __,-_.-. ???- T.DrnDTIfl.a. ri4M>" ?Whole.ale, ??ma- A i.MTi ?<r-i wn isTr.RFOPT?rtiv?? Sc , PltM0 ,.? (), r, ?Bth ... uni???-!?? iH-m?ii'-i MIR Ui??f4 ?s Fagan. 1M Fulton m . j,, Brrssi tSSI ?. *."? r Norria, Mad ;? ; II -. .-14 1 .'.T ?? Edwin A Haver?, n.'irr? M lOMOHII.F M'KIM, Ml R ' ?' - siai , p B ii?i, (iiMKii riM. r.M.i ' Pf.l MBI ?. ' 14 H. Riverelde I 1 l r.\i,r: ** . r Llfhteras idwey Tel. Recter Z't.i / ,,?,... H.rn? m? - . Till I TRV ?Mlio|e?.ile? Srha- eu ? CoronA ? - ? ? - . 1 1, .\ ' .? . . . , y. I ,?)i: UIH.?.H.,?KK. ,., a - '?"!*r\ ??." ? -? "".mM~ . ? '---,? M",,',"vi sa ? " - ' ? -* nmbui . ? '"S* i"?t ? m mu p (mu ii .- r? -. i - . .. . r. ' %KP8? ^'"V' itiitHu ....... BM.? ?l-.nrl.ra nvMii i r-,,. i. n??i.i. ? ? i?.. . - ? . i ': BARRI l??? l im v ?: ni ^ i '? . HI I I. \M. Ill || K ritlM^ ? ? - 'i H?HI I fi?? < Un? nilrafl , - r i 111 rn?4r^ rut * ? ? . ? i ELEVATORS ? . -? ... . ,? 4 ? I ITROttRAPHM . - . i? Miner L o. Ce si: Wfl M". - ??.?() A u . i ..'.?'? - m?m l?rj I4I4I-I il. m STBTVNfl - - M Bros T. T'*m?. . m?rr. M \' HIM* R*i '* ? ???? IS sad ' l ? . ? ? g C? ? ? Hew. A' 11 TI- ].? ???- ? ' ' ? list St . Tel Pli i Berr? ? ? . RBAI I -I \l I ? Manhattan ? ' a a ; . Marts .. m ? Spa. , 'i.. |i Kl Hill ? ?I ?.Ml? I* ilMe '< * a . . I ? Irse P?*-**t?ortfiJ lU/iilin^ ??lachinc Weifrhi only b p ui'<2?. ( oit? $50 in travelling ? aae I'm drudgery eliminated. Lrttcra m/rttten ,>-*',*-t. faater .w.<-| arr morr cordiall] *sr4**tcomed when Coron.ityp-ed Corona Typewriter Co. 141 West 42dSt. C al M k I* 1 I Mil .i?, mi. T AGE>'C1 M A R O X a* MHr.RiM? , ? . Illii'h?! Mil*. l N, ? ? , - ? HI. \?<? \M? I ??I II '1 ? ! , -. - RM \?- I 01 Mil R . ? - | , tin H. 1 : i S4.ISi i r 4 ni i. os I? Fifth Avi Hear? G < , ?. ? I VGIKEER (Mlalat) 1 IP ? l.\ 11 I DPI M\M I \l Tl Kl K ? \\ m ' loot* ' i ^^ Ktfe . . , .?. .,i i* an 1 - I Ml I III I IKMMM SAI i m ?'?.-ir \ault?. Safe Depeell ?r.1 t. u - ? ?? - ? . ? , ,..?,,. el. .;r?-*ley S?:i SX. O MU -i RI in ?UMivii km:-? . M AU H M\M I AI VI t'.I.R H .l?on ft I < P ?? i;?.?rhsr4, n MEDICINES rropneiar?. - t" ? trragul B2S! I ' HI 1 Me ? ? : Wei ?;r.p W. J imr.'j, m?mber. ??II. N? r Cortlandt I. ! \i\'.i \nr\i i.i r<.i-i ? - ? . . I ? ? ?? tnt, n.-mr?*. MILITART i.ooris ? . VMIIMI IKMMM. * ?? ^V ?*'*: " '"^'.; - ?? Tel rial '? .. ' n r . 1 EAM Mil I Wli l m ro .?, ??I t'l'l 11 > .< Il tal ? Iroal :: II ?TORI SERVICE ? Me, henlral i.'ar. rler?. T I ? ??? -? Tel Bi si HIKis/l POM III RS WH Ml IM I III-'.' I ' I I.KTII l/i It? I.M'll-ll ION?