Ifs Matheivson Day
at the Polo Grounds
Matty of Cincinnati Will
Bc the Whole Show
Big Six Will 1 cad Fight Against
Giants. Who Are Making
the Last Stand.
Those who are woaderlag whether or
not there la anv MBtiBMBl left in B4UM
ball are reqiest. 1 to i.port at the
Polo Grounds this nfternoon. Th.n
l il] wonder no loagei*.
For thi? ia Mattv l>ay on the aid
hattlefield a >...? I are for the
f.rst time in level
are cominr 1 on I 44 .tl, tr
'. sor. orT (he paj ?
Matty leada ' afe>
Grau it the ball game is of
secon.lary iatoreet The main point
happens to be that this is the first
good chance New York has had to show
its appreciation for what the Old Boy
has done for the big city through
nearly two decades. The wealth of any
eity is measured only by it* happiness.
So Matty has added a lot of wealth to
this communitv since 1900 on at least
SS5 oecasions, the span of his
victorious starts.
But the tribute to be paid this after?
noon to Mathewson isn't a tribute to
hii fictoriea, for 4\hirh he was paid
The tribute goea to thr skill. eOUiage,
braiai and elean liTiag ihat made these
victories poaaible.
Fr..rn the beginning he was rVivorr l
1 aloae gave him
?ofBOthing of a r-i.-.rt. Ai Zeeb Sojuigga
I been lost.
Then. in a phynca. way. be wai
tu iook upon over 1 at, wcil built,
g t.i-ure in
? '.4 !
With this he h.i) the atuff- n faat
r.u a grand curve in the younger
a craftv fa ' the later
Had I'rusual Hrain.
A great right arm wi.sr't all. Added
1 BB unusual hrain that
of opposing batemen
ia 'he proper
way. 1 . thi. arith'
out i- sucn heighti if at
?ne h.- had r.ot 1 ?
two o:her 1 the courage
? treme .
rruna- .
had to its 1
e re?
sources ol lighl have
had all ' iat a v' ai 1 named
courage. braina, good looks. patienea
? . . fall"
ht. But he '
tability to hve a ]
nnd a high ton
? ond any te
:.(l.i. In other words,
'.. courage and
he had . and eelor an
.. eaught the
: hii ihare of luck
ed from Cincinnati,
N c vv
from the dopths. He
?'?. the htlp of n
: 1 ? ;.r..und
weald have
it I faana
- why New York
. not
t for the way I
\ Greal Combination.
er pitchers with
tibout a* mneh
ind re
? 1 and
been tanotl
. on t.. .401k with, who
. 11 bleaaed by thi
which is why the ni.m,- of
1- NO. 1 in the pitching
' reason w;
on A Mathew
Og makes his
Gianta. I
hai alwayi heen held
when he 1^ lorely
? i. For after all th.
ling of the
day ai.- 11 ne and
?*iorn the top u hard,
1 '
? ? the elimbing. A
..i no chance.
1 "1 II. 1 og and
ed, thi 11 hope left in thi
?n. where between now
-. up at
,nu- a weeb on Brooklyn nrn!
'1 and
Philadelphia H ia no aarl of a light
ertaking. Bul there* is alwaj
?? 11. h power a* bat, 44 ith
McGraw on th,- lii ee ai I Heraog in the
The \n-4. ir >.x>n.
' i\ 44 VI ?'.
arei If the (Jiant. farl
iled before
their ehaace will be over for the year
1914, t*.e\
' "ne club it
tho way, Thej have thn-.- atroag con
tendeiv 1
nly chance
tO Bl ' 11 ,7M elip or better
lt will take ovi
. Nal :.>l..l! i ? .
I ?v three
? they will re?
4iuire at |<
Feature Facts
for the Fans
Wn*. Ihe Clants' college recruil.
had his hrst ehance at a big Ieague
leatn ? hen ihe Ciantu loat lo Cleve?
Mamaux fanne-d eight Phillv hats
men. The (Juakers made only three
Wagner. with a double and Im
aiagt**, had a pi-rfect da> at the
I.ee Magee was injured in an cx
h.hit ion game at Buffalo.
