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GEORGE CHIP OFF FOR AUSTRALIA TO FIGHT DARCY jiflitny Johnston Weary After long Efforta to locatt Billy (Hbavon, laaa aV afltt? ?* . i>an->. '??? AaetwUaa bo\t>r, arill future. aaaCaip, v ' mld I tr..k * atl'rr i ? tralla, The (,reek rr * |i('.. v Australia. . try ut u\ the I Yd aaa" ' n. 11. ap tho inanly t.rt .-<! ..Id po ? ? - its. On his another Sii ?: Caaa I , if ttu m*** fpr' ' f ? ' ,H1'n to that Ion,;. ,%3tt : ? - -ing to ,j, :r \. o .. .::.? aim ices for fie'.ir.y aaaai - ; h?te ta ite thnt Mr Gibson afraid ; ? eonard meet - .ys tne |aa Ba.i.: - te look ,|a* aaat atlonced Leoriurd ? '^a I rs- h:? silence. j Bt The Rrona Bronx .'.cal a lt ??n l'm ejoing te i pa>, i- * ' a ii:nds ? ite ta ' 81 ' - nds of ' i ? .nt. : with . j th'..< ? Pell Falls Victim to Slashing Attack of Peck Griffin in Longwood Tennis Fifth Star in National Rank ing Losea in Straight Sets to Weaterner. Rj .1 \MKS O'NK.Vl F.. ? b, Jalj li. BaaaiBBiablfl Mile i ? Pct ? Grifpn la .-ii ihe i raovc ln tho annual 1 OBgWOed tearaaaaea. here to-day Tkeedera , ? I'rll, tifth in thi> nnti.mnl innking, fniW-d tfl tBBfl PflCk'fl 8888*81* . ralghl aete, the same way Kichard NoiTtl Williams, M, 86* et'd m th. raaktag nnd fa*eiite to win Btieaal title this year, fell tha day before. | ia making only one se. That waa tba laat, wbea the iturdl little Mn Franeiscm was in , a triifl aarelaaa and nea tha ball? hu.i i>e reCB* heuvy from the dutnp rurf. The were I 1, S 1*1 Peck, winning from barkcourt in a r: .ii ring titirl. did not hother te the aet, aal r-1""' f,,r ('!,,* lmr : thc great backhaaaai oai ei peflitiea, ar.d then fast for the other I hc niHtr-r lirnplc, .p. thinking ahout what the tmtional deablei champion did tfl WllllaBia peeteraa*, ?: plaj 4?'iy coinidtriUy. Kain May Stop IVck. r* la no telling when (iriflin's will end unlesa it raini. It is thought that he will atill he on the upward rru>ve, eapecially lince he will m**t next the wmner ol tlie Mathaniel \V. Xilcs-Ichiya Kumagao match. Nllfll is ranked slxth, and Ifl favored to win ever thfl Nipponeie eouthpaw DflflBBflfl of the lHtter'i inexr-enence on grass acaBflfl to diiy Bfl WBfl introduced ? ;. pieces of apple pie- at luncheon M later tnken to hia first base? ball game and prar.uts by the twteraa ,'? I ? | later rounds of thfl and with thfl itnrt of tho Mei rhampion>hip to-dajr'i raa eal i ? faat Thfl i u, re - lucnce were y turii BP by tl Ili the .. i nre nu-rriiy Icaving to the oi BBakiag t44 ' , ? ., where thc oac that grrw' . , ,i te bfl. Q.ri ? tl ir,per half, whieh i the na im M. John of San included little national champion ' P. 1 arned, ?? I Ul..? ? . i raig Bid ' Philadelphia; ninati ? Har ? thi Griflln, Kuma Irviag C. Wright, of Boatoa, and ?' ll..r Iclphia. ? . - : ro day. Griffln'fl half con - - ? reagth, bul t' ? ing l'ick \4.1l run There were two upsets in the B.B* Rert Dawson laughed himielf . ? taran, K. N. with the On the Side Lines at the Big Tourney f'larenre (.riilin'a pla) Ing haa pro\ed Ihe big aenaation ?>f the laaiaaweal The twa ipaaala of the day were thr ilofe.?l i?f Ward Davtann by K. If, llana aiwl of Ihe x.-l. r.m II. A. Mai - Ixinnry h> A. Ingraham. Koth favarite team* in the Kaal ern douhica rartie through with \ ir torii'^. kmnagae alloweil M. A. Conant only two game* in thr.?e aets. Mi kaiui. the other Jap player, waa pu/ rl?-?l b) Irving \\ right'* ,-hop Mroke, nnd 14?