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MIVKRITSKMKNT xnVFimSFVFNT CHARGE PATRONS MAY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SALES. HAVING BILLS RENDERED SEPT. 1S1. li 4iI^?!TOttm*w* Thc need of replenishinq ihe Summer Wardrobe is coostantly prctenUng itseM *? thc Fashionable Woman? NOWHERE 1 LSE in Ne* Vork can one (ind such spUndid fresh select.onr as iTC NOW to be found in thr OtDDlltfi Salons. W^&r^&^^r^Bo^o^B |.n,? af rirln.ue ini,?>rle.l m.ili-rlal*. |45 $65 to $95 SUITS at $18-$25?$35 $35, $75 to $^3 DRESSES al $15?$22?$35 $95 $125 to $175 GOWNS at $45 .md $65 $65, $95 to $173 WRAPS at $35?$4a-$75 $45, $65 to $83 COATS at $25 and $35 $16! $25 to $38 BLOUS-ES at $10 and $15 $18, $23 to $35 HATS at $6 and $10 n itacks .,, r, : . after sharp fighting. )av's Official Reports on Somme Offensive London, Jahj tS.?The official ? ? Throughout the day there has been ?erce hand-to-hai..l combat. and bomb g at various places alonR the front. The Geraaaaa attaaapted n lai from ?he northeast this afternoon. bul rtiller, Betwrt n ihe Ancrt- l -?a no mportant lnc:der.t aC4 rad: ln the lael few day. tho . ? roucht further roinforcomer t.s el la antry1 end ejuai ' froat -hr,,;.. .stile hom ardrn<nt was fairly ccntinuous and at An uttempt to attack our right flank ?as mad* vesterday afteraoea, but lt I.a.-t ????i'.:.' twe farthi i iafaat i acks. preeeded by a spicially violent :-, ; r. a-ere launched ;.? These al ? ere atopped ly the concei.trated j our puns. v . . enen laceeed n reachinir the tn nches and ^-ualties in these fruil nu?t havi At other pnrts in the line there has heen a ? ' our Infai r "ay : of Fozierer-. the greatc OUI posses continued to offer . : ? ara all ind eaptared two mera v^% battalion com-, _ 1 i Win Near Katreea. afternoon'* iy*: ? ? .. ll Bl N . group of powcrfully If troops ? s north oi hem. i liea aad the Aisne we ? ?? pted ?? caeh tor of Tracy ori the ? fl ban*. of the Men with haad ajn I .nder maehine l ? l.:.nk there was n tha reirion be ? 1 Laufee. ? an* deliven taeh or ntm. ? ? . rne ele ?, TO-DAY Second Day of Courtesy upening the AUGUST SALE oi FURNIFURE (orlgituU) Average sa\ ings more than 28 Bills dated August 1. 1 )tl:\ i im n as desireil. .a .... | John Wanamaker Bruatiway at Ninth. ment* of the trenche.-. where he had ? nold. On Julj . I.;'. Ofll I N tenta OarnaB On the night of Ju!> - '? - one of OUT BCroplane ^i'lnirf: < POBI* barded the railroad Mation at Pierre por.r and Longuyot* and rhe bivouacs ne,,r Mangi, I To-night'e etotement reodei Apart from 11 violent hombardment of La Laufct north*aflt <?f Vflrtun) tl-.ere has been no important cvc a hole of the front. (ierrnan Statement. Berlin, lutu 13<?The German of? ficial ? ? ? - eaye: North of the River -Somme, after ?rack of July ? tcrdaj ,'.- *nd con I ? nr. the PozierearMaui i i own either through our ? ',,-hanu fighting. r*a, at Forcaux Wood, BBd near (lUillemont. eri aad thi .-.??:. R| g "?' I ' l guished themselvcs. Simaltaneoualy the P'r.-nch threw rward in a atorming ' of thi Somme, aetor, whieh. how ti mporarily gained around ? ed with the m>"-t a** md sanguinary loai to the enemy. In the Mi there were in tenae artillery dueli fron time ta On the left b.'.nk of the river unini r hand, an .