Hughe4 J?nnings has been In.ieli
mtcN Kuspended for his argument
wilh Impire Nallin Sunday.
against twenty-one defeats. The club
. ready shown that OBCfl under
good steam" with tirst class pitchlBR ,:
eai itii np bb abaonaal aatoaot of doil
u tl Henog m d Salle* added aad 4- tl
Art Fietcher back there is now om
ho,,k 1. ft for h?pe to hane on and the
next few weeks will .hOW JBflt how
trustworthy this hook i-.
Matty in Marble
An Art Suggestion
The movement for bigger and better
statues in New York City ha. started
D. F. Hill. of the testhetie burg of
Vonkers, is largely responsible for the
renaissance. Here's his very note; this
is what he wrote:
"I offer a suggestion that ought lo
he taken up seriously bv the New \ ork
lovers of baseball?to ercct a slatue of
Mathe*4son on the Polo (irounds. If
the newspaper* will take up the malter
in earnei?t and if the management will
aet up a contrihution box at the en?
tranee to Ihe Polo t.rounds I have no
douht at all thal a aulficient sum eould
be rained in short order to carry out
the suggestion."
Thifl sounds like * siait toward get?
ting statues that will raean somethmg
to the average DOIOOB. The outdoor
art of New York at pr?*8*Bt is neither
.mpressive nor iBltructive 1:
' irgely of uronze lac'ies bal
uncing on one loe at.>n of gilded
re? and of men with wh .ktra.
Matty doae in raarblfl or bronze in
rhe ottitudfl of winding up for tha fade
, -,..,-, ng to the
youth of thfl nation. beaidflfl being an
' riiaii.. ' ? i . ? ? ' ?'-? id But
v.hy stop v. ith a itatufl of Matty?
'1 here i.re other baacball l '
.. irthy of eommenioration as
the care, r ol MathflWMB.
Why Not Fred Merkle?
. eompanion statue there should
be a life-.iie figurfl doae in solid ivory
i:' Fred Merkle failing to touch Mcoaa.
lt eould bc erect*d B*ar rhe >pot where
ital bu:,c was pull.-.l and ?*<
not iBterferfl greatly with the plfl
rhe Polo GroUBda. Parents eould poial
it our. to thcif ehildren as u warning
? careli asaesa.
Somewhere in the outfield there
houl I bfl a itatue of Beaaie KaurT,
with thfl titlfl ' Modosty." Also there
hould be some sort of tablei dedicate I
ro thfl r,unierou.4 YaakflOl WBO fflll ifl
action duriui th? early part of the
, I, :"? for about nfty*
?1| magaatflfl hould not bc
? ither. Theil .<
. ? ? ?
rded ii i during
m. A brasa group or' a m<
of big l*a| i ? tora, e ith I
Ithily reaching towai;
r*a pocketa, would I ?
Thei* ifl no reaaon for the movement
for bigger and better statues tfl
\vith I t thi Polo I inunds i
reaent ofl i "P- '
portunitie to thi Th?
: eriei
aloild to the worki -rs ifl bronze and i
Statue of Al M>Ci,4.
A simple and elfecn . itatUfl WOuld
b. n life-.ited Agurc ol i hampien Al ;
McCoy doni ? "? ? ?*?*
dium whieh ia aceulia opriat*
ur.d lastiBg. This should v I plfli ?
eatal oppoaite the eatranea of th<
. Iway Sportiag Club.
In conimemoration of the foundation
. i oi Hard. Boill I Eggl W?
siu-gest a zine sta";'- of .1 nraj Johfl
aton lewiflg the poekel or his wallet.
Ilarry Stovens using the first safety
raaoi tO cut ham for sandwiches.
gomebody il ihoutin* over our shoul
.U-r thal thera should !,,? :, itatua of
Tom jonea buying hii tirst drink. But
. . nt has not \i I t;.k.-n place
| | nol a* ro put II lato bronze or
l h< ami of thc i roraoti n ol
the new art should be tfl hl
itorieally e*rr**t and should not
? po*<
\\ ? herebv agree tfl rontribute one
huck. b*a* or iron man toward th<
erertion of anv of the statues named.