-.t. 4 fi, 4 fi, fi |,| B, rt VV The newly arrived Califernlan refaeed te take thr match aariaaaly, aad jaal faaled aloag, In the other upsel A. lngruhuni h!m> of Prevdeace, defaated tha vateran -ta.r. il. a. Maekiaaey, fi 0, ."> 7. 6 7, fi 4, o 4, m a taaale terrifie, llaekln ney is from l'rovidence, also, but 14.-*t hia are*. Huth favoritr tennis in the Faatern deablea ehampionshlp, the winner ef which ia antitled te play at Chieage in tha taarnaiaeal of aectiaaal win nen te detenaiae a ehallenging team for Grifln aad John a tan, waa te-day, but one had a ncrve>rackiag twe heai before ihe trick waa aceonpliehed. Thia wai tli?' Ti ?' i oaal eeaiblna tien ef George M. Chareh, Teaafly, aad Willia E. Davia, California. The two lor.^-lcKfjiNi playera akidded and coast ed all over the alipparj court. ekaoing the shots of NiltM and (ieorge Pea body Gardner, jr., prides of New Eng? land. Tho new combination, in which BBeay see the future national cham piana, eventuallv won, ft 8, 2 fi, B 7, fi 4, fi 3. Niles is typically New Fnjrland, part ing his hair in prim line down the middle, while Gardner neoa f!i<' broad "a" in cnllinf* to the ball boys, but the twain played iterliag taaale for nll that. Tney took txvo srt>; by break lag through Chareh'a aarv iimc, liut lost thr other three because Ciariin.T'' weak srrx icr ?u- paated hiinl at eritieal raoiaenta an.l thi bu li livery of Davia was deadly in ita rxe eation. The other favorite team ef Williams and Pell had Bfl eaaf time winning. In i a wa) il eaaae to im*= when Watson II. im and Richard Harte, of Har vard, loal in five hard leta te Prancia T. Hunter, tha Cornallian and holder| nf the Tribaae cut), nnd J 8. o'N'oale. Eaay Day for Hillv Johnaton. ? Btoa, xx bo, throagh the luck - draw, ha- no| >ri Faeed very stiff oppositian, ' eaay as he m r the formalitio" with ES. E of Portland. Dealaaa la touchcd with j:ra>. lefl handed, apee tacled and browa ihirted. Tho cham B, I I Kumatfae everwheltaed M. A. Conant, | imta in the three .'. . fiborn ellminated an li t Hai rd, aai . bt, eoaehed hy Miaa ?' .-. (I tha lr Mkam;, ?'? 1, '"? i f?4 . ehep strokes in paaaled by court. Th,. f-umniarie- f.i'loxx. : ii.vr.xxiiiiti MS'.l.i* Ttiir.i aaaatt > P lamrt aatj vwa ?? faaiae . I fafl ? ? H?r?a~l '. : .; i It \ |i?- a i h n I I . .r 8 1. ? , hv a - i ?- a. e?*. ??a Church and Davia Favored by Many to Win Doublea Championahip. f | ll?'a<. I II > er.w r.'l I.' ." drfratr.'. A N li ,,, , | .., gwnod I I. i ' ' -lr*4ii?l. J'.i.i ri.llalrll l,la.'r?l Wlaialu W II. I i ,, l-Ti'.l i|||h 6 i 1 ?: ?? 1. < '?' lrm,| ' Wrtglil l?niwea>l difiaUd II Mlkaau lapai,. 1?4. 0. 1 l i.ti.ain, LengWfMd .hl-a--1 II i il ? i ? ., ? ? - A. Ingra ?? I II A Ma, ktl ry l'r, .1 ,|, i, r I I-1. 8 4. leblll I ?. afreled M 4 i ? ? a.,t. I 4 Waiami II M'aalihiin Ka?" Tork, difialid H .. fl II. Ilariai.l I a. l-l, I 1 flfaipa I < ai rr, llar,.r I defeated II I . ? , H ?' ? fl .n 'abnala*. Ha" rranetaeo, ? !.r.?i..| I I Ih-i i. Pon . .? : (1am ii ' Urtfl Ben I ? ? ? aefeeta' it1". .i I,- Ba - .?!? i Nea laat, ? I. i 1. ? : 14- ri iin i?.i ni.ite PlrM ronad I u Pei ? l ? '- Wl - .Irfralr.l h. r. IfafTl,,. a aa* B O 8??. 8?8. i reunrl larara I O'Neale Jr and Pranrta T H , Ui .Irfrair Wiimci M 4V..I b in and H. |i ar - ?....' I ??', 4 1 II I .,41 Butln Mled ? l? I' Uafold r-'wiu. | 1, ,. i | ! 1 B' K, 4>rr ind ll M . unlrr Ifflllfd B K H aaryai il 1 I Ba* ? ? 1 ,; I .1 w \\ ' A 1. rWaiti 1 ii I 1 1)1 Walei , |,| c. I (li I W. fl Mi leftata I II 11 Hl,a? ai ,1 !:???.- 4' , , 1. J t 1 1, l A A I 4'. r 44 1.1,, tfaatl I >' 4 1 44 II I'" ? I , 4 4 6 ? .' \4a. . 1 ... I ' .1 Armaur,i| defeated Wlllliia Raud -l IfM rjeora. C fjean ?? t. 1?4. 