-ements de '. On rhe right bank of th* rivel thc ei ? ? ral times n | rccapture poaitioia on the zc. he being repulsed i urtain oi North nf Balachwiller, in Alsace, our patrolt brought bacl thirty prfsoaen "rom a French poaition. -i ???riot down a I ? ? ;. aero plane out of action. RUSSIANS SMASH FOE'S LINE ON STYR ( ?ni inn. >l from pace I rdam, arfl about to requisition Turki The new recruits fr',.'-. rhe Dual Monarehy, it is ?? il are but thfl di.-i;.* of thfl od BBflB tOO young, too oid UBfit to have been ? ? her h< ' ?? fiflld Thfl idea that ean in any way ea 1 among vetiran rrvtra point out that the ? play? ing a largfl part t fight ii eaat front. Flushi d ? whieh seem to have no ei Ruaiia i-viT been ? to lead then into what ? ded aa in | ? . ? ? rhe reverse hold tru? foi the Auatriana, wl o hav? laat. ? now a loaiag a] ril Silent on I>4 in.i Drive. Petrograd eoi I i in "s rc ... ung thfl important develop ronl 'I bal the ? ,: oui 'al attack a landi. \\ liile Kuropatkin ii ? I wnat ?ja of tha y.-iii againat ?oi . minor ineui territory. . . eaat in IU promi , etor. < in Lakc atiaa ? Ierrnan K the ., . it Ifl bt-licvtd, t<> thfl whoU ?ns m thil rj bclo* Di . . , i ? With high and dry ground to .? upoa, thi : ? iri , when lh? narahy nature . \ aad eavalry ac Milau Objc-ctive. .i und ihi- gr*at railroad :'? | .... rnat point are BUppO ? obJ*etiv*i Bo mucl, ? .nd upon ? ? .fll thfl lOBfl ol ? ? I I ? .und in thii \\ Ith firtually all the appi i aarl of the are apparer.rly Bl B Itai i ia tak*a h*r* tfl -that bal thut the Rus I whether to ? Raflagarj anii iVace. . leal ? deatl i Hua twe*i that 1 daily gr*wii . Ilun e for peace dai!\ gmwintr HE SAW GERMANS USE SPIKED CLUBS tnglish Officer Tells of Ilaiul-to Hand Fighting at Pozieres. F:THi:R TOSTIMULATE KAISER'S SOLDIERS Whole Maehine (iun Crew W'iped Out by the Bayonets nf Australians. Parla, July 25. The Bfhttaf ta the fortlflad rillago of Paalerta b. I tha Baitiah and tha German. i. de Ktihad as follow. by un v'ccr WBB WU wounded in the struggle. "Karly Sunday niornniK. "t the mo ment tha ligaal for the attacs aTB4 givea afte? n frightfally lateaae beaa bardment. the Eagllah infan'.ry ruihed I forward '<> the entrance of the village. ' carried ll brilliaBtlr, and accaplad ? ? first houscs. At 11 :.".0 o'Vlork the Geraaaa countcr-ntt.-irked. Thi i aet wa. ''Xtraordinnry. doubtleasly be> eosrafa bad been itima lated bj ethi r, a oaa coald teli froaa Ihe odor. Rlfee l'layed No I'art. "Ileie the nrlc played BO pnrt the kn.fe, beyonet, revolvei aad gr< BOina of the wcapon* used. The Germans eroployod a tort of long. handled macc r-tudded with nails such Apachc might use. not a aoldier. I saw a German officer Baiag one of them on 8 wounded comrade, bu n the aet of atrilring a r?*olyei shot laid him brs dl bil -?'? ?' tiro. 4. ,,,,1 "In a ruincd house a German - With a maehine gun was externv . leal raaa with tha bayonet oy ar Aoatrallan party which had foi tpem into the hoaea I waa preaent at an exeitmjr doel between two offleen en Engh.h lieaUBaat, who tha head of hia men. aad a i.hii captain. navarian Is Killed. "The lieutenant struck the Rnvarian a ., thr eheal arith hia awerd and ?t the ramf instnnt he received a hall from h.s adversary's revolver in the stomach. Diaregarding hia iuff< the lieutenant had Jaal ?tn"|th enough left to del.ver another I Thia prored mortal to tie Be* Unfortunately, tha lieuteaant died ihortly afterward. ... atrOBg or.emy fore. ,h had te retreat during the after? noon, bm theji .trongly counter-at^ ueked aad al ? e'cloek wen ? three-quartert of the riltaaa. H> Ust .ceount ^n*iTir.l the northwest part oi the village to the | Ige Ol the Allies. ' _ DUTCH TO ISSTJE BREAD CARDS Amsterdam Newspaper Save. (.rain Shortage Is Iteason. Am- '"V'' ? ThP B>"*?5 en la to mtn luea bread .. ? Holland, .. ? gned is the .a of train. atrenrth on the Boathern side e HnnSrV lo eoaclude a aeparet. oi, tha other lide, with ? ? - r the ,;t \lf 0?ee agaia ?