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Matty Moves Out of the Giant Barracks Tells How lt Feels to Quit the Servke After Six teeil Years. M'GRAW HOPES FOR ANOTHER BIG DRIVE Javvn J. K Chccrful. and Hcrzog Hopcs to Stay a While This Time. Bj i.!;\\TI.\M> K1CF. "I rathei tl aon yesterday. "that the tou,;hest part of aay aew Job has been accompliahed. I may b< t- ta ?' 1 don't believe I '. ave a toughrr one to face than I had to day whea 1 went to the park to rnovc .uit my stuff from the old lockcr and n ii afet ' rer to thc vi?itmg clubhouie. ? I , . .4 the transfor away trom New . nued Marry, 1 .\cr OUld be. Z club only a ,wsv fron-, ' G Bt*' cluh ? it migbt havo be*n a good dcriBg the way 1 "Xew Vork has been a good deal more than home to me. lt has been something that I can't very wcil explain. as it goes dreper than any words I have to speak. I am more than glad to have this ehance in Cincinnati 1 am goiag to do my best to make good. But so far I haven t Kot u- idea of leuving New York and the Ciant?. Time is supposed Ittle those thing?. and I guess it will ifl my ca**. But when I eleaned out rr. . l te\t as if 1 had job 1 had iver kno ' . , . Matty Is Hopeful. ... n on my new ahift ? ?he future. It will taki ? ' ?? ,t0 fot atartii. aad progreflfl may be slow, t.ut , be tOO far awa\ lefore we gel up ihere aomewhere with the reguiar people. I believe 1 have elder in Eddie Ronah. He has mi rri!l'p ]mv:' io far, aad ihon "r'(> of xh*, best a bad it hc wi ! play in the thc he ha?. re laid up but we are di 6 any pennants for ? Wi have eome first class Dl-yers, and around these we may be ' ?">' t*** muebme | ? feel to be mnnnger ?' ? Wpti ? been manager WBg rence 1*8 of a .-lub in last plaec at ,,; worry about any further descent. If we go anywhere to be downward. A, ,?...,.... ,H ar. can do la to giee eaa ... have and look to the futui ? ?i,| Vattv Hav. rained out yesterday, will' he ei rnooBi T?,"1| doubli rcned until, the nexl Red invasion in September. So there will be oaly one game ill whieh bookf'd t0 face: Clarence Mitchell. Tbe Sherit! hai had a good long rest, .na is nowi oosing thc ? p?< '";'';;:? dition Heand I ? W!W?JS? in rare glee about their Ciant affilia- i tion?. rei given up the ?nt "?'?p J*00?; ;.vo." si,-,.- Charlei Lmcoln. will put us up in the running again. Anri I beln ? aboat ready to itart. , ..y .1 top the punch is to earry us quite , forward." ?ataaaj Will tpen. "Joioing rhe I m.kei nd thii time I boj it out until my j baaeball dayfl are over." John J. UcGra another who be thc Giaatfl il 11 have their ehance. provided they e*n gel iwaj to ' I for much ? ""? "n- nn(1 |f th. mother. "The next two wei ? : the n J. "If 4'-? ? ? gt< it.-irte.l. aa I heli. ?? ''-;- time at home, \. ? itop than any cl ? ? "-':' ^St I ......-d foi anything b Bat I have a much | lub than I - ,:.;T, reai ao will Sallee. But the box ace aa will tell the rophi - i ? SIX TALLIES IN SECOND WIN GAME FOR BROWNS St. Loala 1 . two ? ple, whieh i iix runa in the ai the locala won rl,' with Fhilidelphla . ? r an, wbe relieved Lanning in -.'i one oi. v.s hit hard. K .-,1. the only r The Ili 1 - 4 ? . ' .1 1 ?". ? i 4 . ? r. 4 i i 1 ? 1 4 ,1 . n n ? ) | r . - W Mai aaa ? r i - - . - . . , 8. ,,(* " - I li.rl-t ? . ' ? 1 i r i ^musements 'ill Be Found TODAY M 4 ,- -4. 4- . Feature Facts for the Fans The Yankees have releaaed Tltrh rr* CUfl Markle and Ray keating. Thia ia Matty Pay at the I'ol > (.rvundv Rain cauaed the poet p.mement. The Vankeea were hadly beaten. hut the Red Sox obliged nith a de feat. Hill. of Rocheater. pitrhed two games againat Buffalo. He gave rme hit in the firat conteet and won. He laat the second. Speaker defeated hia former team matea. Tris had a perfect averajre with the "tick. drove ln three mna and acored twice. Cald?eH'n wlldnesa war* the main factor in the Yankeee' defeat. Yanks Release Ray Keating and * Cliff Markle Donovan Lets Go Two Right Hand Twirlers?Slated for Minors. Chicago, Jnly 25.