- l?a?l?. ? MIIK ?Ml llal\M ?? ?? i , a- , Decker, membei ; . Ill I I I K \ a|4 | 4.4.? 1 ' I \-IINI,- Iron Mrel pt*4 II?-. ? ? 11 Ki m pRiiiH i rs ? - ? ? ' i Tel ' in in l?i. *?' A ? I IK I. hMIIWU, M 1.11 -riK? - ? - I I ? II ?\4 > - ? Reek ma i ' Pal II44KI-I Ketnil i Harry . motor?. GENERATORS VM? IHW'MIKMMI-a ? -. ? ? ,..??? * i.l' nien ? ? Ml -Il M I K MH Tl HI 11 \ril>N ... 4 ,-'??. I - * I , - ? ? ?. A \\r\ I. ??i i h i 11*. n in - - ?? r ?? i ill i I? PROTKPTORS Wti HHk M IM I IM. M \l Ht M - I III HIM, 4.1 M ? ? 4 Hur HOI i ?... . . hep ? . ?- Kl ; Ve Old? ? ? . - ?' I i ic Ml ti? HAVTH ; 121 -1 :, ? IYP CAPER* I ? ? V. - ? . ! -? ? ; oi i\ i - . c * ?1-1 I 4.l\ I II ? I i KMTI RE II 4i?lnm | ? ,!!...-,? ? ? ' ): . . PAINTER* r ng 1*41 ?,l ^-- <Hln?|nn. Rnlled. H ?r? loi. \a ... ,? r.??.|i Th?o ^,. *' ?ir? ? ?? " Sits. PAINT JOBBERS ? f . . || . riGAR MANIFACTIR, , .a , M,??r-,.?.,, im K? .i ? ., .' . H ' "? PAIN! MAM PACT! RKR i in iin iMi MiuiiMa Pinii ?.\-TI MXTI7KR -. , ? . a ? . *? . v, ? I ' . I ? - rms ? f > ? i ' Plaza 7431 U '. *r ' : ?. n. mem! ? . TOI41 || RKI -II .nil,I.?- I,i? ?n Imiei Ptagerl '.,-?-? 1 lir k , ' ' ?III 11 *' a'?" P i I THI1MM. Ing feet ?let 81 . . -. ,. ? ?... | ? TRI NK- \NI> BAGS Te - i ki -?i - -i 1.4.ii \4 ?ri?i i. \M I - IM) \Krilll IM I 1MB?? .?* TIM -1 I OMPVNI - e|. Bi 1 1 PI H RMI.n -1*1 Hi KF1 -.Veal Broad** The Palmer .Method oi Business Writing ..-!, (| i- - ' . ,? ? . .! -r "-.????. ^ grl mi i,?, of pupil I ii,,ii- md he P ilim r M- Ihod '" fol ?n Ihr l'nhr.. r Uttkt ' '/,,,,, i ' . .'" .. ?I I OHM nti'l ttt h k .10 IK\ IM. Pl.Al K, M-W VORk. THE A. N. PALMER CO., fymvd FRANK E. CAMPBELL *-,'-a:>-r: . ?" 4}~' ' Broadway?66th and 67th Sts ? ty.Third St., 241 West FUNERAL CHURCH (J h ?. ?-?eli. Parlors, Vault*. Mauioleums, H u-s nnrl Motor Equipment . ARGLST IN NEW YORK r?? _._i,--- - * Serva? ?II ? onditir??? PR?VATE ambulance service :frrrrrro ? v ?' - r~~-tmv?t RAMSDELL ri r a i L d r 11 o o i ?*? r . / beautit?lv?ol! Uoc?(*d ? 'ore Ti'lsphorn'y'our order Pin/a IW2 7'? *\ hlih Aetna? No more waiting for your stenographer ? I?. Mil III . 1 .*, ? I (JOAI-, \N I Hi: M II I IM> T-il'I.U RITI R KIMIKIN?* * IM< HUN I'M'KK- . II t? \ ? ' ; M.. ring 1314 ... , .A, ?I . ?. ? '? , Manufacturen?Of :.???' .'a ? ? ?' PAPER ' - ? -. ? ? A U ? ' ' ? : . ' 1 I lenme I Mil ich I m: M IM I M II I*. I t. ?.?M Bill MIS4II - Hl.?.le.alei- "? CREAM Hh-ie.alr. -..? \ H H " , A ? .,.,.? ? iiisTKMKiK ^M? ni M ni K y i: i id \M n\ MANIPACTI \ \ I I I I II.Ill -. -l-a , I II.II I i i oui: i ii.irr- n.