*j????",,? rhole of Galieia. To abtaia thia ... .he may for the UBM f,l ng abar.don the 1 raraatl Tbe deeieion will be k- With renewea , ? Ruaaian atatemeat aayat ?\.n h SSrtroop ? : and . nachine gen*. whieh wa turned rny." \i. ? cf Lake Naroei, I I nemy | .,. ?ln tl - ? of Baranoviehi, attempta n tachmei ? Ivance v. are re] ? our ftre. ..-!? . over our position. in the : ' . any daroage W e i ";i ai d tn ? Hen of Lutak, n thi "Ia tha at chanie.l ne.l in the morning eoramuniea .... tured tw< more I ? ? ? neral Sai the wil menti oi ln ln the Leahi ling. Aero Shot r?i>"n. ??in the r I ? . our aoroplanei re. ll nei the gallaat aviatora, staff Captain I I. eutenant Kitchoff, per- ( ? "ln tha ' .'??; of Pri.i7.a. Furrdul, Moldawa and weat of K.mpolum.r i u ? - three eai bj regi "... are, Leteh eoatlnaed to work his irun, ;n spite of the fact that his hand was tan away by a greaade, until the (an wai removed from the line. The enemy was repuli ? Oa Julj) 21 forty-nine brave Cossacks the eai tay of Gurafontina. flfty about thirty aailei) aorthweai of Kim poluag. They took .even ofneera ar.d Afty-aeven men prieeaera." Berlin Admils Retreat. German oil 'Attack. b) weah detaeh of B ga aad b] Rai ? aa patrol. on the Dviaa wei . tei. "Army cruup of General ran Un Knemy attacks on the front ? the front ver a iront in peaetratiag aai Brai ? ? VSest ef Hurkanow a Rusmbii aero-; ?a.a ahot down in an aerial \ nght." Aaatrian anaoaneemeat reada: ?i'.us.ian attack. on U tl iwka ten milea nerthweal ? ? repalaad "h. h..-t Galicia the approach of i ea detaeh meata araa fraatrated by our artillery. North of the Daiea-I tei leatro HungariMi: uried] oal ii . *taraal larprise at? tack." I Big Allied Drive Halted, German Staff Believes KaiWl Adviscrs Confidrnt That OrTenaive on Wrstrrn Front Hai Spenl It.s I orce?Gaps in thfl Kanks I tiled Up by New Men. Il.-adi|iiarters of tb* Cerman Armiei on the Somme, .tuly U (b) 8*Bfl*r ',o . Jaly 25). Fron giBfld bbbmI i|U?rter?, with \ni<l lBjBI*B*ioai of a ?imoi delivered by b military ehap lain beforfl tha and a e<>ngi>' ajatiofl of joldiers fn-sh in minl a B*r* r*apoaa*al r*tarB*d to-dai le the ln mediate froat, where the great Allifld offensive again lick?r*d up in a aenrs of desperati- Mritish uttacks on thfl il thwfl ' ei I'eronne. Th. .- ban-ly in.ivr,!. althOBgh the Hrit iah attaeked in fnr.e arlth eleven divi . ineludlag twa abeolately fiwah ,,n tha eonparativi ly bbitow froal b*tW**n GBili*moal and Thiepval. The Fr-nch shai.- flf the ot!< \4an liinited tfl n ciiple of \ stahs of merel> loeal extent near Fstree*., B0*th?***1 of Peronnc, and 4vhich wete easllv repul?ed Think Alliid lirivc llalled. The Br*fl*nt lit". 'xten.ling fr,,-n Thiepval ro Soyeeourt, bal l.ulginK i ird toward Pi rona*, BUty ba ra rardfld, aceordinf to tha itm ronv: tion of thfl I"ml.juartets staff, as the l.igh-watcr mark ot tl,-- Ai They base thil jmlgnicnt Bl the negli gible result of the fighting la thfl l? ?' aad rhey oaatead thal t,, longflr a quflation of whflthi ... , PrflBch will b* ablfl to aa* tend their gains. but whether they will he ahii- to hold what they have aguinit ?he Gernan eonater preaaar*. Th.