- Ray Keating and Cliff Markle, two right-handed pitchers of the New York Yankees, have been dropped from the roater of the club, and probably will be uer.t to the minors in b few day*. It ia reported here that the other m the American Leagae haye 1 claims or. their service.-*. It is robable thal tha pitehera aro out of tne Amencur. LeragUC for nll time. Markle earlj thia aeason gave promise of developing into a stnr, while Keat inc at iatervala has performed in sprc tacular fashion. 11 was at rare mter vala, however. During the last two weeks, however, neither has shown any thing 'o warranl his being retalned. It is whiapered here aad there that' Markle'a charming diaregard fer the training rules h-d to his diamieaal. Com- , inp up from the Texaa League. where he had won a fa? dogree of success. Mar? kle developed into a star at once. Me won hia first two jrames in tho Amer? ican League laat year, and won three, more this season. Called tO account by Donovan and reprimanded for his conduct. Markle went into the lalke, aad tha w?y in which he pitched recently indicated that he wa- willing to chanpe his UBi form and hia r-Iace of residcnce as well Keating'a m-e was totally disaimilar. The Bridgeporl athlete was earafal of training rules and a willing worker lie had the phyaicjae to make a reai pitcher, but lacked the contidence, it, would seem. MATCHING A CHAMPION. A Queen?l>erry Drama. By W. O. McGeehan. Reel 1. Freddie Funk, the light weight champion boxer, waa tinkling his uk; roae-tiated atodio on Riveraide Drive. His manapcr. Harold Stovepolliah, entered abruptly. ^V* contraet for you to light* an i the munaper. "Goodaeea, how you startled me. exdaimed Freddie Funk. "Do not ever i do that again. You know how sensi tive I am." . . , , Harold offers him the articles and Prcddie'a face registera eonoternation. man'a name ia Murphy," objects Freddie. "1 won't fight anybody name.l Murohv. He might attimpt to strike i . Harold whiapera into Freddiea ?'ar aml B l< ok of relief comis to Fred Reel 2. Freddie Funk and Harold Stovepolliah are seen at the entrance tn p,, | le'a Home. Oae of the la th a lontr white heard and a l.ent back hobbles by on crutches ,t'8 Harlera Tommy Murphy. whiap. ra Harold MHa will ba your intugonist." Freddie amilea gleefnlly. Just then the agod party walka un to him^ and ? trc you laughing at: I"ve a mind to baat vou on tha eyo. rjtn ita proeipitately. At a safe diatance hr paosea and says: "That old ma enl a temper. I will i '?' bo> witl I im." Harold Stovepollian rusnea the apartment of Freddie Funk, hotlv paraued bv ,VK' eolleetor of the . . , . ? foi the automobili "^ou mu-xt b is aom ibody, Freddie, he an nouncea. "I bavnt Been a nickel I long that I don't remember what a buffalo looka like. And the people are ? ? red of seeinc VOU Ifl th?? dancee. Hoxr F. nfe. With a shnek ot Freddia collapsed and fell into famt. . ?i Harold Stovepolliah ia stand ing in i Davy Crechett paae with his ? rm acroaa 'he door lateh, while the 1,11 r are barking furioaaly outaide. "I eaat keep tha welf awaj any longer," wails Stovepolliah. "You to boa Bomebody " }.>,.,; read rver the *??' , n;. \ i.-xx ..;' tha artii I. I reddie Funk. herehy aeree t<> I. \ Urnlx roundi v. ith (harlie Black, 11.?- umaill li.injt mbjtxt tr. ihe fallawlag atipalattwa: Charley Mark i? ta ?ear lead tokrd alteefl and pneumatu Kloves. while I. ihe champion, rxhsll be per mltted to wear B horse-hix- with aaeh glove and further be allowed ln <arr\ a mallet Late the ring in raee af! accident t.? either of my hands. (harlie lllack i* nol t4> vlrike me up<in the chin or s.ilar plexu* at anx time during the bout. Should he ie BO anidentallx or otlu-r aiae, it ih agret-d that thih ahall ronMitute a foul and I shall be rixen the decision and ihe en? tire i pre*. If (harlie lUack carriea hi* p*!.rt 4?f Ihe airrceroent through he ah.ill be iriven the *um of S2.50 ml Mrretrar fare to ihe d?