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AlHFiniSFMF.NT. StYENMiLES TO ARDEK RUTH SAWYER "Tfir Primttxaa: Rlnrf" c5H(?r4? isa-taie that uill make you tofid (cr tne Open t*ta>tatv it tuili tv.aKc yovx youno' S-Alto.**** HARPER 6 PROTflERS r\.bi-?h* e * eiTAi uwvataMvae FfltCt fttf-** 72,000 CATS, 8.000 DOGS DIt; TO CURB PLAGUE S. P. C. V KHls s00 a Da) Since July 1. b\ Req;: 000 daga harr been i ' ? ? ? ? rc the hi ? aUrm Thom .. r ?ed, I n driy fov .f the ? try the ie." Mr etl in .n aU ? ! ? ' ? <i that uore ffera i STEEL EARNINGS SMASH RECORDS i iiiiiiniii .1 froat rr.,nr i the meeting irnve < . >>wine; ent: "The direeton day ai extra dWidtnd ' > *hc ? ? ? ? The ementa un iier ? ; of money. Thi prop ertic?. oui look Is Satl i ? >4 "The unf.I'.cd Ol ' ,r,_ if] 10.458 ton?, v the mllla for ? ? ? month* New i>'i iai ?erials throatnout 1917." Thi '??. l"or the ( thnt ? .._....--. ..- ile ? and the I | ? cariiii | April.. < ' 144 TMal. | re i wr.h arter and the June qaarti ? ?r: ? 1(114. ?' ? Inttml ? ? ' I ' | 4 ' Rff. eoi .11*. . . ' ' ' EERNALD WINS IN MAINE t'arrle. 10 nf lf. < mmtie* in Fight for .-.iiiite Candidate. rortlam! ????? blican landidatc for i i ? \4il? 1' all cm ? nald, and v ?> re ear ? v Mr. Fernald, STRIKERS ADOPT TERMS OF PEACE General Committee Stays in Session l ate Discus llng Dificreiues. RESULT DEPENDS ON BROADCAST VOTE ReBervts Needed at Unloa Square Demo??tr-ttIon Against [ onference Agreement. tioa or aceei ||| of the <r4-nor:4l ' ball- ' 'n>' to the ttrfll raent of ti held the e-cnernl | rs in heat. , '-. in rhe ni ? amone rhe 11" ? keri who. thrb . - ' the 1 I Sn -t ? ' -,-.on. ment ? ? the union, nnd hj u, One ClBBBB Rt |*Ct*d. One clau ? Bgr*?Bi?Bl '' eatarfl of 11 ? ? ? i been three noi ricc eonmittei ? ? would bc an Indacenent to thi .-.' a man ai ' ? minutes after ? , lay temporarily a deciaion the workan I whieh they hnd previously. \- demonstr. - 3,000 garment Itai ? on headqu waved ombrellai decked out i whieh repreaentatirea of thc nanufactarera. ,t- thc union, ? filled ed men, ? to have them put . hc ?hnp chairmen ivn. called for- ;it Stujnreaanl Caaino k, but later wa 1 ? difflculty. fourth demonstration v ? ? gregated and vote! to si nd ... the agree ? 1'aion Heads Work Hard. Schlaainger, ln n statemenl ahortly rithei ' ' would be aent back te the j and nanufactarera for atncndi He an.i Morria Hii,, arorki .1 earneal out t The ?? the pnc. - ? clauae : was a ii rere di did not accept th. ? ti I ha riolenl oppoail ? the union. and \\ ill for the manu ? ?. lemenl ? ?? ij ? ? ?sion waa ? ? ? aid appro nnrl tlint there , . I be anooth aailing in thi .- the wor'i. Half- Yearly Shirt Sale Starts To-day H.05 2.50- Shirts, "I 330 _ 3.00 Shirts, %lM 600 _ 5.00Shirts. ,3-68 10.00^.50.7.50 shirts, Vs lt your shirts tatde, don't bkuiM thr laundry, blame us. \ Shirt Shop 1272 BROADWAY, Bet 32 and 33 Sls. n*afl WOMEN EAGERLY ACCUSE POLICE VVitfiess. Recovcrirtg from Btating, Needed Id Clinch Indictmentei HAI 1 CALLED GRA1 I CLEARING HOI Sl Pbliticiftti Must Tcstlfy Swann Telli ol Methodi i Ited by Collectors. : . . ? .- i i ii . The wltneaa who irei ing fron ? So manj i the J" ? rcoir 4 ?i Hall, 22 - ? I the . (iraft Headquartera at ;: : thnt - ' Hall, whieh they oecupled from ll ' ?ling, nnd where thoy aaid to have b.