- correapondtot returnad to thfl fronl with thc expoetation of wil .. | , raanifeatal an of thia eoBBtfl.' ire againal a eertaifl aactor, bul |c waather eonditiona, with . . ?.. id ? aaa mwl hidlng tho field of operatiom and pr***al i tillery obaervation, def*rr*d the a*w itrugg ? -r.-u-hei .,f I General quiel befor* the .torrn pre I aiong the section of the front tiUl ry bfl ,an tha nornal .... I arttcular op*r*tioai ;,,,. .. md Infantrj and na i bina gun aionally. Tha troops vlaltad tha rag eoniag dlwetly fron. tha all aa those about to into th? forward linea wflM ready, even eager, to n new th i atruggle. . i ha gaps in the ualta havfl b**n mrn, rh- worn out eannon 88 w*ll aa men rcach the liniitfl of enduranc* m ? .,.- . .. eombal I av? been nva i? an ? ' -? nterlude ln thia period thi rar the church aervie* Bt grand hich was attended b? th*E and I offleera eonBtltuting th? braia an.i . . aa r? of thfl army, and. as ar . irfty of thfl Ger? man n paaiBfl ? ,i on the mind. Prayer Ih for Peace. Thc topic of ?'^?>, serrnon by thi poror'i ? chaj lin, I1, I . not ? ? rnaaioa oi aab to be ? ? Gei - ? . ? , d." Iir. G taken fr.,m the ? ? . teenth " tl . ? . ., ? l ' nt ai ? and perrait I ? ? i ? turfld ai d f/hould Viflwaoialfl <.f Prival ?\ of information con | TURKS FORCED 10 QUIT ERZINGAN Russians Swccp to Within Ten Miles of the Town. (nr fiM ? ? Tha tfl London, July 25 Tl ll com thfl confi Lond i l Th<- Turk? ited three quar ? . ?, <he Caueaaian aad 1 ? i rapell ing the Raaaiana for t'ne tii ratrcal bef Ottomana, ? an th* 1 thal they ai >? i r I arith 'an.i attaci ln the last few day*. the K Bl hava b**n j. . Ig up ? are low aa I ll ' them ? , araa raai i 'i itica bon ? daya, whieh ige. Ali- ? have reachi ten nilei fron ? a ? ?tatement in d ? ? . , taehnenta are aln-a.l> I fron thfl 1044 Ii rarka are huri ill kinds of provii i Held as Purse Snatcher. i a* Gaflfai I -?>'? ini-' ' ? ? - ? tngt,,-: i**l , lo.,,. ro,,n, .??" tha MeAlpIn Tl ? ' ity-thii - ? room nj, as she was returning to her | home. Ititati witl t...o|.4 eaaaiaf fraa\lha franl 'i ni i, partlevlarly eomaiea 'oldiara, irii u|.iti ofti ' iluaDia deW to the ll.le the I? " - Bg The eerreei.loal "ii.I :i",t ?' grenadier n icimen: whieh had m t !." d from I irward tn nchi - aftei Ibc.ting olt freneh oaalaaghta in ihe tl of EatiaeS tot h.-vera! days. Th ? Boldiera deaerlbed la bbcoi tlonal language the PraBch chargea, I artiealarli the attack of rn ? day, the' fefCC OJ which fell OB regiment The oaalaugl eeded b> three hoai bom ng the extreme limit af tha poaaible foi tha aancieat rrtaah 1 Bitlllery. lt mighl have been eipe< ted th i fron! ti. nehei would aara been de moliahed an.l their d lemor i diag, bul the iol ili. n ui eoaceraedly relati .1 how, the artillery eartafn llfted and French Bhite and black regiment. churged. the ;, , ? ii lumped frera whal waa lefl ef their treaeaea nn.i advanced to meet the French in an npen. desperate,' hand-to-hand BtttlggU, in which hand 1'K wera almoal the ixclusive , \4 . !.['. II. F rench Heaten Back. The Preach Bnally reeolled to their ewn IreBehea, foilowed by tha Oei mana, aeme of whom even leapad iato . . md centiBaed the atruggla until berded back bj their ri - njieera md aon eemmia to their own line.. "WM the French be ah!