Any innovation in the OUtdooi art of
New York is bound to be a ehange for
the Letter._
Milwaukee Buys Players.
Miiwaukt-e, Julj '-' I S*cr*tary Nahin
' of the Milwaukee Ameriean '?
baseball cluh ro da\ announoed the pur
. f Pitcher B**d from the Porta
club'an,! i.-.rrhet Kohlspeek.-r
lb, both te.ims of
o 31.'. l tague.
Play on Braves Field.
Boston. July 24. Woreflflt*! and
Lynn p ?yed ? doubU headei on Bravea
Field to-day, LyOfl taking thfl
g?n,e, 5 to 3, and Worcesler the g*C*
I ond. 1 to 0.
Results of Games in Two Leagues
And Standing of Battling Teams
( im innati at \??. ^ ,,riV.
Sl. I ouis at Brooklya.
(hieago at Baataa,
Pfttabargh Bt Philadelphia.
I'lttohiirgh. '?; I'hlladelphia, 1.
\ il iu\ \i l l.M.l i: STANDING.
ay. I iv w. L rV
R'khn l?> I] t.nfl N. Vork !'i I.' ,481
Boaton. H il .."?;." I'lttah'g Ifl 12 .17.') Boetoo lt* .17 ...70 Hein.it 4tS 15 .:>0.->
I'hila 11 SC .551 St.Louia il 14 .44)1 ( lav'i'd 19 .19 .557 St.lxiui* M 4'.i .1.17
Chtrago 12 1*. l^i ( iacia'l M 52 109 ( huago ??* 40 .515 I'hila 19 UI .237
Nr? 1 ork at (hieago.
BoMon at ( le>eland.
I'hlladelphia at St. LoBaB,
Waahhagtoa al Detroit.
(hieago. 3; l4etrr.it, 2.
W. Ia, IV. W. I.. IV.
V ^.rk 51 U .5Hfi ,\??h . 17 10 .541
The Telephone Booth
Close Finishes
Mark Trotting
Meet in West
Entries in 2:17 Pacc So Numer-.
(ius That TWO Races
Are Nccessary.
Detroit, July "i. w con
ditions ider.l aad tha traek in ajbod
dition, the loeal grand eireuil
began at the U hii State Pair
I- to-day.
were the ru i
ila\'.-4 .
Entriei in tne 2:17 pacc to-day wero
so nui: r>' t0 ,
divide the ii.1.1 and
it. In the Rral Ot ? ai " ' I event ?
Caante took three I
).ut ap 111 ior thi
Canute took
... .. end aron ahead
of Deputy SherinT. 1 he
147.80 on Caauti ' heat.
The '2:lo trot went
which won the th fter landing
: in the Rral two. The aacond
and third beata pi
? ,- ?
e'eond in a I
reetoi T idd in the be-t time ol
? ? -
dr;' in;; nl h.
? ?
at the i
in the $:'. mutuel. in tl
The *.'.,ono Board of Con.
for 2:1
to-moi r.
The lummary
PACixa . ? 4 -
1 1 1
li ? !>i-. ? t ? Wall
4.4 7.
TrUrTTIXfl . ; ?
: -j i
i. c
. 4!
1-4 1 3 S
4 ' 4
pa. im, in .i w* -ii rii\n r>n ibiq>
.. - I'atrli. I. !i , b] La. I'al !.
1 . I
4. .. ,
I .... - .
lllark 44 -
111 I' ?
, ra
? ?
4 ?? ?
'1 -I
Ml*, !'? - ? I
li. - 4' IUI
Play ln thi nn
ment of thi P try Club
? ..? 4,,,,...,
? ?
the draw. B
and the cor ;?? ?
44 II v k ' I ?
player, arai I
day. II
i.rr.l the aeon 44-R ifl :.
Herbert Foretei the el oolho; ? i
erai another to i te
roun.l. Hi
tie.l the lattei
- .
n the
iramary fo'
I'arv II ...
, ! \ a ' I
. 4 ?
1 .. I ,. . '
I' T Kll.| -.-.....