-en nade. Fi ink \. Lord, Second D? i ut: ' Further < shown by l ? the lt was am ice had been in thc colleci ? ? nnd to hai s. v Mr ? Tho woman aaid te have I and t* ? othi r wil ? ? will appear in Wooda Is ( leaning Up. ip of thi . "Th.- forei ? i ? !l be ioni ? i. Plain. ? ? nnd wl ' ' men haTfl been ' ' ? ually thi tion 1 . whether ! , ? ? ? thei nen, a ' I nnoui ? . 1914. So . han ? ta Eacap*. "Tha many ? imed up j ? 11, e wonan wa ? money. If they were - m would b would .,f din i |n no ease ilid thc 1 ' ?' WATCH TOR THE NEXT! III l x / . 4. 4 ;|| i ll ili ii. ,i r 4'. mpavnj. i iHirah, r.i. WHERE CHILDREN MAY OBTAIN HEALTH CERTIFICATES TO LEAVE CITY Tha !>.:..M,nM,. Ol Hr,l?h ll st. in-ntly enfotnni; lha ruU Brflichfoi !,il<l mvif ' "' >?? "; '"'v' V New ?,,.. , the Intontlla i ^h"ut n '""'' ^Lucitioni tei ptnnlle H .**? tha ? ?? ? ? to the D< l ol Health. On th. I * ' ,SM?. ... enfoi i wimlnai - i oa partmetit ol H ' ' ^ **%!*. ?0 MANHATTAN.?331 Broome ' ? ' fnth.1,trfet1^f;, MANHA . a, Wr . 45th irtj thlfd Strett, 22 Vamlan Street aml 2'". ""i.'hONX -St PtttTl PatH* HatJ HMrd Avmue pjfccj 49J But 13** BROOKLYN.?P1?*1 nnd WUtottghby streets, N6 Bmi Pifth Stree( " ' |v-.vIm".i Avenue. OUEEN8?327 rulton Street, Jamaica; im Pulton heanaa, Bay md ; PLAGUE RECORD IN MANHAT1AN I o.ilinne.l fr?ni |.n8e 1 Thn' ' A.U ' ' MilH ; im llll: PI BLH . ? fljtatc <' Sem Yor* ' ,'tiblic 1 i,e p-nrernmei I Mri ' . : ? " Hud ' - i C. S. K1 u m p | ? ' ti - - ? ' ird. I V, laeagera a ProblaaB. iblema whieh the goven ork, or whn ? ? ? river ? ? ind th* i ? and w arnlag t<> i hlldren. ? i ? ? ? . ? childn rithoul i. Al ? ' ? AQL Per MONTH ON PLEDGE 1 ** of PE.RSONAL PROPERTY !ll; PMoVIi)!"..vr LOAfl SOCIETY OF NEW YORK M IMI 4 II VN N ^ - 25th Street. ? C4 ' " W / dSl . bet.Lt .1 Aw 'fr IRoard ? ln New rti I, the uburb oi then pai ? Ener on, ' '11 con irarioui i to the "foliow up" relieve ? i rtia ? ? by Hr. En i , he had n ttl ! Motion ., that i Board of Heall bidding ehildren i n yeara of mend ,,,| to appl] to Irai under on upon .. port fron Dr. 1 ? nt aa I of ita dh oya a ill o ' ' Board of ? invaded a tei ? ... . ? v an old trui rdaj fli ? I Th.- liat i ? Maahattaa. Arenue A, 21 I ? ", "'1 ? i hen r 81 ' ' " lloapil ? 127 Motl ?. . St. Michol \ ? ? ? ? | I ' ? 144 Wi .' Weal et. 10] I32d Street, ..11 ? Tho Rronv '? ? I ! Aven . . red aklj n. i.i-. " Alabama le, 1411 I '? \ ? ie, .'Ul ? nmore 149 Lii Myrtle Avenue, 11 Mermaid A. Pa , nue, "11 Portland Avi nue, 3306 Sui ue. 193 \ an 1116 Willougl . Ai I . 1'laci ? ? I ? ? at, 89 [cKib ? - ?-,-. .. i r I ? : reei ? . ? ? ? t, U ? . > ? ?V< ? Twenty-fourth i :" S i x - ? <(ii ??? ' Rail ' '?? ' ii.Mld. ? ' ? III | PATROLMAN* 29, DIES, VICTIM OF PARALYSIS Hospital Refuses to l)iscus> Mlchael Lahey'i ("aso. tion, died la n the Itthtditl Bptaeapal ReaplUI, Braoklyfl, ? ni, lhi Pollee DepartmeBt re , , ? dr?'h 8 liee, the ho , Ital BiithorM a eaaa a mvaur*. 4|i telephone ii ?? ,au" ? ,i, ith ?? ? ? " ' . Lahei '??," ? eld nn.i rea patrollint; J i", li afd h? had P,r' OYSTER BAY PLAGUE CRUSADE TRAPS 46 . Dcotor Oeti DtsAh rhreil m Wirrinti ?