-pot. M> uncle, lillie l'oxach, ahall referee the rontest. Fr, Idie aeiaee a pen anrl tiirn* ??? artldos. Then he burie* his head baada. "My title ia at stuke," h e moana Charlia Kiack ia waitintj in rnei of the rini: at Denver. The crowd ia becomiag impatient for thi m of thi Freddie I ? ? up the aiele, i - faea reg ? .rir.i' eaaaternation Wavina his loaea, he aaya! "Geal -? diaeoverad that the referee .. ? ten Tv i- 'hou- ? i?-. the N". V Bexing Coaa? on.) i KELLY? Winners and Losers By BRIGGS. IT'S .bUTTirJLf LOvyCUY ujaithuh w? all BfetO H^4jiiO' YEi&OM Vb' ?5Hd' PLAV5 A 5"PU- L-EODlD C>amE NI5TO JomES - Y*^30H Yes- s?m ? ?*. T/b' FAAABLV |foMTrMPiAr<aj6\ 4, TrtUCM *J Fc.rt.TV - FlFTY SluTY r* TWrj'-S 5E4Jfs.Tr* ? "? F.v/E ciGmtV - DOU *?? '*" F|v7t7 - THi?fv- Bl-***. e T-* - \ 4- -- Tv TvjJ 0 "6014 ?, i//HrAT.5r*vT DipreR'rvJce, /M PERFrrCrfL'T* WiLLlKi' *> paV for m-i ruM | NEVER GO IN TO Wlr4 BECAvKSE l nOrJ-T MM/cl -SO GOOD A 17M6 6 FoOLIvSH Thaj-'S tm?= idea! I PLAT/ KtLLf iToal a*o4B Tb OB .JoCl AL aomg plav ra A ^Fl// DiRTV Li L MlCK'f-'l.S, ! WHV Sure, WHAT S FlFTV CrJiJT? C A DollaR- VoaR ; FUfO I* UUORTh ' I ^UMPN - I | MEv/CTR KiOOvaJ VjUHeTH5R I'M I i/J/isimER OR L056f5-? AM , ? RlttHT?? Vc/C Bi Johnny Evers in Trouhle Again; Game Protested Bravcs' Caplain Mixed Up with Zeider?Both Banishcd by Umpire. Boston, July ?_'?'. 'hicago defl .'? I the BlWVOfl ,'i to 2 in an eleven-inning eoateat to-day. Umpire FSaaoa'a de? ciaion, however, allouing the run scored by the Cubs in the eleventh, will be proteatod by Boaton. Zimmerman, who had reached tirst on a n.-lder's ehoice, came all the way home when patrick tnrew badly tfl At ' 11 Saier'a grooader. Hor-ton will contend that /.immerman should have been allowed t., !ake third only on the play. Umpire Eaaon raled that the runner had ronnded aecoad be- j fure thc ball wenr into Boston'i dugoal ' und was cntitled tO continue to the plate. Even and Zeider had a mix-up in tbe sixth whieh threatened Borioaa develop ments until players from boih te.mi separated them. Hoth were put out of the game by Umpire l.ason. The .score foliow*: CHICAQO IN 1. ? i '' - ''? 'N tS. I. I. 11 ? ! I Wortmai i I " 11 11 0 I : -? iroa.ef 4 1 1 40 - If 501 ? K. ? . i '? 1 r ? i, Pmlth, 8 . 111IJ1 ,, li.,. 100424 ? I .,11! . ? - ?r.a--. .'?-?..,. rMcaae i ? e e 1 ' I . ,, (. ?, u ,, . ? 0 I . . ?Baiar. I ,?..,- ? ? > fUa. TRIS SPEAKEfTS BIG BAT BEATS OLD TEAM MATES Clerel.nd, Jaly 26 Cleveland 4von r hc o] ? ? to I. I Spe.ker defe.ting hii former team matea by making riiree hits, driving ln three rUBfl an.i ICOling tWO hii;. Boaton had the tying run on third ir: the ninth, but !'? by faaaiag Walker. . -: 4X1 ?( a L ' ?? 4 j, , ? I lirsn.v. If ! 11 Jll| Ho ? l .-? . 10 . I ? ? I'al. ? i 14 - II ?li, ? I ?ii. ttd Ba 18a lor llrortki > i i i Baa "1 10 1?4 ? .. . w. ... i .... ? 1 aar. ? ? 1 n ,,..i.- .?--.. 4* !. 4 - ?? i ' . : hiu . . i ? i . ! .. - B*aiTM . | H ? -. Minor League Results. INTl :llN.4Tli>NAl. I.I 1Q1 I ItTW K ll I ) 1 0 I 0?4 8 1 : 1110 8 0 8 8 8?818 I ,--, rlaa? I - 4' . . . 4 n. it f. i o t e a?4 I 10 0 110 0 0 0?1 111 . ? ??. Trlrra. S, 1 iMl a- 1 l< . 4| 4. game 11 II I. ? i i- : 1 1 \n ; i . . : ? nan a v * 4 '? . . li II 1 n 0 1 I 2 0 i ; -, 001000000? I 1 '? . I a . lome i e i a i .010008081?1 i r II.: aJfl Rl.'4N 18801 11TION ? lutatw*. l. Robins Home Again; Refuse to Lose Lead Rain Postponcs Reception to Cardinals ? Dodgers Primcd for Long Fight. Hv FRANK O'NEII.I-. Rain. and plenty of it, prevented the Brooklya Robins from entertain ing the St. I.oui* Cardinals on the diamond al Ebbete Field yesterday af ternoon. That keen pleasure that ?raa deaied to th.? f.-.ns in waleaming home the retaraing heroes in a betit tiag rriiuiiicr will be doubled, for this afterneon the teama arill play a double II if the skies clear nnd the downpour ceases. The Robins will be at home until Aagaat 11, meeting the four Weatern teaau and the Roston Bravea. Then, after resting on Au? gust lfi, the Robins will depart on the i terfl trail apain, opening in I'ttts 1 urgh on Augu.