And Rip Van Winkle
Went Back to Sleep
Rip Van Winkle lilew back to
N,? Vork after a twenty-year ses
?IM in Ihe haj and Imik hia aceus
Inmed se.it at the Polo C.rounds,
The paaUMrta had aged hut little and
the rraaa ob Hcary Fabian'a lawn
waa lroa*d |B*I as rarefully as lt
44 as Ixlure ilendrick Hudson had
fltippcd afl>rfl*thiag into his teacup.
?i,. ,,ld thing," raid Rip Van
Wiaklfl iranquilly. "Not u thing
rkaagod -In.e l blaw the burg."
Baddcal) hc- e*aac*d at a figure on
thfl C4).i, hing lines and his jaw fell.
"Sa>. lhat looks like Matty in a
Claclaaatl uniform," hc said.
"It is," aaid fl you.igi-r fan.
"(,i?m1 night," said Rip Van
\\ inkle. I'm still a.-'.eep and
And he heat it back for the CattB
I. Ila.
Lee Magee Ilurt
Sliding in Game
Against Bisons
Yankees1 Defeal at Buffalo May
Prove Costl) to Ameriean
1 eagne l.eaders.
| ?und
?'.??, .niiings he
? ?? .i. t.,ok
? | hase
..n an
? :? -he
att, r
k*d OBt
; ,,ne
:, ? .. d raa ib*
, ? i ,1 ,.',,i took
?? ? *.. ? . ling
. a \ery iBflppy
part <>f Booafl to
Ig rhe
itci I to .eon a
bunch or' r-,
. ."6 1 , ,
,. .-, Ill
. .4 ,
troit, Jaly 24, ln n hard-foaght
to-day D
, :" I to 2.
eenth Covele.kie, af'er
I ' 1 ? i r > with ' h fl
0*11. . an inAeld out and a
r thc
ndthfl pitch
en nitter. .--??.-i 1 r. was
?in 'h hy
for objo. Bg ;?< a
. for
.. . Ua in
abrlt, ?? ?
: 1 10
? ,
, 1 ? .
? < ; , r,.,
i .'? i o i j ; i
.,ana?h 1 u I
Iflfl 1_4
feaatk, 1
? ? - ?
, . .. .
. u.af.r
I . ? .
(,l\Si- ln DA1 with (|M IVNATI. 3 40
1 .'I. 1 . ??: . .- Adm. 50c?Al.t
Richmond Cheeks
Winning Streak
of Newark Nine
Wild Throw by Aschenbach
Gives Rcbels Runs Needcd
to Win.
Richaaoad defeated the Newark
Ii.dian.H >es'crday by a score of 3 to
1, and incidcntally broke the Redakins'
winning .-.treak. Newark I ad won five
games in a row b*pfore ttns setback
It was not until the sixth inning
that there was any .-.coring. Then Rich?
mond broke the ice, when Prieste sin
gled to centre, tallying Arra^on. The
viaitora1 Othai two run. came in the
eighth. With the bases full, Apchen
bach, the Indians' shortstoii, made a
wild throw to the plate, and two men
r..ni|..'i| ..ver safely.
Newark crowded th<> bases arith only
one down in the ninih, yet could get
over but ane man. Manager Tenney !
went in as a pinch hitter. but ground- ;
e.i to Arragon, and araa threarn out,
otic man acoring. Heaiey me* retired
on a foul for *.he third out.
The ?eori :'??!...'-4 :
NEWARK ll I.,). RICtlBtOND fl I. ..
ibr h[.ni? ahr li ;.?? 8 .
I .... 3 ? Cleeaeae, Ifl ?" - 0 0
i I 1 88 Bibal ' '
1484411 ll-n.lrix ;? 3 1 D 1 31
Wltter rf i.) l .? II Fta.nkaton.rr III -
Bliter. Ib. 41 I .:
h.aa 48 1 I -
. ...5:0
4 0 4 0
a o oo
1117 13 I Totala...? 3 4
v '4.1k 18 8 1 I
1 1 0 .1 '. ?> I
, ?
i . ?
. . .)* pla t Hoa
. allahan and I
Ina ? ?
