Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET of Steel Meetinv* Comes as Agreeable Surprise. M\\ STREET OETS BULLISH ON NEWS iVxidcnd of One Ptf (Ynt s Chetrfttl Si-ntimcnt ?g Tttdert. ? ? ? I ' ?derful op ' ' ? ? eom l'.. x I . ?' r the full 1914, $137. ? ? ' ? ' From the ? a ns to whal ? ? ecame ? .'ed to turn ln ex rka nt ? follew ? Private Praneh < redlta. the year pi ? eeaafaerclal arranjrements with raoae of the eredita ohtalaed ? ? anee, nnd ao well ha\4' the ti ked 4>ut (hal 1,000,000 of bank xx th prai V, oli, i nnd other merr!". | 4-uii':i i, Fi tea or ? | tnch bankina hava eneoaraged I hope | nd will nol arill 1 ?d ? ?? l ranee. | Prinnnri I'p to Supplx. x ..... , ' able ' ??T? The ? a ? nea ha4 ? ' n, time ' ninoua ? # I'nr! ? dealers in ? . r>f the 1 ? .. form ? will make ? the foi . will rager thnt the ol . ?? ,.- ? ??? ?? ' ' g how | , funds ? ? mg ot ? : v. _ How PnjTrtamt Oaald He Mntle. - ' ' ' ... Bal gold than ib rai na rjecotna ? ? ?hanr-e kroner comnianrls a ? ' TXTED FROM M0B: HELD Clerh, Crowd Said. Was Irwiultinir. Flaa; in Soapho-4 Talk. ma elerk, reseoed ? ,m a moli thal reser.t tha American flag nnd I **? or" art and ied. ? | lla dellver reaa nt Fifth Avenue The crowd had Just ? "Ljrnch him! when ? fought hia waj ?h the lini 110XD 4, iLES o\ THE STOCK EXCHANGE n E9DAY, JI i v 2*-. 1916. H in bonds on thfl New 1 B8CBBW Ta?.d.v ******* ta S-.>*000 aeain*.; !'? >'?.000 MefluUy. feTScMM a mccI. avr<> and $2,B?t,0M a !;??; ? FraTjr^ l lo dat* $aaW8t.H#, nrnin.t s I. ion. BONDS. Asaff* ' '" .... '?" ... ; ... ... '"* Mfl 4 . 1.5V, j.p" ? '. Jt T Ut 4s IM 1 1 ''? ' Mli 4i ? : Sl ?TE BONDS. M i ? I' * ..,L " <' 6888 . . ??*. MI \K IPAL BONDS. ? ' ... Tl ky AXD MISCEI.LANEOl S ICI .4 *?. r. ... . 4. 113 ( . |Ub r.1. ' ......... M . 4 I . 4. t . ... s:s t>i. ? ?? ,.t <4 ... T? - - -I04'i trial Si \ i ... .''4 .104 Tn . n ? . . - o-i |. ". Ut .... i> . 1 4- -gw ' < l.l ' : ? ? * ; . 4 ,'-na . ?? ..4 ,*.?*) .... ' .... w? ii '! ?a ?"w? ? o *aa ai .'??*? ,. 4 la - -. i BONDS ' , ,'. ] Ask. .... . | ? ' ? i , '101 inn 101 - ' " ' 4 4 ? ita * '' * ';" CsiafM a*. a, ' " " '? '?'; V,'" '" 100 1'"* .tr . - ? i.iuu ? mu 110 - ? REORGANIZATION OF The Missouri Pacific Railway Company St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OF PLAN AND AGREEMENT T4) Holders of Certificates of Deposit issued under the Plan and Afrreement for the Readjuatment of the Capital and D4-bt of The Missouri Pacific Railway Company and St. Louis, Iron Moun lain and Southern Railway Company dated July 1, 1915, and to Holdera of Undeposited Se curities. I Mortgaga Fiftj \ <-r r Qold Baada an I Fanr Pei Ceat, Oald Loaa Baaeli <rf 1966 of raa anaaaen Paelfle Railway 1 madlfteatlea and the r'an and Airreement ns to modifttd Coplea of the Plan and Agreomenl aa ae raodifl-i 1 may he ohtaleed from any of the Dcpeeltarloo or Sub ' iries. Holdera of eertlfleatea of rlepoalt far al ll of nny issue heretofore r]*pn*itr.i under aeld Mei and ,.?, nr eefero Sept<-mi>rr 1, iffifi, apon lurreeiler af their eertlfleatea ru; 1 apaa paylttg te the Depeeltery or Baa Depeaitary laaaing the aama (*> at the 1 |1 for each ralee of stork und of $19 for eaeh $1,609 arla claal amoanf, of bondi ao with li Haaa ?'