-- to hreak [through the Grenadier regiment0" .. iked of thi ild ara "Ne*. tha replv, which ex i eeideal pritia in their r**pri- j ment. bul was given without a tOBCh ' j of brai ado "Which il the better French iol-1 dier. the white or th.. blaeh "?" "Tha white, bj ill adda, ia better and braver." was tho laataal iudgmaat of the aoldiera, a bo added unco tary refereueei to tha fighting eua toma of the Benegaleae troopi which had rosulted in rery few priaoaera be? ing made from among tbese reg..' Wounded All I heerlul. The next group eneountered was a a/OUl ded BJ8B, walking back from tha dreesiag station I.. ihe railroad head. Ko de pondency iraa aa deal among theaa. Another tegimei I ? I I bad jusl returned from another aectlon of th. Southem front. 1 r-< axpei beaa much ihe same as that of the first regiment, ? ' 81 0 ? ' ' One man, whea QBOBtloBed, said that ? ?? greal I l!,. i ed heen buried Ib ;> during the prcliminary r,.l wa? dug OUl ? | . ? i II. I ? ': all the othi ' urn to the l r. ni lv aa a matter of eouree. French I'n.-oners llappy. The eorreapondeal alae riaited a group aral h tadred r*n neh prii ? onera eaptared durlag the Aghting nt Eatreaa. It must be said that they, too, made an . ? ?{ ;mpression. i ere mostly , I colonia! Th? troops had been ordered in by in and | Bril fur'her ' er than 1 Hliatc Iiriti?h FotTCa ? rai Haig has employed two lol The im ? from inforn pondent b; ? '. but exdud | . have been !. . nar ? "W . ? " the confldenl ? the comm:.' i '.ief. IS KAISER'S CRY Emperor, in Speech. Tells Troops They Must Prove Germany Invincible. Lond ' l etch from Berne by piven ? by the Win 1 Somm . . : ? " "' ' ' ?! privi which t you ih buill ap dui nation of countriea wh ? I as, the ? ? 18 I I ' uere actually plol ?? *Ei r, and BOB ar. | , '. ii rj the opera , V.ur ?' ? ? i Gei ? ?i ice to ? that thei i for peace on I "Frorn eoi comes the BBBO 18 Kuch > ? lutumn l ? , Imperial Chai ar.. vithheld from ,.-. THANK U S FOR POLISH AID The H.pue. July tl. The Polish Bu I ere to-day ar.r. . I thal the ? ' ' ? Wil' l ton. | In it the American nation was thanked .accer tl a Poland uad the i hope ? ? wai! of libi rti end iadepeadei ? ' ? ? .-. . . ? ;ho m Amciica." ITALIANS CARRY MONTE CIMONE Win Trenches Oil llM Asiago Plateau by Assault. ALPINE TROOPS STORM BIO RIDGF; Siale Six-Thousand-f oot iiar rier at the SlfiC <>f the Monte Chiesa. Paria, July M. fontmuing their after ? Bflrcfl Btgbl attaak, eapiBrad Cinoafl i,. -i. h i,-.y.n?" i. iBBBlt on the Asiago PlatOBfl W*l *OI thfl lUlaBBfl : d Al ,,,,,. trOOp ? 'abilbl.t'd them ,,, ,-,. ? el thfl giBBt barr ? twt'cn Monte Chifl** 8 Cam-, pigolt'tto The Iteliaa lUtflflBBBt says: ? ln th? Lagariaa Valley the enemy's artillary activity mcrr .,,,,, . , i\atie* Ua*, at day . ith, aft. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Italian- Win on Plateau. ??(ni tha Aalaan Platoaa dariBg the nlghl of lal] H thfl flBflny BMflV .ieh*a. whieh we ,n of tho 14th B( : , ri Reginent not oBly "r*** them ?::,. with heavy loflfl, but Bfl , mlt of ? brilliant bayonet BttacB ll iaion of another long IB* We took some prisoners and one machino gun. "Furthel north our K\n\ne troops re-? Bcwed their effort Bfalnal roch barrier, riaiag to more than -.000 yarda between the p.-ak*. of i und Monte Can] i : fltte : i ? ? p-una they i i ? Imi "t ihiag . ?.,?;. iual bfllow the Occupy (eramana Valley. ??In tha i ' thfltaBd ? ateaded our oc raaaa Valley. front 'here was etivil Fi i Va tn,. heighti nortl ? riala and ia the Sainl Mich? ' - r*S\?n. "Early in ti..