Newspaper Page Text
AMERICAN FORCE IN MEXICO FACES SERIOUSMENACE Hatrcd of "Gringoes Be ing Fanned Into Flame by Carranza Troops. ( AMP NEAR PARRAL READY FOR ATTACK \rm\ Men Exped War m.i> Be Pcsult of Treachcrv ol the Oarrison robi Ri Di sn i Witl ? aad tho * iaaeri of BB1 ?nr B taa anil thi ?vmpa. ? Soldlara Eipei I W i Hcv m0Uf ? ? .?arr Ol Bl ol I ?h.rr ?H11 i ? trn4-!- ai ' "ubi rieai ports ' .ad da Mexico. It is tselii ? a war risk int' ? thr Parral noridenl ,.f whli bv llexica 'Th>.T ? trarachi . peori being I !0 C!> . . . ijrht " ?? waa a ? mcn f I ? Villa Ckaao ' Standatill. Offf ? ' ? f>me t> j p rancii" ?> B irj. 1 Vtic:.. Anti-American Riots Spreading In Mexico ? p . i nor 1 ..... ? Lai ? ? .. . ? \ - rra . I Scoffisstte [oilet Paper ?\ roll ? 1 \>o little . in numlirr of . \ '>u know wh-it you me\ aad ; how mm li j/ob aaa] ia So ol I iaaue loili-t Paprr, r*4<-.,u?e tha riTiml-'-r aa] siWti i- ?! ',wri oa ihe wrappei 1,000 Sheets, 10c aBBBiTiaaoaa i a ra tl now provliV. the aurc wai f'/.Il valur. "it's the Counted Sheets that Count ' WTn- . ?a. I . faBBM SCOTT PAH.Rfo.iOi,,.,, *"'"" O al ? ? !?r|(p t tO l'ar latioa plane enen i at then i ..rr-ui/.t Hl.i.'iali PowerleBB. ? . ... . ? ? ' . . . ercoi ti-Ami . Parral ? rnpa lini riean oprlflinga ln Ib Tor formed in the al lexieai I thi Brit ' '? com- , ? | ilis , e ' ' ' I ' ? '.-.,1 Rll ? g of .? nnd ? He Hope r. w II ?!! Be I rabroiled. i i,, r ? ' '? ? forct.. I i ove in - ' ? ' ?? ?,i ia I Movements of Troops Awail Scott's Arrival - > neral Huph Gei Fun-' ? , . Peral I r ? ? ?' >rc ? a ? MEXICO CITY CERTAIN PANCHO VILLA IS DEAD Indians Said to Have Attended Baiulit Wakt Afiidavits. Bg t ? .?nri ng fllowly gathered. ?,1 to (jivp rt a of 1 ? ? > i la ' g to 1 \* ? aig ? ' ? i - ... . \thn ? ? ? l ' 25 PER CENT LIQUOR TAX PASSES ASSEMBLY Refase t" Raise A^'i* l im it <if Rtiin Bnyers. .... -, ed ? i tho 26 per . ? e in ; roaad* i ? n refage in tBal that t'no i> 111 i i ? 85. . ?" ? ar, aml that , ? ? . qually di ...i.-.l i tha 1 ? SCOTT TO STUDY MEXICO PROBLEM Withdrawal Will Await the Repoii of the Chief of Staff. FUNSTON TO REMAIN IN FULL COMMAND Geaeral Perahlag Eftabliahea \Cu Bas< Nearer lo Ihe l it\ uf Parral. W.i '?\r\\ 19 .'") di drawal of Araerii | .!?,.?? i ten da; ? ? .... Mr. or Gei i r.l Hugh I If, to ' ???? bordei I repro a eoi problo ? ? ' PnBB- : The A ' ' '':?,,' '"'? . . ? will ba aa ? ? ? ? ? lasa than ter dajra ? . . ? : on the faet thBt (ien eral Funston atill ia in the aupreme coranand of the border attaatlon and cxpeditioaary farei aad ? ' "?maln io, Ha snid th" departm.Bt fally ap-j I rverv ,tep General Rbbbibb that GeBeral Seoti waa 0nl) beca ia. il hnd seerned ne-1 than. waa f ofl ? ' ' Will Take l p Krpl.. ]. . . , ? : ? ? i 1 I . . .1 out .wly 'a report ? ? ipied t^e attojn-l virtual t? thi eaelu ..... ra foi loi ? day*. pei mit hina to o thinka beal along ta ! troopi ? ?, tha eloee aad aeeurate ktiowl ? ? ? aranted b Beere il he had aa | raaenl Inten ? he t.n.! aa presenl ? ? is beyond tha border, Ha will maki ? ???