-t 17. There is something radieally wrong arith the timo fuso that was set on the bomb to blow up the Robins. It limpl) refuaei to perform its duties. .lulv 2?, by which time Wilbert Kob.r :-on's men w Te to been plungcd into the second division, or, in aay event, i>ut of the lead. A ea i..l glaaca at tin' staadiag of the clubs, howevor, erill dieeaver the fact tha team clings to the lead with' cntirel) anoxpeeted. Far judged BO weah at eertain ? e up. nnd With men who are lupposadlv ilow ef thought, t]. Robim are remarhabla gpiard Not So Had. Tn fifteen geatO* pla\o<l m the West on tFiis laat trip Hrooklyn won nine; and lost lix, BBd were excclled only I ? Be '"'i Bravee, who won ten and loet sia. The Philliea led the record of the Kobin>. a-tiilc ? a (. nta aecared nothiag bat tei than an even breah. Bo, for a arhieh la limpiag around and hxing on borrowed ti:n<-, the record is bad. \ i metter of fact, any team which maaaged to play ball on that tnp at rr of naarvelloaa Le i ' McCarty, the big eateher, who is now! foi thi battera ia the National I- igae, aaid that in all his| .:; the big leagaei he had mbered travelfiag through beat He iaid thal from ? :ic the train rolled out of New tl ?? bo;. a Bveraged about three sleep a nltfht. "It was Baroly hot out there." said I.ew. "When you went to bed you . ? |ay th?re, teeeiag around and iting. Pluaging mto the l.athtuh afforda 1 only momeatary relief, for just as soon as you pot eai and dried ' thi heat got you again. I used to think I could atand the heat, but it ? !-,- had rt i ill in. Some af the other fellowa worc in a warae i>!i?rht, for they never aleat a wiak. It we* on - >me oi the pitehers. I -? t ,IetT Pfeffer Weald fade awav ?"?:.lOOt Bat Ae're home now. team is in good condition, and ?.x ? '.x r ! ge nir'it ahend proving that j anv team which cuts into the WOrld'a aories will have to beat us to the gaal!" The scriea whieh will aiaale with ? at Ebbeta Field on Saturday, August 11 The Boaton will be the uuests of Robbie ' nnd hia mafl on that date It ? that as a safety meaaare - H 1 bbcti will hr eailad upon i ln a checkinp station for razors.' -.- 1 blackjackl, for surely there ii little fraternal feeliag esiatiag be-, ? xr- n tha ti Some of the itatameata eredited to have riled the Robins | t. the fighting point. The boys are re.dv to pila in and show the leader of the Br?vc? thnt as a prophet he i ?. ??' remarkabta farmer. Charles I.incoln Herzog was disan polnted wheil 'ho ra:n prevented his playing on the Polo Grouada the uniform- of a (Iiant. Herr.e sat ? tha lobby of th* rVaaoaia talk SOBM Oi hi- r.umerous friends while the goatle nioisture on the out -ert the wayfarers surrying to oover. "l'm sorry that we couH aal it* played thil afternoon," .said th i former manager of the Redl "I am show the N'ew York fan? tbat I can work just ai hard to land1 Club Standing in International CAMKS TO-D.W. Newark at Italtimnre. "TlWlMflatfl al Ri.-hmond. ri-al at Tnronto. r.utTai.. at Bechaater. RESIT.TS OF GAME8 VFSTKKDAY. Montreal, 4: Toronlo, 3. Pr*1 idence, 4; Haltimore, 2. l'r<>4 ideme, ,1; llallimore, 2. Reeheeter, 10; liuffalo, l. iiuffaio, fi; Bochooter, 2. STAMII.M. OF THI TF.A.MS. ?r, i.. i*.( ar. i. P.C HiirT'lo 4.'. U .'.61 Half . 41 11 .51S Prev.. 46 3,s ..viskiihd M 13 .461 To'nlo 11 36 ..V:2 V--ark "56 47 .134 Monfl. 43 39 .524 Sl 17 .397 the pennant in Nnv Torh as I did when . I waa with the team before. "I have a must t'riendly feeling fo t.he loeal eiithusias's," he inntiniieil. "Even arhen I WOI* rhe uniform of BB- - other club they WCTC alwaya friendly, end offered me every aaconragement. I sur.-ly hope that atfairs will take BB ether turn for the (Jiants. There ifl no reasjn why we should not drive to thfl front. The pitchers nre all right if they can only round into rondiiton. I'm | going tO gi4.