OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 23, 1916, Image 15

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1916-07-23/ed-1/seq-15/

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/-?.. i e I a 11 ? R ti c i n c - A q u at i c s
l-Jen. gark frritome
Boxing ? Lflifn Tenni* ? Goff
* *
Crippled Yanks Win
Another Close Game
Shawkey Molds Browns
to Four Lonesomc
Rube Oldring, with Hard Catch,
Halts Drive of the
lf these pkoaphoraaeaal Yanks ca.;
?r.ly succecd in losii'.g three or four
?or. steamy i.th'.etrs the*. are liablc
-t up the dad-bingcd leapue by
. --r the flag before September.
A? iheir wounded t'.re and fall
*j___ the .ole survivors continue to
..._:.' arith ever. gnater fcroc.ty. This
?tli; netk they won a ball game in be
*.,:.o' ench cr:; pie, making II f.ve out
,. i.v.n from the T:.rers and Browns.
Ir. cr.it r to start Waa! Sunday night
ke** a good Uad over the BelO*. Bill
Por.var. rammed Boh Shawkey against
of the Browns, and they
sank la a whirl of buhblaa and froth.
:r. -v ., tough battle, as
_sua'.. nre the sort he feeds
upon arith rare relish. Shawkey's oppo
nrr.t wns Dava Davaaport, wha ia husky
- inn single-hand
ec Ihi big i-irow:*. pitchi i
mtMt laa 1 to
0, _\ '::e Brown> with four
5ca**'7. I ilaglea.
. :ctory gave Shawhej. hi
four* lhal out ia a mor.rh. Once a
?aah BC4 .lune 29 he bM bloched one
another away from the plate
?-.ore stutT on the ball than
- ? w ere able ta .- (I o:;
..*?. It is said to be quite a
t.ken up and down or back and
A ConM.itent Lad.
In ncar'.y every start the Yanks re
:om making aay rui.s f..r R
place of being ar.noyed he take
.tea a : _hen
tha other club to or.e loss. Na
: :n the league. J?>hr.IOB, 'ku'1..
.rd oi T< \
I, hus show;. Bfl ? ss a*
? : . ? . has put upo-.i
since April 12. We are not;
Wa are talkint; ,
ahout p.tching that is hard to hit.
???mad ns
if the . ild be foreed to figure
A doable I
ad. but another auxni
i the tirst game away. Kain
tl rt auned in the second. but over l.">.
? fans came out to -ei th- Yaaha
eee] aaotl er I I 'r tha
\\ . ?
? ? '
,'. - . .. t r.. a eol
- ...Ihooley and
portiag ti.. .-an to
? r tha wt i
Cullop were added to the whita
rd this depression m
nad ! Thi wt ak
ritl Ba)
me, the Yanks won three
aad and Detroit This
!_?' we.
| ?
Mven. If " I manage to lose
iP by
ind Indian.- might as weli dig l
lell th-ir !
Pr-< k t?. Ihe KfKcue.
? -m. triumph. but ha ha
?. and Kill'
ln thi ..? M
? ? Thi
: to Peck, ?
ro rr
? ghl centre. dnvir.g Hartzell
over with all the rui.s that Sh
ifl tha . -ghth inning tha*
ick in an oar to I
the Yankee ship of state over the
?h two OOl "
George : ial?r then followed with
- ghl centre. The ball
out on a line, closely reaei
I ;t in all ?' 1 out*
line?. Oldring dueked for th.
? .-, n ith hii
ild . ? ?
bt aad i
?? ?
?.,;.. ? em of
.rley Viull
... another ov.
?rh Severoid got hia a.
,e was
? ;her with I
' ' ' ?
Hard One to Beat.
While they go*. but sevc n hitl aff
? 'his bulk*. Brown entrjr ia
pitel er. He ???' i ked wa I
Bt the
' m..n in * ll thia
Aft. .*- BCOriog in the mx*.h the Yanks
fiiled the bases in the sevei 7h arith
? r Mul.en ar.d Booi I
had smgled and Nunamaker I.a-:
?"?'?lked. H ut |
mM?v. fruiT. the yawning
Results of Games i
And Standing
***** .ork at (hiraffo.
l'hiiadelphia at (incinnati.
Baalaa at BC Laoia,
?ir"okl\n. .1; Pittsburgh, 1 (11 in.).
1;r.-.klyn, 7; I'ittshurgh. I.
Chlc4_ga. I Hen *? ?.rk. l.
Claeiaaati. I; l'hiiadelphia, 2.
Sl. louis. li; Boston, J.
NATion \| i j:\i.i | STANDING.
vv. U Pi W. L iv.
?Ttlyn.. ih ;<.? .*..(>' hicago II IS .177
Boaton. 42 :tl .:,:,.. Pittsb g .7 IJ ?.?**
v ?" 43 35 .551 St.lx.uU 41 47 .4.6
?V York 38 41 .488Cincin'i. 36 51 .411
One Run Enough.
.ST. I.ous (A I.).
ah. r. ha pn. a. ?*.
Shotton. If. 1 0 0 4 0 l?
\u-i.n. .il. . 1 0 0 1 0 I
Miller. rf. I 0 1 1 I 0
Sialer, lh. 3 0 l 12 0 I
Pratt, Ih . 4 o o i 4 o
Maraaaa, cl. 3 0 0 0 I I
SovOTtid. C. * 0 I ' I I
Johnson, aa.I <? I I <? I
l.aaenrx.rt. i>. I 0 0 0 1 I
Tolals. M 0 4 .1 15 0
ab. r. h. po. a. e.