1?4 8?8j ? B ,\ ,na and U 1 lefeaud 11 C llarrti aad 8 C Irign I " ' ? ?? s l','r? raa W Wlghlr, 11 drrieted ll ; aad A. N iirffi,. ? -'. ? '? .' 1 ? ,\- " B ,,.,,, u i 11 11 But U defeated C I H ? ? :ne)ea and V F DerkmiTii - 1. 4 I. 6 4. | ,,.,-,? M Cbarrh ind Wlllla K I'a-U defrait I Nathli li '-4 fi I- I . b : r. I 4 ' __._ WILL START PLAY AT EDGEMERE CLUB I'lay in th* annual invitation tennis | tournament ef thfl Kdgrmere t'luh will g*l 80 to a start on the cluh's clay eoartfl at Nfemere, I.?ng Island, this; afternoon. Close to thirty of the lead? ing metropohtan players will compete, and it is rxpected. that every player of note who is 8*1 at I.ongwood Will tak* part in the singles. Alrick H. Man, jr., the old Yule atar, whfl Bpraag one of the big sur priees ef the srason recently bv de reating Theodore Koosevelt Pell, Ne, I 4,11 the nati.inal ranking list, was the, winaer ef la I reart tearaameBt Be will defend his honors, and atnong the. other eeatettcnta will Tie vCaltcr Mer rill Hall, who also has a leg on the Laneaater C*p. Both Charlai f hamhers and 0. A. I. Dioaaa, two "aaarathea" tennis players, have heen invited to play. Chamhers and Dionnc played b match in last aeaaoa'a aveal whieh recjBlrad two days >f play before il waa eea* rluded.' (ni Bl I "" their the ball pasied over the net aeventy thn ? times befera the point ,:del. RAIN CAUSES HALT IN TENNIS TOURNEY Raia put ? atep tn play in tha open tennis t'-urnament of the I'ark Hill Country Clab Bt Teaken ? BceaaBC of the setbaok the r ttee ? ill niB'..e bi ar) ,r rt thia afternoon to muke Bp for thc l< ?iie tinal round inaVh ran bfl played Batarday, as wm originallp ia tended -rt ferater, the aehoolhoy star, nnd L*ob Crowl*y, tha Engliflh i two of rhe plaven favor*" te ana the a .' prohabljr ba called apea te play nt leas' tWC innti-hes thil after Beea, areether penaiUiag. The rest th.- eeateetaalfl ela* will b.- i.skod t<> plap ra*r< than r>a? aaateh. Tfl morrow the doubles eorapetition la aeh*daled te itart, wil I intered. GmSfum REMEMBER - Turkish to? bacco is the world98 most famous tobacco for cigarettes. rVciars cftfo thSMtJ Qsds Turersh and t'-jyptki/i Qjarvltes wt the m*ri4 HAUBERK FIRST IN THE MELROSE AT EMPIRE CITY (ilnomy Otli Rcvels in the Muddy Ooing-r-Shllllng Wins Three Races. Gleenty <im, thr flert nnn of Ogalea, aUo of inuci runaiag faaie, revelled la tha goiag, atteatjed bj eleaaeata which lns naaae beepoke, for || woald be difR* cult to recall more dieasal condition*. thafl thosr atteadaat upon rarmn al thr Empire City ee teraay. Ragardleea of kla oraiaeaa name, Glaamy Gui daahed 08 oa lns toe? at the ri.e of tha barrler and ? ihea of the field, a i i leagtha. Daddy Loag Lege, alae prop? erly owiag to hia III beight und eonforaaatioa, lalabed aae aad, Gertrade Marie takin.,- third raonoy. Hauberk, from tbe ill fated atable of u. R. Ooe, aeeounted for the feature avent ef tha aftcraoon when ha won the Malroae Btakca from Aadrea M Cut ard gelding Bac in a thrUHng thal waa decided aftar a bitl tt thi art aad for thi half of the jonrnej il appeared that tha honora would fall lo the candidate, bul Jocki j t ampball pet ? rared with H .nd rode i tni.i il race, pi< king up Bac at thi Into the ;|"k' ateadily te wm by a ihori leagth. The card waa cvealy divided between favoritea aad lecoi d ehoieea, aaeh leor ing three, bat Jockdy Behifliag easily galaed the honora ef the day by ridintf home threo xvinnern Ifl handy fathlon, his mounts being t.loomy (iua, Nmety Simplei and Transit. ln ^pite of the continued rain throaghoal thr afternooa the conte6ts arere ael rebbed of their exciting in eidanta, The Hlllelde Handicap. ;n wliich four ?.f tha original ala eatrtea took on tha iaaue, furaiBhed a ipeetaele ,j | foai I ie fiatah. whieh in iteelf prnx-ed a Krtut cornpliment to Ilandi capper Voaburgh'i aaill. *tad bi ? the cl : the 8tew? *id i had called Jocki . ?' ' T*P lin into 'he ataad for their vei iea of the "iaaido" trip wa al, both flalahiag with al* la Bn | line. Results of Racing at Empire City Track TIUCK Mn". iXK4,". : . i I ? . > . I ,. . .x- faraai " I, : - ? . . ... '? ' ? ? I i RA( l i -. raa >? .r ? ripwar I i i | I a ' ' THIBJ) RAI K !'!!. HH4JBHAI.B HAXDU xl ' - ?' ' ? I | < ' 4 | ? , . : -' 4 ... ? f) ? ' I ' I > , . : i . ? i - . . - : ? ? .- W K i 1 ' I ' Wl J 4 . ? : I I 4 ? ll I . .-I xrn ... i " ? ' H ., ?? . : ! 4' i i . I*a f'ir ' - . MOTOR CYCLE BARGAINS -in.l get tne pick rl (|,C I"' ' ? priCtt*. Spring Frame Inrlian Twin 3 Speed, Fully equipped, used, but in fine condition. . 175.00 Inrtiai. Blni ? ' - ; '? 1 * ,800,1 N Y SPORTING GOODS CO. *,: wnr,*,, Meeet aeaa iir,..?.i..a. PORT LIGHT ry Granttend Rice The monumental task that Matty faees in lifting tha Red. out of the wHderne*! late tbe proaHAed land can be firet underitood from thu list ol Red matiatfers from IB7I to r.M?'.: II.-,,- ? . Kerk, J. M. W. Neff, O. F. Caylor, Tom Loftua, Tharlei Ceaalakey, Williaai I Baek) Ewiag, Rohcrt Allen, Bid Mci'hee, Joe Kelly, Kdw.rd Han aa, .lohn Qaasel, Clflfkc (irifhth, Hank O'Day, Joseph Tinker, Charley Bersag. There you have H ffteen leaden in forty years, without a pennant V lap above the old tepee. Fifteen leaden, including iome of the greateat minds in baseball Hanlon, Kwing, Comiskey, Grifflth and others of ilightly 1*86 repat*. In the forty years the Reds have finished below tho .500 mark twenty-five ceaaeafl, and in the last twelve years they have finished in the aecond divisian but twice. Considerable A.ssignment. Kvidently, Matty faces what ycu might well enough term * considerable ?, ? -. }ob, ta^k or Baaartakiag. It can bfl done. Fat Moran proved that by ending the Philly drought after forty barren years last October. Aad it may bo that Matty la the man to achieve the miraclo that will bring him in as much renown in another field as hc ever won over sixteen years from his place in the rifle pit. Red Stars. Thfl Rfldl have not Beffered this big deficit throegh ahsence of talent. In bairea years they have had their full share of itars Bobby Ma* thflwa, Arilfl Lathata, Bag Holliday, Tony afallaae, Chariey Radbourne, Bid McPhee, Tommy Coreoran, Pete Browaiag, Frank Dwyer, iharley Ceaalskfly, leill le i Taaaehill, Taeka Perrett, Bileet Bill Phillip*. Buck Ewiag, Red ilii--'. Theodore Bi P*lta, Jak? Beekley, Norman Elber* feld, Sox Seybold, Bam Crawford, Mikfl Dealia, Noodles Hahn, Amos Rusie, ? Bergen. Harry Stninfeldt, Joe Kelley, Vy Seymour, Onal Overall, Al .!, Dieh Hobl-.tzell, Harry Covclcskic, Hans Lobert, Joe Tinker, Charley Herseg these and many other names itil! remembered in balldom annals have worn Red hosiery and battled for the old town from year to year. Thero isn't another city in the land that ean boast of greater names ln the line-up. Crawford went from Cincinnati to Detrolt and helped to give that city threo pennants. Donlin and Seymour helped thc Giants to a flag. Oveiall and SteinfeMt w-ere big factori in four Chicago triumphi. BZ'Beda have helped rivals to at least eight pennants, but in forty years Cincinnati has been without her