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W I ATH 1 H rnniur.*-*. >**? ta>*t?Al *>n to Hljaa.?ll Mimr.MTK MM rn ?f2?t aiaii a*-sr \hm>. mti n?r-.r? "" '**i? U. ^Oaamam9*^ / , - ? , , ,, / , Stflnmt CIRCULATION Over 100,000 Daily Net Paid, Nnn-R^turnable Voi I.WVI No. 25.418. |?..parl_l,t I0l?? Thr Trlluin<> t.?'n.| Firat to Laat?the Truth: Newa - Editoriala - Advertiaementa MONDAY. JUNE 19. 1916. * * * /vV-I* / rl'VT ,n atm Vork ?lt), Newark. I ).\ |, l EiJCt I Jfttej f Ity ann Hot-okan. Militia of Al 15, s rdered Out; s to Mobilize 12 N. Y. REGIMENTS TO GO; ORE WILL STAY Field Artillery, Cav? alry and Sigfial Corps Called Out. CAMP TO BE AT BEEKMAN O'Ryan and Staff Confer? He Consults with Gov? ernor Whitman. Twelve f Ntn York'f thirteen n? -ruard>- wfimenl rether with thp full state array of ' a: ar.d ambulance companies. were ordered mobilized la?t nighl I r -viee on the Mexican hor ' tccm thousar.d men who went to hed last nijjht with thouphts of re ?.trning ln the morning to the rou :, factory and office will awake full-fledjred soldiers. with the ? I real service immediately ra them. Which twelve rejriments are to fo which one is to stay?wheth ? rhe Fightinp 60th or the he on the. firir.i* line or rornair. with the home fruards?< fire questions which for the present remain unanswered. - arill come tv I ?he men of the pickrd regiments ally of their tran!>fer 'rom civil life to I'ncl* Pam's army. nlfhl the armories wera d. To-day they will he buf-ier thp. Ameriean War ? many men of the regiment thnt bl called "the unluckv ? ng re 'erred to in militia circlea are likely ?- .-ny heh nd. For there arr- many I rank. of the "lucky twelve" will have to be filled. There Will -ed -ruarda* i ml a Uata at amr, l ? ? Tw4?tv? to I.i>: One t* Sta>. ?iri guard offcers were not . ? unprepared. For months they ->en laying p\nv* to he followed all r-hould come. and, al I news wnv rrc red from ?iurces many hours before the --*??. rmftl word from Wash faaion once ? ? r the order had arrived and - and officer. automatica' n the rule ence wa. en lnqu'i .. e referred to thi ?> ai De partn ant foi formation. ( orpnrala tn *?1en. Bai itl the earlrrr I ? of rincer ition enough had heen . < d to thr ? ? ti I, Major Ryan COIB* ? g the atati manders. to their V, i ? ? . I ? ? tl k and I their mbera ? reached. 1 out tomt from ' ? The full mobilization, n< ... ;il he : include. be?i<irs ? Id artillery, two four ambulaiK-o ' ? ' ? artillery will remain he learned his rej ( my th. ,,-re left to them." he said. '?> ? ? , ,-ed as in I . don't have to . ? at Fort Wadaworth. We hava too, and ki e*a I ?w ti aaa I Kn-ftneera Rc?wh f?f (amp. Colonel 8. C. Wadaworth of th< ?one at hu* ne, m < oi ? i??d ht would'be in New York the tir. t thing thia mor _. ,.[..,. he said, a one of them will hang back, 1' . uill havi trained for Beekmai . N Y . thc pomt of mol ProbaK ? . go will ? rS. who had just con.. i a vigorouk week end of svham b bndge buiiding and tienrh diggmg (a.ntlnurd on v*ge 3. eolumn "? MANY PROMINENT MEN ON ORYANS STAFF Thi *tn!T of Mnjor General John F, O'Rjrnn, aommandini*: tha* Saw inrk \atlonal (,uard. haa many pruminfm men amonf? ita member*. lt is as faillowa: \djutant l.eneral? Lieutenant Coloael I haunr?*A P, Williama 'hrnet hrlpadicr peneral). \diiiinnl l.rneral ? l.ioutrnant I ??t.,n<*l Franklin W. Ward. Inspc. tor l.eneral ? Lieutenant I <>li.n?'l William H. Chapln. InspcrU.r l.eneral ? Lieutenant l olonel < orncliua Vanderbilt. Judfto Adtocate?Lieutenant (ol? onel William W. I.add (hrrvpt <nl oael). Chief Ordnance Officer? Lieuten? ant ( olonel Nathaniel B. T hurston (hre4et roloneli. Chief ('uartermaater ?