- . '?? ry ounce of my energy . to the Agat, f'.r I will be here through rhe aeaaon ol 1619, aad I aar*lp want to get with a pennant ninning coni biaal n>n." Ilcrzog had nothing but the warmeat praise for Mathewson. who siu-c.-eds him as raanager of th.- Reda. "If the Gianta ? ol ala the peaaant," aaid Herxog, "I surely hope tha- Matty will. ? il. ii aae of the oatataadiag . in has.-hall, un.l d*a*rv*fl all tha I ce.4s bfl can w.n. Matty will have no bed of rofl*l wi'h Cincinnati, nor will it b* a bed af theraa, either. Thera will be times, no doubt, whea be will be . but hi ? lot b ill ba aaaiei than mine, for he will manage from the beach. I had a double reaponaibilit. I wn- BaaaagCT) and, at the B*me time, 1 was player. My errors on the ti>';.| ? itood OUl all tlie more then, and in. failures to make u titnely hit WOI* dwelt upon " Harry Ballec ia not at his best just now, an,i tha -inn left hander will have te work fl little |,,-f,,r., bfl CBB BOBC ro retarn to th,- ro;, ,,f bia form. When Sal l.-ft the Careiaali flat nol long ago ha rei Ivi . to n raa in oai of baaebal for all tim*. Aecordiagly, he did bo training, ;ir.d BOVOI thr** B ball. Now. however, he is worhiag overtirae, lb GnUB has been raking the minor leagties over with ? !:.,- tOOthed eomb. He has ligB*d bfiddlcton, i young pitcher with the Louisville Coloacls, m rhe Ameriean Aaaoeiatioa. Many fa vorabla reperta hava bi ,,I on BBBgater. There ifl a genuine feelir.g of ? over thc pasaiag oi I ? a W young ? of the Gianl ? ? tha Louiai ille team of the Ameriean v ition, joining I'.ub-, Bcbauer Wendell is ? Ne* Vork boy. He was born an l broug' t up just a short difltance frem the I ? Groaada. Ha ?- e eapable i-atcher. moreover, and prohably will be r.-.alird Ht the end Of the Amencan Association >eason. And in the meanwhile Crover Alex aadei ilong on I ii m,-rry lit? tle way aforaa'fl Big Aee has won oighteen | ? rear, an.I should hav,- no trouhle in making the ? ? thirty befor Oel ? Along with Alex, the other memberi of the pitching ' ,T if the Philliefl have been p. rforni mg ir. ? -. .nd are primed for Irive to the p.-nnant. BABE WHITE SAVES SWIMMER IN PERIL Norwieh, N V. July ti Harold Babi Wh;.e, of St m Terh City, captain of the Syracuse l' n -. \ football team, is running fnr some'hing ; a football hero. II- || " ' - ' 181 Bglfl ? ,! This morning he pulled Samuel A. JoBOS, jr., a.-t-i nineteen. out of (henango I.ake, six | miles of here. The latter ara BWimmlag ia the lake, but was 8f ap Ir was aae| work for I Babe to get him out Women (io/fers Defeat Gnests After Luncheon Cranford Players Win from Hackensack Team?Baltus rol Bcats Glen Ridge. Bv FRED HAWTHORNE. The drenching rains of yesterday wrre not suffieiently wet. to prevent some of the scheduled matches between teams from tho Women's Metropolitan Golf Association in the New Jersey seetioil from being played. Threo matches took place and three went bv default. The I'ranford players received the women from Hackensack, and after acting as hOBta at luncheon. proceeded to defeat their gneotl by 1 points to 9, In similar manner (Hen Ridge frrr.-ird the women of Raltusrol, but in this case it was the home team that met with ilefeat, Raltusrol winning by V points to 2. Bagleweed'a fair repre sentatives motored over to Hollywood and defeated the loeal club organiza tion by 8 points to 0, led by Mrs. J. S. Irring. The summaries follow: Ha aaaarfc al Cra ' -1 \tr- J r Barelaj ? xi-. F B Ryan . 1 Mr. r V l'?b*lark*t u Mr. H 8 :st,-?*n* ... 1 Mr. T ll Tttomai - xi;, y. H xxr: l | Mr M i-.... 0 Mi*. T 11 ij-ary , , 2 Tota 4 l latalj . . ' llaltuai i- i. ? i k*l .II Mn Fraj>*r . ? Mra. R, I ?... 1 Mra. F. B Prara .. . 8 \| i c h aai :??: I Mn V MlUar . 8 Mr, I. i M I Utl Mir.-uay .a Tatala . r. Tetaa - 2 . . ? . .. ? i i ra M- i I Irrtraj 1 x;.v H Baaaaaaaad . 8 bar II 1 xirv w l xir. i llrwnhall . . 9 Mr. a Weed . I Mi ii ii-..