flag. A City of Baseball Tradition. Redland is a city strong in baseball tradition. But so many years of failure there have soured the fanatic soul, and now the Red fan has h,,gun each season to look for the worst. And when the break came each fan tigured the same old Ited, arith the usual setting of tlBgedy and crepe. Mathewson should ha' e if in him to make one of the best managers af the game, but he ian't going to plunge at once into any triumph. He has a slow, ". of his ehance depends upon the patience of Cincinnati fans. I !,e*e fans owe it to their futuro to please give Matty a ehance -not a ehance for th* thia season or next year, but a ehance to begin building ,ip the right eort of club. They can at least know that in Mathewson they have a manajrer of brains. tf eearag*. flf resource and of hitfh-class sportsmanship, one who will give his ,. , civen it since ho enterel the game. The Uphill Journey. too erafty a citizen ot' our National Lead flf Swat to look for any easy clitrib ahead. He kaewa that he faces an uphill journey. Where p-uch leaders as Comiskey, led taer* can be no aeft roadbed to travel upon. We recall thc day that liuck Herzog went there. .-.rrontf in his belief that he eould break ihe ancient spell. Herzog worked with I rf"# and wirh n!'. he had to triv.? and II, rseg is not one who quits aaaily. But Buck eould see B8 i BBd 8a he wns gled to be relieved. Watching Cincinnati. From now on fans from one section of America to the other and around the mnp will bfl foeuaaing their attention on Cincinnati. For tber thei* to watch the gr.-atest pitcher baseball has greateat braiaa in the game directing his energies threugh a new channel; and with him ti.e City of Blighted Hopea. There weald ? Matty haadling some club far up in tho race - ? nn of rietorj behind lt. But to see what he can de with a c 1 ui that has pone through r af 8*rr*W and ihaaM a club where some n f th e l tother epic ? i ,.,,me-town prejadicc and partisanship there no other club ... the gaaa* whieh so many million fans will be wishiag WRENN WILL REFEREE BIG TENNIS TOURNEY ?' irtner pre I | x ? Tennir, Association, has BCCepted an in ri to aet a a in tl ?? v7( ll rhich will b< at tl ? Hilla, L. l !' ild ? nter - waa pi of 1 . damp weather ? I pasl . and a will n:..Ke n th" - ? e rap I idly neai KELLY-HEALY BATTLE !S A PRIVATE FIGHT ie Fri?h heavywaight, i \. C, in I! . r. ' I ? fora fi ?? i d - intei f< red ? '*i ? ; ... ? . ? their Impromptu ?crap, aad Last Day for Welsh. Vill wind BB r g ihiu ' | prinl : tly ha I ? oaard catch ? irn in ihe rlag. 11II Iro! rwrfff^SI DRAYTON an ARROW COLLAR TIMN Iir;?IT YH STARCIItD a\ND MiHIl' '^--h t,,or9?C ?rrr. rtUBOOV * c i ,i? RAIN AGAIN HALTS POLO PLAY AT NARRAGANSETT NarregaBflOtt Fier, R. I., July 25. shine alternated here . noyaae* of the players .;i for a game by .? ack. Anothi r i rtt arill force an unprecedent f important matehes for the end of thc week, t'or the re newal has been fixed for Thursday in ? -day. I on Thursday will m Brook and <ir.- It ther ns oneeaeat ii -'. ,-? ef Bagliah ? by Rugbj rn ikill. 11 rei Both garai 1 will I for tl il opi i ehampionahip whieh will r! ,ir thc slate for thal t., thc (laal rooad. deroted to the semi for the Randolph eape, the op posing t.-am to he the Aiken Redbirdi .- Mi adow Beeeh Bugby. ? rman will rejoin tbe the Bryn afewi Fraa ? ? be i Q B*e\ ... Bay* '. nkett Sti ararl . (,,,,, Iwia, 1 . C. rTeieehmaaa and Keat ' ? fer 'he Polo A?so,-,a re T. Le ? Brook will ? .nd the Rathbone eop seriei will BOgifl I gama aint Judith and Coop ? i a n. e ? Alvero Almeida Released. mtoa, Penn., Jaly -" Ma . -? ? ? ., i ? iy gave bb Ai-.