?? nnd Commltteei haviag respertively rmlaed thal paymeata of auch ratea . ?? tloi ln reeaad af any aeen ? thdrawe toward the axpensei and eompenBatlen of the Readji tmenl kfanagera and Commltteei aader the Plee), and also (b), in thr eea? ef any Flra! Morta Per Phe Chntral Braaeh Union Paeifle Railway Cem n reepeet of whieh the bi l of the December 1. 1919, laatalaaeet ef li atlvaneed B?der aer aneeta ta May W, 1919 (the amennt of aueh a I oat of intereat moaeyi paid aa lach bendi hy the Beeeiver on that date), nnd ir\ in the eaaa of 1 ther boi eet of whieh tha amoBBl af any laatalaaaal or laetal* ta of interesl haa been advanced ?. tha aaaeeal af aaeh ndvanr** wi*h lati . .ar not po withdrawiflg on or before Sentemher I, 1911 ? ? n aad ta the Plea nnd kgn ? I raedlned p?. ? 0f bl madl thaat peaalt. <>n or hefore September 1. 1916, aftac ahlch dato deaaBadta wil n?i he aeceeted eteeaal Beaa su<h torni*. as the RaerganlietlM Manaajeni may prearribe>. *.*\ Naw Vork, July $6, 1916 KUHN, LOEB 481 CO. Reedjuatateai Meaaajen PKfilSITMMF.S: I'nr Ftve Per CVnt. First and Refnndinc MeftgagB llonrls: Por I afty Venr Four l>r (ent. Oald Ronda: UtANTI rRUST COMPAN? 0P NER l"ORI BANKERS TRUST COMPANT 140 Broadway, New Torl 19 Wall Street, N'rw York For Strvk: Fei All Other Sertirlties: ., MPANY 1 P Kl 'V Y"RK 01 ARANTT TRUST COMPANY OF rflW T0R1 M Wall Streel I 1*0 Broadway, Naw Teri For S'.ilvDrpositarics refercnre U mnde to the modifird Plan. NOTICE OF OPTIONAL OFFERS To Holdera of Certificates of Deposit for The Missouri Pacific Railway Company's Trust Five Per Cent. Bonds of 1917 and First Collateral Mortsraire Five Per Cent. Bonds of 1920, and Little Rock Junclion Railway's First Consolidnted Morta;a?re Six Per Cent. Bonda, and to Holders of Undeposited Bonds of such I-sue?: The Committee of whieh Morean Delano, 1 aatltated aodar a P Igraeaaenl: dated aagnat Bl, 1916, to repreaent th ' "?r?!,'?" eonaleting of ?*?"*? Gordon Dexter, I Ukina and Gilmer Clapp, c oader a Proteetive Agreemeal dated SepUmbei>n, ribed, having adopted and apprevea tte rian . . . .-. ? rhe Miaaanri Paeifle Railway Comiway aad S^iaaaiB, Iron Mountain nnd Southern Railway Com] 1'-'ir'' "', ?"'i!,'"l^ l? aeeardanee with the NoMeial aieein ? I herewith, honda of said ii 1 er before Beptember 1. 1919, with the Depeaitary therefor named ln aaid Notiee of Modil ration, 01 arleo of aaid Cemmltteea n apeetlvely, at the op.ion *The attention of Deeealtora af 'hr baada ? ribed la called to the followinK eptieaa extended hy the modifled Plan: '" Trust Five Per (ent. Hmids of 1911 or of Llttla !??rk Junrtion Railway Bonda may at their opt on. 4; ? provided ferlB 'he nnglnnl Man. or bonds aeeored by tha eai rate of in?ere<t bat raatarlng aet later than jaaaarj 1, laemabla la the mea :,ny semi;.