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AIR FLEET OPENS PATH FOR FRENCH ? Squadron. in Brillian. Dash, l-cads Big Guns to Oerman Batteries. PILOIS Ml RI BOMBS 0N IH ION fRENCHI S Thirtccn t ncm\ Balloons De. itroyfd as I liers Scroon Artillery PositiOltS. I-,, i RI D B ni nm - ' - ? - ? ' l.uard l rrn. h PoaitaOBB, ? ' ? - ? to grow a - vounR ? ? air. - a ? ? A :t re ? > the d ol ? - ? ' n en ? . de VON P<*PEN AT FRONT SINCE LEAVING AMERICA Annnunccmcnt Made in Reply lo Dutch Charge. ' ? y in ' ' ? ? America and has nce. i. ? ted from I elegrai .erman es; BRITISH FIND GERMAN CANDLF.S STILL BURNING ( .imp in f rc4nce, - Nurnerou* instancei are told yl.owing the rap-dity the Britnh troops jtoimed the German trenches. - i one oi th1* best: A British colonel. dead ior ?er fi\e days of < ease fivity, sought a place to nap after hr had instalird lii?- troop< in thnr new no?i He entered the dug out tormrrly occtipitd by a (icrrririri i fTue r. Ihe f>c< u pant had hren gonr out a ? ?lie, inr cand burned on thr tal.le. Worn and Half Starved, Germans Yield to Foe "After Verdun Ot Shot I Irrer* No1'" Saya One?Infantry 4>t Alhcs FincJa Progresa Eaa) After Terrifii Bombanlmenl ?>t f""ive Days. By FRED B. P1TNEY. li. i ir- t r I ? ? rhen Northeaal of Paria, .lul> 4 U . ? the order li "' l a ki d oldier ...??? ,.i .n \i ee* V- ? ' ' ed The . ? that the earth never over the 1 ??\\e did both officc nd ;*.'i4 e ? ? bardmenl. ? ? tcepting ? ? thei worn ? by our been un into . . tl) I'.ll " 44 hen " ?' ' "dded ? bombardment, they nd bad r rer.der. Bad N4-44 - Home. there wa ad ? a . could . poor ua all ' to ch. "W i big | ? ? e, and - more war lord Oui I ful. r'vn . .? had *.4i d< egimi ' mpierre and ' ' "Th. . . - both . ? Bequ ..... and v/e ? ' ? half way We had cleaned out I lnian tre!.. hea. t work. Wa le time, cl? ' : nd in II . .-k'.v. "I wai BO happy that when I got wound i until an ? ? . to the l.n>.*rs \>4er Sn l.ig-ht. een io were Bo many wounded BB "XJie ' *oem to have ?,o our hor v had in Champagne," aa d ? ' ? fron, ? their attackins . 1 ?' wai ...... buf connected witl trenches every tev rds, wsi s two trenchea w ' ? ? ?? nches. ? - II. Our gn - ent I to US to ar.d nol i ir ovn artillery nre. Irll* of Verdun. -w P ? ich reai infantrv . hl l.ermar.s either nut tl i r n ndered or turneil and ran '.he other way, ar.d wa had a rard ohaie to catch them. One pi ? , been a* Verdun He ? \ ter Verdun. to come h' .led! no. that ia too murh.' Hr <? who put his haniN up." . . \ -he wounded have COmi loade.: pnirs of all '?? ? triitu I for a buni I ded that one . , I in h ? thia. Panic Among Ocrmans Narrowly Avertcd -l -w l le we were . ? ?rai tent flaps pegged down ..1 ln ttle of Hi o!' aaid the man ?The Germana are ??Wr laus trudged on, bu* KL Attmati Sc (tn. A Special Offering of Women's Summer Silk Dresses tne *o ? ? effec ... i ; 8.50 at $1 (Re- ?. ? Departme '-.:-) ifrifil) Awtutf, l&m -gork inddenl) ahoti came from behind; the Germana appeared from beneath Ihe flapi and Vk. ? to our backi '?'. ? .11 >.n them prett) quiek. Twentj were killed and othen threa up 'hcir handv" For a month paal the Germana have the Somme, and ordera had bei rc u 1 a r t o i - - ? . . ? ardfl of and numeroui Gei man ? 111 >nch. Extra aheltei iat the men could gel into thi ? more ? ? Ihe Fi ench bombardmenl I 4, i, .... the rear ntal or ? ed, i aucourt, \4ere turned into fi able redoubt b, w . -. i the entn rction was erected to r.-i-t thi V ? :.' nirnored In ? . ..? 1 down in ' i ? ' ally all cy ra ?' i ?i.i tnI. bombi Each ? ? (laret ? nch attack began July 1 the G ? I ther.' marahy loop ot ? ? ? ' were -o badly ? ? il thee ir -ei? ? hia or : .? . ?.,?