>r">. : the lionler or from . ? . . ..,. ng the ? ' latior , ? king Villa ? at a rently, eoBeeatrated al I ? nerali Pi i t prol t< ver may ? * DeparttT I " t ill printedi ? ? revealed, I Man 1 n U,,,,I: laat weel by C.i r.i ainl c rai ss d to 1 < 'onlidcnrr in l.ulierro?/. State Departaaenl yp^r i | of I from thal tioi toward en. I' thal '?? friei '. ought il p? Carranza commander intended 4." ro Pi....... foreea, aaid to have involved in the attack on tha \;. erieai , ? ith mi ib la whon ha had more confldaneo. ?o Arredondo, Ambaaaadoi Di lay denied n be bad reeeived iBatraetioBa from al Carranza to pn iam ? no a do mand for withdrawal of thc troopi or . irlj repb to tho d :?^4 wei k. He callad ob tary Lanaing during tha day to ??. ? - m to reported activitioM of trai ' toward fostering a new revolu *i lare.i ling ii Lan do, T< i . ai d that a waa i i I ; ;' ? tion : ? ?? :,,:1 of .'?!'? co in aup Lai ? ? ? ? WHEELER, BY BOND, GETS FREEDOM OF CITY |u Sta\ ifl NeH Vork and l.arn Vlimony Moaey. .. boad t"t ; , ... ? . \ i ? ii of ..... B ' ? . rhieh . ? . tedt 1 ed b. owed ? ' ... brok.f waa arosi . ?.,..,. , :?'??? I to do buai nees without molestatlon, he would be : ? up the alimony. Miss Merritt To Be a Bride. Gladya Men It, : oui .?? ? Mra, I irael J Iferritt, af Boad, Wl i riinil ? f the lata Capl I. J bo foundi . ? rritt ? >apmaa Wreeklng Canpany, will be an ad la Graea Eplaeopal l hurch, t a, next wi April to C, B, Milli r. of i'..r?4 '?"> aat, Mai bai ta i .! be R? ? flfillian Jenkins, reatai ef tl -.'irch. ate M ia i Men - , ? v eirelea along 'he north shore of Quaea l Mr. AUSTRIANS PICK PATCHOGUE Twa Cottage* Reatoad (or BaauBotv Raabaaej on Loaag lalowoL Pal gue. I I . kpt '? 19 Mnron Bnd eharge '? . ? | n ?. ? twe . ? ? ? ? ... . ? te i .?? " -i mith, and i ?'!'??? rhe ? ? ?. ? i ? ? i.. ta bi J DEATH FEAR DRIVES FINANCIERTOSUICIDE Waak Vanden Berg Kills Him solf in Hotel Majestic.' tro ' ? ? '?'? ? .... have Berg 1 fattl . the < ' impany arni ? ? ? ? i .? iftei . . itioa with a . ? .1 S Pyatt ? l . ?? i , room adjomir.g | the b nr al friend ? <- plet . I and< bodj lay near thi i i !!?? ?. through the l,eaii. ?\ afldi ti Berg ??' i i good Pyatt arai I. "il" waa wi'.! o*T and Im,; : , . . ? ear h< . ead ? ? ? CHECK RAISERS TO TRY CROPS 2M 'onrni-. \|i|)U far Biag Biag'a I'arin Delail. \ . ? Sing Sing'i popula ? r.-n da: i ? di ? ara" \ch,i l ? ? ? Fendi a-year 1 Warden Kirchwey will taka 'he four ? ?' ti ma ;>? ' ince of ni.ou* itxty miles, i :.uto troek?. Several of the old offeoden, knoarledge of agricnltura I ,',, fore heen Hmited t a,;inill,ar*? ri FOILS THIEF WHO SHOT HIM Nalhaa Moaeowita, Ittaekcd ia Paaa-i ?4tr Crowd, Sarei His Diaraoada. '\!i'. Brooklyi I. nl bl man. ? i. moi i,, ii diamoi I im hii I thi .' ? "Taka good .