Magea*, cf. I 0 1 1 I 0
Hart.el, If. I 1 2 0 I I
Pt*< kinpaugh. as. 401 4 I 0
Pipp. Ib. 3 0 0 11 1 ll
Oldring. rf . .10 1 I ? I
Mullen. _h. 3 0 1 | 0 0
Boone. 3b.. 3 0 l 0 1 I
Nunamaker. c. 2 0 0 I l I
Shawkey. p. 3 0 0 0 | I
Totala. 2S 1 7 27 11 0
St. I.ouis. 0 0 000000 0?0
New York. 00000 1 00 x?1
Two-ba. _ hits?Oldring, IVckinpaugh.
Iyt*ft on hfi.e-. ? Ni'? York, 6. M. I.ouis.
7. 1 irst b.i>e on balls?OfT Shawkey,
4: off Da\*.npor(. 3. Karned runs?OfT
Davenport, 1. Struck out ? B) Shaw?
key, 3; by Ha*. enport, 1. I mpires?
Din.en and Nallin. Tmie?1:19.
abyaa by fanning Shawkey und retirinir
Magee on a tl\ to right.
Sinee rcachinf home early in Julv
the Yanks faced the Western clubs in
ni net een conteata, of which they \\on
! lost nine. Their <>nly tetback
araa from ( leveland, a club that ha. j
them six out of eighl ?'.arts on
tha Polo Grounds thia year. This
thowing ia ai ei rptionall] _;.*od one i
when the crippled condition of the ;
s'luad is eoaaidered. and whila no
great uplift may come from the !
Western tr.p now at hand, there is at ;
east good reason to believe thnt I
?.. Caldwell, Mogridge and Kus- {
.:'. be able to hold the enemy in ?
.heck for something approaching an ,
even break.
Wild Bill Hopeful.
Hughev High will be able to start
on Tuesday against the White Sox, the j
? .mportant series of tha jaunt. .
From (hicago the club invades Bt ]
? ar.d (leveland in order,
with seventeen games scheduled on I
the road. Donovan makes no claim
about holding tho lead but hc believes j
hia men car. return fair!) close to
? ;. and by that time he expeets to .
ullop, and possibly Baker, ready
lo start another drive.
It was a notfworthy turn for a
crippled club to hold the lead for so
Ion* ifl such a race. where five rivala j
wera eoaataat ai ag away at :
thd DOak A club that can do this may
(,_rry ? much further thur.
lha dope might indicate ror the Kei
Sox will have a few troubies of their
? ? thia trip, with at iaaat three clubs
.- around the corner with up
club Ihe Yanks expect most
worry from is Chicago. for this line-up
ralaa the well known
nce it lands back upon friendly
Louia July 22. St. I.ouis' lead
of six runs was too much for Boston
. reome, ?? d the locals won here
to-day, 6 to i. Ragan ar.d Barnea al?
lowed four hitl each.
Boaton wai um I I Doak nntil
.h. when ? ad a double
.1 a run. Bost. n j-ol thr? -
in the seventh. St. [_ouis d
iftei ? third.
. foll rWI :
li. .STON IN. U.) P ?N. l_1
. 1 1P0|
? . - i -, n |
I . te. 181 0 8 8
r.311 r< '< "
? ;;i : l ' .-ii.i'h. cl 889 188
111 T 8 8
I Betsel, 771.... 3 7.0 148 1
,.. p. ..310 0 30
*,?_?_ 181
?Collina... : _
? | - -
r . -.4 , ...
; ? 0?4
2 3: n *?4
- - 1 . - * a -
? ? . " ? ?
? ?rt Ragan i
. ? ?
Joe Welling, the Weatern light*
*. earned a decision over llarrv
Pierce, the eonqueroi of Milburn Bay
lor, at the Broadway Sportiag Club last
night W< ?? - ??"'? ,:(?r<?,' down
twlce in the s. con.i round with Btill
.,.,_. pierce, wao ia ? toagh per
?on _rot up inimi diately t ieh time.
ne two punener,
,.fought p?w ???
to clinching whrn hard
,! ;i., worh laat night showed
, v. ~ ..I
i .o eliaehing when hard
ork laat night showed
hat when Jimmia Johnston, his man
.... , it h ra up amona the eoataadera
ghl championship he
-, v.ondertu.ly
willing Wai ? ******
n Two Leagues
of Battling Teams
4 hicago at Detroit.
St. I.ouis al (leaeland.
Ne., Vorh, 1; Sl. l-OUis, o.
Washington. _: ( hit-igo. 1 (13 inn.)
Datroit. 1; Boston, ,1.
BoHton. 1; Detroit, 0.
( leveland vs. Philadelphia
<\\et ground?).
w U iv w. L Pc
V. Yorh 51 Sf Mi _*hlc*o if- i0 JU
Bo.ton 49 17 ..'.70 Detroit Di 41 .317
( le.el'd 49 M JattBt. I.ouis ..7 49 .430
rtash . 47 40 .341 I'hila... 19 61 .237
Heavy Hitting
of Cubs Puts
Giants to Rout
Fischer and Flack Make Home
Runs?Sallee Relieves
Chicago. July 22. Lightning rarely
strikes twice in the same place and
home runs as a rule rarely come in ,
pairs. Thc exeeption which proves the
rule occurred this afternoon, when two
tremendous drivefl over the right fielal '
wall in the fifth inning boomed the
re(*uiem of th" New York Giants in the
game with thr Cube.
