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GUARANTEE. YOUI Money Back If Yoa Want It. ._ f.aam*ai rttaw. Cotermm I Nm^mk &?*?&. im Mnm* WEATHER. n Partly cloudy to-day. Fair and slightly wartnw to-morTow. ? 1*1 Kryort ?a? I' i.? ? First to Last ?the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements Sou lA\V....No. 25,337. loirarl?hl IBIS? The Trlhun?- A?'?.) THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1916. <l\r" ( I'VT ln N**** *?* * "' ?""?**, JBBBBf < Itf. \ t i I 4 \ l?.i 1 ??i Habak-ra. Two i ?m?. Repeated U-Boat Attacks Arouse Capital; Villa Flees, Burning Bridges Behind Him GEN. CARRANZA GIVES U.S. USE OF RAILROAD Villa's Fast Growing Forces Marching on Chihuahua. AMERICAN TROOPS DAY BLHIND HIM Bandit ? scapes from Santa Catarina Canyon to Santo Tomas. -. _,...- .._>. ...?-. Kl PaBt?, Ti '. Marreh it?.? Emetr-f \rtt *"-? a i 'rnijMn, which he har) ?--?trrr-l to elude A * I Jean r "n Villa and hi* band ? r? nt Sntit* Toma?. }tt i Madera and Chi msaam i a, hut fully a day ? 1 hi- . ar? the column? of (i?-?-. cal F*r ? g ?-*-nd CoIwmI Dodd. To ? ? ever Um Mr tiro ? -??? era Raflrmd, along which c. Villa il burning all bridj**?- bei In*, him. V-'Ha aatered ???*???? Catarina canyon f.?.-? ? - ? nta v arla kiliiTf ? * ?a? ???. rtad to ?-?H '?- v .v . . , . ... 3'tl?i,ilj-, fipfr .mm ta ? ' ta?aid Villa li gatl -. tAe?i..)a??r ?isru arad baada, bvMbu?i by Villa's c'raTf- ad Into bli la Njata bin Villa In Friendly f o on try. moka a ??hat loot be rat?,, ard tl over ? ? '?'? rill tarn ? nal Peral bling hack, i? a I la pas-ding A m ?-ricana to ? ?? irbcra taa aa ara all aid ng hin ai d ai* ? i >4 has s di ti\f ? r ? -., --.- eloaely t.y the Am-ri-m i -y ? rana, it la ten have tptt - .,-.-? Villa lai hia i Boma ? aa fore??? '??r??* i?j upon Mi sai ? NbbbbI - ng tba aiaramaats ?of | | i? to Ih?? . ? tall par-ne;?, an?] ovrr .,"?. valley? ^*T? - reasonable ?i?*M toaaf la through ;???-*? ?Catar ? ? ? ' tptu-e Keller???* Nearer. I avad hrre that B"l eaptora ii now nearer BaMB. ''""- i from the ?*** " ' ??.???-?, li '??exico. ' r ? - ara punning ? M ?'-"i rnvalrymen ?rid thht * " " owed Villa M it bava 1 ni - ?- tha ?ripear to be trying to *? *. v a anrmll ? ? ? y la be- ? Sll*r' * aal e?cape wi'h ? ' I ' ????? a,ivhn<-*'i tl - n ?re now ? ??r? -n to , ?-' ?' I i..-? ? aaai " . , a ?mi traili ????; aaalaa an ITU w?re ?. ??id _* ?'- ? irckaaad ? r?n'h 'he '' '? ? daja. The , ? "i ?'?? ? ?? ? ? - ere , r ' ' ?~*w '* . . ? .r Ukit.g the ')?? trip. Aa i train, '? . * ? ., *??*-*?? ? ???'?' farran/a (jives Consent lo Shipment of Food ?, . . ? ? !'t ? '.ell?, ...) ..? VAt, ;, . ?,|?n)D 7 Roosevelt Blames Wilson For Anarchy in Mexico As*??~rts That President Is Alone Responsible for killing o? American?-; and for Engaging in Second War Border. . t , - . .^v-J?. Via. T?- ,; Oys'rr Bay, Marrh 29. Colo' Theodore Roosevelt placer] the re*p. for all 'hat ha? happened ? and on thei border ??(uarely to PreeMeut Wllao? to-night. Tn a carefully prepared statrmc-t r Colonel answerer! the charge of t President ?hut American property ho! er? ?'*r? responsible for the troubl of Mexico, calling on him to ?ay wt -ins or other property owners ?rara ? pon?ible for bord raids, the V'lling of more than 2 Ar**PT-irs"? a?