-iMniih. ...8 T -.:,.I T tail . o Twenty-foar woman from tha Ne* York Ni .x p ipar Golf Club went out to rol yesterday and took part in a best ball feuraome competition. They found the eoarsa rather diflealt, but i.s ;. rule the scoring was good and the women so evenly matched that ther-> was ? tie for tirst plaee between Mrs. and Mrs. Hoyt and Mrs. .Iardien<"' and Mrs. Bonneford, both paira haviag i. net seere of 7S. The tie will bj played oil same day thia week at Van Cortlandt Park. Te Mra. L G. Milliken went the honor ?of'mak'r.,: tio> lowtat inilividual r al leai ?-. II being her mark. We wil! pu: theae two paragraphs BBder a date Ime, aa they just came iti over the wire: New London, Cobb., July 25. This waa the firat day of match play in the women's open tournament at the Shefl I tt Country Club. Wet grounda and fog made it hard going for the and tha scores were not ex u ptionally low. Mrs. C. E. Schell, of Cincinnati, who won the gold medal in the qualifying round yesterday, won by defaalt to i ay. Mrs. Juliua Fleisehmaaa, of New York and Cincinnati, dofeated Miss Ku . Terrj, ot Now York, 2 an.i l,and Mra. Loala Hrown, of Pittaburgh, triumphed ? rer Mrs. John Aldeo Phil bnck, of Montclair, by 2 up. The tour- I ' will continue to-morrow. After looking this column over with B critical eye, it strikes us that there j - .. deeideidly feministic tinge to it, but herf comea aoma maaly golf newa: The Beveateeath annual tournament Ekwanok (ountry I'lub, of Man tr-in-tha afountaiaa, Vt., will ba. gin '' ng with a qualifying noles and match play for the r.- t of tha week. More than '??<? up in th? cump" ? tion for the i.rst prasidaat'a cuo. of the most promincnt amateuri. ? Last will be on hand when play laeludiag Uaa R. Marston, of Raltusrol, former New Jersey Sta'e ehaaapion; D Clark Cerkran, of Balti ?:,..-., arho won the Buckwood trophy ;.* Bhawaee laat Saturday; vV Hamii- ? Gar daer, Hutfalo, runner-up atl raee; Hamilton K. Kerr, former I rticat Stnt.' champion; John M. | iarden City: Beginald S. Worth-1 Shawaee; W. A. Harber, Yer champion; Parker W.Wh't-, tamore. Broek Gilman P. TitTany.' Mohawk. i ?r (V rf. liardner. Agawam; ) w. Parker Seeley, Hrooklawn, and f.\ B. Jennings, Mount Anthony. -_ i.l\M- m l>\\, CINCINNATI, % 40 P y.. Fata Grounda. Adr:.. 6?x; ? Advf_ Yankees Are Beaten in Wild, Wooly Garru Invalids Are Batted All Over Comiskey's Lot by Sox. ('hieago, July t*\ The N'ew York Yankees. arcompanied by a corps of trained nursps, several field ambu lances nnd carrying gallons of arnica and witrh hazel, began their eampaig-n in the Western country this afternoon. Wild William Donovan led his host against the White Sox at Comiskey Park in the first engagement When the last man had been rotired Donovan sent this messsfre to Captain Huston: "We have met the enemy, and we are theirs. T"ho score was II to ft." Rill might have included in his terse communication that although he lost the game no players were added to the injured list. and that is nomcthing ?oat unusual in these booming days. Itagee, who twisted his ankle in a game against Buffalo yeaterday, waa out of the jrame nursing the injury, liut HuKhie High, who was hurt re cently on the Polo Crounds, returaed to the game, rather evening up th? score. That Charley Mullen playerl in rhe outfield during the closmir mnmgs might have made an inierestiriij no'e, nnd there were mnny other sidolights on a game which was a.* wild and woo! ly and as coarsely woven aa the lop Slded score would indicat*1. There is something in the ('hieago climate, it would seem, that g*t? into Kay Caldwell's jrood right arm and r.cts upon it In most peculiar fashion. It does not always have the same ef fect, however. There was th? game this afternoon, for instance. Ray, who usually is cool and eollected and pos sessed of the ability to control the ball, was wild and irrepressible. He gave the Sox five runs in the first inn mgs, and that is a respectanle work? ing margin in any man's country. Pass ing three men and hitting another, forcing home a ully in that fashion, was quite had enough, but once off on a mad career ho could not restrain him self. It came to a point where he had to groove the leather to keep from paeeiag everybody. The Sox just took u taa hold and met the ball. Caldwell kept up his exhihition until the sixth inning, by which time the crowd had entered into the spirit of the affair and assisted the umpire in : calling the balls. Donovan bejran to 1 suspect that perhaps all was not well i Bad Day for Ray! ' NK'rV Yr^TtK IA I.I <'MICAOA (A L alirh^.'i 4br?P4i. ittr'r I r- 18 08 M'ir/y rf j j, "j*** Ilmann If 4 1 2 ? 