These Homeric -mashes, one bv Bill
Fischer, the catcher, and the other bv
Mux Flack, the outfielder, provided a'
winning margin; but. in order to make
thc victor*" n brt more ilccisr.e, the
Hruins added another brace of run? in
tth. Thc Ana] acort wat U to 2.
Slim Sallee, the lefthandei aeeared
from thc Cardinal*, performed his lirst
aervice for the San York host, raliet
Pi- Poll Pe'rritt in the sixth inninr.
.-.nd Wad? Killifer, thc erstwhil* Red,
iwung into action in the .-itrhth. hit?
ting in place of (Sallee. Wade drew a
base on balls, bal althoujrh this wa?
thc opening ineidenl of 'ne inniag, he
advanced nol .1 itep beyond thr initial
4,hi!e Burn-,, DoyU and Hersog
w 1 rj out on two fliei ?nd a jrrounder
respect leely.
Ihe Gianti flashed out into the lead
in the fourth inning, blasing the trail
to the plate by getting twe well-eanied
runs. Ther fi(H quitfl sl home in the
position 01 paeemoker and hope fot
ultimste victor) soared high. But it
waa not to be. In the last half of the
fourth the Cobfl got a run over, an.l
then ir. the fifth easso the two clean-ur
drives bv Fischer and the slugginc
Big .lim Vaurhn, the ?c>u*hpaw,
hurled for the Hruins and performed
rn thc manner eapeeted. He dealt out
half a dorren hits, ar.d one of theflO, .
Larry Doyle, whieh started the
Giants nn thc road to thc i-iate, -rai 1
weak, anteinic roller which dalli<
^long on rt- way lo Zimmerman whiw
the runner beal the play by n great
burst ol ?pe 1"??? othei n"/? were
clean ar.d healthy. Bot Jim had I"'
fccl eontrol and wai backed In nlmost
faultlefli ityh
By way of opening the fourth stama
iv.y'i. ? t ireak, ilow rolllng
tap ipoken of before, and daahed to
aecond on Ziramennan'a heetic heavfl
, ...,,, Saier'i head. Herxeg singled to
aheii right, si d Doyle declined to n-k
the issue of a race sgainsl f*"kJ|
throw to the plate. so he hngged third
base. Ue icored a few momente later.
however. when Dave Robertson ehoeed
( f Williams nWOf back and to the
right fo? his terrific l'.ner. Cj made
the catch all right
Kanfl Biod te Klack. and following
that incident Hersog stole second. Thie
lareeny wafl turned to seconnt a couple
of minotfll later when Merkle lingled,
aconng Hersog. Fred then pilfered
second, bul Loberl flied to Schulte, end
Ing the inning, and ending all scor.ng
by the Gianta, too
The Bruinfl cut that lead down to one
run in their half of 'he fourth. Flack
tapped an infteld bil toward Merkle an.i
Wtni to iceond or. Ziranersaan s out ?r
tirst Doylfl made ra wonderful play on
'/. m'fl -rrounder, an.i thc crowd eheered
1 hey eheered atill more wil I
wever, when Schulte singled to
nght Held, scoring Floek.
The score follows:
IN U). ' HICAOO 'N. I..
?bri peffl
, , , . ?. rtman tat** '? .
iiii . ? 1 - J -"
cl I ? I 11 J
? .. . ,,?r,,, *>. I
rr . M-. JU ?'
M?MK- JJ}"**.
t ;
?K Illl fei
-Mall nn* BIIHM1
? luit-.i tm tmUaa* '?- ****** ******
A f) A ? *9 0 ** ** n? ?
N, . V rk [ { | | | { 1 *
\ ? fSf,
-. ? ? , *_%
-,,..? am n>
1 1 I '": ? ?' ' ' - . * , ,.,. : bl \a.flrr.
PtSSj^-fi|fi "******
Dodgers and
.Robby's Men Take Two from
the Wagnerites in
Pittsburgh, July 22- The Brooklyn
Robins scuttled thr Pirate ship in both
**am?s of a double-header at porbes
Field this afternoon. In the opening
gam_> the visitors revengcd thrms. lves
on Krving Kantlahnar, who beat them
the last time he faced them, and knoek
ed him out of 'he hox in two inning'"'
The second frame was a thrilling battle
of the pitchers that lasted through lif
teen gripping inr. ings, and Larry
Cheney. pitching at his best, cam.*
through with colors flying. The scores
were 7 to 1, an.l ,'i to _:. reapaetively.
The Robiai inereaaed their lead over
the Boston Ilraves, who .hpped thrit
eolors to thr Cardiaala in the ilislinaj
city of St. I-ouis Chriaty liai ?