-d the ?rming of ban?!' of Me*;co. Colonel Roosevelt further asked t' President to ?ay who It ?ira? that ? cured from President Wilson and Se retary Daniels the or.lf-r to Atneria war to abandon Americans a? other foreign men. women ami eh'ldr? at Tampico, ard denying to them t) protection of the Stars a'd Stripe?. The Colonel a!?o wishes to know T're.'ilrrt Wilson mean? that America property owners Induced h?m to "go 1 war by taking Vera Cru*, in which se eral hundred Americans and Menirar lost the'r live?, this war beng enter? into fot 'h? parpas? of f?ettlng th flat; ?alt.ted, and then abandoned w.'V out getting It ?nluted.'" Pollowii ir eloaely tv? conference with Republican and Progre?.?ive lead *..-., this declaration of the ex Fre-i r>, ? ? l? || rer|ir?ted by P/of-reo-Hves an Roo.evelt Republican? as the fir r ge?\ - fight ro aroil e the country tn ?ens? of th? riece?siry for prepared !??? I* |a also taken to mean th-it t< a'l intents and purpose? the Colonel* hat I? in th? rin?. Question? for WilaBB Colon?! T*oos-?relt Issued to-nigh? 'h ? statement: "I have r?r?ired m?rr r*4?|?j??t? from good American ?sitlxeBI i? Mex'co, ask log if there la not some way by which ?'? i American people mav b? made tn linderst?? ?1 the utterly b?seles? char acter of Prealdent V on'S recent cha'ge that American property Owners were -f.ponaib1? for ?i ?? t\? ? ? trouble tlier? ? "AH ?ha? i? necessary la la ash Praai ? ? WilsOB to answer ?H?.?? perfectly ? ?r.ple question?! "'What American or other property r x ? . ". ? Hi ? ro becured the killing of \* r? run? who have been killed "'hoe? Mr. W-lson mean ?hat it wa? Ameril ?r. propertv Owners who in?pired Vim t ?, pernu? the ?h pping to the Vil ? .. *-.?" th? thou?anils of r'ti'H and monitions of war which they have now u?-ed to k li our p?eopla*' ||| WilaOB na?an rhgt Aman run property ouners ln?jnr?d bl? then ? ? .??.'. itaa and Carransista . -hnotir g t,cr<-, i our border on different | ? orearon?, to kill on our o?m ?oil nil American ?oldier? and wound mar otbi i Shooting 0\er the I ine "'Does Mr. Wilson mea? that ? wi the \merican and foreign owner? i property in Mexico who inspired tl I Villistas anil *'arrar7i'?vis in re\ affrays at Naco by ?hooCng over tl I line Into American territory ?o kill *. wound, all told, some *"? My-ro?. en \ uid iding American women I lean soldiers in the American umforr and the American Collector i ! toms?' "'Hoes Mr. Wilson mean th?' It wa the owners of proper .secured the attach ? ?Vm? other fore gn men, women and chi dren at Tai I secured al 0 ?h .diiaetion by Pre ?dent Wilaon ai S?cr?tai -, Daniela to tl vessel? at Tamp'ro tn --team away an .leave German and Englleh veaaela t proter-t ?he American eivHIan? to whm Mr. Wilson had denied the j*T"' of the Stars and ?* l ripe??' "'I'oeri Mr. Wilson mean tha' prop erty owners In Ifexico wei ble for hi? alternate y placing ?nd lift itlg 'he embargo on th? npoit of arm' ?and munition*: to Mrtiro until ever; banii.? ? ? shoot Americans had | '??lioe, ||] w litan mesa that th?., nropertr ownerTS g'?t him te go *o n-H by tal "? Vera Cms, after ?"e-Ming ir r- s?veral hundred "?n'?rica*i? ?m Bfeaieai ? ? -.? ' ?<?. im? ??r h? entered Into 'or ?h? purp? ? (I ? fit| ?-i' ited, '? id ?hen aban? doning it without getting it salal Ihre?? Ve??r*4 of Anarchy. "For thre? year? thpr? h?v? be?n ! murderoua anarchy. fHghtfttl de?tr?ic tion of prr.por'V. frightful de-t rurtinn of life, ??meles? infHm'.