- atemt dete at their faee valne aaclaeereediatereaT. pr his election to take thr bond lamped therron. Every DewaaKai al Ir,,-. Plva Per Ceat. Bonda af 1911 with Columbia Traat Company, the PrPos,t*ry under aaid Protectiva Agreement d ?M?ta te the modifled PUn, will hr deemod te tO take thr- bonds af BWeh short er maturitv. aaleWJ ,.n or before September 1. 1916, be ?"'?"?*" cartifieatea af t to < Blatahla Pi aathorlaed ageat In order that a aiemoraadam of his election tO tako thn honrl* of thr longer period may he itemped th.erenn. Holdera of First ( ollntern! Mortgaga liva POT Onl. HoncU of 1920 may. al their option, receive el her the F.rst nnd Rofanding Mertgage Nva Ter Ceat B01 li of the Bariea provided for la the original Plan, or bond* ?"??? ?? the Fame mortgaga an.l be ' I Bf nr' l!,trr *hnn Auf,"t *' lw?> """ nhle ln I ? lemi-annnal at their fnce value an.l aeerned interest. Evon Depoeltoi of aaeh Baada oi 1929 ?ith Goaraatj Trust (ompany ef New Tert or m^ aoo .., J , Plan. will i.e deemed to have eleeted te tek.the^baa the longer term, anleea on o. bafoi ? 1 I. 1616, **? of depoalt te Depoa tary 01 1 ' ""' u' ,ak" th< 1,ond 9Mftef , ren I'e;-.' ? ' Boada af 1926 -ith < olamMa Trust (ompany. thr Hepn, tory aadtr aaid rro . lx>nds af aaeh ahorter maturitv. aaleaa on ar before September 1 1616, he preaenta hta eartJfteetee of Ln order that a memorandum of hia election to ?p take the bonds of the : hereon To Holders of Certificates of Deposit for The Central Branch Railway Company's First Mort.?n?;e Four Per Cent. Gold Bonds of 1919 and The Central Branch Union Pacific Railway Company's First Mortgaire Four Per Cent. Gold Bonds of 1948, and to Holders of Undeposited Bonds of such Issues: ISS.W m ?S'rsi^i;,.^^:-,';.r;:::: ,. U~*? k eallaa ,o ,h. t.U?U? .pU. e""''; . . . ,.,, a.u-a, n?n^, ,1 mi .., ,.1 c?.r?i nn,n,h Dkta* Paeia. b.ii...pBaj*. .( IM* baar" ,,,. ?.,.:...,. . :. ,.f ,.,?.., ..,?, <>?<..! I.r....-I. 1'ntan I-?l?r It^, ?f .c.^cffiae.*.? b..^i.,.m?,., 1, lii [ .??'.::? ln , ? h memorai ? ' ? ' '?' ? ' KUHN, LOEB & CO. lu'itrijamzation MavaqeTS. STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON bVTOCU. MlNIMl. | ".? ' ? | '4 ? ' ' ? i ? ? . ' - ' ' UA" MIBl Mi.". : 10* Ma.. (7c .. N M - 4 1 ' - ? ' ' ' ? .... IH " L il* I I ? ' CHICAGO BTOCEB. tm I-aat. .1 141 Hl ? ? CHICAGO STOCKS. BALTIMOBB WtW K^. Ka]? i >]'?', Hlflrh. i ?' I H ,, 114 ih : 4 im I . 4 ::t 1401 . ? '. i '. u i :i ll ' . I-T4 r 7" 16 .... BOtfl l .. n i rr rr i - - -i -. .... . I-. \ r. f 'r a PUI.Y UIPOITB AM) KT.POUTS. I?aily impnrt.a ar-d azportfl nf w#n erai mcrehanilise at the Fort of N'r-w Vork were: ?, ..... ,r, Mlr * I ' l .... ilo.-.Uy. Jul| IT. I.UH.H* -i 4.3 The Missourl Pacifle Railway Company Trust Five Per Cent. Bonds, Due January I, 1917, and First Collateral Mortgage Five Per Cent. Bonds Due August 1, 1920. N0TICE OF ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF REORGANIZATION t? taa no.or Cftaaaaiai of Baaaaa ei OBBBwBaa M tMneamm, baeat an*. aaa I?bjb;i1b8 f^'J**? A......I IL 161*, w,n? h..i.ien .f ta* aewtfl bcsiUBiI iwu BBd ttwaaa iNaaaar, unuam A.i-n,. wniard T. , Klat. .lamr, Timpioa. l.a H. Win, an.i I,. F.lmnnrl '/arher. I nmmltt-4?. Referrinfr to th- BB**?MB**tl**fld Prntect'ive Aereement, the ********* ^*^ "JJ^mLSj**? MOTICB tha. it haa eppr.ivci .nd a.l.