Cincinnati Reds perforraed a
for the visitors, for they itoppod the
Th<* method adop'rd l.y thr ?
ni tbe first "Of was *;tnp!r and |
polnt. They took a toe hold on the
turf, and armed with bata thal ari ??
broad as tha) WOH '?<"'..'. II seemed. just
hit everything on fe noaa. The run
ners swarmed around the path 8 in
pro'ips. Seren h)',- werr made otT Kar
tlehr.rr in 'he two inninfi be held
down the mound, ..'. I theae were eon
\ertrd into half a dOSefl runa. The
bbi of acoring runa fall aw . ? ? ?
bIoiobI nothina al <l when uaft.
(ooper replaeed Kantlehner.
.ie* Pfi ffei worked for the Ro
nnd v.-.-is ir. v is lr*t form. lle k-pt bia
?ittrre.i i.icely, and '?!.!>' in tr.e
aeeond innir.j, did the Bueeai
brenk through h;? (...ard and force a
run over the pl^tr. Hut [f JefT were
(joo.i, < heney WM doubl", BO, am!
through the 'fifteen grurll.nf* innings
he kept mowing the Latters down, al?
low .ng a hit here and there, but not al
'ir.4 r.^' thr h^me *e.-im tO become tO_
familiar w th tl e path ta the plate.
The second game wa* ru_tikrd by
some (.:>' Aelding and high class pitch?
ing Brooklya PUI ane run over in the
hftr. an Stengel1 * agla aad '?'??
triple, Pittal nrgh waa righl baeh .'.. I
i* __>. Farmer singled, wai
.-.?,,-.,; to aeeond .-ind took third
ou*. He icored on Schmidt's infield
Marquard eheekad the Pirate Umgles,
\,:i: m the thirteeath Jaeoba wa.- 1 ??? I
for Behulti to pnch hit. M
? , fourtei ; ? ? rfalkinaj
Wheal ii '? Cul ihaw. Nobooy c
?hird on Steagel'a l uat. aad it wenl
... hit. n:'.l agh !ie.r|..l b) Mamaux in
plentj of 'me to foree th.- runner a1
third. Mowroy'a aaeritlea fly scored
Whaat . ,,
Pittahuitrh tied it up in its aaii.
^f:er Wagner fanned, IMnchman
tiipled and ilid avar the plate lafely
wh?ll Karmer tapped 088 i" front o.
?he plata. Mamau*: was lifted for a
Washington. July 22. Gharnty's
single and Ainsmith's double in the
twelfth inn-.ng to-day enahl.-d Wash
ington to beat fhirago, .' to 1, the
fourth local victory ia the series of six
The ernre follow- :
CHICA ;? ? '? ? ** 'SM v
_l.rh poa. * <'??..'
Mtirph] rt ll l
.. Colllns rf 188 5
Y,etter.tt 488 J 1 MIU. . ??- *
I ? ,,?_.__ M? 3 1" li. '. rf. 3?J ?
II JOO \ 0? Shai
;.. * ni ii i" -ii ?"?? ;v
r-N.-h. et. 188 8 81 S?J J
__, .ii? |l : e J81 I
? '.;, '.. 188 8 J ??#? J
! ?
1 '.r
Totala.. ri'*.*<.:. 1 T..t.4:s .11 I ?
?One out whrn uinein-. rjn waa NNti
.Battad ftr OolMe ta thr .lath inntnK.
___________ laeaetaeeaa y-j
a. t ' _*.?. ) 0 8 0 8 ? 8 ? I
rn ?-??? ? ?
__?S v;..vr.!" . ? ?
.. - aaai. 4
.- a raaa ia *? """_?" __.__.lla
JI ?,;':,,;11*. ..;.*'' ':-..-* >'??'?-???? ' ?*!
o1l_i_u.fc.iJi finm 1*18
le 15 Innings
pir.ch hitter, who fanned, and Farmer
was doubled attempt ing to steal.
Millei op.iic.i tt.< ftfteanth by wa'.k
ing Johnaton. O'Mara bunted, and,
whan Jaeoba toaaad I i Wagaar at sec?
ond Johnaton wai declared safr. Dau
berl beat out a bunt, fklliag the bases.
Whaat'a aacrifice fly to Carey scored;
John ton, but lt was taraod int-o a dou-,
ble play, O'Mara being caught at third. I
Pittaburgfa araa unable to produce a
run in 1 ts half.
Past Aelding marked the second
game. Wheat'l catch of Wagner's drive
againat the left tield fence, ar.d Hinch
tnan - catch of Cutshaw'a extra baae
wallop in r.ght tield m the lifteenth
being featurea whieh aroused the far...
. i .? aeorei follow:
I IlLsT i.ami:
BR. OKL1 N N l. ? PITT-IBI BOH ll* U)
abr kl a ?: ? . ?
rf i . rd, _t. .181
0 S-lara aa 1 I er. ef. 1*1 J 0 0
|.? . ul 1 118 18, W agner, aa 4 08 3 11,
\\ lu .! rf II l - 10 ni:.. h'an.rf II I 88
I 1 1 81,1 .rmer, _ l?0 8 88
Hrer* rf 88 1 1 4 ., If. I 8 '
L l ? 4 .,**.' Jo.in?r_,lb 4 I
M. i- li - i, 111"
? ? : . I'hnei
?\ Ioi .... 181
? ? P
Ifchulu .. 811 ooo
I 2T 181
?Han i i'.r Ke..:.'1 lha mtemi ii.rmg
Htr- ;?-..;. - ? ? I ll
J I .. . 9 Ti | .