-are of them. ? ? ? . . ? akly. ln t g the ri moval lolk Sti ' ?i adjoining itore to I ? ? i I ? JAR 2,595 YEARS OLD SOLD \mient Sperimens Parchaaed ?' HiiKKale> S;ile. \ Coi nthian amphora. dated B C .,-,;? ri i top terday at the aecond aei the Baggsley \ deraori Galleriea, J. iraen. Por a large Corint a, or ?? ? on rirrit gronnd, G, Aharo* an fi- ?? - A. Conwaj ? .... tanagra groap* of an ancienl ( i .... rhe toti.l of rh.. ? rs- ion " ' B The aale , ?? , on. ROOSEVELT GETS JERSEY PLEDGES Delegates, Eager to Sup port Colonel. Irge That He Kiiter the Race. HEARS MIDDLE WEST SEEKS PREPAREDNESS Bacon. Though Still l.n\al to Root, Would Hack T. R. if Nominated. ' 011 I a not. yeaterdaj ? N'p'.v Tork Colone I. I:. ? mir-" ;.ub!:can aml Pr inaiderablc I with Georga u . I*. ri. na and m< I ? de ? ? ai to thi from lerai R o eaev ;t wa-. ex| al thp embleni. 1912, the ISlfl i yet \ r oi.i aftei ?.. ? ? ? imment on ...I'- Ha bad Bai .?*en lat vatil he aortuaity to remi ? . ! vhv nothing lleara al Hoom'a I'rofre*.. Amonfr tha Bthen WHitine; were ,lohn i iilian OXatlghlln, l>r. Albert Shaw, i-ditor of "ih. Reriew ef Re*riewar'i John Haynard Barlan, rerently defeat , il in ? i primariea n? a can . . ? ' iar^e 'o the f> ?.oi;; i ll. Kirkweed, i .. . S'nr." and ? , . irer of the Pro i- National Coromittee. ('olonel oaerell eoi f--. red bi By with each, . ? ,| fiorn each Iip lieanl ropor1' af ? tha 1 ? I iom. . was particularlj that thi beart of thi. Middla ' ? ? beat g true to preparedi ? ifl, . ? ,?,.'? trl n \. Siiu'.':-. the l'ro ider : roni Sl Lou . made a \ tru '?' -,.urian Mr, Sager deelared he arould haee te ithei eandidatfl ni? ated ??'? ould itand ? tion More than thal .- '??'"iiiil hit\.. ro be ihi n that l olonel Rooaevelt will ? i hicago BarOB StanHs I irm. Bi ire the < al llornc. S. Will .? ? -s" i i Roberl Bacon, hoat al thi eon, i alli ,1. ', ? i t, ai t after iee ing the Co n . *? ? retary, lo tha tera Mr Bacon aid he had noth ? ? add to hi reci declaration ? .? ia for Mr, Rool >r thi i ir enn be nominated, and Colonel Rooaevelt us hli aecond choice. ? , i Rooae* ei! a aa lata ii k'n i I to lunch nri'l later in returning ? 4 Senator Ereretl Colby, lei t of the rai ? ected ..? egatei to the Republiean , orera ? aiting. r ef. I'uring it, it is -*.I, they told the (olonel he 1 dapend upon '?'.:<? lupporl af Mew onvention anil at the pollfl ii. i raUOt ? ''<?"? r-ailiTS llfl found .fore ilcpnrtini' from hia ofllce for ". ' arai Kobert Mor ilnaan of thi f.epub m ttee. He nl*o .a'v - from Dela Special Offering Brooklyn Real Estate r3oHD^\oRjtiAft (Ju/uwe (b Capital and Surplus, $10,000,000 Subject to prior acceptance, the following three parcels are offered for immediate sale at bargain prices. G47 4TH ITRF.UT So-n li<!e "f 4'f> STeet IT4 ft 10 1 la ?a?t nt *i h Aitlit ?!?? H V4 "4 " 1 In 1 ? ?S '' . i'i" of Ir'illiUns S4 ft 6 ls t>| 44 ft foiir-.tor- hr'rl aiaao .ii.rrn-.-.-a eaet eaati alaa all raaaa aa4 u>th ataa-r beat, ilaaula i*tif? taa ....... - -. > ^ . ? prop.rl7 t.a | .t **rn it ..rr-ufSt o-artaulw ?n,1 puf n fir.t laaa eo jJUaa wc-n fwlj NlM 4h.