-pt-d ? P1*B BBd Atfrecment latltlBd -P1.B and "?"^*'*??2 ration .. .Odlled Jaly Ea, ltl?, flf thfl Mlaaaari Pacifle Railway <'ompany and BtwUBlBalml ounta.nand Baathera itaiiw., Company Hcmrthr- Plaa aad A?ra*m*at af Ma^aBtflaaat *f th* Capltal **?>*? efl*B CarapaalM daUd Jaly i. 1616, aa modified July 26, 1616), Kaha. Leeb i Ca, Re?rB.n.7.t,on *******? *-} J" ? led topXee el Bach haa BBd Airie-m-nt. ? < ao ??,d,:,.-.l. with Calaaabia Traat ?'ompany. the Depoiltary of the Commitl ?, at Ita effie*, Ko. M Broadway, in th- Borouich af Maahattaa, City of New v.rk. Baeh h,.ld,-r efaCertifiratc of Daeyoeit Issaed aader aaid ProUaiv* An******} ?*?" b*, ""'l?*?! e'V aumcd to hav- aeecnted to aaid raodia*d I'lan and Apr-m-n', unle**- h- iha I within thirty days after the BBBB day of Jaly, ItlB, ha ? aaid ciumhia Traat (ompany, l?B**lury. wrlttea a?tlc* ef hia d.isent tberafrom, spoeifyiaf th- date or dataa aad tha number or n.mb.ra of tbe C*ttifleat*fl of D-Po*rt heM byh 66. Ia w.rthe PlaB beeomea ? i ? prevtaed by Article Klath ef tha PratAatl*. Ar-rr-emen d????"??"? rjertlfleal - H ildera m.v withdr.w their beada, u aet terta ia that Artlde, apea thfl P?*aaMt ?< ??? WJJ ?f tb.mpenratfon aad aaBaaeea of thi Coraraittc* (aet aic.liaa 1% ef the feee .mount *<**"****[} and upon rc?uvm-nt ?f any advaBeflfl foi inter- lt Bt*** Bf the Commit'ee, with interest at the rate of flix per cent per nr r'lr-i an laeh a'l"?'i.-"4- , , . .iA.j,M tjndei tha Plaa ar.d Aarraement of*, aated laly I, i*mb. th- abovr-m-nt.on-d ^"^oldera wer- affared Ib eaehaaa* for their bonds ne* Pirat nr ', Rbfai I ng KeHraa* Pivfl Per C*ali B*bJb. maturin, not earlier thfll 1666. foaT Commlttefl hafl aecared an .rrang-ement Whereby under the modified I l.n ******** m-nt. thfl heldera of tha ibeve-raentloned Beada al IM1 bt* afferad, psr for par, near rirat and ******** Mortaaae Five PCT C*Bl Bonds of a lerici to mature not later than January 1. 19SS, aad holdera ef tt* *6**** mentloned Bond. of 1 *0 Bl*8 BtT.rad, par for par, such new Beada of a Mriei to mature not later than Aujrust lf U utriee to ba reda*raabU ai a, bat nol m Batt, on any latetaet date at psr and acem-a ttea rer?mmend* the acc-ptanc- ef the latter offer, tn each eaa*. ?auea*d Beada e! Itll BBd IttO, may, h^vir , .tlll .v.-.lIf they ? deeira, of th- orlfinal offer ia ?h- B**dja.tment Plaa of j. ly i, 1616, to aaehanc* ^***f*J" *? n"mnla ..turin* about lf*l, of a leri.i redeemabl. as a whole. but not in part. at 107*% 0f Uieir laluc and Zr, -r om aay laUraat daU after !??, bal helder. >a elcetiaa ma.t prelBbBt their cert.flc.tes to the ,??;,.. ? Compaay for eppreprlata stampinK .,n or beforo BepteBttar 1, Ifl* . . aii belderi af tha abeve-meBtloBed Cartiaeatea af D^wit af th,- < olumbia TraBt Company who ahall ?ed Breaeat th*lr CertlfleaUa te thfl CelBmhla Trust Company for RtamPin-f on or before September l, m?, Sall\be dflUtd1 f have rieeted ta r*e6lV6 the new bonds BUtariaa rot later than January 1, 1923, and Aujuit '' 1'',"'^,!'I"^'of'VrP|!e'modifled Flan and