*rc Sorved. tar Bay, N. v. laia 21 Wa ;r|.t for tha ??"' rlllaara, Ib Bea, bi nel B UI are ? ? i iaeh eoBdltlon that it rha ? Th4 I .... nnd ithar arall kaoam eltlaaai tha rawa Hall. The I . omm " ihibera ra hii ? . W hili r B ? ? nehip Health Ofl the for ed Dr. rr.ore ? I ? f . , I, pleeed ln tha banda ol -? HOBOKEN HAS PLAGUE CASE DESPITE CAUTION fhree-Ycar Old Strickon iti a Closely Watclu-d City. Hobokan, ?? ? I I < ihorata l araljraia. II - dar, nnd tha child, Harold Budenl ? I taken to St. Mar) '? Hoapl ? ! Tl ?? ba> b."i" Hl Mondajr. '? Binee the outbreak in New Tork ? ti hai b ? "i0*f ? ng towna in i?s I oliee ..,.,???? ferrfes. al , , . the I rolley ,bile road i. En ? top| i ?!. lt' thn visitor aa i from m chaneo ? :n- Hoboki ? ''-"'ii thr. inaide. Even ? i wera ' back. CONGRESS TO GET TELEGRAW FLOOD 7,000 Steamship A?ents to Tell Central Powers' Needs To-morrow. I ' ?Bh78eer*tiry tMBBBli n Tutkei A BUCfa rnistaken. telegrams will raiii ln an mrr" to-norr?w nornlng fi ?." " ?? 'Bt?T**tM ?? ? ' Ir ,? nythiag wrong ' ' : this gorei ' ? | ' ::lU"'; ' ' ? ?' " I itl own held up. " ' ? jf" propei ? or,'cr ? ? not. DepcBdeata I.efl af Home. "Slncfl thfl wa: practieallj i there hBTfl heen r 0 ??:" gTBI I I Hut. the Auatrlam and Hungarlani i ariari nora than - ama flf money home. The ? :r money order lists l rlng. "In mos'. eaaea nmong the Hungnrinn and kil Ired [.pla who come her" , and Bther dep.-ndents I o these the men in the nilla or wl ? I ? ih a rule Half that anotfat proh? ably wi right. ..'Tl . nt, and ln conse men and wotBflfl and little ? wh'''*-. rela ?' then to hav* plenty to eat and drink nnd wear, are Our last ndvicea show ? ? worth New Qbservaiion Library lounging Car Train !? M .n . T. ft w r. ? v .4- < Meafa - I' Bl \t , B B i 4- ' ? ii 4 M , Cor. Wall ?t. eroarl- " Part. PI. .av ?Hth St. I ?? U I Bt TICKET OFFICfS. - 30*. Fultrin 8f. about 100 rrown. ?ay |H ard a*. meat 11 ri pound. ~ (an by Irlnlaaa, "If w- araai * i tranBmlt a h\e ?Wlw ? nv 100,000 erowi rad of th*. ** tl 844 P'">r ' U, %nAt .?.-niljr do ll ' 'r*ni?. B> * here I " ?'''?, ' "rr, : *B4 Hnitm ? '"', led ti ? pi #f (g I letral ? ' >r.?>m. On rha r| '* 'Iftffll "- ? ?.. I ' ? taitkfV "fB? rt. ? a*v *?? Unspeakabk aP^r/c An i ' advrnhire on the hlue i iten of thr (aribhean Sea bj I 4 "I.itt/ M i Iroveh" and " 1 he < I At n : -iv^rw, HOL'GHTON M1FFUN CO. Gitat War< econd Year powerfully presented by Frank H. Simonds This week ends the second year of the European \\ ar. Two years ol the most costly, persistent and deadly fighting known to history! ln next Sunday'a Tribune, Mr. Simonds, in that crisp, clean-cut style you know and admire, reviews the course of the war from July, 191 5, to July, 1916. lle tracea the drivei and battles that were important in having a permanent effect on the present situation. I !;? lollows with his graphic pen 1 lirdenhurg into Russia, the English to Callipoli and kut-el-.\niara, the battles around Verdun and all the other big events whieh atand out ao prominently in thr paat twelve montha. I 1 ? t'-lls what the effect of operation-. on (inr* front had on others. 11'* poir.ts out where the really vital war measurrs vvcn- carried on and to whose- advantage they l*> ?ulted. I le analyzea the effect ol the great si'.i tighti and shows who-gainea hy thnn. From tne North Sea to the Arabiati Sea. from the Baltic to the Mediterrani Simi ? I yotl a vivid picture ol what thr BOCOnd year of fighting in thil i oloa> Bal v. r compliahed. Read Slm >nda nexl SundajT. fell your newsdealer lo save JTOBJ a copy of next I ribune. I o day isn't any too soon to order it, either. FRANK H. SIMONDS eftc ^unttay QTrifrunc Flni to Last?the Truth: \v\\s?l-ditorials?Advt'rtist'tuciHs NEXT SUNDAY JULY 30th