\. ? ,??..,
Toledo, Ohio, July 24. The assault
on Uaapira (leorge Johnson at the loeal
American Association park yeettrday
will result in the e'.imination of tho
puii bi.-.tle, aceording io plan* being ar
ranged by Manager BreaaaBaa, and
other itoekholdara ->f the club, it was
r.nnounr. d laal n.ght.
A pa ititute will be used, it
-.'..- aid
Johason was knockeil uncor.scious by
one of lifty or more bottlea thrown
from the itaada when the ipectatori
arero d laatiaaad With a doeialon whieh
Bieaal dofaat for the home elub, Th.'
arbiter left the hospital this morning
with several stitches m the back of his
baatJ, ahera thn missile found its mark.
Frankie Conifey outpointed Joe Ma
loae in a hvely ten-round bout a' tha
Olynipic I'lub last night. After the
sixth round Malone was battling with
only one eye, as th.. left orb had been
by a itifl r.ght.
Johaay Pay beat Johnny Bush la a
- x round go. After the tirst round
moved his ahoea and bozed a la
?> Duncaa. ln hia bara feet He
claimed that "he could not keep hia
footing with his shoes on. The referea
ii aronder-ing if there is any Boxing
rule to disqualify a bare
Al !'? i K 11 I
I 4 8 I 4 1 |
I | i .
' i". M *..?>?. Tia.aj.ni -
.4 ? T ? n ii .
n .1 i\ a i , , , f
?. ? aaa*. u I Bealari laYlleM m i
' ??:. a i .
4 .. ; |
' 4--,;.r. | k\.,- |
N>? I/4rvl.>n | . Ia4w.ll 9
S-? ll.... !a?r.i -
1 ? " . -
Y ?i ati. : Htntm \
Irat nn'
" ! ftlUrl
? ? 4 .-., 1 BM iatn?.
4 4 . . 'I ., ,.
1- .
Brrataaa l iiaj-n.imr. i >, aariea. aaaaaal.
Ml TIIKKN A.-.-." !AT|.l\
A''ar.ta 4 H'rTnlraham. 0
M.r-rl''. ! rhat'anm i. i
' 4 K.- k 4 \,.!i
N*4* (>rl**r.? ?? alaaaai iraln)
Club Standing
in International
Richmond at Newark.
Montreal at Tnrot.to.
Baffalo at Roi h?*t*r.
Baltiraoreal i'.-.vidence (2).
Buffalo 4S. Ko.he-Ier (pnstponed).
Richir.ond, S; Newark, 1.
Tonn'o. 1: Montreal. 0.
Baltim ".-. ? ; l'n-vidence, 0.
v, i. :-t If. i.. PC.
BufF'.i 11 '.I ."i'.t Montr'I 12 39 .519
T.-'nto. II 13 SSl Rlch'd. 39 12 .181
Prov 11 Sl ..V17 Vwark '16 17 .434
Balt . II 9 .VlOUiKhr. 30 46 .395
Roekaway lilttes
Defeat Whites
On Polo Field
Big Crowd Watches Final Match
Played for Independ
ence Cups.
Cedarhurst, L I., July 24. Two
-.eam.-, of polo players of the Roekaway
Hunt < luh played rhe final match for
the Ifldependence cups this afternoon
on tho Aflld Bt Cedarhurat. There was
? lavrgfl number of peoplfl from all thfl
.surro'unding country present. The field
was firm and the play was generally
fast throughout. The match 4vas won
by thfl Roekaway BlBOfl, with a total
score of ?'-. goalfl to 5. K. S. Voss \
Thfl Roekaway White-.. the losing J
four, eompriaed J, P. Kaa*, S?ward '
Cary, J. Metcalf and A. D. B. Pratt.1
with b team handieap of three goala.
Tha Blue.. arerfl rat*d oba goal
With the allowed handieap of one goal,
thej icor*d aad lost a
ir i foul eroaa hy Leonard
lixth period aft*r he had scored
ii elerer goal.
For thfl winnerfl, who were all well
raounted, I R. L oaard, prohably did
the better work. lle made three of
Iba goala tallied hy his team.
Hii brothei ieor*d two g"als, the
? ?.; raadfl by Tucker and
Water, eaeli making two.