Airrcement may be obtaincd from the Deposi'ary or from the Secretary "'" lh6Th?e?plBlB*8 and compeniation of the rommlttee will be provided for under the Pian of Reorr.nira tion arltheat cost to asseatlag crrtit<cr\-e Heldera. _ ?r Depoaitl af Beadl aader the Proteetlv, AarMtaent above-mentioned will b- y^ived by er on J-Jalf ef Colambl. Tru.1 Caataaav, aa D^MUtt, ?? -hour penalty up to ^.MJVJW^jJ^ oaU laeh depoelti raay be raeaived only upon such terma and caadtUeBa as tne Committee may presenbe. MOBBbTJX w 941186*8, a*a*atarr, No n Waii Ptr-?-. I r* m.-u, US. T. MOREAl' DEI-ANO, rhairman CAD6I .1 41, i- wi.'KKH-iiAM B tapt. To'irael. fflLLIAM ALLEN BUTLER No 40 Pfall ftrvat, pfaw rarfc, BT. T. , ,,1.' ratBIA TltUBt I "MTANT. D-poaltary, WILI-ARI) V. KING no "70 Br**6***r, Waw vw*. BJ. r. JAMES TTMPSON nnnwN BBOTHBBJ * CO.. I'hllarl-lphia an* Tioi-r-n, ASA S WING I i CO., Lealira, B C Baarlaafl, L'DMUND ZACHER will a.t for the DapaaltafT '?* l*tallllal m-1 f^rwarJinf Certlrt- ' ^ .... a| r>| -'? an-i ironJa Commltte*. New Terhr, Jaly BB, 1"16. Missouri Pacific Reorganization (^ The Central Branch Railway Company | First Mortgage Four Per Cent. Gold Bonds, Due February 1, 1919. / N0TICE OF ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF REORGANIZATION . .. .... . .-?. ?# ti.a raaaaiia' l..nn nnrt Trn.t ? oi,i|>nriT. I^ nnrl-r the rrotectlre Arr-'.fB'at; To ,!i*:,!,:il<!?:rn;;;,r r/.''^'r^^ u,"H,^l ^..o-t. r ^.n,,,. ??? s?a bsm gatain" jr.. RaaaSBTB h.ii.irr. ..i in- abf-aaaiad Bwaia _ nrornv nvrcs vn R.ferrin* te 'he abeve-raentloned Proteetlv. Airreement, the undersiened rommlttee HEBEB1 G \ES NO , Id thi lt haa approved and adopted a Plaa and A-rreement entitled "Flan and Afreement flf Reorf,.nl8.tiun as m .iV-d Joy 28 !9in. of Th. Mi.aoori Pacifle Railway Compaay ar.d St Leala, ron and. Southcnn i -a ( , p'ar v BeinK the IM.n and Airreenient of Readju.tment of the lap.ta and Debt of C flmpBaie. dateT/alv I 1611 aa medlBed Jaly U, 1916), Kuhn, Leeb * .'o., rlaorfaaitatUfl Marxacarfl." and haa flled eopiaa I;/ ih F'ari nnd A,ree,nent, a* NVbbbIM. -Jth thfl Farmen- l.?an> and ^ C^ZTLIyIT ' ' Committee ?t itn office, No. 12 William Street, in the BeteafB Of Manhattan, City of Nfl* TflTB. ,' holder of a rertiflrate of Depoait laaaed und-r said Protective Agreement ihall be eonclnilvely pre Mime,,K? ha*.. a'.enteVto*aid modiri.'d Plan B.d AKreen,ent. aal*M he within thirty (?) days after the ?r-T, ?, of Julv toir, have llled with naid The F.rmerV I.oan and Tri.-t (ompany. Depo,. ary written notice o S dfflilS,i*9Zt?.9^w\* ?he dare a. date, and the number or numbers of the Certif-.c.te, of "!,i T. eaa. the Plan beeome, effective, as provided by Article N'inth of the Trotectlve Areernent di?enMnt Cert^fi ate Holder, may wirhdraw tbeir bond., as aet forth in that Article, upon th- p.ymen of heir propor tlOB efThfl .iipensation and .-xpen-e* ef thc Commltte- 0.1 eae*ediaC t% of the far- amount ?' their bonds . Under th! Plan aad A^rcment of Rradjo.tmant, | l, ItlB, the abov-mentloned bondholders were off" ed ... for th-ir bonds f.fty per cent (60%) la new Freferred Stock and flfty per cent. anaw General Mortrai* Four Fer Ceat Beada. I*ear Ce?Bllttea ha, secured an arranjement whereby . - r ? 