- morning of Jaly 24 ha* ?? dropped Ciorgio di Nogaro and other plaeflfl on tha tower (aonso. With thfl axeoptioi ?mhouae no damage ?a^ done." Tha Auatrian atetemant reads: "All atteeka by the i a been '"'? , i. i i ?Our naval air iq ladrona nom1 ? San Giorgio, ..,.,. Gorgo ind Honfaleoaa . out. our ara ?j - APPAM A LEGITIMATE PRIZE, GERMANS RULE Pri/e ("ourt Says Sl84.750 Gold Shall (io to Reichstag. r- ' ? Denpater lmer h was eapturcd by the Cer raider 1 the early part of the \ear and I ?' cr<>w : priie, . b* turn.- ; to thr- :. Thn ,,f th. ? ( gold OB board tho Appam when she wa.-< eapt u - 8200,000 n> $2,600,000. The SAN ANTONIO GUARDED AGAINST TROOP RI0TS .Military PoHce Aid Civil Au ihorities in Keeping Order. "or the 1. ? . ???..-,? a at thfl camp of negro regl camp . - ordered, ar ? negro .-.oldicr-i viaited rht. The guard was exoncrated to-day for eourt marrial of some of thc ? REPORT RUSSIAN ATTACK IN SWED1SH WATERS (iermans ChargC Destroyers Tried to Capture M rehantmen. Bei lii a Cfli rehani veaaeli i,.. B i . ih territorial water*, is r. ? ? ti lay, whieh Bayat "Two Im four Gernan ncrehant il ? , . thftn, and thfl Ruaaian cra*'- I ent haa pn thi* breaeh of neutrality." "Nj b Dfl haada" an nounces i,n in.-. ? ,i b*caa ib "8* ? len has ? i the limit of toleration, ? i Ifera aal BRITAIN MAY RELEASE MOST 0F SINN FEINERS Stroag Influence Excrted for Casement Reprieve. London, .July M, The committee Whkh has littlag as a tnbanal to hcar the appeal* of the Sinn Foin prisoners will conclude its inrjuiry within a few day* and present 1 r?? re I Hotne Office, with l tioaa as t,, th<- Baaaner ei deal jng with tha j.ri-? The proc.-fdings have h,en Bl hut, aeeordiag t<, tl a Lond ? ?, rhe tribonal arill ad. ii ? ?' tba twa thou riaoaflra. aanounctm I ? Sir Roger Il*al arill be exeeutcd August :i has catised no surpr,-.e. The qu< -. ince. as i b*iag axertad m ?' of the leader of tho Irish ie SALE OF DANISH KDESCONHRMED Checkmate to Germany in PurchftK of Western Island (iroup. WILL SION PACT WITHIN FEW DAYS New Territory Regarded as of Little Mratcgic Value to This Government. Tr ? I rrl bm aaaaaa 1 DYaahlaai 1,: raptpfai al ,, treaty arlth Deaaaarb for the pur ,,f the Daalah West laeliea, the tlr.t step la .-i.pan'ion ?inee tha aaaeaatlea af lha ?aalllapla IMI vere contirmed at the White House to-.lay. For fSSflaSJSat the l'nited State. i. to aaajaira three islands.of 141 square mile* Md which commcrciaily have not heen profltabla for IM years. (ompared with tho Panama I anal Zone, whieh coet $10,000,000, it ia pro iblj eapei territory every pur k |a eeaeidered ?rorth ? The treaty will he ;-:gned within the itexl few <lay.4 and preeented ?o tha te for immediate ratiBcettoB. No . ther here or ? . Parliameat Tbo chief straiejcic value of the l)an ,.tl \\. . aceording te r.avy offl liea r.ot so much in their ??, tha l'nited State. as in pre venting their acquisition by some for? eign power. So long ab they were held ,, Denmark aad were praetieally un fortiBed the American irovurnment dd not regard them aa a menace. Canal < hanRea Sltuation. With the oaaaiag nf the Fonamr 'anal, however, the islands took on a:i tencc thei had not previoua irg-Amerlcan egreemoBt with the Dam.h *,ov ernmeni began pearlng money into the ? of a part on the isiar.d Ol Prom lands of de. tationa tha lalaada becam ? ieh with eoaaaaercial peaai The (lorman plan. were fo.Iowe-1 with th< tioa bj tha Amer . .veriiinei'.t. While nominally the ihip eompany proposed te make ? n?. i>ort a great eleariag centre for aad Central American . satis r lanation. The mddon n on of the harbor into a (,er ? i.Hval hasc was fefired ? bility. He of ? noating drydoek, capable of taking ' beingcon itructi " in the ial IB I in ui.favorahle interpreta' The war, bowever. .'