* in th,, niorn;' \ ? ??'... ? ? ' cult. Panica Develop. ? thev ? - i ayed by :i e rein . - bombardment. The men. cn.uc! ? I ??;, r ??.?:. French shel pow.ler. a'..! now and WOUld !' :. their hi ? ind bury tha ti under a Threi h in ' ? ? . Id on their p<> i The Germai menti to ad the Soi ? t'anal, ? il up b) the Frencl Othei ? -vood tO a ? I'rise and the wl GERMANS FORCED TO FIGHT IN OPEN I nntiniir.l from pa(* I ? a!ior.s before our front. ] com parati' i ? anl . enl initi ?all. ?' n en -'!'!' ton 1 ? only 44ith light machini R ll ?a^ ? i "Our enemj ? region frorn i, courl to Fricourt, w iir re he i espected our main attack. .' irmatien gav< he i endid chanci I ?? I ? Of their nnner-, who . ? ? From I hese 44 <.. . ? a most d sira! fealure? made the i pi I ed Monl ? ' ? "(in the 44 hole, ?t ?? mr advance. W e prepi ?' ? : .? ? ? i - ? netny ' ' fe ai ? : Fricourt will bi ? oppo ..! our ira . rr, with ama ? ? ? ? ? B ? ? our share in the i "H(.\4e4er, it n evei ? ' ' tuf but ' I ? ? ' "South of tne somme thi '?? get through look ? ? formal I map 44 ill show you tl . ? trenchea. th you wi senes of ' I immed h. .i i ? "We wi tent 1 r?" in the great general Allie I oil a, I which I initial ? ?a "' ''";",? ' Inow lo-t by ths urmies of (he i entral Powcrs." GERMANS AGAIN IN THIAUMONT Win I ort Easi of Mense for Fourth Time, Paris Admits. BERLIN DENIES POST WAS EVER LOST s.ins I reneh Assavlts on Dam* lotlp Havr Also llcrn RepulseA ii. Julj i. i he 'i hiaumoni bl.lieit Aghting ? ',.'.. ,| the fourth lime, according to thc offlcial , nt iaued b) thi 1- reneh W bi ght. ' 44 il S ? he l- reneh ll ,.,i io il.-. arei I hat . : ram e ip i orki have ? . ? II. i ,'. s; "On 1 I Ihe Pi i i ' erea i i,, ? ? ding in tne d Hill 304. "On Ihe ri| th Meu*. ? loubled ihe in the regioi ol t. on whieh midda . ted a bombai dment of greal violence with guna of big oek, after u i been repulaed, a ma -ed . hed on t! work, aa l n capturing it f..r 'he fourth time. 4? ;r t; oop ? maintain then ,, ,ll ,lf re 44:1-4 ip and La Laufee. of importanca oc> thc froal The .: " is* a rr.ovement of thi I ? I?,.;iil '?! ? II fa led beea . e of tha ? banh ..f the ? - ??>., ? .,. ? f the Th iaumonl wora ' e w ith thc re all futile. ? ? im our -\\, ? last night darj of tha \\ ood, ind ?? e drove the enemy from :i mall ti to the ? Damloup." Bi i . .. ?.!?,.' nefl of ed. il Freneh e recapture of ? >? rhiau ? or. the Soi n ? Trench War on Somme Changes to Field Battle Pre i p in 1 e, July i | | ... ? ..i .1 ?: ng numbera . - on ..-.-,? morning an I S'orth ? men tl ' ' ' ? ? h are groupi ol peasanO eall i ? . I I ' . ? and ambu ? ' ? ' I lipea . kindi \- b po igo had " '"'r were German man helmets, Germi Flcei n . re on ? Th, ccenei pra | army Ol the itauban loward the ie .nnan defi - I ementi th ita hattl ? ihell holea thfl are the ;,.;.;. 4".-!. . ?? r posi ,. to talked of luck" o - Brh'eh " HrT , ,.l and Gei ? t littlfl ? pon AUSTRAIIA TO NAME TERMS Preaaier Bay? He Will Be al Hand for Peace Segotiatlaaa. B, Ca don, July ' \ ??" u Huel es.Pi eft for A latra nc with a famoui eflving, Haghea govei ..her, peace 'i ?^ eiven her beat in the */ar, a . .. ,1 ;?'..'? i . , ?1 I GUNS OF BOTH SIDES SHELLING SAME TOWN Malf-Starvcd liermans Still Bc in?4 Found in Dugouta. i ea* i * ? terrupt 1 ? .:???'' it, the ' " Bl I IB n the Gen ..... eing forty ? faith that a (,erm*n COBBtei atUCM would reacua them pha dugouU wera blasted out witfl dvr.aai.'