., i< 0 0 ? -1
? i ? ? ... _!_?* Wl aal.
m .... ... ? . - ii'Mari
. > Ma-a
';..?? ? : ?
i ? . | rnar
lir.??Ki)i, I. I . 4 " Iflmar.
1 - , ? . _. r ,,,...
ill. r
,.11. ...l . Wl,etl;
?nd Ki
ntt aso ? i
air l. po a? a'.r I. i". Ar
.1 Jntin'n.rf 11 | . lOBalrd, Sh .. 7 0 0 2 3 9
O'Mara, aa 4 ' ; 4 l 0
;_.(,- I J S 8
Wh'i*. lf. 818 I r_ *. 1 1 fi 0O
; . . ? ? ? 118 88
-a-.i,t-.-i rf IOI 4 l ? 8 t * ? 11
? 1 . ? ;\ ;..v I 0 0 .1 0? '
-.. _r fiM . i .<
; , . r . 1? i-O
" r 1
? , - I I ?
Ki ?? ??
8 8 4 8 8 8 11?1
. >|
. I I**
.... ira.
_.,..., - . ,
,i" Hr
?? _ . ? . r-. '.' niiB-:
', , i*. of* Ma ,a .i i hit
.. .i: i i run
la l Innlni , ' ?? \ "."?.
... . _ bl M.-i'ia.-.l ?.
, Wild BU. -Illl*
Tlmr | ? ?
Cincinnati. July B. By bunehing six
hits m the lixth I I ?:-.'. ????hich talhed
four runa, I araa from Phila
i rr- tO : iy 4 to _'.
Chalmen pitched go< d ball up to the
?ixth, when in thal iaaiag trery man
on tha loeal teaaa tneei h.m. whiie
Roueh cara* up twiee, atrihiag out both
tin ... me w.th the bases full.
| ?,. srrrr. :? I lo*a - :
PHI?1. N I ' IM'IN'NA.I IS t?)
abr h paa a
, . i: :: o
? .1 i _ i t
rlfflih. rf.. II
| * ? si fllariti, Ib 111 888
lle. M ??. * **
:? n. _*. J 1 1 1 1 i)
; '
i o. e
? i 9 0 0 0 0
.;, ?., .. ?! 0 88 0,
fatele ' rotali -. a :o n n l
?Bauad far ITbaha**** in Iba mn d <
0 0 i4 0 1 ? 1 -2
I a a
l . . _? . 4 __raafe I.. >?*.? Whlll-d
Ki - u_. -? ' ''??' '? ' '?
ran ? i -. ?
'??.'- ? ' *?.."'
. M ?-,-?. t. t_n_.lr.j
?Brrcu' ar.d (I'-U ?* Tiina-l "?
Schauer Shooed
to the Minors
by the Giants
Reckless Rube Retires to the
Home of the Mlnt
Chicago. July 22. ? Alexander J.
Schauer, of the Giants, who is better
Kiio-.sn as Rube. has severed his con?
nection with the New Ycrk club and
haa taken a jaunt to the mit-.or.*. John
.1. MeGraW announceii that he had re
;,Ma-a.-ai Schauer to the Louiiville Oolo
nels, of the American Association, un?
der the optional agreement, and that
probably he would recal! him in Sep
tember. Schauer left to join his new
team to-night
McGraw said thnt Schauer had asked
for his release. Hc felt that he needed
more work than he was getting with
the Giants to develop his flkill_SS a
r. The aequisitiou of Slim Sallee
displaced the IUkota hurler.
During hii -'av ?*ith the New *iork
club Schauer favfl promise of develop
Ito fl high grade hurler. He has
been iellnejuent in th- fulnlni-nt
thereof, and as a matter of fact has
done little to comtr.cnrf him. Poeseseed
of a prent arm and nble to put *i
much on the bal! a> any other hur.er
under the biE tent, S-hmier tu a total
losi when runner- got on the lir.es Hfl
,|,.-,,. oped an ability to make wrld
p tchei with men on third that was re?
markable, not tO say uncanny.
T "
Chicago, July 22. The ("hicago Cubs
have purchased Fred Mol.witz, the
Utility tirst baseman of the Cincinnati
Reds Mollwiti. who is a nght-handed
batiman and who has been playing con
... - ball, will repl.ee Saier when the
opposing clubs use left-handed pitch?
er. MollwiU will join the Cubs to?
morrow. No other players were m
rolred in the deal._
Chicago, Jul| 22. Led by Perry Me
<;il ivray who won the one-mile cr.-m
pionah p race, besidea three other
events, the IHinoifl Athletie I lub ear
r r,i iiT firat h< eon in the central
A A l\ ewisfl bere to-day. Chicago
\ ?; ? nd; Hamilton Club, th rdj
r sti Gymnaaium A. I , [''-rth*
an.l Northwestern ' niverstty, Itwn.
?a,],.,; j ..,,,. , itablished e record o.
26-501-6 in th? mile flwim, formerly
htid by I lemer.1 Browne, al "*:W, "n I
w.4s Individual itar, with 20 points.
Minor League Results.
RCirn.<" iTxoxaia uuot*i
Ar Semar* v.? ??' r.-.i'-''*- iwtt ?*??****!?
.. |. ?t !,? - ?:? ?? (ai al B H r.
t t i i e e e o-e e I
i 2 i i s ? i ? a-e M l
?,..,.,,, . ,?,..- anl trtttapmBl T'.up v\<i
' :nm* ....