- t.',,) mnu.l rwiul ,. I*\7S2. 41 pra*rrit ihtra ..-? ?wa ?.rir,r'~, !' '? OVttBla t.lf i UoM* of ri..?pe?t >'4lT. .ril OOHfela . MOMl I ?). m- ?- .-. ttaaa Priee Ha.*** taaa mhi btkittet s.totI. ? 4' al MA STra?t IM fl art.t of III rlot t5 ft BJ It* tt I li 'rtin t" i?"' '? ??"" "'thia h..r . ti<v? ?f ia? v?w I beett Bra.a* rt tt,. 4-/ \ ,-w,. J ..i ..? a l ?. x.i.'n, dm mlnut?? a' 'ha Mnrr'dp. t. , ?? . , ?., ti io .T^ar.timi li i. aaaetataiy aeieetvlcM . ' ? i ... ?n.l'?1 : . .I |?l .i.rtTTi.nt.. Thr". I? >???? . 'Wo.'orf aml Bttte fr?m| 'walUna hou... *? tha pr?p?Tt7 -.4 '? >,. li f- ca' la reej |.?-i PrW IT.aoM BOI 1 HV. KS I 0 -OIHMSII OF A\ K. "I" AMP KA.ST BOTH BT. I'ront.Cf IN fi ?* 4'ant. t .nil 60 ft. n Baa4 S?th Straal tw?-?f?rr iid ai i fr.n-a <1w..::r.g . <? f! t/f 4S ft 4? |?>1 cob414Io? Ifarart imi Sh**?. ,?.< ii-. -(OT i Doraaaa Priae it,.*. Arrangerr.rnti can be made for liberal mortgage iccommo daticn to the purchaatr, 1 11 i mapaaj began ?'ia-?i' trr,ng niortgngr* m l44*'*-? ind aince tii4!4 time I j. iasueoJ polleiea tbrattgn 4.he nrnoltlyn aad Jaaaalca 1 '!one on 69.000 rox.rtjj,ta;r-4 akrgrcgit :ng over *.4WO..V'!'.'"4'1 Mf thia anaount over psatt lortgoqrrj lotoullna more than tZQiJSfflfiQQ have boaen reporid to the i-rtotm WITHOuT llll. LOSS OF \ ixm l \ R ar a ?osaarat'a delaj la tbe payaacBl ot< rr-,t There arr now o'l'-tanding orer S*4).^'"') inortgages Hjigregioting 1118,150^000 In 4!ieoK routities thr intereat collectiona alone now wiiourit to more than |10j000;000 aiinun.'.v ard of t,',:-. amount there n af prenent Interest more than thirty day4 in arre4irs on only i7 mort i/agei aml taaOBBtlng b> yiT.OiX', the imalle^t In prri'efita(ji> and hiiio' nt Ifl the ten ^ei-4 In iplte f the immrr.'r r.umbrr nf Bsortgagea and the amount Involved, !he Coni|i?iiy la the BWItrr "f "'ilv flftecn plotTM of forrlu.fd rea! e-t.ite In King. and l^uern? CoTinties i'vu-lve of pan-eN arr to provo^d and three are nnlrnproved. \' r makini; thii ".tatement *lth a two f.,Nl piirpo4-e: FIRST It il offered a- !he answer which tne fart.4 aad onr exjirrlence make | i the rrltlriinia nf the Cotnpaar, cotning largelr from Manhnttsn. for lendlng io eTotenairely ln Kinga and Queeni ( onntle., ajul vi- l.el.e'e that ttv*- above r.giirei will ierT? to demon ? trate tha4 carcfuflj <'ho*en lonni In theae CosaattoH ron4t:tute the .afrs* rloMS "f leeailty lhat any inTotatlng agencr hoM ev^r handled SKCOND ll '4 madr f<> attvaH a4trTit!,>n to ':/ opportnmtv of ? rcnring real liargain., in tbe offer for aale of the fu'tccn piecea of proparty inenft.iued. all of which are offerad for tha amount of the first mortgage plua the interest, coata and taxaa which had .ccrued at the time of the forecloaure aale. Theae pricea, there? fore, represent about 70^. of the valuation origlnally fixed by our appraiaera and the above record demonatratea the average aound neaa of their judgment. The real eatate invtetor haa, therefore. a moat unusual opportunity \\ p propoae to adverti.e In thi.? onlumn MfOBall llie ahoTe ?hree ?ire the flr.t l" offered \\ e ihall be glad t(> niall a llit girlng fall partirnlari of tieie aad the other ij propeitkaa bbbb rBonorat OFHCZS 175 Remsen St., Brooklyn 176 Broadway, New York LAUGHING GAS REPLACES TWILIGHT SLEEP" FAD Nitrous Oxid Insures Painless Childbirth. Doctors Say. MTa ? ? ' has ((on. | I u! r'aiia. a' ?! la now to be aapplaated b* '.aughmg gun Bitroui osiii a. a raeaai af iaauriag pa i childbirth, aceording to many leading ?. I?r. Freiierick In il Bo.ato:.. reported i the nitroua exid "Tha Boaton Madieal Re*riear.H Hii indingi wer^ favorably ti. yeaterday by Dr. Ki.:co MacDonald, ob .,...?? ipaeiallflt, of t~4 Weat Pifty ? ?: Straai "Twilight lleep I a .;j|>i. ':?a'r.. faid Dr. .facDonald "I'. ha* beer l -ed and much misreprenen- ??! Under it the mfant raortality rate ia hij.:h. and tho aetion of tha 'ir .,:-. morphine, leopolaraia and narcophen? i ba defii tely contratled, m.,^ i -; their use very dangerOUB. it is prai ? r [eal on'.y in eerl an,l Ii r:ot available for uaa by general pra," ? ara." I ; . ,, r ? ? . . hand. aecording to Dr. lla< Doni danger .'her or child, Ita i entagea ur,- tha*. it ii unwieldy te ad miniatar and - expenaive. Il ii necea iary for tha phyafcian to atand beaida ?he patienl during I a < .*rn.'n-, :n<-11.k' lometimea tor houra, as the gaa ii adminiatared eoBtiauoualy, throunl; mi inhaling apparal ia. It eoati 14 Dr. J. Clan ca >"> ebater, of Medical Co li ted thi '.irrous oxid trea l aboul a >>'.ir aj-o. .? . ?LODGE OF NATIO^NS" CALLED Meetinu %\ 11f He Held Vpril 28 at Ki* met. Merebera ai ai! the MbbobIc lodrr.* in the metropoi.tan diatriet have been Invited ta attend a rneeting to be held a' Kiaaiat T.mple Thursday evennn.'. Apnl 27, in honor of the French, ller Italian. Syrian. Swedieh. Nor wegian, Ditmsh and Spaniah lodgea of iinth and Tenth Maioaic diitrieta. The "I.odge of all N'ations" arill be addreaaed by Townserd Beaddcr, Pan Grand Maater; Jadaoa Kenworthy, Paal Grand Ma'ter; i olonel Alexatnier s. Hacon, Potentatp of KUrael Temple and J"hn Lloyd rhoraae, Tha iarita t ....... s'jf,1 hy tha Stella Lodga \ . I w -. WOMEN WOOSE CHEER FOR T. R. Roosevelt?No One Else!' Sentiment of 200 at Pro gressive Rally. SEVEN STATES SEM) REPRESENTATIVES Only Victory Ahead," Says Miss Carpenter Orj'anization Pnl Off a Month ? , . . Roo-i..i ? aaa! na one alaa aa aa al aaaeriea' >> bate* er ? ha men V4ar'.t. are a tal Roo ? a obbob I Bral late a| ? theae ararda "ere apokea iften ;?? . '..'??? ng of Women'l Committee ,? Alice < 'a: coraaiittee, ? g for the rda to "I fldoi ?? ; eddi R? ? ? '' Ant.a TiifcTir.ii-?. ol Nebi taka, ? alitn (.-al ia a riding tuit, and tha roora . plaaae Then a i!> ttle woman "? ith a ? g Genaafl accent arose. "1 do nol approre af T'eadare Rooae. !?;. - ii, good." be aal I ? ! Btety hlaaed :nt,i * Itnce ..- ?;' v.,. ..., . claim orith ... i| Roo ?<?> ? ? . terday ... ? lorae him, lince telegrarafl i.