Sewatd iar\. rhe \eteran player of
the Baffalo club, icorod four goals for
the Whil being at difficult an
gles al .'!; well placed. Met?
calf tallieil tho other goal.
Pittsburgh, July 21. The Pittsburgh
Pirates dflfeatfld the Philhes by a score
of 'J to 1 here to-day. Mamaux allowed
the visitors only throe hits. Tho vis
itors use,| three pitchers.
Fr... hit* ofl D*Biar*fl in the tirst
three Innings resulted in the Pirates
making Br* ruaa. and four hits in the
tifth inning o,r Mas.-r gave them tWO
nor*. Ifeuuillan w*at in to pitch in
the sixth after Gibsofl had tripled.
1 he icora foliow ? i
PHILA. (H I. i. P1TTSBUROH (N t. >
M. I 11 I '
- 10 0 11 in.rf 11
' I - 111181
?' m 1.2 II 18 118
10 8 11 18 1
' ro aUS, B.. 3 0 1 03 0
? ?
j 0 1 0,
Tatafa .?'. ?.. t? ST B?
?Bailc! *? Iwmaree 1 i ruiirth tnnlni.
i 00 1ft0f|r)90-l
fh I 1 I 1 ??I
Batl Wai M Tiin-e -.a.. .-?
... ?, ? ?
ll "lii h'ta
1 "'.-.,- 1 4'1
... I| tittga
!-*.?.. Phl . Plttirjurth. 4 i
? . .
? " ,'. H I T M..mv:i I
? rai ? ? i aaiaa, ', al4| 4 runa !
ln t Innli.g-a. n*t MoJOT. ', aei 3 ln 1 ?
Itxtl * 41 ,, l ln 1: a* Mamaut,
I I I . , tlai IUI .sira^k ,?i> Bt
MrQuI . ?n,,i
\; Qulllaa. rime?. i
?i-l-lre. KJffJ .
Reds Beat Rochester Nine.
Roeheater. N. V.. July 24. The Cin-;
- ro day d.-feated the |
Boeh*St*r Internationals in an exhibi?
tion game by a score of 3 to 1.
ii ii |
oonioii j i
i o a ? o o : a |
Kaataai u..i llutn, hinu.>
*n and Hai*.
Bingola Beaten
for Gold Trophy
at Weequahic
F.mpress of Russia Victor in the
Feature Event at Newark
Trotting Meet.
The Empress of Russia, o.vned by th*
Brook K.rms, Cl.nhen, and driven by
Dr. Ilurdick. won the $1,500 gold trophy
by beating W. J. McDoaald'a bay mare,
Bingola, in the race-otf for flrst place
in the 2:17 trot in the last matinee of
the Amateur Junior Drivers' annual in
terclub meeting, held at Weequahic
Park, Newark, yesterday afternoon.
Rounding the tirst turn, Bingola
poked her nose to the front, and by
that margin led for the first three
quarters of a mile. As the two enter?
ed the home stretch Bingola unleashed
a hot sprint that raoverl her further
front. McDonald applied the whip, but
his effort.s were in vain. for Empre^s
of Ilu<sia rroaaed the line a victor by
three kngths.
The 2:22 tro*, which was also raced
in two rmrt?. with the winr.ers meeting
for the premier honors, was .von by
The Huron, a chestnut geldir.g, ownel
and driven by II. E. Winter The Baron
led all of taa erai,
All save one of the brushes result.' .
in itraight heats, and most every brush
was productive of close flnishes.
The fight for the team honors re
mained an open question ur.ti! the last
thiee races WOT* settled. Tne Road
Horaa Association of N'ew Jersey was
given the cup It scored 37 points.
C.o.-hen l>riving ("lub and Metropolitan
Driving Club. of Hoston, were placd
second an.l third, 4vith 23 and 2's points-,
The summaries:
raa roa aix paci
,.? iea aTaatl IL BJ
ll ?-. ;,>..,! . ll
Miaa li.f.s-.^' IV I. Rurkri - 4
. . M 1., : 4.4 4 i
I..,. > . \\ . b ii to J McDonaJ' ... J I
nn.*-- . ...