-?* on women, ?nd ?very element telling foi 'aw ar.d order lyatematleallj bunt eH down ?nd destroyed or driven oui ?if th.. -OTJ' Tt ?Mr. Wilson through theae three rear ha? actively Interfered 1n Met ico, an.) throughout th?a time h? hs? ? ? 'erf?r?,l on behalf of ?onie represen tatiee of banditry 01 th? fond o' aaareby. Ha >??? done ? ?? ng h? could ?.?? - 11" ?"?regard of the -ne*. ... ho r?rre?ert ?he only . to get peace ami Bed? 'or ,v"- " "He Is not- ?ricnred In ? F?cond wr\r Id Mexico. Hell waglag a wa? against Villa, wi'h whom but a little ??**!*? ?t year ago he concluded what wa- m effect a treatv 0? pOBCa ?ad Headship, fortnally entered Into through ?m? of .?*.? high??! -"ii'-"? of tn* r' ???*? I nnllnn??rl no pa?? 4. rntiimn * WAR TAKES SEVEN RIB! CUPID REPLACES ON Wounded Courier Weds Nun Who Saved His Life. ? Biltoa, formerly a Pit! h'.rjfh ehaanVur, returned ? ?? ai tba lu??c?nia mltiue Reren rib?, } a nerving an a dupatcli be? tba British troop?. He tor onto htraaalf ? aaw ana In ? Pari| v,?v pital Hit brida **aa the atar?a wh ?aved his life. - ?? 11 ?? plaaa vt t ha niai portloaa r.f b* anatota**, hia ph^ eirtans deiised ? ?trel Jucket whir ?? will wear the rent of hi? life. Hilton wa? c?u(-ht in the fire of Hti machine Run after penetra* g tha enemy'a Une? on h rnn'orcvcl* When he wa? rescued doctor? picke, twenty bullet? frojp h ; He u?? awardad the Platin ?? : an r mi-da!, $''<n ?> ?l h '?Are home. CZARS WAR CHIEF QUITS HIS OFFICE Rtlievtd at His Own Request Petrograd Reports. ? ?lor,, March '.'.? The Hua. h. *,*, ? , Minister, lieneral AI ?r- x ?? i I'ol ivanof ha? retiene?), aatardiag to h Reutai diapateh from Patiagiad. '.encrai aieff ha? been appoint?.?! to ?uc r??'l ' Oaaara Pal ?n-<f wai relieved fr?"n offlca Bl ? m own re-|'i. t (,enera! o tractor ?if the ? ? ?it department. <?f tba Mu? ?'? ar. '.???ral J'oliVMfiofT vim appointed Mini?ier ?,f War hy the Eraparaf laet ? , ? Oanaral Baakhaflallnaft, After (.4 rer?! SoukhomliiiotT'? riniKn? tton rooorts that he h??l ? ? ? Ibfa 'or the ?Ik,i lag?? h ? >ni ?rhicl ? ., I H . . ?,'ikli?,ir)l , ' ,,'' . .| I, , nripel lal uku?c f rotii ? ' ? I ? ? |.!re. i 110-YEAR-OLD DONOR TO MARJORIES FUND \\it*-.out doubt the oldest peraoi to enni a dim? te help " Sterrett build her battl? JerusliH Edwards l pin, of Water bury, Conn. Seeing Huida Rowland aged l|!", wearing a batten ?'*? n Contributing a eent for every year of her life, she promptly wrote 'he following letter to ""The Watorbury Amei 'ran": My dear yoiin?: frienda 1 A? 1 ?? in "The American" that thi? centenarians aro bargiaalng give to your battleship fund, I fee! tha? I would like to do my ?hare and follow the example of my old friend and ni ighbor, Huldah B. Rowland, who ha "ten l?i-c?*nt piece? for her ?-am." When ladies | our advanced age they hail with . r each ad:. i d are proud to be th? ' the;r 1 am a little ?head of H .: ?lah, and my old I ? i a- I ?si. fat to put me down for e!< '.<??> 1" eent prere? fur my 110 years Who ran beat that? I um residing for tha preaent a? th?' " . ety v* ' h II :'iiii*i und Othoi ? nine in ?rd see i, * when you can, children. In these stirring time we old folk? arc like tn be for? gotten, ?'ni life gate a bit mor or onous, you know. With patriot!? Balatatlona I am, dear children, your ?ti< lent frieiid, 'EftUSHA EDWARDS CHAP?N T?? al r?