1, "fi *L ana A rr msn.. rhe heldef* of th- al.-m.ntion.d Bond. of The Centra Branch R.ll "y Vllpany are ?ff"red par for par in ,,ew (ien-ral Morteaaa Four Per Cent. Bonds. The (ommittee recommendfl th- acceptance of this latter BtTer. Heldera of the .bov.-iacntloncd bond, of The Central Branch Railway Company rr.y, however still .vail, if thev ... l..,!re, Bf r?e o-.^ina! ?'Ter COnUinod in the Headjustment Flan of July 1, Ifli, to BKBaaa* their bond' for ? f.v per cent. , 60% 1 in ne,' Bteeh and flfty Per cent. (|C*) in new General Mortrafe hour K ! U. bat holder, ,o BaBflt present their certiflca'.., tfl The r.rmera' Loan and Trust ( om p?ny, DepofliUry, for .ppropri.te itamplaf aa bf before Bepteraaer l. Itia, All heldera <>f the abova-mentlonad Cnrtll rat*i of of Tha Parawra I.oan and Trast Cornpany, who .hall 'not preient their Cartlfleal I Farmera' lx>an ar.d Trust Company for on or before Jeptember 1, 1916, ahall be dflCraed te have alcoted to laeelve par for par la new General Mortf.ce hour Fer L CopiM of the modified Plan and Airreement a>ay be obtained from the Depositary or from the Secretary of the Committee. ... . . ?, . n .? nnd compensation of the Committee will be provided for under the Flan of Reorpinisat,on wftheat ? Heldera. ... w u .. 1 .. .,,..,'.. p, .,...|V? Armement above-mentioned will be rec-lved ^ "r "n ^f'?f of Th- Farmera' Loan and Traat Cempai p, ?* P**^7, "P ?? and ineledinc SK IKMBF.RI 1I16, af',r wl.ich dare such d-posits may be rcceiv.-d only upon such terma and conditions as the Committee may preeeribe. .'.son W JTJDD Fecr-tary. \>w v.rk. N T. CHAtaJB A. PKABODT, frbalrman CADWALADBK, W1CKBBBHAII 6 TaKT, Counsel. N,). 41 ? -* r*rB, n. T. , EDMl'ND ZACHER TUB rABMEBB LOAH aSliTHI'.'T COalPArtT, ,,rv ROBBBT RTRITHERS, Jr. II tvittraaa Btraot, n-w v-rk, Dated. New York, July 25. lfl?. Commltte* COTTON REACTS AFTER SHARP RISE Early Figures Up 15 to 16 Points in Ontburst of Baying. Bnlll ih erop aew i ma le lueb a imprer.sion oil ipoenlative sentiment in tton markel yesterday that pricea to 19 poinl i r-., repreeenting an uptuin of aboul |2 a bale thia week, aml busi *. half than it has heen for an entire day ,,M cr- ions ifl the lHSt ft'W xx-r.-k-i. . i ?? ? .s manifested in an increaae of eommisBion house bay* ing ordera and Ihen ib a good de raa not apparent that the largea! aherl Inter .... had been alfected by the be I ei for they wera vie-orous sellers in 00, nn.i tl , .. or ii ? of the day at i o'eloek. r? rain in the Booth hlle clear weather Waa foreea ited ' r rexaa an I the aeet, altheagh eaaditloaa al l Bgarded aa seriona. Liverpool market reflected thr alarrr, ?., n!v polnta bet higher, aithoua-h more or li the foreaooa, ln company with Naw ins. immediate opaalag ef tbe market was hrm at an advai date. fjammieeiaa k igaea aearly . i an accumalation of overnlght buying ordera aad support laen arara ?"? on rurr.ors that a ; nent BootheRl crop r ? ? Bgoney inder a deellna ef abaet ?