Fal I!*Q - II CtABa
, ? \ . \4r.:ui iw Kraaal ... l 1
i . K..).a: i . . 2 I
I'l.l.!-; 4 . ?: !. II* ,? . . |
I lilata r. 8 MIU*r, Jr.l 4 4
Ktiii-1 !.'..-.- . W I MtD. al . '? Ir
. Ha ?' 14H
l'A.'INi; IJJ CaaABa
.. . ? i; .. - \ i. | a .1 1
a. ir. L. Burk.1 . .
A..I.-M, Ir B. (R. BoTlai .3 J
I'li ???! I'oHt, br x. 'l>r Bunli. k) . 3 3
i.r i' .:-..:?'.. - ? 44
rn.iTTiNc. i:ii clam rraar Diriatoa
n. :.. r.i.-r taa <;r?u
,I.r 1. ..4. | 1
I.rn.lri; Hall. b. h. IliatU) . 4 2
ll* - | ?. 4 .,-a.w) .
j??j. tiaklana. b. m. ...1 il
. . . ,-..:
i - la Dlllsn, t- ? i . 6 dr
I- ? 4 -' l'1-.
TKi.TTlNli?4 II n.A-S--:SM'i>M? HIVISl'.N.
B . . i4 ii. ea. (W. J. MaDea
akll . . l i
J..4 I 4\?'U. Ij li. 'luvlal . I I J
l<r,?l*j.. ' 1 -.. . - ?'. . 3 J a
Uaca Van. b ni n i*i-. vi-?il?'.?..4 3 I
ln f.-r Luck. h ( ..... .. I. BmlUl 5 J 4
Tin-...- I 1S4| j :?; : ir
bacb ovf roa naar raoa
Fararaa. af aaaala. rh ;*. . it iiur.ii.-k). 1
lllngula. b. ni. . M.l).-.-.a.l. . j
Tlm. . , j,
i'Ai-iN?i . 1.1 CLABa
Hw'l. V. hlk. ni . by \'u<* hnru iVV. J
4. I: ... : :
I. ill. B iM. ?-- .
- n ??'- -. ru. . Lotillardl .
- 4 - 14
TROTTING?: 11 ?I ASS I'llisr ! '
TB. Baraa, a*. .. ka, liar.-n DtUaa .H l
Bliitarl a. | :
' ? ir.. hr. h (Ur.rml
Mi., Zoi...ir,.. htk 'fi. .. |t 44 i i .-i l ,
- j IWhlfa 4
l'.li arr: ?-li, b. h. ? I'a, 4 ; 4
tii..it:n.. : .. . laab -? ? ? d ?? ratoa
1-. Qtjf b m . br Ouy Ai. . i
4 ? 11
M.. rliart .-ii t IC. C UajrbUTl , _ _
Anit. Ki U'.t. '? r i |W J 4|, > . ? , i
1 8" - ?-' . . . i 3
I i ... I * ' .1 rr.:, :i .... 4 |
Ttaaa .' . I -,
%*ea-en roa naaji inizt.
Th? Birin. ??!. < IH. Btlaaarl . i
). ; iiu?, o in .Arrnlrii .
. :i\ "" *
* -
Saratogra, N. Y., July 24. Two vet
eran rowers, Jim Ktce, roaeh of the
Columbia University crews, an,| James
ii Rlltjr, a former professional cham'
pion. were matched to-day for a three
mile aculling race on Saratoga Lake
next >aturday.
Riley is row more than seventy year, ,
old. but ia still in traininir. Biee, t^
18 ailty-four years old, will K,ve Kiley
a handicap of a minute.
Newspaper Tennis Tourney.
Tennis players amonK the New York
newspaper writer. are pl?nmnK a
tournament to be held at Cedarhunt
Pie Way Gets Chance i
Box, but Makes Poor
Cleveland, July 24 Hslting haa.