-relved by 1 he Trib? une t?, date.Sia.7IO.ri4 Number of ?ont rihutor? . ."lu.671 Number of < uni rihulnr? lo nut-iif-to? n paper? al l?*l report (Maaeh 19) ' iirilur ii?-?? of the fund ??ill be I found mi page <> WAITE'S BRIBE TALE ACCUSES UNDERTAKERS Peck Slayer Says H< Offered 525,000 to Hide Murder. EMBALMLR (iOINt; $9,000 MISSING Dentist's v\ife Charges (ja? Plot-Mrs. Morton Calls Him Innocent. /'i i.//.,/r iv. Weite vesterda\ amplified Jim rnirfcwimr of il,r nnir i.l''i' ,nrri mother in UtW, Mr. and Mr*. John If. J'ccl He named John !.. Potter, an un dertaJcer, es ooneerned m kit plat '.. forepart etjuleueo to char htm o\ murder. Potter utas exeA\\?ned a length <*>*/ fhrtrirt Attorney Swa-nt and drnirrl nil of liai'.'* chnrqre Oliver A ?nie. I'nltrr'v r.t*ocirilr Wanted OS n Witness, rXOS nnf hrrr tnriml. lit ? i larks Peek Weite, in Grusti Rapid . Mich., recalled ye.otcrda^ rrhut nhc hrii, i i toga fin earlier at trrript h v h aits to kill her uutthar While m a rn-in ttt We >r' errar' inert Vi Peele'9 rcrm filled Utith gat. Her daughter nee believe? 1 Weite tin? renrxni^ihlc. Mr?. Maruom I Horten, H? ite .-?.)?;vT>i7?>t? at the Hotel f'lnzi, tm.i rrin-rri t?Sdni?&tance lo him si He'1. ; ?-t/. in -t. rdatt mid wrote him n letter expressing her tf/mpatht) nr>H hrhrf in hit innocente, _ Df Warte ?t?????* ?o Mr .??wann ????? tardai that v?e. ur^-e,i an preaamably br the Man froi i i gj p' hia a ??t promised 125.000 ta ' tbajr, hr tbair te? timon", aouid earar up tl i trail which led from ? ' BBBfdetad fatbat in-la-A-. Oneoftheacrri'ed rren, Eugene " -' Katie, ha? disappeared. All >e?terda.T ?jetad ' - ? thi ' ' iti let Attorney'a . 'or h?m iii?H\8 | imlcr - ?-.?n arith ? ' I at tha iar ? ? ?.ai-il to he tha fir?' In talmeet <-?' ?he hriba I ndcrtaker 1 nder fioarH. thai *?'<?!? mentioned hi Waite'i . John I Patter, ?rr of t?*?e PloWfight I ndt**tak?Bg eut, ef 144 Le Klagten A.r ? nua. Accord'ng to the story to!?J the District Attorney, he wa? Included in plot H Patter de??ie-i persist during a Ion? period of qiie?.t?on aflea yesterday. Onlj the Intel I Walter R. ' r w alte, pravaated tha Bei from giving to the D ll I - ' Attorney jraBterday, ? full, open and complete confession of the terrible . ? on of that "ba?l man," the Man from I | When Ml inn appeared at Belle vue a? M o'clock josterday morning Wail? Beemed ready and willing to make **. fall Statement Thi?, Mr. Deual forbade, and the questioning by the proaaCBtor centred upon the bri ated i"r I '"? Waite an 1'ik-?!.?.?? night Weile*? Briber** Tale. *. ard ng 'o tba District Attorney's i office, the ?torv related by the prisoner 1 is substantially this: Aft.r Waltet retan from Grand R?pida, wl ar be had crone to attend the fanerai of his vi?-tim. John K. Peck, Potter called upon him. During th?- which enaoadi the unilrrtak? r informed Waite that the Oaattaaad aa t>?*ee .v column I THIRTY KILLED IN CRASH OF 3 N.Y.C.TR?IN: 20th Century Limite Hits Wreckage Aftei Rear-Lnd Collision. U.S. AND STATL INQUIRIES BEGUr Forty Injured in Strang Accident in Fog West of Cleveland. Geveland, March 29, Thirty pa sans-era m re hill???" and more tha fart] injure.| in the wreck of tlv< Maw York i>r,tral train-- early ?. day near Altlhent, Ohio, thirl; ?even mile- ?sresl <?