\-rr...-i. ? ( ? ? J ? ? ? 1 fl?0 I 1
ra-*..-ita Rhflema BWn *-->! trVewaeB *-im'iu
tat Bli ?'
\- ll -n-.trr lltal ca--"
r. ) a 0 i) 1 0 ? ? flfl 1?1 T 3
.t ? t ? i ? ? e e ??! ? I
BeUarWa Sh-afew aat Katly; Ummwa .-.i : <?:.-??.
a~ . f?4C*.
fl f : - ? fl 0 * 1
k,.'..4.,,, ) ?? * : ?l I I ? -'> 'l '
li.-?,. II,-L. rt aad h-l' I-.*: ll.-rt.li* an.l
At It'lffaln .???,?,
v | 0 i a a a t t a~e i
... ..# i ? ? ? l I e s?i i i
IU .-!~. 1. I--'.-. tl.X llt"11l. BmWWtl (iroaf
ajut I' arr-4.
I g_ statj; uiAiii >:
^ - ,? ?. I ? a a)
i .
I! m: J un ' - ? ??
\v. . | . -r Kirratiwa '"' ttnn.
\\i?. ' rareaa i laacaM ?am-l.
.Wr.r.l' 4.N *4*aOOCUTIO*4]
T ...... I vi' i :?? I 'tl iirifi
l. ? i. . i ? " I laata :..l i*mai.
, Mn ..:??'!- I
m i i . Hrral *?mr
i'? i.. >*.?.? t aaawi
i . ,. ?? MilvauaW* *.
K.N UCaa3**X
tmWW*. i ll a-'-M. 1
i , . -, . Sem Uattaa 1 ' ?*?t ttmt I
j a j-t u*i.
Sprtnafl . . ralni.
r a . : ?? ? Hit*
44 r. ;
-?.| THKRN *JflWCIATa*D**l
4"a ?. . M *** I
M 'rn;. 'a . . Va*hH
Uii'? R'--*. * > 'la'tar. -na. 7 iflrv. fanif
lj"i- R.. a. i CkstUMaaa I v. ? . aajsai.
Ulroiln?-.aai-.N*? Ur.taua ttlui.
Feature Fact*
for the Fan*
Shawkey fave Ihe Brown* only
four hils. Oldring aaved the day
for the Yankees by a great catrh In
the ei_hth.
Fisrher and Flack each made e
home run off Perritt In Ihe fifth.
Flark batlrd 1.000 in four timea up.
Hart/ell's single In the sixth sent
homr the winning run for the
f)onovan's men left for their
Weatern trip la*U night, holding the
lead by one and one-half gamefl.
The Senators and Ihe White Sox
rontinued their see-sawing. This
time the Senators jump into tirst
f'ohb's triple -aon the firat game
for the Tigers. ln the second De?
troit and Hoston each made four
The DodgefB tlghtened their grasp
on first plare by heatin** the Plratea
twlce. The second game went to
fifteen innings.
Washburn Beats
Jap Champion
At Point Judith
Kumagae Loses Tennis Singles
?First Defeat in This
Narragansett Pier, July 22.?W'atson
M. Washburn, the former Harvard
champion, defeated Ich:ya Kumagae.
the Japanese player, to-day in the final
match of the singles of the Point
Judith Country Club tennis tourna
ment, 6 2, t?1, *> -*.
The play was very slow. due to the
heavy rains of the last two days, and
the exceptionally fine cuts of Wash?
burn proved too much for the Jap.
Both preferred the back-court style of
play, though Washburn several times
reaorted to clever net work.
Th:s is the first match the Jap has
lost in this country.
C. Biddle and G. C. Caner won the
final for the doubles from R Harte and
Wiliiam Washburn, 6 2, 6-8, 3?6,
7 5, ty 3.
To-morrow Wnshburn and Wood
Dawson, of California, play last ycar's
finals for the l.overnor s cup.
The point scores follow:
Waal *** , I j * J ? ?* * ?2
h I-.H.U . 1 4 . 4 ? 3 . 3--6
WaaMMM I 1 4 7 ' | 8 4 8 8 11 8 I 8 8-?
Kumaiaa ... 14 14 . ' : I ? ? 1 o l J?44
********* ? ? * \ \* * \ * ? H
Kumua. . a_a a i ia i i i ----?
Boslon, July 22. The Red Sox and
Detroit spii*- *? double-header to-day,
Detroil w.nr.ing the first game, 4 to :'.,
and Boatoa tahiag the second, 1 to 0.
Cobb's three bagircr in the ninth scored
Burns w;th what proved to be tha win?
ning tally Ifl the tirst {.ame.
The acoraa follow:
rtaai aam
DETROIT r a I. ? _Kr_r_*O.I IA. L '
ilirb pea? al.r h >??> ar
Vltl. 3b .. 4 1 I tll HOOpeC rf 3 10 4 l
U'.ah. rs 4 1 _ : 1 1 Harry, ?h .. 3 9 l _ 1 '>
Rurna lb ?l l '"i \Jtm\e. lf. 3'!" 3 M
,-oi.r. -. a ) 1 _ . 1 flalnar, lb. ? 1 I 18 1 I
v.a. h lf.. 4'.' 0 fii"' Walker, ef. 118 I * '?