> points for the month, the theory bein* tha- I was only a fereronner of bulhsh pri reporta te ba rei : tha en.l of the month. eontracts were active from the ?tart, and eoverod a range froaa I 4 and up to 1309c, at which price il I at 12 Incrriisinif bo!! areevil activity wa.s reported in the .Miaaiaaippl Ualta, und BlrmlBgham, Als.. said there was little' prospect ot' ? ith perfecl ?n, x\ h ? ' dry apall now aould be . : < pointa higl er. 1::" I 109,700 for the ?ar. K.'.Mf" of ir,. e.: Y?'tT Op?n. High I ?'?<? (51888. 'tay. July.... II.U 11.11 1 ! " a , n 04 18.18 13 "t 11,'t ,. lt.l 4 ? ilrc '.'.'.'.' 11 4 .lan. II i ' Fal March... 19.49 Hay . " ' ' ' aaarkat 1. ?ith i.rir^. mlddlli 1 :' '"""? '. 11 ern apot msrk?4? , "l '?' ? and unehatta ., 4. ? bel unehani I. at Ite: aah*. ? ? :? laher, nn.i urtchaita* . ? n.xminnl mol rtd, at ! ? tfrm nr ' '? nll. Norfolk ataai It.ltc aale*. ItS balea. B rhana****, at I v ' ta ' . ... .r..:..|x. und 81 wl. Bt ]????? R ltc ; tn' ? - I'ointa. with rompariaooa, Maaw: Laat Last Praaeal ? . 1,00* ?5I 9 ? ah. - l I.S48 n 11 n ? xtun. Norfolk. 199 IM rt _ rl. ? TO ' i - ? 141 -- 19.488 I '?? phia_ ? ? ? ? 9.999 Totala r jori . ? ? ?? ? ? ? l I *? Cott.g^^xohana* *pr.-lal I.ix-errool cable* S'rot aataao a*aW I aalaa, C.000 hale*; ?p*rvii* tion an.l taport, 1.804); Atnrriran, ft,88<( Irnport... '',000: Amrn.-an. 7,000. M>d-upland, -ii l litniF, opened tteedr. teli point* 4 , ,;.4.4vl tirrtt nt it net alxanr* of .. polnla. Jniv. : Hi; OetmHtrr, T.lld , . : "",,l atar Apr, . *M : Maj-Jan*. -?. I Mancheater: Yarna hardeninf ; rloth.. ln ?aotawata aeaaaatal "MOP * PLAN M0DIFIED Kiihn, loeh A lo. bTIIbj Change ln Agreement. Kuhn, T.oeb & Co . readjuetment inanagers under the Missouri Pacific plaa aad aKreemen' of readjustment, have Med s. modlficatlon of *he plan and nfrrremen', whleb has been ap .eommitteea aaprovine taa .Tiginal plan and hy the r-ommittee of arhieh Morean Delano i? chairman, repraeeatiag Miaaoari Peeifte Trust 5 ? ? oada of 1911 an.l f.rat col morttraire 9 per cent bondi of ? mnattti.' whieh I A. Peabady ia chairman, repre - Central Braneh Urat mortgaga , , ? r ? ' oada 1919, and hy the . compeeed of Mr-.r? !?*> I Clapp, reproBeatlag I.ittle Junction Kailwar 6 par cer* bolida. ? . or the modifled pian, ha* been B| 8 hehalf of more 'han : ren* refunduie ? r coat of the 4 per cent g-old of the conaoli per cent bonda, 'J4 per .. per cent bonda of 19] ". the I rs' rollateral ta bonda of 1920, nn per cent of Iral Branch l per cent bonda of t of the Little P.oc'tc tirst ronsohdated 1 -1 per cent of the I.e Caaey W.lley bonds. 100 per :' tha Iron Mountain ComDtny't fttnding mortpajre bonda, and aiver 90 per cent of the latter com itoek held by etbera than the Miaaoari Pacific Compaay, and 6'J per IC ia lerl Paeiie t'ompany'*. .. ii ela :?? all the Beearitlee . ? eipation is r.ecessary for ?aaa of the plan. Calpary Sells Bondi ter, Roriek I Ce eaeaaee tne 1 1,000 City of lalfjary, Alherta, r> per cent tWOaty ard twentv !.ve rear debenture bonds. THe bonda arill be offered for publtc aubscription in the fall.