* Clevolaiui. Th?* **econd ?eeUow of Train M, far-t limitpf), ?*a*t bound, ?-ra?lir into the t"u?,t ?.rrtion just beyond t.l block ?*ipral tower wr.?t of Amhor* and the Twentieth Century Limite? ?ho New "i ?irk Central'? crack trail eraai bounii. ploiit-hH into th urrs-kairo uhich bad hern throw n\er on the westbound track. Twanty-als bodia? ha tn been ?? covered, but ?< ?- brlirvpd ?? four more ?re rill in <f*e ? <? The only l*eekleT?i of Now Vor k?iown to have been killed m th wr<vk wa? Arpnd Holtai, nanagi of a Hungarian ta-ieatrieal eompanj According to a ha?ty Investigstio made by A S.? Ingall?. general BUperifl tendent, the Aral tram **,a?? ateppei through a libindrr on the p?r? of th tower signalman, whose ?if? gar? birtl to a baby on Sunday ?nd who hid bee? practically without ?leep ?ince then .jtj.t the ?uppoeed blunder wai niad" ? ?" Bot been made clear, Mr ingaii? ??id. but II was hollered th? tnwernian set the bWk ?ignal fron ?arhi'e to rod, forr'ng the *ir?t train t? romp to a halt. The er?.h occurred ?T 3:10 a m , an? th-. Right WB? fofgy, ?o tha' the en .- ser of 'he ??-. md train anp?rentl> ? lid not *ee the b'oiK ?renal Set a?:*,?".' hin, ?"it whuzed pa?t th? to*.? . rra*he?l Ii to the Aral tra?a Did Not See Red Signal. Tler?ri?n He??, ?n-r.neer o* t??e -?? train, ?-m"! h? did Bot see the ararnini r?d ??gn?i, bat stated thai after ?>*? ?aarerk he walked back to thm, toner ? ? |*j found i? ?et r?d. 7h??e a?? th* nien who |irr*|iri? the centre of ?n Investigation by New *t < r, l'entrai official?, led by A. S. Ing?n?, general ??ip*r;n ? endenf. An inquiry al?o wa? begun b. Coroner Garrer, of I.oram County, while state Ra Inspector? I'ackard ?nd Helfernan hur ried to the ?rene to conduct the State Publie Utilities inquiry. H. W. I'clknap, chief of the -**risio? of safety of the Interstate l'ommorr* Commission, i.? on hi? way here fmm Wa?hington to conduct an inveatiga tion. ?ieorge K. Ellis, of the division of ??fety, ?tatiiined at Chicago, and H. A. McAdam, stationed at }V???burgh. are here to aid Belknap. Survivors of the ii?a?teT ?tre?m.-d into I leveland ?? a port of rrf'igo ?o day, hr;rgini: tale? of horror and of remarkable escape?. Scenes they hi?! witne??e'! shocked and ?tuperted S among .hem and ?tunned the men. T-aent?. ?ix Modle? Recovered. A mil? out of Amherst re?cue pa? ties ?per t the day taking bodies out of the dehn? Tw?rity-?ix were recover- 1. but o'her. were believed to be under the tons of wreckage tha* was s'rea-, over four track? and reared thirty feet ? ? e air. Twent-, two bodie? are m a marga? ??aniinuerl on |n|* ". rojumn I - An Anglo-American Alliance I? an with Kri-land desirable' In next .*"unda?'s Tribun? I'ejn l<.?epli French bihnso'i, ot New Vork I'niversit?, .1 .1 J H w. Gardiaer, a formar i nited Mites Army oriicer ?id well known ?a -r .?.riteron the Great War. discas? 11r* possibilities It il rt?0*a or never. I u| the article. It will ?how ?.ou how such m alliance might ai<> more to perpetuate International! peace than ail the ' peace "?bcietiea ever ior*n?*rd Vou will find n aiuazingly inter? esting, ??> tell r?t?)UI rew?.dealer to-day to deliver ?.our cops. ?ht* ^un?ag ?lriininr I irtt tn I est?the Truth: %?-?? ^?l.diiorinls?Adierthenienls. M' of ih? BaSM H.ireau 'if ? ?SB .ilail'in? REICHSTAG DISCUSSES U-BOAT POLICIES Merlin. March I!