.e. OFFICIAL REPORT ON SOMME DRIVE French Capttirc 2 Towns; British Claim Slcatly Progress. BERLIN DENIES HEAVY LOSSES New Activity Dcvolops on tlu llritish Froai Around Vprcs. ,' i ? do . July i. / * / <. - ' i ficial ttatt ment, a* rt n i td hen ta night, rth i |.\ the French troopi Sniir ? . , ,.f bad weather, '.4h:ch interfered with ... ? .1 .?? th.- courae >.f th. ?:.. ta I I ? tt . capl n ? .1 '??. i in I he neighboi h. ol \ .'illera and 1 IB .4 h i< h 44 ?? hold in enl irel y, I. 11 > ?? - 11 .. -.. fallen inta oui hand i th th" rption of b imall parf where Ihe 1 ..: ;.!???' .- ' ? tegion of l itn ?? took . IT4. /'. . early d<iti report taid: \1.111 tne River Soi the nighl paa .ed quiet ly. rhe ? andertoak no offen ? ???? aetion againat our troops. who hava organized them ^elves m 11 tnej eonquen d ? ti Three New Rattrriei Taken. Further a eonfii m \ ioui repoiI - ihal lhe war ma captured bj m ia eonaiderable. Three ne* battei ies, t w.. of I hem of alibra, ? ave been adda I to I already enunie rated. 1 urther effecli of our deal have been noted. ln one iheltei bodiei of German loldieri were found ln u rai in. to ' be nor th of : i and '"i ' he norl hi n> iloni the villaga ol Herbecouri the Germam To I one of b ;. ? ?? r .i,- iei on ' i i snother German . Betwei er Avre a River Aiane Freneh reconno trati::/ ai fa r aa th< ipporting eated to ti:.' no Beuvaii and o ? tpedi ? ? ? Tl t /.''??'? ' '? ent j """? ','. m rai ll> adquartt r* to-night Drr ? , ? . .-,... .? and al tomi po ? .... i rogre i. Tli? remainder n th?' cicinit; f Frii laj Geraaana Laaach < ouater tttacka, v La Bol ii He fterce ? ? bombii . ' ued, and bomb ng ei ? ? - took placi during the paat ? . ?,, i Oui ? ? ? ? ? now in eomplete poaaeaaion of thi lare. The Germam made n atrong boi thi - afternoon on tl ? held bj u ' ? hicp4 al. 1 tack - l easily, with lo ?;-,.' rnemy. Be. n i hiepval ai hea ? ? tren. Imn ? Inci ia ni ... ual io There |i rable artillery actii I t 1 and the Hohi redoubt, A I Sera ? i ra our trenchi eti . broke doa - undei our rifle nflieti my. Our aeroplanea aueci ..... Coi .- far into the '?:???' 1 ho 4 ? ' Four G I driven to ground in a damaged condi? tion. We n i tn.. ?? .. n ad) reporte I. \ .' earlicr ii Un . The enei einfoi dn.". n from other ontirui ?.. ? the night there wa Tnity of La H ? Our troopi ?- great gallantry ... ,.".,. -1 by the ene i . BM recaptured a imall portion - d. feni iui of the village. nther the lituation in thia neighborhood is anehanged Furtl ith 4oni( pr< made during the night W captured I r? ? r >4ar ma'-rral and (in other portioni of the front eon . maintained ried v Brigade bi bbtera wen '; ? ...... f Armentii ? ?. bombardme ? . Berlin'* ? '; eal tttack norl io ? ' lamet \ ront from ? . !.. Boii - south of the Somme he bi _. ?? ? i from ? H | loaaei unde our ai .,.-.,., ? great number of men i The ??" aere repn where. Bittc -? ? place for | of Hardi ?f the Somme I r.-r..?'?? troo| ,.H.t.,i our : there were thrown out again. rntien Germai pal ?? entl, an : '?1 x One ide i'i^ ra ***** RUMANIANS SEIZE 250 AUSTRIAN CARS London. July 4 Ihe Rumanian govcrnmrnt l 'iged 250 can and six locomoti\es belonging lo AllStro-1 <un gariafl railwajn which were scnt into RutuanU wrnilc thr RussiaBI Wttt advancips' in Bukowina. UJt I Rruter dispatch trom Bucharesi Ml cxportation to Buipana has bern suspended M>\ ERTI8EMENT. |f\Avera*e i*?, Increast? in thi" price oP ?,a$oline, from. An^vpftojin.