(olonel Arthur F. Townsend. Chief ( ommissary? Lieutenant (olonel Henry S. Sternberger. Chief Surg;ix>n?Lieutenant ("olo? nel William S. Terrlberry. I hief Kncineer?Lieutenant ("ol? onel Kugene W'. Van C. Luraa. ( hief Siirnal Officer?Major W 111 iam L. Mallahan. (Irdnance Officer?Major Fre-der irk M. Waterbury. Aide?Captain F.dward M. Olrn fatead. Aide?Captain Thomas M. Sher man. lat Infantry. Aide?Firnt Lieutenant Jnseph H. de Kivera. lst Field Artillerv. WORE WARSHIPS GO TO MEXICO Seven Destroyers and Nine Other Craft Ordered to the Coasts. ? n, June is. SeereUr** MTID de r *4 and nir.e other small v,nr an water.a to join units of th* itl ?! ? Mexicai ? ??" de* ? as "precaution arv " eli probably will be ? l.nnp h' should ;.r, ii the < ? iporl Dixii . n h eh ? ?rr.*n Philadelphia for Key W - ll early '?n, at . phin, i ? trom '? Santo Domingo, and rhe tram port Hai - rning-o. Tr ? rom the fleel 0' ?. \\ r-- fr'.rn \lc,i- Winilow, commander of na*. chooai foui rs and five other bl sent iir.der his au ty* OBREGON URGES ALL MEXICANS TO ENLIST \sk>, Their Services in Event of War uith United States. lunfl 18. I irtfl to bring cviTv umt vt the Carranza army of the north to the ? ? "trenf-th for service in thi ? ? ?.- wi re b< ing ma ? \ ? ? ? r of War. * . ral Jacinto ' *-' tn'' **. read a* * government ii f ita ? .... ' can defend ln the norther: border territory< there of men to * American army t, ano ? 0f preventinj the furthi ? . . ? i the preaent i ';,'*; ? ih>' ?-. ull patrioti should ? * standard." ,_? ? - VON MOLTKE DIES AT MOURNING SERVICE Former Chief of (ierman Staff Suceumhs to Heart Disease. Amatertiain, luna IS. Lieutenant Ceneia * Helrauth von " ? Chief ' mentaUTI lienera! y, died of hear- B| ? noon, durlnif a ll of mournii g in 'he ReiehiUf for Field ?? ?, |ts, sa>a a Berlin | h t. *,?. ; of 1911 announce ; ment* of General eon Moltke's illnes* followed b; lhat I"* ha ? hief of Um 1 erHl Staff. Tl ? rer, proved unfounded. bnl ' I'-cember of thal. hia fail l !, preventing h.i return to the front. HA.TOfl GENERAL OKVAN AM) STAFF IX CHARGE OF MOBILIZATION M.,n, Gnrtrnm] O'Rvan (aUndfalf in automobile) an.l aida, photOffraphed ai reeent review at Sheep.hea.l Bay The latter are (left to right?I&pSmSm^ " Colonel Baker. Lieutenanl Colonel Vanderbilt, Lieutenanl Colonel Bternbargar and two attached to headquartera MRS. ASTOR'S NUPTIALS HALT Intention Filcd Too Late for Ceremony Planned To-day. ? r...?cr.r*. aa Tl * 1 Har Harbor Mi. Juni 18. Oi teehnicality suddenly has as sumed the role <?' * * vrllain and stopped Mn, John Jneob Astor and! William K. Dirk almost at * ihe altar. The wedding that waa to have heen held here this morning has been called off temporarriy, gu* route from New Vork have been tele graphed of the change of plar wedding breakfnst aln hfl last Magea of preparation in a village hotel has been abandoned *o hore! help, and not even the principals in the af? fair are rtr' . new plans arill be. The trouble iie.s ?? of the Maine laws that per Ing to wci * ,.-. "intention of marriage*1 44ith the town clerk from whom the license ii to he obtained five days hefore the I. Iri an ex* ?' zeal to guard I from a nrymg public the principals in the A*-a%r Dick romance failed to oblllfl this dei A N'ew York lawyer, tt became known to-night. informed Mra. As'or thal waa a little formality that w;..? not of considerable importanre, that she might ? "intention" oa Saturday. This Mrs. Astor procee.led 'o do late Satur? day afternoon, when she motored "??er tn the County Clerk'l offlci at Kden. Juat Like Othrrs. Thal ofleial riewed Ae applicatm-i of Mrs. Astor ln much the Mine light ?.. thoil of other individual? with ma' rimonial tntentions, an.l, a'ter asking numerous formnl queatiom, made the nnnouncement thn' wrecked ihe plans for tO-mOTTOW'fl ceremony. 