.T1?H.rf 4 0 I _ 0 > tlsr.-lner. 3b 1 0 8 1 4')
. mg :i ii l .. l ** s ..... ? ... ?o* l 18
v. K*f c..30 t 11ft Ca4r. e. 4.u t H
Ml.cheil p : o *? o?< See**, p... ipp o io
; May*. p ... 1 0 8 0 18
?Inn rln.... 110 " 0 9
??'?.rrlnari. 181 o 88
I'liMrr. j... 1)0 0 H
Totala. .li.__8.li Tot *.:?.. .0 1 7 27 IM
? Ulad f?f Miya ln Iba r'jli'h Innlr.r
rbatud r ? <... ? n _a tha - "?? "ab**
;?., it i a a a a i a a i~|
1 1 * i. ) 0 ) U l 3
Taa baw ? -?? Vt m li* *r Thrf* *,___. Wl -
,-,. i. Ka._r.fK ?'... Burtu, '' '>'? llarr..
..... , |. Uaa ll '-I ? ? l*tt n ' 4..a
... .- n mrn i.f
? ,?,. i i: _i Bi ? ? ? ? "1 ?__"**?#, I
rj m,. - f Ml-riw I Hlu and
,..,,,r,l - i . i.. . I
4 . Inn .?*. off
|\,,..r ??. In I I "t ??*. II ' r
Jta, - rw i i-. -? ln :nt< Surrt mn B) Ma.a '..
11, ir. . i ? ruw, i.ja.
I , ONO ?? >m
DE I tO 'IT V I. ['?'.??TO N (A U i
air b I ? _br h. .? |
Vltl 3** 4 '. I 1 I H -I'r lt
n , .... |., - n #o:ii
.1. ? " .1 1 11 l-rnlK. lf..
: a I I 8ft Hn llu.ll lb :'? > > ? <
III 1 I .'.' . ,..r rf 4 ' .' 4 . .?
|| III 4 li lar '?-?r. lb, .'
t' : - ii if 881 8 I ? aa 188
Vi .inc M. 4 .31' li..?..??. t ,881 314
144 i .-\\,:*i..? ? _.. aee iae
J**..*-. p 1 o .... I ? .-.I. p 18 1 Pl *
?Kav'f__,_1 188 8 18 {.I.N.!.\ , . 0 P ft 0 P
IDubea p IM 1 11 . I
To-a ? ???!.' -ot-Is . _.'. I 4 r . 1
? ?
-. - jan.., i .- I nina
? r Th mi. '. . UM vi.ntl. W.i.ii t
i,. r i a i a a a a a a?a
I . . 8 18 8 8 8 8 8 8?1
Two *??. M'i Tbaaaaa v?'mt - ?? ?
U,... , ,. ?a->4^.r . r ?; . laawa
If.. ird \. i. i ?,.'. -r. U ? "' .*??* If.-ij??.?.
- Ri , ,. l.ia ? i -DrU I. Ilf
?^li 1 [la^a - balll "" '?? ?? 4 t.r [_> ,_..? ?.
? 4 , I i .? la i. ? . I a
, (? im: i. : li ?.. - i ii . i- :
a. ,.- l. i.r: a . . i ? ?
llli li> p4trhri l".i ? I '?? ' *' ?? * -'?'?
Oj . un > .. i. ?r am i *j4i I.
1. a-..l ?*??. Ttm*
'. I
Club Standing
in International
Richmond at Newark.
Kaltimore at Proaldenee.
Newark ia. Baltimore Ivaet g'd_).
Providence, 8; Klchmond, 0.
Richmond, 6; Providence, ...
Toronto, 1; todu. 0(11 in.).
Rochester, I; Toronto, 1.
HuflTalo, |; Montreal, 0.
w U rx. W, L PX.
Ruffalo 11 ni *>bl Balt || ..9 ...24
Prov 41 37 .54.1 Rlchd .IH 10 .187
Tor'to 40 3.'i .533 Newark 34 4ii .425
Mont'l 42 U .52.. Rorh'r 30 46 .395
Tennis Champs Lose
to Behr and Murray
Johnston and Griffin Not
Equal to Task Set
Before Them.
Behr Suddcnly Returns to Form
at Bay Ridge and Stiff
Match Results.
That he still possesses the pa-;., phnch
and speed shown in hig ser.-iational
pTOflHTSSS through <'r:!hn, Behr, Will?
iams and MeLoughlia to the national
tennis championship at Forest Hilla
last September, wai .icn.onstrated yei
terday by William M. Johnston, of Saa
Francisco, in nis ffjfst public appearance
in the East thia aeason.
However, the sandy, frecklod faced
little joungster wt-nt down to defeat
w.th his holding partner in the national
doubles chnmpionsiup, Clarence J.
I l'eck ) (iri:!ir., before the onslaughta
of K. Lindlcy Murray arm Kari M. Behr
in a great tive-set exh.brtion matcn
on a soggy turf court o: the Crescent
Athletie (. iub, Bay Ridge. The score*
in faavor of Behr the F.ery and Murray
the Meteor were I "3, fi 1, 4 fi, 3?6,
6 4.
t'hief interest centred in the play of
Johnston because of the a'.armmg re?
ports of his physical condition that
went countryw.de after his winning of
the title last vear, because of th? re?
cent injury to hifl back at his home and
because tennis foliowers are more or
less dubious as to his chance of retain
ing his crown.