* (bj ?ireles? lo Tu.kertnn, N. J.i.?"The mam cam nuit?e of the Reichstag held to-das ?hat i? cnn?id?,rrd an extr?mela im? portant meeting," Bay? the OvtMBeBS Ne??? ?.Rency. "\ll the twenty eight member? of the committee ?ere present, with I hancellur son Met hmann-Hull? eg. Foreign ?BCfB iar> ?on Jag',?. I*r. Delhraocfc, Bee? retara of ihe Home lltli.e, Secre tan of ?he Treaaarj llelfferirh. \<l mirsl I apelle. Secretars of the \d ntiralt?.. and l?r. Solf. Minister of Ihe I ??Ionic?. "\ large number of the member? of the I'eichslas, aaailed them?elae? of the privilege of attending the meeting. Herr Uasscrmann, the leader of the National liberal parta, reported ?in the militara and po? litical ?ituatinn and aleo discBSsed the nue-lion ?if ?ubmarine ?arfuie. Thereepos the ? haa?rellor tu? a i-ontideiit i AI r< port regarding the polica followed hi the goiernmcnt and answered quo?! ion? a?*ked b) mrinher?. I he newspaper? announce that an official report ?if Ihe pro cecdine? ?ill he published GERMANS GAIN ON MILE FRONT Paris Admits Malan court Loss and Foe's Mold in Village. ? -1 - - Mari h ??. Following their attack ?* Haueourt yt terday the Get Imana launehed a fresh BBaSttli ?hi*? [morning a? Malaneourt, about half a Ir 'e BOI*th o* H ? "age Th?*V Micceeded m arresting from *he French, Rerhn aaaerta, estending . r -, mile am) a quartrr Tari- ad mit? a parfal lo??, as well a- the ?.??I ri'an OCCUO?tion n * t?o hoUSI Malani-' Whtl? thi? attack was in pr. greal the French aUo made, a | tvOCOUrt Wood, ?? the ex'rem,, ri \ ,,' the (?ernian flanking |,,-e (?aer a flOOl o?" KM fards thej drove ha?-k ?he ?;?r mans, b-sides capturing a hoa^lv for redoubt IB the wood. The??? ni ?ttlon ? ? 1 ? ? ? i-h ?till hold d? the mOI ' ?-?rioter at- - ' i '?? the left bank of th? M ???.? ? ? Berlin stetem? - troop?, ? ; lit ? ? ? rth of Malaneourt, . * ? frei ? . ? about ! 000 merr.? ? rhey ?!r*o penetrated in'o the north* woatern portion of Halaneourt French I ?e Fr? ?h Troop? f| . r .... - i?ft in our hand? 12 .."????ra and IM unwounded men; ? ?/?? ? rod i ? tad is guns. Ml aa nal oi of tha rn"""t'" taken enabled Ui to confirm the belief that tu o more '?? ? b. en hr.'ii?'- ? jhtil tr" Admit! ?r ' ? ?.. ? man ga". I I .'? ment says to-r? . "In the eourse of an atia.-K w; h heasy erT?'cti?e* diraeted on the village of Malaneourt 'he Hermans were able to gain a footing in an advanced work ?itua'ed mirth ef Malaneourt and te eeeupj two houses in ?he vil'age. \:\ pts to pu*h beyond this were ?d by our Are, e pro? paratorj SI . OUI troops de? livered a apiri! i| it the (ler-nan po : 01 'he wood of ?Vvo* We occupied the southeastern corner of thi? wood for a depth of mure than S00 >ard.a, BS well as a? f ? -? the redoubt of ?rt which the (ieiniar.3 hsd " \ violent and sudden counter a' rack delivered by rhe enemy w uh a fresh brigade which had arrived on the ?<ene bur a few days ?go wa? com? pletely repulsed b) u*. The ? -urTered i... ? and left fifty prisoners in mir hand*.." Xttacki? Kail to \\orr> French. Deapite the apparently large gain ?r Malaneourt, observer? here refuse to he .raged by it. They are, on ?he other hand, inclined to atiarh eren more importance to the French victory I ? ><? ? ? 