.ization of ? . re on foot. Aatide f. . ? . a foreign ? in locuring n baie near the Fan indl have little jie, navy men de they asscrt, that ?l e IJnited Stati - rill try te ? ? b aaval bas>- or fortlfy thom ..* Llttla Defensive Value. With (iuantanamo Hay nearl; hundred miles nearer tho Panama the Daniah I ?'?' ntllv ie defenei bbeaa. Th | a> ndward ...i: . atraaeea to tha are not lil ' immaBd theaa. Onl. Bt, navy ofTieers point OUt, would the i t n met n ith Great ,er fraa aeeeaa to tne .ui Guaataaamo, wbi< on thi . , MO mile; uwey. The . <?? ba prateeted Kic... while ol!, ia . ittaek from the land side. of the . | . ... The Dar aith >> ? re? ? spring, and, ia prae 8 had been Three Pretfaag Ffforta. Thr. the l'nited . :..... tha Lal ands. Seci to buy them the tre HarriaoB u ra the . I re ?.?ler-.' .. ?' ? . it is ? HOLLAaND ASKS ENGLAaVD TO FREE FISHING FLEET S-.i/ure of 60 Herring Craft Arousei Irado. The Hag ie, July J l hraera and (''??'? II ' liell i.ave pr.j i?-airi-t the alleged ? the Bi ituppvd tei. thousai . trade will be oui i i haa | Ion to h letilement >wili the government. ADVP.RTISKMKNT. Rates of intrrest on Deposits DEPOSITORI looking for vry high interetl ratca slioulil consiilir ihi-: A bank *"an pay in* t?T<"*t only h? r.m-i it raeairot. Intaraat or inoonM froni tha re* invosfniont of fundj (li*|>o*iitnl. As a rul?*, tlur sourvler I liarik -, ifiM'-fiiH-nt ajj depotittfJ tnndt tha lower tbe ratr of incorne it receiven. Con*crvativf* inve?,t. Hunt on Um part of a bank nr tru?t rum|..iriy, 1 he-rrfor?*. n'< a ? -uri-ervativ.- rate of in* tt-n-it on depoaiti. At prf-?<*nt tlie Colum. hia Trust ('ompany *,?* account*. Tru-,t Company i on active ehecking COLUMBIA TRUST OMPANY |m Finan<-i?l DifaicT, 60 Broadway In Smof-ping Ccntir, Fifth Avinui ano 34th Srairr |m Harlem, 125thSt*ik- and Lenox AvtNoa In B?gnx. 148tm StRttT anq GERMANYS CROP OUTLOOK GOOD Cattle Losses. However, Make Milk and Butter Scarce. The Hags*, Nathflrlaada, Julv :j - I' plomatie repreaentatirea in Berliiif the neutral powers have been takia if the German BBaflialfl on u trip to tW ei untry and ahowa the harveat iitu> tlOB. A paragraj h in th*> ijerman r.eai deal | with this tour of >j ipection s.. J "lt ia M?aa**d they ga i?d the c 4 viction that the plan of ?. ir aaenifl i\ .--.irve Bl fl Some rep:- - ever, iu:-] I at I ? ? ' ^-' Bfll : : ,.,k." , artii l? from Bi rlln -. lap'i ? - (ierr- . - lart-. B*wap*p*r ? ? -<?!t aB> tio e*i ??? 000 head, ? - ?' ? mtleh . rev ?f Ifl hralth al ? lt will be year.4. t'ne newapap?r IITS nal, and ll weakened. I hei I Ol'.J ? '? BRITAIN TO PVRCHASE LESS NUNITIONS HERE will Incrca e output at Hos. Ofiicia! Announco. icbiti ' thfl Ma Conmona l I Sccreta | I tlatt M departn ? r*la| ? i fnr mun litom in th - UajBB jut hen -g:d, ? itifliB ti'i n SIR EDGAR SPEYER UPHELD FOR OFFICE Higher Court Contirnis Right to Keep Privy Cotincillorship. .rt of Af* p.-als i- ? BB ?" ' ,t London, -' ? ? .-r-reak ? ,., r ..... ? I ?" ir.ii r Ai luita. To answer your telephone prompth and well is the first rule of telephone courtesy. NEW vork. TELEPHONE CO.