In a singles match during the after?
noon 'Valter Meirlll Hall, tenth on tha
national ranking list, came back and
defeated Koland Roberts, the young
San Frar.ciseo ("ity champion, 6?4,
6 3, 7- 3. koberts, rew to the turf,
was at a disadvantage and could not
meet the low bounces successfuily.
Johnston set the physical-condition
rumors at rest yesterday, and, though
he ar.d C'rirtin lost because Behr waa
in superb form, Johnston's play, after
only three daya of turf praetiee, did
much tO reassure those who thought
the wiry champion's victory last year
was a fiuke. BoOBd-faeed and tanned,
the champion looked fully as healthy
as the perennially vigorous Miss Molla
Bjurstedt, as they flhoofc hands and
posed for their pieturee nn the court.
Johnston's terrific for-hand drive.
into which he thro-.vs every ounee ot
his weight, was as speedy as ever. even
though the balls were heavy and wet.
Sevcral timea the champion hit the
sphere so speedily past Murray that
the good natured opponent, not icefng
the Mil, but surmrsing the fact that
Johns-.on had stroked it, grinned dfl
A Real Speed Burner.
The champion's fast ar.d deep volleyfl
from a few feet in front of :he ler
vice line the characteristic shot that
was the admiration of the galleries at
the championships laat year was also
on the job. His hne backhand, which
he has been trying to ht with as great
vfllocity as his forehand, which ia th?
ipeedieet drive in the country, was not
a' fut as early reports from the Coaat
rhe Match ?*ei faal and furfous, even
though the court was SOggy from the
rain. an.l several times the bal! refused
nbsolutely to riae, ikidding along tne
ground as quickly as the flying foot
steps of Murray. No service was aa
effective as usual yeaterday, because
of the soft surface in consequenea,
delieeriee were broken through oftener
than usual in doubles.
Johnston was rr. fine form eor.sider
ing "he turf praetiee he ha- had. ar.d
Grtflln played bit eiual iteady. rmper
turbahle game. Tho uiesyected return
to iii.s Darffl Cup form at Behr. who
r. . ni bariag s bad flooeoeu and the
expected "eflciency pl is" ?f Murray
wns a little too much for the national
doubles chnntpions. although the match
was close with only eight love games
registered i7? the ttt Mtt,
Bebr*i all-areund play, tncky and al?
ways w.th ehangefl of pace and direc?
tion, ?cored often. The former Yalo
hocicev star was particularly efTectiro
with his hornontai volleys, s.nce tha
handkerchief r.e wore arcund his fore
head did r.ot appear to interfere with
his sighting aloi.g hrs racket at all.
The temperameir.-al, :er> internation
alist missed several ea?y chances, how.
ever, much te the Mlght of the gal
lery waiting to see an.i h'>ar him ef
Murray Was Ileadly.
Murray hit with ioadly precialoa
ai, fairly rnurderir.g whatever
lobs Johnston and (inffiti were fool
.i iy anough to send his way. He vol
'., y.'.i well, also, his returns hugg-ing
tho --round as tight as Behr huga s
favor.'.. raekot That rs, "here waa no
chi.nce t'> i-a-t Murray'a returns. For
the rr.ost part, hfl md Behr worked
smootr, togel ?r, ilthough there wero
leveral nixups, luo partly to th* fact
that the new ean i iatien held a right
hander and a >fth:.ndcr.
ihe point ?** -ri' an I ar.a'.ysia follow:
rigOT MT
Illlltllltlll 2?41 I
Hehr aii.l Murr*i
1 7 *. ? I 4 *l T n 4 1 5 4 *??J fl
*rno*ui axabi at*
n n ri r> a d r.
Int r.t'iyrt. '3 0 1
7 4 111
r!r1**m 11 : ?> 1 1
D*hr. " ? I I I
-1.. *. ? net
II III I 2 1? I
iiflhr aal Maitfli 44144 :i ?
H n r 1 k i> r
M'lrray . - 4 S ? ?
? 1 l
Mn 4 7 ? i ?
IU1B0 ttt*.
.. Gna ?4444-11 y-n t
11. k- (J r 4* 4 t .' 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 2> 4
rnou a \
s " i" -a nr.
.i * n o ?
: 1 tt. I 0
i n | ?
Ila-hr I 1 ?
*??<>? BTll SKT
!-*,? .U4-1 an.l Hr-- .' 4 4 I * I 1 1 4 - *** I
?, | 41 i-a, 4 2 2 i 4 7 3 ? 2-tt t
rtwotta sxaLTsin
n ii r **a or.
.-'. n . 1 4 t t
I 4 I I
I 2 1
HKTI1 .->r'T
? ? ?? ,1 .; - i I f T I 11?SS |
Bt r * : Mar-,. '14 4 4' ki | 4 4 I W I
rtm <bm aNALTaia
s ii l-l M "'r
i . 4 2 S I 1
M.r-./ 7 1 n J a
I a, ? |
llahr I* 1 1
\ ,i p sa r?P
MMMflM B 11 I I 4
Murraj .'2 14 *i 4 1
.., -. '?? .i :: 3 ?
lu- - .1 i ? ?
V>tTa-riaM.... \ \". ii than Pl rtaaa
UMiaia. rrl A M*.'.. ? a-?*. D t i'.ubA) (awlu.

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