0 ' 1 II a . ' lllfh. If I 1 8 8 8 8 B eavar.l 4 H , Mullan.rf 12 1?', ?. } || 2 J! pr, k'a.aa 48 2 0 40,Ji kwi, f 4 |j , ,, F'lpp. II, I*" 1 11 ,,f> '-' " ? . OM'a.ef rf 10 I ' ) H I li .>.|.r,n Jr. 1 0 1 0 10 ' ? ' ?' ' 1 1 I H.K.r.r. Ib. 10 0 1 ( 'DlS .N-m ker r 11 1 4 I OICI Ua, p ', |? , ,, faiiwi.p . 0 1 Ofl I ii ,?,. ,. i o n ', ; l ; Collln* -f | li ; ., ?a -i It |8 8 8 68 lnHbold ' 11 I |, Total. J.".-li:?12 1 Totala J8af688| ?|ia>'rr| fnr Htfri Ir H ? Ml ' "? iBattad fi r Banw l ln taa i ? Nrw Y'.fn l * I flfcj I hlrai" I ' ' ' ? ' ? ? Ml Two baa? ? '?<???? i^ W-arrr ilk Hi - .. 8* I frl.rh I"-i- I P'H r. ? ?' 1 \^ j.,',, aa baaaa v-- ) - haa*. crr: arraH - laa, r. bal. * ? ? ? l ? ? I Hl'a and aarr.i * at. aal II runa ' 4 ? ?* Law I hit and on runa - ????. 1 m ar.d i runa !?:??.-' . , 4 runa le 4 I p, off I . Wl d | ?.-Iriaaa aj.l ' with hia anjrular righthander, io h gave him the high sign t* BbaB6*B Bj mound. Bill sent the equally angnU' Levfl into the game. Cue settled down and did well. There was another ailver linis* u the cloud of defeat aside from thi far; that no men were loit. The ipell ?i:t, Eddie f.'icntte has wu-ldcd oti* ?>, Yankee*. was broken, ar.d the ??*,.'. little righthander was driven af r>, rubber in two innings. Reb Im,'.., who replaced him. was hit ha*4,?*? in view of what the home team a^, doine to Celdwell thia aaa of ma? importance. A game of this BOTt ifl leldom *???? plete without the baaiBhmeal af m.. player and th ' det'ail. Ray Pisher I 8 hia self to make many a- -.?-. upon the umpinng of Bill Dineea, BB he was chased tO the , parting shot to the nmpirfl wii thil "I still insist that I can around a corner than you can itriirr. away." Miss Harris M. Breaks Two Records in One Race Detroit, July 25.?Miss Harris M . B ! daughter of Peter the Great, beauti i fu'.ly driven by Lon McDonald, this ' afternoon won the $5,000 Board of Com i merce Stake for 2:0<*> paceis, the feat ; ure event of the second day'n fjrand circuit programme. Incidentally, McDonald drove the In dianapolis mare into a world's record for two consecutive heats by a four yaar-ald mare, and also establi&hed a new record for the Roard of Com rnerce Stake, heretofore known as the Chamber of Commerce Stake. The new mark for the stake was set in the first heat, which was covered in ?,.01%, and ?he world'a record was completed when Miss Harris II. negotiated the second mile in 2:01*4. Miss Harris M. completely oufc!assed the field in the first two heats. In the tirst mile McDonald held her back until the three-quarter pole. Here he let her out, and the bay mare. in fourth place, with a tremendou.s burst of speed, slowly overcame the* lead of C.'.die C , and won hy a length. The second heat was virtually a repe tition of the first, McDonald driving his j mare in several lengths ahead of Sadie Der. smore. The third heat furnished the reai fight of the race, Miss Harris M. win ning in a gruellmjr finish with Savoy, Sadie [lensrnore and Billy Dale. Billy Dalf led to the three-quarters, with Miss Harris M. in second place. At this point the field closed in and the tinish was so clese that many of the -ippctators were uncertain as to which had won. The summaries follow: tkottim; 1:11 CL*Vaa BaOtaX WATNB TIIKRK YKAlt ul.n SXVKKI'STAKK.s T\M> l\ IHKK1. I* ? aDDKD Harre**] Ciaefe, .h r. a| i^nerai Watti Ktiflcn anl 3 11 Eipmat** L*M, li ni . bj AtiairU* Kipr*-* Murphi 12 1 hr f B t ttal ?? 