11 r t. Attacks in the Hethm tor, u la pointed out. mean only fresh frontal a toward Le Mort Homme. They are no nor. menacing, .md prcumably will be eh? -? -ompletly as similar attacks at Bethmcourt earls m the month. 1 ? ry *mce the ?iermans began their flanking move weal f tl Meuae they have -ought control of the communica? tion line? through Bethincourt ?h Preach aav? an agamst all a.??aults. Malaneourt lies 1 on the road from Hetlnncourt to A. o ??our!. Here, likewiee, though have lo?t the heights in both ?ides of the ti>wn, the French ?till stand r'.rm. \ 'o- g aa th? . ?.?? aid nut tha ?. from aalag the ?men t of t roope ai ?I b?a? ?. artille! ? ""?ranch rietery at at-eceart, ( ?nil iinar?! m, page t. column 4 U.S.SHKSARRAYOFFACTS ON TORPEDOING OF 6 SHIPS State Department Hears Subma? rines May Have Secret Orders to Sink Neutral Vessels. ALLIES MAY AID OFFICIALS IN COLLECTING EVIDENCE Another Ship Sunk Without Warning with American Aboard Englishman Be? lieved Torpedoed While Stopped. Washington, March 20.?Thi? .accumulation of circum? stantial evidence indicating thai German*) has engaged upon a campaign of submarine warfare which has n?? regard for Um rights of American citizens travelling on merchant shipa of belligerent nationality, the Administration considers, lias cr?** ated one of the most serious situ?t inn-; which have- confronted the United stales since the beginning of the war in Europe. Every agency open to the State Department to-night waa being employed in an effort to gather an unimpeachable array of facis regarding 'he explosion which damaged the British Channel steamer Sussex, the sinking of the British ships Man? chester Engineer, Englishman, Eagle Point and the Dutch liner Tubantia and the alleged firing o? a torpedo at the French pas senger iship Patria. All of these ships carried American citi? zens, and all apparently were attacked in violation of Germany's teceutly renewed assurances to the United States BATTLE IN CLOUDS WITNESSED FROM SHI Andania's Passengers See A f leets in r-ight Off Deal. Halifax, N S, Miirrh "i PmMI ' J*ers arriving here to ?In? n'i tl ?'oa-riiiyp Andnnin t?>id n' having wl I'pssprj h frrr Uli ?f n v bn"'* hc??vr? ?a fleet of '??rn-ian -t??r? mT ra'dcr? un?) , ?* British ""rnp!ni . rl ? -? \ lan?a tu |.<i-j?nir D.??'. i ? , ?i-o of tin? (.orinan plav ?-? ?' ?? H now directly over th? staaaiahip. Th Andania contin'je.) on brr ? 0 irai . ? ' tha opposing *'? -' ?? the elo VILLA BAND?T, 12, SHOT IS NOW A GOOD B01 Wounded in ColUfflblll Raid American Kindness Wins Him. ? ??,,? ? va-va?w^v- t -V ' ? ? i r?->o, ~[v\ , March 29 I try is litt!? ?Jaavj Paea, who ha | ? [ the nickname Buen Muchacha . little boy . g?ta ft big fit h bonquat o fragrant dou-r?. Ever) day C American wo?-?.en '.??'t up?? lei - Vnez is a V ilia bandit twe ? years old, now rafomed tl i neea. He ?a? woundad tl a h p dur ing the Villa raid on Columbus and wa, ?"?tit to the Ladies' H?,-r tal Dan ing, N. M , where his leg ?hj ampu tated. Fluen Muchacho no- I " ficial \r-g. This, too, will I him through the kindness of Demm-, inrn and won:??n. "I did not kno-.v we irera in thaUnite*! States that aroadful night,1 ?I- Il I'aez to-day. "Villa did * me go with than to the town. The - ? ? knnw wa v.rre m th? ? . wan when the men ??^??ir running bark, crying, Thoaa Am? rteanea ahoot ? ra\f-' t! Lai get Than : i . gg< ?i ?? ? ".? ? -,ike me with thorn fren tl ? w. 