'YotJ may obtain the lieenae next Thursday, not iooner." he said. with an air of finality that might have cruahed the hopes of a less determ.nrd indi? vidual. we must hfl4e a ! rerr*e for We're to he mnrned Mon Har Harbor." answered Mra. nr.swered the th? law, ai "B il Monday day nf Astor. "Quite im| clerk ?"?-? Inw ? can't be done." Jail what Mra. Astor said ? 1 knowi she pleadad with the l . clerk. told of the man*. detl plan. the gueiti 1 n their wsj to the Astor summer home here, of the decorationi that .-ould not pos ?ibl** ?" ' , . , ^ .a. Bui the clerk only added that noth? ing m the w?y of a lieenae eould be .1 without ful ? ' He neith.- " ?ug' ? a, to how to evale thi law. Wirei Made Hot Mra. Astor in:rr.< *;a" ,'n use long difltanc '? ?*?>?? graph II 'a sa- | I l| * ' ' hOUM tr eommunieution with Mr Dtek. New fork friends who wer-' aboul to leave for Har Harbor. other frien<.* ? a ..osition ti eommui .. . * r .*?- nnd, I ?*?* bui ' ' 'east, awyil who is cred.te.l uith ad \ising a delay of the nnneuneenenl red I v law until aeiterdnjr. V *hia hour there ia every reason to believe that Mrs. Aftor is ao thor rrusted with thn Maine law* that *he will eompletely abandon her plans for the ceremony tl ;.een performed here a*-d I *,, New ITerk, where one il pernv.tted 1 a.ntlri'1**, nn pafe 1, rolumn a NEW YORK STATE MILITIA UNITS UNDER ORDERS TO MOBILIZE Cavalry. Firsl Regiment?Colonel Charlei I. Debevotoe, Brooklyn. Squadron A?Major William R. Wright. Seat York City. .Machin^ Gun Troop?Captain Henry Sheldon, N. V. City. Field Artillery. First Regiment?Colonel Henry H. Rogen, Seat York City. Second Regiment?Colonel George A. Wingate, Brooklyn. Signal Corps. First Battalion. .Major William H Hallahan, command lnjr? Company A and Company B, Captain (.onrj^ B. Schenck, Brooklyn. Field Hospital Companies. First? Major John F. Ihmseith. Now Vork City. Second?Major I.ouis H. Caus. Alhany. Thin! Ambulance Companies. First?Captain Frank VV. SearH, Binghamton. Second?Captain Charlea 0. Boswell, Rochcr-tor. Third?Capt. L H. shrarrr. commanding. Fourth?Captain J. B. Latta, Syraieiiso. Engineers. Second Battalion of tho 22d Regiment?Lieutenant Col? onel Eugene VV. Van C. Lucas, commanding. All But One of These Infantry Regiments. (Selection not announced.) First?Colonel Charlei H. Hitchcock. Binghamton. nd?-Colonel James F. Andrews, Troy. Third?Colonel Jamea Wilson, Rochester. ,th?Colonel Willard Fi<k, Now York City. Tenth?Colonel John F. Kloin, Alhany. Twelfth?Colonel Clarence S. Wadsworth, New Vork City. Fourteenth?Colonel John H. Foote, Brooklyn. Twenty-third?Colonel Frank H. Norton, Brooklyn. Forty-soventh?Cobnol Krnest F. Jannicky, Brooklyn. Sixty-fifth?Colonel charles F. P. Babcock, Buffalo. Sixty-ninth?Colonel Louis D. Conley, New York City. Sevent* -firsl ?Colonel William G. Bates, New York City. Seventy-fourth?Colonel Charles J. Wolf, BufTalo. WANTS U. S. TO GET HIS NEW DIRIGIBLE Montclair Man's Invention Ma? Bomn Droppinn Devicc. A Hcrbert, ?f Mentcla r. IS ; . ? I a dirifiblc tf Zeppelin 'vpe whieh he hopes to see hy tha* I'mteii S'ate. go\ - emment. Ha iaid -.esteriiay ha ha<l ? negotiations with the Fed eral authonties for the sn!e - patents. Th? fentttl a Herbert iays make f ipeeial value are a | compartmenti ?tretehing 'he entire * render the , ? . ? ibl" in eaaa of a fall into *i dropping de* ee an.i ICl 01 h> meana of which the erafl ean he lei . ... desired. Four elect ? ? the eight propellen lighted throughoul hy elec-| ? The Joy Out of Life Thrrr arr two way* of taking thr joy out of life One is thr way Briggs drsrnbrs it. Ihr othrr is thr way hr dors it himsrlf. !"or Briggs takrs a little of thr joy out of life rvrry day. I Ir takes it out and puts it down on paprr so that a grrat manv thousands of proplr may chucklfl over it So whrthrr his subject is itsrlf Taking thr Joy Out of Life." or "kellv Pool," or "Ihr Days of Rral .Sport." or what not. you'll nnd him always taking thr joy out of hrr in ordrr to put morr in. Ot your share of it by turning to Page I 4. aA. JKc atribune First to Last?the Truth: Se**%?r.ditorial*.?Ad\ertlsementt. A CZERNOWITZ IS EVACUATED Aihstrians Driven Into Carpathians In DLsorder. London, -lune 18. Ciarnowita, i the capital of Bukowina, was occu? pied yesterday by the Ruaaian forces under (ieneral LechniUky. The fate [of the city wa.; aealed several days | ngn. when the Russians pushed be i yond it, captured Sniatyn, on the River Pmth, and cut the railway rommunications from the north west. Slnca then the Austrians havo been lighting deaperately ln rhe auburba to gain time for the evacuation of thc city by their army and the reirroval of military They are now bemg pursued into the Carpathiana The capture of the city was re? ported hen- last Friday. but the first offieial news of its evacuation came to-day from Vienna and Petrograd. The capture is an importan! one. as if entail* the command of several important. railway lines. Th. had been untenable for aeveral because of the tremendou?* Ruaaian hombardment. If i? expeeted thai further details of the capture will show that both sides suffered sangui nary losses. i <,mes ..t Uramatlc Moment. The recapture of Ciernowit** by the Russians comes at a dramatic moment, happeninff only a few dayi after thc Austrians, with imposing | eeremony. had unveiled on the city j hall a double-hi itrian eajrlo such as the Russia moved | during their occupation of the city last ? i Rus.ian headquarters ani ernowh laeon e terma ll I deaerlption of th, ? v have occurred for the 1'ruth River after the .? adds the irrterestrngr. fact that the Austrians are being pushed into th^ ( arpathiann, which is the only alterr..,- I ?n Into Ra* mania. wher I ' ???rned. Thin pursuit appear. to show that the hi cavalry Ll Iti 11 active, but mil* ?i\' eritiei here are baginniag to wen. der hon long the Russian*. can main ??h must be ng te attenluate their lines of commumcation I'anlr ln ( zernowitz. Specral diipatchei from c*rre?pcr.d v , front at i fore the fall city, gave | ril tiona . ?. ? - i diipa -. under d* 14. of tha Right ol ?.-??? from ? tho town w ? re of the Rtueian (runs. The tval ? ?Aer>- - | ' ' bombardmeBt began. A terrible - ensued. Tre following day came mcendiary shells, and many '"rea were caused. -ight the made .. prr.e ? a bambardmer.t. aa the Auitrian | 'rer.cnei were incessar.tly The defendir. Bl iv/i red -i I ia the Coottnueii on pa|? V <"?ilama I 100.000 TO BE HELD READY FOR CALL FROM FUNSTON Will Be Used to Protect Boundary From Raiders, Says Secretary Baker. CARRa^NZA THREaATS CAUSE MOVE BY THE PRESIDENT All Day Conference at War Department Followed by Order to All Governors. Washington, June 18.?-Virtuallv the entire mobile of tho national guard of all td the Disl C -lumbia was ordered mustered into the i ervice to-night by President Wilson. About 100,000 men aw expected to respond tn the call. They will be mobilized immediately for such service on the Mexiean border as may later b to them. (ieneral Prederiek Funston. commanding the border forcea, will designate the time and place for mo - of guardamen to the international line as the occasion shall require. The total of troops called indudes eight y-eight lvgiments of infantry. ninety-nine troopa of cavalry and leventy-nine bat teries of field artillerv. Coast artiilery and about twenty-hve regiments of infantry will be left for home duty. ln announcing the orders Secretar) Haker iaid the itatt forces would be employed only to guard the border. and that no additional troop movements into Mexico were contemplated, excent in pursuit of raiders. MEXICANS SEVER WIRES AT BORDER American Refugees Being Brought Out After Threatening Riots. Douglas, Ariz.. June II. Advres ? from Nogales, Ariz.. state that a',1 tele an.l N'ogalea, Sonora. have b.'