^ , 72% Every car owner will want to read The Price of Gaso line," Kdward Mott Woolley's clean-cut Btatement ol the Hifth Cost of Motoring? in this week's issue of ColliefS THC NATIONAL WBBKLT DRIVE RELIEVES TEUTON STRAIN Unbearable Strain Lifted as Big (iiins Cease and Allies Advanee. i i .. I* i ? ? ? t'unou- nnd unceasing bombardi Lok i ?? ? ? .;. rma ? ? I i;uti' hammered 'he G? ? Th ? r, mingled with ?' "Thi Roye ' ? . riod of preparal the lenrrth <>i' ? the battle in ( came when line wheth ? ? ll pioneer work waa help Iiri4p Believea Str.iin. ,- , .- ., ? rman ? bardment \ ... ? Uong < *rom La Ui ~ ' ' ? ruins -i.mmc S I : ? : tiremenl ? .ii rec ? ? ? ? ? r - ' fi ' ? ed ? ? ? : ,in i the I ? of " i he P ? ?ka: l niiii Trenchea li.ittercd. - German line louth of ? ? ' ? ? ombardme I Included ? I ?. i I - . The - . . .: ong 'he i ? Gei denj lii ? ? tdmil I ri-n. h (.ains. rable n ? i marked b ? ln co the A ? ? timu :?"... tral ? the f G Tha battli ? FRENCH WIN TWO MORE VILLAGES pOfl* I Britiah oi g ? Dei i ? - :, doing ? : ? I Our men ? l fang hia pra In contras) ... ... . . ma(". k- tBfl car!) g?.ns, u r.oteworth., ADVERTI8EMENT. igftotfi Cross Summer Gloves For Women Silk gloves. white and black, twoclasp.50c. 75c. $1.00 White, black. sand. gray or navy silk. IW^cUlp. S1 ?? Silk gloves. 10 b.itton length. double finger DpS.$1.25. $13 S-lk glove with tocked wriat; three comb.nations. white stitched with black. white strtched with navy. and black stitched w.-h .? hitc. Silk gloves wkh fancy gauntlet and strap at wrr.t: two COn*bjraiv tions: white With black <t,tchng. and cuff faced with black back with white swehB-tg, and cuff faced with white.H ? For Men Gray and yeBo v w a-.hable fabr.c.50c io $1.00 S trne, with black cmbrotdered back<;.%\.a ,lk with double finger Opi.$1.00. $125. $1.50 Wa -hable chamois. natural color.M-50, $2.00 Summer motonn.; gloves, tatl capeskin palm. safll back. two shades, one cla p.M./9 For Children Gray wa hable fabnc gloves. one-cla>p.> *<? f5c White or gray silk gbves, tWO-cb p.>l UU ew York . j * f\, R Nrw York 404 ? Street) Roston irmortt St. 253 Broadway World's Greatest Leather Stores f v . ial "?'.; .' <hd'-r S**n ' > London 89 Regent St. ' - Were it r.ot foi th ent ? . Bril ? ' ' on ": ? Up to ' v ? . ? the 14,001 n ? ' ng. Pruaaiana Refuae io tijrht. 4 ? '? ' . - I ' ? I ' - ' ? ? ; ? ? the men re ? ? . ? \ ? ? tzig Alb ' .-??? I . the Germ i ,..? out ? - thi could from ' withdrawn all their guni from tl ? ? . . . -h.dl tire thrown in( Where tne ' - . ? ? ' ' the h g ihella. and - . ' the green German u I and BCC ? ' and churiu . . hoi ror. ? .4ii in communication trench ?t when ? . the batta . -. ? ? ? ? \. v. rraopa I ike Vcteraas. " th thi . ? - rht. which ... . . ? . ? . ? batti t the A ? I ? ri ? u l ' ..... ? -? . ; reauma I rge. but the FRENCH AIR FLEET BOMBARDS SOFIA Squadron Hurls Bombs on the Militarj Buildiogs. ; |.?A aquad ; ' ?::br4 on the then wyn B ...onica. ., .- .4 . - | me, id', s a ' ENUS 10<YPENCIL vtVu* Zn***** f?*tf*i%Mtm Delicious Coffee Bcsi at ^QC a P?und The hnuortrr'i Price for MANSIONBLEND Ro.iatr.d Freih Daily. Mofltt) Bick on Requeat. / /',, d* Deli > red Free. Alice Foote MacDougall. 1.18 Front Street. John 1483 NEW YORK COSSACKS PUSH PAST CARPATHIANS ( onlloued from |>:i*e I rowera. ,1, | ? ? ng in ? ? ? ? 1 von ng their frfl. ictivity, tne . ? iring the repea i.:-.,| Bmor W. They at Bfl both , Bobueze, north - rhiana, 4. ???-.. without il iaearriag "Ar-- . . ' . . the R ' . and men." Baaalaei I orced Had.. \ . i i : terdav. ? ? ' ^ain ? ' Counl Bothmi ;n a quiek ..'i ai ee, I ?ho Rui . 1 _> '?_,.. . than '''i A Budap< f tha popu aberg in the ? ? u t!n> r at I amberg i ? ? I ' (EKGDORF -0(t)MAN OlbFIFTHAVENUE Absolute Clearance Sal All Gowns, Suits, Coata and Wraps Price* regardless oi cost