their way home the New yor^ e,
who have not been leen in Cajwv
fr,r agea, were beater: by the laaW
an exhibition game to ..... ?, ??<??,*
I ta t
Thc run whieh ? - ari*-^
did not devflop until the ...:.-\ w
Then, with Chapma.-i i n .-een^ _,
Bradley on first, howard -rroviaa.-,
Ferdie Schupp'i ? *U\fd
the contest, in whieh twent; "fit^
en took part, was over. Se*aa|j|
fans saw the game and tha Ne* *?_
share of thfl r*C*iptl B
The Giant3 U8fl I ?'itn,
Indians being BBabifl to ic re ?f 1^
Ber.ton, former R< d ? IUQbbj
pioneer gjr ier. Pifl Way, recntty^
Yale, New Vork's aeeond ''.xmia,?,
nicked for -.wo cour.ten ln th? -fcj
Ivan Uoward, who *p*B*d thfl ittae,,
the seventh on the GiBBtl laat#J|ja
Sehupp, did his best to hreik thi >
pounding out a triple. Bralth, Grue
and Wamby ln turn raiied tfl help >.,
Larry Doyle did th" Tieit hittia*!,
the viiitors, helping himse.f tflatM
and a pair cf singles. Larry, in aj,-,
hii second hit, ran into Gandil mt'n
a minute or so both were aidaa a.
the green. They resumed play rag,
having to cill on the 'ra;-er<. forraa,
Benjamin Michae! KaurT, the dftmt
Federal League's Ty Cobb, (tarteda
to have a neld day with thfl wij
finding Lambeth, a r*eratit for a 111
and a double, br I I
in, Benny \*a? hfllpifll |
tired on str
Charles Llneoln Uer-'z hi4
chances ia '
tripi to the p at* r-e wa ked ai . .ing.?
Da** Robortae a eo ... ih. I r.otkj
with the bat, b rna ., ' r-*? br.
iant cntches la aucci L? k*
The Giartj aeored ln 've -ecor.i
ilaglo, V,.'-?:? i er - i I
kle an I Doo'.an's fc
baseman. ln the next
tripled ur.d Lai
home. Larry woul '*i.ir
wav, as Her.:- >:''.er:
wild toss.
The Indinns tied tve ic ?* n
sixth with Wa;. pitch
Waral v, S| - '? E'*-1
nacririee an I Wa;
won in the ' "
mound, a pai to i
by Bradhy and lioward turafagl
The score follows:
CLF.VKr.ANr;. a k> n ?
a- r h :-o a h
Crranai lf 1 0 1 2 OOlHurn*. If
, 4 I Bl.. 4 1 lt
I < I
Smith. rf. 108 ?
Qan'll, lt,. 188 2 0 Ml I
r*a'n 2?, -4 3 r '.01 I
Ba an. .
rj*ly, . jci i
: ni
u? i
i r> 104 0 11 ?*??
Totai... .so rrni rowii ?'??>'
S'fW I rK
and i
> . :.
4 Hi- -
.... . 4
- Wai
.. ?
s.-i.uw. i
Clearing Skies
Promise Frtll
Start for fll
New Schedule Arrangcd f*
Association Tourney ?"?
Narracansett Pier, R. I .
Clearing skii s proi ? '
Wedi eada) ii tn
namertt. ..? the Po n Jud i < lah '
the national opei
Meadow Brook and <? ?'-?? \
:. rhe nat... ' -?'*'*"*''''"'
.s i'ls-h tfl
will b? TheB?
Polo ' lub
Coronado four on
thfl ?? iltiag ;.....- ? ****'
and John Drage, Idl. P
tio.M. with Jamea C Coolej ** ?
ar.,1 Berij-amin Gatil ? TB**
ors of the Coronado fou ill ?*? |
b; G. M. Heekachar, Ha
Sooie of the pifl i f?"r
polo on foot. hoc...;. I**" ?
the majority w-.-re ' "M
their mouata aad r bb*j
in a desultory way on thi P"*~"l
Reld. I
The new acheduh
four garaaa ur.de r ??? >nJit**
p ni
..- i ? . -? | ? .
? 4 4
Future Depends on Fipht I
Yoang Reilly's pugili ' e ' '?*",.
pends on h s iir.st KU
? rs, or' Californi i ' 'at ?L*
Pioneer Spon : '?rv
The Wl r-'ifiJf
tent Rivera '.' "J*
amends for his ki *? *Lg,
haada of thi tM
club t-.vo we-k< rt^-o g,
Ad-Visor asi
Will Be Found
on Page 7