.'n wrin Ml Mexiean state an I left, with thnr books - an.l, f?>r Hermoiillo Federal an.i state offlcilll H I ? *"' Agua Prieta an.l ' Naco alao. AmtricSBI IM bfing brought tl 'h<a border rn automobile* from N'acozan, where an anti-Amencan demons* ! occurred to-day, aay advices from Nogalr?. < arranza authorities pre viously had refused a tra ? for tl refugees. Immediate arrangements for bring ing out American emploves of n in Sonora met with op| era! IV El ii illoi, military com* , mander of thi Stlte of S*>r..ira. ?ho arrr. ? I -. * k| II Prieta tO*nifht 1? i American mining men here, apprehen , sive for thi f their employea, !the genera MI gi ; lloluU : eraonal guara- ? in the event of hos train fo N'arozami and see that I American there reaches the border in ; Kvprease* Hope. Ad- i ii eril i iea!, Geni ral ( hope I that the ci ? Heen mar.ner" be hr;dg'"i. Pemonstrationa occurred to-day in ; ? '.jni.-i a*i ! Ol i m F... ?'??? r-n, direotly sou'h of Douglas In each pla* made af*ar' Ami i * tho OM* trho reported to have boen cheered. T*-'* . .' then became aalm?*r. ; Repor" to-night from along the Kaeo* 1 i?ri r *g camps in mort) i that < ,*ion of Sonora is arming to aid the Mexiean troops in the event of an Amer car. ir.vas'.on. I* .? reported, but unconftrmed, that Ajaei of the horder will en? deavor ' I tho mming campi to BC for the - T**e fear that opposition may ans ic felt ben > thi Southern Pa ? co Railro,. I, it il Moilcan mI* j e.r. \ . i bi hoarded *. ? as it "i Nezales* ? laie, Rep* r** r?*-' ?.*??' a- Vogales aaid \ora had ll , they were order* 'a! Carranza j to aeize a'l railroH'l f1..prr.?n*. Trirked Into Knllating. It waa itattTrd that Mexicant who laat r.ight argned what they be'.eve.! I r l IBI ,.r ! ammunit . ?' . - ? i v-e> had ifl realit*" iigned en'.itt ... ? -an army. A ?? i report stated that Mev.ean troops l ont!nu?*a1 '.n page ?. column Z Simuit_ner,u*!y with the national guard call. Seereterj f the Navy FVpartmcr.' ordered add. tional war '?n both coe 1 Amcn? can li Al the War. Na\y and State da> partmenta it en ? a* to tl ? ico ha.l come to ] .v Tension Steadiiv Inrreasinj* Within the la*1 two ereelts, how over, tension has been lncrc The crisis presented by General Carranxa'a note demanding the reea t General 1 nary for ? lowi d bj n v irtual u timatun aenred on the Amcncan otfi,-.>r by General Tre? vino. the Mexiean commander in ( hihuahua. To this | yes that Ameriean "? ? i*he,' :? r frum San Kcni'<>. Tex. Adm -I*' tempt to conceal to-night their relief A'lder laville indit chas*. -? lit of itiona ?ha*. tl tf did ?o. ted that he ar ? , .mably I al truardi ' | about lerviee of en ment. et bo ? ir.til I ' out under I - e new , available for any dutj . vern ment, g lunsti.n Stvt Baa i'i.ono aj?_ The entire the L'l \ ? the r.Hf.onal guard ' ' iw Ari r in ' ? 9sa*\t ' ??".eral Funat. regulars, ar.d tn, ef -*>ral of '? imiquipa, Met* " | for tho militia the < overaora of the three whoie already h..v?? been mustered ? ? aftei . renee at th? ? BJ v'err? ?ar\ Hua.'r. " ? ,-hief ' il Bllia, ehiof of bile army, and Mrigad er Geaeral ' Ua divuiop, gen -?*?*" Hrrgadrer (ieneral Me ' the Jkr-mi War also was eo-?ultee\ ?Ol *nd it neces? sary to confer ?>:n:r' wr'h Preiident! . after his late visit o 'he White Hous^ rt was apparcnt the ,? out the mil'tia wae reached then. Toaaalj ihioa Geaeeela (alled Ont. Bi -vie nam Ot ler 'here wr!! be placed at lietia-rv! Pumton'i disposal tate ma* ? -ral and twentv one brigadier generaii of militia. with their complete infantry commandi. Thf entire infao* sons from N'ew York and Penn t are called out. ai are nfteen