-ro Almeida, the I ? ? .. '?' i. ? i i RACING Empire City Track (YOyTCBwM *>ir ukmini TODAY 6 STAR EVENTS - Midsummer Handieap iik-?t k\i i: \r r. m. ? l v;. RACB TBAIBfl , nr ?. . ',( I.'.". ?r > 4, 4 188 1* M. AD. Iralna - 4 . . I- . . , ? - troiiai .4 i ' BJj a. 1 . Jamiii a? -r l,r ti.,1 si.ikI A I'.i.l I... k. 881 I 1.:,. . II ,M>. TED MEREDITH MAY SPRINT ON SWEDISH TRACK Three American Athletes Are Asked to Race Abroad. By A. C. CAVAGNARO. Athletic enthtiaiaats of Sweden are anxious for a sifjht of the wonderful Ted Meredlth, world'a middle diaUnca champion and reeard holder. Thi* was leamcd in a diapatch from Stockholm to the Swedifh National (iymnaitic and Sportinjr Association that the only T<>d, alonjr with two others of our be*t ath? letes, were carnestly desired to test ther Bpeed r.jramst the best in Sxveden. A carnival is planned for Stockholm on September 23 and 14 ar.d on this 4>c casion the international matches are to take place. The national track and fleld cham plonship* and the rclay Kamer*. which, oceur on September 9 and IS, may cause considerab'.e trouble in the plan*. Should Meredith and the twa other athletes. who are to b? Beleeted by Praaarieh W. Babiaa, ?ecr urer of the 4aeateur a cept the inviution, the clo'eneaa of the dates will just them to skip across to Stockholm. They would be compelled to do all the training pea sibla on board the gteamer, and, with no time to regain their land legs, would not be in proper condition to opposo tho visitors. Mr. Rubien held out hopes, however, that Meredith and his two mates would f.nd it eonveaient to mako tho Joumey. The trip would consume about two months. aa, after their appearance in the carnival, they would undoubt be asked to appear at athletic meetings throuehout. BWedoa. Karlv thia rear, with the cancella tion ?f the lild Olymp.c pames acheeV uled for Berlin, an invitation was bx i to Bwadea by tha New Vork ti? Club te send a fam of track and field Hthlctea to thia eeaatry ta appear in international eorapetitien ln four diatricta af the union throughout the United that the request could not be aecepted. as the prese-it European war the retaatioa of all men in the coun? try at mobilization camps. The rumor that Mr. Rubien would sex.-r bil eoanection with amateur track and : ? election of the M...ropol.tan Associa? tion waa emphal ed by him yesterday. Although BB WOUld BOt af firm it, it ia itrongl) Rubien -r *?" eiectioi Eatriei are badly wanted for thn Guard acheduled for I ?head Bay Spcedway next Saturday afternoon. The eventa to he deeidod are a I 600, a twe walk, all handieaaa. Entry blankj can i \ taar Athletic l'nion, 21 VVarren Street, or Porter &. Odell. 12 John Sl faJared kaaee ar- keeaiag aaweral of ?i the sick list Jol a -i I ? . . . which ? ? rral a one of ' f 1*8 ,. Long ' - edly q l "? be fell li Connellan U - still on the takin,.' ' i ? , . .? short ? .x rm. There'i nothing stiltcd, or up in the air, about the prices of our boys' wool suits. Practically all now show gen erous rcVHaOOf, All. Norfolks and double breasted alike, are now at threo prices. $7.50, $8.50 and $10.50. Wash suits for the boys are all marked aown ti $1.50 and $2.50. For daddies there are lots of interesting savings in suits now at $20 and $25. RooEU IYri ( iimpwv Broadway Hroadway atlSthSt. "The at 34th St. I-'oiir Broadway Conieis" Kitth Avc atWarren at41stSt i XXI ? % M ' I I so ?; ar, ? , ? 14. I'cw* Tal ?:? .V: v 3u lu.uu ^ ?03