'Mjr father did i other??. I have not ten him attain. J lay a long time on the gruur.d, <?' ha ' WM but a ?hort Una. I do not know. My lejj hurt me much. Then ? . \ - >>.".| ! 'M-mbled. I had be.'ti told they would kill a.I. I H ? ? I t'jld til em I would b. h B'i-n Mud "Instand of killing me. ?big \ ai ?cana pici-cd ma ap ? arma, car r.?-d rue to his tant and tr?ated me lika my father Ufl i to do joined Villa. I like the United an?i I an going to i ? Muchacho." Phjraieiana ?v. II :j'.ay in tre | : I. a i tod Btntaa, \. itol DUTCH AND 2 BRITISH SHIPS SUNK IN DAY Steamer Duiveland, from Rotter? dam. Believed Torpedoed. don. March If), ihr?-.' nhip?, in? cluding one DwtCh vessel, are declare.1 by Lloyds to-n:--ht as having been iunk to-day. They are the steamer Duive? land, owned in Rotterdam, and the aman Kilbridga and Lavinia I. All are believed to have been The erowa ?.?f all th? ? ? .???< ?I. Tl ere ?re no records of th. recent movement?, of the Duiveland. She was VS\ fett long and UM tons gross. | -hip l,?il Vo V irninr ' rmation rincernin?g - I a.-' Po Bt was con - ta ? i ? a ?? patch receired Into in th? '?a1- ' I Fin It at ?Vueenstown. r1 read a ?? ?. - "Hri' h ?tramir Eagle Tont; torpe doe?! thout w-annnif one hundred milaa from land. All saved. One Anerieai " ('on.-'ji Proal immediate!?? ?-?n m itrvctcd to inthtr additional informa ? M !'?? ? patel ?-- from ?"anada to nig Sat -? ertiaa that the Eagle Point ????i on (TOvernmerit .?"rvice ano! rarred ? cargo of muni Ihp Mate Department had no ? ?mon this subj-rt. If rhe ? * at auxiliary th* 1 ' "' ' ma, ?* "?il?) not be ? ftttaeft ipoa her. Nrtl Step Determined t'pon. The ?, ? tap af tha Un i tad states i? laid authoritatively to lave been de? ???) upon. Tnle???- '??rmany, in reply ?o 'bv inquiri?! triad-- by th? '? I totea t'-roiiifb Ambassador '??rard. mat. ? itOOMttt *ri rant. th" I* tste Department t/i change it* preaent Intel ? 's under?tood ?hat all the recent ?{-grar-Uing inci denta ? I be oonb ned lata one gen ''??m??lab'e.? which will ?*?? ?o a clear-cut . ? ? " ponsibility an?i e.ttempt to ? ttsbj ?aying that. .i - had been made, offer to make reparation an?l to pun?h the tubmarine nonld rot b7 any I ? t. It ia regarded as .??? would ? li an eaplai fttion as satis '??.-t until tine had shown * actually was meted , the '?"fendini, ?-ubmarine com *ber any value longer y | be si ached to Or m any" s prom ? Di*a.owal Will Not Satisfy. In the event of i/ermany ?'??rlaim'ng r???pur far the disaster*, the rill proceed with its In ?1'ioiij to determine u> its own whether the evidence, which .-'y indicates thst tha ai ,hips were torpedoed without warning, can be regarded as . rve proof. With such proof be ',,re t, the government probably would r, frain from ,? jre of the ac? tion ?o . The er of apparently un -? entlf bs'eW occurr. . . the Adminis ..a* * K'.nicant The r.umbrr rt.- to hav? dis ?i'.cory that the explosions ? . ? ?: t,y mines. ?? .s pointed local itiea where ? ?. of nun? tiel<N ? , ng be? n u..?>. because of the depth water, ?-nd th. ?hstancs from t Moats May l.a.e Secret Ordere. It' h? rame ki.uwn during the day that the State Department had heard **"0^" ...-? tion that ??'?;"?? *j;r marin,? commandera ?ere ^^noetr secret instructions, suen es ximit?.