3 3 3 l.ll'.'a. ma \4", ?- I ?'.??' <1l? Dlala - Reai ? ata . o-1-.. I 1144 . II PAC1NO- I "*; Claaaa H"4l::. m-' rOMVKaCT BTAKK ITrlBE, 14.088 THBEJ HKATB MkM llarn. M . I>. m . by T*?*r th* Cr*al MtDona i- 111 -r iTh^mai) Iti Ba* i ? II . ll :'? ?: : ' 2 V 10 Billy I'tl- ?. i i - x . * J 4 II -r Kar' h * XI . hl dal 4 6* I.lltlari T , Ml Bl (Wl tool - 4 I Roan llal r.> t < Sait *> 8 10 4 xx it* - i : ? - - ira M irp ? - I ? - The Hm.n-r b . I. r . -< '. .:i. : a i arawdr, i - ii i x4 *.,.,-r | Tlinr?2 01V - 'H 'a. - ^4H I'Ai im; 111 i'I.a-- Pt'EBZ 11,208 thiu-.i: HKATB l-ttrtrk M. raa * 81 N-rlfHt 'Stnk*?i 13:-; lirx'^r inmr, bf li . I'V Harmi lMrart iKttni . 7 d 1 l>iiin*i*r. l> t li I"i!:i il.i-.l.a.i i 1 * \ ? ? .??'! h ? I Murpl i .1 j .' Allao li > :. t..-.. Iiv.1 Mii*. .-I. a IMeAUtatarl .3 * 5 h Hi|rf.*i 4 4 4 i. (DanUli .57? Ttmr- 2 tt%, . i:\. I 81 v? TO KAT : W% TII4>T F'l. Ir 81., m Tetm I'ar* (Colbj). wiin r. | HH ? ' a KASTEIl.N UUrSDI w^r.-*.-^ 4 laraa -' p atlatvl, ! Hartl ? '.. 4 Laamna 1 Met* Ila,. ft K*ca vokk stati, uuca i Itarrlahurj. .' Nyra.-u**. I ll.rrt.riiin I; Svra.ii.... 1 . ? <'. BiilTHKRN XSSoriATION I' 3. Atla r, M.inphK S; i hatranmga Nc? OrtteBt, I: M - 4 l..'[.* Ito.k. 3. Naah?lll*. 1. Fight Log. TONIGHT Plonaer 8. C? Yeuna BflBBj aad Ray Rl THURSDAY. Arvirna A. C?P|l Voorr and Klt Caoamta Clwmont A. C ?Young Zulu KirJ Bffl Y|?. Donny. Emflra A. C?Packry Hcmry a-1 Caaeji Chenry. FRIOAY. Wuhlnotnn S. C?B.-aay L'0"a--r) and f-a dla Vfaa*. Brown , Far Rar.away A. A ?RH;l Cfil. and Wllll. Srh--rr Harlrm S. C? Snamui 0 Brlrn a-l Ua BB> nn. Johnny Lor? and Eddli Oi>r,?y. New P.l. A. A.?laBW Vi.a Atii ?ijntla. lat Hvland. 6ATIRDAY. Broadway 8. C?Sllent Mjrtln and f'?? Car kaaa JAMES KNOCKED OUT, BUT TIGERS TAKE GAMIl Detroit, July 26. Wa = h the opening game of o" to 5, after gettiag a four-ruo lea*' the first inning. In this period James, of D knocked out ef the BOX on ? x ?< hits, two of them i il Box and I'ubuc, who re;:., | named, rer iring tfl in, atopped the ilaggiag. Each side used three p.vhen. WASH ar> r h a5^!l"',,' Mo.-llrr. If 111 | 0 1 Vttl 114 ? 1' V '. II1 1 88 Burna. 1 JI.'U J f Hl I ? each. If iiil' i.i Itt 6 18 H Urnr-. . ' ... 11 MU.' , . 1" ?'*!! [>.. 100 0 I ??? r 8 8 8 . 011 ? ? .\,-..rta. If flO i ' Total. " ?? ? ? BIIBI ?n,--.. ? ? i . 4' . 4 I I I)rtr,.|l T.? , ' ' \> . . .- 1 ..-. - ? y - i . . . . . . ? ! ? ?. T Oa - . arnr-l rui . of 11 : I hfl fl*J * Ayeri. < "?" I l-l lanlni * > i '? ' "J"aaa , - 4 ? 1, f .IT I ? Off I ? . . l-l 1 -.?r.r.y ,.ui iu 4 Qa ?? . tit, ] Wl 1 il' ;. il i , r? ' .w i.. a . ' Hammer to Mret O'l^ary. Chicago, luly 25, -Ever H Chicago, and Johnnv 01 eary, I BaBBB |ightW*ight champion, l day to hea twelVfl rouudfl to I ' csion in Boeton ea A ragraed to weigh ISi pounda. Harry Pierce 0 itpoiuted. At the Harlem S| Roekaway last night Young Ott**" i pointed Harry Pieice :n thfl maifl "B* I of ter. rounds. Results of Games in Two Leagaes And Standing of Battling Teatns NATIONAL LEAGUE. >). GAMES TO-DAY Cincinnati at New York. St. Ix>uis at Brooklyn (t (hieago at Boaton. Pittsburghat Philadelphia (two). RESl LTS OF GAMES YESTERDAY. Chicago. I; Boaton, 2 ((11 in). Cincinnati at New York (rain). St. Louis at Brooklyn (rain). Plttaburghat Philadelphia. (rain. NATIONAL LIAGU1 STANDING. w- L Pc W. L. pc Rklyn . 4S 12 .600 N. Y .',9 4" f,?M Boaton. 4.1 35 .551 Pittabg. 3* 4J 475 Phila 4 4 36 .550 St. L. . 41 4M 461 < hlcgo 43 45 ,489Cincln . 36 52 .409 A.MERICAN LEAGUE. GAMES TO-DAY. New York at Chi.-ago. Iloston at ( Philadelphia at St. Ual*. \S .shmifton at Detr"1 RESULTS OF GAMES . KM FRl>-4T Chlca4gi?. 13: Nea .ork. I Cleveland, 5: Beataa, i St. Leala, |; PhiladetpMa,? Detroit. fi; W i%hinflo?. *? AMERICAN LEAGUE OTASIall** If. L Pe. V. '- & N Y... 51 37 .5?0 Wash ll ?? 8 Boaton. 49 3-* .563 Detroit. ??' ?$ ?*!{ Clev'd.. 50 39 .562 >!. I "' ?? JJJ .Uhir'go 19 40 .551 Phila. 1* ?2 ~^