- ? . - ? * Hum ?ra Pi. M ' ' mbe rxri.K rOBEM MXMIMM IUTI.R -prln-j. : ? - r- ! ici R l'.p?r smpen ? . Clinton T? *?'?? - ? " ' j. I - 1 ?? :-? r?? f r? II N\ KIR Time? Bui line; ; ' *>? i PARQI I T n oiiKlv?. . -.. ?3 ,?i r ear ? e I n '?'?'*?? <3i .?? . .- :. ? ?? 4 | -l.fM -IIIKI >l \M It ish- Hr'tme? i .. ?' van i '?a??? ? r !? I. BINES II alifomi?. -- ? I'aul ' I j ? ? other ? ' ' Murray 1 Ii bar. PETTirO%TS Hhole?*ale, :-? ROME~N*fl \M> Ml ?I- OI I MC SKIRTS Mir. ?: '. , ?ah 5HIRTS WIIITI A WHITE 335 Broadway ?*>WM 25 Cortlandt St. Dress requisites in c<><>J taste to ?n with the Shirts i)ottiitiaic6tir/:;t:,Ss,,p,:;k M H MlKK. THE HOUSE OF COOD WILL ' ? ?2 e ?;? g ? ? ? 'A :? A-- . .,? I , ... . ? .. . .. - COPELAND TOWNSEND - tMeeetot i\mlc in tesen muh tic lHt i.nh PERFECT FITTING ? EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES ? IITAllllHtO ihm'_ "t WpsI ?a 2 11 d ?trppi r r?! ?EST MLTAlL HOUVE IN NEW YORK CITV , REMARKABLE COLOR ORIGINALS FOR ADVERTISING Sp SURPASS FOR MANY PI RP0SES THE IF.ST ARTISTS' WORK, AND COST LL>S USERS OF COLOR WORK OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT THEM. ARTHUR WOODWARD 1 H * ??. R?OADVVAV N.V ? "bn/./.in*?" and ? dering wherr* on rart.h i'"-":,rraphi"r is, u'h-^n the < Ihiir?-' hi*<* she it busy ?? ith so ?? other dictator. ol that annoyance ,- laj when you dictate i ? ?; phone. You die instantly, whrn you ? a- much as you want. Vo ?r typist writes your - once, on her type I sho will turn out mort I tier with lesa i (Tori und ?ram and at li-a-t a ? bird lesa cost. rail Worth 8048, COMPLETE ADVERTISING SERVICE. THE DI?WAV,NE 83 CHAMBERS STREET This adierlinemenl uat dictated to the Dictaphone r I C lean I) r e s s ? i to ?ear ????-* rentw efcrtl .-. b-- esretml cleuiag tnd l*f*ta| REES & REES "?? <i r?;?'ii THE UNITED ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO. LLCCTRIC SERVICE THROUGHOL'T MANHATTAN LET US SOLVE YOUR LIGHT PROBLEMS GENERAL OF F ICES i *?o ia?5t i s \? STRpr r ^?ac??-a? lluyvtllltl -??"?MO BRANCH OF 1-" l C I ?Boinv ?NV Pi.,..,? a .. a, ',t> ?j; ?TIITT *, v, n 0tUO rr*? >ij EFFICIENCY GAS OIL ?BPFiciSNcr Prtvfnts carboivzi-a?. Mak-** your -?aiolinf do more work. | ?pi ..., ,?. m motor -itifl .i '.'i1? -???.ip.: in furl intrr?*?t*? ll *. "?i. I f*4? ? :?. i.?. Oil ?t.?. ? 11 jrivr it t?> ?.?i for iu-f ?ON* F t'RNT PER CjAMjUX Ol UASOL1NK. Uoittj b*uM H R t*\*m . m. ftoUe ot tr:l* ? c.? t i Mtff e.v\? EFFICIENCY OIL CORPORATION 171fi Bro.dH,y. N *i Thon. 1690 CircU.