<kir-,c thal BCtiOB hc < 1 ri;.y"? I until tl-,.- ' 'ago aromea eould act had been re? ceived from two Pregreeaive leader. ?here. Ofl May 10 ar,d 11 a eOBVeBtiefl will he held in ChieagO. "Ooorga W. Perkina ha. edviaod "* to wait until the mattor ia acted BBOB by tho Chtcago u-onipn." Mlaa Carpontor explained. "I ahould like to add rhat ? la r. : lUggeation that we take his ad The " oraeB "f Chieago a ill ... in the eoming aleetioa, and '?' 4e.n1-- only just that aaa af them .(.ould be eheaen for * Progreflflive oraraeB of the "T' are'i onlj "i-e thing al ? 1 ,r- ?" iha real on. 1: gg ? palitiea won. ia Chiaafli ?? to e.ilain why i>he "ad'aJaJ Roosevelt' eai g. I w?. aat ? f~ greaeive," aha .'?? 'Koo4ev?it *' ?.r-i',1 me b> taicitic a det'.nite ita*. for trainn.t; for the chilouj, af America the --.iTTie thing M ,?? preparedne^.. ,.'?.;% ln an,,.-', fona. Whea 1 baard kiai aay that ? ka.w be waa n^ht." ' ? "I -tar.d a'^" :4e!y for Rooiatal, aaid His* Aaao KI da "if CT B t*t h:m mI ' ? 'T,"T.r. Ct* . ar. g tha | .t:e,!i.r-4 ought not .. HJ jr "1 a-n ll . Mr. l.ooMaTe'.t," ,a, -a.d. "I am *'roi.g f.r women, too ( am ona of ti..> firat women to r> the junglei of Africa. and tn th* .?, : :rarr..>,i that e?en 'th, ' '" 4*4-| !>:? 'he intention of ?,;- , orranitg i .? ''e,..>!T'e aartisan on bmI . greal - ie a? tliat ot' prepan | - tbe re y ? ??;'tv I againat R ooao .a... ,-. ? pape tu li ' atn C L Mar.h0B.M4 and m ? ? . "AbMlatety!" Shortev Speerh. I'm for 1; tveli , 1 .?'??? ??.. ? . the ona "tcaraojj u .'.;...|!!i .--.?. o gle.ned by naarti 1 pon thi- preaenl tary vtuation. lt eai ' to j*t into ? ?' -AMr. he Mid. '>er"-,aii fr:*H 1'a.i recentlj d< Mea in tha White Hou 44 day. ??4.i te t?'.e ^ vith th? women of Chie ? atfan.i th. rention wera MiM <arpenter, Mr. ' Bg*tBBi Mr, VV i ston 1 "pv \"nt !?> 1 '., .t\ iteh, - 4 dr I. Hydl, a' \,.w ,to"f\; i?r Kathariae B Deati .nol M ia M.r, Ingham, cf FM'.adt. phia. Among th.M preaent at yeiterHiTo rTn4r.K wera sIrv F ila >f p?its. M:?. el A. <.4.4?4<. Miaa T'ara Seru. Mra. !'. M.rah.ll, Mr.. Uoaaia I ea, Mra, Marlon R. (ii!?on, Mn Mr?. Kflward V|. I So ? ? < Ro bei4.-. Mn '?>- I . U "ii- ei . wh* !"^r?ed th? Roosevell raov.Bienl for wot? I roi ' ago; Niai Mi"?. Couthou ie .'-d Mn '? ? '?'???? l mad. Sftfl ..o- r Nature Baffles Science! T^HE dumbest oyster can make a better pearl * than the brightest man. The oyster uses Nature's methods. ^y TVTATURE says smoking tobacco is at ** its best after two years' curing. There may be quic^er ways and cheaper ways to cure tobacco. But we believe in Nature's way ? the VELVET way ? two years' mellowing in big wooden hogsheads. Just iill a pipe with VELVET, and draw in the cool, mild smoke that's so fragrant and rich that but what is the use of trying to describe a laste? Take our word tor VELVET long enough to try a pipeful. and you wont need to take anybody j word after that. ?^tfntt\ M^&xaOo^uoco Ca. lOcTina 5c Metal-lined Baga One Pound Glaaa Humid ora